Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Accordino, Kristopher Accordino, Patricia Accordino, Richard Acosta, Eva Adam, Robert Ainsworth, Megan M Albu, Ana Albu, Minuca Aldrich, Stacy L Aldridge, Ben M Allen, Cody Allen, Dr. Mary E Allen, Melissa W Along, Theodore J Anderson, Chad L Anderson, Dr. Connie Anderson, Tracy Anthony, Dr. David W Antrosio, Dr. Jason E Ext. Email@ hartwick.edu Dept Title Lecturer in Education 5713 4140 4344 4800 adamr ainsworthm albua album aldrichs aldridgeb Aramark Aramark Aramark Aramark Education Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Financial Services Music 4743 4159 4372 4617 4861 4296 4862 4987 allenm1 allenm alongt andersonc2 andersonc andersonet anthonyd antrosioj Biology Financial Aid Business Admin. and Acco. History Anthropology Technology Services Anthropology Anthropology Professor of Biology Director of Financial Aid Lecturer in Business Visiting Assistant Professor of History Professor of Anthropology Computer Repair Technician Professor of Anthropology Associate Professor of Anthropology/Department Chair Anthropology Archibald, Scott J Ardan, Barbara B Arkins, Brian Armstrong, Colin Arnold, Johana P Arreola, Dr. Virginia 5100 4588 archibalds ardanb Aramark Facilities Srvcs Art & Art History 4803 4603 4494 armstrongr arnoldj arreolav Music Music Modern Languages Arthurs, Margaret H Austin, Brett Austin, Darlene Austin, Kari L Awash, Beniam Ayer, Dr. Elizabeth 4061 arthursm 4111 4272 4826 austind burgessk awashb ayere College Advancement Aramark Aramark Campus Safety Sociology Art & Art History Ayres, Kimberly A Babbitt, Heather A Babcock, Tammy A Bachman, Jane E Bailey, Charles L Baker, Dawn E Baker, Gerald Baker, James 4310 4307 4502 4790 5714 4454 ayresk babbitth babcockt bachmanj baileyc bakerd0 6367 bakerj Student Accounts Student Accounts Student Affairs Nursing Aramark Facilities Srvcs Library Aramark Nursing Baker, Regina G Baldasare, Joanne C Ballard, Gary L 4304 4098 bakerr baldasarej ballardg Student Accounts Nursing Financial Services Balogh-Brunstad, Dr. Zsuzsanna 4734 balogh_brunz Chemistry 5716 4605 4829 banksl barberj barlowr barrk barretoa barrigert basilec bassanil Aramark Facilities Srvcs English & Theatre Arts Art & Art History Campus Safety Human Resources Aramark Facilities Srvcs Nursing Aramark Facilities Srvcs Banks, Cleopthus Banks, Lindora B Barber, Jeanine M Barlow, Richard D Barr, Kelly R Barreto, Anne M Barriger, Tamara Basile, Carla Bassani, Laraine E 4332 accordinor 4315 5768 5718 Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Finance Instructor in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Adjunct Professor of Art Assistant Professor of Music Instructor - Private Lessons Assistant Professor of Spanish/Coordinator of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program Director of Corporate, Foundation & Government Relations Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time Lecturer in Sociology Professor of Art History/Coordinator of the Individual Studies Program Assistant Director of Student Accounts Cashier Administrative Assistant for Student Affairs - Finance Coordinator of Nursing Opportunities Interlibrary Loan Specialist Clinical Adjunct for Nursing/Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Director of Student Accounts Visiting Clinical Instructor of Nursing Facilities and Environmental and Health Safety Manager/Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time Associate Professor of Chemistry/Acting Coord of the Individual Studies Program/Co-Coordinator of the Environmental Science and Policy Progr Lecturer in English Assistant Professor of Art Dispatcher Administrative Assistant for the Office of Human Resources Clinical Adjunct for Nursing Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Beadle, Brent W Bean, Dr. Kellie H Beaudet, Beth A Beaudet, Jennifer J Beckemeyer, Lori B Bedford, Kirk T Beers, Antonio Benenati, Bridget Bensen, Dr. Robert R Bentley, Brett R Bergene, Kristin E Bertola, Dawn M Blake, Paul E Blake, Rhianna M Blechman, Amy G Bloom, Dr. Elizabeth A Ext. Email@ hartwick.edu Dept 4902 5720 4944 4786 7732 4264 4455 4945 bensenr bentleyb bergenek bertolad blakep blaker blechmana bloome Aramark Academic Affairs Nursing Health Services College Advancement Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark English & Theatre Arts Aramark Facilities Srvcs Career Services Nursing Music Admissions Library Education Blue, Peter G Bolton, Geneen A Bookhout, Michele A Borggreen, Richard N Borggreen, Richard R Boyd, Aimee L Boyer, Dr. Penny S Brainard, Daniel L Braselmann, Erin L Brennan, Mark C Brent, Dominic F Brislin, Jennifer A Britton, Kyle J Brophy, Jacqueline A Brown, Elijah J Brown, Jordan R Brown, Zachary D Brunetta, Stephanie P Brzozowski, Robert J Burgin, Ann M Burlew, Gary P Jr. 4202 4324 4765 5722 5701 4066 4786 4774 4467 4914 5796 4841 4499 4785 4601 bluep boltong bookhoutm borggreenr borggreenr2 boyda boyerp brainardd braselmanne brennanm brentd brislinj brittonk brophyj browne brownj2 brownz brunettas brzozowskir burgina burlewg Pine Lake Admissions Biology Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Residence Life Nursing Athletics Student Success Philosophy & Religst Campus Safety Education Computer & Info Sci Nursing Aramark Aramark Residence Life Technology Services Humanities in Mgt Athletics English & Theatre Arts Burnett, Vernon M Buthman, James D 4176 4586 burnettv buthmanj Buttermann, Daniel J Button, Lori A Cady, James Calchi, Adam Campbell, Bruce E Carbone, Susan R Carlson, Kathleen P Carman, Ann C Carney, Julie L Carr, Mark M Carrington, Darlene Z Cawley, Earnest E Jr. Cej, Adriane C Cerar, Jack E Ceresola, Ryan G Champlin, Claudette R 4986 buttermannd 4127 4852 4136 4406 campbellb carbones carlsonk carmana carneyj carrm carringtond cawleye ceja cerarj ceresolar champlinc 4106 4120 4035 5719 4504 4007 4952 4729 4101 4448 beank beaudetb beaudetj beckemeyerl bedfordk beersa Title Dean of Academic Affairs Clinical Adjunct for Nursing Staff Nurse Research and Report Writer Professor of English Internship Advisor Visiting Clinical Instructor of Nursing Instructor - Private Lessons Assistant Director of Admissions Library Circulation Manager Associate Professor of Education/Department Chair Education Manager of Pine Lake Operations Transfer Coordinator Technical Assistant in Biology Area Coordinator Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Assistant Football Coach/Special Teams Coordinator Director of AccessAbility Services/Lecturer in English Lecturer in Philosophy Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time Coordinator of Student Teaching and Field Experience Lecturer in Computer and Information Sciences Lecturer in Nursing Director of Residential Life and Housing Associate Director of Communications for Web Services Director of Client Services - Management Institute P-T Assistant Diving Coach Instructor in Technical Theatre/Lecturer in Theatre Arts/Technical Director/Lighting Technician Technology Services Media Services Specialist Political Science Assistant Professor of Political Science/Co-Coordinator of the Environmental Science and Policy Progr Business Admin. and Acco. Lecturer in Business Aramark Information Technology Computer & Info Sci Academic Affairs College Advancement Library Athletics Financial Aid Campus Safety Education Campus Safety Sociology Library Executive Director of Information Technology Services Associate Professor of Computer and Information Sciences Administrative Assistant for the Office of Academic Affairs Director of Advancement Services P-T Public Services Assistant Head Coach of Football & Lecturer in Phys Ed Assistant Director of Financial Aid Dispatcher, Part-Time Lecturer in Education Campus Safety Officer Assistant Professor of Sociology Secretary Yager Hall Library Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Chan, Dr. KinHo Chauncey, Heather A Chen, Jing Chernyak, Elena Chilson, Brooke A 4593 4932 4327 4800 Email@ hartwick.edu chank chaunceyh chenj chernyake chilsonb Chrislip, Frederic E Christiansen, Martin A Chung, Dr. Min 4189 4323 4364 chrislipr christiansem chungm Technology Services English & Theatre Arts Mathematics Cinami, Marina C Clachi, Adam Clapp, David L Clapper, Cody Clapperton, Skylar V Clar, James D Cody, Dr. David C Cohen, Amber M Colbourne-Johnson, Dimetra A Cook, Richard A Cooper, Carolyn A Cooper, Dr. Eric M Couturier, Marion J Crandall, David Crandall, Leo Crooker, Dr. Allen R. Jr. Cupit, Cody D 4044 cinamim College Advancement Professor of Psychology/Department Chair - Psychology Lecturer in Psychology Assistant Professor of Political Science Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Office Manager for the Departments of Music and Art/Art Hist Senior Programmer/Analyst Lecturer in English Associate Professor of Mathematics/Department Chair Mathematics Alumni Engagement Officer 4113 clappd Campus Safety Campus Safety Supervisor 4161 4722 4904 4947 clappertons clarj codyd cohena colbourne_jd Admissions Athletics English & Theatre Arts Sociology Campus Safety Assistant Director of Admissions Head Women's Volleyball Coach Professor of English Lecturer in Sociology Dispatcher, Part-Time 5725 4422 4254 4915 cookr cooperc coopere couturierm Aramark Facilities Srvcs Global Education Biology Modern Languages Global Education and Service Learning Advisor Assistant Professor of Biology Native Adjunct Lecturer in French 4750 4537 crookera cupitc Biology Athletics curranl Chaplaincy Services Aramark Religious Studies Curran, Lawrence Cutting, Alexander F Dalton, Dr. Lisle W Ext. Dept Psychology Psychology Political Science Sociology Academic Affairs 4936 daltonl Dalton, Jamie L Damiani, Michelle Darien, Dr. Lisa Davey, John J Davidson, Eva T Davies, Dr. Mark R DeBaker, Shyanne M Decker, Cynthia K Degan, Sean M Degraaf, Joann Del Bene, Bryan D Delberta, Petrea L DelBusto-Cohen, Virginia C Depperman, Lisa L R.N. Diamond, Jerry M 4798 4840 4651 4800 4652 4235 4546 4778 daltonj damianim darienl daveyj davidsone daviesm debakers deckerc degans 4194 delbeneb delbertap delbusto_cov deppermanl diamondj Nursing Education English & Theatre Arts Music English & Theatre Arts Education Student Success Chemistry Music Aramark Technology Services Athletics Nursing Nursing Athletics Diana, Robin A Dilello, Anthony J Donaldson, Cynthia A Dono, Jonathan Dopazo, Patricia Douglass, Megan M 4892 4766 4208 4020 4238 dianar dilelloa donaldsonc donoj dopazop douglassm Student Success Athletics Music Technology Services College Advancement Financial Services Dr. Meg Nowak Drugovich, Dr. Margaret L D.M. 4502 4991 nowakm drugovichm Student Affairs President 4783 4239 4537 Title Professor of Biology/Medical Technology Coordinator Assistant Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Coach Intern Associate Professor of Religious Studies/Co-Director of the Hartwick College Honors Program Administrative Assistant for Department of Nursing Assistant Professor of Education Associate Professor of English Adjunct Instructor in Music Lecturer in English Professor of Education Assistant Learning Support Specialist Technical Assistant in Chemistry Director of Jazz Combo Director of Faculty and Staff Technology Support Lecturer in Physical Education Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Assistant Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Coach Intern Dean of Student Success P-T Assistant Football Coach Instructor - Private Lessons/Adjunct Instructor in Music Systems Manager Director of Planned Giving Laboratory Technician for the Cen for Craft Food & Beverage Vice President for Student Affairs President Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Ext. Dudek, Dr. John B Duffy, Patrick J Dumas, Peter F Dumond, Brianna Dunn, Rita A Eckard, Janet M R.N. Eckelmann, Katherine M Eichhorn, Kathy L Eklund, Charlene Eklund, Robert W Jr. Elder, Dr. Laurel E 4757 4176 4280 4140 5726 7506 4163 4243 Elsbeck, George J Elsener, Dr. Kimberly M Elwood, Leah M Ennist, Michael J Erickson, Dr. Mark S Evbuomwan, Osamede Fairgrieve, Joseph A Jr. Farid, Waleed H Fauth, Dr. Peter T Feduke, Dan Feliu, Kelly L Ficano, Dr. Carlena K 4320 4408 4435 4887 Email@ hartwick.edu dudekj duffyp dumasp dumondb dunnr eckardj eckelmannk eichhornk eklundc eklundr elderl Title Chemistry Associate Professor of Chemistry Athletics Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Nursing Admissions Admissions Aramark Aramark Political Science Interim Head Men's and Women's Tennis Coach Adjunct Clinical Instructor/Medical Surgical Nursing Assistant Director of Admissions Operations Specialist Professor of Political Science/Acting Department Chair Political Science Vice President for Finance Dean of Assessment and Retention Assistant Registrar Campus Safety Officer Professor of Chemistry Chemical Hygiene Officer Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time Head Men's Basketball Coach Associate Professor of Biology/Department Chair - Biology 4946 feliuk ficanoc Financial Services Academic Affairs Registrar Campus Safety Chemistry Financial Services Campus Safety Athletics Biology Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Economics Ficano, Joseph J Fierke, Dr. Kimberly L Findlay, Timothy W 4564 4702 4156 ficanoj fierkek findlayt Career Services Athletics Admissions Finger, Nicole M Fingler, Joseph M Fish, Alicia L Fonjweng, Dr. Godlove T Forster Rothbart, Dr. Amy 6840 4708 4021 4414 4865 fingern finglerj fisha fonjwengg forsterrotha Nursing Fort, Gregg A Fox, Alyssa J Frank, Sara J Frankel, Leah H Friery, James M Jr. Frye, Dr. Wendell W Gabrys, Edward V Gage, Peter P Gajadar, Colmin J Gallup, Burdette L II Gann, Dr. Robert C Gann, Karin S Gardner, Amy J Gardner, Denise Gardner, Robert H Garlock-Stringer, Jennifer A Gaynor, Suzanne Georgia, Shirley A Gilbert, Dr. Pamela D Glenn, Ann-Lis Golden, Dr. Reid M Golden, Kenneth H 4026 7775 fortg foxa2 College Advancement English & Theatre Arts 4824 4475 4846 4581 5734 4172 frankell frieryj fryew gabryse gagep gajadarc Art & Art History Library Modern Languages Residence Life Aramark Facilities Srvcs It Info Systems Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Reference Librarian Professor of German Area Coordinator 4761 4197 gannr gannk gardnera gardnerd gardnerr garlockj gaynors georgias gilbertp glenna goldenr goldenk Computer & Info Sci Research & Development Professor of Computer and Information Sciences and Physics P-T Senior Programmer/Analyst Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Nursing Technology Services Financial Services Nursing Student Success Sociology English & Theatre Arts Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Director of the Technology Resource Center Accounts Payable Specialist Assistant Professor of Nursing Associate Director of Student Success Professor of Sociology/Department Chair - Sociology Professor of Theatre Arts 4758 4322 4240 4770 4754 4141 4140 5735 4589 4670 4301 4735 4744 4890 4922 elsbeckg elsenerk elwoodl ennistm ericksonm medeo fairgrievej faridw fauthp Dept College Advancement Global Education Political Science Professor of Economics/Department Chair - Business Administration & Accounting Coordinator of Academic and Pre-Professional Advising Director of Athletics/Physical Education Chair Associate Director of Admissions and Communications Manager Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Senior Director of Donor and Alumni Relations Director of Global Education and Service Learning Associate Professor of Political Science/Department Chair Political Science Vice President for College Advancement Academic Intern Theatre Arts System Manager Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Golden, Nancy C 4575 Email@ hartwick.edu goldenn Goldman, Dr. Jeffrey A Goltz, Caleb T 4962 4498 goldmanj goltzc Psychology Political Science Gondek, Christian M Gonzalez, Dr. Ana L Gordon, Brian A Gordon, Katelyn M Gray, Kevin Q Greeley, Kyle L Green, Kerri G Green, Mark A Griffing, Dr. David H 4703 4607 4544 4359 4490 4539 4162 5738 4629 gondekc gonzaleza gordonb gordonk grayk greeleyk greenk2 greenm griffingd Athletics Music Athletics President Art & Art History Athletics President Aramark Facilities Srvcs Geology & Env. Sci Grust, Dr. Patricia L PhD, RN, CLNC Guasti, Raisa Gutierrez, Sarah A Habernig, Paul J Hall, Julie A Halvorson, Erik J 4287 grustp Nursing 4704 4897 4874 guastir gutierrezs habernigp hallj2 halvorsone Athletics Modern Languages Student Affairs Nursing Art & Art History Hamilton, Dr. Douglas A Hanbridge, Juliana H Hane, Daniel Hansen, Emil Harp, Dale Harp, Mariya Harrington, Scott D Hasbrouck, Kenneth J Hatcher, Timothy J Havener, Dr. Jeanne-Marie E Hawley-Alexander, Ajah S Heffernan, Nancy L 4753 hamiltond hanbridgej haned hansene 4330 4781 harringtons hasbrouckk hatchert havenerj Biology Nursing Music Aramark Aramark Aramark Campus Safety Aramark Aramark Nursing 4549 4730 hawley_alexa heffernann Athletics Academic Affairs Hein, Barbara G Hendrickson, Eric P Herion, Dr. Gary A Hewitt, Rebecca T Heyduk, David R Hilton, Pamela K Hilts, Deb 5589 4933 4453 4459 4664 4171 heinb hendricksone heriong hewittr heydukd0 hiltonp hiltsd Library Aramark Facilities Srvcs Religious Studies Library Library Admissions It Info Systems Hitchcock, Joseph B Hitchcock, Lynnette 4174 hitchcockl It Telecom & Network 4694 4392 4251 4624 4592 4738 hofbauerh hornet howardv hubbardc huckinsa huckinsa2 hunsbergerg Aramark Athletics Music History Academic Affairs Athletics Athletics Mathematics 4325 huntingtonc Religious Studies Hitchcock, Matthew Hofbauer-Buzzy, Heidi L Horne, Timothy B Howard, Dr. Vicki J Hubbard, Cynthia J Huckins, Alan S Huckins, Ashleigh B Hunsberger, Dr. L Gerald Huntington, Dr. Clair W Ext. 4820 Dept Art & Art History Title Exhibit Coordinator/Visual Resources Curator/Lecturer in Museum Studies Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor of Political Science/Pre-Law Coordinator and Academic Advisor Assistant Director - Athletics Communication Lecturer in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Head Women's Soccer Coach Administrative Assistant to the President's Office 2-D Studio Art Technician/Lecturer in Art Equipment Room Manager Senior Asst to the President/Asst Sec Bd of Trustees Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Sciences/Department Chair - Geological & Environmental Sciences Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing/Department Chair Nursing Assistant Men's and Women's Tennis Coach Lecturer in Spanish Assistant Director of Campus Activities Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Resident Artist in Art/Hot Glass/Technical Assistant Ceramics Professor of Biology Clinical Coordinator/Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Instructor - Private Lessons Campus Safety Officer Professor of Nursing/Department Chair - Nursing Sports Information Assistant - Intern Faculty Secretary Biol/Chem/CISC/Geol/Math/Phys & PreMed C P-T Public Services Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Reference Librarian and Coordinator of Instructional Service Interim Director of Library and Information Resources Associate Director of Admissions Director of Info Systems Services & Assoc Dir of Info Techno Director of Telecommunications & Document Mgmt Services Head Athletic Trainer Accompanist in Music Associate Professor of History/Museum Studies Coordinator Faculty Secretary Golisano Hall Head Women's Water Polo Coach Assistant Women's Water Polo Coach Professor of Mathematics/Chair of the Hartwick College Institutional Review Board Professor of Religious Studies/Department Chair - Religious Studies Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Jameson, Jason W Janitz, Suzanne L Jeffers, Doris E Jipson, Andria A Jochnowitz, Dr. Leona D Johnson, Dr. Eric L Jones, Dr. Kristin R Ext. 4164 4319 5741 4130 4611 4658 4941 Juliano, Joshua S Kane, Michael W Email@ hartwick.edu jamesonj janitzs jeffersd jipsona jochnowitzl johnsone jonesk Dept It Info Systems Human Resources Aramark Facilities Srvcs Financial Aid Sociology Geology & Env. Sci Economics Database and ERP Systems Analyst Director of Human Resources kanem2 Campus Safety Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time/Temporary Part-Time Title IX Investigator Associate Professor of Theatre Arts/Department Chair Theatre Arts Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing Lecturer in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Director of Campus Safety Kano-White, Malissa A 4920 kano_whitem English & Theatre Arts Kaur, Harpreet Kellett, Jeremy S Kelly, Thomas P Jr. Kendall, Daniel Kendall, Dr. Douglas 4776 4112 kaurh kellettj kellyt 4423 kendalld Nursing Music Campus Safety Aramark The Yager Museum of Art & Cul Kerr, David M Kettunen, Lisa M King, Mary C Kinser, Carla J Knapp, Brian T Kolenda, Stephen A CPA Konu, Douglas D Krajovan, Persida Kratochvilova, Lucka Kraus, Robert Kreisher, Katharine A Krzyston, Maja M Kuhlmann, Dr. Mark L Kuzminski, Dr. Adrian Laboy, Albert Laboy, Richie Lacy, Dr. Cherilyn M Ladew, Andrew W Laragione, Joseph G LaSala, Donald D LaSala, Enrico D 4700 4786 4045 4407 4728 4951 4708 kerrd kettunenl kingm kinserc knappb kolendas konud krajovanp kratochvill Lawrence, Sabrina M Leo, Sydney R Leonardo, Anthony Lewis, Joshua H Lewis, Quentin P 4064 4320 Lewis, Shanay L Licata, Julie M Lichtenstein, Alice R Lichtman, Howard M Lindberg, Christine A Lindsley, Kimberley L Loehr, Anthony P Loewenguth, Taralyn Lott, Christopher M 4474 4828 4768 4587 4885 4157 4717 4724 kreisherk krzystonm kuhlmannm kuzminskia laboya laboyr lacyc ladewa laragionej lasalad lasalae Title Secretary to Financial Aid Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Professor of Geology Associate Professor of Economics/Co-Director of the Hartwick College Honors Program Coordinator of the Yager Museum of Art and Culture/Lecturer in Museum Studies/Museum Studies Coordinator Athletics Lecturer in Physical Education Nursing Visiting Clinical Instructor of Nursing College Advancement Advancement Database Specialist Academic Affairs Executive Asst to the Provost & VP of Academic Affairs Athletics Assistant Women's Soccer Coach/Intern Business Admin. and Acco. Professor of Business Administration and Accounting Athletics Athletic Trainer Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Art & Art History Nursing Biology Philosophy & Religst Aramark History Admissions Aramark Athletics Athletics 4901 4481 lawrences leos leonardoa lewisj lewisq 4867 4856 lewiss3 licataj lichtensteina lichtmanh College Advancement Financial Services Aramark Facilities Srvcs English & Theatre Arts The Yager Museum of Art & Cul Nursing Music English & Theatre Arts Computer & Info Sci 4244 5742 4152 4030 lindbergc lindsleyk loehra loewengutht lottc Human Resources Aramark Facilities Srvcs Student Affairs Admissions Professor of Art Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Professor of Biology/IACUC Coordinator Resident Scholar in Philosophy Professor of History Assistant Director of Admissions Head Men's Lacrosse Coach Assistant Men's Lacrosse Coach/Athletics Summer Preseason Equipment Room Assistant Alumni Events Assistant Vice President for Finance Lecturer in English Part-Time Collections Manager/Lecturer in Museum Studies Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Instructor - Private Lessons Lecturer in English Associate Professor of Computer and Information Sciences/Department Chair - Computer and Information Sciences Human Resources Coordinator Dean of Student Life Marketing Communications Manager Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Ext. Lubell, David B Macdonald, Duncan M MacDonald, Earl Mack, Joseph F MacLeod, Aaron L 4031 4032 Email@ hartwick.edu lubelld macdonaldd 4209 4232 mackj macleoda College Advancement College Advancement Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Financial Services Madden, Brian B Maison, Debra Malloy, Dr. Laura G Malone, Dr. Laurence J Manchester, Shannon M Marcella, Katie L 4913 4410 4943 4308 4709 maddenb maisond malloyl malonel manchesters marcellak English & Theatre Arts Aramark Facilities Srvcs Biology Economics Payroll Athletics Marietta, Melissa O Marikovics, Donald C Markuson, Dr. Stephen H Marra, Lorena K Martin, Adam L Martin, Christopher M Matthews, Harry B 4047 4843 4604 4589 4200 mariettam marikovicsd markusons marral martina Career Services Modern Languages Music Nursing Campus Safety 4428 matthewsh Student Affairs mcauliffes Campus Safety mccarthyd mcgrathk mcguinnesst mckownc mcmahonw mendezn merkerk messnerp metzgarm meyera millerc2 Admissions Admissions Athletics College Advancement Chemistry Admissions Athletics Associate Dean and Director of Intercultural Affairs/Lecturer in History Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time/Temporary Part-Time Title IX Investigator Senior Operations Specialist Vice President for Enrollment Management Head Men's Basketball Coach Communications Designer Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry Assistant Director of Admissions Assistant Football Coach College Advancement Athletics Major Gifts Officer Field Hockey Coach McAuliffe, Shari D McCarthy, Darlene A McGrath, Karen P McGuinness, Todd R McKown, Cindy S McMahon, Dr. Wayne G Mendez, Nora Merker, Kevin M Messner, Paul R Metzgar, Matthew E Meyer, Anna M Miller, Cassandra L Miller, Michael J Minogue, Catherine E Mish, Joseph B Jr. Mitchell, Dr. Johanna E Moak, Lauren M Mongillo, Marissa A Moore, Donna J R.N. Moore, Wendy L Moriarty, Anne M. Moske, Dr. Amanda K Moxley, David I Murello, Lisa A Myles, Karen Nanni, Steven A Navarette, Dr. Susan J Nelson, Joshua J Newvine, Denise E Nienart, Dr. Lawrence 4151 4179 4770 4038 4739 4037 4771 4599 4055 4715 4038 4135 4777 4835 4297 4642 4120 4385 4263 4997 4522 4160 4140 4810 4643 4507 4358 4737 minoguec mishj mitchellj moakl mongillom moored moorew moriartya moskea moxleyd murellol mylesk nannis navarettes nelsonj4 newvined nienartl Nienart, Marilyn E C.P.M. Nishida, Dr. Mieko Noce, Louis J Norman, Gary Norris, Gregg A 4530 4839 4432 4481 4800 nienartm2 nishidam nocel normanj norrisg Dept Aramark Chemistry English & Theatre Arts Education Nursing Athletics Health Services Nursing Aramark Facilities Srvcs Institutional Research Copy Center Admissions Aramark Facilities Srvcs Music English & Theatre Arts Student Affairs Sociology Physics Title Media Relations Manager Athletic Giving Officer Laboratory Director for the Center for Craft Food & Beverage Lecturer in English Professor of Biology Professor of Economics Coordinator of Student Payroll Head Women's Basketball Coach/Lecturer in Physical Education Director of Career Services Lecturer in German Lecturer in Music/Adjunct Instructor in Music Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Dispatcher Assistant Professor of Chemistry Lecturer in English Associate Professor of Education Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Assistant Women's Lacrosse Coach Staff Nurse Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness Copy/Mail Center Operator Operations Specialist Athletics History College Advancement Lecturer in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Professor of English/Department Chair English Director of Campus Activities Lecturer in Sociology Professor of Physics/Pre-Engineering Advisor/Department Chair - Physics Office Manager/Department Secretary - Athletics Professor of History/Department Chair - History Major Gifts Officer Music Instructor in Music Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Oakley, Ryan M O'Donnell, Dr. Katherine O'Donnell, James J Oehl, Kirsten E Onorato, Dr. Lisa A Orlowski, Phyllis C Ortiz, Xiomara A Pacatte, Jessicanne M Paige, Dr. Diane Palmer, Shelby A Parker, Darlene A Pashley, Donna W Paterson, Kim Pease, Andrew D Pedulla, Michael A Peng, Yi-Pin Pepper, Neah J Perrin, Traci L Peters, Dr. Theodore D Pfannkuchen, John E Phillips, Spencer V Piefer, Dr. Andrew J Ext. 4894 Email@ hartwick.edu Dept o_donnellk odonnellj oehlk onoratol orlowskip ortizx pacattej paiged palmers parkerd pashleyd patersonk peasea Sociology Campus Safety Career Services Psychology Education Athletics Athletics Music College Advancement Nursing College Advancement Music Music Professor of Sociology Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time Internship Coordinator Professor of Psychology Lecturer in Education Assistant Women's Volleyball Coach/Intern Assistant Athletic Trainer Professor of Music/Department Chair - Music WickWire Supervisor Associate Professor of Nursing Gift Processing Coordinator Instructor - Private Lessons Assistant Professor of Music/Instructor - Private Lessons pengy peppern perrint peterst pfannkuchenj phillipss3 piefera Modern Languages Nursing Human Resources Business Admin. and Acco. English & Theatre Arts Music Chemistry piercec2 plankd plattm ploutzc pokharelk pomaresw potterd powellb Education Nursing Aramark Nursing Mathematics Music Aramark Facilities Srvcs Athletics Native Adjunct Lecturer in Mandarin Chinese Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Title IX Coordinator and College Compliance Officer Assistant Professor of Business Administration Lecturer in English Instructor - Private Lessons Associate Professor of Chemistry/Department Chair Chemistry/Co-Director of the Health Professions Advisory Program Lecturer in Education Learning Lab and Technology Coordinator 4219 7539 4883 prestonm qazit quinne reichertl Modern Languages Library History Nursing Lecturer in French P-T Public Services Assistant Professor of History Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing 4478 reuterk richardsonk2 Library Cataloging Specialist 5753 4306 4420 5754 Aramark Facilities Srvcs Student Accounts Counseling Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Philosophy 4249 4964 4534 4707 4585 4886 4785 4050 5778 4582 4963 4293 4917 4882 4916 Pierce, Carol A Plank, Dana K Platt, Mary Ploutz, Cynthia L Pokharel, Krishna P Pomares, William H Potter, Dianne L Powell, Betty Predmore, Russell Preston, Megan E Qazi, Taimoor Quinn, Dr. Edythe Ann Reichert, Laura L Remillard, Carrie M Reuter, Kristin M Richardson, Kimmeche D Rico, Justin J Robbins, Robby M Roberts, Bernadette Robinson, Gary A Robinson, Linda A Robinson, Richard A Jr. Rocknak, Dr. Stefanie A 6142 4590 4391 robbinsr robertsb robinsong robinsonl robinsonr rocknaks Rogers-Kroll, Dawn D 4501 rogers_krold Student Affairs Romano, Michael A Rorick, Sandra K Ross, Chad A Ross, Mary-Anne T Rothenberger, Dale L 4665 4120 romanom roricks Athletics Health Services 4810 4714 rossm rothenberged Athletics Rowe, Chris Title 4787 4740 5751 4701 Aramark Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics Lecturer in Music Associate Director of Athletics/SWA Finance Office Assistant Director of Counseling Services Professor of Philosophy/Department Chair Philosophy/Coordinator of the Cognitive Science Program Admin Asst for Student Affairs Administration & Communicatio Assistant Men's Basketball Coach Administrative Assistant for the Perrella Wellness Center Aquatic Director/Head Men's & Women's Swimming & Diving Coac Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Ext. Rozene, Stephanie A 4833 Email@ hartwick.edu rozenes Russo, Dr. Anthony J Salluzzo, Anne K 4732 4299 russoa2 salluzzoa Sanford, Matthew C Sawyer, Larry A Scalici, Sydney S Scheim, Dr. Charles H Schultz, Dr. Kevin D Schwartz, Scott O Schwingshackl, Nadine Scott, John A Scott, Stephen L Seabury, Colleen S Sears, Thomas G CPA Seeley, Dr. Karl H 4462 5756 4559 4736 4659 4948 4832 4712 sanfordm sawyerl scalicis scheimc schultzk schwartzs schwingshacn scottj 4727 4947 4628 seaburyc searst seeleyk Biology The Yager Museum of Art & Cul Registrar Aramark Facilities Srvcs Counseling Mathematics Physics Business Admin. and Acco. Modern Languages Athletics Aramark Athletics Business Admin. and Acco. Economics Seguin, Dr. Robert H 4871 seguinr English & Theatre Arts Seletsky, Robin Sessions, Dr. Stanley K Shaver, Dr. Amy D Shaw, Arthur L Shaw, Dr. Marc E 4800 4764 4789 5758 4909 seletskyr sessionss shavera shawm Music Biology Nursing Aramark Facilities Srvcs English & Theatre Arts Sheehy, Dr. Meghan K Sheldon, Kurt L Shivers, Margaret E Shultis, Julie Shultis, Stephen L Shumway, Lorlinda Sider, Dr. Kenneth P Signitzer, Julie B Silber, Mary Louise M Silverberg, Dr. Carol E Simonds, Jeffrey D Sines, Lloyd R Singh, Joanna E Sitts, Jennifer L Slade, Terry L 4802 4114 4334 4140 5760 sheehym sheldonk Music Aramark Facilities Srvcs shultisj shultiss 4252 4800 4788 4903 4908 5761 4420 4129 4824 siderk signitzerj silberm2 silverbergc simondsj sinesl singhj sittsj sladet Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Education Music Nursing English & Theatre Arts English & Theatre Arts Aramark Facilities Srvcs Slagle, Barry M Smith, Benjamin H Smith, Cindy Smith, Erin E Smith, Glenn A Smith, Kathryn T Smith, Sharon M Smith, Walter G Snow, Ruth A Sousa, Tammy P Spears, Allison G Sperry, Steven M Sperry, Wayne E Speth, Uli Srivastava, Dr. Pinki P Sta. Brigida-Campbell, Fideliz 4713 4240 5731 4533 5752 4705 slagleb smithb6 smithc2 smithe smithg0 smithk5 4177 5732 4775 4502 5764 5765 smithw 4863 sousat spearsa sperrys sperryw spethu srivastavap campbellf Dept Art & Art History Mathematics Art & Art History Athletics Campus Safety Aramark Facilities Srvcs Athletics Aramark Facilities Srvcs English & Theatre Arts Aramark Technology Services Aramark Facilities Srvcs Athletics Title Associate Professor of Art & Art History/Co-Chair Art & Art History Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology Yager Museum Program and Business Manager Registrar and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Counselor Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Physics/Radiation Safety Officer Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration Native Adjunct Lecturer in German Head Men's Soccer Coach Administrative Assistant/Technical Support Professor of Accounting and Business Administration Associate Professor of Economics/Department Chair Economics Associate Professor of English/Babcock Professor of English/Coordinator of US Ethnic Studies Program Instructor - Private Lessons Professor of Biology Associate Professor of Nursing Associate Professor of Theatre Arts/Arkell Hall Foundation Chair of the Arts Assistant Professor of Music Education Lecturer in Education Instructor in Music Visiting Assistant Professor in Nursing Lecturer in English Lecturer in English Lecturer in Mathematics Sculptor in Residence and Professor of Art/Department Chair - Art Assistant Men's Soccer Coach Temporary Shift Supervisor/Officer-In-Charge Assistant Field Hockey Coach Lecturer in Theatre Arts Technology Services Specialist Head Equestrian Coach Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Music Lecturer in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Business Admin. and Acco. Executive-In-Residence Dept of Business Admin and Acct Music Instructor in Music/Instructor - Private Lessons Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Stamp, Dr. Pauline L Stankiewicz, Janice C 4285 4900 Email@ hartwick.edu stampp stankiewiczj Stanton, Jason L Starkey-Wood, Lisa M Steele, Elizabeth P Stevens, Dr. Gary E. Stewart, Jennifer Strano, Dr. Lynn E Strobeck, Floyd I III Studer, Harold T Suarez Hayes, Julia Sugandhi, Namita S Sweeney, Tammy M Swift, Dr. Linda A Syed, Dr. Munir S Syron, Michael T Talbot, Daniel E Talbot, Rebekah L Tannenbaum, Dr. Michael G Tanner, Heidi E 4661 4116 4054 4746 4167 4965 stantonj starkey_wool steeleb stevensg nichols_stj stranol Business Admin. and Acco. Assistant Professor of Business Administration Academic Affairs Faculty Secretary English/Theatre Arts/Psychology/Language Student Success Assistant Director of the Center for Student Success Admissions Director of Admissions and Operations President Director of Advancement Communications Mathematics Professor of Mathematics Admissions Associate Director of Communications for Publications Psychology Professor of Psychology 4910 4853 4240 4749 4183 5810 4531 4039 4401 studerh suarezj sugandhin sweeneyt swiftl syedm syronm talbotd talbotr tannenbaumm Campus Safety English & Theatre Arts Anthropology Campus Safety Biology Biology Campus Safety Athletics College Advancement Academic Affairs Campus Safety Officer Assistant Professor of English/Writing Center Coordinator Lecturer in Anthropology Senior Dispatcher Professor of Biology Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology Campus Safety Officer, Part-Time P-T Assistant Football Coach Development Assistant Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 4500 tannerh Student Affairs Tarbell, Victoria R 4430 tarbellv Counseling Coordinator for Health Promotion and Campbell Fitness Center/Lecturer in Physical Education/Temporary Athletic Trainer Assistant Director of Counseling Services/Lecturer in Physical Education telferj tenoref terryp terwilligerj theophelm thompsond thompsonj thornep titusr toale Aramark Modern Languages Education Aramark Facilities Srvcs It Telecom & Network Athletics Financial Aid Music Financial Services Geology & Env. Sci Pine Lake Taylor, Ricky Telfer, Joanne M Tenore, Dr. Frank B Terry, Patricia Terwilliger, James Theophel, Mark J Thompson, Diane R Thompson, Joshua C Thorne, Patricia M Titus, Dr. Robert C Toal, Erin L Tobiason, Barry L Tobiason, Bert G Tompkins, Gary E Tompkins, Jacob M Travisano, Dr. Thomas J Traynor, Kathleen M Troischt, Dr. Parker W Tuller, Patricia A Turechek, Dennis Turick-Gibson, Theresa Twichell, Martha L R.N. Utter, Christine L Utter, Joan A Van Alstyne, Jessica Van Kingsley, Jean M Van Laeys, Mark V Vandenheuvel, Dr. Mireille Vanderlaan, Dr. Mary B Vatalaro, Charles L Vennero, Dr. Anthony L Ext. 4842 4840 4139 4248 4158 4302 4733 4547 4511 4648 4907 4266 4745 5699 4815 4782 4316 5770 4120 4844 4932 4939 tobiasonb tobiasonb2 tompkinsg tompkinsj2 travisanot traynork troischtp tullerp turechekd turick_gibst twichellm utterc utterj0 vanalstynej vankingsleyj vanlaeysm vandenheuvem vanderlaanm vatalaroc venneroa Dept Campus Safety Campus Safety Aramark Facilities Srvcs Athletics English & Theatre Arts Admissions Physics Aramark Facilities Srvcs Music Nursing Nursing Payroll Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Nursing Modern Languages Political Science Music Business Admin. and Acco. Title Lecturer in Spanish Lecturer in Education Summer on Line Telecommunications & Networking Technical Associate Assistant Football Coach/Defensive Coordinator Assistant Director of Financial Aid Instructor - Private Lessons Assistant Controller Professor of Geology Director of Pine Lake Environmental Center & Challenge Educa Campus Safety Officer Temporary Shift Supervisor/Officer-In-Charge Assistant Football Coach Professor of English Admin Asst to the VP for Enrollment Mgmt & Marketing Associate Professor of Physics Lecturer in Music Professor of Nursing Lecturer in Nursing - RNOP Director of Payrolls Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Professor of Spanish/Lecturer in Spanish Professor of Political Science Instructor - Private Lessons Assistant Professor of Business Administration Hartwick College Directory - Staff Name Vigna, Beverly G Villanti, Lindsay E 4409 4081 Email@ hartwick.edu vignab villantil Vo, Dr. Hieu Dan Vogel, Emily R Von Stengel, Joseph C 4928 4805 4912 vod vogele vonstengelj vonHassel, Theresa L Vroman, Ricky Wagenheim, Christopher P Walker, Karina M Wallace, Dr. Peter G Walsh, Judith A Walsh-Russo, Dr. Cecelia C Ext. vonhasselt Dept Title Academic Affairs College Advancement Assistant to the Dean Exec Assistant to the Vice President for College Advancement Business Admin. and Acco. Assistant Professor of Business Administration English & Theatre Arts Lecturer in English Art & Art History Associate Professor of Art & Art History/Co-Chair Art & Art History Health Services P-T Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Aramark English & Theatre Arts NEH Visiting Assistant Professor in the Humanities Modern Languages Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish History Professor of History Institutional Research Institutional Research Analyst Sociology Associate Professor of Sociology/Coordinator of the Women's and Gender Studies Program Athletics Assistant Women's Basketball Coach President Housekeeper Nursing Associate Professor of Nursing 4866 4849 4905 4305 4610 wagenheimc walkerk3 wallacep walshj walsh_russoc Ward, Jacqueline J Washburn, Janet E Wehner, Lisa A Weldon, Fred Wellman, Dr. Justin A Wellman, Elizy Welsh, Patrick J Sr. Wenck, Kathleen M Werdann, Frank 4793 5791 4735 wardj washburnj0 wehnerl 4961 wellmanj Psychology Aramark 5783 4416 4345 wenckk werdannf West, Ricky D West, Steven J Whitaker, Anne-Marie White, Devin C White, Kevin Whitmore, Charles A Wightman, Priscilla Z CPA Willsey, Barbara J Wiltsey, Cathi-Ann M Wisnewski, Dr. J. Jeremy 5774 5775 4789 4334 5776 4338 4240 4253 4671 westr wests whitakera whited whitek2 whitmorec wightmanp willseyb wiltseyc wisnewskij Aramark Barnes and Noble Bookstore Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Facilities Srvcs Nursing Aramark Aramark Aramark Facilities Srvcs Management & Acctg Campus Safety Mathematics Philosophy & Religst Wolff, Dr. Mark B 4615 wolffm0 Modern Languages Wolff, Jacob R Woost, Dr. Michael D Worden, Thomas P Wrench, Mary Wright, Lee S Wyzykowski, James M Young, Dr. Susan M Zapach, Karyn Zeh, Dorothy L Zhang, Dr. Sen Zuill, Karen V Zullo, Dr. Douglas R 4911 4860 5777 wolffj woostm wordent 4803 4881 4756 4869 5712 4852 4303 4818 wrightl wyzykowskij youngs zapachk zehd zhangs zuillk zullod English & Theatre Arts Anthropology Aramark Facilities Srvcs Aramark Music Business Admin. and Acco. Chemistry English & Theatre Arts Health Services Computer & Info Sci Financial Services Art & Art History Associate Professor of Psychology Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Nursing Professor of Accounting Dispatcher Lecturer in Mathematics Associate Professor of Philosophy/Coordinator of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program Associate Professor of French/Department Chair - Modern & Classical Languages Assistant Professor of English Professor of Anthropology Assistant Professor of Music Lecturer in Business Professor of Chemistry Lecturer in English P-T Nurse Lecturer in Computer and Information Sciences Controller Associate Professor of Art & Art History