Job Shop Scheduling by Simulated Annealing Author(s): Peter J. M. van Laarhoven, Emile H. L. Aarts, Jan Karel Lenstra Source: Operations Research, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1992), pp. 113-125 Published by: INFORMS Stable URL: Accessed: 11/03/2010 16:23 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact INFORMS is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Operations Research. JOB SHOP SCHEDULINGBY SIMULATEDANNEALING PETER J. M. VAN LAARHOVEN NederlandsePhilipsBedrijven,Eindhoven,TheNetherlands EMILEH. L. AARTS PhilipsResearchLaboratories,Eindhoven,TheNetherlands and EindhovenUniversityof Technology,Eindhoven,TheNetherlands JAN KARELLENSTRA EindhovenUniversityof Technology,Eindhoven,TheNetherlandsand CWI,Amsterdam,TheNetherlands (ReceivedJuly 1988;revisionsreceivedMay 1989,January1990;acceptedJune 1990) We describean approximationalgorithmfor the problem of finding the minimum makespanin a job shop. The algorithmis based on simulatedannealing,a generalizationof the well known iterativeimprovementapproachto combinatorialoptimizationproblems.The generalizationinvolves the acceptanceof cost-increasingtransitionswith a nonzeroprobabilityto avoid gettingstuck in local minima. We prove that our algorithmasymptoticallyconvergesin probabilityto a globally minimal solution, despite the fact that the Markovchains generatedby the algorithmare generallynot irreducible.Computationalexperimentsshow that our algorithmcan find shortermakespansthan two recentapproximationapproachesthat are moretailoredto the job shop schedulingproblem.This is, however,at the cost of largerunningtimes. e are concernedwith a problemin machine schedulingknown as the job shop scheduling problem(Coffman 1976, French 1982). Informally, the problemcanbe describedas follows.We aregiven a set of jobs and a set of machines.Eachjob consists of a chain of operations,each of which needs to be processedduringan uninterruptedtime periodof a givenlengthon a given machine.Eachmachinecan processat mostone operationat a time. A scheduleis an allocationof the operationsto time intervalson the machines.The problemis to find a scheduleof minimumlength. The job shop schedulingproblem is among the hardestcombinatorialoptimizationproblems.Not only is it NP-hard,but even amongthe membersof thelatterclassit appearsto belongto the moredifficult ones (Lawler,Lenstraand RinnooyKan 1982).Optimizationalgorithmsforjob shop schedulingproceed by branch and bound, see, for instance, Lageweg, Lenstraand Rinnooy Kan (1977), and Carlierand Pinson(1989).Most approximation algorithmsuse a priorityrule, i.e., a rule for choosing an operation from a specifiedsubsetof as yet unscheduledopera- tions. Adams, Balas and Zawack(1988) developed a shifting bottleneckprocedure,which employs an ingeniouscombinationof scheduleconstructionand iterative improvement, guided by solutions to single-machineproblems.The approachpursuedby Adams,Balasand Zawackis stronglytailoredto the problemat hand. It is based on a fair amount of combinatorialinsight into the job shop scheduling problem,and its implementationrequiresa certain levelof programmer sophistication. In thispaper,we investigatethe potentialof a more generalapproachbasedon the easilyimplementable simulatedannealingalgorithm(Kirkpatrick,Gelatt and Vecchi 1983, and Cerny 1985). A similar approachwas independentlyinvestigatedby Matsuo, Suh and Sullivan (1988). Their controlledsearch simulated annealing method is less general than ours in the sense that it uses more problemspecific neighborhoods. The organizationof this paper is as follows. In Section 1 we give a formal problemdefinition.In Section2 the basicelementsof the simulatedannealing algorithmare reviewed.In Section3 we describe W Subjectclassifications:Analysisof algorithms,suboptimalalgorithms:simulatedannealing.Production/scheduling, sequencing,deterministic,multiple machine:job shop scheduling. Area of review: MANUFACTURING, PRODUCTION AND SCHEDULING. OperationsResearch Vol. 40, No. 1, January-February 1992 113 0030-364X/92/4001-0113$01.25 ? 1992OperationsResearchSocietyof America 114 / VAN LAARHOVEN,AARTSAND LENSTRA the applicationof simulatedannealingto job shop scheduling.We proveasymptoticconvergenceof the algorithmto a globallyminimalsolutionby showing that the neighborhoodstructureis such that each ergodicset contains at least one global minimum. Section4 containsthe resultsof a computationalstudy in whichsimulatedannealingis usedto find approximate solutionsto a largeset of instancesof the job shopschedulingproblem.We compareour simulated annealingmethod with three other approaches,i.e., time-equivalentiterativeimprovement,the shifting bottleneckprocedureof Adams,Balasand Zawack, andthe controlledsearchsimulatedannealingmethod of Matsuo,Suh and Sullivan.In Section 5 we end with some concludingremarks. 1. THE PROBLEM Wearegivena set -f of njobs,a set X of m machines, and a set a of N operations.For each operation v E a there is a job J, E /o to which it belongs,a machineM, E 4 on which it requiresprocessing, anda processingtime t, E NJ.Thereis a binaryrelation -> on a thatdecomposesa into chainscorresponding to the jobs; more specifically, if v -> w, then J, = JW, and there is no x 4 {v, w} such that v -> x or x -> w. The problemis to find a starttime s, for each operation v E a suchthat max s, + t,, (1) vE& is minimizedsubjectto s >- O for all v E (2) a SW- S >, tv if v ->W, v, w E SW- SV; tv V sV- S a (3) tw if MV = Mw, v, w Ec. (4) It is usefulto representthe problemby the disjunctive graphmodel of Roy and Sussmann(1964). The disjunctivegraphG = (V, A, E) is definedas follows: * V = A U {0, N + I}, where 0 and N + 1 are two fictitiousoperations;the weightof a vertexv is given = 0). by the processingtime tv(to = tN+1 * A = 1(v, w) Iv, w E ,- v-> w} U 1(0, w) IwE , Av E a: v -> w} U {(v, N + 1) Iv E A, Aw Ea v -> WI.Thus, A contains arcs connecting consecu- tive operationsof the samejob, as well as arcsfrom 0 to the firstoperationof eachjob and fromthe last operationof eachjob to N + 1. * E -= v, w} IMv = MW}.Thus, edges in E connect operationsto be processedby the samemachine. 1 O~ ~~ a~' 7 2 3~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 " 8 9 Figure1. The disjunctivegraph G of a 3-job 3machineinstance.Operations1, 5 and9 are processedby machine1, operations2, 4 and 8 by machine2, and operations3, 6 and 7 by machine3; 0 and 10 are the fictitious initial and final operations,respectively. Thickarrowsdenotearcsin A, dottedlines edgesin E. Figure1 illustratesthe disjunctivegraphfor a 3-job, 3-machineinstance,whereeachjob consistsof three operations. For each pairof operationsv, w E a with v , condition(3) is representedby an arc (v, w) in A. Similarly,for each pair of operationsv, w E a with M, = MW,the disjunctiveconstraint(4) is represented by an edge {v, w} in E, and the two waysto settlethe disjunctioncorrespondto the two possibleorientations of the edge. There is an obvious one-to-one correspondence betweena set of choicesin (4) thatis overallfeasibleand an orientationof all the edgesin E for which the resultingdigraphis acyclic. The objectivevalue (the makespan)of the corresponding solutionis givenby the lengthof a longestpathin this digraph.Sucha set of orientationsdecomposesa into chainscorresponding to the machines,i.e., it defines for each machinean orderingor permuationof the operationsto be processedby that machine. Conversely,a set of machinepermutationsdefinesa set of orientationsof the edgesin E, thoughnot necessarily one which resultsin an acyclic digraph.Since the longestpathin a cyclicdigraphhas infinitelength,we can now rephrasethe problemas thatof findinga set of machinepermutationsthat minimizesthe longest pathin the resultingdigraph.In Section3 we use this formulationof the problemto findapproximatesolutionsby simulatedannealing. 2. SIMULATEDANNEALING Ever since its introduction, independently by Kirkpatrick,Gelatt and Vecchi (1983) and Cerny JobShopSchedulingbySimulatedAnnealing/ (1985),simulatedannealinghasbeenappliedto many combinatorialoptimizationproblemsin such diverse designof integratedcircuits, areasas computer-aided image processing,code design and neural network theory;for a review the readeris referredto Van Laarhovenand Aarts(1987). The algorithmis based on an intriguingcombinationof ideas from at first sightcompletelyunrelatedfieldsof science,viz. combinatorialoptimizationand statisticalphysics.On the one hand,the algorithmcan be consideredas a generalizationof the well known iterativeimprovement optimizationproblems,on approachto combinatorial the otherhand,it can be viewedas an analogueof an algorithmusedin statisticalphysicsforcomputersimulationof the annealingof a solidto its groundstate, i.e., the statewith minimumenergy.In this paper,we mainly restrictourselvesto the first point of view; thus,we firstbrieflyreviewiterativeimprovement. Generally,a combinatorialoptimizationproblemis or a tuple(I, W),whereR is the set of configurations solutionsof the problem, and C: S -11 R the cost function(Papadimitriouand Steiglitz 1982). To be able to use iterativeimprovementwe need a neighborhoodstructureY: R -- 2'; thus, for each configcalledthe urationi, XA(i)is a subsetof configurations, areusuallydefined of i. Neighborhoods neighborhood by firstchoosinga simpletype of transitionto obtain a new configurationfroma givenone andthen definthat ing the neighborhoodas the set of configurations can be obtainedfrom a given configurationin one transition. a cost functionand Giventhe set of configurations, a neighborhoodstructure,we can definethe iterative improvementalgorithmas follows. The algorithm consistsof a numberof iterations.At the startof each iteration,a configurationi is givenand a transitionto a configurationj E XA(i) is generated. If C(j) < C(i), the start configurationin the next iteration is j, otherwiseit is i. If R is finiteandif the transitionsare generatedin some exhaustiveenumerativeway, then the algorithmterminatesby definitionin a localminimum. Unfortunately,a local minimum may differ considerablyin cost from a globalminimum.Simulatedannealingcan be viewedas an attemptto find localminimaby allowingthe acceptance near-optimal transitions.Moreprecisely,if i and of cost-increasing j E X(i) are the two configurationsto choosefrom, thenthe algorithmcontinueswithconfiguration j with a probabilitygivenby mint1, exp(-(C(j) - C(i))Ic)} wherec is a positivecontrolparameter,whichis graduallydecreasedduringthe executionof the algorithm. Thus, c is the analogueof the temperaturein the physicalannealingprocess.Note that the aforemen- 115 tioned probabilitydecreasesfor increasingvaluesof C(j) - C(i) and for decreasingvaluesof c, and costdecreasingtransitionsarealwaysaccepted. For a fixed value of c, the configurationsthat are consecutivelyvisitedby the algorithmcan be seen as a MarkovchainwithtransitionmatrixP = P(c) given by (AartsandVanLaarhoven1985a,LundyandMees 1985) 1986,and Romeoand Sangiovanni-Vincentelli if 54 $ i [GjAij(c) (5) IS} Pij (c) GjkAik(c) l- if = i, k=1 wherethe generationprobabilitiesGijaregivenby Iv(z) I if j E X(i) 0O otherwise, (6) G1j(c)= andthe acceptanceprobabilities Aijby Ai(c) = min{1, exp ((Cj) - C(i)))}. (7) Thestationarydistributionof thisMarkovchainexists and is given by (Aartsand Van Laarhoven1985a, LundyandMees 1986,and Romeoand SangiovanniVincentelli1985): IXl(i) IAi0(c) i(c) = E I,/-(j) IA=4(c) Ej)=- (8 for some io E _opt where Ropt is the set of globally providedthe neighborhoods minimalconfigurations, (i,j) there of configurations for pair aresuchthat each i to j. from leading transitions of sequence is a finite the requirement to is equivalent condition The latter that the matrix G be irreducible.It can readilybe shownthat lim qi(c) = CI [ Mom1 if i E Ropt lo otherwise. (9) We recall that the stationarydistributionof the distribution Markovchainis definedas theprobability afteran infinitenumberof tranof the configurations sitions.Thus,we concludefrom(9) thatthe simulated annealingalgorithmconvergeswith probability1 to a globallyminimalconfigurationif the followingconditionsaresatisfied: * the sequenceof values of the control parameter convergesto 0; * the Markovchainsgeneratedat each valueof c are of infinitelength;and * the matrixG is irreducible. 116 / VAN LAARHOVEN,AARTS AND LENSTRA Unfortunately, the neighborhood structurechosen for jE5'9X job shop schedulingin Section 3 is such that the correspondingmatrix G is not irreducible.In that case, we can still proveasymptoticconvergenceprovidedthe neighborhoodsare such that for each configurationi there is a finite sequenceof transitions 0 < lim PrIX(k) =j = ( E Pr{X(O) = ix Laarhoven1988).To do so, we use the fact that in every chain the recurrentconfigurationscan be divided uniquely into irreducibleergodic sets Sl, In additionto the ergodicsets there 5T. Y2, is a set S9 of transientconfigurationsfrom which in the ergodicsetscan be reached(but configurations satisfy not vice versa).Note thatif the neighborhoods condition,then each5Y, contains the aforementioned at leastone globallyminimalconfiguration. Now considerthe sequenceof configurationsconstitutingthe MarkovchainassociatedwithP(c). There aretwo possibilities:eitherthe Markovchainstartsin a transientconfigurationor it does not. In the latter constitutingthe Markovchain case,the configurations all belongto the sameirreducibleergodicset 5t and we can proveasymptoticconvergenceas before,with A10j(c) A101(c) Z5Ai,,j(c) ..., On the other hand, if the Markov chainstartsin a transientconfiguration,it will eventually "land" (Feller 1950) in an ergodic set 5t, t E fl, ..., T), thoughit is not a prioriknownwhichone. The line of reasoningdescribedabove can then be appliedagain. Wecanmakethe precedingargumentsmoreprecise by introducingthe notion of a stationary matrix Q, whoseelementsqjjaredefinedby (10) qij = lim Pr{X(k)=j I X(0) = i}. k-+oo Usingthe resultsin Chapter15,Sections6-8 of Feller, we obtain ifj E 0 Aio(c) q-j= alEl(=-9,,Ai,,I(c) | or i E Awo(c) X"tEs>tA1(c) Yt tj for some t E{,.. xi, + E PrIX(O) =i 4op,(Van leading from i to some configuration io E M replaced by St. PrIX(O)= i}* qj =E k-~~~~~~ooi ., T, if i, jE Yt( forsomet E I1,. . .., T), if i E-- jEE t for some tE {1,.. . T, Using(7) we find lim Aioj(c) - ifj E Yt, jI reaches the ergodic set Yt. From( 11) we obtain,for a recurrentconfiguration Mopt. (13) 0 Consequently, limcjO(limk,0-Pr{X(k)= j) = 0 for any transientor nongloballyminimalrecurrent configurationj. In other words lim(lim Pr{X(k)E =opt = 1 c4O kk--oo (14) whereM'ptdenotesthe nonemptyset of globallyminimal recurrentconfigurations. Someof the conditionsforasymptoticconvergence, as, for instance,the infinitelengthof Markovchains, cannotbe met in practice.In any finite-timeimplementation,we thereforehave to make a choice with respectto eachof the followingparameters: * the lengthof the Markovchains, * the initialvalueof the controlparameter, * the decrementruleof the controlparameter, * the finalvalueof the controlparameter. Sucha choiceis usuallyreferredto as a coolingscheduleor an annealingschedule.The resultsin this paper have been obtainedby an implementationof simulated annealingthat employs the cooling schedule derivedby AartsandVan Laarhoven(1985a,b). This is a three-parameter schedule:The parametersXoand E.determinethe initialand finalvaluesof the control parameter,respectively,whereasthe decrementrule dependson a parameter6 in the followingway: ~Ck Ck+ I = (5 (15) ln(1 + 6)/3ck] whereckis the valueof the controlparameterfor the kth Markovchainand Sk is the standarddeviationof the cost valuesof the configurations obtainedby generatingthe kth Markovchain. 1 wherexit is the probabilitythat the Markovchain, startingfromthe transientconfigurationi, eventually ( 12) + [Ck * JobShopSchedulingby SimulatedAnnealing/ The decrementof Ck is such that the stationary distributions of two succeeding Markov chains approximatelysatisfy (Aarts and Van Laarhoven 1985a) I 1+ < qi(ck) <qi(ck+1) < k + 1,2,... foralliEM. (16) Thus,forsmallvaluesof 6,the stationarydistributions of succeedingMarkovchainsare"close"to eachother andwe thereforearguethat,afterdecreasingCkto Ck+l, a smallnumberof transitionssufficesto let the probabilitydistributionof the configurations approachthe new stationary distribution q(ck+1). Note that small values of 6 correspondto a slow decrementof the controlparameter. Finally,we choosethe lengthof eachMarkovchain, Lk, equalto the size of the largestneighborhood, i.e., Lk =max IX(i)I, iE R k= 1, 2, . . . . (17) We haveappliedsimulatedannealingbasedon this coolingscheduleto manyproblemsin combinatorial optimization(see, for example,Van Laarhovenand Aarts)and havefoundit extremelyrobustin that the final results are typicallywithin 2% of the global minimum,when 6 is chosen sufficientlylow (0.1 or smaller). Undersomemildassumptions,it is possibleto show that the aforementionedcooling scheduleleads to a of the simulatedannealingalgorithm time-complexity givenby &(,rLin I M I), wherer is the time involved in the generationand (possible)acceptanceof a transition and L is the size of the largestneighborhood (the lengthof the Markovchains)(Aaartsand Van Laarhoven1985a).If one worksout this boundfor a particularcombinatorialoptimizationproblem,it is usuallypolynomialin the sizeof theproblem.In those cases,we havea polynomial-time approximation algorithm.Such a resultwith respectto the efficiency of the algorithmis only worthwhilein combinationwith resultson its effectiveness, viz. on the differencein cost betweensolutionsreturnedby the algorithmand globallyminimal ones. From a theoreticalpoint of view, very little is known about the effectivenessof simulatedannealing,but there are many empirical results;see for instancethe extensivecomputational experimentsof Johnsonet al. (1989).Forthejob shop schedulingproblem,we presentan empiricalanalysis of the effectivenessandefficiencyof simulatedannealing in Section4, but firstthe applicationof simulated 117 annealingto the job shop schedulingproblemis discussedin moredetail. 3. SIMULATEDANNEALINGAND JOB SHOP SCHEDULING We recallfrom the previoussectionthat in orderto applysimulatedannealingto any combinatorialoptimization problem,we need a precisedefinitionof configurations,a cost functionand a neighborhood structure.Furthermore, to proveasymptoticconvergencewe mustshowthatthe neighborhoodstructure is suchthatforan arbitrary configurationi thereexists at leastone globallyminimalconfigurationio E Ropt that can be reachedfrom i in a finite numberof transitions.Hereinafter,we discuss these items in moredetail. 3.1. Configurations We recallfrom Section 1 that we can solve the job shop scheduling problem by consideringsets of machinepermutationsand by determining,for such a set of permutations,the longestpathin the digraph whichresultsfromgivingthe edgesin the disjunctive graphthe orientationsdeterminedby the permutations. We thereforedefine a configurationi of the problem as a set Hli = [7ri, ..., 7rim}Iof machine permutations.lrik is to be interpretedas the orderin whichthe operationson machinek are processed:If Mv = k for some v E &, then lrik(v) denotes the operationfollowingv on machinek. Consequently, the numberof configurationsis given by HlkmIMk!, whereMkis the numberof operationsto be processed by machine k(mk =I{v E &a Mv = k 1). 3.2. Cost Function For each configurationi we definethe followingtwo digraphs: Di = (V, A U Ei), where Ei= {(v, w) I{v, w) E E and rik(v) = w for some k E X1. (18) D,= (V, A UEi), where i= {(v, w) I{v, w) E E and Xrik(v) = w for some k EX,/I 1<l mk - l}. (19) In otherwords,Di is the digraphobtainedfrom the disjunctivegraphby givingthe edgesin E the orientations resultingfrom Hli;the digraphDi can be obtainedfrom D, by takingonly those arcsfrom E, that connect successive operations on the same 118 / VAN LAARHOVEN, AARTSANDLENSTRA machine.It is well knownthatthe longestpathsin Di and Di have equallength.Thus,the cost of a configurationi can be foundby determiningthe lengthof a longestpath from 0 to N + 1 in Di. To compute such a cost, we use a simple labeling algorithm, based on Bellman'sequations(Bellman 1958), for solvingthe longest-pathproblemin a digraph.The time-complexityof this algorithmis proportionalto the numberof arcs in the graph.In our case, this number equals IA I + IEij = (N + n) + (N - m); accordingly,the labelingalgorithmtakes 6(N) time to computethe cost of a configuration. 3.3. NeighborhoodStructure A transition is generated by choosing vertices v and w, such that: 1. v andw aresuccessiveoperationson somemachine k; 2. (v, w) E E, is a criticalarc, i.e., (v, w) is on a longest path in Di; andreversingthe orderin whichv andwareprocessed on machinek. Thus,in the digraphDi such a transition resultsin reversingthe arc connectingv and w and replacingthe arcs(u, v) and (w, x) by (u, w) and andx = (v, x), respectively,where u = 1ri1(v) krik(W). Our choice is motivated by two facts: * Reversing a critical arc in a diagraphDi can never leadto a cyclicdiagraphDj (see Lemma2). * If the reversal of a noncritical arc in Di leads to an acyclic graph Dj, a longest path q in Dj cannot be shorter than a longest path p in Di (because Dj still containsthe pathp). Thus, we exclude beforehand some noncost- to some globallyminimalconfiguration.In orderto do so, we needtwo lemmas. Lemma 1. Consideran arbitraryconfiguration i and an arbitrary globalminimumio E Mopt. If i 4 Mopt, thenthe set Ki(io)definedby Ki(io) = {e = (v, w) E Es I e is criticalA (w, v) E E11 (20) is not empty. Proof. The proofconsistsof two parts:First,we show that Ei always contains critical arcs, unless i E Mop,; next that thereare alwayscriticalarcsin Ei that do not belongto EiO unlessagaini E8 opt. 1. Supposethat Ei containsno criticalarcs,then all criticalarcsbelongto A. Consequently,a longest path consists of arcs connectingverticescorrespondingto operationsof the same job; accordingly,its lengthis givenby thetotalprocessingtime of thatjob. But this is a lowerboundto the length of a longest path in any digraphDa,hence i E Mpt. 2. Supposethat for all criticalarcs e in Ei, we have e E EiP.We then knowthat any longestpathp in Di is also a path q in Di,. The lengthof a longest pathr in DBo is also the lengthof a longestpathin and because io E Ropt, we have length(r) < Dio length(p).But by definition length(r)> length (q) = length(p). Consequently, length(p) = length(r)and i E Ropt. Lemma 2. Supposethat e = (v, w) E Ei is a critical arc of an acyclicdigraphDi. Let Dj be the digraph obtainedfromDi by reversingthe arc e in Ei. ThenDj is also acyclic. decreasingtransitions and, in addition, all transitions that might resultin a cyclic digraph.Consequently, the neighborhoodstructureis such that the algorithm visits only digraphscorrespondingto feasible solutions. The neighborhoodof a configurationi is thusgiven by the set of acyclicdiagraphsthatcan be obtainedby reversinga criticalarcbelongingto Ejin the graphDi. Consequently,IX(i) I < k=1 (Mk - 1) = N- m3.4. AsymptoticConvergence It is not difficult to construct a problem instance containing pairs of configurations(i, j) for which there is no finite sequence of transitions leading from i to j (Van Laarhoven).Thus,to proveasymptoticconvergence, we must show that for each configurationi thereis a finitesequenceof transitionsleadingfrom i Proof. SupposethatDjis cyclic.BecauseDi is acyclic, the arc(w, v) is partof the cyclein D>.Consequently, there is a path (v, x, y, . . ., w) in D>.But this path can also be found in Di and is clearlya longerpath from v to w than the arc (v, w). This contradictsthe assumptionthat (v, w) is on a longest path in Di. Hence,Dj is acyclic. Givena configurationio E Mopt, we definetwo sets for an arbitraryconfigurationi: Mi(io)= {e = (v, w) E Ei l(w, v) EG io} (21) Mi(io)= {e = (v, w) E Ei I (w, v) e EioJI (22) In view of Section 2, the followingtheorem now ensuresasymptoticconvergencein probabilityto a globallyminimalconfiguration. JobShopSchedulingby SimulatedAnnealing/ Theorem 1. For each configurationi (4opt it is possibleto constructa finite sequenceof transitions leadingfrom i to a globallyminimalconfiguration. Proof. We choosean arbitrary configuration ioE Mopt and construct a sequence of configurations Xo, XI, . . .} as follows: 1. X0=i. 2. Xk+I is obtained from e E Kxk(o) Xk by reversingan arc in EXk. According to Lemma 2, this can be done withoutcreatinga cyclein Dxk+,. Furthermore,this operationis of the aforementioned type of transition. It is easyto see thatif IJ1k(io) I > 0 then |MI.k+l(iO)I= |Ik(iO) I - 1. (23) Hence, for k = IM1(io)l, IMxk(io) I = 0. Using Ki(io)5 Mi(io)C M1(io),we find KXk(io)= 0 for k = 1. According to Lemma 1, this implies Mi(io) i Xk E Ropt* 4. COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS We have analyzedthe finite-timebehaviorof the simulatedannealingalgorithmempiricallyby running the algorithmon a numberof instancesof the job shopschedulingproblem,varyingin sizefromsixjobs on six machinesto thirtyjobs on ten machines.For all instances,the numberof operationsof each job equals the number of machinesand each job has preciselyone operationon eachmachine.In thatcase, the numberof configurations of eachinstanceis given by (n!)m,the labelingalgorithmtakes6(nm) time to computethe cost of a configuration,and the size of the neighborhoodof a configurationis boundedby m(n- 1). FIS1, FIS2 and FIS3 (Table I) are three problem instancesdue to Fisherand Thompson(1963), the fortyinstancesin TableIIaredueto Lawrence( 1984). FIS2 is a notorious10-job,10-machineinstancethat hasdefiedsolutionto optimalityformorethantwenty years.A coupleof yearsago, a solutionwith cost 930 was found after 1 hour 47 minutesof runningtime, and no improvementwas foundafter9 hours6 minutes(Lageweg1984).Thiscostvaluewasonlyrecently provedto be globallyminimalby Carlierand Pinson (1989).ForFIS1,FIS2andFIS3,theprocessingtimes of the operationsarerandomlydrawnandrangefrom 1 to 10 (FIS1)or to 99 (FIS2andFIS3)unitsof time. The sequenceof machinesfor each job is such that lower-numbered machinestend to be used for earlier 119 operations.For the Lawrenceinstances,processing times are drawnfrom a uniformdistributionon the interval[5, 99];the sequenceof machinesforeachjob is random. The performance of simulated annealing on theseinstancesis reportedin TableI for the FisherThompson instances, and in Table II for the Lawrenceinstances.The averagesin these tablesare computedfrom five solutions,obtainedby running the algorithm,controlledby the cooling schedule describedin Section 2, five times on each instance andrecordingthe bestconfiguration encounteredduring each run (this need not necessarilybe the final configuration).The probabilisticnatureof the algorithm makesit necessaryto carryout multipleruns on the sameprobleminstancein orderto get meaningfulresults. All resultsareobtainedwiththe parametersXoand e, set to 0.95 and 10-6,respectively,and for different valuesof the distanceparameter8. Runningtimesare CPU timeson a VAX-785. From TablesI and II we can make the following observations: 1. The qualityof the averagebest solutionreturned by the algorithmimprovesconsiderablywhen 8 is decreased.This is in accordancewith the theory underlyingthe employedcoolingschedule:smaller values of 8 correspondto a better approximation of the asymptoticbehavior(Aartsand Van Laarhoven1985a). Furthermore,the difference betweenthe averagebest solutionand a globally minimalone doesnot deteriorate with significantly increasingproblemsize.Forthe FIS2 instance,the fivebestsolutionsobtainedwith8 = 10-' havecost valuesof 930 (twice),934, 935, and 938, respectively.Thus,a globallyminimalsolutionis found 2 out of 5 times,whichis quitea remarkable result, consideringthe notorietyof this instance. 2. As for runningtimes, the bound for the running time given in Section 2 is ((nm)3 In n) (L = 6(nm), I II= 6((n!)m) andr = 6(nm)). Thus, for fixedm the boundis &(n3In n), and for fixedn it is (m'3).Forthe A, B and C instancesin TableII, for whichm is constant,the averagerunningtime T for 8 = 0.01 is approximatelygiven by t = to * n2215 In n, for some constantto (X2 = 1.00); fortheG, B andI instances,forwhichn is constant, the averagerunningtime for 8 = 0.01 is approxir matelygivenby T= t m2.406, for some constant t1 (x 2 = 1.00). Thus, the observedrunningtimes are in good accordancewith the bound given in Section2. 120 / VAN LAARHOVEN,AARTS AND LENSTRA Table I Results for ProblemInstancesof Fisherand Thompson(1963)" SimulatedAnnealing Problem C 6 6 machines,6 jobs FISi 10'1 tC ABZ T % at Cbt CA MSS t4A 1.3 0.0 1.82 0.00 8 52 1 8 55* 55* 55* 1 1,039.6 985.8 942.4 933.4 15.1 22.1 4.5 3.1 11.78 6.00 1.33 0.37 113 779 5,945 57,772 13 61 180 2,364 1,028 951 937 930* 930* 426 10-2 1,354.2 1,229.0 26.5 33.6 16.24 5.49 123 848 13 93 10-3 104 1,187.0 1,173.8 18.7 1.89 6,840 5.2 0.76 62,759 IterativeImprovement 389 7,805 1,173 1,165* a-t Gaist 10-2 10 machines,10jobs FIS2 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 56.0 55.0* CM tM - 946 494 20 machines,5 jobs FIS3 10-1 #C FISi FIS2 FIS3 803.2 9,441.2 5,221.0 55.4 1,018.2 1,331.4 UrC % t 0.8 9.1 9.5 0.73 9.48 14.28 52 5,945 6,841 Simulatedannealing: : the distanceparameter(smaller1-valuesimply slower 6 cooling); C, uc: the averagecost and standarddeviationof best solution over five runs; t, o? the averagerunningtime and standarddeviationover five runs(in seconds); Cbes, : the best cost found over five runs; So : the percentageof C over optimalcost. Iterativeimprovement: : the averagenumberof local minimaover five macroruns(see text); C, rc: the averagecost and standarddeviationof best solua In the remainderof this section we comparethe resultsobtainedwithourmethodwithresultsobtained withthreeothermethods,viz. * time-equivalent iterativeimprovement, * the shiftingbottleneckprocedure(Adams,Balasand Zawack),and * controlledsearchsimulatedannealing(Matsuo,Suh and Sullivan). 4.1. Time-Equivalent Iterative Improvement Table I also contains results obtainedby repeated executionof a time-equivalent iterativeimprovement algorithmbasedon the same neighborhoodstructure as our simulatedannealingalgorithm.It is basedon repeatedexecution of iterativeimprovement.The averagesfor the time-equivalentiterativeimprove- 0 0 0 1,325 1,184 1,178 40 55* 1,006 1,319 tion over five macroruns; the averagerunningtime and standarddeviationover five macroruns(in seconds); the best cost found over five macroruns; Cbes, the percentageof C over optimalcost. S Adams,Balasand Zawack(1988): : the best cost found; CA tA runningtime (in seconds). Matsuo,Suh and Sullivan(1988): CM the best cost found; tM runningtime (in seconds); * provablyoptimalcost. t, oS mentareobtainedfromfive macroruns.Eachmacrorun consists of repeatedexecution of the iterative improvementalgorithmfor a largenumberof randomlygeneratedinitialconfigurations andthusyields a largenumberof local minima. Executionof each macrorunis terminatedas soon as the runningtime is equal to the runningtime of an averagerun of simulatedannealingapplied to the same problem instancewith the distanceparameter6 set to i0-' (10-2for FIS1);C is the averageof the bestcost value foundduringeachmacrorun. We observe that repeatedexecution of iterative improvementis easily outperformedby simulated annealingfor the two largerproblems.The difference is significant:for FIS3, for instance,the averagebest solution obtainedby simulatedannealingis almost 11%betterin cost thanthe one obtainedby repeated executionof iterativeimprovement. JobShopSchedulingbySimulatedAnnealing/ 121 Table II Results for ProblemInstancesof Lawrence(1984)a ABZ SimulatedAnnealing Problem 6 10 machines,10jobs Al 1.0 0.1 0.01 CYc t St Ctst CA MSS tA CM tM 1023.4 981.0 966.2 30.6 17.3 10.1 26 110 686 1.5 17.1 83.3 991 956 956 978 120 959 78 A2 1.0 0.1 0.01 861.0 792.4 787.8 41.2 6.2 1.6 23 112 720 3.7 7.0 109.0 797 784 785 787 96 784 47 A3 1.0 0.1 0.01 902.6 872.2 861.2 30.9 12.4 0.4 23 112 673 1.6 22.1 69.0 870 861 861 859 112 848 53 A4 1.0 0.1 0.01 950.0 881.4 853.4 54.5 6.9 4.6 24 97 830 5.3 20.4 85.4 904 874 848 860 120 842 58 A5 1.0 0.1 0.01 1021.6 927.6 908.4 26.2 18.9 4.2 30 86 667 1.9 7.9 126.9 994 907 902 914 144 907 50 10 machines,15jobs BI 1.0 0.1 0.01 1176.2 1115.2 1067.6 37.8 23.9 3.7 69 299 1991 6.7 50.9 341.1 1133 1085 1063 1084 181 1071 103 B2 1.0 0.1 0.01 1125.6 977.4 944.2 35.6 19.5 4.7 65 307 2163 3.6 36.5 154.6 1094 963 938 944 210 927 92 B3 1.0 0.1 0.01 1155.8 1051.0 1032.0* 64.2 24.6 0.0 63 275 2093 5.6 35.8 89.7 1056 1032* 1032* 1032* 113 1032* 10 B4 1.0 0.1 0.01 1101.0 977.6 966.6 53.5 8.1 8.7 71 252 2098 5.0 28.5 406.0 1032 968 952 976 217 973 100 B5 1.0 0.1 0.01 1114.6 1035.4 1004.4 9.1 10.6 14.4 77 283 2133 16.9 44.3 374.5 1103 1017 992 1017 215 991 90 10 machines,20 jobs Cl 1.0 0.1 0.01 1397.0 1268.0 1219.0 69.1 9.7 2.0 139 555 4342 16.0 81.7 597.8 1311 1252 1218* 1224 372 1218* 27 C2 1.0 0.1 0.01 1434.2 1311.6 1273.6 40.0 12.7 5.2 139 651 4535 6.4 82.9 392.0 1390 1295 1269 1291 419 1274 143 C3 1.0 0.1 0.01 1414.6 1280.2 1244.8 57.8 23.6 15.4 135 614 4354 7.4 83.3 349.8 1335 1246 1224 1250 451 1216 153 C4 1.0 0.1 0.01 1387.4 1260.4 1226.4 47.0 35.4 6.5 138 581 4408 14.1 24.0 450.9 1307 1203 1218 1239 446 1196 134 C5 1.0 0.1 0.01 1539.2 1393.6 1355.0* 44.2 9.6 0.0 145 605 3956 20.6 84.4 428.2 1492 1381 1355* 1355* 276 1355* 4 122 / VAN LAARHOVEN,AARTSAND LENSTRA Table IT-Continued Results for ProblemInstancesof Lawrence(1984) Problem 6 C c t MSS ABZ SimulatedAnnealing t Cst CA tA CM tM 1Omachines,30 jobs 1.0 Dl 0.1 1882.2 1784.0* 39.3 0.0 442 1517 79.3 58.1 1821 1784* 1784* 19 - - D2 1.0 0.1 1921.4 1850.0* 35.3 0.0 492 1752 66.2 124.6 1868 1850* 1850* 15 - - D3 1.0 0.1 1761.8 1726.6 12.2 15.2 433 1880 40.4 130.8 1740 1719* 1719* 14 - - D4 1.0 0.1 1816.4 1775.6 27.7 38.4 470 1886 31.2 232.4 1788 1721* 1721* 11 - - D5 1.0 0.1 2011.2 1890.0 81.3 4.0 434 1668 34.6 107.9 1888* 1888* 1888* 11 - - 707.0 666.0* 666.0* 32.2 0.0 0.0 6 20 123 1.0 3.5 15.3 666* 666* 666* 666* 1 - - 5 machines,10jobs 1.0 Fl 0.1 0.01 F2 1.0 0.1 0.01 719.0 671.0 663.0 20.0 11.1 4.9 6 24 117 1.0 2.5 19.0 685 655* 655* 669 6 655* 2 F3 1.0 0.1 0.01 689.6 635.6 617.6 22.4 9.5 8.5 5 24 129 0.9 3.8 12.6 664 626 606 605 32 597 17 F4 1.0 0.1 0.01 665.4 617.2 593.8 56.9 20.5 2.1 6 21 121 0.9 5.2 15.9 608 594 590 593 23 590 17 F5 1.0 0.1 0.01 594.4 593.0* 593.0* 2.8 0.0 0.0 5 19 118 0.6 4.2 15.3 593* 593* 593* 593* 0 - - 5 machines,15jobs 1.0 GI 0.1 0.01 937.2 926.0* 926.0* 13.7 0.0 0.0 16 52 286 2.8 5.8 32.1 926* 926* 926* 926* 1 - - G2 1.0 0.1 0.01 948.6 900.6 890.0* 44.1 8.5 0.0 15 66 376 1.6 15.2 48.3 911 890* 890* 890* 1 - - G3 1.0 0.1 0.01 905.8 863.0* 863.0* 34.2 0.0 0.0 16 55 292 0.4 7.3 40.8 863* 863* 863* 863* 2 863* G4 1.0 0.1 0.01 965.2 951.0* 951.0* 20.0 0.0 0.0 13 47 283 1.0 5.9 25.9 951* 951* 951* 951* 0 - - G5 1.0 0.1 0.01 958.0* 958.0* 958.0* 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 45 243 1.6 2.0 42.3 958* 958* 958* 958* 0 - - 1 JobShopSchedulingby SimulatedAnnealing/ 123 Table II-Continued Results for ProblemInstancesof Lawrence(1984)a SimulatedAnnealing Problem 5 machines,20 jobs HI 1.0 0.1 0.01 t MSS ABZ C! Cbt CA tA CM tM 1229.6 1222.0* 1222.0* 14.7 0.0 0.0 32 108 627 3.9 17.2 18.4 1222* 1222* 1222* 1222* 1 - - H2 1.0 0.1 0.01 1042.8 1061.2 1039.0* 7.6 44.4 0.0 34 116 655 3.9 11.9 30.7 1039* 1039* 1039* 1039* 0 - - H3 1.0 0.1 0.01 1154.6 1150.0* 1150.0* 9.2 0.0 0.0 32 118 564 2.5 18.0 85.9 1150* 1150* 1150* 1150* 1 - - H4 1.0 0.1 0.01 1292.0* 1292.0* 1292.0* 0.0 0.0 0.0 27 93 462 1.7 20.6 21.8 1292* 1292* 1292* 1292* 0 - - H5 1.0 0.1 0.01 1299.8 1252.5 1207.0* 77.4 18.8 0.0 34 126 736 5.3 16.2 26.3 1207* 1233 1207* 1207* 2 - - 1487.6 1343.2 1300.0 40.4 30.2 7.8 152 785 5346 6.4 80.6 399.8 1450 1297 1293 1305 268 1292 312 15 machines,15jobs II 1.0 0.1 0.01 a ?c 6C I2 1.0 0.1 0.01 1580.2 1479.4 1442.4 38.3 28.8 5.7 173 757 5287 12.1 94.6 688.5 1523 1457 1433 1423 419 1435 289 I3 1.0 0.1 0.01 1422.2 1303.4 1227.2 28.3 30.5 8.2 173 713 5480 25.3 90.8 614.8 1376 1263 1215 1255 540 1231 336 I4 1.0 0.1 0.01 1408.6 1305.4 1258.2 44.4 27.5 5.2 186 673 5766 24.6 75.1 800.3 1348 1264 1248 1273 335 1251 330 I5 1.0 0.1 0.01 1399.8 1282.2 1247.4 60.2 15.5 9.9 162 745 5373 8.8 68.4 1066.4 1318 1254 1234 1269 450 1235 308 The legendfor this tableappearson the bottom of TableI. 4.2. The Shifting Bottleneck Procedure TablesI and II also containfor eachinstancethe cost value of the best solutionobtainedby Adams,Balas and Zawackwith theirshiftingbottleneckprocedure. Mostvaluesareobtainedby a secondheuristic,which embedsthe aforementionedslidingbottleneckprocedureandproceedsby partialenumerationof the solution space.The valuesforthe instancesF1, F5, G3 as wellas for the D and H instancesareobtainedby the slidingbottleneckprocedureonly. The corresponding runningtimes are obtainedby halvingthe running times in Adams,Balasand Zawack,since these correspondto a VAX-780. Adams, Balas and Zawack show their approachto be superiorto a numberof approachesbased on prioritydispatchingrules:The typicalimprovementis reportedto be between4% and 10%. Comparison of simulated annealing and the shiftingbottleneckprocedureleads to the following observations: 1. For those instancesfor which Adams,Balasand Zawackdo not find a globallyminimal solution (mainlythe A, B, C and I instancesin Table II), the runningtimes of simulatedannealingwith a = 0.1 and of the heuristicof Adams, Balas andZawackareof the sameorderof magnitude.In this case,the best solutionfoundby Adams,Balas betterthanthe average andZawackis considerably 124 / VAN LAARHOVEN, AARTSANDLENSTRA best solutionreturnedby simulatedannealingand as good as the best solutionfoundin five runsof simulatedannealing. Putting 6 = 0.01 makes simulatedannealing much slowerthan the heuristicof Adams, Balas and Zawack,but now theirbestsolutionis slightly worsethan the averagebest solutionof simulated annealingand considerablyworse than the best solutionin five runs of simulatedannealing(the typicalimprovementis between1 and 3%). 2. Forthe instancesforwhichthe heuristicof Adams, Balasand Zawackfinds a globallyminimalsolution,it outperforms simulatedannealing:Thelatter algorithmalsofindsglobalminima,buttakesmuch moretime to do so. Admittedly,theperformance of the shiftingbottleneck heuristicis liableto improveif it is allowedmoretime. Nevertheless,the resultsin TablesI and II indicate that simulatedannealingis a promisingapproachto job shop scheduling,as well as a robustone (cf. the small difference between C and Cbestin Tables I and II for 6 = 0.01) and certainlysuperiorto traditional approaches,suchas proceduresbasedon prioritydispatchingrules. 4.3. Controlled Search Simulated Annealing Finally, Tables I and II contain for a number of instancesthe cost valueof the best solutionobtained by Matsuo, Suh and Sullivanwith their controlled searchsimulatedannealingmethod.They use neighborhoodsconsistingof schedulesthatcan be obtained by several types of (multi)adjacencyinterchanges of operationsthat are critical for determiningthe makespan.Briefly,these neighborhoodsare obtained by augmentingthe relativelysimple neighborhoods usedin our approachby addingbetterschedulesthat are found by exploringthe structureof the problem at hand.Evidently,this makesthe approachless generalthan ours.As the tablesshow,this augmentation enhancesthe efficiencyof the algorithmbut not its the qualityof the finalsolutionremains effectiveness; roughlythe same. The running times for this approach,given in Tables I and II, are again obtainedby halvingthe times givenby Matsuo,Suh and Sullivan,since they also used a VAX-780computer.Comparisonof our simulatedannealingmethod with controlledsearch simulatedannealingyieldsthe followingconclusions. 1. For those instancesfor which Matsuo, Suh and Sullivando not find an optimum,our approach finds,on the average,solutionsof the samequality but at the cost of largercomputationalefforts. 2. For those instancesfor which an optimum was found, the controlledsearchsimulatedannealing method finds it in remarkablysmallerrunning times, even when comparedto the runningtimes usedby the shiftingbottleneckprocedure. 5. CONCLUSION We havediscusseda new approachto job shopscheduling based on a randomizedversion of iterative improvement.The probabilisticelementof the algorithm (the acceptanceof cost-increasingtransitions with a nonzeroprobability)makessimulatedannealing a significantlybetterapproachthan the classical iterativeimprovementapproachon whichit is based. Thedifferenceis especiallypronouncedforlargeproblem instances. For a numberof well-studiedproblemsin combinatorial optimization a comparisonof simulated annealingand tailoredheuristicsusuallyleadsto the conclusionthattailoredalgorithmsaremoreefficient and more effectivethan simulatedannealing:They find bettersolutionsin less time (see, for example, Van Laarhovenand Aarts,and Johnsonet al.). Interestingly,this does not seemto be entirelythe casefor job shopscheduling:Simulatedannealinghasa potential of finding shortermakespansthan the tailored heuristicof Adams,Balasand Zawack,at the cost of large runningtimes. 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