DEGREE PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CURRICULUM 2014-2017 (approved by the faculty council 27.3.2014, updated VAAM044, VAAM045 and VAAM051, VARS030, KTK0006, VARS034 faculty council 26.3.2015) CONTENT 1.1 THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES AND AIMS OF THE DEGREE PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION .......................................................................... 2 1.2 BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Pre-primary teacher training............................ 3 1.2.1 Scope and structure of the degree programme .................................... 3 1.3 COMPETENCE AIMS FOR BACHELOR'S DEGREE AND THEMES OF STUDY MODULES ......................................................................................................... 5 1.4 STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE .......................... 7 1.4.1 Language, communication and introductory studies 20 cr ..................... 7 1.4.2 Basic Studies in Education 25 cr ......................................................... 7 1.4.3 Subject studies in Early Childhood Education 50 cr (VKTAIN) ................. 9 1.4.4 Preparatory Studies in Professional Early Childhood and Pre-primary Education 60 op (VAAKOK) ........................................................................... 12 1.5 MASTER OF EDUCATION 120 cr ............................................................... 17 1.5.1 Teachers' Pedagogical Studies .......................................................... 20 1.6 CONTENTS OF THE STUDY MODULES IN THE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME 20 1.6.1 Communication studies 5 cr ............................................................. 20 1.6.2 Advanced studies in Early Childhood Education 80 cr (VKTSYV) ........... 21 DEGREE PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, CURRICULUM 2014-2017 1.1 THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES AND AIMS OF THE DEGREE PROGRAMME IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION The basic value of the degree programme in Early Childhood Education is, through education, research and societal service mission to promote the realisation of child welfare and children's rights in early childhood education, and in a larger scope, children's living conditions and social participation. The aim of the degree programme is to to train well-qualified academic professionals, pedagogical experts and researchers for the diversifying fields of education. In addition, the aim is to give the students the theoretical and practical abilities to work in various positions in the field of early childhood education. The training supports the students' development into active, critical and ethically responsible experts and researchers of childhood and early childhood education. The emphasis of the training is on the mastery and constant upholding and development of the multidisciplinary information basis of education. The curriculum is based on the Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004). Students will complete the Bachelor of Arts (Education) (180 cr) and Master of Arts (Education) (120 cr), major subject being Early Childhood Education. With full-time studies, it is possible to complete the bachelor's degree in three years, and master's degree in two years. Master of Arts (Education) is a basic degree which grants the students eligibility for postgraduate studies that lead to licentiate and doctoral degrees. Assessment of studies The assessment of studies is based on the degree regulations of the University of Jyväskylä: Basic studies in Education, subject and advanced studies in Early Childhood Education, as well as preparatory studies in professional early childhood and pre-primary education (60 cr), excluding teaching practice, are evaluated on the numerical scale 0-5. Basic studies in Education, subject and advanced studies in Early Childhood Education as well as preparatory studies in professional early childhood and pre-primary education are assessed separately on numerical scale 1-5. Master's thesis is not included in the average grade for advanced studies. The title and grade of the Master's thesis will be mentioned on the degree certificate. Studies completed abroad in an appropriate exchange programmes will be fully recognised in the Finnish university degree. In principle all the study modules in the Finnish curriculum, excluding theses, can be substituted with studies completed abroad. Teaching may also be given in English. The modes of study and teaching may, if necessary, be altered during the validity period of this curriculum. 1.2 BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Pre-primary teacher training 1.2.1 Scope and structure of the degree programme The major subject in the Bachelor of Arts (Education) (180 cr) degree is Early Childhood Education. The degree programme introduces students to the basics of early childhood education, and gives them the skills they need in order to follow the development and research of the discipline. The degree programme prepares the students for scientific thinking and work, and for applying the acquired knowledge at work. 's degree forms the basis for master's level studies. 75 cr of major subject studies in Early Childhood Education is required for the Bachelor degree. Major subject studies consist of basic studies in Education (25 cr) and subject studies in Early Childhood Education (50 cr), which includes Bachelor's Thesis (10 cr). Major subject studies include 15 credits of teaching practice that develops the students' educational expertise. In addition to the Bachelor degree, the student will be qualified as a kindergarten teacher. The degree emphasises the professionalism of early childhood education, especially in the context of daycare and pre-primary education. The training gives the students the theoretical and practical abilities to work as educators, directors and teachers in daycare and pre-primary education, as well as other areas of early childhood education. The Bachelor of Arts (Education) degree includes 25 credits of minor subject studies, which may consist of one basic studies module, or alternatively, other university studies. It is possible to include e.g. language and communication studies, studies completed abroad, and career studies in the minor subject studies. Language, communication and introductory studies Basic and advanced studies in early childhood education Preparatory studies in professional early childhood and pre-primary education Minor subject or elective studies 20 cr 75 cr 60 cr 25 cr Total 180 cr The structure of the degree programme is introduced in more detail in Table 1. Table 1. CONTENTS AND STRUCTURE OF THE BACHELOR OF ARTS (EDUCATION) DEGREE (180 cr) GENERAL STUDIES MAJOR SUBJECT STUDIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION MINOR SUBJECT STUDIES Language and communication studies, introductory studies 20 cr Basic studies in Education 25 cr Subject studies 50 cr (VKTAIN) KTKP010 Learning and Guidance 5 cr KTKO101 Introduction to University Studies 3 cr KTKP020 Education, Society and Change 5 cr VARA001 Play, Development and Learning 3 cr VARA002 Sociology of Childhood 4 cr VARA004 Interaction and Group Processes in Educational Communities 2 cr VARA016 Challenges in Welfare, Growing and Learning 3 cr VARA017 Pedagogical Expertise and Leadership3 cr KTKA010 Qualitative Research Methods 5 cr KTKA020 Quantitative Research Methods 5 cr VARA012 Bachelor's Thesis 10 cr VARA013 Maturity Test Preparatory studies in professional early childhood and pre-primary education 60 cr (VAAKOK) KTKO103 Introduction to Educational Sciences 2 cr KTKO104 Information and Communication Technology 3 cr KTKO105 Introduction to Statistical Research 2 cr XYHK001 Interactional Competence in the Educational Field 4 cr XRUK003/XRU0903 Svenska för förskolepedagoger 3 cr / Swedish for Educationalists XENK002 Academic Reading and Communication Skills 3 cr KTKP030 Competence and Expertise 5 cr KTKT040 Scientific Thinking and Knowledge 5 cr KTKP050 Interaction and Cooperation 5 cr Supervised teaching practice that develops the students' educational expertise VARA018 Basic Teaching Practice7 cr VARA019 Advanced Teaching Practice 8 cr AND Minor subject or elective studies 25 cr 1.3 COMPETENCE AIMS FOR BACHELOR'S DEGREE AND THEMES OF STUDY MODULES COMPETENCE AIMS Knowledge Students learn the philosophical, psychological and sociological basics of early childhood education. They will be familiar with the development of small children and main learning theories. They will know the social and cultural basis of childhood, and the main contents of the pedagogy of early childhood education. They will understand work organisations and multiprofessionalism. Students will master the terminology of education. They will know the main research traditions of early childhood education, and the main methods of data collection. Students will identify their own conceptions of learning and information. Students will know the legislation that guides their work, and the documents that guide planning. Skills Students will identify their own conceptions of education. Students will be aware of the characteristics of their own interaction. Students will have skills related to curricula and planning. Students will have the skills to support a child's growth and development, and the skills to implement activity that is suitable for various ages and different learners. Students will be prepared for the role of an investigative teacher, and they will have the basic skills needed in writing a small-scale study. Students will able to analyse, argue and critically reflect on both their own agency and that of their work community. Students will identify and understand the significance of quality work. Competence Students will have the skills needed in keeping their knowledge up to date. The development of their agency will be based on research information and evaluation. Students will be capable of multiprofessional cooperation. They will be future-oriented. Students will be able to interact with different kinds of children and adults, and give and receive feedback. They will be capable of making value choices in education. Students will have the linguistic professionalism required in various environments. They will also master the terminology used in the research of early childhood education. Students will have the language skills required of an official, and know the concepts of early childhood education in other languages as well. The study modules are grouped under different themes. Themes are formed in such a manner, that through them students will learn the profession, duties and operational environments of a kindergarten teacher. With these themes the main contents of the degree programme are brought together into multidisciplinary entities that share a common core. Theme 1. Orientation to kindergarten teacher's work and its context Students will be introduced to kindergarten teacher's work, and its value and information basis. They will construct their basic knowledge of • the basics of education • children's growth, development, learning and growing environment • Finnish childhood, daycare and education system • early childhood education as a discipline, and the pedagogical basis of early childhood education • arts and physical education. Theme 2. Child-centered and planned directing of growth and learning Students will be introduced to child-centered planning and implementing of activity. They will enhance their knowledge of • Early Childhood Education • children's growth, development and learning • the contents and policies of pre-primary education • observation, planning, evaluation and directing • teamwork and interactional skills • arts and physical education and their pedagogy Theme 3. Joint responsibility in constructing a good childhood Students will understand the significance of joint responsibility in constructing a good childhood, and will be able to act as a pedagogical experts of early childhood education. They will enhance their knowledge of • child-centered pedagogical agency • comprehensive planning, evaluation and documentation • family and educational partnership • cooperative networks • research process and scientific thinking especially from the point of view of early childhood education The main goal of teaching practice is to link theory and practice in such a manner that students gain an experiential base for continuous learning and professional growth. The starting point is their individual development and learning process, which is supported by the guidance in teaching practice, as well as the themes of the programme with their contents and timings. In the teaching practices students acquire skills for planning, implementing and evaluating the educational process from the viewpoint of a child's needs, in cooperation with the entire work community. Students learn to work in multiprofessional work communities as part of larger cooperative networks. 1.4 STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE 1.4.1 Language, communication and introductory studies 20 cr KTKO101 INTRODUCTION TO UNIVERSITY STUDIES AND DRAWING UP AN INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN KTKO103 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES KTKO104 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY KTKO105 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL RESEARCH XYHK001 INTERACTIONAL COMPETENCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL FIELD XRUK003/XRU0903 SWEDISH FOR EDUCATIONALISTS / WRITTEN, SPOKEN 3 cr XENK002 ACADEMIC READING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1.4.2 - Basic Studies in Education 25 cr On completion of Basic Studies in Education students will: have a clear conception of pedagogical phenomena from different theoretical and practical viewpoints identify their experiences, conceptions, feeling and modes of action in interaction be able to explore the construction of expertise in the educational field be able to analyse educational phenomena scientifically KTKP010 LEARNING AND GUIDANCE Learning outcomes: On completion of this course students will be able to - examine life-long learning and guidance in various situations and consider their own experiences with the help of scientific concepts - identify central viewpoints in scientific research on the study of learning (different conceptions of learning, their ideas and pedagogical consequences) - see the range and diversity of learning environments - examine learning environments and processes from the learner’s viewpoint - analyse the principles and practices of differentiated teaching - use different learning assessment methods KTKP020 EDUCATION, SOCIETY AND CHANGE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will be able to - recognise how education manifests itself, on the one hand, as a component of social structures and practices, and on the other hand, as a force changing these structures and practices - - examine the cultural, economic, political and social phenomena associated with the socialisation process, as well as educational and training institutions, by making use of concepts and theories in educational sociology identify the social phenomena related to childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and the changes that have taken or are taking place in them KTKP030 COMPETENCE AND EXPERTISE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will - be able to identify various viewpoints into the study of expertise - be able to describe expertise as a phenomenon with the help of scientific concepts - be able to critically examine their own views of professionalism, and enhance them from the point of view of research - identify their role as active constructors of expertise - have basic knowledge of of the progress of children's socio-emotional and cognitive development, and the development of their personality - recognise children's individual characteristics and differences in temperament - be able to construct a basis for educational thinking based on knowledge of children - support a child's development - be able to examine environments of early childhood education from the point of view of child welfare KTKP040 SCIENTIFIC THINKING AND KNOWLEDGE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will be able to - identify the principles underlying everyday thinking and scientific thinking, and the differences between them - examine basic epistemological and gnoseological assumptions underlying research studies - evaluate their own beliefs about knowledge and reality - describe the main methodological lines and various research lines in educational research - pick out the central information from research studies and interpret it - construct their own expertise on the basis of research studies and carrying out research KTKP050 INTERACTION AND COOPERATION Learning outcomes: Competence and cooperation is a phenomenon that studies people in relations to each other. On completion of this course students will be able to - observe different interactional situations, analyse them from selected viewpoints and examine the feelings aroused by them in themselves - listen to others and express themselves articulately - examine the individual as a group member and the construction of group dynamics and sense of community - apply their interactional understanding and skills in conflict situations 1.4.3 Subject studies in Early Childhood Education 50 cr (VKTAIN) The subject studies of Early Childhood Education broaden and deepen the knowledge, skills and competence acquired from the basic studies. Upon completion of subject studies in Early Childhood Education students will - understand the main theories of children's development and learning comprehend the social and cultural basis of childhood and early childhood education be able to base their own agency on children's rights and factors related to child welfare understand group phenomena in work communities, and have the interactional skills required at work have mastered the terminology used in the research of early childhood education be able to acquire, evaluate and apply scientific knowledge of early childhood education be familiar with the main research traditions and data acquisition methods of early childhood education, and be able, under instruction, to write a small-scale scientific study be able to plan, implement and evaluate action that aims to comprehensively support a child's growth and learning be able to evaluate and reflect their own theory-in-use of directing children and adults VARA001 PLAY, DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - know the main theories of development - be able to apply theories of development to the construction of their own theory-in-use, and to the different questions of learning and directing - be familiar with the main theories of play, and the developmental phases of play - understand the importance of play in children's the development and learning, and in the interaction between children VARA002 SOCIOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - understand the basis and concepts of sociology of childhood - examine the phenomena related to childhood as part of social change, and understand their significance in children's lives - collect relevant information from scientific articles and apply it to the examination of childhood and changes in childhood - define the characteristics of modern childhood, and apply their knowledge of sociology to their expertise of early childhood education VARA004 INTERACTION AND GROUP PROCESSES IN AN EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - will have enhanced their self-knowledge and interactional skills - understand phenomena of group dynamics - be able to examine work community as a developing organisation - recognise the relation between the workings of an organisation and the welfare of a work community VARA016 CHALLENGES IN WELFARE, GROWTH AND LEARNING Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - have basic knowledge of children's psychological welfare and mental health, as well as problems in abnormal development and learning - be able to examine the challenges in child welfare, development and learning from the point of view of individual and environmental factors, and interaction - be able to recognise children's typical challenges in welfare, development and learning, and be able to support children VARA017 PEDAGOGICAL EXPERTISE AND LEADERSHIP Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - analyse the idea of professionalism in early childhood education, and know the various factors that affect the development of professionalism on both individual and community level, and understand the importance of multifaceted evaluation and feedback in this process - recognise the basic responsibilities of pedagogical leadership and the challenges in early childhood education - examine the development of a work community, development of pedagogical work, and leading them from various points of view - identify the philosophical and theoretical basis of their own pedagogical agency, and derive from them the principles that direct their educational work - develop their pedagogical expertise through reflection, evaluation and cooperation with other agents Research method studies in subject studies 10 cr Research method studies are divided into the basics of quantitative and qualitative research. The study modules introduce main research methods of the field, and focus especially on the practice of collecting research material. The study modules give the methodological skills for completing bachelor's thesis. • • KTKA010 Qualitative Research Methods 5 cr KTKA020 Quantitative Research Methods 5 cr Bachelor's thesis studies 10 cr Bachelor's Thesis studies are made up of small-group studying and independent work. The guidance and supervision included in these studies is intended to support the student in completing a Bachelor's Thesis or proseminar study. Students are recommended and encouraged to choose the topic of their Bachelor's Thesis from among the faculty's areas of strength or on-going research projects. VARA012 PROSEMINAR AND BACHELOR'S THESIS Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to retrieve and apply scientific literature related to the topic of their - research understand the research process and the different phases of research apply methods of scientific research in retrieving and analysing data write small-scale scientific study draw up a research report following the principles of scientific communication argue their own choices and evaluate those of others in scientific discussion VARA013 MATURITY TEST SUPERVISED TEACHING PRACTICE THAT DEVELOPS EDUCATIONAL EXPERTISE VARA018 BASIC TEACHING PRACTICE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - identify children's different growing environments, different operational environments of daycare, and the multifaceted characteristics of a kindergarten teacher's work - observe and recognise the significance and promote a child's development, individuality and peer group - observe, plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical action - understand the importance and contents of long and short term planning - identify the underlying thought and agency models philosophy, developmental psychology and learning theory in education - work in constructive interaction with children and members of the workteam - reflect upon their professional development VARA019 ADVANCED TEACHING PRACTICE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - use the physical, psychological, social and societal factors of the early childhood education environment as a starting point of pedagogical planning and agency - plan, implement and evaluate activity, in which the goal is comprehensiveness and pedagogical continuum, supporting children's growth and learning, and educational partnership - deepen and make use of their pedagogical expertise as a team member - understand the responsibility of a kindergarten teacher in the upholding of pedagogical discourse in a multiprofessional work community, and be able to direct pedagogical development work - evaluate and deepen their own theory-in-use through constant reflecting with the help of their theoretical and practical knowledge 1.4.4 Preparatory Studies in Professional Early Childhood and Pre-primary Education 60 op (VAAKOK) Upon completion of the preparatory studies in professional early childhood and pre-primary education students will - know the legislation that guides their work, and the documents and ethical principles that guide planning - be able to apply the main developmental and learning theories in their educational work - be familiar with the main contents of early childhood pedagogy and recognise their significance to a child's growth - understand the significance of arts and physical education to the equitable development, growth and learning of a child - understand the significance of play as main activity of children, and be able to use play as educational activity - be able to plan, implement and evaluate activity together with children and work community, and to integrate various contents into their activity - be able to work in educational cooperation with parents and other cooperative partners - be able to reflect on and develop their own activity as well as that of their work community Pedagogical content studies in early childhood and pre-primary education VAAM033 Ethical Basis of Early Childhood Education VAAM023 Child-centered Pedagogy VAAM034 Multicultural Education and Teaching VAAM003 Evaluation of Learning Readiness and Special Support in Early Childhood Education VAAM044 VAAM045 VAAM050 VAAM006 VAAM051 VAAM052 VAAM053 Pedagogy of Pre-primary Education Primary Education Linguistic Development and First Language Nature and Environment Mathematics Science and Technology Education Media culture 2 cr 7 cr 2 cr 5 op 5 cr 2 cr 3 cr 3 cr 2 cr 2 cr 2 cr Pedagogy of arts and physical education VAAM011 Art Education VAAM012 Music Education VAAM013 Physical Education VAAM016 Drama Education VAAM014 Children's Literature VAAM054 Arts and Physical Education in Primary Education 3 cr 4 cr 3 cr 2 cr 3 cr 4 cr Cooperative networks in early childhood education VAAM028 Educational Partnership VAAM055 Multiprofessional Work Community 3 cr 3 cr PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT STUDIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD AND PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION VAAM033 ETHICAL BASIS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Learning outcome: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the basic concepts of ethics and the theories of the discipline - be able to consider the moral and ethical questions of early childhood education - be able to define the ethical basis for the implementation of early childhood education - be able to examine the principles of professional ethics and construct a professional value basis VAAM023 CHILD-CENTERED PEDAGOGY Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - understand a small child and be familiar with their world - know the concepts of child-centered pedagogy, as well as the various methods and pedagogical principles of early childhood education - deepen their knowledge of the significance of play as the main activity of children, and in a child's development, construction of peer relations and learning - understand the importance of basic care and daily schedule in relation to the children's well-being, and as a pedagogical starting point - observe children using various methods of observation - be able to plan activity for small groups, direct children's play and play as a pedagogical method applying the principles of child-centered pedagogy - be able to evaluate the planned and implemented activity, and use their evaluation as a tool in their own professional growth, and apply what they have learned in new situations - know the most common children's diseases, and have basic skills in first aid VAAM034 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AND TEACHING Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be able to examine education and daycare from the point of view of multicultural children, and be able to work with multicultural children - be able to plan and implement activity that promotes equality and is culturally relevant - be familiar with the basic concepts of multicultural teaching and education - be able to make multicultural education and teaching the starting point of their work VAAM003 EVALUATION OF LEARNING READINESS AND SPECIAL SUPPORT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - know the evaluation process of learning and school readiness, and the planning of individualised teaching, and the options for starting school - know the evaluation methods, practices and basis for the need for special support, and the programmes of special support - understand the challenges of learning and the starting points and possibilities of supporting children - understand the significance of contextuality, child- and familycenteredness, multidisciplinarity and multiprofessionalism in evaluation, planning and implementing special support - know the processes and principles of planning special support for early childhood education and pre-primary education VAAM044 PRE-PRIMARY PEDAGOGY Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - know the documents that direct pre-primary education, and the special characteristics of the learning and teaching a child in pre-primary education - be able to direct the learning process of a child in pre-primary education (observation, planning, directing and evaluation) - be able to develop the curriculum as a process VAAM045 PRIMARY EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the curriculum for 1st and 2nd grades in primary education - be able to examine the curriculum process as a continuum for early childhood, pre-primary and primary education VAAM050 LINGUISTIC DEVELOPMENT AND FIRST LANGUAGE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - have know the basics of normal linguistic development of a child, linguistic awareness and teaching first language on pre-primary level - be able to support a child's linguistic development with various methods, and have the knowledge needed in first language teaching on pre-primary level as well as teaching Finnish as a second language VAAM006 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - will know the goals, contents and methods of education for sustainable living, especially in early childhood education - be able to plan, implement and evaluate education for sustainable living in both natural and cultural environments - be able to use and apply the aforementioned knowledge and skills in the implementing of education for sustainable living in early childhood education VAAM051 MATHEMATICS Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - know the basics of the development of a child's early mathematical thinking and mathematical concepts - know the factors that affect mathematical learning difficulties - be able to evaluate and direct the developing of children's mathematical skills and abilities, and prevent learning difficulties - be able to pedagogically utilise the learning environments of early childhood education and support a child's mathematical development VAAM052 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will - have the knowledge and skills needed in directing children's activity that is investigative, innovative and oriented in problem-solving, as well as directing the development of their thinking - be able to apply playfulness and methods based on observation, experiment and learning by doing in their work VAAM053 MEDIA CULTURE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will - be familiar with current children's media culture - be familiar with the content of different media and how it is produced - be able to direct the development of children's media reading skills PEDAGOGY OF ARTS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION VAAM011 ART EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - know the essential expression methods of art, and be able to apply them when planning activity suitable for early childhood education - be able to identify the characteristics of early artistic expression and be familiar with its development - be able to analyse and evaluate art and its phenomena in a manner suitable for early childhood education VAAM012 MUSIC EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with children's musical development and expression - understand the significance of music and music education as part of a child's overall development - know the main methods of music pedagogy, and how to apply them in early childhood education - be able to plan, implement and evaluate musical activity with children - be encouraged to create a musical learning environment for and with children - be familiar with the basics of ecological voice control as a part of the voice ergonomics of a kindergarten teacher's work, be able to apply the basic principles of ecological voice control - know the basics of reading music VAAM013 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the development of children's motor skills and the goals of physical education - know the contents of the guidelines for physical education - be able to observe the development of a child's motor skills - know the methods of directing physical education - be able to plan and direct physical exercise for children both indoors and outdoors - understand the significance of sports and physical education in children's welfare - be able to create an operational environment for children that facilitates physical education VAAM016 DRAMA EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the theoretical points of view of drama education - recognise their own expression skills and be familiar with the methods of drama education - plan, direct and evaluate the use of drama in early childhood education VAAM014 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the various genres of children's literature - be familiar with the basics of the research of children's literature - be able to implement literary education in manner in keeping with the child's age and level of development VAAM054 ARTS AND PSYCIAL EDUCATION IN PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - understand the significance of arts and physical education to the equitable development, growth and learning of a child - be able to apply and integrate the contents and methods of arts, music, physical education and children's literature in pre-primary education COOPERATIVE NETWORKS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION VAAM028 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the basis and methods of educational cooperation and partnership implemented with parents - recognise different kinds of families and their challenges in the modern world - understand the everyday life of families and parenthood, and understand their significance to the construction of a child's well-being - will be able to examine educational partnership from the point of view of families, daycare and child, and be able to implement educational cooperation and encountering different kinds of parents VAAM055 MULTIPROFESSIONAL COOPERATION Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - understand the basics of multiprofessional cooperation - be familiar with The Child Welfare Act - be familiar with the main services system for children and families - recognise their own expertise, and be able to work in various multiprofessional networks together with other experts as well as children and families 1.5 MASTER OF EDUCATION 120 cr The scope of the Master of Arts (Education) degree is 120 credits, and the major subject for students is Early Childhood Education. The goal of the degree programme is to give students the theoretical and practical skills required in the work of an expert in the research, evaluation and development of early childhood education. The training prepares students for work as pedagogical leaders and experts in the teaching and training in the field. Students also learn the necessary skills for further academic studies. Master's degree studies are based on the Bachelor's degree studies, in which subject studies must be completed with the minimum grade of good. Master's degree studies include advanced studies in Early Childhood Development, which are divided into content studies in Early Childhood Education, supervised teaching practice that develops the students' educational expertise, research method studies and thesis studies. The scope of advanced studies is 80 credits, which includes Master's Thesis (30 cr). The completion of teacher's pedagogical studies that were a part of the Bachelor's degree may be included in the advanced studies of the major subject. The scope of the supervised teaching practice that develops the students' educational expertise is 10 credits. The goal of the teaching practice is to support the content choices of the students' major subject studies and to enhance their educational expertise. The teaching practice may be completed in various tasks and operational environments, following the plan approved by the unit. Master's degree includes 35 credits of minor subject studies. These can consist of subject studies in one subject, or basics studies and other university studies. Studies in Special Education (40 cr) may be included in the master's degree as a minor subject. Subject studies in Education/Adult Education or pedagogical studies of adult education (APO) can also be included in the master's degree as a minor subject, however, it is recommended that students choose the minor subject from other disciplines. COMPETENCE AIMS FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE Knowledge Students understand the main phenomena in early childhood education, as well as the concepts and methods of their own discipline, and are able to base their own independent thinking, development and research on them. Students are familiar with the latest research knowledge in their field, and are able to use it in the critical analysis of the main questions of related fields, and their connections to early childhood education. Students have constructed the information basis for deepening their own professional expertise. Skills Students acquire versatile skills in problem solving required for research and/or development work in producing new information and methods and combining information from various fields. Students have the skills necessary for deepening their critical thinking. Students are capable of leading and directing pedagogical processes. They have command of the scientific communication in their own field of expertise. Competence Students are capable of independently producing and applying new information in their own field of expertise. They can operate as pedagogical experts and be responsible for gathering further information and methods in their own field of expertise. Students are able to lead, evaluate and develop early childhood educational work in versatile environments. They have the skills required for participating in the social debate in their own field of expertise. They are capable of international communication and interaction. They have the skills needed for continuous learning and development, and for further scientific studies. Table 2. STRUCTURE OF THE MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION) DEGREE (120 CR) COMMUNICATION STUDIES 5 cr ADVANCED STUDIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 80 cr (VKTSYV) MINOR SUBJECT STUDIES 35 cr Content studies 20 cr XKVK004 Research Communication in Early Childhood Education 3 cr (Master's level) XPVK003 Interactional Competence for Experts in Early Childhood Education 2 cr (Master's level) Study module common to all (5 cr): VARS030 Expertise and Leading an Organisation 5 cr Subject studies 35 cr OR Three study modules of the following (15 cr): Leadership and development VARS031 Pedagogical Leadership and Quality Management 5cr KTKS150 Educator's Ethics and Ethics in Education 5 cr Children and childhood VARS032 Multicultural Childhood 5 cr VARS033 Institutions of Childhood 5 cr VARS034 Children's Action and Agency 5 cr VARS035 Risk and Protective Factors of Development and Early Support 5 cr EDUS330 Inclusive education and participation in the early years 5 cr Early childhood education pedagogy VARS002 Living Curriculum 5 cr VARS005 Play as Children's Culture and Learning Eovironment 5 cr VARS036 Pedagogical Operational Enviroments 5 cr VARS037 Documentation 5 cr Teaching Practice 10 op VARS012 Expertise in Early Childhood Education: Teaching Practice 10 cr Research Method Studies in Advanced Studies 10 cr KTKS010–KTKS029 Qualitative Research methods KTKS030–KTKS049 Quantitative Research Methods Thesis Studies 40 cr VARS014 Thesis Seminar I 5 cr VARS015 Thesis Seminar II 5 cr VARS016Master's Thesis 30 cr VARS017 Maturity Test Basic studies 25 cr and 10 cr other university studies 1.5.1 Teachers' Pedagogical Studies The scope of teachers' pedagogical studies is 60 credits, and they are included in the major subject studies of Early Childhood Education. 35 credits of the pedagogical studies is included in the Bachelor's Degree, which also qualifies students as kindergarten teachers, and 25 credits are included in the Master's degree. On completion of the studies students will be qualified as teachers. The prerequisite for this is Master's degree. Other prerequisites for qualifications, such as mastery of the subject taught, vary from one institution to the other (see Decree on the qualifications for teachers). 1.6 CONTENTS OF THE STUDY MODULES IN THE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME 1.6.1 Communication studies 5 cr XKVK004 RESEARCH COMMUNICATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (Master's level) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - apply the skills and knowledge acquired during in the writing of their Master's Thesis - write their thesis in such a manner that its character and purpose, as well as structure and content follow the guidelines set by the department - give and receive feedback on their own text XPVK003 INTERACTIONAL SKILLS FOR EXPERTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (Master's level) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - recognise the interactional skills required in the work of a pedagogical expert, and develop their interactional competence - understand the significance of interaction in problem solving, decision making and interaction in multiprofessional and multicultural teams - understand the significance of interaction and interactional competence in promoting well-being at work, and recognise the main factors related to well-being in the interaction of a work community 1.6.2 Advanced studies in Early Childhood Education 80 cr (VKTSYV) Upon completion of advanced studies students will - be able to understand the phenomena of early childhood education through scientific concepts and base their knowledge and understanding on current and internationally recognised research information - be able to recognise and solve research and development problems in the field of early childhood education based on research information, with due regard for the ethical and social impact of the solutions - acquire the skills and expertise required in the support and direction of the learning and development that takes place in educational institutions - be able to report on a dataset independently following scientific conventions, and write a research study on a topic from the field of early childhood education - have command of the skills necessary for oral and written communication, and be capable of international interaction in their own field of expertise - have the necessary skills to undertake further scientific studies Content studies 20 cr The aim of the advanced content studies is to enhance the students' competence in developing early childhood education and teaching. The students obtain the skills needed in working as initiators and leaders in development processes implement in various multiprofessional teams. Students adopt an investigative working method, and strengthen their identities as developers. Students may include 5 credits of other advanced studies offered by the Faculty of Education in the elective advanced content studies section of their individual study plans. Study module common to all: VARS030 EXPERTISE AND LEADING AN ORGANISATION (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be able to define and clarify their developing expert's identity in the changing contexts of working life - be familiar with various theories of leadership and the latest approaches to leadership - be familiar with the guidance system of early childhood education, and various forms of guidance (legislation, documents and ethical guidelines) - be able to draw up an individual study plan for their own advanced studies KTK0006 STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - describe legislation related to education - apply the legislation relevant to the teaching position corresponding to their own level of education - use the Finlex programme Elective content studies (three courses required) VARS031 PEDAGOGICAL LEADERSHIP AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT(ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with the main concepts and theories of pedagogical leadership and factors related to pedagogical development, basic concepts of quality management and implementation process - be able to analyse the contents and challenges of pedagogical leadership in an educational community - be able to evaluate and develop early childhood education work, and to direct the pedagogical action and learning of educational teams KTKS150 EDUCATOR'S ETHICS AND ETHICAL EDUCATION (ped.) 2Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - define the main concepts, theoretical viewpoints and principles of an educator's professional ethics, - examine human rights and the underlying principles, and apply them to ethically sustainable education - evaluate various approaches to ethical education and apply them to their own work - critically evaluate their own principles of professional ethics and main values as well as their own understanding of educatorship VARS032 MULTICULTURAL CHILDHOOD (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - identify multicultural phenomena related to childhood - analyse multiculturalism using theoretical concepts - recognise and evaluate their own actions and their significance in pedagogical situations and work communities - apply their knowledge to multicultural education VARS033 CHILDHOOD INSTITUTIONS (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - understand the theoretical basis and concepts of the research on childhood institutions - be able to critically examine various childhood institutions - understand the significance of childhood institutions to the formation of childhood in society - be able to apply their knowledge to the development of early childhood education institutions and children's position in them VARS034 CHILDREN'S ACTION AND AGENCY (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - understand the concepts related to the study of children's social world - be able to examine the phenomena of childhood and the relations between the phenomena - understand the significance of children's actions and agency as part of the construction of childhood - be familiar with the latest research knowledge in the field and be able to apply it in their own educational expertise EDUS330 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATION IN THE EARLY YEARS (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - master the theoretical concepts of inclusive approach and participation in early childhood education - know the basic themes in organizing and evaluating inclusive early education services - apply this knowledge in carrying out pedagogical leadership tasks VARS035 RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT AND EARLY SUPPORT (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - analyse the main mechanisms, which have effect on children´s development and their interaction - know the main theoretical concepts of development, developmental risk factors and early identification and support - evaluate the principles and tools of how to support children´s development - know the ways of early intervention through the scientific concepts - make a plan how to support children´s development VARS002 LIVING CURRICULUM (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course student will - be familiar with theories of curriculum, especially from the point of view of drawing up a curriculum, and leading a curriculum process - be able to apply this knowledge from various points of view (plans per child, group, unit, commune) - be able, as a pedagogical expert, to lead and direct the curriculum process and take responsibility for developing early childhood education VARS005 PLAY AS CHILDREN'S CULTURE AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (ped. Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - interpret and evaluate theories of play and research studies on play - analyse play as both children's own activity and content, and a method of early childhood education - observe, analyse, direct and study play - observe and analyse children's play culture VARS036 PEDAGOGICAL OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - have command of the theoretical basis and concepts related to pedagogical operational environments - understand the significance of pedagogical operational environment to the quality of early childhood education - be able to analyse the construction of pedagogical operational environments as both communal and social action - be able to apply their skills to developing pedagogical operational environments VARS037 DOCUMENTATION (ped.) Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - understand the significance of documentation to early education institutions, children and childhood, and parents and legal guardians - analytically examine various documentation practices - examine and analyse and the relations between documentation and evaluation - analyse the professional requirements and challenges of documentation Teaching practice 10 cr VARS012 TEACHING PRACTICE: Expertise in early childhood education Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will - be familiar with adult learning - be able to teach and direct adults - have the abilities needed for developmental work in early childhood education and be familiar with the administration in early childhood education - have developed their own teaching philosophy and enhanced their expertise in the field of early childhood education Research method studies in advanced studies 10 cr Students enhance their knowledge of research methods, and have the command of research methods required for Master's Thesis. Students are offered various courses in qualitative, quantitative as well as theoretical and historical methods. Students choose three courses, including minimum one from qualitative research methods, and one from quantitative research methods. The third course in research methods is elective. Students may also make arrangements with their thesis instructor, that a written report on a research method that supports the writing of their master's thesis will be recognised as one of the required courses. Master's Thesis studies 40 cr Thesis studies consist of studying in small groups and independent work. The guidance and supervision included in these studies is intended to support the student in producing the Master's Thesis. Students are recommended and encouraged to choose the topic of their Master's Thesis from among the faculty's areas of strengths and on-going research ( Students' progress with the thesis is helped if they concentrate their content studies in line with these areas of strength and time their research method studies to coincide with thesis seminars. VARS014 THESIS SEMINAR I Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - independently retrieve information relevant to the phenomenon they are researching - limit the phenomenon under investigation and define the theoretical and conceptual starting points of their thesis - define and present their research questions or problems so that their thesis falls within the faculty's area of strength - draw up a research plan - participate in scientific discussion and argumentation VARS015 THESIS SEMINAR II Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to - implement and argue the methodological choices of their thesis in line with their theoretical and conceptual basis - produce a written report of the study - participate in scientific discussion VARS016 MASTER'S THESIS Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the study module students will - be capable of producing an empirical or theoretical research study on a topic in the educational sciences have the skills required for scientific thinking, applying research methods and scientific communication VARS017 MATURITY TEST (for Master's Degree Programme) Learning outcomes: In the Maturity Test students demonstrate - that they have a thorough grasp of the content areas of their Master's thesis and are able to present them concisely - that they have mastery of the basic structure of a research study abstract and of academic writing