Single-particle motion • Plasma is a collection of charged particles under the influence of electromagnetic fields. The sources of the fields can be either external or internal to the plasma. • Before moving on to studying the collective phenomena in a plasma, it is useful to get familiar with the motion of individual charged particles in electromagnetic fields. • A large part of phenomena we shall meet later can be understood (even quantitatively) in terms of single-particle motion. Guiding-center approximation • Task: solve the equation of motion d~ p ~ +~ ~ +F ~non−EM = q(E v × B) dt ~non−EM denotes all non-electromagnetic forces acting on the where F particle. In practice, this usually means gravitation, ~non−EM = m~ F g. • We will restrict to non-relativistic particles (γ = 1, p ~ = m~ v ). • No general analytical solutions exit for arbitrary field configurations. • For slow temporal changes and smooth spatial dependencies of the fields, we can use perturbation theory, i.e., calculate the motion of particles ~, E ~ , and ~ starting from the solution with constant fields B g. • This way the particle trajectory, as averaged over many gyro-periods, is obtained. This approach is called guiding-center approximation ~ Motion in a homogeneous and static B ~ =~ ~ is constant. The eq. of motion reads • Assume that E g = 0 and B d~ v ~ m = q~v × B. dt • The magnetic field does no work on the particle ⇒ |~ v | = v is constant. ~ = B~ • Choose the coordinate system so that B ez . Thus, mv̇x = qvy B mv̇y = −qvxB mv̇z = 0 and vz is constant. • v and vz constants ⇒ v⊥ = p v 2 − vz2 = q vx2 + vy2 constant. • Write vx = v⊥ cos φ and vy = v⊥ sin φ, to get −mv⊥ sin φ φ̇ ⇒ φ = qv⊥ sin φ B = φ0 − ωct. ⇒ φ̇ = − qB ≡ −ωc m The motion of the particle is, therefore, gyromotion in the xy -plane! • The gyromotion has an angular frequency of ωc and a radius of rL = v⊥ mv⊥ = , |ωc| |q|B which is commonly referred to as the Larmor radius or gyroradius. • Positive [negative] charges gyrate in a left-handed [right-handed] sense with respect to the magnetic field direction. • The center of gyromotion is called the guiding center (GC). • Particle motion in a homogeneous magnetic field can, thus, be divided in two components: linear motion along the field lines (at speed vz = vk) and gyromotion in the plane perpendicular to them. • The sum of the two components is a helical path. The pitch angle α of this helix is vk α = arccos ∈ [0, π] v • The coordinate system, where vk = 0 is called guiding center system (GCS). • Division of particle motion to the motion of the guiding center and the gyromotion around it is called guiding center approximation. • In GCS, the charge causes a current I = q|ωc|/2π . The associated magnetic moment is µ= 2 IπrL = 2 1 mv ⊥ 2 B W⊥ = . B • The magnetic moment is actually a vector: µ ~ = where 1 q~ rL × ~ v⊥, 2 ~ m ~ v⊥ × B ~ rL = − qB B is the gyro-radius vector (i.e., particle position in GCS). • Direction of µ ~ always opposite to the magnetic field direction. • Thus, gyrating charges tend to decrease the magnetic field, and plasma is diamagnetic. Drift motions due to non-magnetic forces Electric drift or ExB drift ~ and E ~ are constant and non-zero. • Assume that both B • The parallel (to the B-field) equation of motion becomes mv̇k = qEk. ⇒ particle experiences constant acceleration in the parallel direction. • Usually plasma electrons very mobile in the parallel direction. ⇒ large-scale parallel E-fields typically very small. ~ ⊥E ~ k~ • Assume, therefore, that B ex. This yields v̇x = qE ωcvy + = ωc m v̇y = −ωcvx E vy + B • Making a transformation vy → vy0 = vy + E/B gives the original equations of motion where the electric field does not appear. Thus the guiding centers of the particles drift along the y -direction at the speed E/B . In vector form, this drift speed is ~ ×B ~ E . ~ vE = B2 • The drift speed consistent with the Lorentz transformation of the electric field to GCS: ~0 = E ~ +~ ~ E vE × B. ~ 0 = 0, we can solve for ~ By demanding that E vE . Non-electromagnetic forces • This coordinate transformation applies for all weak-enough, perpendicular ~⊥. (to the B-field) non-magnetic forces, F ~ ←F ~⊥/q in the result, we get • Substituting E ~ vD ~⊥ × B ~ F = qB 2 • Transformation possible only if F⊥/qB ¿ c. If F⊥/qB > c, guiding center approximation fails! • Example: gravitational drift, ~ m~ g×B m ~ vg = ∝ . 2 q B q The gravitational field separates particles according to their m/q in the ~ ). direction perpendicular to the fields (unless ~ gkB • The gravitational drift leads to current flow! Finite-Larmor radius correction • If the E-field (or, analogously, g-field) changes substantially inside a Larmor radius, the E×B drift has to be modified by ~ ~ ×B 1 2 2 E . ~ vE = 1 + rL∇ 4 B2 Such “finite Larmor radius effects” are important, for example, near boundary layers separating different plasma regimes. Polarization drift • Same formalism can be used for a weakly time-dependent electric field, ~ =E ~0 + E ~˙ 0(t − t0), E ~˙ 0 = const. with E ~ is still constant. F assuming that B • First write the eqs. of motion in a coordinate system moving with speed ~ vE . There one sees that another transformation at speed ~˙ 0 ~ E 1 dE m ~ vP = = ∝ ωc B ωcB dt q restores the eqs. of motion without electric fields. • Guiding center drifts ~ vd = ~ vE + ~ vP . ~ vP is the polarization drift velocity. • Note that also the polarization drift separates ions from electrons leading to a polarization current: ~ ~ ne(mi + me) dE nemi dE ~ JP = nee(~ vP i − ~ vP e) = ≈ , B2 dt B 2 dt which is carried primarily by the more massive ions. • Total time derivative of E-field causes the polarization drift ⇒ eq. for ~ vP holds also for weak spatial gradients. To see this, write d/dt = ∂/∂t + ~ v·∇ ~. v≈~ vE , spatial term is of second order in E • Since ~ ⇒ Spatial term usually much smaller than the temporal term. ~ ~ ⇒ Polarization drift can be approximated by dE/dt ≈ ∂ E/∂t . Magnetic drift effects • If the B-field changes slowly as a function of time, it induces an E-field through Faraday’s law. ⇒ E-drifts (as described above). • Consider a weakly inhomogeneous magnetic field, where changes are small during one Larmor gyration, i.e., ~ · (∇B)| ~ ¿B; |r L ~ ~ ¿ B 2. |(vk/ωc)B·(∇ B)| ~ · (∇C) ~ = (D ~ · ∇)C ~) These criteria are energy-dependent! (Note D • Then, expand the magnetic field at the position ~ r(t) of the particle as ~ r) = B ~ 0 + (~ ~ 0 + ... B(~ r−~ r0) · (∇B) where the subscript 0 means that the quantity is evaluated at the guiding-center position, ~ r=~ r0(t). Thus, ~ r) ≈ B ~0 + ~ ~ 0 B(~ rL · (∇B) • A straightforward calculation shows that the field inhomogeneity causes a gyro-averaged force ~ = −µ∇B F on the particle. • NOTE: this is an apparent force that is useful in the determination of the GC motion. Bear in mind, that v remains constant under the action of magnetic forces. • The force component parallel to the magnetic field causes an acceleration d~ vk dt =− µ ∇kB m accompanied by a change in v⊥ to keep v constant. Gradient and curvature drift ~⊥ = −µ(∇B)⊥ causes a drift: • The perpendicular component F ~⊥ × B ~ F µ ~ W⊥ ~ ~ vG = = B × ∇B = B × ∇B. qB 2 qB 2 qB 3 This is called gradient drift. It is related to a current. • If the field lines are curved, GCS is not an inertial frame. Then, there is a centrifugal force ~C R 2 ~ = −mw F k 2 , RC ~ C is the radius of curvature (pointing inward) of the magnetic where R field and wk is the parallel component of the guiding-center motion. (Note that wk ≈ vk but not exactly). • This non-magnetic force, thus, causes a (current related) curvature drift: ~C × B ~ mvk2 R ~ vC = − 2 B2 q RC • An exercise in differential geometry shows that ~ · ∇B) ~ ⊥ ~C R (B = 2 RC B2 ~ × (B ~ · ∇)B ~ mvk2 B ⇒ ~ vC = q B4 ~ = 0, we can combine the • In a region with negligible current, ∇ × B ~ · ∇)B ~ = B∇B and, gradient and curvature drifts, since then (B thus, ~ vGC = W⊥ + 2Wk qB 3 W (1 + cos2 α) ~ B × ∇B = ~ n ×~ t, qBRC ~ and ~ ~ C are unit vectors. where ~ tkB nkR Adiabatic invariants • Classical mechanics: periodic motion → conserved quantity (exact invariant). • Quasi-periodic motion → adiabatic invariant. • Let p and q be a canonical momentum and its coordinate. If the motion of the system is quasi-periodic with respect to q , I I = p dq is an adiabatic invariant. ~. ~ = m~ v + qA • In an electromagnetic field, the canonical momentum is p A conjugate pair of (~ p⊥, ~ rL) may be used I I Z ~ · dS ~ I = p ~⊥ · d~ rL = m~ v⊥ · d~ rL + q (∇ × A) Z 2πrL = 0 = S Z ~ · dS ~ B mv⊥dl + q S 2 2πmv⊥rL − |q|BπrL = 2π m µ |q| so that the magnetic moment of a charged particle is an adiabatic invariant. Called the first adiabatic invariant. • Let us next prove the invariance of the magnetic moment from the eq. of motion of the GC and conservation of energy in a static and slowly varying magnetic fields B. ~ = 0) ⇒ W = Wk + W⊥ is • Assume a static magnetic field (and E constant ⇒ 0 = = = = = dWk dvk dW dW⊥ d(µB) = + = mvk + dt dt dt dt dt dvk dµ dB vk m +B +µ Fk = −µ∇kB dt dt dt dµ dB +µ dt dt dµ dB −µ(vk∇kB) + B +µ dt dt vk(−µ∇kB) + B −µ(vk∇kB) + B dB dt = vk∇kB dµ dµ + µ(vk∇kB) = B dt dt • Thus, µ is constant in static magnetic fields (if GC approximation holds). • Let us, next, consider a slowly time-varying magnetic field (with ∂/∂t ¿ ωc). According to Faraday’s law the electric field has to be taken into account, and dW⊥ ~ · v⊥) = q(E dt • The change in the perpendicular energy during one cyclotron period is Z ∆W⊥ = q 2π/|ωc | I 0 C Z = Z ~ · dS ~ = −q (∇ × E) q S = |q| ~ · d~l E ~ ·~ E v⊥dt = q S ~ ∂B ~ · dS ∂t |ωc| 2 ∆B πrL = µ∆B 2π On the other hand, ∆W⊥ = ∆(µB) so ∆µ = 0, and µ is again constant. (Note that here the total energy is no longer a constant.) • The invariance of µ therefore holds in a slowly varying magnetic field, no matter how the field changes! Magnetic mirror and magnetic bottle • In a static B field, µ = W⊥/B and W = W⊥ + Wk constants. 2 ⇒ (sin α)/B = const. • Knowing the pitch angle α = α1 in a certain magnetic field B = B1 allows one to calculate α = α2 at any other field B = B2: 2 2 sin α2 = (B2/B1) sin α1 • Particle can move toward an increasing magnetic field until α = 90◦. The force acting on the GC, Fk = −µ∇kB , always points toward the decreasing magnetic field and turns the particle around. – The field acts as a magnetic mirror – The force Fk = −µ∇kB is called the mirror force. • The value of the mirror field, Bm, depends on the pitch angle α0 at a reference field B0 < Bm: 2 sin α0 = B0/Bm. p • Particles with sin α0 < B0/ max(Bm) are not reflected. • A magnetic bottle is formed between two magnetic mirrors, which do not have to be of equal strength. • A particle remains trapped in the magn. bottle, if its pitch angle α0 in the minimum field strength B0 inside the bottle is s s B0 B0 ◦ arcsin ≤ α0 ≤ 180 − arcsin , Bm Bm where Bm is weaker of the mirror fields. • Otherwise, the particle leaks out from the bottle. It is in the loss cone. Second adiabatic invariant • The bounce motion in a magnetic bottle is also quasi-periodic, if the field configuration does not change much per bounce period Z s0m τb = 2 sm ds 2 = vk(s) v Z s0m sm p ds 1 − B(s)/Bm , where s is the arc length along the GC track and sm and s0m are the coordinates of the mirror points. • The corresponding adiabatic invariant is called longitudinal invariant I J = pk ds, where for an non-relativistic particle pk = mvk. Since τb À τL = 2π/ωc, this invariant is weaker than µ. • The conservation of J may lead to so-called Fermi acceleration, proposed by E. Fermi (1949) as a model of cosmic ray acceleration. Particle acceleration in a collapsing magnetic trap • Let a magnetic trap consist of two identical mirrors (B = Bm) at the ends of an otherwise constant field (B = B0 ¿ Bm). • Thus, J = 2` |pk|, where ` = `0 − 2ut is the length of the trap. J˙ = 0 ⇒ d|pk| dt `˙ 2u = −|pk| = |pk| ` ` • Since the field inside the trap remains constant and µ is conserved, p⊥ = const. between reflections off of the mirrors. • Thus, |pk| can only increase while B0 p2⊥ 2 = sin α ≥ , 2 2 p⊥ + pk Bm i.e., particle enters the loss cone, when q p ≈ pf = p⊥ Bm/B0. • Final momentum fulfills q pf ≤ p0 Bm/B0, where p0 is the initial momentum. • Only interactions with many magnetic mirrors lead to a substantial increase of the particle energy. l Third adiabatic invariant • Also the cross-field motion can be periodic, if the field is axially symmetric, as in case of dipole magnetic field. • The adiabatic invariant related to this periodicity is the magnetic flux enclosed by the GC during its (periodic) drift motion across the field, I ~ · d~l, Φ= A where d~l is the arc element defined by the GC drift path. The drift period has to be τd À τb À τL, so this invariant is weaker than µ and J . Invariant velocity time scale conditions µ J Φ ~ v⊥ w ~k w ~⊥ τL τb τd τ À τL τ À τb À τL τ À τd À τb À τL • Each invariant is connected to an energy-change mechanism: µ W⊥ can be changed by changing B (temporally); betatron acceleration Wk can be changed by changing the length of the bottle; J Fermi acceleration Φ W can be changed by compressing/expanding the drift surface • In the inner magnetosphere of the Earth, µ is often an invariant, J is an invariant for trapped particle populations, and Φ is an invariant only for the high-energy particles in the radiation belts. Particle motion in a dipole field Dipole magnetic field (example: the Earth) • Use “geomagnetically" defined spherical coordinate system: ~ E in the origin, pointing to the south. – Earth’s dipole moment M – Latitude λ = 0 at the equator, increases to the north – Longitude (φ) increases to the east. • ME measured in units of A m2. In the literature, ME often replaced by k0 = µ0ME /4π , also called dipole moment. ME = 8 · 10 22 Am k0 = 8 · 10 15 Wb m = 8 · 10 25 G cm = 0.3 GRE 3 2 3 (cgs units) (RE = 6370 km) • Dipole approximation: field-generating currents compressed to a singular ~ =0 ⇒ B ~ = −∇Ψ point; elsewhere ∇ × B 1 sin λ Ψ = −~ k0 · ∇ = −k0 2 r r scalar potential • A straightforward calculation gives ~ ~ 3( k · ~ e )~ e − k0 0 r r ~ = B r3 2k From which we get the components Br = − r30 sin λ ; Bλ = k0 r3 cos λ ; Bφ = 0 and k0 2 1/2 B = 3 (1 + 3 sin λ) . r • Magnetic field lines given by dr r dλ = . Br Bλ ⇒ 2 r(λ) = r0 cos λ, where r0 is the distance, where the field lines intersects the equator. Some useful properties of dipole field • Length of the field-line element p 2 1/2 ds = dr 2 + r 2dλ2 = r0 cos λ(1 + 3 sin λ) dλ. • Field line defined by its longitude φ0 and its (equatorial) distance r0. ⇒ McIlwain’s L-parameter, L ≡ r0/RE . • The field line defined by L reaches the Earth’s surface at 1 λe = arccos √ . L • The strength of the magnetic field on a given field line as a function of latitude q B(λ) = Br2(λ) + Bλ2 (λ) k0 (1 + 3 sin2 λ)1/2 = 3 r0 cos6 λ • In Earth’s field 3 · 10−5 T k0 0.3 G = = r03 L3 L3 ⇒ Surface field: 0.3 gauss at equator, 0.6 gauss at poles. • The radius of curvature of the dipole field lines is obtained from the geometric formula 1/RC = |d2~ r/ds2| as r0 (1 + 3 sin2 λ)3/2 RC (λ) = cos λ 3 2 − cos2 λ Guiding-center motion in a dipole field • GC-approximation useful, if rL ¿ rC ∼ r0 ⇒ condition for the magnetic rigidity, P⊥ = mv⊥/|q|, of the particle: P⊥ ¿ r0B Equatorial pitch-angle and loss cone • Field strength: k0 (1 + 3 sin2 λ)1/2 B(λ) = 3 r0 cos6 λ • Conservation of µ ⇒ B0 cos6 λ 2 2 sin α(λ) = sin α0 = sin α0 2 1/2 B(λ) (1 + 3 sin λ) 2 Particle’s pitch-angle at the equator, α0 (magnetic field B0): B0 cos6 λm sin α0 = = B(λm) (1 + 3 sin2 λm)1/2 2 λm mirroring latitude (independent on L!) • If λm > λe = arccos L−1/2, particle hits the Earth’s surface before mirroring and leaks out from the bottle. The boundary of the loss cone is at 1 2 sin α0l = (4L6 − 3L5)1/2 and the particle is in the loss cone if α0 < α0l or α0 > π − α0l . Bounce motion • The period of bounce motion in a dipole field is Z τb = λm 4 0 = ≡ 4r0 v Z ds =4 vk λm 0 Z λm 0 ds dλ dλ vk cos λ(1 + 3 sin2 λ)1/2 dλ cos α(λ) 4r0 f (α0), v α0 = arcsin cos3 λm 2 (1 + 3 sin λm )1/4 , where f (α0) ≈ 1.30 − 0.56 sin2 α0 for 30◦ ≤ α0 ≤ 90◦. • Typical bounce periods, τb ∼ L 4r0 ≈ 0.085 · s, v β – seconds for 1 keV electrons (β = v/c = 0.063) – minutes for 1 keV protons (β = 1.5 × 10−3). • Magnetosphere can change considerably in minutes ⇒ invariance of J for >keV protons questionable. Drift motion around the Earth • Gradient and curvature drifts drive particles across the magnetic field around the Earth. The combined drift speed is vGC (λ) = W 2 [1 + cos α(λ)] qB(λ)RC (λ) • The angular drift speed around the Earth is φ̇ = vGC vGC = r cos λ r0 cos3 λ which, when averaged over the bounce period, gives hφ̇i = 4 τb Z τb /4 φ̇ dt = 0 1 = r0f (α0) = 2 3 mv r0 2 qk0 Z λm 0 4 vτb Z λm φ̇ 0 ds dλ dλ cos α 4r0 f (α0) τb = v vGC (λ)(1 + 3 sin2 λ)1/2 dλ 2 cos λ cos α(λ) g(α0), • The function g can be approximated as g(α0) = 0.7 + 0.3 sin α0 for 30◦ ≤ α0 ≤ 90◦ giving for the equatorial particles (α0 = 90◦) 3mv 2RE hφ̇0i = L. 2qk0 If the particles are relativistic, the equation generalizes to 3mc2RE 2 hφ̇0i = Lγβ . 2qk0 • The drift period τd around the Earth is, thus, τd = ≈ 2π |hφ̇i| = 4 1.0 · 10 2π |hφ̇0i|g(α0) = 4π |q|k0 1 3 mc2RE Lγβ 2g(α0) 1 me |q| m e Lγβ 2g(α0) s. Particles in the keV/n-range have τd of a few hundred hours and particles in the MeV/n range have τd of a few tens of minutes in the dipolar part (L ≈ 2 − 7) of the field. Particle motion in the field of a current sheet • Interaction of the solar wind with the Earth’s magnetic field ⇒ the night side of the magnetosphere streched to long a magnetotail. • The field points Earthward in the northern part and anti-Earthward in the southern part of the magnetotail. ex points Sunward, ~ ez to the north ⇒ field can be approximated by • ~ ~ = Bx(z)~ B ex + Bn~ ez ~ = 0 (here Bn is constant). where Bx and Bn must be such that ∇ · B • Bx(z) goes from a negative value at z → −∞ to a positive value at z → ∞. In the magnetotail |Bx(z)| À |Bn| when z → ±∞. • Ampère’s law: ~ ∇×B 1 ∂Bx ~ J = = ~ ey µ0 µ0 ∂z flowing along the positive y -axis and concentrated in the region where Bx changes sign. This is called a current sheet. • Harris model: ~ = B0 tanh z ~ ex + Bn~ ez , B L x x with constants Bn ¿ B0. Constant L gives the thickness of the current sheet: J~ = B0 µ0L cosh2(z/L) . z 1D z 2D • Current sheets found all over the universe: – planetary magnetotails – boundaries of magnetic flux tubes in solar and stellar atmospheres – heliospheric current sheet near the ecliptic, etc. • Particle motion in Harris field more complicated than in a dipole field: GC approximation breaks down near the current sheet! y B B B ∆ ∆ • Basic forms of the motion in the 1D case (Bn = 0) – simple cyclotron motion far away (|z| À L) from the current sheet – gradient-drifting of particles near the sheet but not crossing it; note the direction of the drift! – particles crossing the current sheet moving back and forth along y . – particles in a monotonic motion along the y axis: positive [negative] charges moving in the +[−] y direction (Speiser motion). These particles carry the current in the Harris field! Jy Jy B x z • 2D-case: a dipole-type field stretched to a Harris field; what happens? – particles adiabatic, as long as RC /rL & 10 Bn L; RC ≈ B0 vm rL ≈ eBn Lωc0 ⇒v. 10(B0/Bn)2 ⇒ bouncing motion across the current sheet. – system stretched more (i.e., BnL is made smaller) ⇒ particles of smaller velocities become non-adiabatic. ⇒ chaotic trajectories! Collisions and plasma conductivity • Theory of single particle motion does not describe any interactions between the plasma particles • The next step toward the inclusion of collective effects is to deal with particle interactions as collisions. • Collisions allow us to get a handle of an important property of a plasma: its electrical conductivity. • Most plasmas we are going to study can be characterized as being collisionless meaning that the collision frequencies are much smaller than any other relevant frequencies of the problem. • Important exceptions – stellar cores (where the physics is primarily nuclear physics) – weakly ionized upper parts of planetary atmospheres, i.e., the ionospheres. • Collisional plasmas are divided in weakly and fully ionized plasmas. – Weakly ionized plasma (e.g., ionosphere): collisions predominantly on neutral particles (i.e., atoms and/or molecules) – Fully ionized plasma (i.e., a plasma with more than 10 % degree of ionization): Coulomb collisions between charged particles themselves dominate. Collision frequencies Weakly ionized plasmas • A charged particle interacts with a neutral particle only through direct collisions. • Let nn be the density of neutral particles, σn = πd20 the cross section of the neutral with an effective radius of d0, and hvi the mean speed of the charged particles relative to the neutrals. • The mean free path of the charged particles (between collisions): lmfp = 1 . n n σn • The collision frequency of the charged particles on the neutral particles: νn = nnσnhvi. • The collision frequency does not depend on the density of the charged particles. Its inverse, the collision time τn = 1/νn, gives the time between collisions for an individual charged particle in the plasma. • Atoms and molecules have cross sections of about 10 −20 2 −19 m . σn . 10 2 m . • Collisions can be elastic, but often they also lead to ionizations or charge exchange between the collision partners (inelastic collisions). For example, collisions between neutrals and energetic ions can yield so-called energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), like in pfast + Hslow → HENA + pslow pfast + Oslow → HENA + Oslow + • Inelastic collisions also lead to excitation of the neutrals → aurora Fully ionized plasmas Rutherford scattering formula • In fully ionized plasmas, the interactions between the particles occur via the Coulomb force. • Any charged particle in a plasma constantly interacts with a large number (∼ Λ) of other particles. • On the other hand, most of the collisions occur with far-away particles. This means that the particles change their propagation direction only by a small amount per collision. We talk about small-angle collisions. • Consider a collision of an electron (q = −e) off an ion (q = +e). Let b be the impact parameter of the collision, and ve be the speed of the electron (wrt. ion) prior to (and after) the collision. The scattering angle φ as a function of these two is given by the Rutherford-scattering formula b0(ve) φ e2 ≡ tan = , 2 4π²0mebve2 b where b < b0(ve) defines the impact parameter range for large-angle collisions. b r θ0 θ z φ Large-angle collisions • The cross section for large-angle scatterings is, thus, σc = 2 πb0 e4 e4 = ≈ 2 2 4 16π²0me ve 16π²20m2e hvei4 and the corresponding scattering frequency is νei = niσchvei ni =ne = nee4 16π²20m2e hvei3 • Replace the electron speed by the average energy, kB Te = 12 mehvei2, and use the definition of the plasma frequency to get √ 4 2 ωpe kB Te −3/2 νei = 64π ne me Small-angle collisions and Coulomb scattering frequency x, x’ v y z y’ ϕ θ0 θ θ0 φ z’ v0 • The derived formula for νei is not complete, since it does not take account of the small-angle collisions. • Let us fix the coordinate system so that electron velocity prior to the collision is given by ~ v0 = ve(0, sin Θ0, cos Θ0). • Let the electron scatter into an angle φ relative to its original direction. • An exercise in spherical geometry shows that the new velocity vector ~ v fulfills ~ v ·~ ez = ve(cos Θ0 cos φ + sin Θ0 sin φ cos ϕ) ≡ ve cos Θ, where ϕ is the scattering angle measured around the original direction of propagation. • Since ϕ is uniformly distributed, we have on average ∆ cos Θ = − cos Θ0(1 − cos φ). • Scatterings to the angle φ occur at rate nive dσ , where dσ = 2π b db is the differential cross section. The average rate of change of cos Θ is, thus, h∆ cos Θi ∆t Z = − cos Θ0 (1 − cos φ) nive dσ Z = bmax − cos Θ0 nive 2π (1 − cos φ) b db bmin 2 = − cos Θ0 nive πb0 Z bmax/b0 φ φ 2 φ 4 sin cot d cot 2 2 2 bmin /b0 = cos Θ0 nive πb0 φ 2 arctan(b0/bmax) 4 ln sin . 2 φ=2 arctan(b0/bmin) 2 • The values for bmax and bmin have to be determined. – The field of the ion is screened at r > λD , so we take bmax = λD . Since λD À b0, we have sin(φ/2) ≈ b0/λD at the upper limit. – The value of bmin is assumed to be much smaller than b0. This gives sin(φ/2) ≈ sin(π/2) = 1 at the lower limit. • Therefore, h∆ cos Θi =− ∆t λD 2 nive πb0 4 ln b0 cos Θ0 ≡ −νei cos Θ0 where we have identified the rate of change of cos Θ as the scattering frequency, i.e., d cos Θ/dt = −νei cos Θ. The correction due to small-angle scatterings is, thus, an extra factor of 4 ln(λD /b0) = 4 ln(16πΛ) relative to the large-angle result. • Thus, the scattering frequency is νei ≈ ωpe ln Λ 32π Λ and the mean free path is lmfp hvei 2ωpeλD Λ = = ≈ 64π λD . νei νei ln Λ • The Coulomb logarithm ln Λ is between 10 and 30 for almost all plasmas found in nature. (Thus, replacing ln(16πΛ) by ln Λ results in an error of less than 40%.) • The assumption we made on the smallness of bmin needs to be justified. For protons, the ion radius (beyond which electrons see a Coulomb potential) is about −15 bmin ∼ 10 m. The potential energy of an electron at this distance, Umin = e2/4π²0bmin ∼ 1 MeV. If the electron temperature well is below this value (∼ 1010 K), the assumption of bmin ¿ b0 is justified, since b0 = λD Umin = bmin . 16πΛ 2kB T • For other ions, if they are not fully stripped, the situation can be different, and corrections to the value of Coulomb logarithm result. Note, however, that since always bmin ¿ λD , our result should give the correct order of magnitude for νei. Plasma conductivity • Collisions change the momentum of the particles ⇒ a friction-like term in the particles’ ensemble averaged equation of motion, m dh~ vi ~ + h~ ~ − mνc(h~ = q(E v i × B) vi − ~ u), dt where h~ v i is the ensemble-averaged particle velocity and ~ u is the (constant) velocity of the collision targets. Unmagnetized plasma ~ = 0 in steady state: choose a coordinate system with ~ • Case B u=0 ⇒ ~ − meνc~ 0 = −eE ve. = − = nee2 ~ −ene~ ve = E. Ohm’s law meνc • Solution: ~ ve ⇒ J~ e ~ E meνc • The conductivity of an unmagnetized plasma is 2 ²0 ωpe nee2 σ= = . meνc νc • The reciprocal of conductivity, η = 1/σ , is called resistivity. If νc is not due to particle collisions, we talk about anomalous resistivity. An example of mechanisms leading to anomalous resistivity is scattering of particles by wave fields (wave-particle interactions) Magnetized plasma ~ 6= 0. • Let us turn to the case B • In the simplest case, the conductivity can still be regarded as a scalar in the frame co-moving with the plasma, ~ 0, J~ = σ0E where nee2 σ0 = me ν c is the conductivity of an unmagnetized plasma and ~0 = E ~ +V ~ ×B ~ E ~ in is the electric field in the frame of the plasma, flowing at velocity V the laboratory frame. • Thus, the Ohm’s law becomes ~ +V ~ × B), ~ J~ = σ0(E which is often called generalized Ohm’s law in plasma physics. • In the limit of σ0 → ∞ (νc = 0), we can write this in the form ~ +V ~ ×B ~ = 0, E which is the form of Ohm’s law used in the so-called ideal magnetohydrodynamics. Conductivity tensor • Electron motion parallel to the magnetic field is very different from the motion perpendicular to it, if the magnetic field is strong enough, i.e., if ωce > νc. ⇒ Conductivity not necessarily a scalar. • Electron eq. of motion: stationary case, ion rest frame: ve ~ +~ ~ = − mνc~ E ve × B . e • Thus, the Ohm’s law becomes (E) ~− J~ = σ0E e ~ ~ J × B, mνc nee2 σ0 = meνc ~ = B~ • Choose the coordinate system so that B ez . Use the electron– cyclotron frequency, ωce = eB/me, to give the Ohm’s law as Jx = Jy = Jz = ωce σ0 E x − Jy νc ωce Jx σ0 E y + νc σ0 E z • This is easy to solve for the components of J~ as (E) = ωceνc νc2 σ E − σ0 E y 0 x 2 2 2 2 νc + ωce νc + ωce Jy = νc2 ωceνc σ0 E y + 2 σ0Ex 2 2 νc2 + ωce νc + ωce Jz = σ0 E z Jx which can be given in matrix form as ~ J~ = σ · E. • The conductivity tensor is σP σ = −σH 0 σH σP 0 0 0 . σk The components of the conductivity tensor are σP = σH = σk = νc2 σ0 , 2 νc2 + ωce ωceνc σ0 , 2 νc2 + ωce nee2 σ0 = , meνc Pedersen conductivity Hall conductivity parallel conductivity ~ and parallel to E ~ ⊥. • σP is the conductivity perpendicular to B ~ and E ~ ⊥. • σH is the conductivity perpendicular to both B ~ • σk is the conductivity parallel to B ~ ⊥ and J~H = • The corresponding perpendicular currents, J~p = σP E ~ ⊥, are the Pedersen and Hall currents. σH ~ eB × E – Pedersen current results, when collisions are so frequent that they prevent the gyromotion around the magnetic field lines. Thus, the particles move along the perpendicular electric field. ~ ×B ~ drift motion of electrons – Hall current is related to the E across the magnetic field (perpendicular to the electric field). In a collisionless situation, all species would drift at same speed and no current could fly. Hall current is, thus, important only in situations where the drift of ions is impeded, e.g., ∗ by collisions or ~ ⊥ fluctuates at a frequency ωci ¿ ω ¿ ωce. ∗ if E ~ k is the field-aligned current. In plasma physics, the field• J~k = σkE ~ ·∇×B ~ 6= 0, are very important. aligned currents, for which B