Fundamentals of Plasma Physics, Nuclear Fusion and Lasers Topic 2 - Single Particle Motion Time dependent electromagnetic fields Nuno R. Pinhão 2015, 1st semester In this notebook we analyse the movement of individual particles under time dependent electromagnetic fields. 1 Introduction We have left to the end the study of time-dependent fields. We start by analysing ~ and B ~ fields uniform in space but varying in time. the case of E In this notebook we will need two of the Maxwell equations in vacuum (in SI units): ~ 1 ∂E = µ0~j 2 c ∂t ~ ~ + ∂B = 0 ∇×E ∂t ~− ∇×B (Ampere’s law) (Faraday law) and, off course, we the force equation, ~ + ~v × B ~ F~ = q E (Lorentz force) We will use also the Gauss theorem, Z I ~ ~ ~ · d~l, ∇ × A · dS = A S L and also the concept of magnetic moment, µ, which, for a closed loop of area A and current I, has the value µ = IA. The subject of this notebook is covered in the bibliography in the following chapters: • Chen[1]: chapter Two, section 2.5 and 2.6 • Nicholson[2]: chapter 2, section 2.5 1 • Bittencourt[3]: chapter 4 • Goldston[4]: chapter 4 The examples are prepared with the help of two scientific software packages, Scipy[5] and IPython[6]. ~ 2 Time-dependent electric field, E(t) ~ varies in time. What do we We start by considering the case in which only E expect to happen? ~ ×B ~ drift only that in this case vd changes with E(t). ~ • We should still have a E I.e. there is a force in vd direction. Together with the magnetic field, this force ~ ×B ~ drift and induces also a drift but in the direction perpendicular to the E ~ ! Contrarily to this drift where the direction does not in the direction of E depends on q, this new component of the drift depends on q and the drift of positive and negative charges creates a current. We will call it polarization drift. Let’s try to find out the expression for this drift. To simplify we considere that ~ ~ along the x axis: E(t) varies in time with a sinusoidal function. Let’s take E ~ = E0 exp(iωt)~ux . E From the Lorentz force equation we have E˙x (t) B E x (t) v̈y = −ωc2 vy − ωc2 B v̈x = −ωc2 vx ± ωc (1) (2) with E˙x = iωEx and defining iω Ex ωc B Ex vE = − , B vp = ± (+) (3) the above equations become v̈x = −ωc2 (vx − vp ) (4) −ωc2 (vy (5) v̈y = − vE ) We can guess that the solution is a sum of a gyratory and a drift. As such we can try the following system: vx = v⊥ eiωc t + vp vy = ±iv⊥ e iωc t + vE If we differenciate that system of functions, what we get is 2 (6) (7) v̈x = −ωc2 vx + (ωc2 − ω 2 )vp (8) v̈y = −ωc2 vy + (ωc2 − ω 2 )vE , (9) ~ varies slowly in which is not the correct solution unless ω ωc , i.e. the field E comparison with the cyclotronic movement. ~ and write We can generalize the equation (+) for an arbitrary variation of E ~vp = ± ~ 1 dE ωc B dt ~ ×B ~ drift oscillates with a frequency ω. Note: The E 2.1 Plasma dielectric constant This drift produces a polarization current density: ~ ~ ~j = n0 q(~vi − ~ve ) = n (mi + me ) E⊥ = ρm dE⊥ , B2 dt B 2 dt with ρm the plasma mass density. This polarization current can be taken into account through a dielectric constant of the plasma. We can include this polarization current in Ampere’s law. Combining with the E-field term, ~ ~⊥ ~⊥ ρm ∂ E 1 ρm ∂ E⊥ 1 ∂E + µ0 2 = 2 1+ 2 2 c ∂t B ∂t c 0 B ∂t and we define a effective electric permittivity perpendicular to the magnetic field as ρm . = 0 r = 0 1 + 0 B 2 2.2 Practice: Let’s see the actual movement. The base program is the same as we have been using and only the description of fields changes. In this case we use a field linearly ~ dependent on t, E(t) = E0 t/α. We have also included (as a comment line) a sinusoidal field with a frequency proportional to the ωc . It is interesting to explore the results with this function for different values of α. In [6]: %matplotlib inline import numpy as np from trajectories import * In [7]: def polarizE(Q, t, qbym, E0, B0, keywords): """Equations of movement for a time dependent electric field perpendicular to B.""" wc = "wc" in keywords.keys() and keywords["wc"] or 0 alpha = "dump" in keywords.keys() and keywords["dump"] or 1 v = Q[3:] # Velocity dvdt = qbym*(E0*t/alpha + np.cross(v,B0)) # Acceleration #dvdt = qbym*(E0*np.sin(t*wc/alpha) + np.cross(v,B0)) # Acceleration 3 return np.concatenate((v,dvdt)) def polarizDift(alpha=371): """Movement with a time dependent E field perpendicular to B""" E0 = np.array([1,0,0]) # The E field is E0*cos(w*t)\vec{u}_x we = q*B0[2]/me; wp = q*B0[2]/Mp # Cyclotron frequencies re, rp = computeTrajectories(polarizE, E0, wc=[we,wp], dump=alpha) plotPolariz(re,rp) polarizDift() ~ 3 Time-dependent magnetic field, B(t) From the Faraday law we see that a time-varying magnetic field is accompanied by a space-varying electric field. ~ We need to assume again small changes, i.e. that the fractional change in B(t) is small in a time interval on the order of cyclotron period. We take the magnetic field along z, spatially uniform and increasing. As a result of the accompanying electric field the orbit is no longer circular. It will, however, be “quasi”-circular, ~ small. In cylindrical coordinates and in this case, the azimuthal component of E Faraday equation is ∂B 1 ∂ (rEθ ) = − r ∂r ∂t Integrating in r (assuming B a slow function), we obtain 1 ∂B Eθ = − r 2 ∂t 4 which can be written as ~ ~ θ = 1 ~r × ∂ B E 2 ∂t We could use these results in the Lorentz force to obtain the equations of movemente but we will use an alternative path: Taking the scalar product of the Lorentz force equation with v⊥ , and integrating in one gyration period, we have the change in the kinetic energy in the period, I 1 2 ~ θ · d~r δ( mv⊥ ) = q E 2 Considering the orbit (almost) close, using Stokes’s theorem, we can replace the line integral by a surface integral, 1 2 δ( mv⊥ )=q 2 Z ~ θ ) · dS ~ = −q (∇ × E Z S S ~ ∂B ~ · dS ∂t ~ for negative and positive charges, we Taking account of the opposing direction of S have ~ ∂B 1 2 δ( mv⊥ ) = |q| πr2 2 ∂t L ~ Using δB = (∂ B)/(∂t)(2π)/ω c and the definitions of rL , ωc and µ we get to the result 1 2 ) = µδB δ( mv⊥ 2 2 ) = δ(µB), the previous result implies that δµ = 0 ! I.e. in slowly and, as δ( 12 mv⊥ varying magnetic fields, the magnetic moment is invariant. This also implies 2 = cte: that for the magnetic flux, BπrL • the Larmor radius decreases as B increases. • the magnetic flux is also an adiabatic invariant. The conservation of µ also implies that • the transverse kinetic energy, W⊥ increases linearly com B. 4 Summary General force F~ : ~vd = ~ F~ × B 2 qB • Electric field: ~vd = • Gravitational field: vg = ~ ×B ~ E B2 ~ m ~g × B 2 q B ~ field: Non-uniform E ~ ~ 1 2 2 E ×B ~vE = 1 + rL ∇ . 4 B2 ~ field: Non-uniform B 5 • Grad-B drift: ~ × ∇B 1 B ~v∇B = ± v⊥ rL 2 B2 • Curvature drift: ~vcurv = ± ~ × ∇B vk2 B ωc B2 – Curved vacuum field: ~vd = 1 mv 2 + mvk2 2 ⊥ ~c × B ~ 1 R qB 2 Rc2 ~ field: Time-dependent E • Polarization drift: ~vp = ± ~ 1 dE ωc B dt References [1] Francis Chen. Single-particle Motions, chapter 2, pages 19–52. Plenum, 1974. [2] Dwight R. Nicholson. Single Particle Motion, chapter 2, pages 17–36. Wiley series in plasma physics. John Wiley & Sons, 1983. [3] J. A. Bittencourt. Charged particle motion in constant and uniform electromagnetic fields, chapter 2, 3, pages 33–89. Springer, 2004. [4] R. L. Goldston and P. H. Rutherford. Single-particle Motion, pages 21–68. IOP Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 1995. [5] Eric Jones, Travis Oliphant, Pearu Peterson, et al. SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python, 2001–. [Online]. [6] Fernando Pérez and Brian E. Granger. IPython: a system for interactive scientific computing. Computing in Science and Engineering, 9(3):21–29, May 2007. 6