Fuel Cell Workshop Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen E.V.A. / bmvit Workshop Wien,31.3.-1.4.2004 „Stand Alone Photovoltaic Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems“ Ewald Wahlmüller, Fronius International GmbH Heinrich Wilk, Energie AG Oberösterreich ÿþýüûú Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System HELIOS, NASA 62.120 solar cells 35 kWp, eta=18,4 % PEM FC, H2 storage 14 engines, 2 hp each vmax=23 mph wing span 247 ft, 63 m mass: 1600 pounds Alt.max = 96.863 ft August 2001 WILK, EU, 24.7.2003 Foto: www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/photo/helios ÿþýüûú Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Polar Observer a technological igloo drifting on the ice Jean Louis Etienne 10 PV modules 75 Wp each Axane PEM FC operated with H2 WILK, 12.3.2004 Foto: www.jeanlouisetienne.com ÿþýüûú Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Redwood National Park, CA Radio-telephone repeater PV:780Wp, 24V Battery 1200Ah FC: 100 W PEM/H2 (32 cells) WILK ÿþýüûú12.3.2004 Foto: Schatz Energy Research Centre, California Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System PV Hybrid system with fuel cell back up, hydrogen powered PEM fuel cell Applications: - telecommunications - power supply for autonomous GSM repeater station - Data logger WILK ÿþýüûú12.3.2004 Foto: T-Mobile, PV Hybrid (Gasgenererator) für GSM Repeater Electricity Cost Grid extension with 0,4 kV - cable Cost [EURO/kWh] --> ÿ 50 m 100 m 200 m 500 m 1000 m 2000 m ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ average load [W] --> WILK 12.3.2004 ÿþýüûú ÿÿ ÿÿ Stand alone Photovoltaic Systems 105 availability [ % ] --> 100 95 90 85 80 2,5 days 75 5 days 70 10 days 65 20 days 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 P PV-Array / P load--> WILK, ÿþýüûú12.3.2004 Data: TRY 9, Munich, simulation for a complete year 35 40 45 Auxilliary Generators for Hybrid Applications Options for back up: Fuel Cell, h el. = 45 % Motor Generator operated with - Gasoline - Diesel - Propane h el. = 10 to 20 % WILK ÿþýüûú12.3.2004 Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Energy management system PV PV-charge controller FC-controller FC Temperature management Alarm, Datalogger Load control Battery storage E-manager Load DC/DC-Converter DC DC Step down converter FC->Battery FC H2 ÿþýüûú WILK 12.3.2004 Solar Data Linz, 300m alt. Global Solar / Month, 45° tilted, South 200 kWh/m2 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 ÿþýüûú 12.3.2004 Data: PV HTL Leonding/Linz (solar sensor: c-Si cell) WILK Dez Nov Okt Sep Aug Jun Mai Apr Mar Feb Jan Jul Data: 1990-2002 20 0 Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Energy Balance: PV - FC - Battery - Load 5000 PV-Surplus FC to Load PV to Load 4500 4000 3500 Ah --> 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Jan WILK ÿþýüûú12.3.2004 Feb März April Mai Juni Juli Aug P Load=100 W, P PV=1300 Wp, Battery 24 V, Weatherdata Linz Sep Okt Nov Dez Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System FC-Operation [h/a] FC-Operation hours as f(PPV) Load=100 W 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 FC Operating Hours/Year 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Solargenerator PPV [Wp] --> ÿþýüûú 12.3.2004 FC: Nexa 1,2 kW, 26 V, 46 A, Weatherdata: Linz WILK Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Solar fraction [%] Solar fraction of load current , Load=100 W 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Solar Fraction % 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Solargenerator PPV [Wp] --> ÿþýüûú 12.3.2004 FC: Nexa 1,2 kW, 26 V, 46 A, Weatherdata: Linz WILK Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Hybrid Remote Power System Cost of electricity as f(PPV), Load = 100 W Cost [Euro/kWh] 16 14 FC 12 10 PV-Solar H2-Version: Linde special price 8 6 Solargenerator PPV [Wp] --> ÿþýüûú 12.3. 2004 FC: Nexa 1,2 kW, 26 V, 46 A, Weatherdata: Linz WILK 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 2 0 0 4 The Fronius Group Employees Worldwide 1365 Active Patents 180 Turnover 2002 116 Mio Representation 75 Countries R&D Expenditure 8.1% Production sites 6 Export share 80.1% ÿþýüûú Fronius: Focussing on Energy Welding Technology Solarelectronics ÿþýüûú Battery Charging Systems Synergy: PV-Fuel Cell Hybrid Photovoltaics Application Potential + Environmentally Friendly + Scalability + integrability + Energy Density Generation on demand Service/Safety + Operating Environment + Cost - (+) ÿþýüûú Fuel Cell + + + + + + - (+) - (+) - (+) Ballard NEXA Fuel Cell Power Module Ballard PEM Fuel Cell: Foto: Ballard ÿþýüûú Fuel type: Hydrogen 5.0 H2 Consumption: <0,018 Nm3/min Fuel Composition: 99,99 % H2 Pel = 1,2 kW net max. at V=26 V, I=46 A Vmin = 22 V Ptherm = 1,65 kW max. Operating life: 1500 h MTBF: 1000 h Cycle life: 500 max. Operating-temp. Stack: 65 °C Ambient temp: +3 bis 30 °C Freeze/thaw cycles: 50 max. Weight: 13 kg Stand-Alone PV-Fuel Cell Hybrid System ÿþýüûú Integration Aspects Fuel Cell - Maximise fuel cell efficiency - Minimise number of fuel cell start-ups - Fuel cell operation under freezing ambient - Completion of safety features (monitoring of cooling air current and redundant hydrogen sensor) Battery - Continuous monitoring of battery state of charge and prevention of total discharge of battery - Automated battery charging along definded characteristic General - Data logging and communication - Minimisation of parasitic loads !!! ÿþýüûú Hard- & Software Development ÿþýüûú Optimum Fuel Cell Load 100 90 80 Efficiency [-] 70 ηMax @ PStack ~ 700W 60 50 40 30 ηDC/DC CF2440 h-Fronius CF2440 20 ηFuel Cell Back-up h-Backup 10 0 0 200 400 600 Power Input [W] ÿþýüûú 800 1000 1200 Implementation Site HTL Steyr, Implementation Site of PV-Fuel Cell Hybrid System ÿþýüûú R&D Project: 5 kW Direct-Hydrogen APU „fCDT“ Project Duration: 11/02 – 08/04 Project Partners: Bitter GmbH (Co), Fronius International GmbH, OÖ. TMG/CDT, ECHEM, JKU Linz, KTM Kühler GmbH, Kirstein GmbH Financing: private, governmental subsidy (A3 program, bmvit) Objectives: - cascadable unit for mobile and stationary applications in the 5 – 20 kW Range - Integration of (automotive) components appropriate for large quantity manufacturing - Integration lightweigt 350 bar cartouche System - Improvement of system lifetime ÿþýüûú Prototype 5 kW APU „fCDT “ ÿþýüûú Potential of Automotive Components Solenoid Valve G1/2 Bürkert Type 0223B, 24V, PN 0-1 bar, Power Consumption 9 W, 1,567 kg ÿþýüûú Control Valve G1/2 Bürkert Type 6024A, 24V, PN 0-0,2 bar, Power Consumption 18 W, 0,984 kg Thermostat Behr-Thomson T=65°C, Power Consumption: 0 W (!), 0,128 kg Early Markets Stand-Alone Applications: - Camping, Yachting & Leisure - Telecom, Telematics - National Parks - Rural Electrification - UPS ÿþýüûú Exploitation Plans Know-How, Infrastructur, Prototying Pilotprojects, Marketing Strategy Pilot Production, Product Launch Production & Sale ÿþýüûú