george`s survivor plants for central pa.

American fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)
Sun/part shade 18’ x 18’
American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)
Sun/part shade 25’ x 20’
American smoketree (Cotinus obovatus)
Sun/part shade 25’ x 25’
Autumn cherry ‘Autumnalis’ (Prunus subhirtella)
20’ x 30’
Blackgum ‘Wildfire’ (Nyssa sylvatica)
Sun/part shade 40’ x 25’
Carolina silverbell (Halesia tetraptera)
Sun/part shade 35’ x 25’
Coralbark maple ‘Sango Kaku’ (Acer palmatum)
p.m. shade
25’ x 20’
Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas)
Sun/part shade 20’ x 15’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Tamukeyama’ or ‘Crimson Queen’ Part shade
7’ x 8’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Garnet’(Acer palmatum)
Part shade
7’ x 8’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Hanami Nishiki’ (A. palmatum) Part shade
3’ x 6’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Red Feather’ (Acer palmatum) Part shade
6’ x 6’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Waterfall,’ ‘Viridis’ (A.palmatum) Part shade
8’x 10’
Cutleaf Japanese maple ‘Viridis’ (Acer palmatum)
Part shade
8’ x 8’
Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
Sun/part shade 20’ x 15’
Crabapple ‘Adirondack’ (Malus ‘Adirondack’)
18’ x 10’
Crabapple Centurion® (Malus ‘Centzan’)
20’ x 15’
Crabapple ‘Prairifire’ (Malus ‘Prairifire’)
18’ x 16’
Crabapple ‘Professor Sprenger’ (Malus ‘Prof. Sprenger’) Sun
20’ x 20’
Crabapple Sugar Tyme® (Malus ‘Sutyzan’)
18’ x 16’
Crapemyrtle Dynamite® or Red Rocket® (Lagerstroemia indica) Sun
8’ x 7’
Crapemyrtle ‘Hopi’ (Lagerstroemia indica)
7’ x 6’
Crapemyrtle ‘Natchez’ (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei) Sun
25’ x 20’
Crapemyrtle Pink Velour® (Lagerstroemia indica)
15’ x 8’
Crapemyrtle ‘Tonto’ (Lagerstroemia indica)
8’ x 7’
Crapemyrtle Rhapsody in Pink® (Lagerstroemia indica) Sun
10’ x 6’
Crapemyrtle ‘Tuscarora’ (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei) Sun
20’ x 20’
Dogwood ‘Appalachian Spring’ (Cornus florida)
Shade/part shade 20’ x 20’
Dogwood Aurora® (Cornus x ‘Rutban’)
Shade/part shade 18’ x 18’
Dogwood ‘Cherokee Chief’ (Cornus florida)
Shade/part shade 20’ x 20’
Dogwood Stellar Pink® (Cornus x ‘Rutgan’)
Shade/part shade 20’ x 19’
Flowering cherry ‘Kwanzan’ (Prunus serrulata)
30’ x 30’
Flowering cherry ‘Okame’ (Prunus x incam ‘Okame’) Sun
25’ x 20’
Flowering cherry ‘Yoshino’ (Prunus x yedoensis)
35’ x 30’
Flowering cherry ‘Akebono’ (Prunus x yedoensis)
40’ x 30’
Full-moon maple ‘Aconitifolium’ (Acer japonicum)
Part shade
25’ x 30’
Ginkgo ‘Autumn Gold’ (Ginkgo biloba)
50’ x 30’
Ginkgo ‘Princeton Sentry’ or Golden Colonnade™ (G. biloba) Sun
50’ x 20’
white (May)
Unusual shaggy flowers; yellow fall foliage; Pa. native
yellow (March) Orange-red fall foliage; tolerates damp soil; Pa. native
whitish (May) Glorious yellow/orange fall color; U.S. native; scaly bark
pink (fall)
A cherry that flowers light pink in fall instead of spring
not showy
Red new growth; excellent red fall color; Pa. native
white (May)
Bell-shaped flowers, likes damp acid soil; U.S. native
Coral stems in winter; gold fall foliage
yellow (March) Use as specimen or hedge; red fall fruits
Lacy red foliage; cascading specimen
Lacy burgundy-green foliage; cascading specimen
Miniature; leaves gold with red edges; low/slow-grower
Lacy dusky-red foliage; cascading specimen
Bright green turning gold/orange; cascading habit
Bright green foliage; cascading specimen
white (April/May) Pa. native; birds like fruit; can sucker and seed around
white (April) Very disease-resistant, drought-hardy, slender
rosy-red (April) Disease-resistant; narrow upright; red fruits
rose (April)
Burgundy-tinted foliage; disease-resistant
white (April) Disease-resistant; orange-red fruits
white (April) Compact; heavy bloomer; red fruits
red (July-Sept.) Nice specimen; may die back to roots in winter
pink (July-Sept.) Compact type, may die to roots in winter
white (July)
Fast-grower; nice peeling bark; red/orange in fall
magenta (July-Sept.) Glossy burgundy foliage; resists mildew
rose (July-Sept.) Maroon fall foliage; may die back to roots in winter
pink (July-Sept.) Purplish young foliage; resists mildew; may die back in winter
rose (July)
Fast-grower; red/orange fall foliage
white (April) Best American type for anthracnose resistance
white (April) Bug/disease-resistant hybrid; no fruits
pink (April)
Mildew-resistant American type; nice flower color
pink (April)
Bug/disease-resistant hybrid; no fruits
pink (April)
Double flowers, gorgeous in bloom
pink (April)
Very early bloomer; coral fall foliage
white (April) Arching branches; planted at D.C.’s Tidal Basin
pink (April)
Pinker than ‘Yoshino;’ longer-lived than most cherries
burgundy (April) Cut leaves turn crimson in fall
Fan-shaped foliage; bright-gold fall color
Fan-shaped foliage; durable; narrower than species
Goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Hawthorn ‘Winter King’ (Crataegus viridis)
Hornbeam ‘Fastigiata’ (Carpinus betulus)
30’ x 25’
20’ x 25’
Sun/part shade 35’ x 20’
Japanese maple ‘Red Emperor,’ ‘Bloodgood’ (Acer palmatum) Sun/part shade 18’ x 16’
Japanese maple ‘Atrolinear,’ ‘Shojo Nomura’ (Acer palmatum) Sun/part shade 12’ x 10’
Japanese maple ‘Beni Otaki’ (Acer palmatum)
Sun/part shade 10’ x 8’
Japanese snowbell (Styrax japonicus)
Sun/part shade 20’ x 20’
Japanese or Korean stewartia (Stewartia pseudocamellia) Sun/part shade 20’ x 15’
Japanese tree lilac ‘Ivory Silk’ (Syringa reticulata)
25’ x 18’
Japanese tree lilac ‘Summer Snow’ (Syringa reticulata) Sun
20’ x 15’
Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)
Sun/part shade 50’ x 25’
Kousa dogwood ‘Greensleeves’ or ‘Moonbeam’ (Cornus kousa) Sun/part shade 25’ x 18’
Kousa dogwood ‘Satomi’ (Cornus kousa)
Sun/part shade 25’ x 18’
Little-leaf linden (Tilia cordata)
Sun/part shade 50’ x 35’
Magnolia ‘Ann,’ ‘Betty’ or ‘Jane’ (Magnolia hybrid)
Sun/light shade 12’ x 10’
Magnolia ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ (Magnolia grandiflora) Part shade
35’ x 25’
Magnolia ‘Edith Bogue’ (Magnolia hybrid)
Part shade
30’ x 15’
Magnolia ‘Leonard Messel’ (Magnolia loebneri)
Part shade
15’ x 15’
Maple Autumn Blaze® (Acer x freemanii)
50’ x 40’
Maple Fall Fiesta® (Acer saccharum‘Baistra’)
60’ x 40’
Maple Red Sunset® or October Glory® (Acer rubrum) Sun
50’ x 35’
Maple Redpointe® (Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’)
45’ x 30’
Pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia)
p.m. shade
20’ x 20’
Paperbark maple (Acer griseum)
25’ x 20’
Parrotia (Persian ironwood) (Parrotia persica)
Sun/part shade 30’ x 20’
Purple beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’)
50’ x 40’
Purple smoketree ‘Royal Purple’ or ‘Velvet Cloak’
10’ x 8’
Purple weeping beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Purple Fountain’) Sun
20’ x 8’
Redbud ‘Forest Pansy’ (Cercis canadensis)
Shade/part shade 20’ x 25’
Redbud The Rising Sun® (Cercis canadensis ‘JNJ’)
15’ x 20’
Red oak (Quercus rubra)
60’ x 50’
River birch Dura Heat® (Betula nigra ‘BNMTF’)
Sun/part shade 40’ x 25’
River birch ‘Little King’ (Betula nigra) (Fox Valley®) Sun/part shade 12’ x 15’
Serviceberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’ or ‘Princess Diana’ Sun/part shade 20’ x 15’
Saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana)
Sun/part shade 25’ x 25’
Seven-son flower (Heptacodium miconioides)
Sun/part shade 18’ x 12’
Silver linden (Tilia tomentosa)
50’ x 30’
Star magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
Sun/part shade 10’ x 10’
Sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana)
Part shade
16’ x 14’
Sweetgum ‘Slender Silhouette’ (Liquidambar styraciflua) Sun
40’ x 6 ’
Sweetgum ‘Rotundiloba’ (Liquidambar styraciflua)
60’ x 40’
yellow (July) Heat and drought tolerant; may seed around
white (May)
Showy winter red fruits; has some thorns; plant in spring
Fast-growing upright habit; durable anywhere
red (May)
Red foliage; best in wind-protected area
red (May)
Deep red leaves turn scarlet in fall; compact
red (May)
Red leaves turn scarlet in fall; narrow leaves
white (May)
Bell-shaped flowers; ‘Pink Chimes’ blooms pink
white (July)
Nice in flower, flaking bark, red/gold fall leaves
white (June)
Most disease-resistant lilac; durable street tree
white (June)
More compact than ‘Ivory Silk’; durable street tree
Heart-shaped leaves; also smaller weeping form
white (May)
Heavy flowering; nice fall foliage
pink (May)
Bug/disease-resistant; red fruits; nice bark
yellow (June) Bee-attracting flowers; fall nutlets; durable
pink (April)
Slow-growing dwarfs; ideal for house corners
white (May)
Great specimen; glossy leaves with tan undersides; U.S. native
white (May)
Very cold tolerant; fragrant blooms
pink (April)
Compact grower, very cold-hardy
Drought-tolerant; fast-grower; no seeds; hybrid of 2 natives
Sugar maple with brilliant red/orange fall foliage; U.S. native
Nice shade tree; bright red fall foliage; Pa. native
Bright red fall foliage; heat-tolerant; Pa. native
white (May)
Blue-black fall fruits; horizontal habit; Pa. native
Compact maple with peeling bark
none noticeable Great specimen; red/orange fall foliage
Large specimen; dark foliage; smooth bark
dusky (June) Puffy flower heads, nice burgundy foliage
Narrow specimen weeper with purple/burgundy foliage
pink (April)
Burgundy foliage; nice by woods; Pa. native
rosy (April)
Heart-shaped leaves change tangerine to green/apricot; Pa. native
Fast-grower; red fall leaves; superior to pin oak; Pa. native
catkins (spring) Peeling light tan bark; multiple trunks; Pa. native
catkins (spring) Compact river birch; dense habit; nice bark; Pa. native
white (April) Edible fruits; great fall color; Pa. native
pink/white (April) Large flowers; showy in bloom; drops big petals after bloom
white (August)
white (July)
white (April)
white (May)
white (April)
white (April)
Late bloomer; red/purple fall fruits; peeling bark
Tough, pyramidal shade tree; takes heat & drought
Compact but last frost often nips flower buds
Prefers damp, woodsy, acidy soil; fragrant; Pa. native
Columnar; few spiky balls; brilliant fall color; Pa. native
No gum balls; rounded leaves; yellow in fall; Pa. native
Tricolor beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseo-Marginata’)
p.m. shade
Three-flower maple (Acer triflorum)
Sun/part shade
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)
Weeping crabapple ‘Red Jade’ (Malus x scheideckeri) Sun
Weeping cherry Snow Fountains® (Prunus subhirtella pendula)Sun
Weeping katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Pendula’) Sun/part shade
Weeping snowbell ‘Carillon’ (Styrax japonicus)
Shade/part shade
Weeping snowbell ‘Fragrant Fountain’ (Styrax japonicus) Shade/part shade
White oak (Quercus alba)
White swamp oak Beacon® (Quercus bicolor)
Sun/part shade
Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea)
Sun/part shade
Zelkova ‘Village Green’ (Zelkova serrata)
30’ x 20’
25’ x 25’
25’ x 20’
12’ x 18’
15’ x 18’
20’ x 25’
10’ x 8’
8’ x 6’
60’ x 50’
40’ x 15’
50’ x 40’
60’ x 60’
Cream, green and pink variegated foliage
white (April)
white (April)
white (May)
white (May)
white (May)
Weeping habit, red fruits, nice for house corner
Prolific bloomer; weeping habit; nice specimen
Graceful weeping habit; great specimen
Great small weeping specimen
Great small weeping specimen
Pa. native shade tree; acorns; dark-red fall color
Narrow upright; tolerates wet soil; yellow fall foliage
Native, vase-shaped, keep moist in drought
Elm-like shade tree; nice fall color
American holly (Ilex opaca)
Arborvitae ‘Emerald Green’ (Thuja occidentalis)
Arborvitae ‘Green Giant’ or ‘Steeplechase’ (Thuja plicata)
Arborvitae ‘Hetz Midget’ or ‘Linesville’ (T. occidentalis)
Arborvitae Mr. Bowling Ball® (Thuja occidentalis)
Arborvitae ‘Holmstrupp’ (Thuja occidentalis)
Arborvitae ‘Zebrina’ (Thuja plicata)
Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Birds nest spruce (dwarf) (Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’)
Blue atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica)
Blue holly ‘Blue Angel’ (Ilex x meserveae)
Blue holly ‘Blue Princess’ (Ilex x meserveae)
Blue holly ‘Blue Prince’ (Ilex x meserveae)
Blue spruce ‘Bakeri’ (Picea pungens ‘Bakeri’)
Blue spruce ‘Fat Albert’ (Picea pungens)
Blue spruce ‘Montgomery’ (Picea pungens)
Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii var. leucodermis)
Boxwood ‘Dee Runk’ (Buxus sempervirens)
Boxwood ‘Elegantissima’ (Buxus sempervirens)
Boxwood ‘Graham Blandy’ or ‘Green Tower’ (Buxus)
Boxwood ‘Green Velvet’ or Chicagoland Green® (Buxus)
Boxwood North Star™ (Buxus sempervirens ‘Katerberg’)
Boxwood ‘Green Mountain’ (Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’)
Boxwood Green Ice® or ‘Green Mound’ (Buxus)
Boxwood ‘Green Beauty’ or ‘Winter Gem’ (Buxus)
Boxwood ‘Green Gem’ or ‘Franklin’s Gem’ (Buxus)
Boxwood ‘Justin Brouwers’ (Buxus sinica insularis)
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
30’ x 15’
15’ x 4’
25’ x 6’-8’
4’ x 4’
3’ x 3’
6’ x 4’
25’ x 6’-8’
60’ x 25’
3’ x 4’
40’ x 30’
4’ x 5’
8’ x 6’
8’ x 6’
15’ x 7’
12’ x 8’
10’ x 8’
30’ x 12’
10’ x 3’
5’ x 4’
6’ x 2’
3’ x 3.5’
3’ x 3.5’
5’ x 3.5’
2.5’ x 3’
2.5’ x 3’
2’ x 30”
2.5’ x 3’
tall screening
tall screening
Pointy leaves; tolerates damp soil; red fruits; Pa. native
Narrow; holds shape/color well; deer prone; U.S. native
Fast-grower, resists deer and bagworms; U.S. native
Globe-shaped, dense foliage, trims easily; U.S. native
none noticeable Nice peeling bark, 3-leaf clusters turn orange-red in fall
none noticeable Reddish new growth; glossy red-orange in fall
Globe-shaped, compact, fine-textured soft needles; U.S. native
Dwarf arborvitae; pyramidal habit; U.S. native
screen/specimen Gold/green variegated needles; resists deer; U.S. native
Tolerates wet soil; drops needles in winter; U.S. native
Flat habit like nest; tough in drought
Borderline hardy but elegant blue; also weeping form
Compact type; dark foliage; red berries in fall
Dark foliage; red berries in fall
Needed to produce berries on ‘Princess’
Dwarf blue spruce; pyramidal shape; U.S. native
Blue needles; wide, upright habit; drought-tough; U.S. native
Blue needles; rounded habit; tough in drought; U.S. native
specimen/screen Blight-/bug-resistant, salt-tolerant, stiff needles
Very skinny upright; does well in pots; resists blight
Bright variegated foliage; dense; protect from wind
Very skinny upright; does well in pots
Compact; holds green color well in winter
Compact; holds green color well in winter
Upright and compact; dense grower
Compact, hardy; glossy foliage; fairly blight-resistant
Compact, hardy; glossy foliage; resists blight
Smallest of dwarf boxwoods; resists blight
Compact, bug/clay-tolerant but vulnerable to blight
Camellia ‘April Blush’ and ‘April Dawn’ (Camellia)
Cherry laurel ‘Mt. Vernon’ (Prunus laurocerasus)
Cherry laurel ‘Otto Luyken’ (Prunus laurocerasus)
Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens)
Concolor fir (Abies concolor)
Cotoneaster adpressus ‘Little Gem’ or ‘Tom Thumb’
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Black Dragon’
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Globosa Nana’
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yoshino’ or ‘Kitayama’
Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
Dwarf Norway spruce ‘Little Gem’ (Picea abies)
Dwarf Serbian spruce (Picea omorika ‘Nana’)
Shade/part shade 5’ x 4’-5’
3’ x 4’
4’ x 5’
40’ x 15’
Sun/part shade 40’ x 20’
Sun/part shade 2’ x 4’
Sun/part shade 10’ x 5’
Sun/light shade 4’ x 4’
Sun/part shade 20’ x 10’
100’ x 40’
2’ x 3’
Sun/part shade 5’ x 4’
Goldthread/greenthread falsecypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera) Sun/part shade 8’ x 6’
Goldthread falsecypress ‘Golden Mop’ (Chamaecyparis pisifera) Sun
5’ x 4’-5’
Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
Shade/part shade 40’ x 20’
Hemlock ‘Jeddeloh’ (Tsuga canadensis)
Shade/part shade 2’ x 3’
Hinoki cypress ‘Crippsii’ or ‘Confucious’ (C. obtusa)
Sun/part shade 12’ x 8’
Hinoki cypress ‘Ericoides’ or ‘Gracilis’ (C. obtusa)
Sun/part shade 12’ x 5’
Hinoki cypress ‘Filicoides’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Sun/part shade 10’ x 5’
Hinoki cypress ‘Fernspray Gold’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 10’ x 4’
Hinoki cypress ‘Kosteri’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Sun/part shade 7’ x 4’
Hinoki cypress ‘Nana Gracilis’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 6’ x 5’
Hinoki cypress ‘Gracilis Compacta’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 6’ x 5’
Hinoki cypress ‘Nana Lutea’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 4’ x 3’
Hinoki cypress ‘Templehof’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 8’ x 6’
Hinoki cypress ‘Tetragona Aurea’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Sun/part shade 10’ x 4’
Hinoki cypress ‘Torulosa’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Sun/part shade 5’ x 4’
Hinoki cypress ‘Verdoni’ (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Sun/part shade 6’ x 3’
Holly ‘Centennial Girl’ (Ilex centrochinensis x aquifolium) Sun/part shade 15’ x 6’
Holly Dragon Lady® (Ilex aquipernyi ‘Meshick’)
Sun/part shade 12’ x 5’
Holly Red Beauty™ (Ilex x ‘Rutzan’)
Sun/part shade 8’-10’ x 4’-5’
Japanese plum yew ‘Fastigiata’ (Cephalotaxus harringtonia) Shade/part shade 8’ x 4’
Japanese plum yew ‘Duke Gardens’ or ‘Prostrata’
Shade/part shade 3’ x 5’
Japanese umbrella pine (Sciadopitys verticillata)
p.m. shade
10’ x 6’
Japanese garden juniper (Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’) Sun
18” x 5’-6’
Juniper ‘Blue Arrow’ (Juniperus virginiana)
15’ x 3’
Juniper ‘Blue Point’ (Juniperus chinensis)
10’ x 5’
Juniper ‘Blue Star’ (Juniperus squamata)
18” x 3’
Juniper ‘Blue Pacific,’ ‘Silver Mist’ (Juniperus conferta) Sun
1’ x 5’
Juniper Emerald Sentinel™ (Juniperus virginiana ‘Corcorcor’) Sun
20’ x 8’
Juniper ‘Gold Cone’ (Juniperus communis)
6’ x 3’
pink (April)
Hardy to our area most winters; glossy evergreens
Glossy leaves, does dry shade, white flowers
Glossy leaves, does dry shade, white flowers
screen/specimen Blue needles; also makes nice screen; U.S. native
screen/specimen Blue-green needles; tough in all but clay soil; U.S. native
Dense, slow-growing spreader with small fall fruits
Irregular, pyramidal habit; very slow-growing
Rounded slow-grower; soft needles; low-care
screen/specimen Soft needles, fairly narrow form, fast grower
doors, corners
doors, corners
Soft needles turn orange in fall before dropping
Very compact slow-grower, stiff green needles
Nice for sunny foundations
Thready foliage, shaggy form; green or gold
Ball-shaped dwarf; shaggy habit; gold color
Shears well; nice screen; watch for adelgids; Pa. native
Very dwarf weeper; nice by water garden; Pa. native
Yellow fern-like foliage; open pyramidal form
Narrow evergreen with irregular habit
Ferny, spray-like habit; dark green
Compact, fairly narrow and golden foliage
Medium-green dwarf; slightly twisted form
Slow-growing dwarf; Oriental look
Slow-growing dwarf; Oriental look
Very compact slow-grower with gold foliage
Conical form with light green foliage
Compact slow-grower with soft golden needles
Irregular pyramid with twisted form
Narrow, slow-growing upright; gold-tinted soft needles
Dense, tall hedge for part shade; pollinate with ‘Blue Prince’
Narrow; open habit; ‘Blue Stallion’ best pollinator
Narrow, dense, pyramid; ‘Blue Stallion,’ ‘Blue Prince’ males
Can be kept skinny with annual trim
Spreader; deer-resistant; tolerates tree-root competition
Very slow grower; bigger with time
Short spreader with green needles
Narrow upright with blue-green needles; Pa. native
specimen/screen Broad, pyramidal habit; blue-green needles
Short mounder with blue-gray needles
groundcover Low spreader with silvery/blue needles
Heavy blue fruit producer; nice screen; Pa. native
specimen/doorways Golden new foliage; dwarf; narrow; slow-grower
Juniper ‘Gold Lace’ or Gold Star® (Juniperus chinensis) Sun
Juniper ‘Lime Glow’ (Juniperus horizontalis)
Juniper ‘Gray Gleam’ (Juniperus scopulorum)
Juniper ‘Grey Owl’ (Juniperus virginiana)
Juniper ‘Manhattan Blue’ (Juniperus virginiana)
Juniper ‘Mint Julep’ (Juniperus x pfitzeriana)
Juniper ‘Tolleson’s Weeping’ (Juniperus scopulorum) Sun
Korean fir (Abies koreana)
Sun/part shade
Leyland cypress (Cuprocyparis leylandii)
Sun/light shade
Leyland cypress ‘Gold Rider’ (Cuprocyparis leylandii) Sun/light shade
Manhattan euonymus (Euonymus kiautschovicus)
Shade/part shade
Nandina ‘Compacta’ or ‘Gulfstream’ (Nandina domestica) Sun/shade
Nandina ‘Harbor Dwarf’ (Nandina domestica)
Nandina ‘Moon Bay’ or ‘Firepower’ (Nandina domestica) Sun/shade
Nandina ‘Tuscan Flame’ (Nandina domestica)
Nandina ‘Woods Dwarf’ (Nandina domestica)
Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana)
Sun/part shade
Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis)
Sun/part shade
Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’
Part shade
Pieris japonica ‘Compacta’ or ‘Dorothy Wycoff’
p.m. shade
Pieris japonica ‘Red Mill’
p.m. shade
Rhododendron ‘Ken Janeck’ or ‘Yaku Princess’
Part shade
Rhododendron ‘Nova Zembla’
Part shade
Rhododendron ‘Olga Mezitt’ (Mezitt hybrid)
Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’
Part shade
Rhododendron ‘PJM’ or ‘Purple Gem’
Sun/part shade
Rhododendron ‘Roseum Elegans’ (R. catawbiense)
Shade/part shade
Russian (Siberian) cypress (Microbiota decussata)
Shade/part shade
Serbian spruce (Picea omorika)
Sun/part shade
Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra)
Sweet box (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis)
Shade/part shade
Weeping Alaska-cedar (Xanthocyparis nootkatensis)
Weeping Alaska-cedar ‘Green Arrow’ (X. nootkatensis) Sun
Weeping Norway spruce (Picea abies pendula)
Weeping blue atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’) Sun/part shade
Weeping Serbian spruce (Picea omorika ‘Pendula Bruns’) Sun/part shade
Yew ‘Flushing’ or ‘Beanpole’ (Taxus x media)
Yew ‘Hicksii’ (Taxus media ‘Hicksii’)
Yew, spreading English (Taxus baccata ‘Repandens’) Sun/shade
4’ x 6’
18” x 4’
10’ x 5’
3’ x 6’
30’ x 8’
4’ x 6’
15’ x 8’
25’ x 10’
25’ x 6’
20’ x 6’
6’ x 6’
4’ x 3’
2’ x 3’
2.5’ x 2.5’
5’ x 3’
3’ x 4’
40’ x 20’
50’ x 25’
60’ x 20’
6’ x 6’
6’ x 4’
8’ x 5’
3’ x 4’
6’ x 6’
6’ x 4’
3’ x 4’
3’ x 3’
5’ x 4’
1’ x 5’
50’ x 20’
35’ x 18’
2’ x 4’
25’ x 10’
25’ x 5’
15’ x 6’
15’ x 6’
12’ x 4’
8’ x 2’
8’ x 4’
3’ x 6’
banks/foundation Golden foliage; spray-like growth habit
Low spreader with neon lime/green needles; U.S. native
Blue-gray needles; compact neat upright; U.S. native
banks/foundation Silvery-gray needles, spray-like growth habit; Pa. native
Blue needles; upright; good fruit producer; Pa. native
banks/foundation Spray-like habit with green foliage; best massed
Shaggy weeper for house corner or water garden; U.S. native
Slow grower, heat tolerant, beautiful blue cones
tall screening Trim to control fast/brittle growth; may brown in cold winter
Gold-tinted needles; trim to control brittle growth; iffy in cold
hedges/screening Glossy leaves; durable but plain-Jane green; fast-grower
white (May)
Red fall foliage; red fall fruits
white (May)
Coppery foliage deepens to red in fall; some fruits
Compact dwarf; bright red fall foliage; no fruits
white (May)
Red/green foliage turns red in fall; some fruits
Red fall foliage; no fruits
screen/specimen Dark green foliage; soft, flat needles; deer prone
screen/specimen Nice screen plant; also comes in weeping form
Short, dark-green needles; red spring flowers
Variegated holly look-alike; slow grower; hardy most winters
white (April) Nice but may get lacebugs, root rot
white (April) Red new leaves; resists root rot but prone to lacebugs
white (May)
Compact; fuzzy leaf undersides; tough “yak” types
red (May)
Heat and cold tolerant; longtime market favorite
pink (April)
Looks like azalea; adaptable; evergreen
pink (May)
Compact “yak” type; vibrant peach/pink blooms
purple (April) Early bloomers; more tolerant of sun than most
lavender (May) Old standby, tolerates heat well
Shade-tolerant creeper; soft needles
screen/specimen Tree with narrow, graceful habit
screen/specimen Nice pyramidal shape; slow-grower
groundcover Low-spreading broadleaf for shade areas
Weeping habit; nice for house corner
Weeping habit & exceptionally narrow form of above
Trained “arms” are great by water gardens
Stake “arms’ when young, best in protected spot
Silvery blue needles; narrow; slow-growing
Touch, columnar evergreen; ideal in tight spaces
Plain green but durable upright; easily trimmed
shady banks
Dense; spreading habit; can be pruned to control size
Abelia ‘Kaleidoscope’ (Abelia x grandiflora)
Abelia Pinky Bells™ or ‘Rose Creek’ (Abelia)
Barberry Bonanza Gold® (Berberis thunbergii)
Bayberry Silver Sprite® (Morella pensylvanica)
Beautyberry ‘Duet’ (Callicarpa dichotoma var. albafructus)
Beautyberry ‘Profusion’ (Callicarpa bodinieri)
Beautybush ‘Pink Cloud’ (Kolkwitzia amabilis)
Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) (many varieties)
Blueberry ‘Top Hat,’ Brazelberries® ‘Jelly Bean’
Blueberry Blueberry Glaze™ (Vaccinium corymbosum)
Bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parviflora)
Bush honeysuckle Cool Splash® (Diervilla sessilifolia)
Bush honeysuckle Kodiak® Black (Diervilla rivularis)
Butterfly bush ‘Flutterby Petite’ (Buddleia davidii)
Butterfly bush Lo and Behold® ‘Blue Chip’ (B. davidii)
Butterfly bush Lo and Behold® ‘Purple Haze’ (B. davidii)
Butterfly bush ‘White Ball’ (Buddleia davidii)
Caryopteris ‘Dark Knight’ or Grand Bleu™
Caryopteris ‘First Choice’ or Petit Bleu™
Caryopteris ‘Snow Fairy’ (Caryopteris divaricata)
Chokeberry ‘Autumn Magic’ (Aronia melanocarpa)
Chokeberry ‘Brilliantissima’ (Aronia arbutifolia)
Chokeberry Iroquois Beauty™ (Aronia melanocarpa)
Crapemyrtle Dazzle Me Pink®, ‘Red Filli,’ Ruby Dazzle®
Crapemyrtle ‘Victor’ (Lagerstroemia indica)
Dappled willow (Salix integra ‘Hakura Nishiki’)
Deutzia gracilis Chardonnay Pearls®
Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’ or Yuki Snowflake™
Deutzia gracilis Yuki Cherry Blossom™
Elderberry Black Lace™ (Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’)
Elderberry ‘Sutherland Gold’ (Sambucus racemosa)
Forsythia Goldilocks® (Forsythia x intermedia ‘Cortacour’)
Forsythia Gold Tide® (Forsythia x ‘Courtasol’)
Fothergilla ‘Mt. Airy’ (Fothergilla x intermedia)
Genista lydia Bangle®
Hydrangea BloomStruck® (H. macrophylla)
Hydrangea ‘Blue Wave’ (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Hydrangea ‘Bluebird’ or ‘Blue Billow’ (H. serrata)
Hydrangea ‘Blushing Bride’ (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
3’ x 4’
3’ x 4’
2’ x 3’
5’ x 6’
6’ x 6’
6’ x 6’
7’ x 6’
5’ x 3’
2.5’ x 2.5’
2’ x 3’
12’ x 15’
3.5’ x 4’
4’ x 5’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
4’ x 4’
4’ x 4’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
5’ x 6’
10’ x 5’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
5’ x 5’
5’ x 6’
3.5’ x 3.5’
2’ x 4’
2’ x 4’
8’ x 8’
8’ x 6’
3’ x 3’
2.5’ x 5’
6’ x 5’
2’ x 3’
4’ x 5’
4’ x 5’
4’ x 4.5’
5’ x 5’
3.5’ x 3.5’
5’ x 5’
white (summer) Variegated leaves change color through season
pink (spring) Semi-evergreen; attracts butterflies; compact
yellow (April) Gold leaves; durable; among least invasive seeders
not showy
Blue/gray berries; needs ‘Morton Male’ pollinator; Pa. native
not showy
White-edged leaves; white BB-sized fall fruits
pink (July)
Lavender fall berries; pink/purple fall foliage
pink (May)
Arching habit; heavy bloomer; prune to control size
white (May)
Birds love fruit; glossy red fall foliage; Pa. native
white (May)
Compact fruiters; red in fall; will do pots; Pa. native
white (May)
Compact; boxwood-like; nearly black fruit Pa. native
white (summer) Big; nice woodland plant; prefers acidy soil
yellow (June) Arching habit; variegated leaves; colonizes; U.S. native
yellow (June) Arching habit; dark leaves; deer-resistant; Pa. native
Shade/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/light shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/light shade
p.m. shade
p.m. shade
p.m. shade
p.m. shade
Hydrangea Cityline® ‘Mars,’ Cityline® ‘Paris’ (H. macrophylla) p.m. shade
Hydrangea Endless Summer® or ‘Dooley’ (H. macrophylla) p.m. shade
purple (summer)
purple (summer)
purple (summer)
white (summer)
Super-dwarf; little to no pruning; non-seeding
Super-dwarf; little to no pruning; non-seeding
Super-dwarf; little to no pruning; non-seeding
Compact variety; silvery foliage; low seeding potential
blue (early fall) Late bloomer; heat, drought tolerant
blue (early fall) More compact and earlier blooming than above
blue (early fall) Beautiful white-edge leaves; unusual blue flowers
white (May)
Black fall fruits, red fall foliage; Pa. native
white (May)
Superb red fall foliage and red berries; Pa. native
white (May)
Compact version of ‘Autumn Magic’; Pa. native
pink (July-Sept.) Very compact and slow-growing; hardy most winters
pink (July-Sept.) Compact summer bloomer; may die to roots in winter
white (May)
Heavy white variegation; takes damp soil
white (May)
Lime-yellow leaves; arching habit
white (May)
Good on banks or as woody groundcover
pink (May)
Similar to ‘Nikko’ & Yuki Snowflake™ but with pink flowers
pink (May)
Dark dissected foliage; cut back after bloom; some fruits
white (May)
Gold dissected leaves; red summer fruits ; U.S. native
yellow (April) Very compact forsythia; early bloomer
yellow (April) Dwarf form; good massed on sunny banks
white (April) Great red/orange/gold fall color; U.S. native
yellow (May) Drought-tough, deer-resistant, fine-textured dwarf broom
purple (summer) Red stems; cold-tolerant buds; disease-resistant
blue (July)
Beautiful lace-cap type flowers
blue (July)
Heavy-blooming, lace-cap type flowers
white (July)
Reblooming mophead; matures light pink
pink (July)
Compact, excellent as cut flowers, too
blue (summer) Reblooming mopheads; also early to flower
Hydrangea Everlasting® series (Hydrangea macrophylla) p.m. shade
Hydrangea Forever and Ever® (Hydrangea macrophylla) p.m. shade
Hydrangea Incrediball® or ‘Annabelle’ (H. arborescens)
Sun/part shade
Hydrangea Invincibelle Spirit®, ‘Bella Anna’ (H. arborescens) Sun/part shade
Hydrangea Let’s Dance® ‘Starlight’ or Twist & Shout® p.m. shade
Hydrangea ‘Limelight’ (Hydrangea paniculata)
Sun/part shade
Hydrangea Little Lime®, Bobo® (Hydrangea paniculata) Sun/part shade
Hydrangea Little Quick Fire® (Hydrangea paniculata)
Sun/part shade
Hydrangea ‘Pink Elf’ (aka ‘Pia’) (Hydrangea macrophylla) p.m. shade
Hydrangea Pinky Winky®, Quick Fire® (H. paniculata)
Sun/part shade
Hydrangea ‘Preziosa’ (Hydrangea serrata)
p.m. shade
Hydrangea ‘Tovelit’ (Hydrangea macrophylla)
p.m. shade
Hydrangea ‘Zebra’ (Hydrangea macrophylla)
p.m. shade
Japanese kerria ‘Picta’ (Kerria japonica)
Shade/part shade
Lilac (dwarf Korean) (Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’)
Lilac Bloomerang® ‘Purple’ (Syringa patula x macrophylla) Sun
Lilac Bloomerang® ‘Dark Purple’ (S. patula x macrophylla)
Lilac ‘Josee’ or Bloomerang® (Syringa patula x macrophylla) Sun
Lilac (dwarf) ‘Miss Kim’ (Syringa patula)
Lilac (dwarf) Tinkerbelle® (Syringa ‘Bailbelle’)
Lilac (dwarf) ‘Prairie Petite’ (Syringa vulgaris)
Ninebark Coppertina®, ‘Amber Jubilee’ (Physocarpus opulifolius)Sun
Ninebark Diabolo® (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Ninebark Summer Wine®, Little Devil™ (Physocarpus) Sun
Oakleaf hydrangea Gatsby Pink® (Hydrangea quercifolia) Shade/part shade
Oakleaf hydrangea ‘Ruby Slippers’ (Hydrangea quercifolia) Shade/part shade
Oakleaf hydrangea Snow Queen® (Hydrangea quercifolia)Shade/part shade
Oakleaf hydrangea Snowflake™ (Hydrangea quercifolia) Shade/part shade
Oakleaf hydrangea ‘Sikes Dwarf’ or ‘PeeWee’
Shade/part shade
Purple beautyberry ‘Early Amethyst’ (Callicarpa dichotoma) Sun/part shade
Red-twig dogwood Arctic Fire™ (Cornus sericea)
Sun/part shade
Red-twig dogwood ‘Cardinal’ (Cornus sericea)
Sun/part shade
Red-twig dogwood ‘Midwinter Fire’ (Cornus sanguinea) Sun/part shade
Red-twig dogwood Red Rover™ (Cornus amomum obliqua) Sun/part shade
Rose Baby Love® (miniature type)
Sun/part shade
Rose Drift® series (groundcover type)
Sun/part shade
Rose Flower Carpet® (shrub type)
Rose Home Run® (shrub type)
Sun/part shade
Rose Julia Child® (floribunda type)
Rose Knock Out® or Double Knock Out® (shrub type) Sun/part shade
Rose Pink Knock Out® or Pink Double Knock Out® (shrub) Sun/part shade
3’ x 4’
3’ x 4’
6’ x 6’
5’ x 5’
3’ x 4’
8’ x 6’
6’ x 5’
6’ x 5’
2’ x 2.5’
7’ x 6’
3’ x 4’
3’ x 3’
4’ x 4’
4’ x 4’
6’ x 6’
5’ x 5’
5’ x 5’
5’ x 5’
6’ x 5’
5’ x 4’
4’ x 4’
7’ x 6’
7’ x 6’
5’ x 4’
6’ x 6’
4’ x 5’
6’ x 6’
6’ x 5’
3’ x 4’
4’ x 4’
5’ x 4’
7’ x 6’
7’ x 6’
5’ x 6’
3’ x 3’
18” x 3’
3’ x 4’
3.5’ x 3.5’
3.5’ x 2.5’
4’ x 4’
4’ x 4’
8 colors (summer) Reblooming mopheads; flowers change colors
rose, pink (summer) Repeat
bloomers; compact; disease-resistant
Heavy snowball bloomer; versatile; Pa. native
Pink ‘Annabelle’ types; Pa. native
Reblooming lacecap types
PeeGee type; flowers start greenish, fade white, pink
white/pink (Aug.) Compact PeeGee types; large cone-shaped flowers
white/pink (Aug.) Compact PeeGee types; large cone-shaped flowers
pink (July)
Very compact ball-shaped form; mophead
white (July)
pink (July)
pink (summer)
white (July)
white/pink (Aug.) Heavy cone-shaped blooms; tough, showy, sturdy
pink (June-Aug.) Cold-hardy buds; burgundy fall foliage; maroon stems
mauve (July)
white (July)
yellow (April)
lavender (May)
lavender (May)
purple (May)
pink (May)
lavender (May)
pink (May)
pink/lavender (May)
white (June)
white (June)
white (June)
pink (July)
pink (July)
white (July)
white (July)
white (July)
pink (July)
white (May)
white (May)
white (May)
white (May)
Very compact type; heavy bloomer; mophead
Nearly black stems; mophead white flowers
Dwarf version of tough shrub; white-edged leaves
Resistant to mildew; fragrant; compact
Dwarf rebloomer; resists mildew
Dwarf rebloomer; resists mildew
Dwarf rebloomers; resists mildew
Resistant to mildew; fragrant; compact
Resistant to mildew; fragrant; compact
Very compact, rounded habit, fragrant
Coppery new foliage, then dark in summer; Pa. native
Very dark burgundy foliage; drought hardy; Pa. native
Very dark burgundy foliage; dwarf versions of ‘Diabolo’; Pa. native
Pink-blooming oakleaf; burgundy fall foliage; U.S. native
Dwarf type; blooms mature pink; burgundy in fall; U.S. native
Burgundy fall foliage; peeling bark; U.S. native
Burgundy fall foliage; peeling bark; U.S. native
Dwarf form of oakleaf hydrangea; U.S. native
Lavender fall berries, cut ankle-high each spring
Compact; red stems; non-suckering type; Pa. native
Brightest red stems in winter; Pa. native
Yellow/orange fall foliage; red stems in winter
Burgundy fall foliage; blue fruits; red stems; Pa. native
yellow (summer) Highly disease resistant; repeat bloomer
6 colors (summer) Low spreading type; no spray; long-blooming
pink, white, red Long bloomer; low maintenance
red (summer)
yellow (June)
Rosy-red with yellow center; disease resistant
Disease resistant, fragrant, double-petaled
neon cherry pink Long bloomer, no spraying, cut back hard in March
pink (all season) Same habit as ‘Knock Out’, only medium pink
Rose Sunny Knock Out® or ‘Carefree Sunshine’ (shrub)
Serviceberry ‘Regent’ (Amelanchiar alnifolia)
Smokebush Golden Spirit™ (Cotinus coggyria)
Spirea ‘Little Princess’ (Spireae japonica)
Spirea ‘Anthony Waterer’ (Spireae x bumalda)
Spirea ‘Neon Flash’ (Spireae japonica)
Spirea ‘Crispa’ (Spireae x bumalda)
Spirea nipponica ‘Snowmound’
Spirea Mellow Yellow® (Spireae thunbergii ‘Ogon’)
St. Johnswort ‘Albury Purple’ (Hypericum androsaemum)
St. Johnswort ‘Brigadoon’ (Hypericum calycinum)
St. Johnswort Blue Velvet™ (Hypericum kalmiatum)
Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’
Sumac ‘Gro-Low’ (Rhus aromatica)
Sumac Tiger Eyes® (Rhus typhina)
Summersweet ‘Ruby Spice’ (Clethra alnifolia)
Summersweet ‘Hummingbird,’ ‘Compacta’ (C. alnifolia)
Summersweet ‘16 Candles’ (Clethra alnifolia)
Sweetshrub ‘Hartlage Wine’ (Calycanthus floridus)
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)
Variegated aralia (Eleutherococcus sieboldianus ‘Variegatus’)
Viburnum (Arrowwood) (Viburnum dentatum)
Viburnum Blue Muffin®, Chicago Lustre® (V. dentatum)
Viburnum Cardinal Candy™ (Viburnum dilatatum)
Viburnum ‘Conoy’ (Viburnum utile x V. burkwoodii)
Viburnum ‘Erie’ (Viburnum dilatatum)
Viburnum (Korean spice) (Viburnum carlesii)
Viburnum ‘Michael Dodge’ (Viburnum dilatatum)
Viburnum ‘Mohawk’ (Viburnum x burkwoodii)
Viburnum ‘Shoshoni’ (V. plicatum x tomentosum)
Viburnum ‘Shasta’ or ‘Mariesii’ (V. plicatum x. tomentosum)
Viburnum ‘Summer Snowflake’ (V. plicatum x. tomentosum)
Viburnum ‘Winterthur’ or Brandywine™ (Viburnum nudum)
Viburnum ‘Wentworth’ (Viburnum trilobum)
Virginia sweetspire ‘Henry’s Garnet’ (Itea virginica)
Virginia sweetspire Little Henry® (Itea virginica)
Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ (Vitex agnus-castus)
Weigela (variegated) (Weigela florida ‘Variegatus’)
Weigela My Monet® or ‘Variegated Nana’ (W. florida)
Weigela Midnight Wine® or Fine Wine™ (Weigela florida)
Weigela Sonic Bloom™ (Weigela florida)
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
3’ x 3’
5’ x 7’
7’ x 6’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 4’
3’ x 4’
3.5’ x 4’
5’ x 5’
5’ x 5’
3’ x 4’
18” x 3’
3’ x 4’
2’ x 4’
2’ x 8’
7’ x 6’
6’ x 4’
30” x 3.5’
3’ x 3.5’
6’ x 8’
5’ x 4’
6’ x 4’
10’ x 8’
6’ x 6’
6’ x 6’
5’ x 7’
6’ x 7’
6’ x 6’
7’ x 6’
6’ x 6’
5’ x 8’
6’ x 10’
6’ x 5’
5’ x 5’
10’ x 10’
4’ x 6’
3’ x 3.5’
6’ x 6’
4’ x 5’
3’ x 3’
2’ x 2’
5’ x 6’
yellow (summer) Heavy and long bloomer; no spray; fragrant
Shade/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
p.m. shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
white (May)
pinkish (June)
pink (summer)
rose (summer)
rose (summer)
pink (summer)
white (May)
white (April)
yellow (June)
yellow (June)
Shrub form of small tree, edible blue June fruits
Lime-green foliage turning orange/red in fall
Long-blooming; trouble-free
Long-blooming; trouble-free
Long-blooming; trouble-free
Frilly foliage; some new leaves white/burgundy
Bluish-tinted leaves; nice hedge or border plant
Arching habit, yellow summer foliage
Burgundy-tinged leaves, red berries, arching habit
Bright yellow foliage; stays low; no pests
yellow (summer) Long-bloomer; bluish leaves; U.S. native
white (May)
Durable groundcover shrub for banks, tough sites
yellow (spring) Red/orange fall foliage; good on bank; Pa. native
green (summer) Sharply dissected gold leaves; red in fall; Pa. native
pink (July)
Bottle-brush blooms; tolerates damp soil; Pa. native
white (July)
Bottle-brush blooms; compact, tolerates damp soil; Pa. native
white (July)
Bottle-brush blooms; compact, tolerates damp soil; Pa. native
red (May)
Fragrant; best used along wood line; Pa. native
many (May)
Nice specimen; large, striking flowers
Striking cream-edged leaves; pest-free
white (May)
Native; birds like blackish fall fruit; Pa. native
white (May)
Compact; blue fall fruits; glossy leaves; Pa. native
white (May)
Lots of red fall fruits with pollinator; a bird favorite
white (May)
Red buds; glossy foliage; semi-evergreen
white (May)
Great fall color and red fruits
white (April) Very fragrant flowers; red summer fruits
white (May)
Yellow fall fruit; compact habit
white (April) Buds are red; fragrant flowers
white (May)
Similar to ‘Shasta,’ only smaller
white (May)
Colorful; horizontal branch habit; nice fruit
white (May)
Similar to ‘Shasta,’ but smaller and more upright
white (June)
Glossy blood-red fall foliage; 1 of each to get fruits; Pa. native
white (May)
Cranberry viburnum; birds love red fruit; big leaves; Pa. native
white (June)
Great burgundy fall foliage; Pa. native
white (June)
Dwarf habit; great burgundy fall foliage; Pa. native
blue (summer) Hardiest vitex yet; looks like butterfly bush
pink (May)
Beautiful foliage; attracts butterflies, hummingbirds
pink (May)
Compact and variegated version of above
rose (May)
Burgundy foliage; very dwarf habit
pink, red (May+) Reblooms sporadically late summer/fall; arching habit
Winterberry holly Berry Nice® (Ilex verticillata)
Winterberry holly ‘Harvest Red’ (Ilex verticillata)
Winterberry holly ‘Maryland Beauty,’ Red Sprite®
Winterberry holly ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ (Ilex verticillata)
Winterberry holly ‘Sparkleberry,’ ‘Winter Red’
Winter hazel (“buttercup”) (Corylopsis pauciflora)
Witch hazel ‘Arnold Promise’ (Hamamelis x intermedia)
Part shade
Part shade
Part shade
Part shade
Part shade
8’ x 6’
8’ x 9’
6’ x 6’
9’ x 8’
8’ x 8’
Shade/part shade 4’ x 6’
15’ x 15’
Ornamental Grasses
Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’
Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)
Blue fescue ‘Elijah Blue’ (Festuca ovina glauca)
Dwarf fountain grass ‘Hameln’ (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
Dwarf fountain grass ‘Karley Rose’ (Pennisetum orientale)
Dwarf fountain grass ‘Little Bunny’ (P. alopecuroides)
Feather reed grass ‘Karl Foerster’ (Calamagrostis)
Feather reed grass ‘Overdam’ (Calamagrostis)
Indian grass ‘Sioux Blue’ (Sorghastrum nutans)
Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra)
Shade/part shade 2’ x 2’
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/light shade
Sun/light shade
5’ x 3’
1’ x 2’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
2’ x 2’
5’ x 3’
5’ x 3’
5’ x 3’
Shade/part shade 2’ x 2.5’
Japanese forest grass ‘All Gold’ (Hakonenchloa macra)
Shade/part shade 2’ x 2.5’
Golden variegated Japanese forest grass (H. macra ‘Aureola’) Shade/part shade 2’ x 2.5’
Little bluestem ‘The Blues’ (Schizachyrium scoparium) Sun
3’ x 3’
Little bluestem ‘Carousel,’ ‘Standing Ovation’ (S. scoparium) Sun
3’ x 3’
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light,’ ‘Graziella’
5’ x 3’
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Little Kitten’
18” x 2.5’
Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica)
1’ x 2.5’
Porcupine grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’)
8’ x 4’
Prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)
3’ x 3’
Sedge EverColor® Everest (Carex oshimensis ‘CarFit1’) Shade/part shade 14” x 18”
Sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula)
Sun/light shade 3’ x 3’
Silver-variegated miscanthus (M. sinensis ‘Variegatus’) Sun
7’ x 4’
Switchgrass ‘Cloud Nine’ (Panicum virgatum)
Sun/light shade 6’ x 3’
Switchgrass ‘Hanse Herms’ (Panicum virgatum)
Sun/light shade 4.5’ x 3’
Switchgrass ‘Heavy Metal’ or ‘Dallas Blues’ (P. virgatum) Sun/light shade 4’ x 3’
Switchgrass ‘Northwind’ (Panicum virgatum)
Sun/light shade 5’ x 3’
Switchgrass ‘Shenandoah’ (Panicum virgatum)
Sun/light shade 4’ x 3’
Tufted hair grass (Deschampsia cespitosa)
Part shade
2.5’ x 2.5’
3’ x 3’
Variegated sea oats ‘River Mist’ (Chasmanthium latifolium) Part shade
white (May)
Red/orange berries, pollinate with ‘Jim Dandy’; Pa. native
white (May)
Red berries, pollinate with ‘Raritan Chief’; Pa. native
white (May)
Dwarf; red berries when pollinated by ‘Jim Dandy’; Pa. native
white (May)
Heavy red fruiter with ‘Rhett Butler,’ ‘Jim Dandy’; Pa. native
white (May)
Red berries with ‘Apollo,’ ‘Southern Gentleman’; Pa. native
yellow (April) Nice woodsy shrub; fragrant primrose flowers
yellow (March) Tough, adaptable; early bloomer; fragrant; Pa. native
Leaf Color Attributes
powdery blue
light green
soft blue/green
Compact arching grass; ideal for damp areas
Pink-tinted seed heads; drought-tough U.S. native
Dwarf, mounded habit; very drought-tolerant
Semi-dwarf; drought hardy; tan foxtail plumes
Smoky-rose flower panicles; drought-tough
Dwarf; drought hardy; tan foxtail plumes
Nice light-tan, airy June plumes; upright habit
Narrow, upright habit; variegated foliage
Upright native with long seed stems; yellow in fall
Short, heavily arching habit; best in cool, shaded spot
Arching habit; especially nice in fall seedhead stage
Variegated; arching habit; best in cool, shaded spot
Compact, turns burgundy/red in fall; U.S. native
Doesn’t flop, turns rusty/gold in fall; U.S. native
Silver vertical bands; may seed in wild
Very compact; ideal for sunny foundations
Arching habit; versatile; good lawn alternative; Pa. native
Yellow horizontal bands; may seed in wild
Fine texture; turns pumpkin/orange in fall; U.S. native
Arching habit; prefers damp soil; white/green striped blades
Golden fall foliage; oat-like seed heads hang off 1 side; U.S. native
Silver/green striped leaves; may seed in wild
Yellow seedheads; beige fall foliage; U.S. native
Brilliant red fall foliage; pink seedheads; U.S. native
Strong upright habit; pink seed heads; U.S. native
Especially upright U.S. native; yellow fall foliage
Bright red fall foliage; compact habit; U.S. native
Grows in low clump; thin blades; yellow seedheads; Pa. native
Brightly variegated blades, U.S. native, white seedheads
Amsonia hubrichtii (threadleaf bluestar)
Amsonia tabernaemontana ‘Blue Ice’
Anemone (Japanese) ‘Honorine Jobert’
Anemone (Japanese) ‘Pretty Lady Diana’
Anemone (Japanese) ‘Prince Henry’
Anise hyssop ‘Blue Fortune’ (Agastache)
Anise hyssop ‘Peachie Keen’ (Agastache)
Astilbe ‘Color Flash’ or ‘Key West’ (Astilbe arendsii)
Astilbe ‘Pumila’ (Astilbe chinensis)
Astilbe ‘Vision’ (Astilbe chinensis)
Astilbe ‘Little Vision in Pink’ (Astilbe chinensis)
Aster laterifolius ‘Lady in Black’
Aster ‘Alma Potschke’ (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)
Aster ‘Bluebird’ (Symphyotrichum laeve)
Aster Magic Purple™ (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii)
Aster ‘October Skies’ (Symphyotrichum oblongifolius)
Aster ‘Prof. Kippenburg’ or ‘Sapphire’ (S. novi-belgii)
Aster ‘Woods Purple’ (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii)
Aster ‘Woods Pink’ (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii)
Baptisia ‘Purple Smoke’ or ‘Twilight Prairie Blues’
Barrenwort (Epimedium rubrum)
Barrenwort ‘Sulphureum,’ ‘Neosulphureum’ (Epimedium)
Barrenwort (Epimedium x ‘Frohnleiten’)
Beebalm ‘Marshall’s Delight’ (Monarda hybrid)
Beebalm ‘Jacob Kline’ or ‘Raspberry Wine’ (Monarda)
Beebalm ‘Petite Delight’ (Monarda hybrid)
Sun/light shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/light shade
Sun/light shade
4’ x 42”
15” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
20” x 2.5’
16” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
3.5’ x 2.5’
14” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
14” x 2.5’
16” x 2.5’
16” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
1’ x 2’
1’ x 2’
10” x 2’
30” x 2.5’
4’ x 3’
15” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
15” x 2’
3’ x 3’
1’ x 2’
4’ x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
18” x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
6” x 2’
10” x 2’
6” x 2’
1’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
2’ x 3’
blue (May)
Lacy gold fall foliage; beautiful texture; U.S. native
blue (May)
Deer- & drought-resistant; yellow fall color; U.S. native
white (fall)
Daisy-like flowers; one of latest bloomers
pink (fall)
Daisy-like flowers; late-bloomer; compact, no staking
rose (fall)
Daisy-like flowers; one of latest bloomers
blue (July)
Licorice fragrance; blooms till fall; U.S. native
apricot (July) Drought-tough; hummingbird favorite; can spread by runners
pink (July)
Compact; nice burgundy/purple variegated leaves
pink (July)
Short, fairly drought-tough type
raspberry (July) One of tougher astilbes; also comes in red or pink
rosy pink (July) Compact; more heat/dry/sun-tolerant than most astilbes
white (Sept.) Narrow, dark-burgundy leaves; Pa. native
pink (Sept.)
Bright pink blooms, drought-tough; Pa. native
violet (Sept.) Large flowers, drought-tough, no staking; Pa. native
purple (Sept.) Compact; mildew resistant; late bloomer; Pa. native
lavender (Sept.) Bushy habit; drought-tough; pollinator favorite; Pa. native
purple (Sept.) Daisy-like flowers, drought-tolerant; Pa. native
purple (Sept.) Compact; mildew resistant; late bloomer; Pa. native
pink (Sept.)
Compact; mildew-resistant; late bloomer; Pa. native
lavender (June) Spiky flowers with dainty look; hybrid of 2 natives
red (May)
Great dry-shade groundcover; red-edged leaves
yellow (April) Great dry-shade groundcover; evergreen
yellow (April) Red/bronze/green spring foliage; takes dry shade
pink (June/July) Mildew-resistant variety, tolerates damp soil; Pa. native
red (summer) Tall spreaders, fairly mildew-resistant; Pa. native
lavender (summer) Short clump-former; very mildew-resistant; Pa. native
gold (July)
Looks best in mass; heat, drought hardy; Pa. native
gold (July)
Dwarf versions of above; stocky; Pa. native
white/pink/red Blooms in spring but dies back in summer
pink (spring) Long-blooming; fringe-leaf type; Pa. native
white (summer) Dark purple foliage; nice backdrop; U.S. native
white (summer) Dark purple foliage; long bottlebrush flowers; U.S. native
blue (April)
Beautiful silver variegated heart-shaped leaves
orange (July) Monarch butterflies crave it; Pa. native
blue (June)
Nice front-of-border plant; blooms into Sept.
blue (summer) Fast-spreading, long-blooming mat-former
white (June)
Nice front-of-border plant; blooms into Sept.
white (April) Good edging plant; leaves evergreen some winters
red (July)
MUST have moisture; also are pastel varieties
blue (summer) Silvery foliage; long bloom; drought-tough
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Black-eyed susan ‘Goldsturm’ (Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii) Sun/part shade
Black-eyed susan Viette’s Little Suzy® or ‘Little Goldstar’ Sun/part shade
Bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis)
Shade/part shade
Bleeding heart ‘Luxuriant,’ ‘King of Hearts’ (Dicentra eximia) Part shade
Bugbane ‘Atropurpurea’ (Actaea simplex)
Sun/part shade
Bugbane ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ (Actaea simplex)
Sun/part shade
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ or ‘Silver Heart’
Shade/part shade
Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Campanula Blue Clips® (Campanula carpatica)
Sun/part shade
Campanula ‘Blue Waterfall’ (Campanula poscharskyana) Sun/part shade
Campanula White Clips® (Campanula carpatica f. alba) Sun/part shade
Candytuft (Iberis sempervirens)
Sun/part shade
Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Sun/part shade
Catmint ‘Kit Cat,’ ‘Blue Ice,’ ‘Little Titch,’ (Nepeta fassenii) Sun
Catmint ‘Walker’s Low,’ ‘Cat’s Meow’ (Nepeta fassenii) Sun
blue (June-Aug.) Long-bloomer; cut back after first bloom; bees love it
Catmint Junior Walker™ (Nepeta fassenii)
18” x 2’
Coralbells (Heuchera) (many varieties)
Part shade
1’ x 2’
Coralbells ‘Bronze Wave’ (Heuchera villosa f. purpurea)Part shade
18” x 2’
Coralbells ‘Citronelle,’ ‘Lime Marmalade’ (Heuchera) Part shade
1’ x 2’
Coralbells ‘Caramel’ (Heuchera villosa hybrid)
Part shade
1’ x 2’
Coralbells ‘Gypsy Dancer’ (Heuchera)
Part shade
1’ x 2’
Coralbells ‘Electra’ (Heuchera villosa hybrid)
Part shade
1’ x 2’
Coreopsis palustris ‘Summer Sunshine’
30” x 2.5’
Coreopsis integrifolia ‘Last Dance’
2’ x 2.5’
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Red Shift,’ ‘Route 66’
30” x 2.5’
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb,’ ‘Golden Gain’
18” x 2.5’
Coreopsis ‘Gilded Lace’
4’ x 2.5’
Creeping phlox (Phlox subulata)
Sun/light shade 6” x 2.5’
Creeping sedum (Sedum kamtschaticum)
Sun/part shade 9” x 2’
Creeping sedum ‘Angelina’ (Petrosedum rupestre)
Sun/part shade 4” x 2.5’
Creeping sedum ‘Fuldaglut’ (Sedum spurium)
Sun/part shade 6” x 2.5’
Creeping sedum ‘John Creech’ (Sedum spurium)
Sun/part shade 4” x 2’
Creeping sedum ‘Tricolor’ (Sedum spurium)
Sun/part shade 6” x 2.5’
Creeping sedum ‘Weihenstephaner Gold’ (Sedum floriferum) Sun/part shade 4” x 2.5’
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ (a.k.a. “montbretia”)
Sun/part shade 3’ x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Happy Returns’ (Hemerocallis)
Sun/part shade 18” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Pardon Me’ or ‘Ruby Stella’ (Hemerocallis)
Sun/part shade 16” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Mean Mr. Mustard’ (Hemerocallis)
Sun/part shade 26” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Red Hot Returns’ (Hemerocallis)
Sun/part shade 16” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Romantic Returns’ (Hemerocallis)
Sun/part shade 26” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Rosy Returns’ or ‘Dynamite Returns’ (Hemerocallis) Sun/part shade 16” x 2.5’
Daylily ‘Stella d’Oro’ or ‘Miss Mary Mary’ (Hemerocallis) Sun/part shade 1’ x 2’
Daylily ‘Stella Supreme’ or ‘Sunset Returns’ (Hemerocallis) Sun/part shade 18” x 2’
Dianthus ‘Bath’s Pink’ (Dianthus gratianopolitanus)
Sun/part shade 8” x 2.5’
Dianthus Firewitch® (Dianthus gratianopolitanus)
Sun/part shade 10” x 2.5’
Dianthus ‘Neon Star’ (Dianthus x ‘Neon Star’)
7” x 2.5’
Dianthus ‘Pixie’ (Dianthus gratianopolitanus)
10” x 2.5’
Euphorbia ‘Bonfire’ (Euphorbia polychroma)
Sun/part shade 15” x 2’
Euphorbia ‘Chameleon’ (Euphorbia dulcis)
Sun/part shade 18” x 18”
Euphorbia Efanthia® or Helena’s Blush® (E.amygdaloides) Sun/part shade 2’ x 2’
False Solomon’s seal (Maianthemum racemosum)
Shade/part shade 2’ x 2.5’
Foamflowers ‘Sugar & Spice,’ ‘Spring Symphony’ (Tiarella) Shade/part shade 15” x 2’
Foamflowers “River” series (Tiarella)
Shade/part shade 15” x 2.5’
Foamybells ‘Tapestry,’ ‘Viking Ship’ (Heucherella)
Shade/part shade 8” x 2’
Foamybells ‘Alabama Sunrise,’ ‘Stoplight’ (Heucherella) Shade/part shade 1’ x 2’
Foamybells ‘Sweet Tea’’ (Heucherella)
Shade/part shade 16” x 2’
purple/blue (summer)
Compact ‘Walker’s Low;’ long-bloomer; no seeding
white, pink
cream (Sept.)
Many leaf colors; wiry, dainty flowers; some native
Larger than most; bronzy glossy leaves; U.S. native
white (late spring) Gold/charteuse leaves; also excellent in pots
pink (June/July) Soft golden-yellow/butterscotch leaves; U.S. native
pink (summer) Long bloomer, silvery-pink foliage (my favorite)
white (June)
Round yellow leaves with red veining; U.S. native
gold (Sept.-Oct.) Long and later bloomer; disease-resistant; U.S. native
gold (October) Heavy late-bloomer; wider leaves; U.S. native
yellow/red (summer) Bicolor, changeable flowers; U.S. native
gold (summer) Long-blooming; heat, drought hardy; thread-leaf; U.S. native
gold (summer) Long-blooming; tall type with lacy foliage; U.S. native
many (April) Mat-former in multiple spring colors; good edging plant
orange (June) Ideal in rock garden; heat, drought hardy
yellow (summer) Golden creeper; semi-evergreen; drought-tough
red (Sept.)
Bronze foliage; creeping habit; drought-tough
pink (Aug.)
Green leaves turn burgundy in fall; semi-evergreen
pink (Aug.)
Cream/green/pink leaves; ground-hugger; drought-tough
gold (summer) Red new foliage; turns bronze in fall; reblooms
red (summer) Strappy foliage; long-blooming; hardy most winters
yellow (June) Reblooms sporadically into frost
red (June)
Reblooms in summer; very durable
gold/maroon Blooms June-September; ruffled petals
red (June)
Reblooms in summer; very durable
coral (June)
Blooms June-September; lemon throat, pink tips
rose (June)
Blooms through summer; very durable
gold (June)
Reblooms late summer; compact
yellow (June) Reblooms late summer; compact
pink (May-June) Nice color; short; heat, drought hardy
pink (May-June) Nice color; short; heat, drought hardy
pink (May-Sept.) Long-blooming, drought-tough; silvery-blue foliage
pink (May-Sept.) Long-blooming, drought-tough; silvery-blue foliage
yellow (June)
lime (spring)
chartreuse (spring)
white (spring)
pinkish white
pink, white
pink (May/June)
Leaves open green and turn red; deer resistant
Bronze-green leaves turn deep burgundy in fall
Beautiful red-tinged foliage; semi-evergreen
Glossy leaves; fragrant flowers; fall fruits; Pa. native
Bottle-brush spring blooms; marked foliage; U.S. native
Native groundcover; all have Pa. river names; Pa. native
Nice cut foliage, trouble-free, dark leaf patterning
Bright golden foliage with red variegation
white (May/June)
white (May/June) Peach/apricot leaves all season, then brightens in fall; semi-evergreen
Gaillardia ‘Arizona Sun,’ ‘Bijou’ (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
Gaillardia ‘Goblin,’ ‘Fanfare’ (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
Gaillardia ‘Frenzy,’ ‘Tizzy’ (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
Gaura ‘Crimson Butterflies’ (Gaura lindheimeri)
Gaura ‘Siskiyou Pink,’ ‘Whirling Butterflies’ (Gaura)
Gaura ‘Sparkle White’ (Gaura lindheimeri)
Ginger (hardy) (Asarum canadense)
Golden creeping jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’)
Golden oregano (Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’)
Goldenrod ‘Golden Fleece’ or ‘Baby Gold’ (Solidago)
Goldenrod Little Lemon® (Solidago hybrida)
Goldenrod ‘Fireworks’ (Solidago rugosa)
Goats beard (Aruncus dioicus)
Goats beard (dwarf type) (Aruncus aethusifolius)
Hardy geranium ‘Biokovo’ (Geranium cantabrigiense)
Hardy geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’ or ‘Brookside’
Hardy geranium Rozanne® (Geranium ‘Gerwat’)
Hardy geranium ‘Samobor’ (Geranium phaeum)
Helianthus multiflorus ‘Flore Pleno,’ ‘Sunshine Daydream’
Heliopsis Loraine Sunshine® (H. helianthoides ‘Helhan’)
Heliopsis Summer Sun® (Heliopsis helianthoides)
Hibiscus ‘Anne Arundel’ or ‘Lady Baltimore’
Hibiscus ‘Brandy Punch’ or ‘Peppermint Schnapps’
Hibiscus ‘Midnight Marvel’
Hibiscus ‘Luna Red,’ ‘Pinot Noir’ (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Hibiscus Summerific® series (Hibiscus hybrid)
Hosta (many varieties)
Indian pinks (Spigelia marilandica)
Iris (bearded) (Iris germanica)
Iris (crested) (Iris cristata)
Iris (Siberian) (Iris siberica)
Japanese painted fern (Georgianum ‘Pictum’)
Joe Pye weed ‘Little Joe’ (Eutrochium dubium)
Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis)
Lamb’s ears ‘Helen von Stein’ or ‘Big Ears’ (Stachys)
Lamium ‘White Nancy’ (Lamium maculatum)
Lamium ‘Red Nancy’’ (Lamium maculatum)
Lamium ‘Shell Pink’ or ‘Pink Chablis’ (Lamium maculatum)
Lavender ‘Hidcote’ or ‘Munstead’ (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavender ‘Lady,’ ‘Sarah,’ Blue Cushion® (L. angustifolia)
Lavender ‘Phenomenal’ (Lavender intermedia)
15” x 2’
15” x 2’
18” x 2’
18” x 2.5’
28” x 2.5’
24” x 2.5’
1’ x 2’
2” x 3’
10” x 3’
2’ x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
4’ x 3’
4’ x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
1’ x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
5’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
5’ x 3’
3.5’ x 3’
4’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
5’ x 3’
18” x 2’
2’-3’ tall
6” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
20” x 2’
5’ x 3’
18” x 2’
18” x 2.5’
8” x 2.5’
8” x 2.5’
10” x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
Blooms almost all season; drought-tolerant; U.S. native
Blooms almost all season; drought-tolerant; U.S. native
Full, long bloom; fluted flowers; orange in fall; U.S. native
pink (July)
Red-tinted foliage; long-blooming; U.S. native
pink (July)
Long-blooming; dainty, wispy habit; U.S. native
white (summer) Long- and heavy-bloomer; dense habit; U.S. native
Tough groundcover, tolerates dry shade under trees; Pa. native
inconspicuous Bright gold creeper; aggressive…shovel-prune to control
white (summer) Spreading herb with bright yellow foliage
gold (Sept.)
Spiky flowers; heat, drought hardy; Pa. native
gold (Sept.)
Compact; spiky flowers; heat, drought hardy; Pa. native
gold (Sept.)
Tall, spiky flowers; heat, drought-tough; Pa. native
white (June)
Tall plumes; nice backdrop for shade; Pa. native
white (June)
Plume blooms; deer resistant; does dry shade; Pa. native
white (June)
Flowers have tinge of pink; compact
blue (May)
Long blooming; fringed leaves
blue (summer) Drought-tolerant, long-blooming; best 2 yet
lavender (May) Burgundy-variegated leaves; heat-tolerant
gold (August) Very showy; perennial sunflower; best staked; U.S. native
yellow (June) Heavily variegated foliage; long-blooming; Pa. native
gold (July)
Double flowers; long-bloomer; Pa. native
pink (August) Tropical looking; huge late-summer flowers; U.S. native
hot pink (July) Big bright flowers on no-stake plants; U.S. native
red (August) Tropical looking; dark foliage; huge flowers; U.S. native
many (August) Compact series in variety of colors; U.S. native
pink, red (Aug.) Late to leaf out; long-blooming; U.S. native
white, lavender Many foliage colors; sizes 1-3 feet
red (June)
Good pollinator plants; blooms 6 weeks; U.S. native
many (May)
Try reblooming types; borers can be problem
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Shade/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Shade/part shade
Sun/part shade
Part shade
Sun/part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
Shade/part shade
many (spring)
Short, Pa. native spreader, ideal for wooded areas
many (early June) Strap-like foliage; borer-resistant; tolerates wet soil
Silver, mahogany, green tricolor foliage
lavender (Aug.) Dwarf form of tall Pa. native; tolerates damp soil
chartreuse (June) Large, kidney-shaped leaves; iffy in our summer heat
white (May)
purplish (May)
pink (summer)
Large, fuzzy silver-gray leaves; drought-tough
Bright silver-variegated foliage; nice under trees
Unusual deep color to blooms; variegated foliage
Variegated silver foliage; tolerates dry shade
purple (summer) Makes nice edging along walkway; evergreen
purple (summer) Compact; fragrant; nice edging plant; drought-tough
purple (summer) Silver foliage; heat/humidity-tolerant; evergreen
Lavender ‘Provence,’ ‘Dilly Dilly,’ ‘Grosso’ (L. intermedia) Sun
Leadwort (a.k.a. plumbago) (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) Part shade
Lenten rose ‘Pink Frost,’ ‘Pink Beauty’ (Helleborus)
Shade/part shade
Liatris spicata ‘Kobold Original’
Ligularia dentata ‘Britt-Marie Crawford’
p.m. shade
Lilies (Oriental or Asiatic types)
Liriope ‘Big Blue,’ ‘Super Blue’ (Liriope muscari)
Liriope ‘Royal Purple’ (Liriope muscari)
Liriope (variegated) or ‘Marc Anthony’ (Liriope muscari) Shade/part shade
Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
Shade/part shade
Mexican hyssop ‘Tutti Fruitti’ (Agastache barberi)
Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum)
Mums (fall garden mums, many colors, varieties)
Northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum)
Obedient plant ‘Miss Manners’ (Physostegia virginiana) Sun/part shade
Peony ‘Bartzella’ (Paeonia hybrid)
Sun/part shade
Phlox ‘Blushing Shortwood’ (Phlox paniculata)
Phlox ‘David’ (Phlox paniculata)
Phlox ‘Katherine’ or ‘Jeana’ (Phlox paniculata)
Phlox ‘Robert Poore’ (Phlox paniculata)
Phlox ‘Shortwood’ (Phlox paniculata)
Purple coneflower ‘Coconut Lime,’ ‘Milkshake’ (Echinacea) Sun
Purple coneflower ‘Double Delight’ or Razzmatazz’
Purple coneflower ‘Hot Papaya’ or ‘Tiki Torch’
Purple coneflower ‘Fatal Attraction’ (Echinacea)
Purple coneflower ‘Kim’s Knee High’ (Echinacea)
Purple coneflower ‘Mac ‘n Cheese’ (Echinacea)
Purple coneflower ‘Magnus’ or ‘Ruby Giant’ (Echinacea) Sun
Purple coneflower ‘Pica Bella’ or Elton Knight®
Purple coneflower Pixie Meadowbrite® or ‘Little Giant’ Sun
Purple coneflower ‘PowWow White’ (Echinacea)
Purple coneflower ‘PowWow Wild Berry’(Echinacea) Sun
Purple coneflower ‘Tomato Soup’ (Echinacea)
Purple sage (Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurea’)
Sun/part shade
Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
Russian sage Peek-a-Blue®, Lacey Blue® (Perovskia) Sun
Russian sage ‘Little Spire,’ Rocketman’ (Perovskia)
Sage ‘Berggarten’ (Salvia officinalis)
Salvia ‘Blue Hill’ (Salvia x superba)
Salvia ‘May Night’ or ‘Lubeca’ (Salvia nemerosa)
Salvia ‘Marcus’ or Sallyrosa™ ‘April Night’ (S. nemerosa) Sun
18” x 2.5’
1’ x 3’
18” x 2’
15” x 2.5’
3’ x 3’
2’ x 1’
15” x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
8” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
3.5’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
18” x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
30” x 2.5’
18” x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
15” x 2’
4’ x 3’
2’ x 2’
3’ x 2’
3’ x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
1’ x 2’
purple (summer) Longest-lived types; evergreen; tough in drought
blue (Aug.)
rose (March)
Low creeper; glossy red foliage in fall
Takes dry shade; semi-evergreen foliage; toxic if eaten
lavender/summer Spiky upright flowers; hummingbird/butterfly plant; Pa. native
yellow (Aug.)
varies (July)
violet (Aug.)
purple (Aug.)
purple (Aug.)
blue (April)
pink (July)
pink (summer)
take your pick
white (July)
yellow (June)
Large chocolate foliage with purple undersides
Nice cut flowers if rabbits don’t get them
Grass-like foliage; spiky flowers; durable
Grass-like foliage; spiky flowers; durable
White variegated grass-like foliage
Unusual spotted foliage; may brown out in summer
Wispy, dainty flowers; long-blooming
Best bee/butterfly plant; silvery foliage; Pa. native
Pinch to prevent flopping; plant in fall
Low, spreading groundcover for damp shade; Pa. native
Spiky flowers keep going till September; Pa. native
No-droop flowers; disease-resistant specimen
white/pink (July) Hybrid of 2 top mildew-resistant types; long bloom; Pa. native
white (July)
Long bloomer; mildew resistant; Pa. native
lavender/white Blooms mid-summer; mildew resistant; Pa. native
magenta (July) Tolerates heat, humidity; mildew resistant; Pa. native
hot pink (summer) Mildew resistant; Pa. native
lime/white (July) Double-flowered white balls, drooping petals; U.S. native
Unusual double-flowered types; U.S. native
red/orange (summer) Bright red/ orange types; long bloomers; U.S. native
pink (summer) Heavy bloomer; sturdy stems that are nearly black; U.S. native
pink (July)
Compact; drought and heat hardy; U.S. native
yellow (summer) Holds bright yellow color well; long-bloomer; U.S. native
pink (July)
Deep rose blooms; drought, heat hardy; U.S. native
pink (July)
Pink blooms; sturdy stems; heavy bloomers; U.S. native
pink (July)
Compact; drought and heat hardy; U.S. native
white (July)
Stocky habit; sturdy stems; heavy bloomer; U.S. native
pink (July)
Stocky habit; sturdy stems; heavy bloomer; U.S. native
red (summer)
Holds bright red color well; long-bloomer; U.S. native
pink (July)
lavender (summer)
purple (July)
purple (July)
purple (July)
purple (May)
blue (May)
purple (May)
purple (May)
An edible herb but purple/green leaves are ornamental
Very drought hardy; wispy foliage; attracts bees
Dwarf Russian sage; long-blooming; attracts bees
Dwarf Russian sage; long-blooming; attracts bees
Nice “furry” gray foliage; mound habit
Compact; heat and drought tolerant
Deep purple; reblooms in summer
Compact ‘May Night;’ disease-resistant
Salvia ‘Eveline’ or Rose Wine® (Salvia nemerosa)
Salvia ‘Sensation Rose’ (Salvia nemerosa)
Sedum ‘Autumn Fire,’ ‘Autumn Joy’ (Hylotelephium spectabile)Sun
Sedum cauticola or sedum Sunsparkler® ‘Dazzleberry’ Sun/light shade
Sedum ‘Matrona’ (Hylotelephium ‘Matrona’)
Sedum ‘Neon’ or ‘Brilliant’ (Hylotelephium spectabile) Sun
Shasta daisy ‘Becky’ (Leucanthemum x superbum)
Shasta daisy ‘Crazy Daisy’ (Leucanthemum x superbum) Sun
Shasta daisy ‘Goldfinch’ (Leucanthemum ‘Goldfinch’) Sun
Shasta daisy ‘Little Miss Muffet’ (L. x superbum)
Shasta daisy ‘Snowcap’ or ‘Snow Lady’ (L. x superbum) Sun
Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum commutatum)
Shade/part shade
Sneezeweed ‘Coppelia’ or Mardi Gras® (Helenium autumnale) Sun
Stoke’s aster (Stokesia laevis)
Swamp milkweed ‘Ice Ballet’ (Asclepias incarnata)
Sweet woodruff (Asperula odoratum)
Shade/part shade
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium)
Sun/part shade
Turtlehead ‘Hot Lips’ (Chelone lyonii)
Sun/part shade
mauve (June) Repeat bloom if cut back; attracts butterflies
pink (May)
Compact pink bloomer; repeats if cut back
bronze (Sept.) Buds open pink; heat, drought hardy
pink (early fall) Tough, succulent creeper with blue foliage; deer-resistant
pink (Sept.)
Red stems; grayish foliage; drought hardy
pink (Sept.)
Compact, drought-hardy
white (June/July) Heavy flowering, sturdy but stake just in case
white (June/July) Compact type; double-petaled flowers
yellow (June/July) Compact; starts yellow and fades white; nice cut flower
white (June/July) Very compact type; nice cut flower
white (June/July) Very compact type; nice cut flower
white (May)
Woodland native with arching habit
orange (summer) Burnt-orange daisy-like flowers; Pa. native
lavender (July) Aster-like flowers; drought-tough; U.S. native
white (July)
Butterfly magnet; prefers damp soil
white (May)
Nice groundcover around trees
white (July)
Tough sunny groundcover; silver & gold options
orange, red (July) Strappy leaves; tubular flowers; technically a bulb
rose (Aug.)
Does best in damp soil; U.S. native
white (May)
Arching habit; nice groundcover under trees
blue (May)
True blue; nice edger; reddish foliage
blue (summer) Short, spiky flowers; heat, drought hardy
pink (summer) Spiky pink flowers; drought-tough
Frilly fronds; tough Pa. native woodsy foliage plant
lilac (July)
Pastel bloomer; heat, drought hardy
red (July)
Rich color; heat, drought hardy
pink (July)
Soft pink flowers; heat, drought hardy
yellow (July) Bright flowers; heat, drought hardy
Veronica ‘Georgia Blue’ or ‘Waterperry’ (V. peduncularis)
Veronica ‘Goodness Grows’ or Royal Candles® (V. spicata)
Veronica ‘Tickled Pink’ (Veronica spicata)
Wood fern (Dryopteris marginalis)
Yarrow ‘Appleblossom’ (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow ‘Paprika,’ ‘Pomegranate’ (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow ‘Pink Grapefruit’ (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow ‘Moonshine’ or ‘Coronation Gold’ (Achillea)
Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ or ‘Bright Eyes’
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
2’ x 2.5’
1’ x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
4” x 2’
3’ x 2.5’
18” x 2.5’
40” x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2’
18” x 2’
12” x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
15” x 2.5’
4’ x 2.5’
6” x 2’
6” x 2’
4’ x 18”
30” x 2’
2’ x 2.5’
10” x 2’
15” x 2’
15” x 2’
30” x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
2’ x 2.5’
3’ x 2.5’
4’ x 3’
Blackeyed susan vine (Thunbergia alata)
Carolina jasmine ‘Margarita’ (Gelsemium sempervirens)
Chinese hydrangea vine ‘Lacy Hearts’ (Schizophragma)
Clematis ‘Bees Jubilee’ (Clematis hybrid)
Clematis ‘Betty Corning’ (Clematis viticella)
Clematis ‘Blue Angel’ (Clematis hybrid)
Clematis ‘Comtesse deBouchaud’ (Clematis hybrid)
Clematis ‘Duchess of Albany’ (Clematis texensis)
Clematis ‘Etoile Violette,’ Wisley™ or ‘Polish Spirit’
Clematis ‘Golden Tiara,’ ‘Helios’ (Clematis tangutica)
Sun/part shade 4’-6’
Sun/part shade 12’
Shade/part shade 15’-20
Sun/part shade 6’-8’
Sun/part shade 8’-10’
Sun/part shade 10’-12’
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Sun/part shade 8’-10’
Variegated Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’) Shade/part shade
white (summer) Upright golden swordlike leaves; drought hardy; U.S. native
yellow (April)
white (June)
mauve (June)
Annual vine blooms all summer; dies with frost
Twining vine, deer-resistant, fragrant flowers
Self-climbing; variegated foliage; lace-cap flowers
Bicolor flowers, wilt-resistant, fairly compact
pale violet (June) Citrusy fragrance; wilt-resistant; heavy bloomer
blue (July-Sept.) Ruffled violet-blue flowers; wilt-resistant
pink (June)
Rosy-lilac blooms; wilt-resistant
rose pink (summer) Urn-shaped, long-lasting flowers; wilt-resistant; U.S. native
purple (June)
gold (June)
Small but plentiful flowers; very wilt-resistant
Unusual hanging flowers; small foliage
Clematis ‘Gravetye Beauty’ (Clematis texensis)
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Clematis ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ (Clematis viticella) Sun/part shade 6’-8’
Clematis ‘Princess Diana’ (Clematis texensis)
Sun/part shade 6’-8’
Clematis ‘Rosemoor’ or ‘Niobe’ (Clematis hybrid)
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Clematis ‘Ville de Lyon’ (Clematis hybrid)
Sun/part shade 7’-8’
Clematis ‘Will Goodwin,’ ‘General Sikorski’
Sun/part shade 8’-12’
Clematis ‘Wildfire’ (Clematis hybrid)
Sun/part shade 8’-10’
Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala petiolaris) Shade/part shade 30’-50’
Climbing hydrangea ‘Skylands Giant’ (H. anomala petiolaris) Shade/part shade 30’-50’
Climbing hydrangea ‘Firefly’(H. anomala petiolaris)
Shade/part shade 30’-50’
Climbing rose ‘Altissimo,’ Dublin Bay®’ Ramblin’ Red® Sun
Climbing rose Berries ‘n Cream®
Climbing rose Fourth of July®
Climbing rose ‘Golden Showers’
Climbing rose ‘New Dawn,’ ‘William Baffin’
Climbing rose Night Owl™
Dutchman’s pipe (Aristolochia durior)
Shade/part shade 20’-30’
Honeysuckle ‘Alabama Scarlet’ (Lonicera sempervirens) Sun/part shade 10-12’
Honeysuckle ‘Major Wheeler,’ ‘Cedar Lane’ (L.sempervirens) Sun/part shade 8’
Honeysuckle ‘Pink Lemonade’ (Lonicera sempervirens) Sun/part shade 10’-12’
Honeysuckle ‘Winchester’ (Lonicera periclymenum)
Sun/part shade 12’-15’
Japanese hydrangea vine ‘Moonlight’ (Schizophragma) Shade/part shade 20’-30’
Kiwi vine ‘Arctic Beauty’ (Actinidia kolomikta)
Sun/part shade 20’
Malabar spinach (Basella rubra)
Sun/part shade 8’-10’
Moonflower (Ipomoea alba)
Sun/light shade 10’-12’
Purple hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus)
Rex begonia vine (Cissus discolor)
Shade/part shade 6’-10’
Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Alyssum Blushing Princess®, Lavender Stream™
Alyssum Snow Princess™
Angelonia Angel Wing® or Angel Face®
Angelonia Serena™ or Serenita™ series
Begonia (wax type) ‘Ambassador’ series
Begonia (wax type) ‘Senator’ series
Begonia ‘Doublet’
Blue salvia ‘Rhea,’ ‘Signum’ or ‘Victoria’
Browallia ‘Marine Bells,’ ‘Blue Bells’
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
8” x 12”
8” x 18”
8” x 18”
18” x 12”
12” x 12”
6-8” x 10-12”
6-8” x 10-12”
8” x 12”
14-16” x 12”
Shade/part shade 12-15” x 15”
red (summer)
Truest-red clematis; wilt-resistant; U.S. native
rosy-red (summer) Older variety but good wilt resistance
pink (summer) Urn-shaped, long-blooming flowers; wilt-resistant; U.S. native
rose (June)
Rich rose flowers
deep rose (June) Wilt-resistant, vigorous grower
lavender/blue Large flowers most of summer
violet/purple Large flowers with red/purple star pattern; reblooms
white (June)
Self-climbing; low-care; very adaptable
white (June)
Heavier blooming selection of above
white (June)
Selection with gold/green leaf variegation
red (June)
Cold hardy; no spray needed; vigorous
pink (June)
Striking bicolor of pink and cream
red/white (June) Striking bicolor flowers; glossy foliage
yellow (June) Long-blooming; fragrant flowers
pink (June)
Long and heavy bloomers; no spray needed
wine purple
Unusual color; yellow stamens; clove fragrance
white (May)
Native, grown mainly for large, heart-shaped leaves
red (summer) Twining native; long-bloomer; hummingbirds love it
red (summer) Twining native; long-bloomer; yellow-tipped flowers
pink (summer) Twining; reddish-pink flower color; long-blooming
pink/cream (summer) Twining; hummingbird favorite; fragrant
white (June)
Self-climbing; lace-cap flowers; rose/silvery foliage
white (April) Heart-shaped leaves; some white & pink variegation
pink (summer) Edible twiner with burgundy stems and leaf veins
pink (summer) Annual tropical with tubular flowers; twining
white (summer) Annual twiner opens evening and night; fragrant
purple (summer) Annual; twining; also gets fuzzy purple pods
Annual twiner with variegated pink, silver, green foliage
Clings; red fall foliage; native; big and vigorous
blue, purple, white
purple, white, pink
purple, white, pink
rose, red, pink, white
rose, red, pink, white
red, pink, rose, white
Heat, drought hardy; nice front of border plant
Low mounds; heat tolerant; blooms into December
Low mounds; heavy bloomer; blooms into December
Orchid-like flowers on narrow spikes; tough
Orchid-like flowers on narrow spikes; compact
Glossy green leaves; durable; adaptable
Foliage is reddish/bronze; durable; adaptable
Profuse double flowers look like mini-carnations
Spiky flowers; heat, drought hardy; no pests
Shade-tolerant and purple-blooming
Celosia ‘Fresh Look Red,’ ‘New Look Scarlet’ Sun
Celosia ‘Fresh Look Gold,’ ‘Fresh Look Yellow’ Sun
Cleome Senorita Rosalita®
Sun/part shade
Coleus (many varieties)
Shade/part shade
Dusty miller
Sun/part shade
Euphorbia Diamond Frost™, Breathless Blush™ Sun/part shade
Euphorbia ‘Stardust White Sparkle’
Sun/part shade
Euphorbia ‘Stardust Super Flash’
Sun/part shade
Geranium Calliope®, Caliente®
Geranium Timeless®, Boldly®
Geranium ‘Fantasia,’ ‘Survivor,’ ‘Candy’ series Sun
Globe amaranth ‘Fireworks’ (Gomphrena)
Globe amaranth ‘Gnome Purple’ (Gomphrena) Sun
Globe amaranth Pink Zazzle™ (Gomphrena)
Sun/part shade
Heliotrope ‘Mini Marine’ or ‘Fragrant Delight’ Sun/part shade
Impatiens (many varieties)
Shade/part shade
Impatiens Bounce™
Part shade
Impatiens Big Bounce™
Part shade
Lobelia ‘Laguna Sky Blue’
Part shade
Marigolds (many varieties)
Mecardonia Gold Dust™
Sun/part shade
Melampodium ‘Showstar,’ ‘Golden Globe’
Mexican sunflower ‘Fiesta del Sol’ (Tithonia) Sun
Million bells (Calibrachoa)
Sun/part shade
New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri)
Part shade
Nicotiana (flowering tobacco)
Sun/part shade
Nierembergia ‘Purple Robe’
Part shade
Ornamental hot peppers
Pansies (many varieties, many colors)
Pentas Graffiti® or ‘Butterfly’ series
Petunia Tiny Tunia®, Petitunia™ series
Sun/part shade
Petunia Sanguna®, Supertunia®, Surfinia® series Sun/part shade
Petunia Wave™, Famous™, Suncatcher™ series Sun/part shade
Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Sun’ or ‘Cherokee Sunset’ Sun
Rudbeckia ‘Tiger Eye Gold’
Salvia ‘Salsa’ series
Scaevola Surdiva Blue®, Bombay Dark Blue® Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Verbena (Temari®, Aztec®, Lanai®, Fuego®)
Sun/part shade
12-15” x 12”
12-15” x 12”
30” x 15”
15-24” x 12”
8-12” x 12”
2’ x 2.5’
15”’ x 2’
15”’ x 2’
18” x 12”
15” x 12”
16” x 18”
3’ x 15”
12-15” x 12”
16” x 12”
15-18” x 12”
12-18” x 12”
16-20” x 12”
20-28” x 12”
8” x 2’
6” x 12”
10-16” x 12”
4” x 12”
10” x 12”
3’ x 15-18”
8” x 15”
18” x 18”
12-15” x 12”
8” x 12”
1’ x 15”
6-8” x 10-12”
12-20” x 12”
12” x 18”
12” x 18”
12” x 2-3’
2.5’ x 2’
2’ x 2’
12-14” x 12”
6” x 18”
2-6’ x 15-18”
12” x 12”
6” x 18”
yellow, gold
lavender (not showy)
red, pink, lavender
red, pink, lavender
hot pink
top shady choice, but…
5 colors
6 colors
gold, red, bicolors
red, orange, yellow
bright gold
pink, cherry, white
rose, pink, white
light purple
red, gold, orange
take your pick
white, pink, violet
many colors
many colors
many colors
gold, gold/burgundy
red, purple, burgundy
gold, burgundy
Heat, drought hardy; heavy bloomer
Heat, drought hardy; heavy bloomer
Compact; drought hardy; thornless; sterile so no reseeding
Gold, red, green foliage is main attraction
Silvery-gray foliage pairs well with anything
Dainty, airy flowers; similar to babys breath
Compact ‘Diamond Frost;’ heavy bloomer
Compact; very heavy bloomer; ball of white
Interspecific geraniums; heat-tough; heavy bloomers
Interspecific geraniums; heat-tough; heavy bloomers
These types are top bloomers; animals usually don’t eat
Yellow flower tips; bushy; showy; heat/drought-tough
Very heat, drought hardy; nice dried flower
Pincushion flowers; heat/drought-tough; good cut flower
Fragrant; flowers grow in fine clusters
Downy mildew disease becoming deadly threat
Interspecific cross that’s resistant to downy mildew
Interspecific cross that’s resistant to downy mildew
Creeper; heat, drought hardy; attracts butterflies
Most heat-tolerant lobelia; ideal in baskets
Heat, drought hardy; best if dead-headed
Short; long and reliable bloomer; heat resistant
Heavy bloomer; no pests; will reseed itself
Nice backdrop plant; big and striking
Looks like small petunias; best in pots
red, pink, purple, white
Resists downy mildew; lance-shaped leaves; ideal in pots
Rabbits won’t eat; tubular flowers close in sun
Frilly foliage; nice plant to edge a bed front
Showy fruits in bright colors & different shapes
Cold-hardy; plant in fall and overwinter; watch rabbits
Star-shaped flowers; favorite of butterflies
Heavy bloomers; no dead-heading; smaller flowers
Heavy bloomers; no dead-heading; prolific
Heavy bloomers; no dead-heading; prolific
Tall, boldly colored, best in late summer
Large bright-gold flowers, heat-tough, very showy
Heat, drought hardy; best if dead-headed
Trailing habit; ideal in pot or hanging basket
Best direct-seeded; best as massed backdrop
New line of sun-tolerant impatiens
Creeper; very heat and drought hardy
Verbena (Magalena®, Tukana® series)
Sun/part shade
Vinca Cora® series
Sun/part shade
Vinca Nirvana®’ ‘Jaio,’ ‘Pacifica,’ Titan™
Sun/part shade
Vinca ‘Blue Pearl,’ ‘First Kiss Blueberry’
Sun/part shade
Vinca ‘Burgundy Halo’
Sun/part shade
Zinnia ‘Profusion Orange’ or ‘Fire’
Zinnia ‘Profusion White’
Zinnia ‘Star Orange’ (narrow-leaf angustifolia type) Sun
Zinnia ‘Magellan Coral’
Zinnia Zahara Scarlet™, Zahara Yellow™
Zinnia Zahara Starlight Rose™
6” x 18”
12” x 12”
10-12” x 12”
12” x 12”
12” x 12”
18” x 18”
18” x 18”
12” x 15”
2’ x 15”
15” x 15”
15” x 15”
Creeper; very heat and drought hardy
white, pinks
Heat, drought & disease tough; rabbit resistant
many colors
Heat and drought hardy; not a rabbit favorite
Heat and drought hardy; not a rabbit favorite
deep rose
Heat and drought hardy; not a rabbit favorite
burnt orange
Mildew resistant; no dead-heading; striking
white with orange eye Mildew resistant; no dead-heading; heat hardy
Mildew resistant; small but abundant flowers
neon coral
Showy, fairly mildew resistant; heat lover
red, yellow
Compact, showy, mildew resistant
White petals with hot pink base, mildew resistant
Annual Pot or Basket Specimens
Alternanthera Little Ruby™ (Alternanthera dentata)
Alternanthera ‘Party Time’ (Alternanthera ficoidea)
Alternanthera ‘Purple Knight’ (A. dentata)
Alternanthera ‘Red Threads’(Alternanthera ficoidea)
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
Sun/part shade
10” x 2’
2’ x 2’
2’ x 2’
6” x 2’
2’ x 2’
2’ x 2’
10” x 16”
15” x 2’
15” x 2’
2’ x 2’
10” x 2’
10” x 2’
3’ x 2’
42” x 2’
3’ x 2’
2” x 4’
3’ x 18”
6” x 18”
18” x 2’
8” x 3’
2’ x 2’
2’ x 2’
3’ x 2’
3’ x 3’
3’ x 3’
1’ x 2’
6” x 3’
3’ x 2’
many colors
many colors
virtually none
pink,orchid, red
Creeper/trailer with small, rounded burgundy foliage
Upright with cream, green and pink leaves
Purple/burgundy leaves; nice centerpiece
Short, dense, thread-like foliage of burgundy; creeper
Big glossy leaves, big flowers; drought-tough
Glossy, serrated leaves; heavy bloomer; tough
Beautiful rounded foliage in burgundy, rose, green blend
Trailer with red leaf undersides, stems
Trailer with red leaf undersides, stems
Big & tropical; metallic silver/black foliage; very showy
Begonia ‘Whopper,’ ‘Big Green Leaf’
Begonia ‘Bonfire’
Begonia ‘Bonita Shea’
Begonia Dragon Wing®
Begonia Dragon Wing Pink®
Begonia ‘Gryphon’
Shade/part shade
Million bells MiniFamous®, Callie® (Calibrachoa) Sun/part shade
Million bells SuperCal®, Superbells® (Calibrachoa) Sun/part shade
Colocasia esculenta ‘Black Magic’
Sun/part shade
Colocasia esculenta Royal Hawaiian® ‘Black Coral’ Sun/part shade
Cordyline (ti plant)
Sun/part shade
Dichondra Silver Falls™
Digiplexis™ Illumination® ‘Flame’
Sun/light shade
Evolvulus argentea Blue My Mind®
Sun/light shade
Fountaingrass ‘Fireworks’ (Pennisetum setaceum) Sun
Golden variegated plectranthus ‘Lemon Twist’ Part shade
Graptophyllum pictum ‘Black Beauty’
Sun/part shade
Graptophyllum pictum ‘Chocolate’
Sun/part shade
Hibiscus acetosella ‘Panama Red,’ ‘Panama Bronze’ Sun
Iresine ‘Blazin’ Rose’
Part shade
Iresine ‘Blazin’ Lime’
Shade/part shade
Ivy geranium ‘Balcon’
Sun/part shade
Licorice vine (Helichrysum petiolare)
Sun/part shade
New Zealand flax (Phormium)
Sun/part shade
red, pink, purple, white
Heavy-blooming petunia look-alike; smaller flowers
Heavy-blooming petunia look-alike; smaller flowers
Large nearly black “ears;” tolerates wet soil
Grown for huge, glossy black “ears;” tolerates wet soil
Upright with strappy leaves, similar to dracaena
Silver-leafed long trailer; best hanging down baskets
Glowing flower spikes; nice pot centerpiece; toxic if eaten
Trailer; gray/green leaves; heat tough
Multicolor grass of green, cream, black, rose; arching habit
Green/yellow variegated trailer
Broad-leaf centerpiece with nearly black leaves
Broad-leaf centerpiece; leaves black, cream, rose
Deep burgundy, cut foliage; upright vase habit
Fast grower with bright rose/white variegation
Fast grower; green/white variegation gives lime look
Trailing type of geranium, perfect for part-shade baskets
Trailer with fuzzy leaves of silvery/gray or lime
Foliage like bronze swords; nice pot centerpiece
Annual Pot or Basket Specimens
Ornamental millet ‘Jester’ or ‘Purple Majesty’ Sun
Ornamental pepper ‘Black Pearl’
Ornamental pepper ‘Purple Flash,’ ‘Calico’
Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus)
Sun/part shade
Perilla ‘Magilla’ or ‘Gage’s Shadow’
Shade/part shade
Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’
Shade/part shade
Purple fountaingrass (Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’) Sun
Purple oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)
Sun/part shade
Rex begonias (Begonia rex-cultorum)
Shade/part shade
Salvia ‘Black and Bloom’ (Salvia guaranitica) Sun
Stipa lessingiana ‘Capriccio’
Sun/light shade
Sweet potato vine ‘Black Heart’ or ‘Ace of Spades’ Sun/part shade
Sweet potato vine ‘Marguerite’
Sun/part shade
Sweet potato vine ‘Tricolor’ or ‘Pink Ice’
Sun/part shade
Vinca ‘Nirvana Cascade’
3’ x 2’
2’ x 18”
18” x 18”
2’ x 3’
3’ x 2’
18” x 2’
3’ x 2’
1’ x 2’
1’ x 15”
3’ x 2’
16” x 18”
8” x 3’
8” x 3’
6” x 2.5’
10” x 2’
tan cattails
tan cattails
cobalt blue & black
many colors
Leaves look like burgundy corn plant
Very dark leaves; round black and then red fruits
Beautiful purple variegated leaves; colorful fruit
Beautiful purple/silver foliage; tropical looking
Kaleidoscope of color in leaves, similar to coleus
Allium christophii or schubertii
Allium ‘Globemaster’ or ‘Gladiator’
Calla (Zantedschia aethiopica)
Canna x generalis ‘Tropical Rose’
Canna Tropicanna®
Canna x generalis ‘Wyoming’
Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’ (Crocus tommasinianus)
Crown imperial (Fritillaria imperialis)
Daffodils (many) (Narcissus)
Daffodils ‘Tete-a-Tete’ or ‘February Gold’
Dutch hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis)
Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa forbesii)
Grape hyacinths (Muscari armeniacum)
Green tulips (Tulipa viridiflora)
Siberian squill (Scilla siberica)
Spanish bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
Species tulips (clusiana, kaufmanniana, fosteriana)
Snowdrops (Galanthus elwesii or nivalis)
Rock garden iris (Iris reticulata)
Tulips (many) (Tulipa species and hybrids)
Sun/light shade 16” x 1’
Sun/light shade 4’ x 1’
Shade/part shade 18” x 18”
Sun/part shade 2’ x 1.5’
3’ x 2’
5’ x 2’
5’ x 2’
Sun/light shade 4” x 4”
3’ x 1’
Sun/part shade 18” x 1’
Sun/part shade 10” x 10”
Sun/light shade 2’-3’ x 1’
Sun/light shade 1’ x 1’
Sun/part shade 6” x 4”
6” x 4”
18” x 1’
5” x 4”
Sun/part shade 15” x 8”
8”-16” tall x 10”
Part shade
8” x 4”
4” x 6”
2’-3’ tall x 1’
violet (May)
purple (June)
Airy globes that look like a star exploding
Trailing, flowering Swedish ivy; good houseplant, too
Deep burgundy grassy leaves with tan plumes
Clover-like leaves of plum purple
Many choices of variegated, velvety leaves
Hummingbird magnet; flowers have black bases, stems
Annual grass with arching, “shaggy” fine blades
Deep burgundy foliage; flowing trailer
Lime-green foliage; flowing trailer
Cream, pink and green variegated foliage; trailer
Trailing type; very heat and drought tough
Striking softball-sized blooms; cut foliage in July
Plant in spring, lift in fall; used for colorful, broad foliage
white/pink (June) Plant in spring, lift in fall to store inside; tubular flowers
Wide foliage; nice bed or pot centerpiece
Bright orange, green, red variegated foliage
Dark burgundy/green variegated foliage
violet (March) Least pest-prone crocus; short, early, naturalizes well
yellow (May) Bold, unusual flowers atop tall stems; also in burnt orange
gold/white (April) Nothing eats ‘em; tough, reliable; also in pastel colors
gold (March) Mini daffs; early bloomers; nothing eats ‘em
many (fall)
Plant in spring, lift in fall to store inside; big and colorful late season
varies (April) Very fragrant; fat spikes of white, blue, purple, pink
varies (April) Star-shaped flowers; white, pink or blue; naturalizes well
blue-purple (May) Multiplies quickly; foliage comes up in fall; spiky flowers
rose-pink (May)
blue (April)
varies (May)
varies (April)
white (March)
purple (March)
Beautiful green/white variegated leaves; rabbit prone
Hanging blue flowers; good naturalizer; low care
Strappy leaves, spiky flowers of white, blue, violet or pink
Earliest tulips; best at returning if not eaten by animals
Hanging bell-shaped flowers; among first to bloom
Mini-iris; very early to bloom; also in yellow
varies (April/May) Gorgeous but short-lived; animal dessert; beyond 1 year a bonus