MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE FM064J First print date :28/05/10 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 Print date :23/06/10 1/4 Test certificate N° 1872 -1 Bactericidal efficiency test according to the norm : NF EN 1656 (March 2010) Address : Address : HYPRED SA Customer identity Name : HYPRED SA Address : 55 bd Jules Verger 35803 Tel : Dinard Cedex Fax : E-mail : Contact : Surname : DEMOMENT Tel: 0299165035 First name Isabelle Fax : 0299165275 E-mail: Product : Codification : 1118 IODERM PSP Batch number : 04/26/02/10 Accreditation : Accreditation N° 1-1308 Accreditation of COFRAC laboratory section proves competence of laboratories only for test covered by accreditation. If particular notifications have been made in the method of indicated , these modifications or specifications are listed in the part "Comment" at the end of the test certificate. This test certificate concerns only the tested product . Duplication of this test certificate is only authorised in it's entirely This test certificate is composed of 4 pages (this page included) MH L FM064J LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 Test certificate N° 1872 -1 First print date :28/05/10 Print date :23/06/10 2/4 Sample Sample identification identification Name of the product : IODERM PSP 1118 Batch : 04/26/02/10 Appearance : thick brown product Receipt date : 12/05/10 Date of manufacture : 26/04/10 Expiration date :26/04/11 Active principle: Not filled Diluent of the product recommended by the manufacturer : Tap water Identification Identification of of the the used used method method :: Method : 165 NF EN 1656 (Mars 2010) Test method : Dilution / neutralization Strain(s) Neutralizing agent Staphylococcus aureus CIP 4.83-Col:CIP 4.83 Escherichia coli CIP 54.127-Col:CIP 54.127 Streptococcus uberis CIP 103219-Col: 103219 B neutralizer B neutralizer B neutralizer Appearance : B neutralizer : (3 %) Polysorbate 80 (ml); (3 %) Saponine (g); (0,3 %) Lecithin (g); (0,1 %) L-Histidin (g); (0,5 %) Sodium thiosulphate (g) Experimental conditions : Test manager :A-F. GABILLET Start of analysis : 26/05/10 End of analysis : 28/05/10 Tested concentrations of the product : 0,1 50 80 Interfering substance : Contact time : Test temperature : Incubation temperature : % (V/V) 164 skimmed milk 1% 5 (min) 30 (°C) 37 (°C) Diluent described in the norm : Distilled water Stability of the mixture of interfering substance and diluted product : No precipitate during assay MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE Test certificate N° 1872 -1 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : 02 99 16 50 72 - Fax : 02 99 16 52 75 First print date : 28/05/10 Print date : 23/06/10 3/4 Results Tested strain(s) Validation test Bactericidal or Fungicidal suspension Experimental conditions Non toxicité du Non toxicity of neutralisant ou témoin the neutraliser de filtration or reference filtration Vc : 131;104 Nv: 1175 Nv0: 118 Vc : 82;82 Vc : A: 166;119 143 Vc : 134;125 Non toxicité du 130 B: neutralisant ou témoin de filtration Vc : Vc : 82;73 Non toxicité du 78 témoin B: neutralisant ou de filtration Vc : C: 115;111 113 407 Escherichia coli CIP 54.127Col:CIP 54.127 Nv: 820 Nv0: 82 Vc : 83;106 Vc : A: 80;87 84 C: 70;77 74 428 Streptococcus uberis CIP 103219-Col: 103219 Nv: 945 Nv0: 95 Vc : A: 103;104 104 Vc : B: Vc : number of colony-forming unit(s) per plate N : number of cells per ml in the test suspension Nv : number of cells per ml in the validation suspension Na : number of survivors per ml in the test mixture R : logarithm reduction A : number of survivors in the experimental conditions B : number of survivors in the neutralizer control or filtration control C : number of survivors in the dilution-neutralization or the membrane filtration method validation 100;101 101 Bactericidal or Fungicidal tested suspension Inactivation by dilution/ neutralisation or filtration 406 Staphylococcus aureus CIP 4.83-Col:CIP 4.83 FM064J Vc : C: 104;77 91 - 7 6 10 10 Vc : >330;>330 34;57 8 4,55 N 10 7 4,55 N0 10 Non calculable Q : - 7 6 10 10 >330;>330 31;49 8 4,00 N 10 7 4,00 N0 10 Non calculable Q : Vc : - 7 6 10 10 >330;>330 47;31 8 3,90 N 10 7 3,90 N0 10 Non calculable Q : Vc : Operating method at the concentration % Vc : Na : R(lg)) : Vc : Na : R(lg)) : Vc : Na : R(lg)) : Test validated for: N between 1,5-5.10^8 (log : 8,17-8,70) N0 between 1,5-5.10^7 (log : 7,17-7,70) Nv0 between 30 and 160 A, B and C equal to or greater than 0.5Nv0 Q between 5 and 15 0,1 50 80 >330;>330 >3300 0;0 <140 0;0 <140 R<5 R>5 R>5 >330;>330 >3300 0;0 <140 0;0 <140 R<5 R>5 R>5 >330;>330 >3300 0;0 <140 0;0 <140 R<5 R>5 R>5 MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 FM064J Test certificate N° 1872-1 First print date :28/05/10 Print date :23/06/10 Conclusion : 4/4 In conformity with the norm NF EN 1656 (March 2010), 04/26/02/10 batch of IODERM PSP product of HYPRED SA firm, when diluted to 50% (V/V) in presence of skimmed milk 1%, presents a bactericidal activity, for 5 minutes contact time, at 30°C , towards the strain(s) : Staphylococcus aureus CIP 4.83, Escherichia coli CIP 54.127, Streptococcus uberis CIP 103219. Strains are preserved and checked according to EN 12353. Comments : Written by: Approved by: A-F. GABILLET M. SESQUES Testing officer Technical director on : 23/06/10 on : 23/06/10 Signature : Signature : MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE FM064J First print date :19/11/10 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 Print date :25/11/10 1/4 Test certificate N° 1998 -1 Yeasticidal efficiency test according to the norm : NF EN 1657 (April 2006) Address : Address : HYPRED SA Customer identity Name : HYPRED SA Address : 55 bd Jules Verger 35803 Tel : Dinard Cedex Fax : E-mail : Contact : Surname : DEMOMENT Tel: 0299165035 First name Isabelle Fax : 0299165275 Product : Codification : 1171 Batch number : 11/03/16/10 IODERM PSP E-mail: MH L FM064J LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 Test certificate N° 1998 -1 First print date :19/11/10 Print date :25/11/10 2/4 Sample Sample identification identification Name of the product : IODERM PSP 1171 Batch : 11/03/16/10 Appearance : thick brown product Receipt date : 15/11/10 Date of manufacture : 04/11/10 Expiration date :04/11/11 Active principle: Not filled Diluent of the product recommended by the manufacturer : Tap water Identification Identification of of the the used used method method :: Method : 150 NF EN 1657 (Avril 2006) Test method : Dilution / neutralization Strain(s) Neutralizing agent Candida albicans DSM 1386-Col:1386 B neutralizer Appearance : B neutralizer : (3 %) Polysorbate 80 (ml); (3 %) Saponine (g); (0,3 %) Lecithin (g); (0,1 %) L-Histidin (g); (0,5 %) Sodium thiosulphate (g) Experimental conditions : Test manager :A-F. GABILLET Start of analysis : 17/11/10 End of analysis : 19/11/10 Tested concentrations of the product : 0,1 50 80 Interfering substance : Contact time : Test temperature : Incubation temperature : % (V/V) 164 skimmed milk 1% 5 (min) 30 (°C) 30 (°C) Diluent described in the norm : Distilled water Stability of the mixture of interfering substance and diluted product : No precipitate during assay MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE Test certificate N° 1998 -1 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : 02 99 16 50 72 - Fax : 02 99 16 52 75 First print date : 19/11/10 Print date : 25/11/10 3/4 Results Tested strain(s) Validation test Bactericidal or Fungicidal suspension Experimental conditions Non toxicité du Non toxicity of neutralisant ou témoin the neutraliser de filtration or reference filtration Bactericidal or Fungicidal tested suspension Inactivation by dilution/ neutralisation or filtration 403 Candida albicans DSM 1386Col:1386 Vc : 50;46 Nv: 480 Nv0: 48 Vc : A: FM064J 75;78 77 Vc : B: Vc : number of colony-forming unit(s) per plate N : number of cells per ml in the test suspension Nv : number of cells per ml in the validation suspension Na : number of survivors per ml in the test mixture R : logarithm reduction A : number of survivors in the experimental conditions B : number of survivors in the neutralizer control or filtration control C : number of survivors in the dilution-neutralization or the membrane filtration method validation 50;51 51 Vc : C: 33;38 36 Vc : 7 N 10 6 N0 10 Q : 5 10 188;169 1,82 1,82 OK - 6 10 22;23 Operating method at the concentration % Vc : Na : R(lg)) : A test is validated for : N between 1.5 - 5 10^7 (lg: 7.17 - 7.70) N0 between 1,5 - 5.10^6 (lg: 6.17 - 6.70) Nv0 between 30 and 160 A, B and C equal to or greater than 0.5Nv0 Q between 5 et 15 0,1 50 80 >330;>330 >3300 0;0 <140 0;0 <140 R<4 R>4 R>4 MH L LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE ET D’HYGIENE 55 Bd Jules Verger - 35 803 DINARD Cedex Tél : +33 (0)2 99 16 50 72 - Fax : +33 (0)2 99 16 52 75 FM064J Test certificate N° 1998-1 First print date :19/11/10 Print date :25/11/10 Conclusion : 4/4 According to the norm NF EN 1657 (April 2006), 11/03/16/10 batch of IODERM PSP product of HYPRED SA firm, when diluted to 50% (V/V) in presence of skimmed milk 1%, presents a yeasticidal activity, for 5 minutes contact time, at 30°C , towards the strain(s) : Candida albicans DSM 1386. Strains are preserved and checked according to EN 12353. Comments : Written by: Approved by: A-F. GABILLET M. SESQUES Testing officer Technical director on : 25/11/10 on : 25/11/10 Signature : Signature :