Stimate Domnule Profesor Alessandro Ferrero, Stimaţi membri ai Senatului Universităţii POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti, Most esteemed Professor Alessandro Ferrero, Esteemed members of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Senate, Distinşi Oaspeţi, High distinguished Guests, Doamnelor şi Domnilor, Ladies and Gentlemen, Avem deosebita plăcere să vă prezentăm, cu această ocazie festivă, câteva aspecte din cariera şi activitatea domnului Alessandro Ferrero, profesor de Măsurări electrice şi electronice la Politecnico di Milano, Italia, personalitate academică şi ştiinţifică recunoscută pe plan internaţional, căruia Senatul Universităţii POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti a decis, în unanimitate, să-i confere titlul de Doctor Honorius Causa. We have the honor to present Alessandro Ferrero a obţinut titlul de doctor în inginerie Alessandro Ferrero received his Laurea degree in Electrical you in brief, at this ceremony, the career and profile of Alessandro Ferrero, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurement (since 1994) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, worldwide academic and scientific personality, to whom the Senate of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has unanimously decided to award the Doctor Honorius Causa title. -3- electrică la Politecnico di Milano în 1978, cu cea mai înaltă distincţie, cu o teză despre proiectarea unui wattmetru digital pe baza unei strategii noi de eşantionare cu pas variabil. Şi-a început activitatea profesională ca inginer proiectant la Landis &Gyr – Daco System Division Italy (1980 – 1983), fiind responsabil de realizarea primei protecţii numerice de distanţă din Italia. Parcursul academic a început la Politecnico di Milano (între 1983 şi 1987) ca asistent universitar, a continuat ca profesor asociat la Universitatea Catania (1987-1991), apoi conferenţiar (1991-1994) şi profesor (din 1994) la Politecnico di Milano. Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1978, with a graduation mark of 100/100, with a thesis about the design of a fully digital wattmeter, based on a simple, innovative, variable time sampling strategy. He started his professional activity by Landis &Gyr – Daco System Division Italy (1980 – 1983), being responsible for designing the first Italian digital distance relay. Then entered the academic world, as Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano from 1983 to 1987, Associate Professor at the University of Catania, Catania, Italy, from 1987 to 1991, Associate Professor (from 1991 to 1994) and Professor at Politecnico di Milano. Principalul domeniu de cercetare îl constituie aplicarea tehnicilor de prelucrare a semnalelor în instrumentaţie şi măsurări electrice. Astfel, Profesorul Alessandro Ferrero a dezvoltat noi metode de măsurare a componentelor His main research interests are in the field of Digital Signal Processing applied to Electrical Measurement. In particular, Prof. Ferrero has worked on the development of new methods for measuring electric -4- puterii electrice în condiţii de funcţionare în regim nesinusoidal, cu contribuţii esenţiale la definirea şi evaluarea parametrilor de calitate a energiei electrice, inclusiv prin identificarea surselor poluante armonic. Efortul de cercetare a fost finanţat în mare parte de Ministerul Italian al Cercetării şi Industriei. Rezultatele au fost publicate în peste 200 de lucrări stiinţifice. De altfel, Alessandro Ferrero este unul dintre cei mai citaţi autori în prestigioasa IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Ca o recunoaştere a meritelor stiinţifice, Alessandro Ferrero a fost distins în 2006 cu importantul premiu IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Technical Field Award şi a fost ales în 2010 membru al Academiei Regale de Ştiinţe şi Artă din Belgia, secţia Ştiinţe Tehnice. Alessandro Ferrero este IEEE Fellow încă din 1999, promovând în permanenţă activităţile tehnice desfăşurate sub egida IEEE; din 1999 face power components under non-sinusoidal conditions, assessing electric Power Quality and identifying the sources injecting disturbances in the electric system. His research in this field was supported and funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and industries. Original results have been published in over 200 scientific papers. He is one of the most cited authors in the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. In recognition of the achieved results he was awarded with the IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Technical Field Award in 2006. Prof. Ferrero is an IEEE Fellow (1999) and he has been elected (2010) as a foreign member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts in the Class of the Technical Sciences. Prof. Ferrero was very active in promoting technical activities, especially inside the IEEE. He is a member at large of the -5- parte din IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Administrative Committee (AdCom). IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Administrative Committee (AdCom) since În această perioadă a iniţiat şi 1999. promovat numeroase activităţi In this period he has worked to start and promote activities in the Measurement field, paying particular attention to both the fundamentals of the Measurement Science and its applications. He has been a member of the IMTC (now I2MTC) Board of Directors that he chaired from 2003 to 2006. He was the General Chair of IMTC in 1999, when IMTC was organized in Italy for the first time. He has also been very active in promoting the IEEE Publications, and he served as VP Publications of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society in 2007, and as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement since 2005. He served as President of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society from 2008 to 2009. din domeniul măsurărilor, acordând o atenţie deosebită atât principiilor fundamentale, cât şi aplicaţiilor din sfera instrumentaţiei. A fost ales membru al Comitetului Director pentru IMTC (acum I2MTC), conferinţă al cărei General Chair a fost în 1999. A fost, de asemenea, activ în promovarea revistelor IEEE, în 2007 fiind VP Publications of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society. În 2005 a devenit Editor Asociat al prestigioasei IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Ca o recunoaştere a meritelor sale a fost ales Preşedinte al IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society între 2008 şi 2009. Ca Editor in Chief al IEEE -6- Transactions on Instrumen- As Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) his efforts have been directed towards achieving excellence through quality. TIM is expected to become the most desirable publication venue for papers in the I&M fields and indeed in 2014 the impact factor has increased to 1,710. tation and Measurement a girat creşterea continuă a calităţii revistei, astfel încât în 2014 factorul de impact a devenit 1,710. Notabilă este implicarea sa în activităţile educaţionale. Astfel, în 2008 a iniţiat International Measurement School (IMU), o şcoală de vară menită să ofere studenţilor fundamentele ştiinţifice ale unei instrucţii serioase în sfera metrologiei şi a modului în care aceasta se reflectă în aplicaţiile practice. Professor Ferrero is also active in various educational activities. In 2008 he started the International Measurement School (IMU), a summer school that is intended to provide students with a solid background about the theoretical fundamentals of measurement science and its importance to practical applications. Primele patru ediţii ale IEEE International Measurement University (IMU) au fost organizate la University of Trento (2008-2011), unde au studiat şi absolvit o serie de cadre didactice, doctoranzi şi studenţi ai Facultăţii de Inginerie Electrică şi ai Facultăţii de Inginerie în Limbi Străine ai Universităţii Politehnica din Bucureşti. Un The first four editions of the IEEE International Measurement University (IMU) have been organized at University of Trento (2008-2011), and have been attended by several students and teaching staf members of UPB – from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and FILS. Graduation of IMU is linked with the attendance and -7- ciclu complet de studii presupune participarea la 3 ediţii consecutive, unul dintre absolvenţi fiind acum cadru didactic la Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică. Doi doctoranzi ai facultăţii au participat la câte 2 ediţii, iar alţi 3 doctoranzi (Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică şi Facultatea de Electronică) au participat la câte o ediţie. Pe durata Preşedinte mandatului al IEEE succesfully passing the final exams of 3 consecutive editions. One of the graduates is now lecturer at UPB, Faculty of Electrical engineering. Moreover, two PhD students have succesfully participated at two IMU editions each, while other 3 PHD students (now from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Electronics) have attended, each of them, one IMU edition. de During his term as President of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society Prof. Ferrero initiated the webbased Educational Video Tutorial System that offers the IMS members basic and advanced tutorials on different topics of measurement fundamentals and applications, presented by distinguished experts from academia, industry and IMS, profesorul Ferrero a iniţiat un sistem de video tutoriale educaţionale, publicate online, oferind gratuit membrilor IEEE IMS accesul la informaţie dedicată subiectelor din sfera fundamentelor ştiinţei măsurării, a aplicaţiilor acesteia în medicină, aeronautică, energetică etc., tutorialele fiind realizate de experţi pe plan mondial din mediul academic graduate schools. şi industrie. The scientific results achieved Rezultatele ştiinţifice ale Profesorului Alessandro Ferrero au fost publicate în by Alessandro Ferrero are reported in more than 200 -8- peste 200 de lucrări, majoritatea în cele mai prestigioase reviste ştiinţifice, magazine sau volume ale unor conferinţe relevante pentru domeniul instrumentaţiei şi al măsurărilor. Dintre acestea, peste 120 au fost publicate în reviste indexate ISI; recunoaşterea internaţională a activităţii este certificată şi de faptul că Profesorul Ferrero are asociat un indice Hirsch h-index 21 (SCOPUS), ceea ce îl plasează pe unul dintre primele locuri ale clasamentului cercetătorilor cei mai citaţi în domeniul instrumentaţiei şi măsurărilor. papers he has authored or co- Alessandro Ferrero este coautor la mai multe cărţi de mare succes, precum: “Digital Signal Processing for Measurement Systems -Theory and Applications”, publicată în 2006 de Editura Springer în seria: Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage; la aceeaşi editură este coautor al cărţii (2013): Alessandro Ferrero, Marco Prioli, Simona Salicone, and Barbara Vantaggi, 2d probability-possibility trans- Alessandro Ferrero is also the co-author of the book: “Digital Signal Processing for Measurement Systems -Theory and Applications”, published by Springer in its series: Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage, in 2006. Also in Springer he co-authored (2013): Alessandro Ferrero, Marco Prioli, Simona Salicone, and Barbara Vantaggi. 2d probability-possibility trans- authored, and published in the most qualified international scientific journals and in the proceedings of international conferences in the field of instrumentation and measurement. 123 papers have been published, up to date, in ISI journals. Alessandro Ferrero has an h-index of 21 (according to SCOPUS), which ranks him among the presently most cited scientists in the I&M field. -9- formations. In Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis, pages 63-72. formations. In Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis, pages 63-72. Domnul profesor Alessandro Ferrero a vizitat pentru prima dată Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică în anul 2009, cu ocazia organizării - împreună cu cadre didactice de la această facultate – a evenimentului ştiinţific IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation Measurement (AMUEM 2009). Professor Alessandro Ferrero has visited for the first time our university and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2009, with the occasion of the first edition in Romania of the IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation Measurement, hosted by UPB. The link with the UPB staff and students can be excellently highlighted by one of the first bilateral projects Romania-Italy: Tele-presence in education: A virtual laboratory for instrumentation in power systems, grant #23 of the Bilateral Co-operation Romania-Italy 2001-2004. During this project, in February 2002 it was organized a webcast illustrating the functionalities of virtual laboratories. Within this first on its kind online events, real time information has been acquired from the measurement systems in Politecnico di Milano Legătura cu UPB s-a concretizat şi prin desfăşurarea proiectului bilateral Telepresence in education: A virtual laboratory for instrumentation in power systems, grant #23 în cadrul Bilateral Co-operation Romania-Italy 2001-2004. Pe parcursul derulării acestui proiect, în anul 2002 s-a organizat un webcast dedicat laboratoarelor virtuale în cadrul căruia, pentru prima dată într-un astfel de context, s-au preluat în timp real - 10 - informaţiile de măsurare şi sau calculat descriptorii de calitate a energiei pe baza sistemelor de achiziţii de date instalate în laboratoarele din Politecnico di Milano. and power quality indices have been evaluated on the servers in UPB – MicroDERLab laboratory. The event has been live, attended by more than 20 members of the UPB teaching staff and students. Premii şi distincţii / Honors and Awards 1986 – Angelo Barbagelata Award, rewarding the best paper published in the previous year in “L’Elettrotecnica” journal, that was the official journal of AEI, the former name of the Italian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. 1993 – Damien Burin Award, rewarding the best paper in the Proceedings of the IMEKO TC-4 6-th International Symposium on "Intelligent Instrumentation for Remote and On-Site Measurements", Bruxelles, Belgium, May 12-13, 1993. 2006 – IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Technical Field Award in Instrumentation and Measurement, with the motivation: “For advancing the measurement of electrical quantities in electric power systems under non-sinusoidal conditions." 2011 – Outstanding Associate Editor Recognition from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Professional service - IEEE: Committees/Boards: TAB, 2008-2009 IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award Committee (2008-2009; Member) IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award Committee (2010-present; Chair) Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2005-present; since 2013 – Editor in Chief) - 11 - Sections/Chapters: North Italy IMS Chapter, Chair, 1999-2001 Society: Instrumentation and Measurement Society 2000 to 2007 - AdCom member at large 2007 - VP Publications 2008-2009 - President 2010-2011 - Junior Past President Conferences: IMTC 1999, General Chair 2003 to 2006 - Chair of the IMTC Board of Directors Other: 2008: Created the IMS Web Tutorial program 2008 to Present: Founding chair of International Measurement University (IMU), the IMS summer school on Instrumentation and Measurement for PhD students and young engineers Articole reprezentative / Representative Journal Publications (ordered from the most cited) Papers related to measurements on electric power systems and power quality measurements: A new approach to the definition of power components in 3phase systems under nonsinusoidal conditions Author(s): Ferrero A; Supertifurga G Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 40 Issue: 3 Pages: 568-577 DOI: 10.1109/19.87021 Published: Jun 1991 Times Cited: 92 (from Web of Science) A distributed system for electric power quality measurement Author(s): Cristaldi L; Ferrero A; Salicone S Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 776-781 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2002.803300 Published: Aug 2002 Times Cited: 58 (from Web of Science) - 12 - A Fuzzy-Set approach to fault-type identification in digital relaying Author(s): Ferrero A; Sangiovanni S; Zappitelli E Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 169-175 DOI: 10.1109/61.368401 Published: Jan 1995 Times Cited: 56 (from Web of Science) Definitions of electrical quantities commonly used in nonsinusoidal conditions Author(s): Ferrero A Source: European Transactions on Electrical Power Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 235-240 Published: Jul-Aug 1998 Times Cited: 43 (from Web of Science) Measurement of the electric power quality and related problems Author(s): Ferrero A; Menchetti A; Sasdelli R Source: European Transactions on Electrical Power Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Pages: 401-406 Published: Nov-Dec 1996 Times Cited: 35 (from Web of Science) Mathematical foundations of the instantaneous power concepts: An algebraic approach Author(s): Cristaldi L; Ferrero A Source: European Transactions on Electrical Power Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 305-309 Published: Sep-Oct 1996 Times Cited: 28 (from Web of Science) Papers related to Digital Signal Processing methods High-accuracy fourier-analysis based on synchronous sampling techniques Author(s): Ferrero A; Ottoboni R Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 41 Issue: 6 Pages: 780-785 DOI: 10.1109/19.199406 Published: Dec 1992 Times Cited: 34 (from Web of Science) - 13 - A low-cost frequency-multiplier for synchronous sampling of periodic signals Author(s): Ferrero A; Ottoboni R Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Pages: 203-207 DOI: 10.1109/19.137348 Published: Apr 1992 Times Cited: 21 (from Web of Science) Papers related to uncertainty expression and evaluation The random-fuzzy variables: A new approach to the expression of uncertainty in measurement Author(s): Ferrero A; Salicone S Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1370-1377 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2004.831506 Published: Oct. 2004 Times Cited: 69 (from Web of Science) A calibration procedure for a digital instrument for electric power quality measurement Author(s): Ferrero A; Lazzaroni M; Salicone S Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume51 Issue: 4 Pages: 716-722 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2002.803293 Published: Aug 2002 Times Cited: 35 (from Web of Science) Fully comprehensive mathematical approach to the expression of uncertainty in measurement Author(s): Ferrero A; SaliconeSSource: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 706-712 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2006.873799 Published: Jun 2006 Times Cited: 35 (from Web of Science) A method based on random-fuzzy variables for online estimation of the measurement uncertainty of DSP-based instruments Author(s): Ferrero A; Gamba R; Salicone S Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1362-1369 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2004.831505 Published: Oct 2004 Times Cited: 28 (from Web of Science) - 14 - Modeling and processing measurement uncertainty within the theory of evidence: Mathematics of random-fuzzy variables Author(s): Ferrero Alessandro; Salicone Simona Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 56 Issue: 3 Pages: 704-716 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2007.894907 Published: Jun 2007 Times Cited: 28 (from Web of Science) Papers related to Virtual Remote Laboratories A Web-based distributed virtual educational laboratory Author(s): Benetazzo L; Bertocco M; Ferraris F; Ferrero A; Offelli C; Parvis M; Piuri V Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Pages: 349-356 DOI: 10.1109/19.843077 Published: Apr 2000 Times Cited: 78 (from Web of Science) A simulation tool for virtual laboratory experiments in a WWW environment Author(s): Ferrero A; Piuri V Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 741-746 DOI: 10.1109/19.772214 Published: Jun 1999 Times Cited: 42 (from Web of Science) ReMLab: A Java-based remote, didactic measurement laboratory Author(s): Ferrero A; Salicone S; Bonora C; et al. Source: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Volume: 52 Issue: 3 Pages: 710-715 DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2003.814695 Published: Jun 2003 Times Cited: 36 (from Web of Science) Capitole de cărţi reprezentative / Representative Book Chapters Alessandro Ferrero et al. Voltage measurement. In John G. Webster and HalitEren, editors, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook. CRC Press, 1999. - 15 - Alessandro Ferrero, Silvia Sangiovanni, and Ennio Zappitelli. A study for the application of fuzzy-logic techniques to fault-type identification in digital relaying. In Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Power Systems, page 360. Physica-Verlag, 1998. A Ferrero and R Ottoboni. The distributed measurement systems: A new challenge for the metrologists. In Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories, pages 417-426. Springer, 2010. Alessandro Ferrero, Simona Salicone, et al. An innovative method for the comparison of measurement results. In Transverse Disciplines in Metrology, pages 741-754. Wiley Online Library, 2009. - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 -