PHY200 Classical Physics I Gustavus Adolphus College Instructor: Dr. Steven Mellema Office Hours: MTWRF 9:00-11:15 AM Fall 2008 Office: Olin Hall 210 Phone/Voicemail: 933-7306 Email: Homepage: Textbooks: University Physics (12th Edition), by Young and Freedman Laboratory Manual (for PHY201, co-requisite lab course) Course Policy and Evaluation: 1. Class Meetings and Reading Assignments: The class will meet five days a week from 11:30am12:20pm. Usually, four periods per week will be used for lecture, recitation or homework review. Class periods on the fifth day will be used for group problem-solving sessions or for exams. Attached is a daily calendar of all activities and reading assignments for the course. When reading assignments are made for a class session, the reading is expected to be completed before coming to the class. 2. “Lectures”: The lectures for this course may seem somewhat “non-traditional”. They will not be used simply to repeat material covered in the textbook. I will assume that each student is capable of reading and understanding the textbook for the course, which has been chosen for its clarity and completeness of presentation. (Of course, questions about areas that were unclear when you read the textbook are always encouraged during the lectures!) Lecture time will be spent exploring in greater depth the concepts introduced in the textbook using demonstrations, discussion, and “Conceptests”. We will also devote time to examining and developing problem-solving techniques through additional worked examples. 3. Pre-lecture, Online Quizzes: On each class day that precedes or follows a lecture, each student is required to take an online quiz to demonstrate: a. that he/she has learned and can apply the concepts from the preceding lecture to the solution of simple problems; and/or b. that he/she has read and obtained a basic understanding of the material in the textbook for the next lecture. These quizzes will be conducted using the Mastering Physics program (accessible on the World Wide Web at You should register at the website as soon as possible using the Student Access kit that came with your textbook. Our Class ID is PHY200F08. The day’s reading quiz may be accessed 24 hours in advance, and must be completed 15 minutes before class starts, i.e. at 11:15 am. 4. Homework: Homework problems will be due approximately once per week, and are due at the beginning of class on the assigned date. (See the complete list of homework assignments below.) Late homework may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor with a reduction in credit. By far the best way to incorporate homework problems into your learning is to work on some problems each day, as soon as possible after reading the related material in the text. For this reason, I suggest that you try the problems indicated on the daily calendar below, which are keyed to the sections covered that day in the reading and in lecture. 5. Group Problem Solving: Approximately once per week, students will work in assigned groups of three or four to solve difficult problems in a cooperative-learning setting. These sessions will require each group to submit a solution in a particular format, using the five-step physics problem-solving method that will be taught. The entire group will receive one grade for their solution, with the grade depending on technique (adherence to the problem-solving method) as well as the answer. 6. Attendance: Regular attendance at all class meetings is expected. Students will be held responsible for informing themselves of all announcements/assignments made in class. 7. Exams : There will be five one-hour exams and a two-hour final exam. The date for each of the exams is given in the calendar below. Students must arrange in advance to take an exam at other than the scheduled time, and may do so only for a valid health or school-related reason. 8. Evaluation : Homework Online Quizzes Group Problem Solutions Hour Exams (best four scores) Final Exam Total 25% 15% 10% 7.5% each 20% 100% Assignment of final letter grades will be based upon the following guidelines: B+ = 86-90% C+ = 74-78% D+ = 62-66% A = 94-100% B = 82-86% C = 70-74% D = 58-62% A- = 90-94% B- = 78-82% C- = 66-70% 9. Academic Honesty: Having signed and agreed to abide by the College’s Honor Code, students thereby pledge that, in all academic exercises, examinations, papers, and reports, they shall submit their own work. Footnotes, or some other acceptable form of citation must accompany any use of another's words or ideas. In the context of this course, students are expected to collaborate and to discuss their out-of-class assignments. However, submitting under one’s own name work that is merely copied from another is a violation of the Honor Code. (The full text of the Gustavus Academic Honor Code Policy may be found in the Gustavus Academic Bulletin 2007-2008, p. 32). 10. Incompletes : A grade of incomplete will only be given for work not completed due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. September Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sections 1.1-1.6 Sections 2.1-2.3 Sections 2.4-2.5 (Exercises 1.3, 1.9 & 1.25) (Exercises 2.6 & (Exercises 2.25, 2.12) 2.30 & 2.41) Classes begin: Syllabus and Course Introduction 7 8 Section 2.6 (Problem 2.66) 9 Group Problem (1-D Kinematics) (Problem 2.87) 14 21 28 15 16 Section 37.3 Section 37.4 (Exercises 37.5 & 37.8) (Exercise 37.13) 10 Sections 9.1-9.2 Section 9.3 (Exercises 9.7 & 9.16) (Exercise 9.29) Chapters 1-2 Homework due 17 Group Problem (Relativistic Kinematics) 25 24 Sections 1.7-1.9 Sections 4.1-4.3 Sections 4.4-4.5 (Exercises 1.35, 1.51 & Problem 1.74) (Exercises 4.9, 4.12 & 4.13) (Exercises 4.17 & 4.21) Section 1.10 (Exercises 1.54, 1.57 & Prob. 1.93) Ch. 1,4&12 Homework due Sections 6.1-6.2 Review Day (Problem 37.52) 23 30 18 Chapters 9&37 Homework due 22 29 11 Sections 12.112.2 (Exercises 12.5(a), 12.6 & 12.16) 12 13 Sections 37.137.2 (Exercise 37.1) 19 20 Hour Exam #1 26 Group Problem (Newton’s Laws) (Exercise 12.19) (Exercises 6.1, 6.6 & 6.22) 2008 27 October Sun 5 Mon 6 Group Problem (Work, Energy, Momentum and Power) (Problem 8.73) 12 13 Sections 3.1-3.2 Tue 7 No Class: Nobel Conference Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Sections 6.3-6.4 Section 7.1 (Exercises 6.28, 6.40 & 6.50) (Exercises 7.2 & (Exercises 8.7 & 7.6) 8.18) 8 No Class: Nobel Conference 9 Review Sections 8.1-8.2 10 11 Hour Exam #2 Ch. 1,6,7&8 Homework due 14 15 16 Section 3.3 Section 3.4 Section 3.5 (Exercises 3.33 & 3.34) (Exercises 3.39 & 3.42) (Exercises 3.2 & (Exercises 3.13 3.5) & 3.27) 17 18 Group Problem (2-D Kinematics) (Problem 3.58) 19 20 No Class: Fall Reading Days 26 27 21 No Class: Fall Reading Days 28 22 Section 37.5 (Exercise 37.16, Problem 37.51) Chapter 3 Homework due 23 24 Section 37.7 Sections 37.8 (Exercises 37.28 & 37.29) (Exercises 37.39 & 37.41) 29 30 31 Group Problem (Newton’s Laws) (Problems 5.65 & 5.95) Sections 5.1-5.2 Section 5.3 Sections 5.4-5.5 (Exercises 5.9, 5.14 & 5.18) (Exercises 5.34 & 5.37) (Exercises 5.52 & 5.59) Review Ch. 37&5 Homework due 2008 25 November Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Hour Exam #3 9 16 6 7 Section 7.2 4 Section 7.3 Sections 7.4-7.5 (Exercises 7.18 & 7.23) (Exercises 7.29 & 7.31) (Exercises 7.36 & 7.37) Group Problem (Energy Conservation) (Problems 7.46 & 7.65) 10 11 12 13 14 Section 9.4 (Exercises 9.41 & 9.49) Chapter 7 Homework due Sections 9.5-9.6 Sections 8.3-8.4 Sections 8.5-8.6 (Exercises 9.56 & 9.61) (Exercises 8.39, 8.40 & 8.43) (Exercises 8.49, 8.59 & Problem 8.103) Group Problem (Momentum/ Energy) (Problem 8.109) 17 18 19 20 Review Hour Exam #4 24 Sections 10.510.6 (Exercises 10.36 & 10.45) Sections 10.110.2 (Exercises 10.2, 10.10 & 10.15) Chapters 8-9 Homework due 23 5 25 Group Problem (Rotational Motion) (Problem 10.92) 26 No Class: Thanksgiving Break 21 Section 10.3 Section 10.4 (Exercises 10.22 & 10.23) (Exercises 10.27 & 10.31) 27 28 No Class: Thanksgiving Break No Class: Thanksgiving Break 30 2008 8 15 22 29 December Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sections 11.111.2 (Exercise 11.2) Chapter 10 Homework due 7 8 Group Problem (Gravitation) Section 11.3 (Exercises 11.11 & 11.17) (Prob. 11.47) 9 15 10 Pinewood Derby Sections 38.338.5 (Prob. 12.71) 14 Group Problem (Static Equilibrium) (Prob. 38.23) 16 17 Sections 12.312.4 Section 12.5 (Exercises 12.23 & 12.30) (Exercise 12.36 & Problem 12.78) 11 12 Review 13 Hour Exam #5 Chapters 11,12,38 Homework due 18 19 20 26 27 Final Exam (Comprehensive) 10:30 am12:30 pm 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 25 2008 PHY200 Classical Physics I Homework Assignments Fall 2008 (All assignments are due at 11:30 am at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified.) Due Date Wednesday Sept. 10 Problems Assigned Chapter 1: #3, 9, & 25 Chapter 2: #6, 12, 25, 30, 41, 66 & 87 Thursday Sept. 18 Chapter 9: #7, 16 & 29 Chapter 37: #1, 5, 8, 13 & 52 Monday Sept. 29 Chapter 1: #35, 51 & 74 Chapter 12: # 5(a), 6, 16 & 19 Chapter 4: #9, 12, 13, 17 & 21 Thursday Oct. 9 Chapter 1: #54, 57 & 93 Chapter 7: #2 & 6 Chapter 6: #1, 6, 22, 28, 40 & 50 Chapter 8: #7, 18 & 73 Wednesday Oct. 22 Chapter 3: # 2, 5, 13, 27, 33, 34, 39, 42 & 58 Friday Oct. 31 Chapter 37: # 16, 28, 29, 39, 41 & 51 Chapter 5: #9, 14, 18, 34, 37, 52, 59, 65 & 95 Monday Nov. 10 Chapter 7: #18, 23, 29, 31, 36, 37, 46 & 65 Monday Nov. 17 Chapter 8: #39, 40, 43, 49, 59, 103 and 109 Chapter 9: #41, 49, 56,and 61 Monday Dec. 1 Chapter 10: #2, 10, 15, 22, 23, 27, 31, 36, 45 and 92 Thursday Dec. 11 Chapter 11: #2, 11, 17, and 47 Chapter 12: #23, 30, 71 and 78 Chapter 38: #23