BOSTON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabus: EC580 – Analog VLSI Circuit Design Fall Semester 2014 Date/Time/Place: T/R, 4:00-6:00 PM, PHO205 Instructor: Prof. Ronald W. Knepper Office Hours: Wed. 11AM-12PM, Fri. 3-5 PM, PHO526 e-mail:, Phone: 353-0223 Course Description: This course will teach the fundamentals of CMOS and BICMOS analog circuit design techniques used in today’s advanced mixed-signal integrated-circuit applications. Topics to be covered include device/process background, IC passives, analog amplifiers, current mirrors, op-amp design, noise fundamentals, RF design basics, switched capacitor circuits, comparators, A/D and D/A converters, and other analog circuitry used in today's mixed-signal ICs. The course will include a laboratory component involving hands-on measurements with high frequency instruments in the RF Lab in PHO418 as well as the design, layout, and simulation of RF/analog integrated circuits using IBM 8HP device models and Cadence SpectreRF CAD tools in the VLSI Lab in PHO305. (4 credits) Prerequisites: EC412 and/or EC571 (or instructor’s permission) Texts: Carusone, Johns, and Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2012. T. H. Lee, The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits, 2nd edition, Cambridge, 2004 References: 1. Gray, Hurst, Lewis, Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 2009 2. Leblebici and Leblebici, Fundamentals of High-Frequency CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits, Cambridge, 2009 3. Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2001 4. Allen and Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Oxford Univ Press, 2012, 2002 Course Methodology: The course involves the use of a coordinated set of lectures, labs, homework, and exams to teach analog/RF/mixed-signal integrated circuit design based on today’s CMOS and BICMOS technologies. The four simulation labs are designed to introduce the student to the Cadence SpectreRF CAD design tools, starting with circuit simulation from the schematic, then physical layout, design rule and logic-versus-schematic checking, and finally circuit simulation using extracted models based on the layout. Tutorials will be utilized to help students learn the use of Cadence SpectreRF. An experimental lab will be included using the RF equipment in PHO418 to measure S-parameters and other RF characteristics of a high frequency amplifier. Grading: Mid-term Exam Labs Homework Final Project & Reading 25% 35% 10% 30% Schedule of Lectures and Exams: Dates 9/2 9/4 9/9 ? 9/11 9/16 9/18 9/23 9/25 9/30 10/2 10/7 10/9 10/14 10/16 10/21 10/23 10/28 10/30 11/4 11/6 11/11 11/13 11/18 11/20 11/25 11/27 12/2 12/4 12/9 Topic Description SiGe BICMOS Technology: fabrication, layout, design rules Review MOS device physics and SiGe NPN device physics Compact analog/RF circuit models for BICMOS devices Cadence SpectreRF & 8HP Tutorial (6:20 PM in VLSI Lab) Passive IC components: capacitor, resistor, inductor, transformer Passive RLC Networks, Matching Networks Matching Networks (continued) Current mirrors and amplifier fundamentals Frequency response of amplifier circuits Feedback amplifiers CMOS Op-amp design CMOS Op-amp design (continued), Opamp compensation Op-amp design (continued), Wide-swing current mirrors No Class (Monday Schedule) Distributed systems, transmission lines Smith chart, S-parameters Noise in Semiconductor Devices Noise in Semiconductor Devices (cont) , review for Mid-Term Mid-Term Exam Go over exam, Estimating bandwidth, risetime, and delay High frequency amplifier design (shunt peaking, shunt-series) High freq amp design (tuned amplifiers, cascading) Comparators Sample and Hold circuits Switched capacitor circuits Data converter fundamentals No Class (Thanksgiving Recess) Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) Analog-to-digital converters (continued) Digital-to-analog converters (DAC) Text/Reference CJ&M Ch 2, 8HP Manual Lee Ch 5 + RWK notes Lee Ch 5, CJ&M Ch1 & 8 Cadence Manual Lee Ch 4 Lee Ch 3 Lee Ch 3 CJ&M Ch 3 CJ&M Ch 4 CJ&M Ch 5 CJ&M Ch 6 CJ&M Ch 6 CJ&M Ch 6 Lee Ch 6 Lee Ch 7 Lee Ch 11 Lee Ch 11 Lee Ch 8 Lee Ch 9 Lee Ch 9 CJ&M Ch 10 CJ&M Ch 11 CJ&M Ch 14 CJ&M Ch 15 CJ&M Ch 17 CJ&M Ch 17 CJ&M Ch 16 Schedule for Labs: Lab 1a 1b 2 3 4 Assigned 9/9 9/9 10/7 10/21 11/11 Due 9/23 10/7 10/28 11/13 12/2 Project Final Project: Design of an A/D Converter 11/25 12/16 Schedule for Homework: Assigned 9/2 9/18 9/30 11/6 Due 9/11 10/2 10/17 11/21 11/18 12/9 HW 1 2 3 4 Description CMOS & NPN Bipolar Device Characteristics (schematic): dc, small-signal ac, fT CMOS & NPN Bipolar Device Characteristics (layout): dc, small-signal ac, fT Analog Design: Current Mirror Op-amps in CMOS and BiCMOS Experimental Lab: S-parameter Measurements of cable, load, & MMIC amplifier RF Design: High Frequency Amplifier (matching, tuning, S-parameters) CMOS and Bipolar Devices and Small Signal Models IC Passives, Matching Networks Current Mirrors, Operational Amplifier Design Noise, Estimating Bandwidth, High Freq Amplifiers Reading Final Reading and Report from IEEE JSSC Literature Course Policies: 1. Missed Exam – Absence from an exam can be excused only for reasons of illness, death in a family, or unavoidable travel. In each case, permission of the instructor in advance is required, as well as a written authorization by a physician (in the case of illness) or other appropriate authorized signature. The student will be required to take a makeup exam. 2. Late Homework – Late homework will be accepted up until the date solutions are made available. A penalty of 5% off per day will be applied. A weekend counts as a single day. 3. Late Labs – Late labs will be accepted, but with a penalty applied of 5% off per day up to a maximum of 50% off. It is advantageous for students to complete all the labs. 4. Attendance – Attendance in class is considered essential and required.