Short- and long-term effects of soil and crop residue management on carbon storage in agricultural soils Luisella Celi Soil Biogeochemistry Rice Agroecosystem & Environmental Research Group, Dept. of Agriculture, Forest and Food Sciences University of Turin, Italy. June 18, 2015 Carbon stock in soil is a function of balance between input and output Decomposition Rate = f ([S], [E], T, O2, H2O, soil structure) Substrate Inherent degradability Biological activity 95% of decomposition reactions are biologically mediated Environmental conditions Temperature and water Aerobic/anaerobic conditions Soil properties pH Occlusion and chemical interaction into aggregates Texture Mineralogy of finer particles Migration in subsoil horizons SUBSTRATE: Crop residue characteristics Inherent degradability based on the interest of each biochemical class for decomposer organisms Constituents Clover plant Maize residues Broadleaf litter Cellulose 27 30 10-22 Proteins 10 2 2-15 Lignin 11 11 25 Lipids 6 8 14 C/N 12 60 40-14 - + Potential degradability of plant residues Higher degradability of crop residues compared to forest residues What happens when crop residues are incorporated in soil? CO2 Adapted from Six et al., 2002 Uncomplexed C Aggregate turnover unprotected C CO2 sorption physically uncomplexed C into macroaggregates C associated to microaggregates MEAN RESIDENCE TIME Unprotected < Physically CO2 < Chemically chemically stabilised C a PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROTECTION is related to TURNOVER and STABILITY of AGGREGATES fresh residues new microaggregate CO2 CHEMICALLY OM macroaggregate (M) CO2 CO2 UNPROTECTED OM occluded OM Old and new microaggregates old microaggregate time C DISTRIBUTION of C in different size aggregates 6 25 Increase of C in the smaller aggregates 5 20 4 3 15 2 10 1 0 m <20 M <20 m 250-20 M 250-20 M 2000-250 unprotectedLF 5 Said-Pullicino et al., 2014 C/N Ratio C distribution (mg C g-1 soil) NF_S Microaggregates protected in macroaggregates are richer in C than separated microggregates C/N decreases from uncomplexed unprotected (LF) to m<20 m SOIL and CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT affects C STORAGE and DECOMPOSITION PROCESSES CO2 CO2 CO2 TILLAGE fresh residues TILLAGE new microaggregate CO2 CO2 microaggregate occluded OM Old and new Microaggregates (m) old microaggregate time EFFECTS of TILLAGE on ORGANIC MATTER in micro and macro-aggregates Six et al. (2000) Tillage causes a reduction of microaggregate OM What are the main related effects? Reduced aggregation lowers SOM, Cation exchange capacity and nutrients, microbial activities that in turn contribute to aggregation Reduced aggregation can result in lower macropores and biochannels that influence water movement and availability Impacts on leaching and loss of nutrients and chemicals in drainage and groundwaters However the effect of tillage can vary depending on - scale (vertical, spatial) - time (short- and long term) - tillage intensity - soil resilience, i.e. the capacity of soil to resist to stress and disturbance … Carbon and soil functionality recovery? Experimental platform 1996 -2015 NW Italy, temperate climate Alfisol, sandy-loamy, neutral Crop rotation: maize-wheat-soy Effect of long-term tillage vs no-tillage - Introduction of minimum tillage NO TILLAGE TILLAGE MINIMUM TILLAGE 1996 C Stocks 2006 2012 time T ----------4.9 kg m-2--------- ---4.8 kg m-2--- ---4.7 kg m-2--NT --------5.9* kg m-2-------- ---5.2 kg m-2--- ---5.4* kg m-2--1996 2006 TOC (g kg-1) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 TOC (g kg-1) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 0 0 20 20 2009 2 2012 TOC (g kg-1) TOC (g kg-1) 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 * * * * Carbon recovery is slow Different C profiles * Rapid changes from NT to MT in the 15-30 cm layer 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 depth (cm) C profile (gC kg-1) 2009 CROP YIELD * T ------------------------------ 7.8 t ha-1------------------------7.9 t ha-1----NT ---------------------------- 6.0 t ha-1--------------- MT---------7.8 t ha-1 ---- UNPROTECTED Carbon and Nitrogen POOLS (g kg-1) C (g C/kgsoil) 0-15 0 15-30 0,4 0,8 1,2 30-60 Tillage C No tillage Minimum tillage 0,00 N 0,07 0,14 0,21 No tillage favours C accumulation in the top layers due to a lower degradation of unprotected fractions Tillage favours C incorporation into deeper layers where decomposition rate is slower Tillage No tillage Minimum tillage Minimum tillage increases unprotected C in the 15-30 cm layer Better N cycling STABILIZED Carbon and Nitrogen POOLS (g kg-1) 0 C 2 4 6 8 * T 10 12 0-15 * 15-30 30-60 NT Tillage reduced C and N in microaggregates into the top layers MT 0,00 T N NT 0,40 0,80 1,20 1,60 2,00 Minimum tillage limits C and N losses because does not affect this fraction MT Organic matter in microaggregates is more than 90% strongly stabilized through different mechanisms Experimental vineyard Typic Ustorthent Sampling area row PG (c) PG (a) PG (b) AT (c) AT (b) Inter-row AT (a) What happens to C dynamics when soil does not offer strong mechanisms of C stabilization ? Typic Paleustalf Experimental time line TILLAGE TILLAGE 1988 Deep tillage vineyard planting NO TILLAGE TILLAGE 1994 1996 NO TILLAGE NO TILLAGE NO TILLAGEMinTILLAGE 2010 2012 Effect of tillage vs no tillage in the Entisol NT MT NT T C Low C No tillage 1994 1995 1996 2010 2011 2012 At the beginning very low levels of C Good carbon recovery in 14 years Introduction of minimum tillage causes slight reduction of C after 3 years Effect of tillage vs no tillage on aggregate stability AGGREGATE STABILITY NT T NT MT No tillage 1994 1995 1996 2010 2011 2012 Very low aggregate stability at the beginning No tillage favours aggregate stability Even minimum tillage immediately decreased aggregate stability C distribution in the different pools Microaggregate C Unprotected C 20% Microaggregate C <60% 100 90 * Cfraction (%TOC) 80 70 60 50 40 30 Seasonal changes of OM in microaggregates 20 10 0 SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN NO TILLAGE SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN MINIMUM TILLAGE Stabilization processes mainly involve weak mechanisms SOM-clay which can be seasonally affected In poorly developed soils SOM can be the only cementing agent Different mechanisms of OM STABILIZATION in microaggregates Clay reactivity Hydrophobic interaction Cation exchange Mixed mineralogy Me bridges between OM and clays Ligand exchange with carboxylic groups C stabilization Soil resilience 17/20 CONCLUSIONS Soil and crop residue management affects C storage in soil influencing the equilibrium between aggregate stability and SOM conservation Tillage reduces C storage and aggregate stability, limiting the accumulation of C in microaggregates In agricultural soils with <1% C, SOM recovery is very slow and requires >10 years The effects are emphasised in the top layer and may be negligible or opposite downward the soil profile Effects of no tillage on crop yield may in turn affect C accumulation: reduced tillage may be often preferred to no tillage Soils behave differently depending on their resistence to stress: mineralogical characteristics of the finer particles seem to be a key factor in controlling the stable C pool THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION UNIVERSITY OF TORINO Dept. Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences Soil Biogeochemistry Daniel Said-Pullicino Cristina Lerda Andrea Villa Maria Martin Eleonora Bonifacio Sergio Belmonte Silvia Stanchi Elisabetta Barberis Environmental Agronomy Dario Sacco Barbara Moretti Simone Pelissetti Chiara Bertora Carlo Grignani