King Street Primary School Quality Assurance Overview 2014 2015 Lesson Observations September October November December January February March April May June Literacy & Numeracy Subject Leaders to carry out short observations of subjects. NQT Initial Lesson observation to take place this month. AT SEN Intervention Programmes receive observations from CH / CR / SW. NQT Second Lesson observation to take place this month. AT Staff working towards ‘good’ receive observation. Literacy & Numeracy Subject Leaders to carry out short observations of subjects. Staff previously achieving ‘good’ receive observation. SEN Intervention Programmes receive observations from /CR / JN. Staff working towards ‘good’ receive observation WC 06/05/15 CH/CR Staff previously achieving ‘good’ receive observation. WC 15/09/14 Curriculum Children’s Curriculum introduced All staff receive observation commencing 13/10/14 CH Analysis of data. Children’s Curriculum Week WC 13/10/14 National Curriculum Long Term Plans established. School Voice Extended School Day Children’s Curriculum weeks discussions. Spennymoor Youth Council meeting Year 6 interviews for responsibility interviews October 2014 Parents/Carers Writing Review of Curriculum Plan. Can coverage be achieved? Parent View promoted during parents evenings.CH Parent & Pupil Questionnaire analysis of data shared with families. National Curriculum Focus upon Cookery National Curriculum Focus upon MFL Rights Respecting survey. CR Data analysed . Offer of vouchers for 1 day pass to promote provision. Finance committee meeting to discuss funding ‘Breakfast Club’ staff from 01/04/15 31/03/16 Relocate Jack In The Box to own location and create secure entry system. KS2 ‘1-to-1’ meetings CH/CR Intervention groups adapted. Year Group moderation Intervention groups adapted. Data analysed. Formal assessments. Data uploaded. Intervention assessments Formal assessments. Data uploaded. ‘More Than Maths’ groups established with resources identified. Evaluation of Children’s Curriculum Weeks ‘We Love Writing’ class displays established. Children’s Curriculum Week WC 18/05/14 Review Long Term Plans. Adapt and refine coverage and curriculum links where appropriate. Discuss successful learning approaches. Parents Questionnaire Y6 SATs meeting. CH/CR Offer of vouchers for 1 day pass to promote provision. Y2 SATs meeting SW/LW Year 1 Phonics Screening meeting. CH/AT End of Year annual reports to parents followed with parents meetings. STAFF Book Scrutiny Intervention assessments Formal assessments. Data uploaded. K.S.2. S.A.T.’s 11/ 05/15 Formal assessments. Data uploaded. Analysis of data. Analysis of data Data analysed. Data analysed. Intervention groups adapted. Intervention groups adapted. K.S.1 Sats Book Scrutiny Intervention group monitoring. CR Home School Reading Records monitored. Develop link with Whitworth Park school for L6 support and intervention. Additional reading resources purchased. ( Alien Adventures ) Observations of reading intervention at 10.30am Early Bird monitoring. SW ‘More Than Maths’ intervention monitored for increase of above average APS for all groups. Home school reading records monitored. Visits to Spennymoor Library established. Guided reading groups monitoring. CR Home school reading records monitored. Differentiation in reading monitoring. CR Library books purchased. Focus upon boys reading. CR Numeracy intervention monitoring. SW Evaluation of Children’s Curriculum Weeks Parent & Pupil Questionnaire analysis of data shared with families. Parents evening offered. Spring Term progress meetings. STAFF Intervention groups adapted. Children’s Curriculum Week 07/07/14 Parents Questionnaire Data analysis Parents evening offered. Autumn Term progress meetings. STAFF Intervention assessments. Travelling Book Fayre visit. 26/09/14 Baseline assessment data uploaded. Analysis of data. SW Children’s Curriculum Week WC 30/03/15 WC 01/06/15 CH/CR Analysis of data. Parents Questionnaire and analysis. Weekly newsletter distributed and available on school website. Reading Groups activities implemented. Numeracy Children’s Curriculum Week 15/12/14 Evaluation of Children’s Curriculum Weeks KS1 ‘1-to-1’ meetings. CH/LW ‘We Love Writing’ Display created in Hall. Reading areas throughout our school created CH/GB Children’s Curriculum Week WC 09/02/15 CH/CR Parent Governor vacancies advertised via newsletter Baseline assessment data uploaded. Analysis of data. CR Analysis of data. Quality assurance of appropriate resources. WC 09/02/15 Parents evening offered. ‘Getting to know your child’s teacher’ STAFF Intervention groups established. Reading Rights Respecting survey. CR Data analysed . Golden Egg Application by Year 6.( Spennymoor Youth Mayor ) Commence ‘Breakfast Club’ provision with secured funding to 31/03/15 to fund 3 staff. Commence ‘Jack in the Box’ day care until 5.45pm with 2 hour provision. Ofsted application made. Inspection Sept. 2013 ‘Good’ WC 06/01/15 Quality assurance of appropriate resources. Introduce Computing Curriculum following local authority training. WC03/03/14 CH/CR July L6 MA teaching commences. Partnership developed with Whitworth park School. Commence Numeracy Intervention programme. Target Y2&Y3 children not secure at L2B & L2B+. SW/SUPPORT STAFF. Formal assessments. Data uploaded. Analysis of data. Intervention groups adapted. Y1 Phonics Screening. AT/CR S.E.N. Baseline assessment data uploaded. Analysis of data. CR / CH Provision mapping timetables established. CR IEP’s reviewed and parent &child meetings to be timetabled. CH / JN /STAFF RWI Formal Assessments. CR/SUPPORT STAFF. Assessment Analysis of data. Autumn Term formal assessments. STAFF Fine motor skills intervention monitoring. RW IEP’s reviewed and parent &child meetings to be timetabled. RW/STAFF Code X assessments. SUPPORT STAFF/CR KS2 SATs. Additional Time Assessments. CH IEP’s reviewed and parent &child meetings to be timetabled. RW/STAFF Spring Term Formal Assessments. STAFF Summer Term Formal Assessments. STAFF Y1 Phonics Screening. AT/CR Analysis of data. KS2 SATs CR/STAFF Formal Assessment data submission. CH/CR/STAFF/ ADMIN Analysis of data. KS1 SATs LW/STAFF Senior Leaders SLT Team established with lit (Read/Write), Num, SEN coordinators. SLT weekly meetings. Staffing structure established. S.I.A. Planned meetings confirmed. Governance Attendance Behaviour Issue letter & dates for Governing Body meetings. CH Commence timetabled ‘late gate’ rota following 8:55am arrival. Issue EW3 letters 30/09/13 Attendance weekly targets available on website. Ladybird Targets implemented. Establish ‘class charters’ throughout our school. CR/STAFF ‘R’ Point incentive programme established throughout school. Teaching NQT induction. AT SLT plan meetings WITH Curriculum Governors for evaluation of 2013 – 2014. Identify headline summaries. Reports for Autumn Term Meeting 20/10/14 Autumn Finance Committee Meeting 16/10/14 Autumn Term. Full Governing Body meeting 20/10/14. Autumn Personnel Committee Meeting 13/10/14 Autumn Term meeting with EWO to target 95% pupil attendance. CH/JQ Issue EW5 letters requesting medical evidence. JQ ‘Successful Writers’ assemblies commence to promote writing and celebrate success. ( Monthly) NQT Conference. RH Performance management targets set. CH/STAFF ICT Training NQT Induction. RH Implementing Children’s Curriculum Spennymoor Cluster of SLT meetings with S.I.A. – identifying headline summaries. SLT meet with Curriculum Governors for evaluation of 2013 2014 against national averages. SLT carry out intervention lesson observations. SLT to present updates against S.I.P. to Governors at Spring Governing Body meeting. 09/03/15 Spring Personnel Committee Meeting 02/02/15 Spring Term Full Governing Body meeting 09/03/15. SLT to carry our book scrutiny Learning Walk Week 26/01/15 Learning Walk Week 10/11/13 Spring Curriculum Committee Meeting 26/01/15 Autumn Curriculum Committee Meeting 17/11/14 At risk of prosecution parent / carer meetings with School Enforcement Team manager. Late Gate data analysis. House meetings. ( monthly ) Focus on fund raising opportunities. ‘Cause for Concern’ Logs analysed. ‘House Winners’ display created. Pupil Questionnaire Modeling sessions ‘Pace & Progress’. STAFF/MC/CR SLT meetings with S.I.A. – identifying headline summaries Ladybird attendance awards presented. School Enforcement Team Manager targets families at risk of prosecution. Spring Finance Committee Meeting 05/03/15 Spring Term Meeting with EWO to target 95% pupil attendance. CH/JQ At risk of prosecution parent / carer meetings with School Enforcement Team manager. ‘ ‘Cause for Concern’ Logs analysed. Sharing and observing practice timetable in place. All staff to focus upon elements of literacy writing. Modeling questioning strategies. CR/STAFF L6 Teacher supporting intervention. NQT Induction. RH NQT visit local Primary School. RH/AT ( each half term ) Schools planned mod eration meetings to Analysis of improvements in families identified during Autumn Term. R’ Council to audit Pupil Questionnaire data, share results during House Meetings. Analysis of ‘good’ practice. Twilight staff meetings. CH/CR/STAFF be timetabled. Learning Walk Week 20/04/15 Modeling developing independence strategies. Late Gate data analysis. Ladybird attendance awards presented. SLT to carry our book scrutiny and commence subject lesson observations. SLT to present updates against S.I.P. to Governros at Summer Governing Body meeting. 15/06/15 Summer Finance Committee Meeting 21/05/15 Summer Curriculum Committee Meeting 15/06/15 Summer Term Full Governing Body Meeting. 15/06/15 Summer Term meeting with EWO to target -95% pupil attendance. CH/JQ 100% attendance certificates awarded. Late Gate data analysis. Issue EW5 letters requesting medical evidence. JQ Ladybird attendance awards presented. During EYFS transition, promote Rights Respecting Behaviour Policy and Class Charters to establish common understanding. Head Teacher conference. CH NQT induction. RH