Course List for Exchange Students at LUSEM 2017/2018 LUND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT / LUSEM This list is subject to changes - Last updated: 9 September 2016 COURSE LEVEL & SEMESTER WORKLOAD COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Most course seats are on undergraduate/bachelor (UG) level. Graduate/master (G) courses are due to partner agreement conditions, prerequisites and seat availability. A full semester workload is 30 credits per semester. Courses in Business Administration Courses in Economics Courses in Informatics Courses in Economic History PREREQUISITES Subject-wise prerequisites must be met for each course. Courses in Statistics Business/Business areas cover strategy, organisation/management, finance, accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship (*). Business related subjects cover business, economics, informatics, business law, statistics, economic history (**). COURSES OUTSIDE LUSEM Special Area Studies Swedish language courses for exchange students STUDY PERIODS Autumn: Spring: Other faculties Period 1: Sep-Oct Period 3: Jan-Mar Period 2: Nov-Jan Period 4: Apr-Jun COURSE APPLICATION Course applications are made online semester-wise. UG level courses usually end before Christmas. No master level (G) courses offered in Period 4. SUBJECT AREA LEVEL COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CREDITS PREREQUISITES COMMENTS AUTUMN SEMESTER - PERIOD 1 (SEP-OCT) BUS/Entrepreneurship BUS/Entrepreneurship BUS/Marketing BUS/Organisation BUS/Organisation UG UG UG UG UG FEKH91 FEKH92 FEKH22 FEKH45 FEKH46 Entrepreneurship Innovation Management Business-to-Business Marketing Managing and Developing Organizations Leadership and Change Management 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * BUS/Strategy UG FEKG10 Strategic Organizing 7,5 Introductory course in business. * BUS/Strategy UG FEKH11 Business Policy (International Strategic Management) 7,5 Economics UG NEKH71 Economic Integration 7,5 Introductory course in business. * Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory and introductory international economics. Economics UG NEKH72 Trade Theory 7,5 Economic History UG EKHE42 Economic History Economic History Economic History UG UG UG SASE10 SASE13 EKHXXX Emerging Asia: Economic Transformation in East and South East Asia Swedish Economic Development Population Aging and the Welfare State The Firm in a Historical Setting (NEW) Informatics UG INFC20 Advanced Database Systems 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Required: course in databases. Informatics UG INFC25 Human-Computer-Interaction Analysis 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and courses in behavioural sciences or other business related subjects**. Informatics UG INFC40 Information Systems Security 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Statistics Statistics BUS/Accounting UG UG G STAXXX STAG18 BUSN71 Statistics I (NEW) Applied Multivariate Methods Accounting and Management Control 5 7,5 7,5 BUS/Accounting G BUSN73 Financial Accounting and Communication 7,5 BUS/Corporate Finance BUS/Corporate Finance BUS/Marketing BUS/Marketing BUS/Marketing G G G G G BUSN93 BUSN94 BUSN20 BUSN21 BUSN30 Financial Analysis and Corporate Valuation Econometrics for Corporate Finance International Marketing & Strategy Strategic Brand Management Consumer Culture Theory and Consumer Insights 10 5 7,5 7,5 10 BUS/Marketing G BUSN31 From Consumer Insight to Innovation Same course as FEKG11 (6 cr). Exchange students do an extra assignment for 7,5 cr. For schedule & course page, see FEKG11. Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory. Recommended: introductory international economics and intermediate microeconomic theory. 7,5 7,5 7,5 5 5 NB. Fulltime course during one month only. NB. Fulltime course during one month only. Introductory courses in statistics, in total min. 30 cr. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance, statistics and accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB. BUSN31 cannot be taken separately, only in conjunction with BUSN30. LEVEL COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE BUS/Organisation G BUSN40 Knowledge Work and Organisation 7,5 BUS/Organisation G BUSN41 Organisational Development 7,5 BUS/Strategy G BUSN10 Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. NB. Fulltime course during one month (Oct) only. BUS/Strategy G BUSN11 Strategic Management 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. NB. Fulltime course during one month (Sep) only. Economics Economics Economics Economics G G G G NEKN21 NEKN31 NEKP31 NEKP51 Advanced Microeconomic Analysis Advanced Econometrics Mathematical Methods - Static Optimisation Advanced Public Economics 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Economic History G EKHM60 Causes of Demographic Change 7,5 Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate microeconomic theory. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate econometrics (or equivalent). Courses in economics, in total min 90 cr. Courses in economics, in total min 90 cr. Courses in either economics, economic history, history, statistics, or the equivalent knowledge, in total min 60 cr. Required: completed undergraduate degree. Informatics G INFN25 IT, Innovation and Sustainability 7,5 Informatics G INFN40 Strategic Management and Information Systems 7,5 Statistics G STAN45 7,5 Economics/Finance G EMLyon Data Mining and Visualization Master in Finance - fixed track (NEKN31 Advanced Econometrics, NEKN81 Foundations of Finance, NEKN22 Economic and Financial Decision Making, NEKN82 Empirical Finance) Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. Required: course in programming. Courses in statistics, in total min. 60 cr. 30 By special agreement only. For EM Lyon students in Specialized Programme in Quantitative Finance. BUS/Management G 30 By special agreement only. For Pepperdine students in Master of Science in Global Business. Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * SUBJECT AREA Pepperdine Master in Management (MiM) - fixed track, semester 1 CREDITS PREREQUISITES COMMENTS Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in strategy or organization. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in strategy or organization. Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. AUTUMN SEMESTER - PERIOD 2 (NOV-JAN) BUS/Accounting BUS/Business UG UG IBUXXX FEKH15 Financial Accounting (NEW) Global Business Responsibility 7,5 7,5 BUS/Entrepreneurship UG SASE21 Social Innovation - A Strategy for Sustainability 7,5 BUS/Corporate Finance BUS/Marketing BUS/Marketing BUS/Organisation BUS/Strategy Economics UG UG UG UG UG UG FEKH81 FEKH21 IBUXXY FEKH42 FEKH13 SASE31 Corporate Finance International Business & Multinational Enterprises International Marketing (NEW) Corporate Culture Project Management - A Business Perspective International Economics 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Economics UG NEKG41 Macroeconomic Analysis 7,5 Economics UG NEKG61 Health Economics 7,5 Economic History UG EKHE43 The Rising Giants - China & India Entering the Global Scene 7,5 Informatics UG INFE05 Mobile Industry Dynamics - from a business perspective 7,5 One semester of studies in business related subjects**. Informatics UG INFC35 Decision Support System 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Required: course in programming. Informatics UG INFC50 Content Management Systems 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Informatics UG INFC60 IS Sourcing Strategies for Business Development 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Statistics BUS/Accounting UG G STAE02 BUSN64 7,5 7,5 Introductory courses in statistics, in total min. 15 cr. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. BUS/Accounting G BUSN72 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. BUS/Accounting G BUSN74 Bayesian Methods Strategic Cost Management Information Environment - Giving and Assuring Information for Different Purposes Auditing in Theory and Practice 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. BUS/Accounting G BUSN76 Performance Measurement and Management 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. BUS/Corporate Finance G BUSN95 Corporate Financial Tactics and Strategies 10 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. BUS/Corporate Finance G BUSN96 Corporate Finance & Governance 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. BUS/Marketing G BUSN16 Management - Strategy and Practice 7,5 BUS/Organisation G BUSN42 Management Consulting 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in strategy or organization. Same course as ENTA80. For schedule & course page, see ENTA80. Introductory course in business, incl. courses in accounting and finance.' Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory and introductory macroeconomic theory. Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory. Recommended: course in econometrics or statistics. Same course as INFN30. For schedule & course page, see INFN30. LEVEL COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE BUS/Organisation G BUSN43 Corporate Social Responsibility 7,5 BUS/Organisation G BUSN44 Strategic Human Resource Management 7,5 BUS/Strategy BUS/Strategy Economics G G G BUSN13 BUSN14 NEKN22 Organizational Economics Global Business and Sustainability Economic and Financial Decision Making 7,5 7,5 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in strategy or organization. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in strategy or organization. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate microeconomic theory. Economics G NEKN33 Applied Microeconometrics 7,5 Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate microeconomic theory and econometrics. Economics G NEKN41 Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis 7,5 Economics G NEKN42 Applied International Macroeconomics 7,5 Economics G NEKN64 Advanced Labour Economics 7,5 Economics G NEKN73 Advanced Development Economics 7,5 Economics G NEKN74 The Chinese Economy 7,5 Economics G NEKP21 Microeconomics - Individual Choice 7,5 Economics G NEKP33 Statistical Methods for Econometrics 7,5 Economic History G EKHM72 Population and Living Standards 7,5 Economic History G EKHM70 China and the Asia Pacific Economy 7,5 Informatics G INFN50 Business Decision Management 7,5 Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. Informatics G INFN30 Mobile Industry Dynamics 7,5 Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. Informatics G INFN35 Human-Computer-Interaction Design 7,5 Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. Statistics Statistics G G STAN41 STAN42 Multivariate Analysis Statistical Computing 7,5 7,5 Courses in statistics, in total min. 60 cr. Courses in statistics, in total min. 60 cr. SUBJECT AREA CREDITS PREREQUISITES COMMENTS Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate micro- and macroeconomic theory, intermediate econometrics. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate micro- and macroeconomic theory and econometrics (or equivalent). Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in intermediate microeconomic theory, econometrics and adv. microeconomic analysis. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate microeconomic theory and intermediate development economics. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. Courses in economics, in total min 90 cr. Incl. 30 cr at the advanced level. Required: advanced microeconomic analysis, mathematical optimisation and master essay. Courses in economics, in total min 90 cr. incl. advanced econometrics and master essay. Courses in either economics, economic history, history, statistics, or the equivalent knowledge, in total min 60 cr. Required: completed undergraduate degree. Courses in either economics, economic history, history, statistics, or the equivalent knowledge, in total min 60 cr. Required: completed undergraduate degree. SPRING SEMESTER - PERIOD 3 (JAN-MAR) BUS/Entrepreneurship BUS/Entrepreneurship BUS/Marketing BUS/Marketing BUS/Organisation BUS/Organisation UG UG UG UG UG UG FEKH91 FEKH92 FEKG25 FEKH22 FEKH45 FEKH46 Entrepreneurship Innovation Management Global Strategic Marketing Business-to-Business Marketing Managing and Developing Organizations Leadership and Change Management 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * Introductory and intermediate courses in business. * BUS/Strategy UG FEKG10 Strategic Organizing 7,5 Introductory course in business. * BUS/Strategy Economics Economics Economics Economics Economic History Economic History UG UG UG UG UG UG UG FEKH11 NEKXXX NEKXXX NEKH21 NEKH61 EKHE33 EKHE52 Business Policy (International Strategic Management) Microeconomics (NEW) Financial Economics (NEW) Industrial Organization Labour Economics The Break with the Old Order Business and Society - a Dynamic Perspective 7,5 10 5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Introductory course in business. * Economic History UG SASE12 Family and Work: Scandinavia in International Perspective 7,5 NB. Full time course during one month only. Economic History UG SASE10 Swedish Economic Development 7,5 NB. Full time course during one month only. Informatics UG INFC40 Information Systems Security 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. Informatics UG INFC50 Content Management Systems 7,5 Two semesters of studies in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**. BUS/Accounting G BUSN67 Accounting Information Systems 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. BUS/Accounting G BUSN77 Accounting and Management Control in Different Contexts 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. BUS/Accounting BUS/Accounting G G BUSN61 BUSN75 International Accounting Accounting Philosophy, History and Trends 7,5 7,5 BUS/Corporate Finance G BUSN84 Financial Analysis & Corporate Restructuring 7,5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. accounting. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*. Required: course in corporate valuation (equivalent to BUSN87). Same course as FEKG11 (6 cr). Exchange students do an extra assignment for 7,5 cr. For schedule & course page, see FEKG11. Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory. Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory. LEVEL COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE BUS/Corporate Finance G BUSN86 Macrofinancial Risk Management BUS/Marketing G BUSN24 Marketing Intelligence - Theory and Practice 5 BUS/Marketing G BUSN26 Understanding Consumption 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB - course usually starts one week earlier than semester start, mandatory early arrival in Lund. BUS/Marketing G BUSN35 Corporate Brand Management and Reputation 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB - course usually starts one week earlier than semester start, mandatory early arrival in Lund. BUS/Marketing G BUSN36 Retail Management 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB - course usually starts one week earlier than semester start, mandatory early arrival in Lund. BUS/Marketing G BUSR31 Qualitative Research Methods 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB - course usually starts one week earlier than semester start, mandatory early arrival in Lund. BUS/Organisation G BUSN45 Strategic Change and Leadership 7,5 BUS/Organisation G BUSN46 Research Methods 7,5 BUS/Strategy BUS/Strategy BUS/Strategy Economics/Corporate Finance Economics/Corporate Finance G G G BUSN01 BUSN02 BUSN03 Corporate Finance and Value Management Strategic Operations Management Research Methods 5 5 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of strategy or organization. Courses in business in at least 3 of strategy or organization. Courses in business in at least 3 of Courses in business in at least 3 of Courses in business in at least 3 of G NEKNXX Managerial Finance 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. G NEKNXY Fixed Income and Derivatives 5 Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. Economics G NEKN34 Time Series Analysis 7,5 Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics G G G G G NEKN51 NEKN61 NEKN71 NEKN72 NEKN75 Economic Evaluation Advanced Health Economics Advanced Course in Economic Integration Advanced Trade Theory Institutions, Markets and Firms in a Chinese Context 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Economics G NEKP34 Econometric Theory 7,5 Economics G NEKP42 International Macroeconomic Theory 7,5 Economic History G EKHM81 Consequences of Demographic Change 7,5 Informatics G INFN45 Business Intelligence 7,5 Statistics G STAR03 Modern Quantitative Marketing Research Methods SUBJECT AREA CREDITS PREREQUISITES 7,5 5 COMMENTS Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. finance and statistics. Courses in business in at least 3 of the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. incl. marketing. NB - course usually starts one week earlier than semester start, mandatory early arrival in Lund. the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Recommended: courses in the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. the bus areas*, in total min 60 cr. Courses in economics, in tot. min 75 cr. incl. 15 cr on advanced level incl. either advanced econometrics or empirical financial economics or the equivalent. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate economic integration. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. incl. intermediate trade theory. Courses in economics, in total min 60 cr. 90 cr. in Economics incl. 30 cr at the advanced level. Advanced Econometrics, Statistical Methods for Econometrics, Master Essay 1 90 cr. in Economics incl. 30 cr at the advanced level. Advanced Econometrics, Statistical Methods for Econometrics, Master Essay 1 Courses in either economics, economic history, history, statistics, or the equivalent knowledge, in total min 60 cr. Required: completed bachelor degree. Courses in information systems/informatics and other business related subjects**, in total min 60 cr. Introductory courses in statistics, in total min. 15 cr. SPRING SEMESTER - PERIOD 4 (APR-JUN) BUS/Accounting BUS/Corporate Finance BUS/Marketing BUS/Organisation BUS/Strategy BUS/Strategy UG UG UG UG UG UG IBUXXX FEKH81 FEKH21 IBUXXY FEKH12 FEKH13 Management Control Systems (NEW) Corporate Finance International Business & Multinational Enterprises Organisation & Leadership (NEW) Business Intellligence and Security Project Management - A Business Perspective 5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Economics UG NEKG41 Macroeconomic Analysis 7,5 Economics UG NEKG71 Development Economics 7,5 Economic History Economic History Economic History Informatics Statistics UG UG UG UG UG EKHE32 EKHE53 SASE11 INFXXX STAE03 European Integration Financial Systems: Development and Crises Economic Change, Labour Market and the Population Information Systems (NEW) Business Analytics 7,5 7,5 7,5 5 7,5 Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business, incl. courses in accounting and finance.' Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Introductory course in business. * Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory and introductory macroeconomic theory. Courses in economics, in total min 20 cr. incl. introductory microeconomic theory. Recommended: introductory international economics. NB. Full time course during one month only. Introductory courses in statistics, in total min. 15 cr.