Scientific Professional Curriculum Vitae LtCol Dr. habil. Ing. Pavel Foltin, Ph.D. PERSONAL DATA Name and surname: LtCol Ing. Pavel Foltin, Ph.D. Employer: Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Defence, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Workplace: Brno Working placement: - Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Defence Senior Scientist – Deputy Head of the Department of Logistics, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Defence EDUCATION AND COURSES Dr. habil. - Ph.D. - Ing. - Acquisition Policy Course - National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary study program Theory of Defence Administration in the field of Military Sciences of Social Studies finished 2013 Faculty of Economics and Management, Military College of Ground Forces in Vyškov, Czech Republic study branch National Defence Economics finished 2004 Faculty of National Defence Economics, Military College of Ground Forces in Vyškov, Czech Republic study branch National Defence Economics study specialization Logistics of the Army of Czech Republic finished 2000 Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik. Mannheim, Germany, 2005 1 PRACTISES employer post since till University of Defence in Brno Vice-Dean for Research 2011 still University of Defence in Brno Vice-Dean of Public Relations and Development 2010 2011 University of Defence in Brno Vice-Dean of Curriculum 2006 2010 University of Defence in Brno senior scientist – deputy head of the Department of Logistics 2008 still University of Defence in Brno assistant professor 2006 2008 University of Defence in Brno assistant 2005 2006 University of Defence in Brno scientific worker 2004 2005 Military College of Ground Forces in Vyškov scientific worker 2002 2004 RESEARCH AREAS AND CONSULTING FOCUS My research deals with supply chain security and sustainability of logistics support of multinational operations. I focus my research on the asymmetric threats and disruptions to the supply chains, especially the threat of international terrorism. Due to my professional background from the different positions of Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management University of Defence, my professional work is also deal with the issues of education for national security systems. 2 Scientific/Working Boards Membership institution post year member of editorial board 2012-still member 2012 editor in chief 2011-still Scientific Board of the Faculty of Economics and Management University of Defence in Brno member 2007-still Permanent working group on Military and Security Branches of the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic member 2006-still Counsel of Resources and Processes in Security and Defence, Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, University of Defence in Brno member 2004-2006 Branch Board of the Integral Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies Military Academy in Brno member 2002-2004 Przegląd Naukowo - Metodyczny "Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa Scientific Journal published at the Higher School of Safety in Poznan (Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa z siedzibą w Poznaniu) Scientific Board of the University of Defence in Brno Journal Economics and Management Scientific Journal published at the Faculty of Economics and Management University of Defence 3 SCIENTIFIC/RESEARCH PROJECTS No. result 1. Research leader HORÁK Roman. Ekonomická laboratoř [Economic Laboratory]. Research of Institutional Support Project, Ministry of Defence, Czech Republic. Brno: FEM UoD, 20112015. 2. Research leader BARTA Jiří. Interoperabilita pracovišť, podporující výuku bezpečnostního managementu počítači v síti [Interoperability of Workplaces Supporting the Security Management Education in Computer Network]. Students Specific Research Project, under the support of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Brno: FEM UoD, 2012. 3. FOLTIN Pavel, HAJNA Petr. Rozpracování technologií UHCA k zabezpečení strategických přesunů jednotek v operacích NATO - Dílčí úkol výzkumného záměru FEM [Development of Ultra Heavy Cargo Airlift (UHCA) Technology for strategic transportation of troops in NATO operations]. Brno: FEM UoD, 2009. [VZ-08-FEM K04-01-FOL]. 4. CEMPÍREK Miroslav, FOLTIN Pavel, MRNUŠTÍK Jan. Logistická podpora nebojových operací Dílčí úkol výzkumného záměru FEM [Logistics support for non-combat operations – Sub-task of the scientific project of the FEM UoD]. Brno: FEM UoD, 2006. [VZ05-FEM-K04-04-CEM]. 5. FOLTIN Pavel. Analýza aktuálních strategických dokumentů vybraných evropských států a jejich reflexe v oblasti lidských, finančních a materiálních zdrojů pro potřeby ozbrojených sil – studie. [Analysis of current strategic documents of selected European states and their reflection in the human, financial and material resources for the Armed Forces – Analytical Study]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2005. [ÚSS/2005-S-3-038]. 6. FOLTIN Pavel. Progresivní technologie zásobovacího procesu v Armádě České republiky pro 21. století [Advanced technologies in the supply process in the Czech Armed Forces for the 21st century]. Vyškov: Internal Grant Agency of the Military College of the Ground Forces, 2003. 7. HAJNA Petr, FOLTIN Pavel. Perspektivy rozvoje logistické podpory pozemních sil AČR do roku 2015 s výhledem do roku 2025 [Development prospects of the logistics support of the ground forces of the Czech Armed Forces in 2015, with a view of the year 2025]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2002. 8. FOLTIN Pavel. Obranné výdaje států usilujících o vstup do NATO [Defence spending of the countries aspiring to join the NATO]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2002. 4 PROJECTS UNDER THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUNDS No. 1. result note National Individual Project of European Social Funds Qualification Framework for Tertiary Education, under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The project aims to create a national qualification framework for tertiary education, which will cover the outputs of tertiary education at universities and higher vocational schools. The qualification framework itself is to formulate national descriptors defining the expected outputs of the different levels of tertiary education (DiS, Bc, Mgr., Ph.D.) in the most general form and, more specifically, descriptors oriented to particular educational fields. These are to be formed by groups of each other related disciplines. During the course of the project methodology will be developed and verified. Institutions will proceed in subsequent implementation of the framework up to the level of study / training programs according to this methodology. The project will also set clear links between the qualification framework and the system of quality assurance and evaluation. These links are one of the key conditions for the establishment and proper functioning of the system. The added value of the project in general will make the tertiary education sector in the Czech Republic more transparent, which will benefit all relevant actors (individual institutions, students, employers, the Ministry, the Accreditation Committee). [] 2. Project of European Social Funds Education for National Security System, under the Faculty of Economics and Management University of Defence in Brno. [CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0070] Project’s primary goal is to push education and expert training in Czech national security system further to a higher quality. The secondary goal is to establish an innovated one and two new study ways within the accredited field of National Defence Economy structured as follows: Population protection, Security services and Information security management. The project shall bring the content and utilisation of contemporary forms of trainer and simulation aided education as security cannot be efficiently taught without that technology. Project outputs shall include a number of new study courses within the Economics and Management degree programmes. [] 5 - - - - member of project working group 86 Security Services, from 10/2009 till 12/2010; the project aims to create national qualification framework for tertiary education in the Czech Republic, which will cover outputs of education and also will be compatible with the competence framework in the European highereducation area the projects implementing methodology of United Nations ISCED 97 in Czech Republic project manager phase of application 8/2009 till 11/2010, phase of realization 11/2010 till 9/2013 List of Publications and References MONOGRAPHS/BOOKS No. result 1. KORECKI, Zbyšek, POMAZALOVÁ Nataša, VLACHOVÁ Hana, FOLTIN Pavel. Military logistics during operations on the African territory under the EU flag. Ústí nad Labem: FEM UoD, 2010. ISBN 978-80-904425-4-2. 260 pp. 2. FOLTIN Pavel, CEMPÍREK Miroslav, MRNUŠTÍK Jan. Logistická podpora mnohonárodních operací – díl II. [Logistics support of multinational operations – Part II]. Brno: UoD, 2008. ISBN 978-807231-504-8. 75 pp. 3. VYLEŤAL Pavel et al. Ekonomické nástroje a metody řízení jakosti v akvizičním procesu [Economic instruments and methods of quality control in the acquisition process]. Praha: AVIS – MO ČR, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7278-438-7. 239 pp. 4. ŘEHÁK David, FOLTIN Pavel, STOJAR Richard. Vybrané aspekty soudobého terorismu [Selected aspects of contemporary terrorism]. Praha: AVIS – Ministry of Defence Czech Republic, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7278-443-1. 143 pp. 5. FOLTIN Pavel, REJZEK Martin, CEMPÍREK Miroslav. Logistická podpora mnohonárodních operací (vybrané kapitoly). [Logistics support of multinational operations (selected chapters)]. Brno: UoD, 2005. ISBN 80-7231-024-0. 152 pp. 6. HAJNA Petr, KRČ Miroslav, FOLTIN Pavel. Logistika v ozbrojených silách [Logistics in the Armed Forces]. Vyškov: Military College of the Ground Forces, 2004. ISBN 80-7231-119-0. 146 pp. 7. KUFČÁK Viliam, FOLTIN Pavel. Technologie dopravy. [Transport Technologies]. Vyškov: Military College of Ground Forces, 2001. ISBN 80-7231-075-5. 123 pp. 6 PROJECTS´ FINAL REPORTS No. result 1. CEMPÍREK Miroslav, FOLTIN Pavel, MRNUŠTÍK Jan. Logistická podpora nebojových operací - Dílčí úkol výzkumného záměru FEM [Logistics support for non-combat operations – Sub-task of the scientific project of the FEM UoD]. Brno: FEM UoD, 2006. [VZ05-FEM-K04-04-CEM]. ISBN -. 86 pp. 2. FOLTIN Pavel. Analýza aktuálních strategických dokumentů vybraných evropských států a jejich reflexe v oblasti lidských, finančních a materiálních zdrojů pro potřeby ozbrojených sil – studie. [Analysis of current strategic documents of selected European states and their reflection in the human, financial and material resources for the Armed Forces – Analytical Study]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2005. [ÚSS/2005-S-3-038]. ISBN -. 58 pp. 3. FOLTIN Pavel. Progresivní technologie zásobovacího procesu v Armádě České republiky pro 21. století [Advanced technologies in the supply process in the Czech Armed Forces for the 21st century]. Vyškov: Internal Grant Agency of the Military College of the Ground Forces, 2003. ISBN -. 49 pp. 4. HAJNA Petr, FOLTIN Pavel. Perspektivy rozvoje logistické podpory pozemních sil AČR do roku 2015 s výhledem do roku 2025 [Development prospects of the logistics support of the ground forces of the Czech Armed Forces in 2015, with a view of the year 2025]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2002. ISBN -. 77 pp. 5. FOLTIN Pavel. Obranné výdaje států usilujících o vstup do NATO [Defence spending of the countries aspiring to join the NATO]. Brno: Internal Grant Agency of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Military Academy, 2002. ISBN -. 99 pp. 7 JOURNAL PAPERS No. result 1. HALBERŠTÁT Ladislav, HOLCNER Vladan, FOLTIN Pavel. Jaké vysokoškolské vzdělání potřebují vojenští profesionálové? [What kind of university degree need military professionals] Military Review, 1/2011, Vol. 20 (52). p 60-70. Praha: Ministry of Defence Czech Republic, 2011. ISSN 1210-3292. 155 pp. 2. FOLTIN Pavel, HAJNA Petr. Možnosti využití technologií Ultra-Heavy Cargo Airlift (UHCA) [Possibility of using the Ultra-Heavy Cargo Airlift (UHCA) technologies]. Economics and Management Journal, 2/2008, Vol. 2. Brno: FEM UoD, 2008. p 7-13. ISSN 1802-3975. 99 pp. 3. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Použití modelu efektivnosti při posuzování akvizičních případů [Using the effectiveness model in assessing of acquisition projects]. Economics and Management Journal, 2/2008, Vol. 2. Brno: FEM UoD, 2008. p 22-30. ISSN 1802-3975. 99 pp. 4. FOLTIN Pavel, HOLCNER Vladan. Tied-in Risk Costs and Using of External Resources in Defence. Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy Review, 2/2008, Vol. 13 (50). ISSN 1582-6384. [online]. Abstract available at:[]. 5. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Model ekonomické efektivnosti a vyhodnocování výkonu procesu [The Model of Economic Effectivity and Evaluation of this Process]. Military Review, 3/2007. Vol. 16 (48). p 76-83. Praha: MO ČR – AVIS, 2007. ISSN 1210-3292. 176 pp. 6. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Využití dynamického modelu procesů při vyhodnocování ekonomické efektivnosti [Utilization of dynamic process model for evaluation economic efficiency]. Economics and Management Journal, 1/2007, Vol. 1. Brno: FEM UoD, 2007. p 12-20. ISSN 1802-3975. 90 pp. 7. ŘEHÁK David, FOLTIN Pavel, HOLCNER Vladan. International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation – A Global View. Economics and Management Journal, 1/2007, Vol. 1. Brno: FEM UoD, 2007. p 32-39. ISSN 1802-3975. 90 pp. 8. ŘEHÁK David, FOLTIN Pavel. Mezinárodní spolupráce v boji proti terorismu [International counter-terrorism cooperation]. Defence and Strategy Journal, 1/2007, Vol. 6. Brno: Institute of Strategic Studies, UoD, 2007. p 57-77. ISSN 1214-6463. 131 pp. 9. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Využití dynamického modelu procesů při zadávání outsourcingu v AČR [Utilization of dynamic process model in contracting of outsourcing within the Army of the Czech Republic]. Military Review, 3/2006, Vol. 15 (47). Praha: AVIS – Ministry of Defence Czech Republic, 2006. p 183-189. ISSN 1210-3292. 227 pp. 10. FOLTIN Pavel, ŘEHÁK David. Historický vývoj terorismu [Historical Evolution of Terrorism]. Defence and Strategy Journal, 1/2006, Vol. 6. Brno: Institute of Strategic Studies, UoD, 2006. p 45-60. ISSN 1214-6463. 131 pp. 11. FOLTIN Pavel, ŘEHÁK David. Důvody realizace a formy terorismu [Reasons and forms of terrorism]. Defence and Strategy Journal, 1/2005. Vol. 5. Brno: Institute of Strategic Studies, UoD, 2005. p 33-41. ISSN 1214-6463. 146 pp. 8 No. result 12. HAJNA Petr, FOLTIN Pavel. Perspektivy rozvoje logistické podpory sil Armády České republiky [Prospects for the development of logistic support forces of the Army of the Czech Republic]. Logistics Journal, 2/2003, Vol. 9. Praha: 2003. p 41-43. ISSN 1211-0957. 13. HAJNA Petr, FOLTIN Pavel. Perspektivy rozvoje logistické podpory sil Armády České republiky – dokončení [Prospects for the development of logistic support forces of the Army of the Czech Republic – final part]. Logistics Journal 3/2003, Vol. 9. Praha, 2003. p 41-43. ISSN 1211-0957. CONFERENCE PAPERS No. result 1. FOLTIN Pavel, SEDLAČÍK Marek, ŠIKOLOVÁ Mária. Modification of Critical Path Method by a Portfolio of Security Criterions. In. The 18th International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization. Sibiu (Romania): Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy, Romania. 14-16 June 2012. P 234-239. ISBN 1843-6722. 341 pp. 2. FOLTIN Pavel. Vzdělávání pro bezpečnostní systém státu. [Education for National Security System]. In. International Conference Security Management and Society, part of Military Fairs IDET 2011. Brno: UoD, 2011. p 38. ISBN 978-80-7231-790-5. [on CD]. 3. FOLTIN Pavel. Security of Logistics Chains Against Terrorist Threats. In. The 17th International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization. Sibiu (Romania): Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy, 24-26 November 2011. Conference Proceedings 1: Management and Military Science. p 100-105. ISSN 1843-6722. 897 pp. 4. FOLTIN Pavel, VYLEŤAL Pavel. The Financing of Terrorism. In. Conference Proceedings from International Congress 2. Interop-Soft Protect. Brno: UoD, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7392-023-4. [on CD]. 5. FOLTIN Pavel, VYLEŤAL Pavel. Efektivnost v akvizičním procesu. [Efficiency in the acquisition process]. In. Conference Proceedings from International Congress 2. Interop-Soft Protect. Brno: UoD, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7392-023-4. [on CD]. 6. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Postup řešení vztahů s mezinárodními subjekty při podpoře OS v mnohonárodních operacích při akvizičních procesech. [Procedures for solving relations with international bodies supporting the armed forces within multinational operations in the acquisition process]. In. International Conference Proceedings Economical Aspects of Processes in Armed Forces. Brno: UoD, 2008. p 87-97. ISBN 978-80-7231-312-9. 191 pp. 7. FOLTIN Pavel, HOLCNER Vladan. Military Education System in the Czech Republic. In. The 12th International Conference The Knowledge Based Organization. Sibiu (Romania): Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy, 2007. Proceedings Pedagogy. p 7-15. ISBN 978-973-7809-71-1. 225 pp. 8. FOLTIN Pavel, HOLCNER Vladan. Tied-in Risk Costs and Using of External Resources in Defence. The 12th International Conference The Knowledge Based Organization. Sibiu (Romania): Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy, 2007. Proceedings Military Science – Security and National Defence. p 42-50. ISBN 975-973-7809-71-1. 363 pp. 9 No. result 9. CEMPÍREK Miroslav, FOLTIN Pavel. Využití civilních dodavatelů v operacích (využití outsourcingu v logistické podpoře operací). [Use of civilian contractors in operations (use of outsourcing in the logistics support of military operations)]. In. 8th International Conference External Providing of Logistics Services. Lázně Bohdaneč: University of Pardubice, 2007. p 33-39. ISBN 80-86530-35-3. 221 pp. 10. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Angažovanost privátních subjektů při podpoře ozbrojených sil v mnohonárodních operacích. [Involvement of private entities in support of the armed forces in multinational operations]. In. Zbroník abstraktov z 8. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Medzinárodné vzťahy 2007. Zámok Smolenice (Slovakia): Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 29-30 November 2007. p 31. ISBN 978-80-225-2437-7. 109 pp. 11. FOLTIN Pavel, VYLEŤAL Pavel. Financování terorismu. [Financing of terrorism]. In. Zbroník abstraktov z 8. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Medzinárodné vzťahy 2007. Zámok Smolenice (Slovakia): Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 29-30 November 2007. p 31. ISBN 978-80-2252437-7. 109 pp. 12. FOLTIN Pavel, HOLCNER Vladan. Vázané náklady rizik a využívání vnějších zdrojů v obraně. [Bound costs and risks of outsourcing in the defense sector]. In. International Conference Proceedings Economics, Logistics and Ecology in Armed Forces (CATE), part of Military Fairs IDET 2007. Brno: UoD, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7231-254-2. [on CD]. 13. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Předpoklady a možnosti ekonomického chování subjektů veřejné správy (MO ČR) při realizaci vztahů v rámci NATO a EU. [Assumptions and opportunities for economic behaviour of public administration (MoD) in the realization of relations within NATO and the EU]. In. Sborník mezinárodní konference: „Medzinárodné vzťahy 2005“. Bratislava (Slovakia): Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov, Ekonomická univerzita, 2006. p 99. ISBN 80-2252238-4. 107 pp. 14. FOLTIN Pavel, VYLEŤAL Pavel. Využití přístavů pro potřeby úkolových uskupení Armády České republiky. [The use of ports for the needs of task forces of the Army of the Czech Republic]. In. Seminar Outsourcing in Armed Forces. Brno: UoD, 2006. p 229-238. ISBN 978-80-7231-189-7. 277 pp. 15. FOLTIN Pavel, BUTOROVÁ Petra, OLŠOVSKÁ Radka. Outsourcing v podmínkách ozbrojených sil. [Armed Forces outsourcing]. In. Zbroník zo seminára s medzinárodnou účasťou: Vojenská Logistika 2005 v Liptovském Mikuláši. Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia): Akadémia ozbrojených síl Milana Rastislava Štefánika, 2005. p 195-203. ISBN 80-80-40-258-2. 248 pp. 16. OLŠOVSKÁ Radka, BUTOROVÁ Petra, FOLTIN Pavel. Outsourcing – podstata, přínosy a rizika použití. [Outsourcing – the nature, benefits and risks of using]. In. Zbroník zo seminára s medzinárodnou účasťou: Vojenská Logistika 2005 v Liptovském Mikuláši. Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia): Akadémia ozbrojených síl Milana Rastislava Štefánika, Liptovský Mikuláš, 2005. p 204-209. ISBN 80-80-40-258-2. 248 pp. 10 No. result 17. BUTOROVÁ Petra, OLŠOVSKÁ Radka, FOLTIN Pavel. Fáze outsourcingového procesu. [Phases of outsourcing process]. In. Zbroník zo seminára s medzinárodnou účasťou: Vojenská Logistika 2005 v Liptovském Mikuláši. Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia): Akadémia ozbrojených síl Milana Rastislava Štefánika, Liptovský Mikuláš, 2005. p 179-184. ISBN 80-80-40-258-2. 248 pp. 18. ŘEHÁK David, FOLTIN Pavel. Classification of terrorism forms and ways of their implementation. In. International Conference CATE´05 (Community-Army-Technology-Environment), part of Military Fairs IDET 2005: Force Protection: Significance in Contemporary Warfare. Brno: Masaryk University, 2005. p 111-118. ISBN 80-210-3692-3. 149 pp. 19. FOLTIN Pavel. Zapojování vnějších zdrojů v ozbrojených silách. [Involvement of external resources in the armed forces]. In. Expert Seminar External Resources in Conditions of the Czech Armed Forces. Brno: Institute of Strategic Studies, UoD, 2005. p 12-22. ISBN 80-7231-143-3. 73 pp. 20. VYLEŤAL Pavel, FOLTIN Pavel. Využití dynamického modelu procesů při outsourcingu v AČR. [Utilization of dynamic process model for outsourcing in the Army of the Czech Republic]. In. Expert Seminar External Resources in Conditions of the Czech Armed Forces. Brno: Institute of Strategic Studies, UoD, 2005. p 46-54. ISBN 80-7231-143-3. 73 pp. 21. FOLTIN Pavel, REJZEK Martin. Technologies as an effective instrument of realization military deployments. In. International military scientific forum, 2004 - proceedings. Vol. 2. Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria): Union of Scientists in Bulgaria Veliko Turnovo Branch, 2004. p 68-72. ISBN 954-753-033-X. 332 pp. 22. FOLTIN Pavel, REJZEK Martin. Progresivní technologie jako nástroj efektivní realizace přesunů a vojenských přeprav. [Advanced technologies as a tool for effective implementation of military movements and transport]. In. Conference Proceedings Modern Economical Instruments in Defence. Brno: UoD, 2004. p 171-175. ISBN 80-85960-94-X. 247 pp. 23. REJZEK Martin, FOLTIN Pavel. Selected Initiatives as Tools for Effective Process of Armed Forces Providing Strategic and Operational Mobility. In. Conference Proceedings Modern Economical Instruments in Defence. Brno: UoD, 2004. p 36-41. ISBN 80-85960-94-X. 247 pp. 24. HAJNA Petr, FOLTIN Pavel. Vzdálenější perspektivy integrované logistické podpory Armády České republiky. [Long-term perspectives of integrated logistic support of the Army of the Czech Republic]. In. Conference Proceedings CATE, part of Military Fairs IDET 2003: Economics, Logistics and Ecology in Armed Forces. Brno: CATE, 2003. p 71-78. ISBN -. 250 pp. 25. FOLTIN Pavel. Ekonomicko-strategické souvislosti druhé vlny rozšiřování NATO. [Economics and strategic context of the second wave of NATO enlargement]. In. Conference Proceedings CATE, part of Military Fairs IDET 2003: Economics, Logistics and Ecology in Armed Forces. Brno: CATE, 2003. p 54-62. ISBN -. 250 pp. 26. FOLTIN Pavel. Technologie pro 21. století. [Technologies for 21st century]. In. Conference Proceedings: Logistics in 21st Century. Vyškov: Military College of the Ground Forces, 2002. p 159-166. ISBN 80-7231-096-8. 179 pp. 11 No. result 27. FOLTIN Pavel. Rozšiřování NATO. [NATO Enlargement]. In. Conference Proceedings: Finance and Czech Armed Forces. Vyškov: Military College of the Ground Forces, 2002. p 159-166. ISBN 807231-093-3. 179 pp. 28. FOLTIN Pavel. Trendy vývoje logistické podpory Armády České republiky v 21. století. [Trends in logistics support for Army of the Czech Republic in the 21st century]. In. Conference Proceedings: Logistics and Its Perspectives in Czech Armed Forces. Vyškov: Military College of the Ground Forces, 2001. p 40-42. ISBN 80-7231-078-X. 82 pp. 29. FOLTIN Pavel. Trend racionalizace logistiky na prahu 21. století. [Trend of rationalization on the beginning of the 21st Logistics century]. In. Conference Proceedings: Economics and Defence Relations after Cold War. Vyškov: Military College of the Ground Forces, 2001. p 82-87. ISBN 807231-073-9. 148 pp. TEACHING EXPERIENCE subject study program position year master teacher guarantor 2012-still bachelor and master teacher guarantor 2011-still International Security Environment bachelor and master teacher guarantor 2007-2008 2011 Handling Systems and Storage bachelor and master guarantor 2005-2009 Field Logistics Support bachelor and master teacher guarantor 2000- still 2004-2009 Logistics Support of Military Operations bachelor and master teacher guarantor 2004- still 2004-2009 Logistics Chains Designing Supply Chain Security (in English) 12