ELEC0047 - Power system dynamics, control and stability Dynamics of the induction machine Thierry Van Cutsem t.vancutsem@ulg.ac.be www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~vct November 2015 1 / 20 Brief recall Brief recall Induction or asynchronous machine motor widely used in industry, tertiary sector, etc. sometimes also as small generator 2 / 20 Brief recall Principle of operation Stator: three-phrase windings carrying three-phase currents of angular frequency ωs produces a magnetic field rotating at angular speed ωs a single pair of poles is assumed for simplicity. Rotor: rotates at a speed ωr 6= ωs characterized by the motor slip : s= ωs − ωr ωs can be modeled with a set of three-phase windings currents induced in these windings have angular frequency ωs − ωr = sωs and produce a magnetic field rotating at angular speed g ωs with respect to the rotor, i.e. sωs + ωr = ωs with respect to the stator. Both rotating magnetic fields are fixed with respect to each other. Their interaction creates the electromagnetic torque. 3 / 20 Brief recall Two types of machines: squirrel-cage and wound rotors Squirrel-cage rotor non insulated aluminum or copper bars inserted in slots, connected at their ends to allow the currents to flow simple construction, easy maintenance, reliable operation possible presence of a second cage aimed at providing a larger starting torque (non considered here). 4 / 20 Brief recall Wound rotor the rotor carries insulated three-phase windings, which are accessed through sliprings and brushes used when the rotor circuits have to be accessed, e.g. to control the starting torque (external resistance) the starting current the rotor speed construction and maintenance are more expensive. 5 / 20 Brief recall Modelling the induction machine Modelling the induction machine Motor sign convention at both stator and rotor. dψa dψb dψc vb = Rs ib + vc = Rs ic + dt dt dt dψA dψB dψC 0 = Rr iB + 0 = Rr iC + 0 = Rr iA + dt dt dt Rs : resistance of one stator circuit Rr : resistance of one rotor circuit va = Rs ia + single pair of poles assumed for simplicity of notation 6 / 20 Brief recall Park transformation, equations and inductance matrix Park transformation, equations and inductance matrix Several reference frames can be used, depending on the application we use a very general one where the d and q axes rotate at some speed ωref both stator and rotor windings are transformed into this reference frame this yields new, equivalent windings which are all fixed wrt each other. ωr : rotor speed stator rotor original windings a, b, c A, B, C transformed into ds, qs, os dr , qr , or relative speed ωref ωref − ωr 7 / 20 Brief recall Park transformation, equations and inductance matrix By similarity with the derivations of the synchronous machine : vds vqs vos ψds ψqs ψos ψdr ψqr ψor dψds dt dψqs = Rs iqs − ωref ψds + dt dψos = Rs ios + dt = Rs ids + ωref ψqs + dψdr dt dψqr − ωr )ψdr + dt 0 = Rr idr + (ωref − ωr )ψqr + 0 = Rr iqr − (ωref 0 = Rr ior + dψor dt Lss = Lsr Lsr Lss Lsr Los Lrr Lsr Lrr Lor ids iqs ios idr iqr ior 8 / 20 Brief recall Park transformation, equations and inductance matrix Typical values Rs Lss − Lsr Lsr 0.01 - 0.12 pu 0.07 - 0.15 pu 1.8 - 3.8 pu Rr Lrr − Lsr 0.01 - 0.13 pu 0.06 - 0.18 pu per unit values on the machine base 9 / 20 Brief recall Energy, power and torque Energy, power and torque Stator power balance Instantaneous power entering the stator = Joule losses in stator pJs + d/dt magnetic energy in stator windings Wms + power passing from stator to rotor ps→r pT (t) (what type of power is it ?) = va ia + vb ib + vc ic = vds ids + vqs iqs + vos ios dψds dψqs dψos 2 2 2 = (Rs ids + Rs iqs + Rs ios ) + (ids + iqs + ios ) dt dt dt +ωref (ψqs ids − ψds iqs ) Hence: ps→r = ωref (ψqs ids − ψds iqs ) (1) 10 / 20 Brief recall Energy, power and torque Rotor power balance Power passing from stator to rotor ps→r = Joule losses in rotor pJr + d/dt kinetic energy Wc + + d/dt magnetic energy in rotor windings Wmr power transferred to the mechanical load Pm . From the Park equations : vdr idr + vqr iqr + vor ior = 0 dψdr dψqr dψor +iqr +ior )+(ωref −ωr )(ψqr idr −ψdr iqr ) = 0 dt dt dt dWmr pJr + = −(ωref − ωr )(ψqr idr − ψdr iqr ) dt 2 2 2 (Rr idr +Rr iqr +Rr ior )+(idr Hence, the above rotor power balance equation can be rewritten as : dWc ps→r = −(ωref − ωr )(ψqr idr − ψdr iqr ) + + Pm dt Replacing ps→r by (1) and using the rotor motion equation : (ωref − ωr )(ψqr idr − ψdr iqr ) + ωref (ψqs ids − ψds iqs ) = ωr Te 11 / 20 Brief recall Energy, power and torque Expressions of torque ψqs ids − ψds iqs = (Lss iqs + Lsr iqr )ids − (Lss ids + Lsr idr )iqs = Lsr (iqr ids − idr iqs ) ψqr idr − ψdr iqr = (Lrr iqr + Lsr iqs )idr − (Lrr idr + Lsr ids )iqr = Lsr (iqs idr − ids iqr ) = −(ψqs ids − ψds iqs ) Hence : Te = ψqs ids − ψds iqs = ψdr iqr − ψqr idr = Lsr (iqr ids − idr iqs ). Remarks The above derivation shows that ps→r = ωref Te ps→r is both of electromagnetic and mechanical nature the expression of Te looks very similar to that of the synchronous machine but both machines behave quite differently in particular, in the synchronous machine, ps→r is of mechanical nature only. 12 / 20 Brief recall Rotor motion equation Rotor motion equation Following the same derivation as for the synchronous machine yields : 2H d ωr = Te − Tm dt where H is the inertia constant, in second ωr , Te and Tm are in per unit t is in second. Mechanical torque Tm : varies with the rotor speed ωr A common model is : Tm = Tmo Aωr2 + Bωr + C with A + B + C = 1 where : Tmo is the torque value at synchronous speed, i.e. when ωr = 1 A, B et C depend on the driven mechanical load. 13 / 20 Brief recall Rotor motion equation Typical inertia and torque parameters component heat pump, air conditioning refrigerator, freezer dishwasher clothes washer clothes dryer pumps, fans, other motors small industrial motor large industrial motor power plant auxiliaries agricultural water pump A 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H (s) 0.28 0.28 0.28 1.50 1.30 0.70 0.70 1.50 1.50 0.4 14 / 20 Brief recall Model under the phasor approximation Model under the phasor approximation Neglecting transformer voltages and dropping the “os” winding: vds = Rs ids + ωref ψqs (2) vqs = Rs iqs − ωref ψds (3) The other equations are unchanged. Dropping the “or ” winding: dψdr dt dψqr dt ψds = −Rr idr − (ωref − ωr )ψqr (4) = −Rr iqr + (ωref − ωr )ψdr (5) = Lss ids + Lsr idr (6) ψqs = Lss iqs + Lsr iqr (7) ψdr = Lsr ids + Lrr idr (8) ψqr d 2H ωr dt = Lsr iqs + Lrr iqr (9) = ψdr iqr − ψqr idr − Tmo Aωr2 + Bωr + C (10) 15 / 20 Brief recall Exercice Exercise Bring the model of the previous slide in the form: d x = f(x, y, u) dt 0 = g(x, y, u) with the vector of differential states: x = [ψdr ψqr ωr ]T , the vector of algebraic states: y = [ids iqs ]T , and the vector of “inputs”: u = [vds vqs ]T . This model is referred to as third-order model of the (single-cage) induction machine. 16 / 20 Brief recall Machine behaviour just after a change of network voltage Machine behaviour just after a change of network voltage For instance, immediately after a short-circuit fluxes ψdr and ψqr in rotor windings do not change rotor currents vary significantly (to keep fluxes constant !) From Eqs. (8, 9) : ψqr − Lsr iqs ψdr − Lsr ids iqr = Lrr Lrr and the stator equations can be rewritten as : idr = vds = Rs ids + ωref (Lss iqs + Lsr iqr ) (11) L2sr Lsr ) iqs + ωref ψqr = Rs ids + ωref (Lss − Lrr L | {z } | {zrr } 00 L00 s vqs eds = Rs iqs − ωref (Lss ids + Lsr idr ) 00 Lsr = Rs iqs − ωref Ls ids − ωref ψdr Lrr | {z } (12) 00 eqs 17 / 20 Brief recall Machine behaviour just after a change of network voltage Following the same derivation as for the synchronous machine, the above two equations can be combined into the single complex equation: 00 00 V a = Rs I a + jωref Ls I a + E in the very first moment after a voltage change, the machine behaves as an 00 00 e.m.f E behind the stator resistance Rs and an equivalent inductance Ls hence, in case of a fault, motors somewhat contribute to the fault current 00 note the analogy between Ls and the transient inductance of the synchronous machine (compare formulae) however, the rotor windings of the induction machine behave as the damper 00 windings of the synchronous machine (hence, the notation which refers to subtransient dynamics) 00 00 after 1 or 2 cycles, eds , eqs have changed significantly. 18 / 20 Brief recall Simplified (first-order) model Simplified (first-order) model Rotor windings contribute with fast transients approximation: assume their dynamics infinitely fast, and set dψr /dt = 0 this yields a first-order model, with rotor motion as the only dynamics. 0 = Rr idr + (ωref − ωr )ψqr = Rr idr + (ωref − ωr )Lrr iqr + (ωref − ωr )Lsr iqs 0 = Rr iqr − (ωref − ωr )ψdr = Rr idr − (ωref − ωr )Lrr idr − (ωref − ωr )Lsr ids Dividing by ωref − ωr : ωref 0 = 0 = ωref Rr idr + ωref Lrr iqr + ωref Lsr iqs ωref − ωr ωref Rr iqr − ωref Lrr idr − ωref Lsr ids ωref − ωr (13) (14) ωref − ωr is the machine slip with respect to ωref . ωref 19 / 20 Brief recall Simplified (first-order) model By analogy with the synchronous machine, one can interpret : ids and iqs as projections on the (d, q) axes of a rotating vector representing the current in phase a, with corresponding phasor I¯; idr and iqr as projections on (d, q) axes of a rotating vector representing the current in one rotor winding, seen from stator, with corresponding phasor I¯r . Combining (11, 12) and (13, 14), respectively, into complex equations: V = Rs I + jωref Lss I + jωref Lsr I r 0= ωref Rr I r + jωref Lrr I r + jωref Lsr I ωref − ωr which corresponds to the well-known (steady-state) equivalent circuit : where ωr varies according to the rotor motion equation (10) 20 / 20