THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOLUME 24, NUMBER 6 NOVEMBER, 1952 Reiular Contributions Duality in Mechanics P. LE CORBEILLER AND ¾ING-WA ¾EUNG CrufiLaboratory, HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, Massachusetts (ReceivedJuly 21, 1952) Givenan electricnetworkE• whichhasM meshes andP node-pairs, its electricdualEl will haveP meshes andM node-pairs andits classical mechanical analogM! will haveM+ 1 nodes,M independent node-pairs, andP independent nodecycles.A secondmechanical systemM•, the classical analogof El, will haveM cyclesandP node-pairs. If, for example,M= 2, P= 3, thesystems E• andM•, analogs in the Firestone or "mobility"method,will be governedby two meshequations, expressing that the algebraicsumof the voltagesor velocitiesaroundany loopis zero;the systemsEi and Mj-• alsoFirestoneanalogs,will satisfy two nodeequations,expressing that the algebraicsumof the currentsor forcesleavingany nodeis zero. Thesefour setsof equations are identical,interchanging symbolssuitably.The consideration of the four systems, Ev,E6 My, Mf, forminga completeset,showsthe advantages of theFirestone overtheclassical system ofanalogies andsuggests a systematic useof dualityin mechanical aswellasin electrical systems. 1. INTRODUCTION one and the samemathematicalequation.Inductance HE purpose ofthispaperistopresent a newway L in exampleEv is the analogof massM in example of introducing the "mobility"systemof electro- Mr, etc. Considernext the same electric system E• and mechanical analogies advocatedin 1933by Dr. F. A. Firestone2 Alongtheway weshallhit uponan interest- another electric system E•, correspondingto each of a current ing methodof analyzinga mechanical system,first otherby duality.HeresystemE• willconsist i(t) in parallelwiththreebranches C, G(= R-•) suggested by Dr. Firestone •,2and recentlydeveloped generator for thissecond by Dr. H. M. Trent?Our ideais to bringtogethertwo and I'(=L -•) (Fig. 3.). The justification type of correspondence is that the differential equations types of transformation much employedin system analysisand synthesis, electromechanical analogyand for the two systemsare identical,with only a change duality,andto makecomplete useof symbols(L-C, i-v, etc.): We shall assume that the reader is familiar with the "classical" systemof analogy(force--emf,velocity-current)andwithdualityin electricnetworks (exchange of currentand voltage,exchangeof seriesand parallel connections),but not with Dr. Firestone's system. The symbolsusedwill befor the mostpart thoserecommendedjointly by the ASME and the AIEE. 2. THE FUNDAMENTAL FOUR-SYSTEMS SET Ld•+ Ri+ Sf idt=v(t),O) C--+Gv+I' dt f vdt=i(t). (3) The two electricsystemsEv, E• and the mechanical systemMf arenow threedistinctexamples of realization of one and the samemathematicalequation.We theirsymbols in thefollowing way: Consideran electricsystemE• and the mechanical canarrange systemMi which is its classicalanalog.As simple examples wechoose a series circuit(L, R, S) containing a voltagegeneratorv(t) (Fig. 1), and its mechanical analog(M, D, K), acteduponby a forcef(t) (Fig. 2). E• The justificationfor this correspondence is that the differentialequationsfor the two systemsare identical, The horizontaldoublearrow is for "classicalanalogy": the vertical doublearrow is for "duality." Obviously with onlya changein symbols(L-M, i-v, etc.): a fourthsystemis missing(a fourthrealizationof the di L--+ Ri-b Sq= v(t), (1) sameequation!).This mechanicalsystemM• should dt be the classical analogof E•, and shouldcorrespond to M/by (mechanical) duality.We don'tknowyet what dv M--+ Dv+ Kx= f(t). (2) this systemis, but it is easy to write its differential dt equation,derivingit from Eq. (2) in the sameway The electricsystemE• and the mechanicalsystem Eq. (3) canbe derivedfromEq. (1). We obtain Mi are thus two distinct examplesof realizationof • F. A. Firestone,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 4, 249 (1933). • F. A. Firestone,J. Appl. Phys.9, 373 (1938). K dt aH. M. Trent, "An Alternative Formulation of the Laws of Mechanics"(Naval ResearchLab., September,1950); Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. PaperNo. 51-A30,(November,1951). 643 D M SystemM• must then consistof threemechanical elementsK, D, M in series,through which the same 1544 • P. L ? LE CORBEILLER R Fro. 1. A series elec- tric circuit •.•. AND ¾. YEUNG ent node-pairs. In this paperwe confineourselves to the simplecasewhereeverymobilenodein the system isdefinedin spaceby a singlecoordinate, for themoment a translationalcoordinatex. The configurationof the systemwill then be definedat any time by the values of P coordinates, and the P equationsof the system will expressthe Newton-d'Alembertlaw that at every mobile node the algebraicsum of the applied forces andof the inertialforce(if present)mustbe zero.These forcefit) will be acting;the sumof the threerelative P equations will determine the unknown velocities of velocities df/Kdt,fiD, ,ffdt/M, mustequalthevelocity the mobilenodeswith regardto ground. v(t) imposedat somepoint of the system.The system The analysisof systemM• (Fig.4) bringsa surprise. shownon Fig. 4 satisfies theseconditions. It containsa Every term in Eq. (4) is a velocity.The equation massM, a dashpotof viscousresistance D and a spring expressesthat the sum of the relative velocities of of stiffnessK in series,and a crank-and-rodvelocity nodeA with regard to nodeB (acrossthe spring),of generator,alsoin series.(In all our drawingswe shall B to C (acrossthedashpot),andof C (the mass)to the assumethat no solidfriction is presentanywhere,and wall gg (whichis here the reference systemand thus a viscous resistance will alwaysbeexplicitlyrepresented servesthe role of "ground")is equal to the velocity by a dashpot.) imposedto nodeA with regardto gg.Thus,if weconsider The set of four systemsE• E•, Ms, M, is obviously the closedloop(gABCg),Eq. (4) expresses the correct a complete set(like two blue and red trianglesand two ff unfamiliarstatementthat the algebraicsum of the blue and red circles).Until we had this completeset relativevelocities of everynodein the loopwith regard beforeoureyeswe couldnot havea goodunderstanding to the oneon the right mustbe zero2.• of the possibilities of the two transformations, analogy The generalizationof this is obviouson the basisof and duality. what we knowof duality andanalogy.In suchmechan3. A NEW ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Equations(1) and (3) for the electricalsystemsare the simplestexamplesof Kirchhoff'sLaws. Kirchhoff's voltagelaw statesthat the algebraicsumof the voltages around any closed circuit or mesh must be zero. SystemE, hasonly onemeshandoneunknowncurrent ical systemsas will be consideredin this paper there will be a certain number M of independentloops,and theirequations(Zv= 0 aroundeachloop)will determine M unknown forces, F•, F•,... Fu, the force F} acting through all the elementsconnectedin series aroundthe kth loop. It is well known that an electric network can be i(t) (Fig. 1). In generalthere will be in an electric analyzedeitheron a meshbasis(21v=0,meshcurrents network a certain numberM of independentmeshes, unknown)or on a node-pairbasis(2;i=0, voltages and their equationswill determinethe M unknown across node-pairs unknown).In mostcasesoneof these mesh currents. methodswill lead to fewer equationsthan the other. Kirchhoff'scurrent law states that the algebraic It appears that a mechanicalsystem of the type sum of the currentsleaving any node must be zero. SystemE• has two nodes,A and the groundg (Fig. 3) (pointsat the samepotentialconstitutea singlenode). NodesA and g providethe sameequation(3); the only unknownis the voltage acrossthe •ode-pair Ag. In generalthere will be in an electricnetwork a certain number P of independentnode-pairs,and their equations will determinethe unknownvoltagesacrossthe P node-pairs. consideredhere can be analyzedeither on a node-pair basis(2;f=0, relativevelocitiesunknown),or on a loop basis(Zv= 0, forcesunknown).We may call for short the Newtori-d'Alembertequations2:f= 0 the dynamical or the force equations,and the new equations2•v=0 the k/nemat/cor the velocityequationsof the system. This new, circuital formulation of the laws of mechanics,in contrastwith the classical,nodalformula- tion, has been emphasizedin a recentpaper by Dr. Considernow the mechanicalsystemMs (Fig. 2). We may say that all the pointsin a mechanicalsystem whichare rigidly connectedto eachother constitutea single node. This system then has two nodes, the massless horizontalconnecting rod AA and the ground gg. Equation (2) expressesthat the algebraicsum of the forcesapplied to node A is zero. From the standpoint of classicaldynamics(--Dr), (--Kx), and f(t) are appliedforces,while --M(dv/dt) is an inertial or //////lift/Ill/1/Ill//////////////////////IX d'Alembertforce.In generalthere will be in a mechanFro. 2. A mechanicalsystemM!, the "classical"analogof the ical systema certain number P of mobilenodes,in electric circuitE, in Fig. 1. AA is a rigid massless rod constrained additionto the "fixed" groundg, and thusP independ- to remainhorizontal.D is a dashpot. DUALITY IN MECHANICS 645 H. M. Trent, usinga differentapproachfrom that of the presentpaper." 4. A PHILOSOPHICAL ASIDE The readermay wonderhow it is possibleto derive the dynamicalbehaviorof a systemfrom kinematic Fro. 4. A mechanicalsystemMo, the classicalanalogof the equations.This questionarisesbecansewe are accus- electric circuit E/ in Fig. 3. The dashpot casingand the mass tomedin dynamicsto a mistakenemphasison forces, glide without friction on the plane gg'. traceableto a metaphysicalattitude current in Newton's times.From this emphasisoa forceconsidered which make up the completeset can be described as the "cause"of motion,therefollowedin electricity equallywell by nodeequationsor by meshequations, are identicalfor the four systems an emphasison electromotiveforce consideredas the and theseequations "cause" of the current flow. To one without such if we disregardthe changesin symbols. Let usassume, thattheelectric network Evhastwomeshes preconceptions, it shouldbe clear that in Ohm's law fore.xample, E=IR, as well as in Newton'slaw f=ma, the general and three node-pairs.Then it will be most simply by twomeshequations, Ev=0 (meshcurrents gas law PV=nRT, or any natural law whatsoever, described to Eoby duality, thereis no causeand no effect,there are only variable unknown).ThenEi, whichcorresponds physical quantifies permanently connected by a will be most simply describedby the sametwo equamathematicalequation. For instance,wheneverany tions,whichare now nodeequations,Y.i=0 (voltages two of the quantitiesE, I, R are knownat any time t, acrossnode-pairsunknown).Then M/, the classical Ohm's law allowsus to find the third one; if I and R analogof E•, .will be most simplydescribedby the whicharehereZf= 0 foreverynode happento be known,it wouldmakelittle senseto call sametwoequations, them the "cause"of E, and call E their "effect." The (relative velocitiesunknown);and M,, the dual of Mr, will be most simplydescribed by the sametwo equations,which are here loop equations, (forcesunknown).(Let the readercheckthis on the electric circuit Ei, correspondingby duality systems of Fig.6, andonthecorresponding equations.) G F •".-, to the series circuit E• inFig. 1. Of course,the four systems arebasicallyequivalent; they are just four examples of realizationof the same set of equations.However,if on a lessabstractplane I__[ we ask ourselveswhich of the two mechanicalsystems M/, M,, most "resembles"the electricalsystemF_•, it is clear that M, is the unequivocal answer,sinceE, sameremarkappliesthroughoutthe field of classical and M• both have two meshesand three node-pairs physics. and are described by the sametwo meshequations. In the analysisof electriccircuitswe make use of SimilarlyEi and Mf are mostalike,sincethey both three suchlaws or relations,which are (usingp for havetwonode-pairs andthreemeshes andaredescribed shorteitherford/dror forj•oin thealternating steady- by the sametwo node-pairequations.The classical state) analogymakesthe meshesof E, correspond to the •= q/C= i/Cp, v= Ri, v= Lpi. (5) node-pairs of M•, an awkwardsituationdue to the Similarlyin the analysisof mechanical systemswe topologicalinnocenceof our forebears.The only analogysuited to this enlightened make use of three relations,relative to a spring,a electromechanical age is that between EoandM•, andbetween E• andM•; dashpot,and a mass: and that is the one axtvocated by Dr. Firestone(who f=Kx=Kv/p, f=Do, f=Ma=Mpv. (6) callsit the "mobility"system,references 1, 2). We, therefore, adopt this analogy, and in consequence Each one of these relations is characteristic of a presentthe arrayof our four systems or examples in singlemechanical element,andrelatestheforcetkrougk the new and better form: the elementto the velocity acrossit. It is basically indifferent(whenK, D, and M are given)whetherwe solvethemfor the forceor for the velocityand combine thesein the dynamical or in the kinematic equations. Forces and velocities will be connected in either case. 5. THE •MOBILITY" ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEM OF ANALOGIES A remark forcesitself upon us at this stageof the argument.Any oneof the four systems E•, Ei, M.t, M, 646 P. • K 0 LE CORBEILLER AND Y. YEUNG and equationsof one of the examplesof the complete set.There may be constractional reasonswhy in a given caseM/should be preferred to M, or vice-versa,and M the samefor Ei, E,. The displayof the completeset .•///////////////////////////% enables one to choose the most convenient ONE MESH : õASCg ONE LOOP: gASCg I f I t (1•) ONE NODE A, PLUS GROUND ONENODEA, PLUS 6ROUN[• We shall immediately follow our own advice and bring togetherthe examplesof Figs. 1 to 4 (Fig. 5). We,arenowusingthe samegraphicalsymbolsfor alternatingconstant-velocity and constant-force generators asfor constant-voltage andconstant-current generators, a circleand an oblong,respectively,with two terminals each; this makes mechanical diagrams very close copiesof their electricalanalogs.The samesymbolv is usedfor velocityand voltage,whichhappensto fit the Firestone"mobility" systemof analogy. I-' K -I*Mpv +Ov•--•-v : 0 -•. +Cpv+Ov• •-v = 0 FIO. 5. Four systems•two mechanical,M• Mr, two electrical, E,, El, forming a completeset. Two systemsin the same row correspondby the Firestonesystem of analogy; two systemsin the samecolumncorrespond by duality. The horizontal realization. double arrows are for electromechan- 6. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AND QUANTITIES There are nowfour setsof mechanicaland electrical quantitiesto be considered, whichcorrespond two by two either horizontally (by "analogy") or vertically (by duality).We accordingly divideour paperinto ical analogy (Firestone,of course);the vertical ones for duality, either between electrical or between mechanicalsystems,a topologicaltransformationexchangingnode-pairsand meshes. The orderof rowsor columns in the array is indifferent. Dotted diagonalsindicate "classical"analogy.It is clear that classicalanalogy is doing two thingsat a time: exchangingnode-pairs and meshesand exchangingmechanicaland electrical quantities (going back to the trianglesand circles (b) quotedin Sec.2, it makesa blue trianglethe analogof a red circle). FIG. 7. (a) An ideal 1:1 transformer, closedon a capacitorwith oneplate grounded;(b) its mechanical analog. We submitthat any oneinterested,inthe analysisor synthesisof electricaland mechanicalsystemsshould alwaysas a matter of routine divide his sheetof paper four quarters.In thoseon the left we put mechanical into four quartersandput downin eachonethe diagram quantities,in thoseon the right electricalquantities. When two mechanicalelementscorrespondto each other by duality we place them symmetrically with regardto the horizontal(mirror) line. We do the same ß J. for electricalquantities(see,for instance,the pair velocity-force, the pair capacity-inductance, etc.). We thus obtain the following completecorrespondence ,• TWO LOOPS;f• ,f• UNKNOWN TWOMESHES;t• ,i2UNKNOWN (•) V •11 tI+C;IP (2) •pp (ia-'•,} '(•-•+•-),,- 0 f scheme: We note that coordinateand momentumare dual, as alsotheir analogsmagneticflux and electriccharge. Dualityconsists essentially, ratherthanin theexchange of, and i (or v andf) as in elementarypresentations, in the exchangeof the coordinateand momentum of eachparticle.It is actuallythe simplestexampleof a transformation whichis of importancein analytical dynamics 4 and in modemphysics. TWONOOE$*G•D,; vA,',,• UNKNOWN (A}-•,*C•pv,•*.•-(v,•-ve} =0 Fro. 6. Four examplesof a one-sectionlow-passfilter. (Arrowsf•, f2 shouldpoint downwards.) 7. LOW-PASS FILTER We shall give now the four "examples"of a onesection low-pass filter,a simplesystemdefinedby two 4H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Addison-Wesley Press,Inc., Cambridge,1950),p. 245. DUALITY IN MECHANICS 647 TAnLE I. Correspondence schemebetween mechanicaland electricalquantities,and between"duals." velocity v force fM Imass [ stiffness K {voltage l'capacityC f momentum p= My ] electric charge • q= Cv viscositycoeff. -% current D conductance G [ recipr.inductanceP: L-a TWOLOOPS,q• ,q2UNKNOWN [coordinate I x=K-if [magnetic flux [4,= Li momentum • charge .electric magnetic flux (gBg) d•-(•2-%,)* •'g2 I •0 __e iiiiiln: [ reclpr. mass M-a susceptance S= C-1 I recipr.risc. coeff. D-I [ compliance K -a j velocity • force R L e v f v TWONODES • ORO;(.g,.L,OB UNKNOWNTWONODES" GRD;v,,VeUNKNOWN (A) -q,.JpCOa +.-• t(.,3•L.O6) :0 (s)•2(c%-%) +o'c%: o is)•-(%-%) +0%, o equations,as further application of the preceding remarks(Fig. 6). It will be seenthat all four setsof two equationsare identical. It is interestingto observethat by addingthe force equations(A) and (B) of systemM/we obtain FIG. 9. Four systems,two rotational,M,o, Me, t•vo electrical, E•, E6 forminga completeset. the symbolv represents the relativevelocityof the two ends at time t (with suitablesign conventions);its Thiscanbeconsidered asthe equationZf= 0 relativeto value is thereforeindependentof the referencesystem. "ground." It thus appearsthat in establishingthe P A point-mass or particle,however,constitutes a single force equationsof a mechanicalsystem,the ground node,and the "fundamentalequationof dynamics," canbe substituted for anyoneof the P othernodesin f= Ma = Mpv= Mp•x, (6") the system,as we know to be the casein electricity (communication of Dr. Trent). holdsonly whenx is the coordinate of that particleor -fq-M•pvA+ M2pvB+D•-- O. nodein an "inertial" referencesystem.It would not be true, for instance,if x representedthe distanceof The point-masses in a dynamicalsystemrequirea the particle in questionto someother particle, itself different treatment from that of the other five basic in oscillatorymotion with regard to the laboratory mechanidal and electrical elements. flooror walls (which are usuallya satisfactoryinertial A springand a dashpothave two ends (nodes, referencesystem).In orderto remindourselves of this terminals)and in the two equations. very importantpoint,we shallfollowa suggestion of Dr. Trent and draw an interrupted line from each f= Kv/p, f= Dr, (6') mass-point or particleto ground,in the directionof 8. SPECIAL CASE OF A MASS its coordinate X. It followsthat in the strictanalogof a givenmechan- ical system,every capacitorshouldhave one of its platesconnected to ground.The twoequations. f=Mpv, 7o,/;//•////?///)///////?/,•o• ONE NODE-PAIR v UNKNOWN A If• A ONE NODE-PAIR. Mi • ONE LOOP (gABg) v UNKNOWN I UNKNOWN M•p+D, M2p+ p t2• •'C2 ONE MESH * UNKNOWN c,p,o, Fro. 8. Four systemsforminga completeset, oneof whichrequires the adjunction of an ideal 1:1 transformer. i=Cpv (7) will then representequivalent physical situations,, and v representingthe velocity of a particle and the voltageof a specificcapacitorplate, both with regard to a groundpermanentlyat rest. On a given electric diagram it may happen that neitherplate of a capacitorcanbe grounded.If however it is necessary to do so, onecan replaceeachcapacitor by one windingof an ideal 1: ! transformer, closethe other winding on the capacitor,and ground one of theplates(Fig.7(a)).Thiswillbringnochange in the equationsof the system. It is then the arrangement, the mechanicalanalogof whichwe want to find. The mechanicalarrangementon Fig. 7(b) answers the question.It consistsof three massless, rigid bars, 648 P. LE CORBEILLER la3, 264,and ab.Bars13 and 24 havethe samelength, and a, b are their middlepoints.All hingesare frictionless.Node 4 or g is fixed with regard to the groundor wails; node3 is the massM to whichforcef is to be applied.Nodes1, 2 can have independentbut small vertical displacements, hencebar ab remainsvertical. The forcesactingon all four.nodesare equal,and the velocityof 2 with regardto 1 is equalto the (absolute) velocityof 3 with regardto g, choosing positivedirections as indicated. 5.6 Figure8 showsfour "examples"of a simplesystem, one of which contains a mechanical 1:1 transformer. AND Y. YEUNG directionin a loopwith regardto the oneon the right. Theseare the M kinematicequationsof the system. There will be in the rotational system as many independentmobile nodes as there are independent node-pairs in the analog electric network. Several torquesq• may be acting on the samenode, as well as an inertialor d'Alemberttorque(--JO). The analogof Kirchhoff'scurrent laws is that 2q must be zero for everymobilenode.Theseare theP dynamicalequations of the system. The equationsin Fig. 9 will make thesecondensed explanations clear. It shouldbe noticedthat this difficultyis not special to the Firestonetype of mechanical-electrical analogy. In the classicalanalogyit is not possibleto draw the systemMo, corresponding to El, withoutmakinguseof a 1:1 mechanicaltransformer.However, the difficulty is harder to analyze than in the Firestonesystem becauseof the complicationresultingfrom the interchangeof node-pairsand meshes. lO. CONCLUSION The above presentationof electromechanical analogiesemphasizes the role of duality in the analysisof mechanical as well as of electricalsystems.This point of view enablesone to carry over to a broadclassof mechanicalsystemsthe resultsof the researchdoneon the meshand nodeequationsof electricnetworksby a numberof workers,notablyby Mr. GabrielKron.? 9. MECHANICAL ROTATIONAL SYSTEMS The Firestoneor "mobility"systemof analogies is in the followingway: First it is shown To avoid lengthyrepetitionof most of the above usuallypresented material, the treatment of rotational systemsw/ll be to be a "possible"system,just as workableas the explained on the four examplesof a single system classicalone; then one remarks that electrical circuits (Fig. 9). Particlesfree to move on a line are now derivedon the mobilitybasisresembletheir mechanical replacedby particlesfree to rotate around an axis, analogsvery closely,whichis obviouslyan advantage. that is, free to move on a c/rcumferencecentered on No explanationis given of why it shouldbe so, nor do we knowwhethera third type of analogymight not be the axis.Sucha particleA is definedby the angleof its possibleand perhapsbe preferableto the two others. radiusvectorOA with a fixeddirectionOg whichserves Once we realize that mechanicalsystemscan be as referencesystemor "ground,"and by a momentof analyzed,just like electricnetworks,on either a mesh inertiaJA (whichreplaces the mass).Severalparticles, or a node-pair basis,wecanapplythenotion.ofduality rigidly connectedto a singleshaftor sleeve,constitute to mechanical systems, and it followsthat two electric a single node. (Thus,a whole diskorflywheel isonenode, andtwo mechanical systems, dualtwoby two,formin with a specificmomentof inertia J; the coordinateof a sensea completeset. The Firestoneelectromechanical the nodeis the variableangleof any radiusOB or OA, analogyis then most naturallydefinedas the one in which an electric node correspondsto a mechanical paintedon the flywheel,with the fixeddirectionOg.) One can form with the distinct mobile d[rections node, an electric mesh to a mechanicalloop. The OA, OB . .., and the "ground"Og,asmanyindepend- considerationof a completeset of four systemsis ent loops (gAB... g) as there are independent believedto be originalwith the presentpaper. It shouldbe noted that we have only covereda meshesin the analogelectricnetwork. The analogof Kirchhoff'svoltagelawsis that Zo•mustbe zeroaround certainclassof mechanicalsystems,that in whichthe of everyparticleis definedby one coorevery loop, whereo0is the angular velocity of every displacement dinate only. If mechanicalparticleswith two or three • H. F. Olson,DynamicalAnalogies(D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1943). 6 H. M. Trent, PrtwtlealAspectsofE lectromechanlcal Analogies, N.R.L. EngineeringColloquinm,June 26, 1947 (unpublished memorandum). coordinatesare considered,entirely new possibilities appear,as the exampleof a gyro plainly shows. ?G. Kron, TensorAnalysisofNetworks (JohnWiley& Sons,Inc., New York, 1939).