IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) IFREMER SEISMIC DEVICES UPGRADE PROJECT This document presents Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project and gives some details about the equipment availability for the forthcoming scientific cruises. The following points are addressed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Description of Ifremer seismic devices available until 2014 Presentation of Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project Project organization and schedule Availability of Ifremer seismic devices 1. Introduction Marine seismic devices involve an acoustic source (high pressure air compressors and airguns) and a set of pressure sensors (hydrophones) distributed along cables towed by a survey vessel. These cables, called seismic streamers, have a diameter of about 60mm and can be up to several kilometers long (maximum length of about 14km). The seismic source generates an acoustic wave that propagates in the seawater and in the subsurface. At each interface between two successive sediment layers, one part of the incident wave energy is reflected toward the surface and the other part is transmitted to the deeper layers. The reflected signals are received by the seismic streamer hydrophones, then recorded. 1 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) Seismic devices are complex systems whose main components are presented in the following drawing. Seismic devices are widely used to explore the oceanic crust for depths between several meters to several kilometers. The use of these devices has contributed to a large number of fundamental discoveries in earth sciences. Seismic imaging is especially useful to study plate tectonics, mechanisms of continental breakup and margin formation, relief erosion or sediment basins segmentation. Seismic imaging is also essential for the understanding of subduction zones and for earthquake hazard assessment, which may have an impact on densely populated coastal area. Seismic imaging is also a fundamental tool for mineral resources exploration. Finally, seismic imaging is a dedicated toll to study the subsurface fluid related processes, which are key phenomena affecting the global ocean carbon budget and the seabed properties. 2 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) 2. Description of Ifremer seismic devices available until 2014 Until 2014, Ifremer main seismic devices were: - SMT: muli-channel seismic (streamer length: 4500m, seismic source made of 18 Ggun and Bolt airguns). SISRAP: high speed seismic (streamer length: 300m, acquisition speed 8-10 knots, seismic source made of 2 GI airguns). HR 2D-3D: high resolution seismic (streamer length: 450m or 2 x 300m, seismic source made of 1 to 6 mini-GI airguns). Part Description Streamer Technology Active part length Number of traces and distance between traces Acquisition SMT HR2D 300 m 24 tr x 12,5 m (25 m between streamers) ECOS (GENAVIR) Navigation system Sercel Seal 408XL Compressor Airguns Integration SISRAP Sercel, fluid streamers (isopar oil) 450 m 2x300 m 72 tr x 6,25 m 2 x 48 tr x 6,25 m 4500 m 360 tr x 12,5 m Acquisition Source HR3D Overall volume 3 3 3 3 1200 m /h 300 m /h 300 m /h 300 m /h 18 Bolt / Ggun aiguns Sparker or 1 to 6 mini-GI 2 to 6 mini-GI 2 GI 12 containers 20" 2 containers 10" 4 containers 10" 2 winches 4 containers 10" 1 winch 4-5 knots 4-5 knots 8-10 knots ~150 tons Survey Acquisition speed Specifications Frequency 5-50 Hz 40-250 Hz 10-100 Hz Investigation depth ~5000 m ~500 m ~1000 m ~10 m 2-5 m ~5 m 1999 2001 2004 Resolution Development year A few photographs of the old seismic devices are presented below: SMT streamer with a bird. SMT tail buoy. HR seismic source. SISRAP streamer on a winch. 3 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) Seismic surveys studied areas spread from coastal zones to deep sea areas and the scientific requirement in term of resolution and investigation depth in sediment can be very various. As the main features of Ifremer seismic devices complete each other, the seismic device configuration can be chosen according to the specific objectives of each scientific cruise. Ifremer seismic devices have been developed in 1999 (SMT), 2001 (HR) and 2004 (SISRAP). These devices are integrated in standard 10 or 20-feet containers and can be implemented on several research vessels from Ifremer or other institutes. For example, the SMT seismic device (Ifremer largest device) is integrated in twelve 20-feet containers and its total weight is about 150 tons. Genavir is responsible for the seismic devices onboard implementation and is also in charge of their maintenance. The onboard installation and the unloading of the equipment require several days (5 & 3 days for the loading onboard & unloading of the SMT device; 2 & 1 days for the SISRAP or the HR devices). The number of Genavir operators required for the seismic device implementation varies from 4 persons for the SISRAP device to 10 persons for the SMT device. Since 2012, the seismic streamers and associated acquisition systems were obsolete and their maintenance was no longer possible. There were some spare parts to fix some damages, but it was no longer possible to be sure that the planned seismic surveys could be carried out without failure. Moreover, to reach some new objectives, the French scientific community has required to increase the seismic devices capabilities. The main requirements were to increase the streamers' length and to better control the transmitted acoustic signals. Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project was launch at the end of 2013. The objective was to provide the scientific community with high-performance seismic equipment so that they can continue and extend their research work in earth sciences. 4 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) 3. Presentation of Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project The aim of Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project is to modernize and to increase the capabilities of the old seismic devices. The objective is to have two main seismic devices, SIS 1 and SIS 2, based on solid streamer technology. Thanks to longer streamers, the studied areas and the investigation depths could be extended. The solid streamer technology, selected for the whole streamers, will contribute to a more environment-friendly system, with no hydrocarbon pollution in case of streamer damages. Moreover, this new technology enables to reach lower noise level and then to get a better seismic data quality. The main characteristics of the new devices are described below: - SIS 1: 2D seismic device with one 6000m long seismic streamer. The seismic source handling system will be upgraded in order to improve the quality of the transmitted acoustic signal (better control of the airguns' depth). This new device will replace the existing SMT device. - SIS 2: 3D seismic device with two 600m long seismic streamers (distance between streamers: 25m). These two streamers will be highly modular in order to be configured differently according to the scientific objectives and to the operating vessel size (2D or 3D, with streamer length from 150 to 1200m). This new device will replace the existing SISRAP and HR devices. The seismic sources used with the old SISRAP and HR devices will be kept with this new SIS 2 seismic device. From this SIS 2 device, it will be possible to configure two sub-devices at the same time which will make easier the scientific cruises planning. SIS 1 Part Description Streamer Technology Active part length Number ofe traces and distance between traces Acquisition SIS2 HR2D 6000 m 960 tr x 6,25 m Sercel, solid streamers 150 to 1200 m 2 x 600 m 24 à 192 tr x 6,25 m Navigation system Compressor Airguns Integration Overall volume 2 x 96 tr x 6,25 m SISRAP 300 m 48 tr x 6,25 m (25 m between streamers) ECOS (GENAVIR) Sercel Seal 428 Acquisition Source HR3D 3 3 3 3 1200 m /h 300 m /h 300 m /h 300 m /h 18 Bolt / Ggun airguns Sparker or 1 to 6 mini-GI 2 to 6 mini-GI 2 GI 12 containers 20" 4 containers 10" 4 containers 10" 2 containers 10" 2 (or 4) winches 2 winches 4-5 knots 4-5 knots 8-10 knots ~150 tons Survey Acquisition speed Specifications Frequency 5-50 Hz 40-250 Hz 10-100 Hz Investigation depth ~6000 m ~500 m ~1000 m 2-5 m ~5 m Resolution Development year ~10 m 2014-2017 5 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) The main changes concern the seismic streamers, the associated acquisition systems and the seismic source handling system. These changes will be achieved through: - The purchase of new digital seismic streamers based on solid technology (SERCEL Sentinel RD, distance between traces: 6.25m) and the associated acquisition systems (SERCEL Seal 428). - The specification and purchase of new seismic streamer winches. - The development of a new seismic source handling system to better control the transmitted acoustic signal. The high pressure air compressors and the airguns remain unchanged. 4. Project organization and schedule Ifremer seismic devices upgrade project is split in 5 steps, spread over the years 2014-2017. Thanks to this division in 5 steps, the funding is also spread over 4 years. One constraint for the project's organization was to make the seismic devices available during all the project duration and to reduce the seismic equipment downtime. The 5 project's steps are described in the following paragraphs. Step 1: SIS 2, phase 1 (2014-2015) - Description: Step 1 corresponds to the purchase of a new 600m long streamer with the associated 2D acquisition system. This step corresponds to the replacement of the old SISRAP and HR streamers and to the beginning of the SIS 2 device development. This new seismic device can be configured either in HR configuration (streamer length: 600m, streamer depth: 1-4m, acquisition speed: 4-5 knots, seismic source: 1 to 6 mini-GI aiguns) or in SISRAP configuration (streamer length: 300m, streamer depth: 6-8m, acquisition speed: 8-10 knots, seismic source: 2 GI aiguns). - Progress status: The seismic streamer (600m) and the associated acquisition system have been validated during sea trials on the RV Thalassa (17-24/02/2015). New winches for the streamer and for the storage of the streamer spare parts will be delivered in July 2015. New sea trials are planned on the RV Pourquoi pas ? to validate these new winches (Brest, 2-3/08/2015). This new seismic device will then be used in HR configuration during the GHASS scientific cruise (September-October 2015) and in SISRAP configuration during the MOZ4 scientific cruise (December 2015). 6 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) Photographs taken during the sea trials on RV Thalassa (February 2015). Step 2: SIS 1, phase 1 (2014-2015) - Description: Step 2 corresponds to the purchase of a new 4500m long streamer with the associated 2D acquisition system. This step corresponds to the replacement of the old SMT streamer and to the beginning of the SIS 1 device development. - Progress status: The seismic streamer (4500m), the associated acquisition system and a new winch for the seismic streamer spare parts have been delivered and integrated. Sea trials are planned on the RV L'Atalante to validate this new seismic device (Noumea, 25/08-1/09/2015). This new seismic device will then be used during the TECTA scientific cruise (September-October 2015). Step 3: SIS 2, phase 2 (2015-2016) - Description: Step 3 corresponds to the purchase of a second 600m long streamer with an associated 3D acquisition system. This step will end the development of the SIS 2 seismic device. - Progress status: The delivery of the seismic streamer and of the 3D acquisition system is planned in December 2015. New winches will be supplied at the beginning of the year 2016 and sea trials are planned jut after to validate at sea the new seismic device. This device will be available in 2D configuration from the second semester of 2016. The implementation of the 3D configuration will require further sea trials (in 2017, the exact date will be specified later). 7 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) Step 4: SIS 1, phase 2 (2016) - Description: Step 4 corresponds to the upgrade of the handling system of the seismic source associated with the SIS 1 seismic device. - Progress status: Two studies are in progress to select several seismic source configurations and to specify the new airguns handling system. The purchases and developments corresponding to this step are planned in 2016. Sea trials will be planned at the end of 2016 to validate the new developments and the new seismic source will be available from the beginning of the year 2017. Photographs of the SMT seismic source. Top: 2 compressors, umbilicals, source string integrated in a container. Bottom: Bolt airguns, boom used to tow one seismic source string. Step 5: SIS 1, phase 3 (2017) - Description: Step 5 corresponds to the purchase of seismic streamer sections to extend the SIS 1 seismic device to 6000m. - Progress status: This step will be confirmed at the beginning of the year 2016. If confirmed, this step will be carried out in 2017. 8 IMN/NSE/NE-2015-220 - DMON 2015.28 (April 2015) 5. Availability of Ifremer seismic devices The availability of the new SIS 1 and SIS 2 seismic devices during the upgrade project is described in the following table. From September 2015, the old SMT, HR and SISRAP seismic devices will no longer be available. SIS 1 Year 2015 Month September October November 4500 m + old SMT source SIS 2 HR2D HR3D SISRAP 150 to 600 m NO 300 m December 2016 January February March April May June 150 to 1200 m July August September October November December 2017 January February March 4500 m + new source April May June July 2 x 600m August September October November December 2018 January February March 6000 m (to be confirmed) + new source … The new SIS 1 et SIS 2 seismic devices could be implemented on the following vessels: - SIS 1: RV Atalante, Pourquoi pas ? (integration studies have to be conducted for Marion Dufresne II and Beautemps-Beaupré). - SIS 2: RV Thalassa, Atalante, Pourquoi pas ?, Suroît, Marion Dufresne II and Beautemps-Beaupré. 9