APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM I (I) Basic Information Sl.No Item Details Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B which also includes tunnel of length 4.4 km. The total length of spur is 94.390 km. The alignment is part of development of 8 lane Vadodara Mumbai Expressway from Km 499.000 of NH-8 in Maharashtra to Km 80.000 of Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway (NE-1) in Gujarat. The project of access controlled expressway has been taken up by the National Highways Authority of India under National Highway Development Program (NHDP) Phase-VI to be implemented under Public Private Partnership mode. Location Map of the Project is attached as Annexure I. 7(f) 1. Name of the Project/s 2. Sl. No in the Schedule 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/ number of wells to be drilled The proposed length of the SPUR is 94.390 km with proposed Right of Way (PRoW) along the entire stretch is 100/120 m except in stretch of elevated structure where PRoW is 60 m. 4. New/Expansion/modernization New Alignment 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc No 6. Category of Project i.e ‘A’ or ‘B’ A 7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify. Not Applicable 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, please specify. Not Applicable 9. Location The project road starts at km 26+320 of the main Vadodara Mumbai Expressway near Vasai and ends at km 24.476 of NH-4B near Panvel. Plot/Survey / Khasra No. Project involves land acquisition. Village The alignment passes through the residential clusters and towns of Virar, Shirsad, Bhinar, Ganeshpuri, Akloli, Vajreswari, Zidke, Awala, Mahapoli, Angaon, Taloli (NH 3 Crossing), Savad (Pise), Ambivli, Bapsai (NH222 Crossing), Vasat (Jambhul), Badlapur, Juweli, Tamsai, Koproli, Vichumbe before ending at Panvel. There are 61 revenue villages and towns of Palghar & Thane district and 20 revenue villages of Raigad district (List enclosed as Annexure II) Tehsil District State Palghar District: Vasai and Vada Thane District: Bhiwandi, Kalyan Ambernath Raigad District: Panvel and Palghar, Thane and Raigad Districts in the state of Maharashtra Maharashtra. 10. Nearest railway station /airport along with distance in kms. The nearest railway stations(within 15 Km from proposed alignment) are : Vasai Railway Station Nallasopara Station Virar Railway Station Panvel Railway Station Chikale Railway Station Khandeshwar Railway station Mansarovar Railway station Kalamboli Railway Station Khargarh Railway Station The nearest Airport is: Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport approx. 30 km from project road. 11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters The project road is passing through districts of along with distance in kms. Palghar, Thane and Raigad. 12. Village Panchayaths, Zilla parishad, The project road is passing through above Municipal Corporation, Local Body referred towns and cities. 13. Name of the Applicant NHAI 14. Registered Address 15. Address for Correspondence: National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road Transport &Highways) G-5 & 6, Sector-10 Dwarka, New Delhi 110075 Name Shri V.K.Sharma Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Chief General Manager (LA & Env.) Address National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road Transport &Highways) G-5 & 6, Sector-10 Dwarka, New Delhi - Pin Code Email 110 075. Telephone No 011-25074100 & 25074200 Fax No. 91-011-25093543 16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, if any The proposed alignment has been finalized after location of these sites should be shown on a considering all available alternate options. The topo sheet. alternative alignment on google map is enclosed as Annexure III. 17. Interlinked Projects 18. Weather separate application for interlinked No projects submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission No 20. If no, reason The project involves procurement of soil/earth from the borrow areas. As per office memorandum Dated 18th Dec. 2012, issued by MoEF, following framework to be followed: i. Separate environment clearance for mining of soil/earth from borrow areas, which are a part of highway project are not required and ii. The construction/widening of highways along with the mining of soil/earth from borrow areas to be considered as a single project of appraisal under EIA Notification 2006. The NHAI/other agencies implementing the highway projects while submitting the proposal for Terms of Reference will submit the additional details as mentioned in above referred memorandum. 21. Weather the proposal involves Yes, the proposal involves following clearances approval/clearance under –If yes, details of which are under process Yes. the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act - 1980 (b)The Wildlife (Protection) Act – 1972 (c) CRZ Notification – 1991 (a) Forest Clearance for diversion of forest land under The Forest (Conservation) Act – 1980 (b) Obtaining Prior Clearance from the Standing Committee of the National Board for Wild-life as the project is located within 10 km of Protected Areas (PAs) 22. Weather there is any Government Order/ N/A Policy relevant/relating to the site 23. Forest Land involved (hectares) 24. Approx. 99.713 Hectares of forest land is involved. Wheather there is any litigation pending No against the project and /or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders /directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance give, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. Signature of the Applicant with Name and full Address V.K.SHARMA Chief General Manager (LA & Env.) National Highways Authority of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways G – 5 & 6, Sector 10, Dwaraka New Delhi 110075 Date: Place: (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.No. Information/ Checklist confirmation 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) Yes/No Yes Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information CHANGE IN LAND USE Yes, there will be both temporary and permanent change in the land use of the area. The temporary change in land use will be due to setting up of Labour Camps, Hot mix plant, Crusher, WMM Plant, etc. Permanent Change of land use will be in the area falling in Proposed Right of way for the construction of 6 lane Highway and other ancillary services like Toll Plaza, wayside amenities etc. CHANGE IN TOPOGRAPHY 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings? Yes 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes 1.4 Preconstruction investigations e.g. bore house, soil testing? Construction works? Yes 1.5 Yes The road shall be constructed on an embankment with average height of 4.5m and it involves tunneling through Matheran Hill for 4.39 km from km 71+675 to km 76+121 which will change the topography in this region. The land, vegetation and buildings falling in proposed right of way will be cleared after acquisition of land. Approximately 197 structures and 13534 trees falling within Proposed RoW will be affected due to proposed development. The proposed development involves construction of 6 lane Expressway along with bridges, culverts, interchanges, flyover, ROBs and cattle/vehicular underpasses. The new land use will also be created where Toll plaza, truck laybye and way side amenities have been proposed. Pre – Construction investigation like Bore-House, Soil testing and testing of construction materials have been done and results included in Feasibility Report. The construction work includes the following TYPE OF FEATURES SPUR Length 94.390 Interchanges 6 Pavment type Rigid Pavement S.No. Information/ Checklist confirmation Yes/No 1.6 Demolition Works? Yes 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction works or Housing of Construction workers? Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations Yes 1.9 Under ground works including mining or tunneling Yes 1.10 Reclamation Works? No 1.8 Yes Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information Flyovers 6 Vehicular underpass 14 (13+1) Vehicular overpass 10 Pedestrian underpass 29 (27+2) Cattle underpass 33 Major Bridges 10 Minor Bridges 20 (19+1) Minor Bridges (Utility) 6 (2+4) ROBs 6 (4+2) Culverts 150 (127+23) Wayside amenities (A) 2 Wayside amenities (B) 4 Truck parking 2 Service roads 10.925 km Tunnel 4.400 km Elevated structures 3.400 km Toll Plaza 7 (on loop/ramp)+ 1 (on main) Tolling System Closed type Civil Cost 4886.58 crore 197 Structures falling within PROW will have to be demolished. Labor Camps for 250-350 labors will be established at required locations, for this, land will be acquired temporarily The entire roadway corridor will be built on embankment. The above ground structures include major, minor Bridges, flyovers, toll plaza, wayside amenities and truck lay byes. A tunnel of 4.4 km length is proposed which: • Starts from Km 71.675 (left) and Km 71.741 (Right) • Ends at Km 76.071 (Left) and Km 76.121 (Right) The length of tunnel in Matheran Eco-sensitive zone is 3.88 Km - S.No. Information/ Checklist confirmation 1.11 Dredging No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information - 1.12 Offshore structures No - 1.13 Production and manufacturing processes? Facilities for Storages of goods or materials? No Not Applicable Yes Construction material like aggregates, sand, cement, fuel and bitumen will be temporary stored in covered sheds in construction camp. Construction Stage Liquid effluent Approx. 11.61 KL/Day of liquid effluent will be generated from Labor camps (Approx 250-300 labours) and Construction camps, the waste generated will be treated in Septic Tank / Sedimentation Tank before diverting it to soak pit. Mobile toilets will also be provided. Solid Waste Approx. 75 kg/day of solid waste will be generated from labor and Construction camps which will be segregated and collected at source and later will be disposed off through govt. authorized vendors. - 1.14 Yes/No 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents? Yes 1.16 Facilities housing workers? long term operational No 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation? New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? Yes New road traffic during construction and after completion of the expressway. Yes Diversion/alternative construction stage. 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? Yes 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines? Yes 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or Yes 1.18 for of approach road during New service roads, during operation, leading to vehicular underpasses and service roads in built-up areas. Diversion along existing national and state highways, major district roads (MDR), other district roads (ODR) and village roads (VR), wherever the proposed alignment crosses, during construction period will be undertaken as per IRC guidelines on safety in construction zone. Electric Poles, High Transmission (HT) lines, gas pipelines, water supply pipelines and other utility lines pass through the PROW. It is proposed to provide 150 culverts in the project corridor in order to maintain natural hydrology in the S.No. Information/ Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information project area. other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? Yes The proposed alignment of SPUR is crossing many Streams. The major streams are: Tansa, Ulhas, Vatsa, Kalu and Barvi 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form ground or surface waters? Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off? Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning? Yes Water will be abstracted from surface and ground source both for construction activities. No 1.26 Long-Term dismantling decommissioning restoration works? or or No 10 major, 20 minor, 6 utility bridges and 150 culverts have been proposed in the project corridor to maintain natural flow of the rivers/streams/canals etc The construction materials will be transported during construction from different sources identified along the project road. Construction labors will be stationed at temporary hutments/ labor camps. - 1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently? Yes Dismantling of labour camps after completion of construction activities. Yes Yes, there will be temporary influx of people to the project area as labors and other people who will be involved directly or indirectly in the construction of Expressway. However preference will be given to local people in the employment. Introduction of alien species? Loss of native species or genetic diversity? Any other actions? No No 1.24 1.25 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 Yes No 2. Use of Natural resources for Construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply) : S.No 2.1 Information /Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates confirmation wherever possible) with source of information data Land especially Yes 1241.551 Ha of land will be acquired to build the undeveloped or Expressway and associated facilities. This land includes agricultural land (ha) agricultural land (1031.36 Ha), Non agricultural Land (55.977 Ha) and Forest land (99.713 Ha). S.No Information /Checklist confirmation 2.2 Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD Minerals (MT) Construction materialstone, aggregates, and /soil (expected sourceMT) 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Forests and Timber (source- MT) Energy including electricity and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) Any other natural resources (Use appropriate standard units) Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates wherever possible) with source of information data Yes Approx. 5,640,000 KL of water is required which will be sourced from Rivers present in the area. No Yes S.No Material Unit Quantity 1 Cement MT 1,230,000.00 2 Aggregate MT 4,960,000.00 3 Sand MT 2,940,000.00 4 Water KL 5,640,000.00 5 Bitumen MT 1,500.00 6 Diesel KL 30,000.00 7 Earthwork in cut Cum 7,580,000.00 8 Earthwork in fill Cum 26,800,000.00 9 Tunnel excavates Cum (50% rock & 50 % earth) 13,67,190.00 No Yes Approx. 30000 KL of diesel will be used in DG sets No 3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. S.No Information /Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities confirmation / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per Diesel- 30000 KL MSIHC rules) to human health or Yes Bitumen- 1500 MT the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies) 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or No 3.3 3.4 3.5 affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing living conditions? Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc. Any other cause No Yes The proposed project will not affect the welfare of people. However, it will provide connectivity to Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Terminal (JNPT) which will reduce travel time and traffic on other roads and will improve the environmental quality in the area. There will be positive impact on Vulnerable Groups of people due to improved connectivity as travelling to educational institutions and health care facilities will be faster and easier. No 4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/ month) S.No Information /Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities confirmation / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes Yes Overburden due to replacement of top soil. 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or commercial wastes) Yes 4.3 Hazardous waste (as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules) No Construction Phase Domestic waste will be generated from labour camps which will be disposed off as per MSW Rules 2000. Operation Phase Small quantity of domestic / commercial waste will be generated during operation phase from Toll Plazas, which will be handled as per prevailing rules. N.A 4.4 Other industrial process wastes No N.A 4.5 Surplus product No N.A 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from effluent treatment No N.A 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No Significant amount of demolition waste will be generated due to dismantling of structures. The construction waste generated will be reused in the road construction activities. N.A 4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No N.A 4.10 Agricultural wastes No N.A S.No Information /Checklist confirmation 4.11 Other solid wastes Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data Yes Top Soil, which will be stripped, stored and reused in median filling and slopes of embankment where grass turfing is proposed. 5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) S. No Information /Checklist confirmation Yes/No 5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationery or mobile sources. Yes 5.2 Emissions from production processes Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport No 5.3 5.4 Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment Yes 5.5 Dust or odours from handling or materials including construction materials, sewage and waste Yes 5.6 Emissions form incineration of waste Emission from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) Emissions from any other sources No There may be accidental spillage during handling of material. Standard Practices as per Hazardous waste (Management and Handling) Rules will be adopted. During Construction period the emissions will be from Plant, Machineries, Hot Mix plant, Crusher plant, WMM plant, Movement of Vehicles etc There will be dust generation during construction, loading & unloading of Construction Materials and from the Crusher plant. N.A No N.A No N.A 5.7 5.8 Yes Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data During Construction, emissions will be generated from the Vehicles transporting Construction Materials, Machineries involved during construction and Diesel Generating Sets which will be used as power back up. During Operation, the emissions will be from the mobile sources as vehicles running on Road and from DG sets to be used as power back up. N.A 6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat : S.No Information /Checklist confirmation 6.1 From operation of equipment e.g. Yes/No Yes Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data During Construction Period noise will be engines, ventilation plant, crushes 6.2 6.3 From industrial or similar processes From construction or demolition No No 6.4 From blasting or piling Yes 6.5 From construction or operational traffic From lighting or cooling systems From any other sources Yes generated from equipments, machinery and, crushers plants. N.A There will be noise and air emissions from construction machinery during construction, phase. Controlled blasting will be practiced for cutting hills during tunneling etc. During Construction and Operation Phase No No N.A N.A 6.6 6.7 7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, ground water, coastal waters or the sea: S.No Information /Checklist confirmation Yes/No 7.1 From handling, storage, use or spillage of hazardous materials. Yes 7.2 From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge) No 7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water Yes 7.4 From any other sources No 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment from these sources? No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data There may be accidental spillage. Required Precaution will be taken in Storage, Handling of Hazardous Materials and accidental spillage of hazardous materials. The sewage from Workers Camp will be discharged in septic tanks and shall conform to norms. During operations Sewage from Way Side Amenities will be treated in Packaged Treatment Plant or as per established norms There will dust from back filters installed in hot mix plant during construction phase. This may deposit on land and surface water. - 8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment. S.No Information /Checklist confirmation Yes/No 8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc from Yes, Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data There may be accidental spillage. storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances. Required Precaution will be taken in Storage, Handling of Hazardous Materials and accidental spillage of hazardous materials. 8.2 From any other causes No 8.3 Could the project be affected by natural disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquake, landslides, cloudburst etc)? No The project area lies in moderate magnitude seismic Zone III. Adequate provision will be given in design of structures. 9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality S.No Information /Checklist confirmation 9.1 Lead to development of supporting, utilities, Yes ancillary development or development stimulated by the project, which could have impact on the environment e.g. 9.2 9.3 9.4 • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc) • Housing development • Extractive industries • Supply industries • Other Lead to after –use of the site, which could have an impact on the environment. Set a precedent for later developments. Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects. Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates. Wherever possible) with source of information data development will • Proposed provide improved access and connectivity to the industries and business enterprises in the area. • The project will also result in development of supporting infrastructures like towns, shops, community facility in nearby vicinity of the project. • Such induced development is not likely to cause any adverse impact on environment. No - Yes The proposed project will set precedent for development as it is planned to be developed in an environment friendly manner with controlled access and will act as a landmark for future development in the area. No (III) Environmental Sensitivity S.No 1. Areas Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value Aerial distance (within 15 Km.) proposed project location boundary Name/Identity • Yes • • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasonsWetlands, watercourse or other water bodies, coastal zone, biosphere, mountains, forests Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters • Yes Yes • • • Matheran Eco-sensitive zone declared as Eco-sensitive zone by MoEF notification Dated 4th February 2003. Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary is about 611 m from Chainage 1+500 km of the SPUR alignment. Karnala Bird Sanctuary is located 7.11 km from the boundary of the proposed SPUR alignment. The proposed development passes through Reserved Forest in Palghar, Thane and Raigad District. The proposed alignment falls within 15 km of Coastal Regulation Zone in the State of Maharashtra. The proposed alignment corridor passes near Tungareshwar Wild Life Sanctuary. The project road alignment falls within 15 Km of Karnala Bird Sanctuary. No - State, National boundaries Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim area Defence Installations No Yes 8. Densely populated or builtup area Yes The densely populated towns along the project road are Virar, Vasat (Jambhul), Juweli, Koproli, Vichumbe and Panvel. Besides these, many villages are present along the project road. 9. Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) Areas containing important, high quality or scarce Yes Schools, Hospitals and Places of Worship will be affected directly and indirectly along the proposed alignment. Yes Numbers of orchards like banana plantations, mango plantations are 7. 10. No Certain village roads and other district roads are used by the people to visit temples. Also certain roads across the alignment are used by tourists. - S.No 11. 12. Areas resources (Ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage (those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the project to present environmental problems (Earthquake, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions) Aerial distance (within 15 Km.) proposed project location boundary Name/Identity directly affected development. by the proposed No - Yes The project area lies in moderate magnitude seismic Zone III. Adequate provision will be given in design of structures. TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 6 LANE SPUR, STARTING FROM KM 26.320 OF MUMBAI – VADODARA EXPRESSWAY AND TERMINATES AT KM 24.416 OF NH 4B FOR HIGHWAY PROJECT NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (NHAI). January, 2015 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B 1. Introduction India has about 3.3 million kilometers of road network, which is one of the largest road network in the world. The roads in the country are either under administrative control of the Union Government or the State Government concerned. Roads in the country carry about 65 percent of freight traffic and 87 percent of passenger traffic. National Highways, the primary road network of the country, are under the Union Government. The aggregate length of National Highways is, at present, 70548 kms which is about 2 percent of the road network but carries about 40 percent of road traffic. Keeping in view of the importance of the National Highways for the economic development, the Government of India has taken up an ambitious program of development of the National Highways under different phases of National Highway Development Project (NHDP). One of the phases of NHDP, namely, NHDP Phase-VI is for development of 1000 km of expressways. The expressways carry large volumes of traffic at high speed and are access controlled. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been entrusted with the implementation of, inter-alia, NHDP Phase-VI. This project has been proposed to be implemented under Public Private Partnership mode and to be executed as Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) contracts. The 400 km long Vadodara - Mumbai (VM) Expressway is one of the expressways which have been identified for implementation in the first phase. The proposed Vadodara- Mumbai Expressway and the Spur are to be built as access controlled expressways with access allowed only at the interchanges. Based on the finding for early construction and the status of preconstruction activities, the Project has been recommended to be implemented in phases. Keeping view of the above, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has decided that the implementation of the project has to be done in three phases. The details of phasing are given in Table 1. Table 1: Project Phasing Sl. No. Phases Stretches Length (km) State/UT 1 Phase I Main Expressway – Km 104+700 to Km 378+722 274.022 260.4 km in Gujarat; 5.5 km in DNH & 8.1 km in Maharashtra 172.77 Main Expressway (78.38 km in Palghar, Maharashtra) and SPUR (18.9 km in Palghar, 55.3 km in Thane & 20.2 km in Raigad, Maharashtra) 26.32 26.32 km in Thane – Maharashtra 2 Phase II Main Expressway – Km 26+320 to Km 104+700 and SPUR- (Km 0+00 to Km 94+390) 3 Phase III Main Expressway – Km 0+000 to Km 26+320 2 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B The TOR deals with SPUR from Km 0+00 to Km 94+390. The length of SPUR is about 94.390 Km. Project Location The entire alignment of the spur is a greenfield project. The project road starts at km 26+320 of the main Vadodara Mumbai expressway near Vasai and ends at km 24.476 of NH-4B near Panvel. The total length of the spur is 94.390 km out of which 18.9 km (km 0.000 to km 18.900) lies in Palghar district, 55.3 km (km 18.900 to km 74.200) lies in Thane district and 20.190 km (km 74.200 to km 94.390) lies in Raigad district of Maharashtra. The alignment passes mostly through plain and rolling terrain except in Matheran where the terrain is hilly. On its way, the alignment passes the residential clusters and towns of Virar, Shirsad, Bhinar, Ganeshpuri, Akloli, Vajreswari, Zidke, Awala, Mahapoli, Angaon, Taloli (NH 3 Crossing), Savad (Pise), Ambivli, Bapsai (NH222 Crossing), Vasat (Jambhul), Badlapur, Juweli, Tamsai, Koproli, Vichumbe before ending at Panvel. 2. PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE Proposed Terms of Reference for the EIA study of the project road has been largely formulated as per Model TOR for highway projects. 1. The study area will cover an area of 15 km either side of the corridor with emphasis on immediate vicinity (500m) of the project highway. 2. EIA procedure will be guided as per recently published the EIA Manual for highway projects. 3. Baseline environmental quality will be assessed within the study area with emphasis along the project’s vicinity with combination of primary and secondary data sources. Onsite monitoring for air quality, noise level, surface and groundwater and soil will be conducted for one season other than monsoon season. 4. Inventorization of existing engineering features/ structures, utilities and all environmental features will be done along the project highway. 5. Identification of suitable borrows areas; quarries and other construction material sources will be identified. Haul diagram for haulage purposes giving quarry charts indicating the location of selected borrow areas, quarries and the respective estimated quantities will be provided. 6. Traffic surveys and Axle load survey will be conducted and demand forecasting will be done. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY Study area The immediate corridor of impact was considered 500 meters on both sides from centerline of road. The critical environmental issues (protected areas notified under wildlife (protection) Act 1972, critically polluted areas as notified by Central Pollution Control Board, notified ecosenstive areas, interstate boundaries and international boundaries) to be considered within 15 km from the alignment. Description of Environment The study of environment includes following: Topography, ground conditions, altitude, slope, etc. Soil type and its characteristics, soil erosion and land slide problem, geology of the area. 3 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B Collection of data for Meteorological and climatological conditions including rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and wind speed, etc. for nearest IMD stations. Monitoring of Ambient air quality at 5 locations shall be carried out as per the new air quality standard published by MOEF for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) (ug/m3), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) (ug/m3), Particulate Matter (PM10) (ug/m3), Particulate Matter (PM2.5) (ug/m3) and Carbon Monoxide (CO), (ug/m3). Modified West and Gaeke method (IS-5182 part-II, 1969) adopted for estimation of SO2. Jacobs-Hochheiser method (IS-5182 part-IV, 1975) adopted for the estimation of NOX. Samples for Carbon monoxide collected as grab in glass tubes/bladder and determine by Gas Chromatography/ NDIR techniques. The prediction of pollutant concentration in future years based on projected traffic to be worked out using CALINE 3 model. Noise level measurements shall be carried out at 5 locations along the project road for residential, commercial and sensitive locations during day and night i.e. 6 am to 10 pm and 10 pm to 6 am at 10 locations as per CPCB Standards. Prediction of Noise level during Operation phase in future years to be determined using FHWA Model. Study of hydrology of the project road. The surface water bodies (rivers, lakes, streams, ponds) adjacent to /crossing the project road studied for their characteristics - seasonal or perennial, their water flow pattern, their catchment areas and usage. Ponds along the project road studied for their extent of impact. The depth of ground water table, the ground water availability in the project area, the exploitation of ground water shall be studied. Monitoring of Ground water at 2 locations and surface water resource at 3 locations of river Ullhas along the project road alignment and examination for physico-chemical parameters. Collection of Surface water samples Rivers. Collection of Ground water samples from most commonly used ground water sources along the project road. Analysis of the samples collected as per the procedures specified in 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater' published by American Public Health Association (APHA). The natural drainage of the project region, the existing drainage pattern of the project road, runoff flow direction, possible flooding, erosion. Land use pattern established along the project road classifying forest land, agriculture land, water bodies, settlements (residential, commercial, industrial) along the project road. Soil Monitoring for Physio – Chemical Characteristics at 4 locations. Places of tourist interest, historical, archaeological places and places of religious interests (if any) identified along the project road- in the immediate vicinity and also within study area (15 km on either side of the project road). Ecological Sensitive Locations: Survey of sensitive ecological locations, such as wildlife sanctuary, national parks, bio reserve (if any). Ecological Studies: Study of Terrestrial and aquatic ecology along the project road. Identification of Flora and fauna in the project area. To identify whether any wild life, endangered species, migrating species is present in the project area, also whether any animal crossing occurs along the road. Survey of Flora along the project road. Tree enumeration within the proposed ROW including the girth size. Bare minimum tree felling to be proposed. 4 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B Study of Aquatic flora and fauna in the major water bodies crossing the project road Study of demographic details including population, schedule caste, schedule tribe, literacy, occupation pattern in the settlements along the project road, economic and social conditions, life styles, etc. along the project road. Study of infrastructure facilities in the settlements along the project road. The social study will comprise socio-economic survey along the project road and reflect the number and details of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) along the project road. Analysis of Alternatives In- depth study of related maps, topographic sheets, physical inspection and environmental and social screening carried out in order to find out the technically and environmentally sound, most feasible alignment. Alternatives analysed considering without and with project situations and components. Alternatives compared on the basis of their potential environmental impacts, capital and recurrent costs, suitability under local conditions, institutional training and monitoring requirements. For each alternative, the environmental costs and benefits were quantified to the extent possible and the basis for the selected alternative stated. Analysis of alternative included alignment selection, finalization of bypasses, road widening to reduce the cutting of tree, minimum demolition of structures and land use pattern and its acquisition. Anticipated environmental Impact and mitigation measures The impact assessment carried out in accordance with the requirement of the Government of India and State and local level laws and guidelines. The collected primary and secondary data compiled and analysed to establish a comprehensive database and assesses the existing baseline environmental condition. Impact assessment carried out after establishing the baseline status of the study corridor and analysis of the project data/activities. Wherever practicable, a quantitative analysis was performed. Suitable computer models were used; otherwise, the impact prediction involved quantification through mathematical computation. The project activities were linked with the existing baseline environmental conditions in order to short list the affected environmental parameters and assesses the likely impacts on such parameters. Compliance of the project with national standards has been duly checked. Following aspects were given due importance during assessment of impacts and recommending remedial measures: Align of the project road and topographical changes Roadside drainage to avoid water logging, erosion & environmental degradation. Necessary arrangements for adequate drainage along the road to avoid over flooding of surrounding area. Also suggestion of rain water harvesting structures at least 3m-5m above the highest ground water level. Impact on soil along the project road. Impact on borrow area and quarries. Suitable measures for rehabilitation of Borrow areas. Impact on ambient air quality due to air pollution during construction activities and vehicle movement. Prediction of concentration of air 5 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B pollutants during operation phase using simulation model CALINE 4. Suggestion of adequate mitigation measures Impact on noise level during construction activities and vehicle movement. Impact of higher traffic volume during operation phase especially in habitations and receptors like schools, hospitals. Impact prediction using noise model-FHWA. Suggestion of mitigation measures for attenuating noise. Details of water requirement during construction phase and the respective sources. Also measures required during construction of bridges & other cross drainage structures across water bodies to minimize impact on surface water quality during construction phase. Nature quantity and disposal of Solid Waste (construction spoils, domestic waste). Quantification of solid waste during construction phase. The same shall be reused for construction of road for making haul road and camp site. The surplus (if any) shall be disposed off to the designated dumping site after permission from local statutory authority. The very minimum amount of domestic waste likely to be generated from the camps during construction phase, will be disposed off to the local designated dumping ground by the local authority with payment basis. Impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecology. Enumeration of roadside trees present along the project road, legal status of the trees, effort to minimize tree cutting, development plan for green belt along the road in the space available with cost provision for development and maintenance. Necessary permission to be obtained for cutting of trees from competent authorities Public health & sanitation, and occupational health & safety of construction workers. Impact on safety of local people during construction and operation phases. Measures for pedestrian safety and animal crossing during operation phase by suggestion of locations for underpasses, foot over-bridges, service roads. Adequate cattle crossings for movement of agricultural produce at specific locations along the road. Identification of accident prone zones and suggestion of road safety features to avoid accidents. Providing details of road safety and signages. Details of PAPs and socio-economic impacts Public consultation & information disclosure The consultation along the project road will be carried out with prior intimation to the local authority and public by advertising the same in local newspaper. The issues discussed during consultation shall be incorporated in the design framework. Environmental Monitoring Program Environmental monitoring plan for construction and post construction phases of the project road will be formulated to ensure effectiveness of implemented environmental mitigation measures. Cost of Environmental Monitoring Plan for construction and post construction phase of the project will be worked out. Environment Management Plan Environment Management Plan (EMP) is the key to ensure a safe and clean environment during construction and operation phases. The desired results from the environmental mitigation measures proposed in the project may not be obtained without a management plan to assure its proper implementation and function. The EMP will envisage the plans for the proper implementation of 6 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B mitigation measures to reduce the adverse environmental impacts arising out of the project activities during construction and operation phase. The following issues will be addressed in the EMP Preventive mitigation, compensatory & enhancement measures for minimization & abatement of the undesirable impacts caused during the construction and operation stage. Details of management plans (compensatory plantation, solid waste management plan, borrow area management plan, occupational safety and health plan etc.) including their implementation schedule and supervision programme. Identified/ recommended institutional set up for implementation of the EMP including institutional requirements, staffing and training. Environmental monitoring programme during construction and operation phase including parameters, locations and frequency of monitoring, monitoring mechanisms, performance indicators, implementation programme and cost. Environmental Management Budget: The preliminary environmental budget considering the environmental aspects for the project. In addition to above, following information/ data will be collected and incorporated in the EIA Report: • Topography of the project site will be described using toposheet and field observation. Filling / earth excavation will be quantified and source of filling materials and its transportation issues will be addressed in the report. Strategies will be suggested to reuse the excavated earth generated from the project site. The impact of the project on the existing drainage pattern will be addressed and mitigation measures will be suggested to counter the adverse impact on the existing drainage pattern. • Quantification of air pollution load from the proposed project will be done. Potential environmental impacts will be assessed qualitatively and quantitatively. The changes in the quality of the environment will be predicted using appropriate available model approved by MoEF. In case the ambient air quality of the surrounding area is predicted to be critical then additional strategies will be suggested as air pollution mitigation measures. • Availability of water and impact on other users on account of water drawl for the proposed project will be assessed using historical flow data of stream. Permission from competent authority to draw the required quantity of water will be obtained. Strategies will be suggested to ensure that the wastewater does not contaminate the environment. • Greenery development plan will be prepared to enhance the aesthetic quality of the environment. The plan will also concentrate on measures that will be helpful in attenuating air and noise pollution levels from the project. Indigenous species and those having long-term economic value will be considered for plantation. • The existing traffic movement pattern and intensity on the main roads will be monitored. Traffic projection will be done and the impact of additional traffic due to the proposed augmentation/strengthening work will be assessed including health and safety matters. • Rainwater harvesting strategies within the project corridor shall be explored depending the ground water conditions in the study area. 7 Development of 6 lane SPUR, starting from km 26.320 of Mumbai – Vadodara Expressway and terminates at km 24.416 of NH 4B • The project specific impacts and its mitigation related to safety aspects viz. (i) safety of construction workers, (ii) safety of road users including pedestrians and cyclists (iii) safety to cattle; (iv) safety of local community (iv) unsafe/ hazardous traffic conditions due to construction vehicle movement will be addressed comprehensively during design and construction stage and (v) need for safety audit will be assessed. Based on standard procedures prescribed by the National Safety Council and provisions mentioned in the Factories Act, occupational health and safety aspects of the project will be identified. • Environmental Management Plan will be drawn up to maintain and enhance the environmental quality along the project corridor. In case the quality of the environment is expected to deteriorate beyond acceptable limits, additional strategies will be suggested. The EMP will earmarked specific staff, instruments and finances for routine environmental management as well as collection, collation and examination of various environmental data. A post-project monitoring plan will be suggested to monitor the changes in the environmental quality after implementation of the project. All necessary administrative measures will be incorporated in the EMP to achieve the following objectives: - Reduction of adverse environmental impacts - Improvement of environmental quality of the surrounding area - Waste minimization, reuse and resource recovery - Waste segregation to make the treatment and disposal cost-effective - Establish proper monitoring mechanism with adequate infrastructure - Potential hazards that may arise out of storage / transportation of hazardous chemicals / materials during construction work will be systematically identified using standard hazard identification procedures. Maximum credible accident scenarios will be considered for consequence analysis. - Social impact assessment will be carried out by assessing the various developmental potential of the proposed project in the field of employment generation, improvement in physical and social infrastructure base. - All environmental concerns directly related to the project activity, as addressed by the Public, State Administration and NGO during the public hearing process would be duly addressed in the Final EIA along with the commitments of the project promoter. 8 Annexure I LOCATION MAP Annexure II List of Villages falling along the SPUR alignment Sl. No. Tehsil Village Sl. No. Tehsil Village Villages in Palghar district of Maharashtra 1 Vasai Ambode 8 Vasai Navsai 2 Vasai Bhinar 9 Vasai Bhatane 3 Vasai Kalambhon 10 Vasai Adane 4 Vasai Shirsad 11 Wada Nimbvali 5 Vasai Kashidkopar 12 Wada Gorad 6 Vasai Mandvi 13 Wada Kelthan 7 Vasai Chandip Villages in Thane district of Maharashtra 1 Bhivandi Akloli 25 Kalyan Balyani 2 Bhivandi Mahalunge 26 Kalyan Umbharni 3 Bhivandi Ghotgaon 27 Kalyan Nandap 4 Bhivandi Kasbe Dugad 28 Kalyan Manivali 5 Bhivandi Mohili Br. 29 Kalyan Rayate 6 Bhivandi Mohili 30 Kalyan Pimploli 7 Bhivandi Malbidi 31 Kalyan Vaholi 8 Bhivandi Nandithane 32 Kalyan Manjarli 9 Bhivandi Supegaon 33 Kalyan Aapti Tarfe Bahe 10 Bhivandi Nivali 34 Kalyan Goveli 11 Bhivandi Pundas 35 Kalyan Ambivali Tarfe Vasundri 12 Bhivandi Khandpe 36 Ambarnath Dapivali 13 Bhivandi Chinchvali 37 Ambarnath Dhoke 14 Bhivandi Vadpe 38 Ambarnath Aambeshiv Br. 15 Bhivandi Borivali 39 Ambarnath Yeranjad 16 Bhivandi Usroli 40 Ambarnath Sonivali 17 Bhivandi Amane 41 Ambarnath Badlapur Annexure II 18 Bhivandi Kiravali 42 Ambarnath Sape 19 Bhivandi Sange 43 Ambarnath Joveli 20 Bhivandi Vahuli 44 Ambarnath Bhoj 21 Bhivandi Pise 45 Ambarnath Khuntvali 22 Bhivandi Kukse 46 Ambarnath Bendshil 23 Kalyan Konderi 47 Ambarnath Chamtoli 24 Kalyan Sangode 48 Ambarnath Dahivali Villages in Raigarh District Sl. No. 1 Tehsil Panvel Villages Sl. No. Tehsil Vangani Tarfe Taloje 11 Panvel Villages Vihighar 2 Panvel Karambeli Tarfe Taloje 12 Panvel 3 Panvel Shirvali 13 Panvel Shivkar 4 Panvel Ambe 14 Panvel Chiple 5 Panvel Morbe 15 Panvel Devad 6 Panvel Khanav 16 Panvel Vichumbe 7 Panvel Chinchvali Tarfe Vaje 17 Panvel 8 Panvel Bhanghar Tarfe Vaje 18 Panvel 9 Panvel Vakadi 19 Panvel Karnjade 10 Panvel Nere 20 Panvel Nandgaon Moho Usarli Kh. Kalundre Bhatne Navsaipada Kas Medhe Ambote Telchapada Jamanpada Travel Distance From Node 1 to Node 10 Alternate Alignment hid ar kop Kutjapada 3 Dive Kevni Kopar Kalvar Kallipada Vavli Gotadichapada Betavde Dativli Kasheli Kharbav Shivansaipada Shivansai Tiplipada Chandip Sirsad Mandvi LEGEND : Outer Recommended Alignment Alternative Alignments Proposed Vadodara-Mumbai Expressway Alignment ALIGNMENT/ALTERNATIVES FOR SPUR TO JNPT Taloje Mazkur Turambhe Borivli Patipada 7 Navde Pendhar Tondhre Ghote Karvi 6 Taloja Budrukh Usarghar Vaklan Vihighar Vakdi Khairwadi Industrial Area Ambivli Sangtoli Teraghar Umroli Ghotsal Tomsa Phanspada Thokerwal Bhoj Dahivli Juweli Kharvai Shirgaon Vaholi Pimploli Deshpandepada Dundrepada Voghera Usroli Dundre Nandep Panjrapura Bale Manivli Umbharnal Balyani Vasundri Konderipada ata Narivli Songade Sange Kiravli Chiradpada Manjarli Vadavli Vadavli Amne Khanval Vashere Bohirpada Jombhu Kole Vadpe Khaling Khurd Chinchavli Chave Pandris Vasat Gharivli Bhopar Dhamangaon Khandpe Nivli Karanjoti Nandithane Bhendipada Chaparachpada y Ro Ghesar Nilaje Bharodipada Anjur Divepada Anjur Kalher Purne Rahan Dunge Vodghor Vadu Navghar Nandurki Tembhavli Monichpada Dugad Vedhe Angaon Mohili Bombydchapada Ghotgaon Vedhepada Mohlunge Usroli Ponirdpai Palivli Ghoblichapada Majivada Chimbipada Vajreshwari Kuha Khadki Khurd Kuhurpada Bhivali Khadki Budrukh Tilher Khairpada Kaloshipada Majivlipada Ghotgaonpada Ughanpada Mhaskina Palichapada Dapivi kalbhon Shirovli Tukripada Jalkaipada Ganeshpuri Ghateghar Akloli Majivli Parol Bhinar Tulsipada Adne Anneuxre III Industrial Area