GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION, 34 Outwater Lane, Garfield, New Jersey 07026 The Regular Meeting of the Garfield Board of Education held on Monday, July 21, 2014, 6:30pm work session and regular meeting immediately following, at Garfield Middle School. The meeting was convened by Mr. Giacomarro at 6:30pm AGENDA I. Sunshine Statement In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the Record. Call To Order/Flag Salute/Roll Call BOARD MEMBER Mr. Mazzola (Jack) Mr. Derrig (Richard) Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) Mr. Stewart (Jeff) Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) Mr. Nucifora (Charles) Dr. Conte (Kenneth) Mr. Barckett (Anthony) Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) Executive Session Present Absent Regular Meeting Present Absent *X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X *Mr. Mazzola arrives at 6:33pm Attendance: Nicholas L. Perrapato, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edward F. Izbicki, Asst. Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary Angelo DeSimone, State Monitor Curt J. Geisler, Esq., Board Attorney Amy Lefkowitz, Esq., Board Counsel II. Executive Session Motioned made by Mr. Barckett to go into closed session. Said motion seconded by Mr. Nucifora and carried by unanimous vote. Went into closed session at 6:31pm during closed session possible litigations, negotiations, and personnel were discussed. Came out of executive at 7:00pm GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 III. Previous Board Minutes May 19, 2014 – Regular Meeting June 16, 2014 – Regular Meeting Mr. Barckett motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Said motion was seconded by Dr. Conte, carried by unanimous vote. IV. Superintendent's Report Anti-bullying report for April, May & June 2014 was reported V. Old/New Business VI. Committee Reports VII. Resolutions (Consent Agenda) VIII. Resolutions (Discussion) IV. Resolutions A. PERSONNEL 07-017-14 Approve rescinding appointments 07-018-14 Approve revising resolutions 07-019-14 Approve certificated staff 07-020-14 Approve non-certificated staff 07-021-14 Approve separation(s) 07-022-14 Approve leave of absences 07-023-14 Approve transfers 07-024-14 Approve Title I college and career readiness 07-025-14 Approve substitute bus aide 07-026-14 Approve longevity 07-027-14 Approve ESY 2014/15 additional staff 07-028-14 Approve summer school additional staff 07-029-14 Approve summer hours for GMS Guidance 07-030-14 Approve summer hours for Preschool Master Teachers 07-031-14 Approve job title 07-032-14 Approve home programming paraprofessional 07-033-14 Approve home programming behaviorist 07-017-14 1. 2. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the rescinding of the following appointments: Jacquelyn Roma, Teacher, from Board Meeting of 06/16/14,resolution # 06-595-14 #17, declined position Emilia Sowa, PCA, from Board Meeting of 06/16/14, resolution # 06-595-14, #102, not needed GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-018-14 1. 2. 3. 07-019-14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the revising of the following resolutions: Nicole Grillo, Teacher, from Board Meeting of 03/24/2014, resolution # 03-437-14, #1 & #2, correct Schedule “O” amount is $35.00 per hour Nadine Puzio, Teacher, from Board Meeting of 03/24/2014, resolution #03-437-14, #3, correct Schedule “O” amount is $35.00 per hour Cheryl Johnson, Speech Teacher, from Board Meeting of 06/16/2014, resolution # 06695-14, #83, change hours from 88 to 100 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of schools, approves the employment of the following certificated staff, for 2014/15 School year, effective on the dates indicated, employment in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9-6.5c, regarding criminal history qualification letter: *Valarie Stewart, Preschool Principal, assigned to GPPA3, at an annual salary $118,457.97, effective date August 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Nicole Grillo, Preschool Vice Principal, assigned to GPPA2, at an annual salary $107,689.06, effective date August 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Kaitlyn Patire, Speech and Language Specialist, assigned to ECLC, at an annual salary $45,119 (MA/STEP 1), effective date September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Lisa Kearns) Sara Morando, LDTC, assigned to CST, at an annual salary of $46,025 (MA/Step 3), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Maureen Hubschmitt) Gregory Vaccaro, Multiple Disabled Special Education Teacher, assigned to GMS, at an annual salary $45,369 (MA/Step 2), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Samantha San Filippo, Physical Education Teacher, assigned to GMS, at an annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Walter Wiatrak) Kelly Wegman, Art Teacher, assigned to School No. 6 & School No. 10 (traveling), at an annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step 1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Sharon Gajajiva) Elisa Sandonato-Rubbert, 3/5 Art Teacher, assigned to Aux. MS/HS, at an annual salary $29,430 (MA/Step 5), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Phil Hurliman) Gina Fuschetto, 3/5 School Social Worker, assigned to CST, at an annual salary $27,615 (MA/Step 3), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Cedomir Sanoski, Special Education Math Teacher, assigned to the Aux. MS/HS, at an annual salary $45,119 (MA/Step 1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing James Janakat) Mark Porto, Language Arts Teacher, assigned to GHS, at an annual salary $57,456 (MA+30/Step 9), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Andrew Raia) Mohamed Metwally, Technology Education Teacher, assigned to GHS, at an annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Michael Wisnovsky) GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 07-020-14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 07-021-14 1. 2. 3. Jose Estrada, World Language Teacher, assigned to All Elementary Schools, at an annual salary $41,649 (BA/Step 2), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Ann Elizabeth Parades, World Language Teacher, assigned to GMS, at an annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step 1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Michael VanBrunt, Social Studies Special Education Teacher, assigned to GHS, at annual salary $41,649 (BA/Step 2), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Alyssa Forte) Brigid Caffrey, Preschool CPIS Social Worker, assigned to the districts preschools, at an annual salary $65,411 (MA/Step 11), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Lara DiNatale) Lisa Cocola, Transition Kindergarten Teacher, assigned to School No. 4, at an annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step 1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Maria Lombardo, Elementary Teacher, assigned to School No. 4, at annual salary $41,399 (BA/Step 1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Sylvia Greenhalgh) Carly Scibetta, Language Arts Teacher, assigned to GMS, at annual salary $45,119 (MA/Step1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Sherrill Masi) Stephanie D’Argenio, Guidance Counselor, assigned to GMS, at annual salary $45,119 (MA/Step1), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Jerome Pasek) Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of schools, approves the employment of the following non-certificated staff, for 2014/15 School year, effective on the dates indicated, employment in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9-6.5c, regarding criminal history qualification letter: Steven Herget, Paraprofessional, assigned to Aux. MS/HS , at an annual salary of $24,893(Step 2) + $2,500 degree, effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Peter Santacroce) Marissa DeSane, Preschool P/T PM Aide, assigned to GPPA1, at a rate $22.93 (Step 2) per hour, 4 hours per day, no benefits, effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Silvana Rodi, Paraprofessional, assigned to GAPPS Program at GPP2 (Holy Trinity), at an annual salary $24,316(Step 1) +$2,500 degree, effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Celia Cirello) Anthony Rufo, Paraprofessional, assigned to ACES Program at GHS, at an annual salary $24,316 (Step 1) + $2,500 degree, effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Eve Kuzora-Cannici, Paraprofessional, assigned to GMS, at annual salary $24,893 (Step 2), effective September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 (Replacing Marge Tamweber) Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following separation(s) effective on the dates indicated: Celia Cirello, Paraprofessional, resignation, effective date June 30, 2014 Ann Marie DeCrescenzo, retirement, effective date June 30, 2014 Ilona Szewczyk, resignation, effective July 25, 2014 4. Cathryn Busovsky, retirement, effective June 30, 2014 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-022-14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following leave of absences for the 2014-2015 School Year: Rebecca Rosenthal, GMS, Speech Therapist, Maternity Leave, 6/16/2014 thru 6/30/2014, Using 7 Sick Days Kinga Kertesz, GHS, Maternity Leave, 9/2/2014 thru 12/23/2014, Using 13 Sick Days and 62 Unpaid Days Katherine Naftalis, Maternity Leave, 9/2/2014 thru 10/31/2014, Using 30 Sick Days and 14 Unpaid Days Rebecca Ruland, Maternity Leave, 9/17/2014 thru 12/2/2014, Using 50 Sick Days Kristina Casa, School #6, Maternity Leave, 10/15/2014 thru 6/30/2015, Using 50 Sick Days and 105 Unpaid Days 07-023-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following transfers for the 2014-2015 school year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Dana Damato, Preschool P/T Aide, from GPPA2 with Ms. Puig to ECLC with Ms. Gallo, effective September 1, 2014 Michelle Woodside, Preschool P/T Aide, from GPPA1 with Ms. Schatmeyer to ECLC with Ms. Swistak, effective September 1, 2014 Marta Dlugosz, Preschool P/T Aide, from School No. 4 with Ms. Swistak to GPPA1 with Ms. Schatmeyer, effective September 1, 2014 Karen Pennisi, Preschool P/T Aide, from School No. 4 with Ms. Swistak to GPPA1 with Ms. Schatmeyer, effective September 1, 2014 Wanda Lowney, Preschool P/T Aide, from GPPA1 with Ms. Schatmeyer to ECLC with Ms. Deak, effective September 1, 2014 Helen DeGraaff, Preschool P/T Aide, from GPPA1 with Ms. Bushka to School No. 6 with Ms. Szucs, effective September 1, 2014 Catherine Dunay, Preschool P/T Aide, from GPPA1 with Ms. Ruane to School No. 6 with Ms. Szucs, effective September 1, 2014 Felicia Szmyhol, Preschool P/T Aide, from ECLC with Ms. Siccardi to School No. 6 with Ms. Reincke, effective September 14, 2014 Marjery Torres, Preschool P/T Aide, from ECLC with Ms. Busovsky to School No. 6 with Ms. Bachmann, effective September 1, 2014 Theresa Cavallomagno, Preschool P/T Aide, from ECLC with Ms. R. Mendez to GPPA1 with Ms. Bushka, effective September 1, 2014 Angelica Toczko, Preschool P/T Aide, from School No. 4 Annex with Ms. Kos to GPPA3 with Ms. Castellitto, effective September 1, 2014 Nikki Riccio, Paraprofessional, from School No. 10 with T. Kaiser to GMS GAPPS Program with JM in A. Forte’s class, effective September 1, 2014 Beatriz Rodriguez, from GMS GAPPS with A. Forte to School No. 10 GAPPS with T. Kaiser, effective September 1, 2014 Cami Klein, from School No. 6 SC Special Education Teacher to GHS Co-Teacher Special Education, effective September 1, 2014 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 07-024-14 1. Jennifer Conte-Querido, from GHS Co-Teacher Special Education to School No. 6 SC Special Education Teacher, effective September 1, 2014 Helena Kulig, Paraprofessional, from School No. 4 Annex to School No. 10 GAPPS Program with ET in L. Paladino’s class, effective September 1, 2014 Barbara Rienzi, PCA, from School No. 5 with RG to School No. 8 with RG, effective September 1, 2014 Tara Taylor, PCA, from School No. 10 with EG to GMS with ZC, effective September 1, 2014 Eva Moore, Nurse, from School No. 8 to GPPA3 (Head Start), effective September 1, 2014 Mary Doyle, Nurse, from GPPA3 (Head Start) to School No. 8, effective September 1, 2014 Nicole Schorers, Teacher, from School No. 10, Grade 2 to School No. 10, Grade K, effective September 1, 2014 Michelle Sassaman, ICS Preschool Special Education, from GPPA1 to ECLC, effective September 1, 2014 Ashley Sarro, ICS Preschool Special Education, from GPPA3 to ECLC, effective September 1, 2014 Danielle Mathe, Teacher, from School No. 8, Grade K to School No. 4, Grade K, effective September 1, 2014 Carol Buchichio, Teacher, from School No. 7, Grade 3 to School No. 7, Grade K, effective September 1, 2014 Justyna Falkowska, Paraprofessional, from School No. 8 to School No. 7, Grade K with A. Gallo, effective September 1, 2014 Janet Fede, Paraprofessional, from School No. 7, Grade K with A. Gallo to School No. 7, Grade K with C. Buchichio, effective September 1, 2014 Sherrill Masi, Teacher, from GMS Language Arts to GMS Spanish, effective September 1, 2014 Heather Niles, Paraprofessional, from ESY Program at School No. 10 to ESY Program at ECLC, effective July 1, 2014 thru July 25, 2014 Enida Ciftja, Paraprofessional, from ESY Program at ECLC to ESY Program at School No. 10, effective July 1, 2014 thru July 25, 2014 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following certified staff assignments for Title I College and Career Readiness Preparation, June 25, 26, 27, 30, 2014 five and a half (5.5) hours per day, not to exceed four (4) days, salaries in accordance with Schedule O, total cost not to exceed $4,818, funds available from NCLB Title I Grant, 20-231-200-100/15 Christine D’Angelo, $43.00 per hour GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-025-14 1. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the re-employment of the following substitute bus aides from September 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, at $14.00 per hour, no benefits, as needed, employment in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9-6.5c, regarding criminal history qualification letter: Cira Velardi 07-026-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following longevity adjustments: 1. Laura Dunning, Technology Coordinator, assigned to District, $97,950.95 + $950L. Effective date July 1, 2014 Frank D’Amico, Principal, assigned to ECLC, $152,164.54 + $7,500L. Effective date July 1, 2014 Lenore Dolci, Paraprofessional, assigned to School No. 4, $29,699 + $1,150L. Effective date July 1, 2014 Ann Taylor, Assistant Curriculum Coordinator, assigned to District, $127,982 + $4,200L. Effective date July 1, 2014 Deborah Ricco, Paraprofessional, assigned to GMS, $29,699 + $1,050L. Effective July 1, 2014 2. 3. 4. 5. 07-027-14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the ESY Program and Special Education Summer School at Aux. Bldg, from July 1 thru July 25, 2014, from 9:00am to 1:00pm for Preschool at GPPA 2 and School #10, from 8:30am to 12:30pm for Garfield Middle School and Columbus School No. 8, Elementary at School #10, Aux. School from July 1 thru August 1, 2014 8:15 to 1:30pm assignments not to exceed the indicated number of hours and hourly rates, payable upon submission of appropriate payroll vouchers, staff will be paid on July 30th and August 29th, funds available from 13-422-100-101-000, total cost for ESY program not to exceed $250,000.00: AIDES SCHOOL HOURS RATE Michelina Mann [D. Puig] ECLC 88 $ 23.38 Laura Ivanow, PCA for (MD) GMS 88 $ 16.00 Krista Casiano, PCA for (RT) BCSSSD 88 $ 16.00 Marie DeMarco, PCA for (TL) Sch. 8 88 $ 16.00 Karl Lavin, Security TBD 88 $ 25.00 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-028-14 1. 2. 3. 07-029-14 1. 2. 07-030-14 1. 2. 3. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Summer School Program assignments, from July 1 thru August 4, 2014, from 8:00am to 1:30pm for Garfield Middle School, from 8:00am to 1:15pm for Garfield High School at the GMS and 8:00am to 1:20pm for Garfield Auxiliary MS/HS, assignments not to exceed 140 hours. Staffing to be determined by enrollment and financial funding: TEACHER/SCHOOL/RATE TOTAL Angelo Giammanco, GMS/Soc. Studies/$35.00 per hour $ 4,200.00 Charles Rigoliosi, GHS/Math/$47.00 per hour $ 5,640.00 Joseph Algieri, GHS/Math/$35.00 per hour $ 4,200.00 Be It Further Resolved, that no Summer School Classes will be held on the following date July 4th. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the summer employment of the following staff, at the indicated number of hours, salaries in accordance with Schedule O, payable upon submission of appropriate payroll voucher, funds available from 15-401-100-100/09: Christian Cipollone, Guidance, 140 hours, $43.00 per hour Nina Rzonca, Guidance, 120 hours, $31.00 per hour Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following Preschool Master Teachers for summer employment, not to exceed 20 hours, salaries in accordance with Schedule O, total costs not to exceed $2,500, funds available from: 20-218-100-101-/11 Kathleen Sisco, $ 47.00 per hour Dara Smith, $ 39.00 per hour Michelle Semancik, $ 39.00 per hour 07-031-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves John Czujko, Director of Facilities as the IPM Coordinator and Designated Person for the NJADP, at no additional compensation. 07-032-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and the Director of Special Services approves Heather Niles, paraprofessional to do home programming one (1) hour per session with (J.R.) from August 1-13, 2014, August 23-31, 2014 at a rate of $27.35 per hour 07-033-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent of School and the Director of Special Services, approve Nicole Marks, Behaviorist to oversee home programming not to exceed 5 hours from August 1, 2014 thru August 31, 2014, at a rate of $35.00 per hour as per Schedule “O”. GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 Consent Agenda: Personnel 017-033 MOTION: Dr. Conte SECOND: Mr. Nucifora YES NO ABSTAIN Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X 07-019-14 #1 & #4 Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X 07-019-14 #3 & #4 Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) X ABSENT 07-023-14 #15 B. 07-034-14 07-035-14 07-036-14 07-037-14 07-038-14 07-039-14 07-040-14 07-041-14 07-042-14 07-043-14 07-044-14 07-045-14 07-046-14 07-047-14 07-048-14 EDUCATION Approve enrollment Approve HIB Anti-Bullying Reports Approve field trips Approve professional days Approve professional services Approve student teachers 2014/15 Approve out-of-district placements for 2014/15 Approve service providers 2014/15 Approve preschool meet and greet Approve preschool one session days Approve Bergen County Special Services hospital instruction Approve Professional Development Plan Approve Bilingual/ESL Plan Approve Bilingual/ESL Waivers Approve disposal of computers 07-034-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Enrollment Report for May 2014 & June 2014. 07-035-14 WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the Superintendent’s report of incident(s) of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (“HIB”) within the District; and WHEREAS, the Board has had the opportunity to review the Superintendent’s recommendations with respect to the incident(s) of HIB on this report; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the Superintendent’s recommendations as presented on the report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15(d), the Superintendent of Schools, and/or his designee, has informed the applicable parents/guardians of the students involved in these incidents with the following information within five (5) days of this Board meeting: GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 • • • • 07-036-14 The nature of the investigation; Whether the District found evidence of HIB; Whether discipline was imposed; Whether services were provided to address the incident of HIB. Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following Field Trips: 1. ESY GAPPS Program, Bounce U, Paramus NJ, 7/7/2014, cost to student $10.00 2. School #10, ESY, Water Park, Garfield NJ, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22/2014, no cost to student 3. GPPA 2, ESY Pre K Program, Water Park, Garfield NJ, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, no cost to student 4. GMS, ESY Program, Venice Bakery, Garfield NJ, 7/10/2014, no cost to student 5. GMS, ESY Program, Parkway Lanes, Elmwood Park NJ, 7/16/2014, cost to student less than $10.00 6. GMS, ESY Program, Friendly’s, Elwood Park NJ, 7/18/2014, cost to student less than $10.00 7. GMS/GHS, ESY Program, Willowbrook Golf Center, Wayne NJ, cost to student $7.00 8. GMS, ESY Program, Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins, Elmwood Park NJ, 7/24/2014, cost to student less than $5.00 9. Gifts and Talents, Grade 2, GMS, 9/22/2014, no cost to student 10. Gifts and Talents, Grade 3, GMS, 9/23/2014, no cost to student 11. Gifts and Talents, Grade 4, GMS, 9/24/2014, no cost to student 12. School #7, Grades 3-5, Barnes and Noble, Paramus NJ, and lunch at McDonald’s in Saddle Brook NJ, 9/26/2014, no cost to student 13. School #7, Grades K- 2, Barnes and Noble, Paramus NJ, and lunch at McDonald’s in Saddle Brook NJ, 9/25/2014, no cost to student 14. Gifts and Talents, Grade 5, GMS, 9/29/2014, no cost to student 15. School #7, Kindergarten Classes, Abma Farms, Wyckoff NJ, 10/23/2014, cost to student $10.00 16. School #5, Kindergarten Classes, DePiero’s Farm, Wyckoff, NJ, 10/24/2014, cost to student $8.00 17. School #8, Kindergarten Classes and SC 1, Farms View Farm, Wayne NJ, 10/24/2014, cost to student $10.00 18. GMS, Gifts and Talents, Grade 8, Oasis Shelter. Paterson NJ, 10/29/2014, No cost to student 19. School #7, Grade 5, NJPAC, Newark NJ, 11/18/2014, no cost to student 20. GHS, LA Skills: OG Reading Classes, AMC Movie Theater, Garden State Plaza, Paramus NJ, 11/25/2014, cost to student $12.00 plus money for lunch GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 21. GHS, A&P Classes, Bodies Exhibit, NYC, 12/4/2014, cost to student $25.00 22. GPPA#2, GAPPS Classes, William Paterson, Wayne, NJ, 12/11/2014, cost to student $8.00 07-037-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following Professional Days: PENDING FINANCIAL REVIEW AND BOARD APPROVAL AS PER DR. IZBICKI 1. D’Amico, D., NJDOE, Rockaway NJ, 7/22/2014, No Additional Cost to the Board 2. Bianchi, J. & Mendez, B., FEA, Improving SGO’s, Monroe Twnsp. NJ 7/28/2014, Cost to the Board $149.00 each for registration and tolls/mileage, funds available from 20-218200-329 & 20-218-200-580 3. D’Amico, J., Wilson Language, Training for Woodcock Johnson IV, New Brunswick NJ, 7/29/2014 & 7/30/2014, coat to Board $598.00 for registration, funds available from 11000-219-800-000 4. Bianchi, J. & Mendez, B., NJDOE, SGO Updates, Kean University, 8/18/2014, cost to the board tolls/mileage, funds available from 20-218-200-580 07-038-14 1. 2. 3. 07-039-14 1. 2. 3. 4. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following professional services: Anti-Bullying Assembly, Performance Brian Chevalier, at the ECLC, GPPA #1 & GPPA #2, on October 22, 2014, cost of assembly $850.00, funds available from 20-218-200-330-/11 Author’s Day, Daryl Cobb Productions, at School No. 7, on December 11, 2014, cost of assembly $990.00, funds available from 15-190-100-800-/07 Standard Solutions, Workshop for ESL/Bilingual/Basic Skills Teachers, “Assuring Success on the ELA PARCC” on June 17, 2014, cost of workshop $2,000.00 funds available 20-271200-500-/17 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and Education Committee, approves the following 2013-2014 Student Teachers from William Paterson University (WPU), Felician College (FC), Montclair State University (MSU) Dominican College (DC) St. Peter’s University (SPU) Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) and Caldwell College (CC): Darah Nelson(WPU) Yohaira Torres(WPU) Melanie VanHouten(WPU) Julisa Isom(WPU) Sch. No. 6 GPPA #2 GPPA #1 GPPA #3 A. Bachman K. Mount S. Catania M. Cantanzaro 9/4/14 to 12/11/14 9/4/14 to 12/11/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 5. Daisy Illescas(WPU) GPPA #3 6. Linette Genao(WPU) ECLC 7. Alyson Levine(WPU) ECLC GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Christine Bruan(WPU) Jennifer Martins(WPU) Nicholas Garcia(WPU) Anthony Hernandez(WPU) Andrew Calore(WPU) Francisco Salazar Katherine Fontana Nicholas Santacroce Stanley Membreno Natalie Basilone L. Castellitto R. Mendez C. Cocola – July 21, 2014 ECLC S. Scolaro ECLC S. Urgovitch Sch. No. 5 K. Falce Sch. No. 7 J. Valenti Sch. No. 10 A. Longarzo Sch. No. 8 S. Anderson Sch. No. 6 K. Monaco GMS (Science)K.Kaur GMS (Eng.) F. Schoch GMS (Eng.) K. Notar 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/4/14 to 12/11/14 9/22/14 to 12/8/14 9/8/14 to 12/5/14 9/8/14 to 11/28/14 07-040-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Supervisor of Special Education and Director of Special Services, approves the following out-of district placements, for the 2014/15 school year: 1. Contracts for TA, JB, VC, ML, SM, EN, DP, AR, KS, ET and AV with South Bergen Jointure Commission 2014 ESY Program at $ 2,900 per student and RA at $4,200, total for 12 students not to exceed $36,100.00, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Contracts for JV, SS and PL with Benway School of Passaic County from July 7, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 which includes ESY program for SS and PL @ $9,157.80 + $55,862.58, total for three (3) students not to exceed $185, 903.34 funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Contract for IO with Terranova Group Inc. t/a Chapel Hill Academy of Morris County from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 which includes ESY program at $9,540 + $57,240, total not to exceed $ 66,780.00, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Contract for CG with Windsor Learning Center of Passaic County from September 4, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, 180 days at $295.00 per day, total not to exceed $53,100.00, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Contract for LC with Educational Services Commission of Morris County from July 1, 2014 thru August 8, 2014 for ESY program at $4,099.70, funds available from 11-000100-565-000and Personal Aide services at $123.20 per day for a total not to exceed $3,449.60, funds available from 11-000-219-320-000. Contract for RT with 1st Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey, Inc of Essex County from July 7, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, 210 days which includes ESY at 9,478.80 and $56,872.80, total not to exceed $ 66352.00, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Contract for A S-H with The Felician School for Exceptional Children from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, 202 days which includes ESY of $6,003.14 and $49,116.60, total not to exceed $55,119.74, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 8. 9. 07-041-14 1. 2. 3. 4. Contract for MK with North Jersey Elks Developmental Disabilities Agency of Passaic County from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, 205 days which includes ESY of $7,190.49 plus $56,898.66, total not to exceed $ 64,089.15, funds available from 11000-100-566-000. Contracts for KR and XL with North Jersey Elks Developmental Disabilities Agency from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, 205 days which includes ESY at $8,466.53 and $66,996.02 per student, total for two (2) students not to exceed $150,925.10, funds available from 11-000-100-566-000. Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and Director of Special Services approve the following providers to service Garfield for the 2014/15 School Year: Hackensack UMC Audiology Center to provide an FM System and teacher training for JS at a cost not to exceed $2225.00 for the FM system and $672.00 for training, funds available from 12-000-219-732-000 & 11-000219-320-000 Rutgers University will provide Horticultural Training to the Garfield Middle School from July 11 to July 21 for 5 sessions at a cost of $1,250.00, funds available from 11000-219-592-000. Commission For The Blind and Visually Impaired to provide services to WC, JL, and AR for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost of $1,800 per student, funds available from 11-000-216-320-000 Dr. Sari Zimmer, Pediatric Dentist to conduct dental screenings for Preschool students, ECLC & GPPA #1 on 10/2/14, YMCA on 10/23/14, GPPA#2, GPPA#3 and School No. 6 on 10/30/14, at no cost to the board. 07-042-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves a “Meet & Greet” for all Preschool students and their parents on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 07-043-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves a one-session day for the Preschool on September 3, 4, 5, 2014 for students only in order to allow time for the Preschool students to effectively transition from home to school. 07-044-14 Be It Resolved that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Bergen County Special Services for the 2014/15 school year to provide Home/Hospital Instruction, at a rate of $60 per hour. 07-045-14 Be It Resolved that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the District Professional Development Plan, effective September 1, 2014 thru August 31, 2015 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-046-14 Be It Resolved that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Bilingual/ESL Three Year Program Plan, for the school years 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017. 07-047-14 Be It Resolved that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the submission of the Bilingual/ESL Waivers for Polish and Spanish for SY 14-15 on June 25, 2014. 07-048-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Asst. Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the disposal of the following computers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number #L019005C8190133 #L019005C8190166 #L019005C8190121 #L019005C8120068 #L019005C8190196 #L019005C7140018 Consent Agenda: Education 034-048 MOTION: Dr. Conte SECOND: Mr. Benanti YES Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) X C. 07-049-14 07-050-14 07-051-14 07-052-14 07-053-14 NO FINANCE Approve budget transfers Approve board secretary and treasurer reports Approve bills and claims Approve food service agreement Approve disposal of vehicle ABSTAIN ABSENT 07-054-14 Approve state contract list 2014/15 07-055-14 Approve cooperative bids 07-056-14 Approve ed data bids 07-057-14 Approve criteria for bidding GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-058-14 07-059-14 07-060-14 07-061-14 07-062-14 Approve Approve Approve Approve Approve decommission of School No. 4 Annex YMCA budget transfers E-Rate contract NCLB Application contract Performance Matters 07-049-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Business Administrator/Board Secretary, approves the attached Budget Transfers for the June 2014. 07-050-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, approves the Board Secretary’s (A148) Report and Treasurer’s (A149) Report for the months of May 2014 & June 2014. 07-051-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary’s certification of funds, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11, that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the 2013/14 school year; and Be It Further Resolved, that the Board of Education approves the payroll and the payment of bills and claims, as follows: Payroll for June 24, 2014 Payroll for June 30, 2014 (Supplemental Pay) Payroll for July 15, 2014 BCIA for June 2014 Bills and claims thru June 30, 2014 (Final) Bills and claims thru July 18, 2014 07-052-14 $2,672,664.89 $ 205,338.40 $ 544,268.95 $ 90,716.27 $1,950,015.28 $2,367,085.00 Whereas, the Garfield Board of Education solicited proposals from qualified vendors for it Food Service Management Program, for the 2014/15 school year; and Whereas, the Board of Education as a result of the RFP process entered into an agreement with Maschio’s Food Services, Inc., 191 Route 206N, Suite 4, Flanders, NJ 07836, to manage its Food Service Program for the 2014/15 school year; and Whereas, the Board of Education has found that Maschio’s is performing the services under the contract in an effective and efficient manner; now Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, authorizes the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary to enter into an agreement with Maschio’s Food Services, Inc., 191 Route 206N, Suite 4, Flanders, NJ 07826, to manage its Food Service Program for the 2014/15 school year, at an annual management fee of $139,740, payable in 10 equal installments of $13,974.00, contract period effective July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 1015; and GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 Be It Further Resolved, Maschio’s guarantees a no cost or breakeven food service operation, including the management fee; and Be It Further Resolved that said agreement for the management of the district’s food service program shall be approved by the Bureau of Child Nutrition, State of New Jersey, and that all requirements have been met in accordance with State and Federal statutes and regulations. 07-053-14 1. 07-054-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Asst. Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the disposal of the following Maintenance Vehicle: Vin # 22FDKF37G1CCA45162Z (1982 Ford Truck) Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the 2014-2015 State Contract # List, as followed: VENDOR STATE CONTRACT # Maintenance parts & supplies Grainger A79875 2/28/2017 Plumbing supplies Madison Plumbing A74876 5/31/2015 Athletic supplies/sporting goods Stan's Sports Center A81164 4/30/2015 Publication Media Channing L Bete A86066 2/28/2017 Library supplies/teaching aids Lakeshore Learning A80991 2/28/2015 Voice communications AT&T A85016 9/30/2018 Maintenance repair vehicles Atlantic Detroit Diesel A73511 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids S&S Worldwide A80976 2/28/2015 Maintenance & repair vehicles HA Dehart A73483 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids Kaplan School Supply A80988 2/28/2015 Parts/repairs lawn & grounds equipment Lawson Products A76910 6/28/2015 Microbiological abatement Lew Corp A78861 5/1/2015 Statewide equip & space rental Mobilease Modular Space A83034 11/14/2014 Library supplies/teaching aids Paper Clips A80981 2/28/2015 Fuel Oil #2 Rachles/Micheles Oil A81398 6/30/2015 14/15 COMMODITY/SERVICE Elevator Corp EXP.DATE Elevator maintenance & repair Schindler A85649 12/31/2016 Library supplies/teaching aids School Specialty A80986 2/28/2015 Paint & supplies Sherwin Williams A82236 7/31/2014 Kdg entry assessment system Teaching Strategies inc A86330 4/3/2019 Wireless services Verizon wireless A82583 1/31/2017 Library supplies/teaching aids Brodhead Garrett A80984 2/28/2015 Inc Library supplies/teaching aids WB Mason A80975 2/28/2015 Copier savin equipment paper Atlantic tomorrows Office A51464 3/31/2015 Riding mower Store Tractor A86275 6/28/2015 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 First aid & safety equipment School Health Corp A84690 8/14/2016 Air conditioning & ventilating repair parts Charles F Connolly Dist Co. A81039 5/31/2015 Life safety equipment Cardiac Science Corp A84690 8/14/2016 Classroom & library furniture Brodart Co A83737 4/11/2018 Library supplies/teaching aids BMI educational service A80999 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids Steps to Literacy A80980 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids Ward's Natural Science A81002 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids Demco Inc A80987 2/28/2015 Library supplies/teaching aids ETA Cuisenaire A80985 2/28/2015 School supplies Fisher Scientific A80978 2/28/2015 Publication Media Perma Bound A86070 2/28/2017 Tires Tubes & services Bridgestone Americas Inc A82528 3/31/2015 Teaching & instruction services Rutgers the State Univ of NJ A80866 2/28/2015 State Health Benefits Program & School Employees Health plans Aetna Health A82694 12/31/2016 State Health Benefits Program & School Employees Health plans HorizonBlueCross&Blue Shield Mailroom equipment Pitney Bowes A75237 9/13/2014 Playground equipment BSN Sports A81413 5/14/2015 Playground equipment Charles Becker & Brother A81419 5/14/2015 Playground equipment Kaplan School Supply A81433 5/14/2015 Printing New Jersey Business Forms A85186 10/9/2014 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Chromacraft A81911 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Exemplis A81711 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Global Industries A81713 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Great Opening A81631 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Groupe Lacasse A81714 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Inwood Office Furniture A81623 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture ISE A81624 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture JOFCO A81624 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Kruger Int'l A81720 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Mayline A81630 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Nevers A81634 7/31/2017 A82736 12/31/2016 Office,lounge & systems-furniture OFS A81635 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Trendway A81642 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture Versteel A81731 7/31/2017 Office,lounge & systems-furniture G1219 7/31/2017 Reconditioning & Cleaning Virco USA Reconditioning and Cleaning A001079 11/8/2016 Reconditioning & Cleaning AFA A001079 11/8/2016 07-055-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the Cooperative Bids for the 2014/15 School Year. (Attachment 07A14) GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 07-056-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the Ed Data Bids for the 2014/15 School Year. (Attachment 07B14) 07-057-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the Criteria for awarding Contracts to a Second Lower Vendor, for the 2014/15 School Year.(Attachment 07C14) 07-058-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve the Decommission of School No. 4 Annex and the school reallocations of $1,104,161.00 budgeted for the 2014/15 school year. (Attachment 07D14) 07-059-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve YMCA 2013/14 Provider Budget Transfers. (Attachment 07E14) 07-060-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approve E-Rate contract for the 2014/15 School Year. 07-061-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, authorizes the submission of the NCLB Application for Fiscal Year 2015, and accepts the grant award of these funds upon subsequent approval of the FY 2015 NCLB Application. Title I Part A $1,111,333.00 Title II A $ 164,992.00 Title III $ 53,192.00 07-062-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Business Administrator, approves a contract with Performance Matters, for Assessment & Data Management system and FASTe Measures service, from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 at the following rate (2nd year of 3 year contract) : 1. July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 - $73,042.00 GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 Consent Agenda: Finance 049-062 MOTION: Mr. Benanti SECOND: Mr. Nucifora YES NO ABSTAIN Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X 07-059-14 Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Vendor 1289 Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X 07-059-14 ABSENT Vendor 2632 Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) D. 07-063-14 BUILDINGS and GROUNDS Approve use of facilities 07-063-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following use of buildings and grounds in accordance with Board rules and regulations: 1. 2. 3. College and Career Readiness Classes, use of GHS, 6/25/2014 thru 6/30/2014, 7:30AM to 1:30PM, College Preparatory Work ESL Extended Year, use of GHS Room 2-17, 6/25/2014 thru 6/30/2014, 8:00AM to 1:00PM, ESL Program Director of Facilities, use of GHS Room 2-17, 7/22/2014 thru 7/24/2014, 7:00AM to 3:00PM, Training for Asbestos Consent Agenda: Buildings and Grounds 063 MOTION: Dr. Conte SECOND: Mr. Barckett YES Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) X NO ABSTAIN ABSENT GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 E. 07-064-14 07-065-14 07-066-14 07-067-14 ATHLETICS and RECREATION Approve NJSIAA dues Approve coach Approve summer/after school program Approve volunteer 07-064-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Director of Athletics, approves the enrollment of Garfield High School as a member of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) to participate in the approved interschool athletic program sponsored by the NJSIAA, dues for the 2014/15 school year is $2,150, funds available from 15-402-100-800/02. 07-065-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Director of Athletics, and A & R Committee approves the following coaches for the 2014-2015 Fall Season: 1. Assistant Soccer GHS Laura Mielke $5,200.00 07-066-14 Be It Resolved, by the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Business Administrator and Director of Athletics approve a summer/after school program between Garfield Board of Education and the City of Garfield to utilize the outside basketball and tennis courts from July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, and; Be It further Resolved, that the hours be from 2:30pm to 8:30pm, from July 1 to August 30, 2014 and 3:30pm to 8:00pm from September 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015, and; Be It Resolved, that Clyde Bamby shall be utilized at a rate of $10.00 with cost to be equally shared between the board of education and the City of Garfield, and; Be It Further Resolved, All participants must be residents of Garfield and provide appropriate ID. 07-067-14 Be It Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Athletic Director approves the following Volunteer Coach, at no additional cost to the board, for the 2014-2015 Football Season: 1. Steve Mucha GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 Consent Agenda: Athletics and Recreation 064-067 MOTION: Dr. Conte SECOND: Mr. Barckett YES Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) X F. POLICY None G. LABOR RELATIONS None H. Security None NO ABSTAIN ABSENT I. 07-068-14 ADDENDUMS Approve Action Data 07-068-14 Be it Resolved, that the Garfield Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Board Secretary, approves the contract with Action Data Services for additional payroll clerk services “as needed”, at a rate of $50.00 per hour. GARFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION –Regular Meeting – July 21, 2014 Consent Agenda: Addendums 068 MOTION: Dr. Conte SECOND: Mr. Barckett YES VII. Mr. Mazzola (Jack) X Mr. Derrig (Richard) X Ms. Gray (Elizabeth) X Mr. Stewart (Jeff) X Mr. Benanti (Salvatore) X Mr. Nucifora (Charles) X Dr. Conte (Kenneth) X Mr. Barckett (Anthony) X Mr. Giacomarro (Richard) X NO ABSTAIN ABSENT Public Comment VIII. Adjournment Mr. Barckett motioned to adjourn at 7:20pm. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Nucifora and carried by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted by, Dr. Edward F. Izbicki Sr. Board Secretary