Fannie Mae Implementation Guide for Loan Delivery Data Appendix A: Fannie Mae XML Data Requirements ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 September 23, 2014 © 2014 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of respective owners. MISMO is a registered trademark of the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization. MERS is a registered trademark of MERSCORP, Inc. Desktop Underwriter and DU are registered trademarks of Fannie Mae. Condo Project Manager and CPM are trademarks of Fannie Mae. Read Me Need to Update Purpose: This Fannie Mae XML Data Requirements Reference (Appendix D) can be used to enable an easy merge between the Fannie Mae Implementation Guide for Loan Delivery Data and the Freddie Mac version of the same document and contains much of the same information as previously published versions. Lenders and vendors should be able to cut and paste changes and updates into their existing working versions of these documents that were created from previously published materials. Using the Sort ID column can assist customers in reconciling the changes they make. Lenders and vendors should have completed working on ULDD Phase 2 in support of the August 25, 2014 mandate for all deliveries to Freddie Mac. While the Fannie Mae ULDD Phase 2 mandate is targeted for late second quarter 2016, the Application Received Date for collecting the new ULDD Phase 2 data points will remain March 1, 2014. Lenders and vendors should not implement all of the ULDD Phase 1 revisions until instructed by Fannie Mae. The Loan Delivery application will not be able to accommodate format and schema changes until the update in Q1 2016. For ease of implementation, the ULDD Phase 2 Implementation Guide: Appendix D has been updated to include a new column which provides additional clarification on which Phase 1 data points lenders and vendors cannot update prior to Q1 2016. ULDD Phase 2 contains the following: 4 new data points will be Required (R) 12 new Conditionally Required (CR) data points 1 new Conditionally Independent (CI) data point - Optional (O) for Fannie Mae 78 ULDD Phase 1 data point revisions The list of the final 17 new data points included in ULDD Phase 2 is provided below: Sort ID MISMO Data Point Name ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality 33 85 147 148 149 150 194 244 251 287 293 312 580 591.1 596 599 600 ManufacturedHomeWidthType PropertyValuationFormType BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsCount BuydownDurationMonthsCount BuydownIncreaseRatePercent BuydownInitialDiscountPercent BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalAmount TotalMortgagedPropertiesCount LoanLevelCreditScoreValue BorrowerReservesMonthlyPaymentCount RefinanceCashOutAmount DisclosedIndexRatePercent CreditReportIdentifier CreditScoreProviderName BankruptcyIndicator LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator CR CR CR CR CR CR CR R CR R CR CR CR CI CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR R R R R CR CR CR O CR CR CR The following additional changes will provide better GSE alignment: Fannie Mae is increasing the number of borrowers from two to four Fannie Mae is increasing the number of Special Feature Codes (SFCs) from six to 10 Arch MI is being added as a new enumeration while keeping CMG active until the end of 2016. Note that these changes will not go into effect until Fannie Mae has implemented the changes in Loan Delivery. Additional guidance will be available as we move closer to the 2Q 2016 mandate. If the additional guidance/changes to the 78 ULDD Phase 1 data points impact your current processes or systems then you should implement the appropriate changes in your system as soon as possible, but no later than the Fannie Mae implementation of Phase 2. Per our normal practice, all changes to data points are summarized in the Revision History tab. Also note that Phase 1 and Phase 1b have been moved to an archive workbook located on the ULDD home page. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Read Me-2 Page 2 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date December 13, 2012 March 26, 2013 October 29, 2013 September 23, 2014 Version # 2.0.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.0.3 Description Superceded by version 2.0.3 Superceded by version 2.0.3 Superceded by version 2.0.3 ULDDS Updates: 1) Added New data points 2) Updated ULDDS Conditionality for existing data points 3) Updated FNM Conditionality for existing data points 4) Updated Conditionality Details for existing data points 5) Updated FNM Implementation Notes for existing data points 6) Updated FNM Enumerations for existing data points 7) Updated FNM Format for existing data points 1. Added New data points: Sort ID 33 - ManufacturedHomeWidthType Sort ID 85 - PropertyValuationFormType Sort ID 147 - BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsCount Sort ID 148 - BuydownDurationMonthsCount Sort ID 149 - BuydownIncreaseRatePercent Sort ID 150 - BuydownInitialDiscountPercent Sort ID 194 - BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalAmount Sort ID 244 - TotalMortgagedPropertiesCount Sort ID 251 - LoanLevelCreditScoreValue Sort ID 287 - BorrowerReservesMonthlyPaymentCount Sort ID 293 - RefinanceCashOutAmount Sort ID 312 - DisclosedIndexRatePercent Sort ID 580 - CreditReportIdentifier Sort ID 591.1 - CreditScoreProviderName Sort ID 596 - BankruptcyIndicator Sort ID 599 - LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator Sort ID 600 - EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 3 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date Version # Description 2. Updated the ULDDS Conditionality for data points: Sort ID 77 - BedroomCount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 78 - PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentAmount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 118 - InterestRateRoundingType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 126 - AdjustmentRuleType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CR to CI Sort ID 131 - PerChangePrincipalAndInterestPaymentAdjustmentPercent = changed ULDD Conditionality from CR to CI Sort ID 218 - InterestOnlyEndDate = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 318 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription = changed ULDD Conditionality from O to CI Sort ID 332.1 - AdjustmentRuleType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 332.2 - PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequencyMonthsCount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 337.1 - InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 348 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription = changed ULDD Conditionality from CR to O Sort ID 442 - UPBAmount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to R Sort ID 473 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to O Sort ID 510 - LoanRoleType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 511 - CurrentHELOCMaximumBalanceAmount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 512 - HELOCBalanceAmount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 513 - HELOCIndicator = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 514 - LoanStateDate = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 515 - LoanStateType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 516 - UPBAmount = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 517 - LienPriorityType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 519 - MortgageType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CI to CR Sort ID 628 - PartyRoleType = changed ULDD Conditionality from CR to R 3. Updated the FNM Conditionality for data points: Sort ID 208 - HMDARateSpreadPercent = changed FNM Conditionality from R to CR Sort ID 318 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription = changed FNM Conditionality from CR to O Sort ID 348 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription = changed FNM Conditionality from CR to O Sort ID 628 - PartyRoleType = changed FNM Conditionality from CR to R Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 4 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date Version # Description 4. Updated the Conditionality Details for existing data points: Sort ID 43 - ProjectDesignType Sort ID 77 - BedroomCount Sort ID 78 - PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentAmount Sort ID 92 - HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPercent Sort ID 208 - HMDARateSpreadPercent Sort ID 318 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 348 - MortgageTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 510 - LoanRoleType Sort ID 511 - CurrentHELOCMaximumBalanceAmount Sort ID 512 - HELOCBalanceAmount Sort ID 513 - HELOCIndicator Sort ID 514 - LoanStateDate Sort ID 515 - LoanStateType Sort ID 516 - UPBAmount Sort ID 517 - LienPriorityType Sort ID 519 - MortgageType Sort ID 525 - AppraiserLicenseIdentifier Sort ID 537 - PartyRoleType Sort ID 572 - BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyIndicator Sort ID 628 - PartyRoleType Sort ID 672 - PoolInterestRateRoundingType Sort ID 673 - PoolInvestorProductPlanIdentifier Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 5 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date Version # Description 5. Updated the FNM Implementation Notes for data points: Sort ID 2 - AboutVersionIdentifier Sort ID 41 - ProjectAttachmentType Sort ID 43 - ProjectDesignType Sort ID 51 - ConstructionMethodType Sort ID 77 - BedroomCount Sort ID 89 - PropertyValuationMethodType Sort ID 92 - HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPercent Sort ID 111 - IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 121 - PerChangeMaximumDecreaseRatePercent Sort ID 122 - PerChangeMaximumIncreaseRatePercent Sort ID 123 - PerChangeRateAdjustmentEffectiveDate Sort ID 124 - PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequencyMonthsCount Sort ID 138 - LoanAmortizationType Sort ID 195 - PurchasePriceAmount Sort ID 208 - HMDARateSpreadPercent Sort ID 215 - InterestCalculationType Sort ID 218 - InterestOnlyEndDate Sort ID 221 - RelatedInvestorLoanIdentifier Sort ID 222 - RelatedLoanInvestorType Sort ID 226 - BalloonIndicator Sort ID 236 - InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCount Sort ID 255 - LTVRatioPercent Sort ID 292 - TotalMonthlyProposedHousingExpenseAmount Sort ID 311 - PriceLockDatetime Sort ID 333 - LoanAmortizationType Sort ID 337 - BalloonIndicator Sort ID 368 - InvestorFeatureIdentifier Sort ID 385 - LoanAcquisitionScheduledUPBAmount Sort ID 389 - LoanDefaultLossPartyType Sort ID 391 - REOMarketingPartyType Sort ID 404 - LoanProgramIdentifier Sort ID 412 - MICertificateIdentifier Sort ID 497 - LoanAmortizationType Sort ID 499 - BalloonIndicator Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 6 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date Version # Description 6. Updated the FNM Enumerations for data points: Sort ID 2 - AboutVersionIdentifier Sort ID 43 - ProjectDesignType Sort ID 51 - ConstructionMethodType Sort ID 89 - PropertyValuationMethodType Sort ID 111 - IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 215 - InterestCalculationType Sort ID 325 - AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription Sort ID 327 - AutomatedUnderwritingSystemTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 335 - InterestCalculationType Sort ID 414 - MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription Sort ID 517 - LienPriorityType Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 7 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Document Version and Revision History Date Version # Description 7. Updated FNM Format for data points: Sort ID 82 - AppraisalIdentifier = changed FNM Format to indicate that String 10 is now the standard Sort ID 325 - AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription = changed FNM Format from String 50 to Enumerated Sort ID 525 - AppraiserLicenseIdentifier = changed FNM Format from String 21 to String 50 Sort ID 534 - AppraiserLicenseIdentifier = changed FNM Format from String 21 to String 50 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Revision History-3 Page 8 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Tab Name Tab Description Front Cover - 1 This tab lists Fannie Mae's Appendix D: Fannie Mae XML Data Reference document version number and version publication date. ReadMe - 2 This tab highlights important information and changes that are introduced with the new Fannie Mae ULDD specification. This tab documents the changes that were introduced with each Fannie Mae ULDD specification release. It includes the document release date, version number, and description of the changes. Tab Description - 4 This tab describes each tab found in the Fannie Mae's Appendix D: Fannie Mae XML Data Reference document. Revision History - 3 Column Description - 5 This tab describes the column names and description of each column in the current Fannie Mae ULDD specification. Complete ULDD - 6 This tab contains the complete list of Required (R), Conditionally Required (CR) , and Conditionally Independent (CI) data points in the ULDDS specification and represents the Fannie Mae Conditionality, Conditionality Details, Implementation Notes, Enumerations, and Format effective with this release. This tab contains the Phase 2 list of Required (R), Conditionally Required (CR) , and Conditionally Independent (CI) data points that have been added or changed Phase 2 - 7 effective with the Phase 2 release and represents the Fannie Mae Conditionality, Conditionality Details, Implementation Notes, Enumerations, and Format effective with this release. Enumerations - 8 This tab contains the complete list of enumerations for each data point in the Fannie Mae ULDD specification. Cardinality - 9 This tab contains the Fannie Mae Cardinality for each data point in the complete ULDD specification. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Tab Description-4 Page 9 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Column Name Column Description Sort ID This column lists the unique number assigned to the MISMO data point, which provides the ability to sort and display the data in the original order. FNM Data Point Mandate Date This column lists the Fannie Mae mandate date for the data point. The mandate date is the date on which the data point is required to be delivered for all loans. FNM Revision Effective Date This column lists the Fannie Mae effective date for the data point revision. This column contains a description of whether the data point is new to the Fannie Mae ULDD specification, or if it is an existing data point that requires an update and which column or columns contain the change. This column lists data points by the type of implementation work required (e.g. implement a new data point or revise an existing data point.) This column lists data points by more specific type of implementation work required related to whether it is labeled as 'new' or as a 'revision' in the 'Data Point New / Revision' column. This column lists the XPath used to navigate through the XML document to the corresponding MISMO data point. This column lists the parent container name of the corresponding MISMO data point. This column lists the MISMO term name for a corresponding data element or attribute. This column lists the MISMO definition for the corresponding data point. This column only applies to MISMO data points in the LOAN container and lists the following Loan Role Type values: • SubjectLoan • RelatedLoan The cell is blank when the data point is not in the LOAN container. This column only applies to MISMO data points in the LOAN container and lists the following Loan State Type values: • AtClosing (Non-Mods) OR AtModification • AtClosing (Non-Mods) • AtClosing (Mods) • AtConversion • AtReset • Current The cell is blank when the data point is not in the LOAN container. This column only applies to MISMO data points in the PARTY container and lists the following Party Role Type values: • Appraiser • AppraiserSupervisor • Borrower • DocumentCustodian • LoanDeliveryFilePreparer • LoanOriginationCompany • LoanOriginator • LoanSeller • NotePayTo • Payee • Servicer The cell is blank when the data point is not in the PARTY container. Change Description Data Point New / Revision Data Point Change Type XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Loan Role Type Loan State Type Party Role Type Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Column Description-5 Page 10 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Column Name Column Description ULDDS Conditionality This column lists the GSE conditionality of the corresponding MISMO data point as defined in the ULDDS. The conditionality column lists contains one of four indicators: • Required (R): The corresponding data point must be included in the loan delivery XML file on all loan delivery transactions. • Conditionally Required (CR): The corresponding data point must be included in the loan delivery XML file on all loan delivery transactions when a defined business condition exists. These conditions are consistent for each of the GSEs’ loan delivery applications. • Conditionally Independent (CI): The corresponding data point must be included in the loan delivery XML file on all loan delivery transactions when a defined business condition exists. These conditions are NOT consistent for both of the GSEs’ loan delivery applications. Refer to the GSE’s Conditionality column to determine the appropriate usage of the data point. • Optional (O): The corresponding data point is listed in anticipation of future use. Incorporating these data points as part of system interfaces and processes is optional at this time. FNM Conditionality This column lists the Fannie Mae conditionality of the corresponding MISMO data point. The column lists one of three indicators: • Required (R): The corresponding data point must be included in the loan delivery XML file on all loan delivery transactions. • Conditionally Required (CR): The corresponding data point must be included in the loan delivery XML file on all loan delivery transactions when a defined business condition exists. These conditions are consistent for each of the GSEs’ loan delivery applications. The conditionally required parameters are provided as well. • Optional (O): The corresponding data point is listed in anticipation of future use. Incorporating these data points as part of system interfaces and processes is optional at this time. FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Supported Enumerations FNM Format This column provides the criteria for the Fannie Mae conditionality of the corresponding MISMO data point. This column provides additional instruction or clarification for supporting the corresponding MISMO data point. This column lists the data format types supported by the ULDD: • Amount • Boolean • Date • Datetime • Day • Enumerated • Numeric • Percent • String Refer to the Fannie Mae Implementation Guide for Loan Delivery Data for additional information about the supported data value formats. This column only applies to MISMO data points with enumerated indicator and lists the Fannie Mae–supported MISMO enumerations (allowable values) for the corresponding MISMO data point. The cell is blank when the MISMO data point does not have associated valid values. This column identifies a number of data points where Fannie Mae has a different format length restriction compared to the format length specified in the ULDDs Format column. An asterisk (*) indicates there is a difference. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Column Description-5 Page 11 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 2 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 10 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change N/A N/A N/A Revision N/A XPath Parent Container MESSAGEMESSAGE MISMO Data Point Name MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier Code change ABOUT_VE to be made MESSAGE/ABOUT_VERSIONS/ABOUT_VERSION AboutVersionIdentifier RSION 2Q-2016 N/A N/A N/A N/A ABOUT_VE MESSAGE/ABOUT_VERSIONS/ABOUT_VERSION CreatedDatetime RSION MISMO Definition The MISMO Reference Model Identifier is a unique value that represents the version of the MISMO reference model to which the containing XML instance document complies. For detailed information, please see MISMO Engineering Guide 006 – "Versioning and Release Schedule", at jsp?page=Meg0006. N/A N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type 7/23/2012 Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type 7/23/2012 FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 1 FNM Data Point Mandate Date R FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes R Required for all files MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier is an attribute on MESSAGE container. "" at initial release. ULDDS Format String 20 A unique value that represents a user defined version identifier. N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all files First 2 digits of the version of the Fannie Mae Implementation Guide associated with this submission. String 10 The value for this release is "FNM 2.0". Supply only one ABOUT_VERSION container. The date and time at which the message, deal or document was created. N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all files YYYY-MMThe date and time the import file is delivered to the GSE. DDThh:mm:s (Not applicable for loan delivery system data entry.) s The address with the address number, predirectional, street name, post-directional, MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/ADDRESS ADDRESS AddressLineText N/A N/A N/A address unit designators, and address unit value. R R Required for all loans The Subject Property address populated in the loan delivery XML file must accurately reflect the subject property address (including unit, if applicable) documented on the Note associated with the specified mortgage loan. FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations String 20 FNM 2.0 FNM 1.0 String 10 YYYY-MMDDThh:mm:s s String 100 String 100 If parsed address fields are used, this field is still required. 14 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/ADDRESS ADDRESS CityName The name of the city. N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans 16 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The postal code (ZIP Code in the US) for MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/ADDRESS ADDRESS PostalCode the address. ZIP Code may be either 5 or 9 N/A N/A N/A digits. R R Required for all loans 18 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The two-character representation of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/ADDRESS ADDRESS StateCode US state, US Territory, Canadian N/A N/A N/A Province, Military APO FPO, or Territory. R R Required for all loans 24 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A FLOOD_DET When true, indicates if any portion of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/FLOOD_DETERMINATION/FLOOD_DETERMINATION_DETAIL ERMINATIO SpecialFloodHazardAreaIndicator building/mobile home is in an identified N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans N_DETAIL Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). 33 38 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Implementation Notes N/A New Code change MANUFACT to be made Specifies the common size (width) IF Sort ID 51-ConstructionMethodType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/MANUFACTURED_HOME/MANUFACTURED_HOME_DETAIL URED_HOM ManufacturedHomeWidthType N/A N/A N/A CR CR as soon as designation of a manufactured home. "Manufactured" E_DETAIL possible N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A The city name submitted should exactly match how it is String 50 recorded on the note The PostalCode submitted should exactly match how it is recorded on the note. The PostalCode can be either 5 or 9 digits. Do not include dashes. Only the leading 5 digits will be used at this time. Use USPS list of two-character codes Enter the width of the manufactured home. IF Sort ID 39FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId PROJECT_D Specifies the current state of the Only provide if Condo Project Manager (CPM) system MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL CondominiumProjectStatusType N/A N/A N/A CR CR entifier does not exist AND Sort ID 47ETAIL condominium project. was not used for this loan. ProjectLegalStructureType = "Condominium" Page 12 of 114 String 50 String 9 String 9 String 2 String 2 Boolean false true Boolean Enumerated MultiWide SingleWide Enumerated Enumerated Established New Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Numeric data only. 39 41 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A Revision N/A The unique identifier of a property development project to which individual PROJECT_D FNMCondominiumProjectManagerPr IF Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL properties belong, assigned by the Fannie N/A N/A N/A CI CR ETAIL ojectIdentifier "Condominium" AND IF applies Mae’s Condo Project Manager (CPM) system. Documentati on change to IF Sort ID 39be made as Specifies the type of physical attachment, FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId soon as PROJECT_D MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectAttachmentType if any, between the dwelling units in the N/A N/A N/A CR CR entifier does not exist AND Sort ID 47possible ETAIL project. ProjectLegalStructureType = validate for "Condominium" potential code change Only provide if Fannie Mae's Condo Project Manager (CPM) system was used to certify a condominium project Numeric 10 review. If CPM is used, the CPM ID must be delivered. If CPM is not used, then the other data fields are required. Data points within this container refer to the condominium project, not the individual subject property. Only provide if Fannie Mae’s Condo Project Manager (CPM) system was not used for this loan. If project contains a mix of attached and detached then specify the predominant type. If ProjectAttachmentType (Sort ID 41) cannot be determined, then use the same attachment type as the Unit. If the unit is SemiDetached provide Attached. The difference between ProjectAttachmentType (Sort ID Enumerated 41) and AttachmentType (Sort ID 50) is that (Sort ID 41) is used to describe how the units of the project are attached to each other within one building. For Subject Properties in projects, AttachmentType (Sort ID 50) is used to describe the attachment, between the dwelling unit (Subject Property) and the adjacent dwelling units. Detached Cooperatives are not eligible. Identifies the type of project review. 42 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Identifies the type of project or PROJECT_D IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectClassificationIdentifier condominium classification for the subject N/A N/A N/A CR CR ETAIL "Conventional" property and its associated review. Numeric 10 Specify "G" if the property is in a subdivision or is not part of an organized development. Enumerated The definitions for: E, F, G, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, 1, and 2 can be found in the Field Definitions for 2000-Character Loan Delivery File Format document. Attached Detached Enumerated E F G P Q R S T U V 1 2 Enumerated GardenProject HighriseProject MidriseProject Other TownhouseRowhouse Enumerated The Fannie Mae supported enumerations and definitions for ProjectDesignType are: 43 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision - GardenProject: 1 to 3 stories - MidriseProject: 4 to 7 stories IF Sort ID 39- HighriseProject: 8+ Stories FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId - TownhouseRowhouse: One in a row of identical houses entifier does not exist AND IF Sort ID 47or having a common wall; attached to another unit via Code change PROJECT_D This field specifies the type of design for ProjectLegalStructureType = common wall (e.g., a brownstone). to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDesignType N/A N/A N/A CR CR Enumerated ETAIL the multiple-unit buildings in a project. "Condominium" AND Sort ID 412Q-2016 ProjectAttachmentType = "Attached" OR IF All floors above ground are included in the number of Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = stories, Any half basements used for residential purposes "Cooperative" are counted as a floor. If project is classified as Lowrise, specify "GardenProject" This data point will not be required when Sort ID 89PropertyValuationMethodType is "None" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 13 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 45 46 47 48 49 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A ULDDS Format N/A Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details Code change A free-form text field used to describe the PROJECT_D to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDesignTypeOtherDescription design if Other is selected as the Project N/A N/A N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 43-ProjectDesignType = "Other" ETAIL 2Q-2016 Design Type. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 44 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A IF Sort ID 39FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId entifier does not exist AND IF Sort ID 47PROJECT_D Total number of individual dwelling units ProjectLegalStructureType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDwellingUnitCount N/A N/A N/A CR CR ETAIL in the project. "Condominium" AND Sort ID 41ProjectAttachmentType = "Attached" OR IF Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = "Cooperative" IF Sort ID 39FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId entifier does not exist AND IF Sort ID 47The number of units in a building, project, PROJECT_D ProjectLegalStructureType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDwellingUnitsSoldCount or development that have been sold to N/A N/A N/A CR CR ETAIL "Condominium" AND Sort ID 41date. ProjectAttachmentType = "Attached" OR IF Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = "Cooperative" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A Enter "OtherSelectedOnValuationDocumentation" if the appraisal indicates "Other". Indicates that the project in which the subject property is located is a Planned Unit Development (PUD). A PUD is a PROJECT_D project or subdivision that consists of MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL PUDIndicator N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans ETAIL common property and / or improvements that are owned and maintained by an owners’ association for the benefit and use of the individual unit owners. Page 14 of 114 ULDDS Format Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations OtherSelectedOnValuationDocumentation Enumerated Only provide if Fannie Mae’s Condo Project Manager (CPM) system was not used for this loan. Numeric 5 Numeric 5 Numeric 5 Numeric 5 This data point will not be required when PropertyValuationMethodType (Sort ID 89) is "None" Only provide if Fannie Mae’s Condo Project Manager (CPM) system was not used for this loan. This data point will not be required when PropertyValuationMethodType (Sort ID 89) is "None" Specifies the form of ownership that PROJECT_D defines the quality and quantity of IF subject property is a condominium OR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectLegalStructureType N/A N/A N/A CR CR ETAIL ownership and rights to the individual unit cooperative owner. Documentati on change to be made as The name of the project in which subject soon as PROJECT_D IF Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectName property is located (e.g., the name of the N/A N/A N/A CR CR possible ETAIL "Condominium" OR "Cooperative" condominium or cooperative). validate for potential code change N/A FNM Implementation Notes Enumerated ProjectName should be completed with the full Association/Corporate Legal Name of the project. Condominium Cooperative String 60 Boolean Enumerated *String 50 false true Boolean ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations For projects, AttachmentType is used to describe how the buildings in the project are attached to each other. For all other housing it is used to describe an individual dwelling. 50 51 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change N/A N/A Specifies the type of physical attachment, PROPERTY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL AttachmentType if any, between the dwelling unit and N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL adjacent dwelling units. Revision Code change to be made PROPERTY_ Describes the construction process for the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL ConstructionMethodType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans as soon as DETAIL main dwelling unit of the subject property. possible 57 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The number of individual family dwelling PROPERTY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL FinancedUnitCount units being financed in the subject N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL property. 63 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A PROPERTY_ Specifies the ownership interest in the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL PropertyEstateType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL property. 64 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 65 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 67 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A PROPERTY_ The year in which the structure on the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL PropertyStructureBuiltYear N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL property was completed. 69 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A PROPERTY_ Specifies the usage intention of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL PropertyUsageType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL borrower for the property. 77 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision As specified by Fannie Mae, the enumeration definitions are: Enumerated - Attached: A dwelling unit that shares a common wall with two dwelling units on both sides of the subject unit. - Detached: A dwelling unit that does not have a common wall with another dwelling unit. - SemiDetached: An attached dwelling sharing a common wall with another dwelling unit on one side. Enter "Manufactured" if the dwelling meets the Glossary definition for Manufactured Home. Enter "SiteBuilt" if: ▪ Most of the dwelling’s elements were created at the Enumerated home’s permanent site, or ▪ The dwelling is modular, panelized, or any other type of factory-built housing. Attached Detached SemiDetached Enumerated Manufactured SiteBuilt Enumerated If property is located on tribal trust land enter "Leasehold". Leasehold is not limited to tribal trust land. Enumerated Indicate "Other" if "LifeEstate" is permitted. 1 2 3 4 FeeSimple Leasehold Other Enumerated LifeEstate Enumerated Boolean false true Boolean Numeric 2 A free-form text field used to collect PROPERTY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL PropertyEstateTypeOtherDescription additional information when "Other" is N/A N/A N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 63-PropertyEstateType = "Other" DETAIL selected for Property Estate Type. An indicator denoting whether the PROPERTY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL PropertyFloodInsuranceIndicator property securing the mortgage has flood N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans DETAIL insurance. If this data is not available from property valuation documents, the borrower’s input is an acceptable source for the data. Numeric 2 Enumerated YYYY Enumerated A numeric value indicating the total number of bedrooms in a one-family property. If the structure is a two, three, or four-family property, indicate the total number of bedrooms within each unit of the two, three, or fourfamily structure. The only reasonable values supported are 0-9. In the case of studios/efficiencies supply "0" for the number of bedrooms. Because the format is Numeric 1 a value that is greater than nine for BedroomCount is IF(Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType not allowed. In the rare case that there are more than nine Code change PROPERTY_ = "FullAppraisal" OR "PriorAppraisalUsed") The total number of bedrooms in the bedrooms, supply nine (9). to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_UNITS/PROPERTY_UNIT/PROPERTY_UNIT_DETAIL UNIT_DETAI BedroomCount N/A N/A N/A CR CR AND (Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = Numeric 2 property dwelling unit. 2Q-2016 L "Investment") OR Sort ID 57Include only above-grade bedrooms for 1-unit properties. FinancedUnitCount > "1" Include both above and below-grade bedrooms for 2-4 unit properties. YYYY Investment PrimaryResidence SecondHome Enumerated *Numeric 1 There is a container for Property_Units that provides the ability to deliver up to four iterations of the Property_Unit. Within Property_Unit, supply the BedroomCount and PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentAmount (Sort ID 78). Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 15 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 78 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 80 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 81 82 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details N/A N/A ULDDS Format FNM Format Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes A value indicating the current actual monthly rent for a IF(Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType The actual contract rent amount if the one-family investment property or for a unit of a twoCode change PROPERTY_ = "FullAppraisal" OR "PriorAppraisalUsed") PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentA property dwelling unit is rented. If there is family to four-family property (rounded to the nearest to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_UNITS/PROPERTY_UNIT/PROPERTY_UNIT_DETAIL UNIT_DETAI N/A N/A N/A CR CR AND (Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = mount no active lease, this is the monthly market dollar) or the estimated market rent (rounded to the 2Q-2016 L "Investment") OR Sort ID 57value amount. nearest dollar) if the unit is not rented currently. Only FinancedUnitCount > "1" supporting up to 5 digit numerics at this time. N/A N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date ULDDS Format Numeric 9 *Numeric 5 N/A The name of the AVM model used to IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/AVMS/AVM AVM AVMModelNameType calculate the valuation of the subject N/A N/A N/A CR CR = "AutomatedValuationModel" AND IF Only supply one AVM container. property. applies Enumerated See "Enumerations" tab for complete list Enumerated N/A The name of the AVM model used to AVMModelNameTypeOtherDescripti calculate the valuation of the subject IF Sort ID 80-AVMModelNameType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/AVMS/AVM AVM N/A N/A N/A CR CR on property when Other is selected from the "Other" enumerated list. Enumerated MTM Enumerated The identifier referred to as the "Document File Identifier" in the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP). Documentati Lender obtains the "Document File Identifier" from on change to UCDP and transmits it in the "Appraisal Identifier" field be made as PROPERTY_ A unique identifier assigned by a party for IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType in Loan Delivery. This field associates the appraisal data soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION AppraisalIdentifier all appraisal data delivered to the party for N/A N/A N/A CR CR = "DriveBy" OR "FullAppraisal" OR transmitted by the lender to UCDP with the Loan String 10 possible _DETAIL this loan. "PriorAppraisalUsed" Delivery record. As such, this field is conditional based validate for on UCDP mandated requirements. potential code change At this time the only reasonable values are 10 characters long. 83 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 84 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations If no appraisal is required in connection with a refinance transaction, indicate the amount of the original appraisal that is in the loan file. If Fannie Mae waived the PROPERTY_ Statement of property’s value from a valid requirement for an appraisal for a Desktop Underwriter® MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationAmount N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans Numeric 9 property valuation source. loan casefile, indicate the "sales price" submitted to _DETAIL Desktop Underwriter (for a purchase money transaction) or the lender's estimated value (for a refinance transaction). For mortgages with an appraisal, the PropertyValuationEffectiveDate is the date of the appraisal. For loans with any other valuation methods, the PROPERTY_ PropertyValuationEffectiveDate is the date reported on Effective date of the property valuation on IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType YYYY-MMMESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationEffectiveDate N/A N/A N/A CR CR the form or method used. the subject property. <> "None" DD _DETAIL This data point is conditionally required based on whether a property evaluation exists; it does not apply to all loans. Page 16 of 114 String 10 Numeric 9 YYYY-MMDD ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Enter the name of the property valuation form used to provide the property value upon which the loan underwriting decision was based. 85 89 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change New Enumeration and Corresponding Appraisal Form #: ▪ FNM 1004 / FRE 70 = UniformResidentialAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 1004C / FRE 70B = ManufacturedHomeAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 1004D / FRE 442 = AppraisalUpdateAndOrCompletionReport ▪ FNM 1025 / FRE 72 = SmallResidentialIncomePropertyAppraisalReport If applies ▪ FNM 1073 / FRE 465 = Code change PROPERTY_ IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType = IndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalReport to be made Specifies the form or document used to MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationFormType N/A N/A N/A CR CR "Conventional" AND Sort ID 89▪ FNM 1075 / FRE 466 = Enumerated as soon as provide the property valuation. _DETAIL PropertyValuationMethodType = "DriveBy" ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCondominiumUnitAppr possible OR "FullAppraisal" aisalReport ▪ FNM 2000 / FRE1032 = OneUnitResidentialAppraisalFieldReviewReport ▪ FNM 2000A / FRE 1072 = TwoToFourUnitResidentialAppraisal ▪ FNM 2055 / FRE 2055 = ExteriorOnlyInspectionResidentialAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 2090 = IndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 2095 = ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCooperativeInterestApp raisalReport ▪ DU Form 2075 DesktopUnderwriterPropertyInspectionReport If property inspection or fieldwork has been waived, supply "None" in PropertyValuationMethodType and populate Sort ID 376 InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier. Revision Code change PROPERTY_ Specifies the method by which the For more detailed information, please refer the to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationMethodType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans Appraisal Method Quick Guide located on property value was assessed. 2Q-2016 _DETAIL Enumerated AutomatedValuationModel DesktopAppraisal DriveBy FullAppraisal None Other PriorAppraisalUsed Enumerated Enumerated FieldReview Enumerated Note: The value of "Prior Appraisal Used" is no longer a valid value for Refi Plus loans. Please refer to Selling Guide for more details. 90 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision Code change PROPERTY_ A free-form text field used to capture a PropertyValuationMethodTypeOther IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType Enter "FieldReview" if a field review was used to value to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION description of the Property Valuation N/A N/A N/A CR CR Description = "Other" the subject property. 2Q-2016 _DETAIL Method Type when Other is selected. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 17 of 114 AppraisalUpdateAndOrCompletionReport DesktopUnderwriterPropertyInspectionRe port ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCondom iniumUnitAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCoopera tiveInterestAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionResidentialApprais alReport IndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalRe Enumerated port IndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalRe port ManufacturedHomeAppraisalReport OneUnitResidentialAppraisalFieldReview Report SmallResidentialIncomePropertyAppraisal Report TwoToFourUnitResidentialAppraisal UniformResidentialAppraisalReport ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition The result of dividing the combined unpaid principal balance (UPB) amounts COMBINED_ of the first and all subordinate mortgages, MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/COMBINED_LTVS/COMBINED_LTV CombinedLTVRatioPercent LTV excluding undrawn home equity lines of credit amounts, by the value of the subject property. N/A N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 91 FNM Data Point Mandate Date R FNM Conditionality Details R Required for all loans FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Divide the sum of the combined original loan amounts of first and second mortgages (and any other subordinate liens, excluding undrawn equity lines) plus the financed mortgage insurance premium amount (if applicable) on a property by the lower of the property’s sales price or appraised value. If a first mortgage has no subordinate liens, enter the loan-to-value ratio of the first mortgage. Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 Only whole numbers will be supported at this time. The CLTV must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. Provide the "HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPercent" in the "HCLTV" field for loans with a concurrently closing HELOC or an existing HELOC. 92 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati The result of dividing the sum of the on change to unpaid principal balance (UPB) of the first be made as mortgage, the full amount of any home soon as COMBINED_ HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPerc MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/COMBINED_LTVS/COMBINED_LTV equity line of credit (whether drawn or possible LTV ent undrawn), and the balance of any other validate for subordinate financing by the value of the potential subject property. code change Calculate the sum of the Original Loan Amount of the first mortgage plus the financed mortgage insurance premium (if applicable), any outstanding balances on closed-end subordinate financing and the greater of the maximum home equity line of credit or amount drawn (outstanding UPB). Divide the sum by the lower of the sales price (if applicable) or value of the property securing the mortgage. N/A N/A N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" Divide the sum of the Original Loan Amount of the first Percent 3.4 mortgage and the home equity line of credit (whether or not funds have been drawn) and the UPB of all other subordinate financing plus the financed mortgage insurance premium amount (if applicable) by the lower of the appraised value or the sales price of the property securing the mortgage. *Numeric 3 The HCLTV must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. The HCLTV must be greater than or equal to the CLTV. 93 110 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication LoanRoleType is "SubjectLoan" for this occurrence of LOAN. N/A Used as an attribute on LOAN to MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related loans. N/A AtClosi ng (NonSpecifies the type and source of index to INDEX_RUL Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INDEX_RULES/INDEX_RULE IndexSourceType be used to determine the interest rate at N/A CR CR E Loan OR "AdjustableRate" each adjustment. AtModi fication Page 18 of 114 R R Required for all loans For this LOAN container, specify either LoanStateType is "AtClosing" if the loan IS NOT a modification Enumerated (MortgageModificationIndicator (Sort ID 397) is "false") OR specify LoanStateType is "AtModification" if the loan IS a modification (MortgageModificationIndicator (Sort ID 397) is "true") Always specify "Other" and provide IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription (Sort ID 111) Enumerated SubjectLoan Enumerated Other Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 113 114 115 116 117 118 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details AtClosi Code change ng (NonAn enumerated field used to collect to be made INDEX_RUL Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INDEX_RULES/INDEX_RULE IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription additional Index Source Type values when N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 110-IndexSourceType = "Other" as soon as E Loan OR needed. possible AtModi fication N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 111 FNM Data Point Mandate Date ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Always specify "Other" in IndexSourceType (Sort ID 110) and supply the index here. Enumerated N/A AtClosi The number of days prior to an interest ng (Nonrate effective date used to determine the INDEX_RUL InterestAndPaymentAdjustmentIndex Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INDEX_RULES/INDEX_RULE date for the index value when calculating N/A CR CR E LeadDaysCount Loan OR "AdjustableRate" both a new interest rate and a principal AtModi and interest payment. fication The lookback period for a standard ARM. For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same InterestAndPaymentAdjustmentIndexLeadDaysCount. Numeric 3 Numeric 3 N/A AtClosi INTEREST_ ng (NonRATE_LIFET The stated maximum percentage to which Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS CeilingRatePercent the interest rate can increase over the life N/A CR CR Loan OR "AdjustableRate" TMENT_RU of the loan. AtModi LE fication The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 N/A The due date of the payment at the first AtClosi INTEREST_ calculated interest rate change. To arrive ng (NonRATE_LIFET FirstRateChangePaymentEffectiveDat at the actual (true) date that interest begins Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS N/A CR CR e to accrue at the changed rate, one payment Loan OR "AdjustableRate" TMENT_RU period is subtracted if interest is paid in AtModi LE arrears. fication YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD N/A AtClosi INTEREST_ ng (NonRATE_LIFET The stated minimum rate to which the Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS FloorRatePercent interest rate can decrease to over the life N/A CR CR Loan OR "AdjustableRate" AND floor exists TMENT_RU of the loan. AtModi LE fication Not required if there is no interest rate floor. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 N/A The percentage to which the interest rate AtClosi INTEREST_ is rounded when a new interest rate is ng (NonRATE_LIFET IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = calculated. This field is used in Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS InterestRateRoundingPercent N/A CR CR "AdjustableRate" AND interest rate rounding conjunction with Interest Rate Rounding Loan OR TMENT_RU exists Type, which indicates how rounding AtModi LE should occur. fication Used in conjunction with InterestRateRoundingType (Sort ID 118). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingPercent. Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 Documentati Specifies how the interest rate is rounded on change to when a new interest rate is calculated for AtClosi INTEREST_ be made as an ARM change. The interest rate can be ng (NonRATE_LIFET soon as rounded Up, Down, or to the Nearest Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS InterestRateRoundingType N/A CR CR possible Percent. This field is used in conjunction Loan OR "AdjustableRate" TMENT_RU validate for with Interest Rate Rounding Percent, AtModi LE potential which indicates the percentage to which fication code change the rounding occurs. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 FNM Implementation Notes Page 19 of 114 Used in conjunction with InterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 117). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingType. Enumerated See "Enumerations" tab for complete list Down Nearest NoRounding Up Enumerated Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 120 121 122 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 119 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format N/A AtClosi INTEREST_ ng (NonRATE_LIFET The number of percentage points to be Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS MarginRatePercent added to the index to arrive at the new N/A CR CR Loan OR "AdjustableRate" TMENT_RU interest rate. AtModi LE fication N/A AtClosi INTEREST_ Must provide two iterations of the ng (NonRATE_PER_ Specifies whether the occurrence of the INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A AdjustmentRuleType adjustment is the first change or a N/A CR CR ULE container. One with the AdjustmentRuleType Enumerated Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN subsequent change. equals "First" and the second AdjustmentRuleType AtModi T_RULE equals "Subsequent". fication The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 First Subsequent Enumerated Revision Enter the maximum number of percentage points by which the rate can decrease from the previous interest Documentati rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the on change to AtClosi INTEREST_ First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort be made as ng (NonRATE_PER_ The maximum number of percentage ID 120) equal to "First" soon as PerChangeMaximumDecreaseRatePer Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A points by which the rate can decrease from N/A CR CR Percent 3.4 possible cent Loan OR "AdjustableRate" AND decrease cap exists DJUSTMEN the previous interest rate. Enter the maximum number of percentage points by validate for AtModi T_RULE which the rate can decrease from the previous interest potential fication rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the code change First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" Percent 3.4 Revision Enter the maximum number of percentage points by which the rate can increase from the previous interest Documentati rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the on change to AtClosi INTEREST_ First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort be made as ng (NonRATE_PER_ The maximum number of percentage ID 120) equal to "First" soon as PerChangeMaximumIncreaseRatePer Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A points by which the rate can increase from N/A CR CR Percent 3.4 possible cent Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN the previous interest rate. Enter the maximum number of percentage points by validate for AtModi T_RULE which the rate can increase from the previous interest rate potential fication as specified on the note that will be in effect at the First code change Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" Percent 3.4 123 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision 124 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati The date when the Interest Rate Per on change to AtClosi INTEREST_ Change Adjustment Rule first becomes Enter the First Rate Change Date with be made as ng (NonRATE_PER_ applicable. The Interest Rate Per Change AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to"First." soon as PerChangeRateAdjustmentEffectiveD Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = YYYY-MMMESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A Adjustment Rule remains in effect unless N/A CR CR possible ate Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DD DJUSTMEN another Interest Rate Per Change Enter the Second Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType validate for AtModi T_RULE Adjustment Rule with a later date is (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" potential fication present on the loan. code change Documentati Enter the number of months between the initial rate on change to AtClosi adjustment and the second rate adjustment with INTEREST_ be made as ng (NonAdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "First" RATE_PER_ The number of months between rate soon as PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequency Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A adjustments, if the interest rate on the N/A CR CR Numeric 3 possible MonthsCount Loan OR "AdjustableRate" Enter the number of months between the second rate DJUSTMEN subject loan can change. validate for AtModi adjustment and the third rate adjustment with T_RULE potential fication AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to code change "Subsequent". Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 20 of 114 YYYY-MMDD Numeric 3 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 126 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 131 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 135 136 137 138 145 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Documentati PRINCIPAL_ on change to AtClosi AND_INTER be made as ng (NonEST_PAYME Specifies whether the occurrence of the Only provide one instance of this container: soon as Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType= MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE NT_PER_CH AdjustmentRuleType adjustment is the first change or a N/A CI CR AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to Enumerated Subsequent Enumerated possible Loan OR "GrowingEquityMortgage" ANGE_ADJU subsequent change. "Subsequent" validate for AtModi STMENT_R potential fication ULE code change Documentati PRINCIPAL_ on change to AtClosi AND_INTER be made as ng (NonEST_PAYME The number of percentage points by For AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 126) is "Subsequent". soon as PerChangePrincipalAndInterestPaym Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType= MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE NT_PER_CH which the principal and interest payment N/A CI CR The only reasonable values supported at this time are Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 possible entAdjustmentPercent Loan OR "GrowingEquityMortgage" ANGE_ADJU adjusts. restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 validate for AtModi STMENT_R potential fication ULE code change N/A N/A N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A AtClosi ng (NonThe maximum number of months over AMORTIZA LoanAmortizationMaximumTermMo Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE which an extendable mortgage may be N/A CI TION_RULE nthsCount Loan OR amortized. AtModi fication N/A AtClosi The number of periods (as defined by the ng (NonLoan Amortization Period Type) over AMORTIZA Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationPeriodCount which the scheduled loan payments of N/A TION_RULE Loan OR principal and/or interest are calculated to AtModi retire the obligation. fication R R Required for all loans N/A AtClosi ng (NonAMORTIZA The duration of time used to define the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationPeriodType N/A TION_RULE period over which the loan is amortized. Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as ng (NonA classification or description of a loan soon as AMORTIZA Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the N/A possible TION_RULE Loan OR rate or payment over time. validate for AtModi potential fication code change N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A R CR If loan has an extendable term R Required for all loans Extendable refers to a balloon product that has the option Numeric 3 to extend to a full term after an initial set period. Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 LoanAmortizationPeriodType must equal "Month" For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same LoanAmortizationType. Supply "Other" if the contributor is an Interested Party. AtClosi Supply "Lender" for temporary buydowns funded with ng (NonBUYDOWN_ IF Sort ID 228Premium Financing. Specifies the source of the buydown Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTORS/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR_DETAIL CONTRIBUT BuydownContributorType N/A CR CR BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = Supply "Borrower" for all other temporary buydown funds. Loan OR OR_DETAIL "true" contributors. AtModi If loan does not have a temporary buydown (i.e. fication permanent buydown) then this field does not apply. Page 21 of 114 Enumerated Month Enumerated Enumerated AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Enumerated Enumerated Borrower Lender Other Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 147 148 149 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 N/A 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 146 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details AtClosi A free-form text field used to specify the ng (NonBUYDOWN_ BuydownContributorTypeOtherDescr type of contributor that is the source of the Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 145-BuydownContributorType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTORS/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR_DETAIL CONTRIBUT N/A CR CR iption buydown funds when Other is selected as Loan OR "Other" OR_DETAIL the Buydown Contributor Type. AtModi fication New The time interval in months between AtClosi Code change interest rate increases during the buydown ng (NonIF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsC period. For example, if the interest rate Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE N/A CR CR BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE ount increases annually during a two year Loan OR "true" possible buydown, the frequency of interest rate AtModi change is 12 months. fication New AtClosi Code change The total number of months during which ng (NonIF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ any buydown is in effect. This represents Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownDurationMonthsCount N/A CR CR BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE the accumulation of all the buydown Loan OR "true" possible periods. AtModi fication New FNM Implementation Notes AtClosi Code change ng (NonThe amount by which the interest rate can IF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownIncreaseRatePercent increase at each adjustment period within N/A CR CR BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE Loan OR the buydown duration. "true" possible AtModi fication Enter the number of months that represents the time interval in months between interest rate increases during the buydown period. For example, if the interest rate increases annually during a two year buydown, the frequency of interest rate change is 12 months. ULDDS Format Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations InterestedThirdParty Enumerated Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 If the subject loan is a modified loan, and that loan has a buydown feature, enter the difference between the Note Percent 3.4 Rate and 'bought down' rate that goes into effect as of the modification date. Percent 3.4 Enter the number of months for which the buydown is in effect. For example: In a 3-2-1 buydown over 3 years, enter "36". Enter the percentage by which the interest rate can increase at each adjustment period within the buydown duration. For example, if the interest rate increases 1% annually during a two year buydown, the percentage increase is 1.0. Include for all sources (Borrower/Seller/Lender/Builder). 150 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes If the subject loan is a non-modified loan and that loan has a buydown feature, enter the difference between the Note Rate and the 'bought down' rate that goes into effect as of closing. New AtClosi Code change ng (NonThe percent by which the interest rate was IF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownInitialDiscountPercent bought down at origination. For example, N/A CR CR BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE Loan OR for a 3-2-1 buydown, this would be 3. "true" possible AtModi fication For example, if the Note Rate is 4% on a 3-2-1 buydown, the number delivered is 3.0. If the source (Borrower/Seller/Builder) contributed an amount as part of a concession, this amount must be converted to a percentage. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 22 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 163 165 167 194 195 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 N/A N/A N/A N/A New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 162 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format AtClosi ng (NonProduct not supported at this time, CONSTRUC Specifies the specific type of construction Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 231-ConstructionLoanIndicator = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/CONSTRUCTION ConstructionLoanType N/A CR CR ConstructionLoanIndicator (Sort ID 231) should always = Enumerated TION loan. Loan OR "true" "false" AtModi fication FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations ConstructionOnly ConstructionToPermanent Enumerated Specifies the type of feature associated CONSTRUC ConstructionToPermanentClosingFea MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/CONSTRUCTION with closing for the Construction To TION tureType Permanent loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 162-ConstructionLoanType = N/A CR CR Loan OR "ConstructionToPermanent" AtModi fication Product not supported at this time, ConstructionLoanIndicator (Sort ID 231) should always = Enumerated "false" AutomaticConversion ModificationAgreement NewNote Enumerated CONSTRUC ConstructionToPermanentClosingTy Specifies the type of closing for the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/CONSTRUCTION TION pe Construction to Permanent loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 162-ConstructionLoanType = N/A CR CR Loan OR "ConstructionToPermanent" AtModi fication Product not supported at this time, ConstructionLoanIndicator (Sort ID 231) should always = Enumerated "false" OneClosing TwoClosing Enumerated The due date of the first payment of the CONSTRUC ConstructionToPermanentFirstPayme MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/CONSTRUCTION permanent mortgage phase of a TION ntDueDate construction to permanent loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 162-ConstructionLoanType = N/A CR CR Loan OR "ConstructionToPermanent" AtModi fication Product not supported at this time, YYYY-MMConstructionLoanIndicator (Sort ID 231) should always = DD "false" YYYY-MMDD New AtClosi Code change ng (Nonto be made URLA_DET BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalA The total dollar amount of discount points Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENT/URLA/URLA_DETAIL N/A CR R Required for all loans as soon as AIL mount that are paid by the borrower. Loan OR possible AtModi fication Enter only the amounts paid by the borrower. If the amount is zero or negative, enter zero. If any discount points were paid by a party other than the borrower and the amount paid by the borrower cannot be determined, report the total amount of discount points. Amount 9.2 Amount 9.2 Revision Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as The total dollar amount paid by the ng (NonIF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = soon as URLA_DET borrower for the property pledged as Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENT/URLA/URLA_DETAIL PurchasePriceAmount N/A CR CR "Purchase" AND Sort ID 313possible AIL security for the mortgage. The purchase Loan OR LienPriorityType = "FirstLien" validate for price is presented on the offer to purchase. AtModi potential fication code change Enter the amount indicating the purchase price of the property, net of any adjustments for sales or financing concessions. Numeric 9 Numeric 9 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 23 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Identifies the section of the National GOVERNME Housing Act that defines underwriting MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/GOVERNMENT_LOAN SectionOfActType NT_LOAN guidelines for VA or FHA loan evaluations. ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 198 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType <> N/A CR CR Loan OR "Conventional" AtModi fication FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format If an FHA graduated-payment mortgage is insured under Section 245, one of the following codes must be indicated instead of Section 245. For a cash delivery of an FHA Title I loan, use the following special codes: 201s (for a secured direct loan), 201sd (for a secured dealer loan), 201u (for an unsecured direct loan), or 201ud (for an unsecured dealer loan). For an MBS pool delivery of an FHA Title I loan, use one of Enumerated the following codes: 201s (for a secured direct loan) or 201sd (for a secured dealer loan). FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations See "Enumerations" tab for complete list Enumerated false true Boolean Eligible VA-Guaranteed Mortgages: If a VA loan, the acceptable values are Section 3710 of Title 38 for fixedpayment mortgages, and Section 3703(d) of Title 38 for graduated-payment mortgages. Refer to the Fannie Mae Selling Guide for additional information. 207 208 209 210 211 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision N/A Flag used to indicate that loan is to be HMDA_LOA reported as a HOEPA (Home Ownership MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HMDA_LOAN HMDA_HOEPALoanStatusIndicator N and Equity Protection Act of 1994) loan for HMDA reporting. Code change The difference between the annual to be made HMDA_LOA percentage rate (APR) and the average MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HMDA_LOAN HMDARateSpreadPercent as soon as N prime offer rate (APOR) as required for possible HMDA Reporting Requirements. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans AtClosi IF Sort ID 313-LienPriorityType = ng (Non"FirstLien" AND HMDARateSpreadPercent Subject Mods) is > 1.5 OR N/A CR CR Loan OR IF Sort ID 313-LienPriorityType = AtModi "SecondLien" AND fication HMDARateSpreadPercent is > 3.5 Required even if Seller is not covered by HMDA. It is important to note that Fannie Mae does not purchase mortgages that are determined to be "high-cost" mortgages under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA), and that the loan delivery software will reject any data transmission with a "true" Identifier. Boolean Any loan with an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) that is "greater than or equal to 1.5 percentage points above the applicable Average Prime Offer Rate for first lien loans," or "greater than or equal to 3.5 percentage points above the applicable APOR for subordinate lien loans" must be Percent 3.4 reported. Fannie Mae will not accept any value that is less than 1.5%. *Percent 2.2 The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.2. N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A AtClosi ng (NonINTEREST_ Describes the formula used to calculate IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestAccrualType interest accrued since the previous N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214Loan OR ON_RULE payment. InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" AtModi fication Enumerated AverageDailyInterestAccrual DailyInterestAccrual Enumerated N/A AtClosi The number of days in a year to be used ng (NonINTEREST_ for a loan’s interest calculation. IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = InterestCalculationBasisDaysInYearC Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI Commonly used for daily simple interest N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214ountType Loan OR ON_RULE and other loans for which interest due is InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" AtModi calculated monthly. fication Enumerated 360 365 366 Enumerated N/A AtClosi ng (NonINTEREST_ IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = Defines the loan balance upon which the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationBasisType N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214interest is calculated. Loan OR ON_RULE InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" AtModi fication Enumerated AverageBalance DailyLoanBalance EndOfPeriod Enumerated Page 24 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 214 215 217 218 221 222 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 11/26/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes Revision MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Numeric 3 N/A AtClosi ng (NonINTEREST_ Describes the length of the interest accrual Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationPeriodType N/A R R Required for all loans period. Loan OR ON_RULE AtModi fication Enumerated Biweekly Day Month Enumerated AtClosi Code change ng (NonINTEREST_ to be made Defines the method used to calculate the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationType N/A R R Required for all loans as soon as interest on the loan. Loan OR ON_RULE possible AtModi fication Enumerated Simple Enumerated N/A Revision MISMO Data Point Name N/A N/A Revision Parent Container AtClosi The number of months that the individual ng (NonINTEREST_ IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = InterestCalculationEffectiveMonthsC occurrence of this Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI N/A CI CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214ount INTEREST_CALCULATION RULE is in Loan OR ON_RULE InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" effect. AtModi fication N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 213 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A AtClosi ng (NonINTEREST_ IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = The date that interest begins to accrue for Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI LoanInterestAccrualStartDate N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214a loan. Loan OR ON_RULE InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" AtModi fication Documentati on change to be made as soon as INTEREST_ The date on which the interest-only period Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_ONLY InterestOnlyEndDate possible ONLY on the loan ends. Loan validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as Identifier of a loan from a related or INVESTOR_ soon as original transaction. May be used for Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO RelatedInvestorLoanIdentifier possible modifications and conversion of existing Loan RMATION validate for loans. potential code change Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ soon as Specifies the investor of the associated Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO RelatedLoanInvestorType possible loan. Loan RMATION validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 AtClosi ng (NonMods) N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 237-InterestOnlyIndicator = "true" OR AtModi fication YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD AtClosi ng (NonMods) IF Sort ID 222-RelatedLoanInvestorType = N/A CR CR OR "FNM" AtModi fication If the loan is a manual RefiPlus that is already in a lender's servicing portfolio and Fannie Mae is the String 30 investor of the loan being refinanced, specify Fannie Mae Loan Number. AtClosi ng (NonIF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = Mods) N/A CR CR "Refinance" AND delivering to the investor OR of the loan being refinanced AtModi fication If the loan is a manual RefiPlus that is already in a lender's servicing portfolio and Fannie Mae is the investor of the loan being refinanced, specify "FNM". Page 25 of 114 Numeric 3 Enumerated String 30 FNM Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 225 226 227 228 229 231 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 224 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A AtClosi The date the creditor or originator ng (NonLOAN_DET received the application from the borrower Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ApplicationReceivedDate N/A AIL for the subject mortgage loan that would Loan OR trigger the truth-in-lending disclosure. AtModi fication R N/A AtClosi ng (NonLOAN_DET Indicates whether the loan is assumable by Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL AssumabilityIndicator N/A AIL another borrower. Loan OR AtModi fication FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations R Required for all loans The date on which receipt of the borrower's financial information first triggers the federal Truth-in-Lending disclosure requirements to the borrower in connection with the mortgage. YYYY-MMDD R R Required for all loans For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same AssumabilityIndicator. Boolean false true Boolean Revision Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as Indicates whether or not a final balloon ng (Nonsoon as LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator N/A possible AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan OR validate for the loan. AtModi potential fication code change R R Required for all loans If the loan is a balloon, the BalloonIndicator must equal "true". For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same BalloonIndicator. Boolean false true Boolean N/A N/A AtClosi ng (NonLOAN_DET The number of borrowers obligated on the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BorrowerCount N/A AIL note. Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Even though only four borrower containers are supported in the loan delivery file, specify the total borrowers Numeric 2 obligated on the note in the BorrowerCount data point. N/A AtClosi Indicates whether there is a temporary ng (Nonbuydown subsidy. A subsidy is money LOAN_DET Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator paid by the borrower or third party for the N/A AIL Loan OR purpose of paying down the interest rate AtModi or reducing the monthly payments. fication R R Required for all loans Boolean false true Boolean false true Boolean false true Boolean N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A Indicates that interest accrued, escrow LOAN_DET disbursements made, and/or fees charged MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL CapitalizedLoanIndicator AIL will be added to the unpaid principal balance. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Capitalized mortgages are those in which accrued interest, taxes, hazard insurance premiums and/or late charges are added to the unpaid principal balance of the loan. Interest capitalization occurs any time interest (accrued and unpaid) and loan fees are added to the Boolean outstanding principal balance of a loan. This applies when a loan has been modified or is an option Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM). Deliver this data point as "false" if the loan had not been modified or was not an option ARM. LOAN_DET Indicates whether or not this is a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ConstructionLoanIndicator AIL construction loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans ConstructionLoanIndicator should always equal "false" Page 26 of 114 Boolean YYYY-MMDD Numeric 2 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 234 236 237 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 232 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details N/A ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations LOAN_DET Indicates that the loan has a convertible MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ConvertibleIndicator AIL characteristic. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Boolean false true Boolean LOAN_DET Indicates whether or not escrows are MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL EscrowIndicator AIL associated with this loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Boolean false true Boolean Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as ng (Nonsoon as LOAN_DET InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCo The number of months that the initial Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL N/A CR CR possible AIL unt fixed period of a hybrid ARM is in effect. Loan OR "AdjustableRate" validate for AtModi potential fication code change N/A FNM Implementation Notes LOAN_DET Indicates whether loan is set up with MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL InterestOnlyIndicator AIL interest-only payments. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Enter the number of months from the First Payment to the Numeric 3 First Rate Change Date. For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same InterestOnlyIndicator. Numeric 3 Boolean false true Boolean Boolean false true Boolean Supply "true" if the loan qualifies for a Fannie Mae Affordable Product program. 238 240 241 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A N/A When true, indicates that the loan is LOAN_DET MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL LoanAffordableIndicator classified as an affordable loan by the AIL lender or the investor. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Indicates whether the loan includes a LOAN_DET MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL PrepaymentPenaltyIndicator penalty charged to the borrower in the AIL event of prepayment. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Boolean false true Boolean LOAN_DET Indicates if the loan is part of a corporate MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL RelocationLoanIndicator AIL relocation program. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Boolean false true Boolean Page 27 of 114 MyCommunityMortgageTM (MCMTM) is the only standard Fannie Mae Selling Guide product that is considered an affordable program. The lender's Master Agreement may contain variances for other affordable products. The lender must contact its Fannie Mae Account Manager or Credit Account Risk Manager (CARM) with questions about specific variances. ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 244 251 252 253 254 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A New New N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Indicates the mortgage is for resalerestricted, owner-occupied housing in AtClosi which the rights, responsibilities, and ng (NonLOAN_DET benefits of residential property ownership Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL SharedEquityIndicator N/A AIL are shared between individual Loan OR homeowners and another party AtModi representing the interests of a larger fication community. AtClosi The number of 1- to 4-unit properties that Code change ng (Nonare financed and owned and/or obligated to be made LOAN_DET Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL TotalMortgagedPropertiesCount on by the borrower(s). A jointly N/A as soon as AIL Loan OR owned/obligated property by multiple possible AtModi borrowers would count only once. fication ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 243 FNM Data Point Mandate Date R R AtClosi Code change The one credit score value that represents ng (NonLOAN_LEVE to be made the overall credit risk on the loan. This Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT/LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT_DETAIL L_CREDIT_ LoanLevelCreditScoreValue N/A CI as soon as value is determined using credit score Loan OR DETAIL possible values for each qualifying borrower. AtModi fication N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A AtClosi ng (NonLOAN_STAT Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. N/A E Loan OR AtModi fication R N/A AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R N/A Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this E occurrence of LOAN. AtClosi The result of dividing the difference of the ng (Nonoriginal unpaid principal balance (UPB) Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LTV LTV BaseLTVRatioPercent minus the financed mortgage insurance N/A Loan OR premium by the value of the subject AtModi property. fication Page 28 of 114 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format R Required for all loans This data point is used for indicating when the property has a shared equity mortgage. These mortgages are typically done as part of an affordable lending program with a government agency or nonprofit sharing some of the costs (and ownership), and thereby incurring lower payments or costs to purchase for the homeowner. All loans (first or second) with a shared equity feature are to be identified as shared equity loans, regardless of the form of the investor. R Required for all loans Enter the total number of financed 1-4 unit residential properties owned by all borrowers on the loan. Do not include commercial properties or timeshares. If multiple Numeric 2 borrowers own the same property, it only needs to be counted once. The subject property is also included in the property count. R Required for all loans Boolean FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations false true Boolean Numeric 2 A value indicating the representative credit score assigned to the loan. If there are multiple borrowers, determine the applicable credit score for each individual borrower (lesser of two or middle of three) and select the lowest applicable score from all borrowers as the Numeric 4 representative credit score for the mortgage. Numeric 4 If any Borrower has Non-Traditional credit, please provide zero in the field. R Required for all loans Supply EITHER NoteDate (Sort ID 320) for nonmodified loan deliveries OR LoanModificationEffectiveDate (Sort ID 259) for modified loan deliveries. YYYY-MMDD R Required for all loans For non-modified loans the LoanStateType equals "AtClosing". For modified loans the LoanStateType equals "AtModification". Enumerated YYYY-MMDD AtClosing AtModification Enumerated Divide the sum of the original loan amount excluding any financed mortgage insurance premium amount by either: (i) in the case of a purchase money loan, the lower of the property’s sales price or appraised value, or (ii) in the case of a refinancing loan, the appraised value. R R Required for all loans Only whole numbers will be supported at this time. The BaseLTVRatioPercent must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Divide the sum of the original loan plus any financed mortgage insurance premium amount by either: (i) in the case of a purchase money loan, the lower of the property’s sales price or appraised value, or (ii) in the case of a refinancing loan, the appraised value. 255 256 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 FNM Implementation Notes N/A Revision Documentati on change to be made as The ratio of the current UPB amount to soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LTV LTV LTVRatioPercent the appraised value, estimated value or possible purchase price of the property. validate for potential code change N/A N/A AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R AtClosi ng (NonMATURITY_ The date when the loan is scheduled to be Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityDate N/A RULE paid in full as reflected on the Note. Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Only whole numbers will be supported at this time. The LTVRatioPercent must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will Percent 3.4 be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. *Numeric 3 For government loans with an Application Received Date on or after December 1, 2011, and delivered on or after July 23, 2012, the LTV is required. For government loans with an Application Received Date prior to December 1, 2011, the LTV is only required for Conventional loans. LTV data should always be numeric; government loans should not contain "FHA" or "VA" in either the loan delivery XML file or in the Loan Delivery user interface. R Required for all loans YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD Numeric 3 Numeric 3 For a Cash delivery of a biweekly payment mortgage, indicate the biweekly amortization term. If the final biweekly payment falls on a day other than the first of the month, the entire month must be included in the term. 257 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The scheduled number of periods (as MATURITY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityPeriodCount defined by Loan Maturity Period Type) RULE after which a debt will mature. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans For an MBS pool delivery of a biweekly payment mortgage, indicate the term over which the mortgage will be amortized rather than the biweekly term. For a Cash delivery of a balloon mortgage, indicate the term of the balloon (for example, a 30-year mortgage with a 7-year balloon payment should reflect 84 months, not 360). For a modified loan provide the LoanMaturityPeriodCount at the time of modification. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication 258 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MATURITY_ The unit of time used for defining the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityPeriodType RULE period over which the loan matures. 259 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MODIFICATI The date on which the change in the terms Subject AtModi IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MODIFICATIONS/MODIFICATION LoanModificationEffectiveDate N/A CR CR ON of the Note go into effect. Loan fication MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 29 of 114 R R Required for all loans LoanMaturityPeriodType must equal "Month" Enumerated YYYY-MMDD Month Enumerated YYYY-MMDD ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition The dollar amount of the principal and interest payment as stated on the Note. PAYMENT_ InitialPrincipalAndInterestPaymentA The principal and interest payment is MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE RULE mount usually obtained using the loan amount and interest rate to arrive at full amortization during the loan term. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 268 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Must be within $1.00 of the amount that we calculate by using the amortization term, note rate, and original loan amount. For a cash delivery of a biweekly payment mortgage, use the full monthly payment amount; however, for an MBS pool delivery, use the biweekly payment amount, not the full monthly payment. R R Required for all loans Amount 9.2 *Amount 7.2 *Numeric 2 For a modified loan provide the InitialPrinciplaAndInterestPaymentAmount at the time of modification. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Amount 7.2. 269 270 272 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PAYMENT_ PaymentBillingStatementLeadDaysC The number of days between the billing MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE RULE ount statement date and the payment due date. AtClosi ng (NonIF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = Subject Mods) N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214Loan OR InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" AtModi fication This value is constant from payment to payment. Only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to the format of Numeric 2 Numeric 3 PAYMENT_ Specifies the frequency of the mortgage MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE PaymentFrequencyType RULE payment. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R Required for all loans PaymentFrequencyType must equal "Monthly" Enumerated The date of the first scheduled mortgage PAYMENT_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE ScheduledFirstPaymentDate payment to be made by the borrower RULE under the terms of the mortgage. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R Required for all loans For a biweekly payment mortgage, indicate the actual date the first biweekly payment is due. For an MBS pool delivery only, the system will convert a first payment date YYYY-MMthat is any day other than the first day of the month as the DD first day of the following month before it performs any calculation. This is for editing purposes only--the date is not physically changed. R R Monthly Enumerated YYYY-MMDD Enter the total months of verified liquid financial reserves that are available from all borrowers after closing the loan. 287 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Liquid financial reserves are those liquid or near liquid assets that are available to a borrower. New Code change The number of loan payments that are to be made QUALIFICA BorrowerReservesMonthlyPaymentC MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION available to the borrower from verified as soon as TION ount financial reserves after closing. possible AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans Reserves are measured by the number of months of the qualifying payment amount for the subject mortgage (based on PITIA) that a borrower could pay using his or her financial assets. Numeric 3 Numeric 3 In cases where the Reserves determined to be collected is not a whole number round down. I.e. 1.5 months would be delivered as 1. This value could be '0' in some instances. Enter '0' for Manual RefiPlus. Refer to the Eligibility Matrix posted on for instances where “0” reserves are required. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 30 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 291 292 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A Revision N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition QUALIFICA TotalLiabilitiesMonthlyPaymentAmo The total monthly liabilities for all MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION TION unt borrowers on the loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication QUALIFICA The total monthly income for all MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION TotalMonthlyIncomeAmount TION borrowers on the loan. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication Documentati on change to be made as soon as QUALIFICA TotalMonthlyProposedHousingExpen The total monthly proposed housing MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION possible TION seAmount expense for all borrowers on the loan. validate for potential code change AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 290 FNM Data Point Mandate Date R R R FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations R Required for all loans The combined monthly debt of all borrowers whose debt is used to qualify for the mortgage. Round to the nearest dollar. Numeric 9 The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Numeric 5. *Numeric 5 R Required for all loans The combined monthly income of all borrowers whose income is used to qualify for the mortgage. Round to the Numeric 9 nearest dollar. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Numeric 6. *Numeric 6 R Required for all loans Value indicating the sum of all borrowers’ monthly expenses related to their primary residence. The monthly housing expense must be equal to or greater than the P&I payment. regardless of the property usage type (primary, second home, and investment) of the subject loan. When the subject loan is for the borrower's primary residence, the Numeric 9 monthly expense must be greater than or equal to the value delivered in InitialPrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount (Sort ID 268) *Numeric 5 Round to the nearest dollar. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of five numeric digits. 293 294 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes N/A New Code change The amount of cash the borrower will to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/REFINANCE REFINANCE RefinanceCashOutAmount receive at the closing of the loan on a as soon as refinance transaction. possible N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A RefinanceCashOutDeterminationTyp Specifies how the lender has classified a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/REFINANCE REFINANCE e refinanced loan. AtClosi ng (NonIF Sort ID 294Subject Mods) N/A CR CR RefinanceCashOutDeterminationType = Loan OR "CashOut" AtModi fication AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = N/A CR CR Loan OR "Refinance" AtModi fication Page 31 of 114 The calculation for refinance cash-out amount is: New Loan amount minus paid off first mortgage loan Amount 9.2 amount minus paid off second mortgage loan amount (if second was used to purchase the property) minus closing costs. Amount 9.2 Supported enumerations for RefinanceCashOutDeterminationType include: "CashOut", "LimitedCashOut", and "NoCashOut". "NoCashOut" is only valid for FHA, VA, and Enumerated USDARuralHousing loans. Conventional loans with "NoCashOut" need to be submitted as "LimitedCashOut". Refer to the Fannie Mae Selling Guide for specific guidance. CashOut LimitedCashOut NoCashOut Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 312 313 315 317 319 320 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 311 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details Revision New AtClosi The value of the financial index, Code change ng (Nonexpressed as a percent, used to calculate to be made TERMS_OF_ Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE DisclosedIndexRatePercent the Disclosed Fully Indexed Interest Rate N/A CR CR as soon as MORTGAGE Loan OR "AdjustableRate" that must be disclosed to the borrower for possible AtModi adjustable rate mortgages. fication N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A R Required for all loans TERMS_OF_ Specifies the priority of the lien against MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MORTGAGE the subject property. AtClosi Subject IF Sort ID 397ng (Non- N/A CR CR Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "false" Mods) TERMS_OF_ Specifies the purpose for which the loan MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LoanPurposeType MORTGAGE proceeds will be used. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication TERMS_OF_ Specifies the type of mortgage being MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageType MORTGAGE applied for or that has been granted. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans TERMS_OF_ The amount to be repaid as disclosed on MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteAmount MORTGAGE the Note. AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtModi fication R R Required for all loans TERMS_OF_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteDate The date on the mortgage or Note. MORTGAGE AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) IF Sort ID 397N/A CR CR Loan OR MortgageModificationIndicator = "false" AtModi fication Page 32 of 114 R ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations PriceLockDatetime is the date on which the interest rate reflected on the note was locked with the borrower (not the correspondent bank or other non borrower party). The lock date is required for all loans; however, the time will be ignored if provided. Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as ng (Nonsoon as PRICE_LOC The date and time on which the agreement Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/PRICE_LOCKS/PRICE_LOCK PriceLockDatetime N/A R possible K to lock a price was made. Loan OR validate for AtModi potential fication code change N/A FNM Implementation Notes YYYY-MMWith time extensions, Sellers must submit the original DD PriceLockDatetime for the borrower unless the extension results in a change to the interest rate. If the extension results in a change to the interest rate, the Seller must submit the date of the price lock extension as this will represent the interest rate that will be on the note. YYYY-MMDD Enter the index value used to calculate the disclosed interest rate on the final Truth-in-Lending (TILA) Disclosure statement. Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 Enter the value of the index (IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription (Sort ID 111)) used to generate the closing documents. Supply only for unmodified loans; LoanStateType equals Enumerated "AtClosing". R Required for all loans For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same MortgageType. FirstLien SecondLien Enumerated Enumerated Purchase Refinance Enumerated Enumerated Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Enumerated Amount 9.2 Supply only for unmodified loans; LoanStateType equals YYYY-MM"AtClosing" DD Amount 9.2 YYYY-MMDD ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 322 325 326 327 328 332 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A ULDDS Format Enumeration Change FNM Format N/A Enumeration Change N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details N/A AtClosi ng (NonTERMS_OF_ The actual interest rate as disclosed on the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteRatePercent N/A MORTGAGE Note. Loan OR AtModi fication N/A AtClosi ng (NonAUTOMATE A unique identifier assigned by the IF Sort ID 326AutomatedUnderwritingCaseIdentifie Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW underwriting system to the underwriting N/A CR CR AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType = r Loan OR RITING case for a specific loan application. "DesktopUnderwriter" AtModi fication R R Required for all loans AtClosi Code change ng (NonAUTOMATE The loan approval recommendation IF Sort ID 326to be made AutomatedUnderwritingRecommend Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW determined by the automated underwriting N/A CR CR AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType = as soon as ationDescription Loan OR RITING system. "DesktopUnderwriter" possible AtModi fication N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 321 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A FNM Implementation Notes The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A Used as an attribute on LOAN to MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related loans. Subject Loan R R Required for all loans AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Page 33 of 114 Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 *String 10 Enumerated ApproveEligible ApproveIneligible EAIEligible EAIIneligible EAIIEligible EAIIIneligible EAIIIEligible EAIIIIneligible Error OutofScope ReferEligible ReferIneligible ReferWithCaution ReferWithCautionIV Unknown Enumerated Enumerated DesktopUnderwriter Other Enumerated Enumerated GuaranteedUnderwritingSystem Enumerated Supply "true" if the loan underwriting decision is based on manual underwriting and not the recommendation from an automated underwriting system. Boolean false true Boolean Submit this LOAN container (SortIDs 332-351) with origination data for modified loans being delivered to FNM. Use LOAN container with LoanStateType equal "AtModification" (SortIDs 93-331) with all data points updated to reflect modified loan. Some values may not have changed. Enumerated SubjectLoan Enumerated This data point only applies if a DU Casefile ID exists. At this time the only accepted values are the provided enumerated values. Documentati on change to AtClosi be made as A free-form text field used to collect ng (NonAUTOMATE IF Sort ID 326soon as AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType additional information when Other is Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW N/A CR CR AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType = possible OtherDescription selected for Automated Underwriting Loan OR RITING "Other" validate for System Type. AtModi potential fication code change N/A FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations A ten-digit alphanumeric value (Casefile ID) used to identify the unique number that Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) assigned to the mortgage when it was submitted String 20 for an underwriting evaluation, which is used for tracking subsequent activity related to the mortgage. If no DU Casefile ID exists, do not provide this data point. AtClosi ng (NonAUTOMATE The type of automated underwriting Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 328MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType N/A CR CR system used to evaluate the loan. Loan OR LoanManualUnderwritingIndicator = "false" RITING AtModi fication AtClosi ng (NonUNDERWRI Indicates that the loan was manually Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/UNDERWRITING_DETAIL TING_DETAI LoanManualUnderwritingIndicator N/A underwritten. Loan OR L AtModi fication ULDDS Format ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 332.1 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 332.2 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 333 335 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 Enumeration Change Revision Revision XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format Documentati on change to INTEREST_ Send two instances of the be made as RATE_PER_ Specifies whether the occurrence of the AtClosi INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R soon as Subject IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A AdjustmentRuleType adjustment is the first change or a ng N/A CR CR ULE container. In the first container, Enumerated possible Loan "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN subsequent change. (Mods) AdjustmentRuleType = "First". In the second container validate for T_RULE AdjustmentRuleType = "Subsequent". potential code change Documentati on change to INTEREST_ be made as RATE_PER_ The number of months between rate AtClosi soon as PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequency Subject IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A adjustments, if the interest rate on the ng N/A CR CR Numeric 3 possible MonthsCount Loan "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN SubjectLoan loan can change. (Mods) validate for T_RULE potential code change Documentati on change to be made as A classification or description of a loan AtClosi soon as AMORTIZA Subject IF Sort ID 397If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 337) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the ng N/A CR CR Enumerated possible TION_RULE Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" must equal "true". rate or payment over time. (Mods) validate for potential code change Code change INTEREST_ AtClosi to be made Defines the method used to calculate the Subject IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationType ng N/A CR CR as soon as interest on the loan. Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" ON_RULE (Mods) possible Documentati on change to be made as Indicates whether or not a final balloon AtClosi soon as LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Subject IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator ng N/A CR CR possible AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) validate for the loan. potential code change Documentati on change to be made as AtClosi soon as LOAN_DET InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCo The number of months that the initial Subject IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ng N/A CR CR possible AIL unt fixed period of a hybrid ARM is in effect. Loan "AdjustableRate" (Mods) validate for potential code change Simple Enumerated Boolean false true Boolean FNM Implementation Notes Revision 337.1 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 337.2 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A LOAN_DET Indicates whether loan is set up with MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL InterestOnlyIndicator AIL interest-only payments. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) 338 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A LOAN_STAT Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. E Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) 339 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this E occurrence of LOAN. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Enumerated 340 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A MATURITY_ The date when the loan is scheduled to be Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityDate RULE paid in full as reflected on the Note. Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) YYYY-MMDD Page 34 of 114 Numeric 3 Enumerated 2Q-2016 Numeric 3 Boolean The original note date of loan that was modified. Enumerated Enumerated 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 First Subsequent AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step 337 If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator must equal "true." FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Numeric 3 false true YYYY-MMDD Boolean YYYY-MMDD AtClosing Enumerated YYYY-MMDD ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Party Role Type Loan State Type Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Revision Effective Date Change Description (Columns Updated) 342 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A PAYMENT_ Specifies the frequency of the mortgage MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE PaymentFrequencyType RULE payment. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) 344 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A The date of the first scheduled mortgage PAYMENT_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE ScheduledFirstPaymentDate payment to be made by the borrower RULE under the terms of the mortgage. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) YYYY-MMDD 345 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ Specifies the priority of the lien against MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MORTGAGE the subject property. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Enumerated FirstLien SecondLien Enumerated Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Enumerated Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Enumerated Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes PaymentFrequencyType must equal "Monthly". ULDDS Format Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Monthly Enumerated YYYY-MMDD 347 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ Specifies the type of mortgage being MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageType MORTGAGE applied for or that has been granted. 349 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ The amount to be repaid as disclosed on MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteAmount MORTGAGE the Note. Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Amount 9.2 Amount 9.2 350 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteDate The date on the mortgage or Note. MORTGAGE Subject Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD 351 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ The actual interest rate as disclosed on the Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteRatePercent MORTGAGE Note. Loan AtClosi IF Sort ID 397ng N/A CR CR MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 352 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Used as an attribute on LOAN to MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related loans. N/A RATE_OR_P AYMENT_C The date on which the next interest rate Subject IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = The next interest change date occurring after the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURRENCES/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURRENCE NextRateAdjustmentEffectiveDate Current N/A CR CR HANGE_OC adjustment goes into effect. Loan "AdjustableRate" mortgage is delivered to the GSE. CURRENCE 355 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 367 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 368 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 369 374 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision Subject Current N/A Loan R R Required for all loans Enumerated YYYY-MMDD INTEREST_ The dollar amount of interest accrued on IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = The remaining interest that is due from the prior period. CALCULATI Subject N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_OCCURRENCES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_OCCURRENCE CurrentAccruedInterestAmount the loan between the last paid installment Current N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214The only reasonable values supported at this time are Amount 9.2 ON_OCCUR Loan date and the date reported. InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" restricted to a format of Amount 7.2. RENCE This data point collects the Special Feature Codes (SFCs) Code change An investor-specified identifier used to INVESTOR_ Subject at the loan level. There is a limit of ten values that can be to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_FEATURES/INVESTOR_FEATURE InvestorFeatureIdentifier identify a loan feature not defined by other Current N/A CR CR IF applies String 3 FEATURE Loan delivered for the InvestorFeatureIdentifier. Values must 2Q-2016 attributes. be numeric. N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A The guaranty fee rate prior to applying any adjustments, such as buyup/buydown. This can be specified in a price sheet, INVESTOR_ commitment, or other agreement. The Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO BaseGuarantyFeePercent guaranty fee is a portion of the interest on Current N/A CI Loan RMATION the loan that is paid to a party to ensure the timely payment of principal and interest to the holders of securities backed by the loan. CR Required for MBS loans Contractual guaranty fee (after adjusting INVESTOR_ for the alternate payment method (APM) GuarantyFeeAfterAlternatePaymentM Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO remittance cycle, if applicable) for an Current N/A CI ethodPercent Loan RMATION Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) pool mortgage. CR Required for MBS loans Page 35 of 114 The Base Guaranty Fee does not include any adjustment to reflect the Alternative Payment Method (APM) remittance cycle or a buyup or buydown of the guaranty fee. SubjectLoan Enumerated YYYY-MMDD *Amount 7.2 *Numeric 3 Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 Value should be reflected as a percentage, not as basis points. The only reasonable values supported at this time Percent 3.4 are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 *Percent 2.4 Value should be reflected as a percentage, not as basis points. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details 375 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The guaranty fee rate after applying all adjustments to the guaranty fee, such as INVESTOR_ buyup/buydown. The guaranty fee is a Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO GuarantyFeePercent portion of the interest on the loan that is Current N/A CI Loan RMATION paid to a party to guarantee the timely payment of interest and principal to the holders of securities backed by the loan. 376 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A INVESTOR_ Identifies the collateral program Subject IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier associated with the loan as identified by a Current N/A CR CR Loan = "None" RMATION specific entity. 378 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A INVESTOR_ Identifies the percentage amount of the Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO InvestorOwnershipPercent Current N/A loan owned by the investor. Loan RMATION R CR Required for MBS loans R Required for all loans FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format Value should be reflected as a percentage, not as basis points. Zero is a valid value. The only reasonable values Percent 3.4 supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 Enumerated Specify the contractual percent of interest that Fannie Mae will be purchasing for a cash delivery or an MBS pool of participation interests. If no contractual ownership arrangement exists, this value should equal 100. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of 3 numeric digits. FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations *Percent 2.4 DURefiPlusPropertyFieldworkWaiver DUPropertyInspectionReportForm2075 Level1PropertyInspectionWaiver Enumerated Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 String 10 *Numeric 5 ---DD ---DD All loans in the pool or commitment must have the same InvestorOwnershipPercent. This data is requested at both the loan and pool level. 379 380 381 385 389 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 N/A N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A Revision CR N/A INVESTOR_ The day of the month on which principal Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO InvestorRemittanceDay and interest for the loan are remitted by Current N/A CI Loan RMATION the servicer to the investor. CR Required for MBS loans N/A This describes the contractual accounting INVESTOR_ method used to calculate the funds Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO InvestorRemittanceType Current N/A CI received by the servicer from the borrower Loan RMATION that are due to the investor. N/A N/A Revision INVESTOR_ Specifies the investor identifier associated Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO InvestorProductPlanIdentifier Current N/A CI with the loan product being financed. Loan RMATION Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ The scheduled unpaid principal balance of soon as LoanAcquisitionScheduledUPBAmo Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO the mortgage as of loan acquisition or the Current N/A CI possible unt Loan RMATION issue date of the associated security. validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ soon as Indicates the party that bears the default Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO LoanDefaultLossPartyType Current N/A CI possible loss for the loan. Loan RMATION validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 36 of 114 IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" R Required for all loans For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same InvestorProductPlanIdentifier. The only reasonable values at this time are 5-digit numerics. Format = "---DD". For example, the 18th would be represented as "---18". For an MBS Express pool, indicate "---04" even though the remittances can actually take place on two different dates. For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same InvestorRemittanceDay. All values are valid for Cash. The value of "ScheduledInterestScheduledPrincipal" is the only valid value for MBS. Enumerated CR Required for MBS loans The Issue Date Principal Balance is the scheduled balance for an MBS loan as of the issue date for the pool. If the payment is due on the first of the month, indicate the balance after application of the principal portion of Amount 9.2 the payment due in the issue month (otherwise, indicate the balance after application of the principal portion of the payment due in the month preceding the issue date). If left blank, the system will calculate this value. CR Required for MBS loans Used in conjunction with REOMarketingPartyType (Sort ID 391) to determine Foreclosure Loss Risk Code. Maps to Foreclosure Loss Risk Code as follows: F = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Investor" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" L = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Lender" and Enumerated REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" S = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" M = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" ActualInterestActualPrincipal ScheduledInterestActualPrincipal ScheduledInterestScheduledPrincipal Enumerated Amount 9.2 Investor Lender Shared Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 FNM Implementation Notes Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ soon as Identifies the party responsible for Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO REOMarketingPartyType Current N/A CI possible marketing the property in case of default. Loan RMATION validate for potential code change 391 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 393 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 394 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 395 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 397 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A LOAN_DET MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL MortgageModificationIndicator Indicates that a loan modification exists. AIL N/A The unique identifier of the commitment LOAN_IDEN that states the terms under which a loan Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_IDENTIFIERS/LOAN_IDENTIFIER InvestorCommitmentIdentifier Current N/A CI TIFIER seller and an investor agree to exchange Loan loans for funds, securities, or other assets. 399 400 401 402 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A FNM Conditionality Details CR Required for MBS loans LOAN_COM Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_COMMENTS/LOAN_COMMENT LoanCommentText The text of the loan comment. Current N/A CI CR IF applies MENT Loan LOAN_DET When true, indicates that the balloon loan Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonResetIndicator Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 499-BalloonIndicator = "true" AIL has been reset. Loan LOAN_DET The current interest rate, expressed as a Subject IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL CurrentInterestRatePercent Current N/A CR CR AIL percent, for this loan. Loan "AdjustableRate" Subject Current N/A Loan R R Required for all loans Used in conjunction with LoanDefaultLossPartyType (Sort ID 389) to determine Foreclosure Loss Risk Code. Maps to Foreclosure Loss Risk Code as follows: F = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Investor" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" L = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Lender" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" S = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" M = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" Enumerated Only the first 60 characters will be accepted at this time. String 100 Boolean The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Investor Lender Enumerated *String 60 false true Boolean Percent 3.4 If a modification has been made to the loan, then the MortgageModificationIndicator must = "true". PostBoolean closing corrections are not considered loan modifications. CR Required for Cash loans Number used by MERS to identify loans. LOAN_IDEN Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_IDENTIFIERS/LOAN_IDENTIFIER MERS_MINIdentifier Referred to as the Mortgage Identification Current N/A CR CR IF loan is registered with MERS TIFIER Loan Number (MIN). R ULDDS Format *Percent 2.4 false true Boolean Use the identifier assigned when the lender obtained the commitment. A unique identifier for a group of loans LOAN_IDEN Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_IDENTIFIERS/LOAN_IDENTIFIER InvestorContractIdentifier identified as part of a cash pool or a Current N/A CR CR Required for MBS loans TIFIER Loan security pool. LOAN_IDEN A unique identifier assigned by the seller Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_IDENTIFIERS/LOAN_IDENTIFIER SellerLoanIdentifier Current N/A TIFIER to the loan. Loan FNM Implementation Notes R Required for all loans String 30 *String 6 String 30 *String 6 String 30 *String 18 A valid SellerLoanIdentifier is one that has at least one non-blank, alphanumeric character. There must be at least one digit or letter within the field and the following 4 special symbols may not be present (+, ‘, &, #). String 30 *String 15 At this time the only reasonable values are 6 characters long. Use the identifier assigned when the lender obtained the commitment. At this time the only reasonable values are 6 characters long. The only reasonable values supported at this time are 18 characters long. At this time the only reasonable values are 15 characters long. FNM Implementation Notes 404 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 Revision 405 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A 406 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A 411 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A Documentati on change to be made as Identifies the mortgage program soon as LOAN_PRO Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_PROGRAMS/LOAN_PROGRAM LoanProgramIdentifier associated with the loan as defined by a possible GRAM Loan specific entity. validate for potential code change LOAN_STAT Subject N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. E Loan Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT Subject N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this E Loan occurrence of LOAN. The percentage added to the mortgage MI_DATA_D LenderPaidMIInterestRateAdjustment Subject N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL interest rate to fund lender-purchased ETAIL Percent Loan mortgage insurance premiums. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Current N/A CR CR IF applies LoanProgramIdentifier must be populated with "LoanFirstTimeHomebuyer" when a loan qualifies as a First Time Homebuyer. Enumerated Current N/A R R Required for all loans The date the data is retrieved from the lender’s delivery system. YYYY-MMDD Current N/A R R Required for all loans Current N/A CR CR Page 37 of 114 IF Sort ID 426-MIPremiumSourceType = "Lender" Enumerated The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 1.2 Percent 3.4 LoanFirstTimeHomebuyer Enumerated YYYY-MMDD Current Enumerated *Percent 1.2 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 413 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 414 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 416 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 FNM Implementation Notes N/A Enumeration Change N/A Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Documentati on change to be made as The number assigned by the private soon as MI_DATA_D MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MICertificateIdentifier mortgage insurance company to track a possible ETAIL loan. validate for potential code change N/A Revision XPath N/A To convey the private MI company MI_DATA_D short/common name from whom the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MICompanyNameType ETAIL private mortgage insurance coverage was obtained. A free-form text field used to capture the Code change MI_DATA_D MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescript mortgage insurance company name if to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL ETAIL ion Other is selected as the mortgage 2Q-2016 insurance company name. N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 412 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details Subject Current N/A CR CR IF conventional MI exists Loan FNM Implementation Notes String 50 Enumerated Subject IF Sort ID 413-MICompanyNameType = Current N/A CR CR Loan "Other" Enumerated Subject Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 412-MICertificateIdentifier exists Loan Only whole numbers are supported at this time. 422 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MI_DATA_D The amount of the up-front premium that MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MIPremiumFinancedAmount ETAIL is financed. 423 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MI_DATA_D Indicates whether mortgage insurance MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MIPremiumFinancedIndicator ETAIL premium has been added to loan amount. Subject Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 412-MICertificateIdentifier exists Loan 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MI_DATA_D Defines the source of the MI premium MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MIPremiumSourceType ETAIL payment. Subject Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 412-MICertificateIdentifier exists Loan *String 10 For FHA Powersaver loan include the Product ID in this field. Subject Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 412-MICertificateIdentifier exists Loan MI_DATA_D The percentage of mortgage insurance MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MICoveragePercent ETAIL coverage obtained. FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations At this time the only reasonable values are 10 characters long. Indicates the amount of any single mortgage insurance premium that is financed as part of the original loan Subject IF Sort ID 423-MIPremiumFinancedIndicator Current N/A CR CR amount. Loan = "true" The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Amount 5.2 426 ULDDS Format CMG Essent Genworth MGIC Other PMI Radian RMIC Triad UGI ArchMI CAHLIF MDHousing MIF NMI SONYMA Enumerated Enumerated Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 Amount 9.2 *Amount 5.2 Boolean If the MI premiums for the mortgage are either paid monthly or paid upfront, select the source ("Borrower" or "Lender") for the payment of the premium(s). If the premiums are paid both monthly and upfront, select the Enumerated source of the monthly premium payment only. If MI Premium Payment Type is "Rate Premium", select "Lender" as the valid value. false true Boolean Borrower Lender Enumerated MICanceledBasedOnCurrentLTV NoMIBasedOnOriginalLTV Other Enumerated The Fannie Mae Selling Guide states that for Refi Plus loans the lender should deliver a Mortgage Insurance (MI) Code of 95 for Refi Plus loans with LTVs greater than 80% and without MI. 429 430 436 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A MI_DATA_D Specifies the reason that primary mortgage Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType Current N/A CR CR IF conventional MI does not exist ETAIL insurance is not required or provided. Loan N/A A free-form text field used to collect MI_DATA_D PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonTypeOther additional information when Other is MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL ETAIL Description selected for Primary MI Absence Reason Type. N/A PAYMENT_ COMPONEN The principal and interest amount that is Subject IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREAKOUTS/PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREAKOUT PrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount Current N/A CR CR T_BREAKO part of the total payment being reported. Loan "AdjustableRate" UT The lender should deliver one of the following values for Enumerated Refi Plus loans in this data point: - MI code 97: PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType = "MICanceledBasedOnCurrentLTV" - MI code 95: PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType = "NoMIBasedOnOriginalLTV" Subject IF Sort ID 429Current N/A CR CR Loan PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType = "Other" Page 38 of 114 This is the current P&I on the loan and required for ARMs. If the loan has not been adjusted, it will be the same as the P&I at closing. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Amount 7.2 Enumerated Enumerated Amount 9.2 *Amount 7.2 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details 438 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The total amount of principal that has PAYMENT_ been paid from origination to date over Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY AggregateLoanCurtailmentAmount Current N/A CR CR IF there are curtailments on the loan SUMMARY and above the scheduled principal Loan amount. 440 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A PAYMENT_ The due date of last paid installment that Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY LastPaidInstallmentDueDate Current N/A SUMMARY had been collected for the mortgage. Loan 441 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A IF Sort ID 215-InterestCalculationType = PAYMENT_ The actual date the last payment by the Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY LastPaymentReceivedDate Current N/A CR CR "Simple" AND Sort ID 214SUMMARY borrower was received by the lender. Loan InterestCalculationPeriodType = "Day" 442 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision Documentati on change to be made as soon as PAYMENT_ The current unpaid principal balance on Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY UPBAmount Current N/A possible SUMMARY the loan. Loan validate for potential code change R R R Required for all loans 450 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 451 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A LOAN_PRO Identifies the refinance program associated Subject IF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL DUCT_DET RefinanceProgramIdentifier with the loan as identified by a specific Current N/A CR CR Loan "Refinance" AND IF applies AIL entity. 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A DELINQUEN The number of times during the past DelinquentPaymentsOverPastTwelve Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/SERVICING/DELINQUENCY_SUMMARY CY_SUMMA twelve months that the payment on the Current N/A MonthsCount Loan RY subject loan was delinquent. 496 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Used as an attribute on LOAN to MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related loans. 497 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision 499 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision 501 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A 502 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A CR IF applies R Required for all loans Page 39 of 114 ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Amount 9.2 Amount 9.2 YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD Amount 9.2 Amount 9.2 Although the XML data point is named FNMHomeImprovementProductType, it does not relate to home improvement products. This is the existing HIP Enumerated Product Code, and should be delivered under the terms of your negotiated contract. Enumerated ActualActualBiweekly ConstructionToPermanent DailySimpleInterestCashConventional DailySimpleInterestMBS GovernmentTitleI DisasterResponse DURefiPlus RefiPlus A mortgage is considered delinquent when all or part of the borrower's monthly installment of principal, interest and, where applicable, escrow remain unpaid: - As of the close of business on the last business day of the month, if the due date for the payment is the first day Numeric 2 of the month, or - 30 or more actual calendar days as of the close of business on the last business day of the month, if the due date for the payment is not the first day of the month. - For a loan with no delinquencies, enter "0". Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for N/A CR CR Loan ng first lien Documentati on change to be made as A classification or description of a loan soon as AMORTIZA Related AtClosi MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the N/A possible TION_RULE Loan ng rate or payment over time. validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as Indicates whether or not a final balloon soon as LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Related AtClosi MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator N/A possible AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan ng validate for the loan. potential code change LOAN_STAT Related AtClosi N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. N/A E Loan ng Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT Related AtClosi N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this N/A E Loan ng occurrence of LOAN. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 R For loans delivered with an ApplicationReceivedDate (SortID 224) on or after December 1, 2011, provide the loan curtailment amount in the AggregateCurtailmentAmount and not the LoanCommentText (Sort ID 393). R Required for all loans LOAN_PRO Denotes the Fannie Mae-specific home Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL DUCT_DET FNMHomeImprovementProductType Current N/A CI improvement product. Loan AIL 452 FNM Implementation Notes Enumerated Enumerated Enumerated Numeric 2 RelatedLoan Enumerated Enumerated Boolean CR CR IF second lien is being delivered, required for If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 499) Enumerated first lien must equal "true". AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step CR CR IF second lien is being delivered, required for If the loan is a balloon the Balloon Indicator must equal first lien "true". Boolean false true CR CR IF second lien is being delivered, required for LoanStateDate equals Note Date of the related loan. first lien YYYY-MMDD CR CR IF second lien is being delivered, required for first lien Enumerated YYYY-MMDD AtClosing Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Party Role Type Loan State Type Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Revision Effective Date Change Description (Columns Updated) 503 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 504 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 506 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The date of the first scheduled mortgage PAYMENT_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE ScheduledFirstPaymentDate payment to be made by the borrower RULE under the terms of the mortgage. 507 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ Specifies the priority of the lien against MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MORTGAGE the subject property. Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for N/A CR CR Loan ng first lien Enumerated 509 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A TERMS_OF_ The amount to be repaid as disclosed on MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE NoteAmount MORTGAGE the Note. Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for N/A CR CR Loan ng first lien Amount 9.2 510 511 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 512 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 513 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 514 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 515 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition The scheduled number of periods (as MATURITY_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityPeriodCount defined by Loan Maturity Period Type) RULE after which a debt will mature. MATURITY_ The unit of time used for defining the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityPeriodType RULE period over which the loan matures. FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for N/A CR CR Loan ng first lien ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for N/A CR CR LoanMaturityPeriodType must equal "Month". Enumerated Month Loan ng first lien For a biweekly payment mortgage, indicate the actual date the first biweekly payment is due. For an MBS pool delivery only, the system will convert a first payment date Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for YYYY-MMN/A CR CR that is any day other than the first day of the month as the Loan ng first lien DD first day of the following month before it performs any calculation. This is for editing purposes only--the date is not physically changed. FirstLien Enumerated YYYY-MMDD Enumerated Amount 9.2 Revision Code change Used as an attribute on LOAN to to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related 2Q-2016 loans. Revision Code change HELOC_OC CurrentHELOCMaximumBalanceAm The total dollar amount of the line of Related to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HELOC/HELOC_OCCURRENCES/HELOC_OCCURRENCE Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" CURRENCE ount credit as of the date reported. Loan 2Q-2016 The sum of the drawn and the undrawn HELOC amount should equal the maximum line of credit. If the maximum credit line has been modified, enter the greater Amount 9.2 of the maximum home equity line of credit or the amount drawn. Amount 9.2 Revision Code change HELOC_OC The outstanding balance of the home Related to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HELOC/HELOC_OCCURRENCES/HELOC_OCCURRENCE HELOCBalanceAmount Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" CURRENCE equity line of credit (HELOC). Loan 2Q-2016 Enter the amount drawn (outstanding UPB) as of the Note Date of the First Lien Mortgage, not the maximum home Amount 9.2 equity line of credit amount. Enter "0" if no disbursements have occurred as of the Note Date. Amount 9.2 Revision Code change LOAN_DET Indicates whether or not a loan is a to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL HELOCIndicator AIL HELOC. 2Q-2016 Enter "true" if subordinated financing is a HELOC. Boolean Revision Code change LOAN_STAT Related to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 515-LoanStateType exists E Loan 2Q-2016 The date the data is retrieved from the lender’s delivery system. YYYY-MMDD Revision Code change Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this E 2Q-2016 occurrence of LOAN. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Related Current N/A CR CR IF the subject loan has secondary financing Loan IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = Related Current N/A CR CR "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515Loan LoanStateType = "Current" Related Current N/A CR CR IF subject loan has secondary financing Loan Page 40 of 114 Complete this field if the subject loan has secondary financing up to 3 related loans. Enumerated Enumerated RelatedLoan false true Enumerated Boolean YYYY-MMDD Current Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 517 519 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Enumeration Change ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 516 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format Revision Code change PAYMENT_ The current unpaid principal balance on Related to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY UPBAmount Current N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "false" SUMMARY the loan. Loan 2Q-2016 Enter the balance of the closed-end subordinate Mortgage. Revision Code change TERMS_OF_ Specifies the priority of the lien against to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MORTGAGE the subject property. 2Q-2016 IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = Related Current N/A CR CR "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515Loan LoanStateType = "Current" There may be up to 3 LOAN Containers with LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan” and LoanStateType = Enumerated "Current”, but each valid value for LienPriorityType may be used only once. Revision Code change TERMS_OF_ Specifies the type of mortgage being to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageType MORTGAGE applied for or that has been granted. 2Q-2016 IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = Related Current N/A CR CR "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515Loan LoanStateType = "Current" Amount 9.2 Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Amount 9.2 SecondLien ThirdLien FourthLien Enumerated Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Enumerated Identifies the field appraiser's state license number (or state certification number in the absence of a license number) issued by the state in which the subject property is located. Only enter the License or Certificate Number as indicated by the appraisal subcommittee. Do not deliver extra language that may be included by the appraiser. 525 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format When the appraiser is a trainee and has a supervisory appraiser, you must deliver Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534), whether or not the appraiser supervisor signed the appraisal. Revision Code change State license number of the appraiser who App When the appraiser is a trainee and has a license ID, APPRAISER_ to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER/APPRAISER_LICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier completed the final estimate of value for N/A N/A raise CR CR IF Sort ID 528-PartyRoleType = "Appraiser" deliver the trainee's license identifier in Appraiser String 50 LICENSE 2Q-2016 the subject property. r License Identifier (Sort ID 525), and deliver the appraiser supervisor's license identifier in Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534). String 50 When the appraiser is a trainee and does not have a license ID, deliver the word "trainee" (lower case) in Appraiser License Identifier (Sort ID 525) and deliver appraiser supervisor's license identifier in Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534). 528 534 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format N/A Revision N/A Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. When the appraiser is not a trainee and there is no supervisory appraiser, leave the Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534) field blank (do not make any entry such as N/A or none) and deliver the Appraiser License Identifier (Sort ID 525). N/A N/A App IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType raise CR CR = "DriveBy" OR "FullAppraisal" OR r "PriorAppraisalUsed" App Code change State license number of the appraiser who raise IF Sort ID 537-PartyRoleType = APPRAISER_ to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER_SUPERVISOR/APPRAISER_LICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier completed the final estimate of value for N/A N/A rSup CR CR "AppraiserSupervisor" AND supervisor LICENSE 2Q-2016 the subject property. ervi signed appraisal sor Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Page 41 of 114 Enumerated Identifies the field appraiser's state license number (or state certification number in the absence of a license number) issued by the state in which the subject property is located. String 50 Appraiser Enumerated String 50 Only enter the License or Certificate Number as indicated by the appraisal subcommittee. Do not deliver extra language that may be included by the appraiser. ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details Revision XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Identifies the role that the party plays in Code change ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play 2Q-2016 multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A 540 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The first name of the individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/INDIVIDUAL/NAME NAME FirstName represented by the parent object. 541 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The last name of the individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/INDIVIDUAL/NAME NAME LastName represented by the parent object. N/A N/A 542 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The middle name of the individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/INDIVIDUAL/NAME NAME MiddleName represented by the parent object. N/A N/A 543 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The name suffix of the individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/INDIVIDUAL/NAME NAME SuffixName represented by the parent object (e.g., JR = Junior, SR = Senior, etc.). N/A N/A 544 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision N/A N/A Documentati on change to be made as soon as LEGAL_ENT The unparsed name of either an individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL FullName N/A N/A possible ITY_DETAIL or a legal entity. validate for potential code change 545 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A LEGAL_ENT The description of the entity type of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL LegalEntityType N/A N/A ITY_DETAIL party or organization. 546 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The description of the Legal Entity Type LEGAL_ENT MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL LegalEntityTypeOtherDescription when Other is selected as the option from N/A N/A ITY_DETAIL the enumerated list. N/A N/A 548 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The address with the address number, predirectional, street name, post-directional, MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS AddressLineText address unit designators, and address unit value. 549 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS AddressType Specifies the type of address. N/A N/A 554 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS CityName The name of the city. N/A N/A 555 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati on change to be made as soon as The two-character representation of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS CountryCode possible country. validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 537 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType = "Conventional" AND [(Sort ID 89App PropertyValuationMethodType = "DriveBy" raise OR "FullAppraisal" OR rSup CR CR "PriorAppraisalUsed") OR Sort ID 90ervi PropertyValuationMethodTypeOtherDescript sor ion = "FieldReview"] AND supervisor signed appraisal ULDDS Format Enumerated If the borrower's name is a single name (instead of first Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" name and last name), provide the text "Not Applicable" in owe CR CR AND Borrower is an individual the Borrower's First Name field. r Only 25 characters are supported at this time. Borr If the borrower's name is a single name (instead of first IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" owe CR CR name and last name), provide the single name in the AND Borrower is an individual r Borrower's Last Name field. Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Only one-character middle initial is supported at this owe CR CR AND Borrower is an individual AND middle time. r name exists Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" owe CR CR AND Borrower is an individual AND suffix Use abbreviations r name exists AppraiserSupervisor Borr owe CR CR IF Sort ID 545-LegalEntityType = "Other" r IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Borr AND Sort ID 572owe CR CR BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd r icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Borr AND Sort ID 572owe CR CR BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd r icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Borr AND Sort ID 572owe CR CR BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd r icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Borr AND Sort ID 572owe CR CR BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd r icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" Page 42 of 114 Enumerated String 30 *String 25 String 35 String 35 String 30 *String 1 String 4 String 4 Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Enter the complete, unparsed name of the non-individual owe CR CR String 100 AND Borrower is a legal entity title holder of the Mortgaged Premises. r Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" owe CR CR AND Borrower is a legal entity r FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations *String 35 Enumerated Corporation GovernmentEntity JointVenture LimitedLiabilityCompany LimitedPartnership NonProfitCorporation Other Partnership Enumerated Enumerated LandTrustAndBeneficiaryIsIndividual LivingTrust Enumerated String 100 Enumerated String 50 Enter two-character code from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1-alpha-2 code list at String 2 ts/country_names_and_code_elements.htm String 100 Mailing Enumerated String 50 String 2 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A Revision N/A 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 567 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 568 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision 572 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details Revision 573 576 577 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition The postal code (ZIP Code in the US) for MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS PostalCode the address. ZIP Code may be either 5 or 9 digits. Documentati on change to be made as The two-character representation of the soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS StateCode US state, US Territory, Canadian possible Province, Military APO FPO, or Territory. validate for potential code change 560 571 XPath N/A N/A ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 557 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details N/A N/A N/A String 9 String 9 N/A IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" AND Sort ID 572Borr BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd owe CR CR icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571r BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" AND (Sort ID 555-CountryCode = "US" OR "CA") If the Borrower's mailing address is outside of the United States or Canada, do not send this data point. Enter "Official USPS Abbreviation" for State or US String 2 Possession maintained by the United States Postal Service (USPS) at String 2 Borr BORROWER BorrowerAgeAtApplicationYearsCou The age of the borrower at the time of IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL N/A N/A owe CR CR Only 2 digit numerics are supported at this time. _DETAIL nt application in years. AND Borrower is an individual r Borr BORROWER IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL BorrowerBirthDate Borrower’s date of birth. N/A N/A owe CR CR _DETAIL AND Borrower is an individual r Numeric 3 *Numeric 2 YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD Fannie Mae only supports delivery of information for up to four borrowers. If the loan contains more than four borrowers, designate a borrower and co-borrowers based Enumerated on the "Primary" borrower who signed the mortgage note and the "Secondary" co-borrowers who signed the mortgage note. Boolean N/A N/A COUNSELIN Specifies the type of mortgage counseling Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/COUNSELING_CONFIRMATION G_CONFIRM CounselingConfirmationType or education program attended by one or N/A N/A owe CR CR AND Sort ID 238-LoanAffordableIndicator = ATION more of the borrowers. r "true" N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 579 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Valid US format options are either: NNNNN or NNNNNNNNN (no dash). Valid Canadian format is: ANA NAN (where "N" is a numeric and "A" is an alphabetic character). This datapoint should be submitted in Loan Delivery with the total monthly income per lender or investor Borr guidelines. If income is shared across borrowers, it should BORROWER The total monthly borrower income per MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL BorrowerQualifyingIncomeAmount N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" only be applied to a single borrower. The combined Numeric 9 _DETAIL lender or investor guidelines. r monthly income of all borrowers whose income was used to qualify for the mortgage should be provided in TotalMonthlyIncomeAmount (Sort ID 291). 578 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 ULDDS Format IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" AND Sort ID 572Borr BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd owe CR CR icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571r BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" AND (Sort ID 555-CountryCode = "US" OR "CA") Documentati on change to be made as Borr soon as BORROWER Indicates whether the borrower is the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL BorrowerClassificationType N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" possible _DETAIL primary or a secondary borrower. r validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as When true, indicates that the mailing Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" soon as BORROWER BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsProp MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL address for the borrower is the same as the N/A N/A owe CR CR AND Sort ID 571possible _DETAIL ertyIndicator property address. r BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" validate for potential code change N/A FNM Implementation Notes A free-form text field used to collect COUNSELIN Borr CounselingConfirmationTypeOtherD additional information when Other is MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/COUNSELING_CONFIRMATION G_CONFIRM N/A N/A owe CR CR escription selected for Counseling Confirmation ATION r Type. Identifies the educational setting of the COUNSELIN formal borrower homeownership program Borr MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/COUNSELING_CONFIRMATION G_CONFIRM CounselingFormatType in which the borrower participated as a N/A N/A owe CR CR ATION requirement of a special mortgage r program. COUNSELIN A free-form text field used to collect Borr CounselingFormatTypeOtherDescript MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/COUNSELING_CONFIRMATION G_CONFIRM additional information when Other is N/A N/A owe CR CR ion ATION selected for Counseling Format Type. r Page 43 of 114 Primary Secondary Enumerated false true Boolean Numeric 9 Enumerated GovernmentAgency HUDApprovedCounselingAgency LenderTrainedCounseling NoBorrowerCounseling Other Enumerated Enumerated BorrowerDidNotParticipate MortgageInsuranceCompany NonProfitOrganization Enumerated IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" AND Sort ID 238-LoanAffordableIndicator = "true" Enumerated BorrowerEducationNotRequired Classroom HomeStudy Individual Other Enumerated IF Sort ID 578-CounselingFormatType = "Other" Enumerated BorrowerDidNotParticipate Enumerated IF Sort ID 576-CounselingConfirmationType = "Other" ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 582 583 590 596 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 597 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 598 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 580 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes New A reference number assigned by the credit Code change CREDIT_SC bureau to a specific credit report. This Borr Enter the credit reference number associated with the to be made IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditReportIdentifier report number is also referenced when a N/A N/A owe CR CR Borrower credit report used to underwrite the delivered as soon as AND Sort ID 590-CreditScoreValue exists L Reissue, Upgrade, or Status Query of an r loan. This field is N/A for legal entities. possible existing report is requested. Revision Documentati on change to Indicates whether a Credit Repository be made as CREDIT_SC Source is available. If a Credit Repository Borr soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditRepositorySourceIndicator Source is available, the source can be N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" possible L provided in Credit Repository Source r validate for Type. potential code change N/A N/A Used in conjunction with CreditRepositorySourceType (Sort ID 583). The Credit Repository Source Indicator must equal "false" when the borrower is relying on nontraditional credit, in instances where the credit score is invalid due to inaccuracies in the repository's records, or the credit score is obtained from an ineligible source (foreign credit scores). The Credit Repository Source Indicator must equal "false" when the borrower is a legal entity. ULDDS Format String 30 Boolean N/A The enumeration provided in the CreditRepositorySourceType data point should reflect the credit bureau used to capture the representative credit This element describes the source of the score assigned to the borrower. This data point is used in CREDIT_SC Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" credit file – Equifax, Experian, Trans conjunction with CreditRepositorySourceIndicator (sort MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditRepositorySourceType N/A N/A owe CR CR AND Sort ID 582Enumerated Union - or Merged Data if the sources are ID 582). Per Fannie Mae policy, if the lender obtains L r CreditRepositorySourceIndicator = "true" not specified. more than one credit score for the borrower, it should report the credit bureau associated with the lower score (if two were obtained) or the middle score (if three were obtained). N/A A value indicating the representative credit score CREDIT_SC Borr assigned to the borrower. If the lender obtains more than Numeric credit score resulting from credit IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditScoreValue N/A N/A owe CR CR one credit score for the borrower, they should report the Numeric 4 evaluation model. AND credit score exists L r lower score (if two were obtained) or the middle score (if three were obtained). FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations String 30 false true Boolean Equifax Experian TransUnion Enumerated Numeric 4 New Code change Borrower’s answer to the question: Have Borr to be made DECLARATI you been declared bankrupt within the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL BankruptcyIndicator N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" as soon as ON_DETAIL past 7 years? Collected on the URLA in r possible Section VIII, line b. Enter "true" if the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), credit report, or other loan documents indicate Boolean that the Borrower has declared bankruptcy within the past 7 years. Provide as applicable for legal entities. false true Boolean Revision Documentati Indicates that the borrower qualifies as a on change to first time homebuyer as determined by the IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" be made as lender and/or the investor. (Note: Borr AND Borrower is an individual AND Sort ID Enter "true" if the Borrower is a First-Time Homebuyer as soon as DECLARATI BorrowerFirstTimeHomebuyerIndicat Information provided by the borrower in MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL N/A N/A owe CR CR 315-LoanPurposeType = "Purchase" AND defined in the Borrower Quick Guide. Borrower data Boolean possible ON_DETAIL or Section VIII, line m, of the URLA, r Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = must be delivered for each First-Time Homebuyer. validate for regarding ownership of a property in the "PrimaryResidence" potential past three years, may not be relied upon code change for this information.) false true Boolean NonPermanentResidentAlien PermanentResidentAlien USCitizen Enumerated N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A Indicates this borrower's U.S. citizenship Borr DECLARATI IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL CitizenshipResidencyType or alien status, as collected on the URLA N/A N/A owe CR CR ON_DETAIL AND Borrower is an individual (Section VIII, lines j. and k.). r Page 44 of 114 Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 600 608 609 610 611 613 614 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 599 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes New Borrowers answer to the question: Have Code change you directly or indirectly been obligated Borr to be made DECLARATI LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicato on any loan that resulted in foreclosure, MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" as soon as ON_DETAIL r transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or r possible judgment? Collected on the URLA in Section VIII, line e. New Code change Indicates that in the referenced Borr Enter "true" if the referenced income being used to to be made EMPLOYME EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedI IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/EMPLOYERS/EMPLOYER/EMPLOYMENT employment the borrower is selfN/A N/A owe CR CR qualify the borrower is from self-employment. as soon as NT ndicator AND Borrower is an individual employed. r This is N/A for legal entities. possible N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision Enter "true" if the URLA, credit report, or other loan documents indicate the Borrower has been directly or indirectly obligated on a loan that resulted in foreclosure, Boolean transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or judgment. Provide as applicable for legal entities. Boolean FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations false true Boolean false true Boolean N/A GOVERNME Borr Use "NotApplicable" if the borrower is a legal entity. If NT_MONITO The borrower’s or interviewer’s statement MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING_DETAIL GenderType N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" the borrower is a living trust, indicate the gender of the RING_DETA about the borrower’s gender. r individual who established the trust. IL N/A GOVERNME The borrower’s or interviewer’s statement Borr Use "NotApplicable" if the borrower is a legal entity. If NT_MONITO MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING_DETAIL HMDAEthnicityType about the borrower’s ethnicity as defined N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" the borrower is a living trust, indicate the ethnicity of the Enumerated RING_DETA in the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. r individual who established the trust. IL N/A The borrower’s or interviewer’s statement about the borrower’s race as defined in the Borr Use "NotApplicable" if the borrower is a legal entity. If HMDA_RAC MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING/HMDA_RACES/HMDA_RACE HMDARaceType Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Up to 5 N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" the borrower is a living trust, indicate the race of the E Race Types may be included per r individual who established the trust. borrower. Enumerated N/A Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. Enumerated Borrower Enumerated N/A Specifies the type of identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It Borr TAXPAYER_ is issued either by the Social Security MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIERS/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIER TaxpayerIdentifierType N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" IDENTIFIER Administration (SSA) or the IRS. A Social r Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA; all other taxpayer identification numbers are issued by the IRS. Enumerated EmployerIdentificationNumber IndividualTaxpayerIdentificationNumber SocialSecurityNumber Enumerated N/A N/A Borr owe r R R Required for all loans Documentati on change to be made as The value of the taxpayer identifier as Borr soon as TAXPAYER_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIERS/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIER TaxpayerIdentifierValue assigned by the IRS to the individual or N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Valid format is NNNNNNNNN - Do not enter dashes. possible IDENTIFIER legal entity. r validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 ULDDS Format Page 45 of 114 Enumerated String 9 Female InformationNotProvidedUnknown Enumerated Male NotApplicable HispanicOrLatino InformationNotProvidedByApplicantInMa ilInternetOrTelephoneApplication Enumerated NotApplicable NotHispanicOrLatino AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative Asian BlackOrAfricanAmerican InformationNotProvidedByApplicantInMa Enumerated ilInternetOrTelephoneApplication NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander NotApplicable White String 9 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 621 627 628 634 635 637 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision Revision XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 620 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details N/A Doc PARTY_ROL ume The unique identifier assigned to the party IF Sort ID 621-PartyRoleType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A ntC CI CR role. "DocumentCustodian" ER usto dian N/A Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A Doc ume ntC CI usto dian N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A N/A Loa nOri gina tion Co mpa ny R N/A LOAN_ORIG Specifies the type of party that originated MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/LOAN_ORIGINATOR LoanOriginatorType N/A INATOR the loan. N/A N/A Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A Loa nOri gina tor Loa nOri gina tor Page 46 of 114 Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations *String 11 DocumentCustodian Enumerated The loan orignation company's unique identifier as assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry. The loan origination company is the company the loan originator is employed by or is representing as an independent contrator. This field is associated with Title V requirements mandated by FHFA and as such is conditional on those requirements. The only reasonable values supported at this time are 12 numeric digits. String 50 *Numeric 12 If a state regulated loan origination company does not have a NMLS ID because they are located in Delaware, Maine, or Missouri, the Loan Originator Company Identifier should be populated with the value shown below for the corresponding state: Delaware = 1001, Maine = 1002, Missouri = 1003. R Required for all loans Loa PARTY_ROL The unique identifier assigned to the party nOri IF Sort ID 637-PartyRoleType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A CR CR role. gina "LoanOriginator" ER tor ULDDS Format At this time the only reasonable values are 11 characters long. If the lender’s Document Custodian is BNY Mellon, supply 99999398668 as the FIN Number for cash deliveries. If the lender participates in the ASAP+ program, supply 99999398668 as the FIN Number for all String 50 deliveries (Cash and MBS). Otherwise, use the lender’s designated 11 digit BNY Mellon FIN for MBS deliveries. Lenders that use a Document Custodian other than BNY Mellon should enter the Document Custodian's 11 character FIN Number. R Required for all loans Documentati Loa on change to nOri be made as PARTY_ROL gina soon as The unique identifier assigned to the party IF Sort ID 628-PartyRoleType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A tion CR CR possible role. "LoanOriginationCompany" ER Co validate for mpa potential ny code change Documentati on change to be made as Identifies the role that the party plays in soon as ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType possible IL person or legal entity. A party may play validate for multiple roles in a transaction. potential code change FNM Implementation Notes Enumerated LoanOriginationCompany The loan originator's unique identifier as assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage License System and Registry. This field is associated with Title V requirements mandated by FHFA and as such is conditional on those requirements. String 50 Enumerated *Numeric 12 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 12 numeric digits. R R Required for all loans Enumerated Broker Correspondent Lender Enumerated R R Required for all loans Enumerated LoanOriginator Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 640 641.1 641.2 642 643 645 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A FNM Implementation Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 651 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A 653 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A PARTY_ROL Loa The unique identifier assigned to the party MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A nSel CR CR IF Sort ID 640-PartyRoleType = "LoanSeller" role. ER ler Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 Loa nSel ler R Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A N/A N/A Not IF Sort ID 641.2-PartyRoleType = ePay CR CR "NotePayTo" To Not ePay R To Paye CI e N/A Serv CI icer N/A N/A N/A CI N/A Doc PARTY_ROL ume The unique identifier assigned to the party MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A ntC CI role. ER usto dian N/A Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations String 50 *Numeric 9 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 9 numeric digits. Enumerated LoanSeller Enumerated To clarify, on the Note in Section 1. Borrower’s Promise to Pay, the Seller would provide the name exactly as it appears after ‘The Lender is’. String 100 String 100 Sellers should not enter their seller number, loan officer name, dates or abbreviations in this field. For more information on SEC Mortgage Funder please see the FAQ's posted on Fannie Mae's website. N/A N/A The nine-digit numeric identifier assigned by Fannie Mae to identify the mortgage seller. The Seller Identifier for the Loan must be the same as that of the Pool. ULDDS Format Enter the company name of the entity funding the applicable loan, as stated on the note. R Required for all loans Doc ume ntC CI usto dian Page 47 of 114 Enter "NotePayTo" to indicate that the associated information applies to the entity funding the applicable loan, as shown on the note. CR IF Sort ID 653-PartyRoleType = "DocumentCustodian" CR Required for MBS loans NotePayTo Enumerated String 50 *String 9 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 9 characters long. Enumerated The nine-digit numeric identifier assigned by Fannie Mae to identify the mortgage servicer. The Servicer Identifier for the Loan must be the same as that of the Pool. Payee Enumerated String 50 *Numeric 9 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 9 numeric digits R Required for all loans CR Required for MBS loans AND IF applies Enumerated Used to indicate where the purchase proceeds for a cash delivery are to be sent. CR Required only for Cash loans PARTY_ROL The unique identifier assigned to the party Serv MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A CI CR IF Sort ID 646-PartyRoleType = "Servicer" role. icer ER Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. An investor-specified identifier used to INVESTOR_ MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/INVESTOR_FEATURES/INVESTOR_FEATURE InvestorFeatureIdentifier identify a loan feature not defined by other FEATURE attributes. FNM Implementation Notes R Required for all loans N/A N/A N/A FNM Conditionality Details PARTY_ROL The unique identifier assigned to the party Paye MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A CI CR IF Sort ID 643-PartyRoleType = "Payee" role. e ER N/A N/A MISMO Definition N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO Data Point Name Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Parent Container Documentati on change to be made as soon as LEGAL_ENT The unparsed name of either an individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL FullName N/A N/A possible ITY_DETAIL or a legal entity. validate for potential code change 646 652 XPath ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 639 FNM Data Point Mandate Date Enumerated Servicer Enumerated This data point collects the Future Feature Codes (FFCs) String 3 at the pool level. Values must be numeric. *Numeric 3 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 11 characters long. *String 11 String 50 Enumerated DocumentCustodian Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 656 658 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition N/A CR Required for MBS loans N/A PARTY_ROL The unique identifier assigned to the party Serv MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A CI role. icer ER CR IF Sort ID 659-PartyRoleType = "Servicer" N/A N/A Serv CI icer CR Required for MBS loans Enumerated Servicer Enumerated N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans Enumerated StatedStructure WeightedAverageStructure Enumerated Enumerated N/A N/A N/A 661 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolAccrualRateStructureType IL 662 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolAmortizationType IL 664 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolAssumabilityIndicator IL 665 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolBalloonIndicator IL 667 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Specifies the structure used to determine the accrual interest rate for the pool. A classification or description for a pool of loans generally based on the variability of the rate or payment over time. Indicates whether the pool is backed by loans that are assumable by another borrower. Indicates whether or not the pool is backed by loans on which a final balloon payment is required under the terms of the loan repayment schedule to fully pay off the loan. N/A N/A Loa nSel CI ler All loans in the pool must have the same LoanAmortizationType (Sort ID 138). Enumerated N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans All loans in the pool must have the same AssumabilityIndicator (Sort ID 225). Boolean false true Boolean N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans All loans in the pool must have the same BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 226). Boolean false true Boolean N/A N/A N/A CI CR The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 String 20 *String 6 All loans in the pool must have the same InterestAndPaymentAdjustmentIndexLeadDaysCount (Sort ID 113). Numeric 3 Numeric 3 All loans in the pool must have the same InterestOnlyIndicator (Sort ID 237). Boolean N/A N/A N/A CI CR N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans N/A N/A 670 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInterestOnlyIndicator IL Indicates whether a pool is backed by loans with interest-only payments. *Numeric 9 CR Required for MBS loans N/A N/A String 50 N/A CI POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolIdentifier IL 7/23/2012 Enumerated N/A The unique identifier for a group or pool of loans. May include relevant prefix and suffix when not parsed into applicable data points. See Pool Prefix Identifier or Pool Suffix Identifier. 7/23/2012 Servicer: The nine-digit numeric identifier assigned by Fannie Mae to identify the mortgage servicer. All loans in the pool must have the same Servicer Identifier. The only reasonable values supported at this time are 9 numeric digits. LoanSeller N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolFixedServicingFeePercent IL 669 Enumerated *Numeric 9 AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step The servicing fee to be used in determining the rate of interest that accrues on a mortgage backed security (MBS) pool that has a weighted-average structure based on a fixed servicing fee. The number of days prior to an interest rate effective date used to determine the POOL_DETA PoolInterestAndPaymentAdjustmentI MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL date for the index value when calculating IL ndexLeadDaysCount both a new interest rate and a principal and interest payment for a pool of loans. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. 7/23/2012 N/A ULDDS Format N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 FNM Implementation Notes LoanSeller: The nine-digit numeric identifier assigned by Fannie Mae to identify the mortgage seller. All loans in CR IF Sort ID 656-PartyRoleType = "LoanSeller" the pool must have the same Seller Identifier. The only String 50 reasonable values supported at this time are 9 numeric digits. 659 7/23/2012 FNM Conditionality Details PARTY_ROL Loa The unique identifier assigned to the party MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A nSel CI role. ER ler Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. 666 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 655 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A N/A CI Required for MBS with a weighted MBS Margin. CR Required for MBS loans The number used to identify a single pool or piece of a multiple pool. Does not include the Prefix or Suffix. Required for MBS Pool deliveries. The only reasonable values supported at this time are 6 characters long. Page 48 of 114 IF Sort ID 662-PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" AND MBS false true Boolean ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 672 673 674 675 676 677 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision Revision N/A N/A XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInterestRateRoundingPercent IL Documentati on change to be made as soon as POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInterestRateRoundingType possible IL validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInvestorProductPlanIdentifier possible IL validate for potential code change POOL_DETA N/A MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolIssueDate IL N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MISMO Definition The percentage to which the interest rate is rounded when a new interest rate is calculated for a pool. This field is used in conjunction with Pool Interest Rate Rounding Type, which indicates how the rounding should occur. Indicates how the interest rate is rounded when a new interest rate is calculated for a pool of loans. N/A The date a mortgage-backed security is issued to investors. N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolMaximumAccrualRatePercent IL The maximum rate, expressed as a percent, at which interest can accrue on a pool. POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolMinimumAccrualRatePercent IL N/A N/A The factor that is added to the ARM index value to calculate the pool accrual rate. The minimum rate, expressed as a percent, at which interest can accrue on a pool. FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations This data point is used in conjunction with PoolInterestRateRoundingType (Sort ID 672). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 117). Identifies the plan of the varying loan payment and/or rate change characteristics for a pool of loans issued by the servicer. POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolMarginRatePercent IL ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 671 FNM Data Point Mandate Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CI N/A CI N/A CI CR IF Sort ID 672PoolInterestRateRoundingType exists Required for MBS IF Sort ID 662CR PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" CR Required for MBS IF Sort ID 662PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans N/A CI Required for MBS IF Sort ID 662PoolAmortization Type = Adjustable Rate CR AND Sort ID 666-PoolFixedServicingFee does not exist N/A CI N/A CI Required for MBS IF Sort ID 662PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" CR AND Sort ID 661PoolAccrualRateStructureType = "StatedStructure" Required for MBS IF Sort ID 662PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" CR AND Sort ID 661PoolAccrualRateStructureType = "StatedStructure" This data point is required for Adjustable Rate Mortgage Percent 3.4 (ARM) pools only, along with PoolInterestRateRoundingType (Sort ID 672). Fannie Mae is capturing this data at both the loan and pool level in order to perform validations to ensure all loans in the pool have consistent rounding characteristics. Used in conjunction with PoolInterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 671). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 117). Enumerated Percent 3.4 Down Nearest NoRounding Up Enumerated All loans in the pool must have the same InvestorProductPlanIdentifier (Sort ID 379). String 10 *Numeric 5 Only reasonable values supported at this time are 5 numeric digits. The month must be the current month or the next month; YYYY-MMthe day must be 01. DD Indicates the amount to be added to the index value for an adjustable-rate mortgage to develop the MBS pool accrual rate or the weighted-average MBS pool accrual rate; must be divisible by .125; enter zeroes, if the MBS Percent 3.4 pool has a weighted-average structure based on a "fixed servicing fee." The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 YYYY-MMDD *Percent 2.4 Must be evenly divisible by .125. For Weighted Average pools, this field may be left blank and the system will Percent 3.4 calculate this value.The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 *Percent 2.4 Must be evenly divisible by .125. For Weighted Average pools, this field may be left blank and the system will calculate this value. Zero is a valid value. The only Percent 3.4 reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 *Percent 2.4 If the PoolMortgageType is "Conventional," then all in the pool must have the same MortgageType (Sort ID 317) 678 680 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolMortgageType IL POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolOwnershipPercent IL Specifies mortgage type of the loans for the pool. Identifies the percentage amount of the pool owned by the investor. N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans If PoolMortgageType is not equal to "Conventional", then Enumerated FHA/VA and USDARuralHousing loans may be comingled within the same pool. This data point must specify the mortgage type that applies to the majority of the loans within that pool. Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Enumerated Valid entries are whole numbers between 50 and 100 in increments of 5. N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 3 numeric digits. Page 49 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 XPath Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details 681 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A Indicates the day of the month the servicer POOL_DETA PoolScheduledRemittancePaymentDa must remit the scheduled pass-through MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL IL y payment to the certificate holders of a particular pool. 682 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A The security interest rate, expressed as a POOL_DETA PoolSecurityIssueDateInterestRatePer MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL percent, for the pool as of the security IL cent issue date. N/A N/A N/A CI Required for MBS IF Sort ID 661CR PoolAccrualRateStructureType = "StatedStructure" 683 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolStructureType IL N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans Denotes the type of mortgage-backed security structure. N/A N/A N/A CI CR Required for MBS loans FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format Format = "---DD". For example, the 18th would be represented as "---18". For an MBS Express® pool, indicate "---04" even though the remittances can actually take place on two different ---DD dates. All loans in the pool must have the same InvestorRemittanceDay (Sort ID 380). For Weighted Average pools, this field may be left blank and the system will calculate this value. The only Percent 3.4 reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations ---DD *Percent 2.4 InvestorDefinedMultipleLender LenderInitiatedMultipleLender SingleLender Enumerated Each Suffix must be captured in a unique DEAL_SETS container. 685 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolSuffixIdentifier IL Suffix associated with the pool identifier. N/A N/A N/A CI Required for MBS IF Sort ID 683PoolStructureType = CR "InvestorDefinedMultipleLender" OR "LenderInitiatedMultipleLender". A unique, three-digit alphanumeric code used to identify an individual MBS pool submission that will be part of a Fannie Majors mulitple pool. The suffix will allow a String 10 lender to update and transmit each part of the pool separately. *String 3 The only reasonable values supported at this time are 3 characters long. 686 687 688 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Complete ULDD-6 N/A N/A N/A POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL SecurityTradeBookEntryDate IL The date that the security will be delivered to the designated book entry account. N/A PARTY_ROL The unique identifier assigned to the party MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A role. ER Identifies the role that the party plays in ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play multiple roles in a transaction. N/A N/A N/A CI N/A Loa nDe liver yFil ePre pare r R R Required for all loans N/A Loa nDe liver yFil ePre pare r R R Required for all loans Page 50 of 114 CR Required for MBS loans Populate with the name of the organization/system that prepared the XML file. YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD String 50 String 50 Enumerated LoanDeliveryFilePreparer Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 33 41 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 2 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes First 2 digits of the version of the Fannie Mae Implementation Guide associated with this submission. String 10 The value for this release is "FNM 2.0". Supply only one ABOUT_VERSION container. Revision Code change ABOUT_VE to be made MESSAGE/ABOUT_VERSIONS/ABOUT_VERSION AboutVersionIdentifier RSION 2Q-2016 New Code change MANUFACT to be made Specifies the common size (width) CR CR IF Sort ID 51-ConstructionMethodType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/MANUFACTURED_HOME/MANUFACTURED_HOME_DETAIL URED_HOM ManufacturedHomeWidthType N/A N/A N/A Enter the width of the manufactured home. as soon as designation of a manufactured home. O O "Manufactured" E_DETAIL possible Revision A unique value that represents a user defined version identifier. N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all files Documentati on change to IF Sort ID 39be made as Specifies the type of physical attachment, FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId soon as PROJECT_D MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectAttachmentType if any, between the dwelling units in the N/A N/A N/A CR CR entifier does not exist AND Sort ID 47possible ETAIL project. ProjectLegalStructureType = validate for "Condominium" potential code change ULDDS Format Enumerated FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations FNM 2.0 FNM 1.0 String 10 MultiWide SingleWide Enumerated Attached Detached Enumerated GardenProject HighriseProject MidriseProject Other TownhouseRowhouse Enumerated Only provide if Fannie Mae’s Condo Project Manager (CPM) system was not used for this loan. If project contains a mix of attached and detached then specify the predominant type. If ProjectAttachmentType (Sort ID 41) cannot be determined, then use the same attachment type as the Unit. If the unit is SemiDetached provide Attached. The difference between ProjectAttachmentType (Sort ID Enumerated 41) and AttachmentType (Sort ID 50) is that (Sort ID 41) is used to describe how the units of the project are attached to each other within one building. For Subject Properties in projects, AttachmentType (Sort ID 50) is used to describe the attachment, between the dwelling unit (Subject Property) and the adjacent dwelling units. Detached Cooperatives are not eligible. The Fannie Mae supported enumerations and definitions for ProjectDesignType are: 43 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision - GardenProject: 1 to 3 stories - MidriseProject: 4 to 7 stories IF Sort ID 39- HighriseProject: 8+ Stories FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectId - TownhouseRowhouse: One in a row of identical houses entifier does not exist AND IF Sort ID 47or having a common wall; attached to another unit via Code change PROJECT_D This field specifies the type of design for ProjectLegalStructureType = common wall (e.g., a brownstone). to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDesignType N/A N/A N/A CR CR Enumerated ETAIL the multiple-unit buildings in a project. "Condominium" AND Sort ID 412Q-2016 ProjectAttachmentType = "Attached" OR IF All floors above ground are included in the number of Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = stories, Any half basements used for residential purposes "Cooperative" are counted as a floor. If project is classified as Lowrise, specify "GardenProject" This data point will not be required when Sort ID 89PropertyValuationMethodType is "None" 44 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision Code change A free-form text field used to describe the PROJECT_D CR CR to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectDesignTypeOtherDescription design if Other is selected as the Project N/A N/A N/A IF Sort ID 43-ProjectDesignType = "Other" ETAIL CI O 2Q-2016 Design Type. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 51 of 114 Enter "OtherSelectedOnValuationDocumentation" if the appraisal indicates "Other". Enumerated OtherSelectedOnValuationDocumentation Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Format Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 48 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details Documentati on change to be made as The name of the project in which subject soon as PROJECT_D IF Sort ID 47-ProjectLegalStructureType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL ProjectName property is located (e.g., the name of the N/A N/A N/A CR CR possible ETAIL "Condominium" OR "Cooperative" condominium or cooperative). validate for potential code change FNM Implementation Notes ProjectName should be completed with the full Association/Corporate Legal Name of the project. ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations String 60 String 50 *String 50 Enter "Manufactured" if the dwelling meets the Glossary definition for Manufactured Home. Enter "SiteBuilt" if: ▪ Most of the dwelling’s elements were created at the home’s permanent site, or ▪ The dwelling is modular, panelized, or any other type of factory-built housing. 51 77 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Revision Code change to be made PROPERTY_ Describes the construction process for the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_DETAIL ConstructionMethodType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans as soon as DETAIL main dwelling unit of the subject property. possible As specified in MISMO LDD V3.0 B263-12, the enumeration definitions are: Enumerated - SiteBuilt: Describes the construction process, indicating that most elements are created at the home’s permanent site and may include some prefabricated components. - Modular: A factory-built dwelling; not on a permanent chassis. - Manufactured: A factory-built dwelling built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standards in effect at the time the home was manufactured, as evidenced by the HUD label (HUD Code Home). A numeric value indicating the total number of bedrooms in a one-family property. If the structure is a two, three, or four-family property, indicate the total number of bedrooms within each unit of the two, three, or fourfamily structure. The only reasonable values supported are 0-9. In the case of studios/efficiencies supply "0" for IF(Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType the number of bedrooms. Because the format is Numeric = "FullAppraisal" OR "PriorAppraisalUsed") 1 a value that is greater than nine for BedroomCount is AND (Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = not allowed. In the rare case that there are more than nine Code change PROPERTY_ The total number of bedrooms in the CR "Investment") OR Sort ID 57bedrooms, supply nine (9). to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_UNITS/PROPERTY_UNIT/PROPERTY_UNIT_DETAIL UNIT_DETAI BedroomCount N/A N/A N/A CR Numeric 2 property dwelling unit. CI FinancedUnitCount > "1" 2Q-2016 L Include only above-grade bedrooms for 1-unit properties. IF PropertyUsageType = "Investment" OR Include both above and below-grade bedrooms for 2-4 FinancedUnitCount > "1" unit properties. Manufactured Modular SiteBuilt Enumerated *Numeric 1 There is a container for Property_Units that provides the ability to deliver up to four iterations of the Property_Unit. Within Property_Unit, supply the BedroomCount and PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentAmount (Sort ID 78). 78 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Revision IF(Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType = "FullAppraisal" OR "PriorAppraisalUsed") A value indicating the current actual monthly rent for a The actual contract rent amount if the AND (Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = one-family investment property or for a unit of a twoCode change PROPERTY_ PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentA property dwelling unit is rented. If there is CR "Investment") OR Sort ID 57family to four-family property (rounded to the nearest to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_UNITS/PROPERTY_UNIT/PROPERTY_UNIT_DETAIL UNIT_DETAI N/A N/A N/A CR mount no active lease, this is the monthly market CI FinancedUnitCount > "1" dollar) or the estimated market rent (rounded to the 2Q-2016 L value amount. nearest dollar) if the unit is not rented currently. Only IF PropertyUsageType = "Investment" OR supporting up to 5 digit numerics at this time. FinancedUnitCount > "1" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 52 of 114 Numeric 9 *Numeric 5 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Format FNM Format Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 82 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format The identifier referred to as the "Document File Identifier" in the Uniform Collateral Data Portal (UCDP). Documentati Lender obtains the "Document File Identifier" from on change to UCDP and transmits it in the "Appraisal Identifier" field be made as PROPERTY_ A unique identifier assigned by a party for IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType in Loan Delivery. This field associates the appraisal data soon as String 10 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION AppraisalIdentifier all appraisal data delivered to the party for N/A N/A N/A CR CR = "DriveBy" OR "FullAppraisal" OR transmitted by the lender to UCDP with the Loan possible String 20 _DETAIL this loan. "PriorAppraisalUsed" Delivery record. As such, this field is conditional based validate for on UCDP mandated requirements. potential code change At this time the only reasonable values are 10 characters long. FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations * String 10 Enter the name of the property valuation form used to provide the property value upon which the loan underwriting decision was based. 85 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change New Enumeration and Corresponding Appraisal Form #: ▪ FNM 1004 / FRE 70 = UniformResidentialAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 1004C / FRE 70B = ManufacturedHomeAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 1004D / FRE 442 = AppraisalUpdateAndOrCompletionReport ▪ FNM 1025 / FRE 72 = SmallResidentialIncomePropertyAppraisalReport If applies ▪ FNM 1073 / FRE 465 = Code change PROPERTY_ IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType = IndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalReport to be made Specifies the form or document used to CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationFormType N/A N/A N/A "Conventional" AND Sort ID 89▪ FNM 1075 / FRE 466 = Enumerated as soon as provide the property valuation. O O _DETAIL PropertyValuationMethodType = "DriveBy" ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCondominiumUnitAppr possible OR "FullAppraisal" aisalReport ▪ FNM 2000 / FRE1032 = OneUnitResidentialAppraisalFieldReviewReport ▪ FNM 2000A / FRE 1072 = TwoToFourUnitResidentialAppraisal ▪ FNM 2055 / FRE 2055 = ExteriorOnlyInspectionResidentialAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 2090 = IndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalReport ▪ FNM 2095 = ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCooperativeInterestApp raisalReport ▪ DU Form 2075 DesktopUnderwriterPropertyInspectionReport Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 53 of 114 AppraisalUpdateAndOrCompletionReport DesktopUnderwriterPropertyInspectionRe port ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCondom iniumUnitAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCoopera tiveInterestAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionResidentialApprais alReport IndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalRe Enumerated port IndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalRe port ManufacturedHomeAppraisalReport OneUnitResidentialAppraisalFieldReview Report SmallResidentialIncomePropertyAppraisal Report TwoToFourUnitResidentialAppraisal UniformResidentialAppraisalReport ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations If property inspection or fieldwork has been waived, supply "None" in PropertyValuationMethodType and populate Sort ID 376 InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier. 89 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision When a Field Review or Desk Review is used, refer to the following fields and guidance to supply these values: - AppraisalDocumentFileID (Sort ID 82): Provide the Document File Identifier of the original appraisal that was uploaded to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®). - AppraisalAmount (Sort ID 83): Provide the Field Code change PROPERTY_ Review Valuation Amount. Specifies the method by which the to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION PropertyValuationMethodType N/A N/A N/A R R Required for all loans Enumerated - AppraisalMethod (Sort ID 89): Provide the value that property value was assessed. 2Q-2016 _DETAIL captures the original appraisal. We suggest entering "Field Review Value Used" or "Desk Review Value Used" in the LoanCommentText (Sort ID 393). AutomatedValuationModel DesktopAppraisal DriveBy FullAppraisal None Other PriorAppraisalUsed Enumerated FieldReview Enumerated For more detailed information, please refer the Appraisal Method Quick Guide located on Note: The value of "Prior Appraisal Used" is no longer a valid value for Refi Plus loans. Please refer to Selling Guide for more details. 90 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision Code change PROPERTY_ A free-form text field used to capture a PropertyValuationMethodTypeOther CR CR IF Sort ID 89-PropertyValuationMethodType Enter "FieldReview" if a field review was used to value to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COLLATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL VALUATION description of the Property Valuation N/A N/A N/A Description CI O = "Other" the subject property. 2Q-2016 _DETAIL Method Type when Other is selected. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 54 of 114 Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Provide the "HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPercent" in the "HCLTV" field for loans with a concurrently closing HELOC or an existing HELOC. 92 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati The result of dividing the sum of the on change to unpaid principal balance (UPB) of the first be made as mortgage, the full amount of any home soon as COMBINED_ HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPerc MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/COMBINED_LTVS/COMBINED_LTV equity line of credit (whether drawn or possible LTV ent undrawn), and the balance of any other validate for subordinate financing by the value of the potential subject property. code change Calculate the sum of the Original Loan Amount of the first mortgage plus the financed mortgage insurance premium (if applicable), any outstanding balances on closed-end subordinate financing and the greater of the maximum home equity line of credit or amount drawn (outstanding UPB). Divide the sum by the lower of the sales price (if applicable) or value of the property securing the mortgage. N/A N/A IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" IF HELOCIndicator = "true" for N/A CR CR Divide the sum of the Original Loan Amount of the first Percent 3.4 LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" and the loan mortgage and the home equity line of credit (whether or is a HELOC not funds have been drawn) and the UPB of all other subordinate financing plus the financed mortgage insurance premium amount (if applicable) by the lower of the appraised value or the sales price of the property securing the mortgage. *Numeric 3 The HCLTV must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. The HCLTV must be greater than or equal to the CLTV. 111 118 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change ULDDS Conditionality Revision AtClosi ng Code change (NonAn enumerated field used to collect to be made INDEX_RUL Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INDEX_RULES/INDEX_RULE IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription additional Index Source Type values when N/A CR CR IF Sort ID 110-IndexSourceType = "Other" as soon as E Loan OR needed. possible AtMod ificatio n Always specify "Other" in IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription (Sort ID 110) and supply the index here. Revision Documentati Specifies how the interest rate is rounded AtClosi on change to when a new interest rate is calculated for ng INTEREST_ be made as an ARM change. The interest rate can be (NonRATE_LIFET soon as rounded Up, Down, or to the Nearest Subject Mods) CR IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RULE IME_ADJUS InterestRateRoundingType N/A CR possible Percent. This field is used in conjunction Loan OR CI "AdjustableRate" TMENT_RU validate for with Interest Rate Rounding Percent, AtMod LE potential which indicates the percentage to which ificatio code change the rounding occurs. n Used in conjunction with InterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 117). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingType. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 55 of 114 Enumerated See "Enumerations" tab for complete list Enumerated Enumerated Down Nearest NoRounding Up Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Must provide two iterations of the INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R ULE container. One with the AdjustmentRuleType = "First" and the second AdjustmentRuleType = "Subsequent". 121 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati AtClosi on change to ng INTEREST_ Enter the maximum number of percentage points by be made as (NonRATE_PER_ The maximum number of percentage which the rate can decrease from the previous interest soon as PerChangeMaximumDecreaseRatePer Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A points by which the rate can decrease from N/A CR CR rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the Percent 3.4 possible cent Loan OR "AdjustableRate" AND decrease cap exists DJUSTMEN the previous interest rate. First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort validate for AtMod T_RULE ID 120) equal to "First" potential ificatio code change n Enter the maximum number of percentage points by which the rate can decrease from the previous interest rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" Percent 3.4 Must provide two iterations of the INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R ULE container. One with the AdjustmentRuleType = "First" and the second AdjustmentRuleType = "Subsequent". 122 123 124 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati AtClosi on change to ng INTEREST_ Enter the maximum number of percentage points by be made as (NonRATE_PER_ The maximum number of percentage which the rate can increase from the previous interest soon as PerChangeMaximumIncreaseRatePer Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A points by which the rate can increase from N/A CR CR rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the Percent 3.4 possible cent Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN the previous interest rate. First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort validate for AtMod T_RULE ID 120) equal to "First" potential ificatio code change n Enter the maximum number of percentage points by which the rate can increase from the previous interest rate as specified on the note that will be in effect at the First Rate Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" Percent 3.4 Revision Must provide two iterations of the INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R Documentati AtClosi The date when the Interest Rate Per ULE container. One with the AdjustmentRuleType = on change to ng INTEREST_ Change Adjustment Rule first becomes "First" and the second AdjustmentRuleType = be made as (NonRATE_PER_ applicable. The Interest Rate Per Change "Subsequent". soon as PerChangeRateAdjustmentEffectiveD Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = YYYY-MMMESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A Adjustment Rule remains in effect unless N/A CR CR possible ate Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DD DJUSTMEN another Interest Rate Per Change Enter the First Rate Change Date with validate for AtMod T_RULE Adjustment Rule with a later date is AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to"First." potential ificatio present on the loan. code change n Enter the Second Change Date with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent" YYYY-MMDD Revision Must provide two iterations of the INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R ULE container. One with the AdjustmentRuleType = Documentati AtClosi "First" and the second AdjustmentRuleType = on change to ng INTEREST_ "Subsequent". be made as (NonRATE_PER_ The number of months between rate Enter the number of months between the initial rate soon as PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequency Subject Mods) IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A adjustments, if the interest rate on the N/A CR CR adjustment and the second rate adjustment with Numeric 3 possible MonthsCount Loan OR "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN subject loan can change. AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "First" validate for AtMod T_RULE potential ificatio Enter the number of months between the second rate code change n adjustment and the third rate adjustment with AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to "Subsequent". Numeric 3 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 56 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 126 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 131 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 138 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 147 148 149 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Documentati AtClosi PRINCIPAL_ on change to ng AND_INTER be made as (NonEST_PAYME Specifies whether the occurrence of the Only provide one instance of this container: soon as Subject Mods) CI IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType= MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE NT_PER_CH AdjustmentRuleType adjustment is the first change or a N/A CR AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 120) equal to Enumerated Subsequent Enumerated possible Loan OR CR "GrowingEquityMortgage" ANGE_ADJU subsequent change. "Subsequent" validate for AtMod STMENT_R potential ificatio ULE code change n Documentati AtClosi PRINCIPAL_ on change to ng AND_INTER be made as (NonEST_PAYME The number of percentage points by For AdjustmentRuleType (Sort ID 126) is "Subsequent". soon as PerChangePrincipalAndInterestPaym Subject Mods) CI IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType= MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE NT_PER_CH which the principal and interest payment N/A CR The only reasonable values supported at this time are Percent 3.4 *Percent 2.4 possible entAdjustmentPercent Loan OR CR "GrowingEquityMortgage" ANGE_ADJU adjusts. restricted to a format of Percent 2.4 validate for AtMod STMENT_R potential ificatio ULE code change n Documentati AtClosi on change to ng AdjustableRate be made as (NonBalloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If Fixed A classification or description of a loan soon as AMORTIZA Subject Mods) the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 226) GraduatedPaymentARM MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the N/A R R Required for all loans Enumerated Enumerated possible TION_RULE Loan OR must equal "true". For MBS, all loans in the pool must GraduatedPaymentMortgage rate or payment over time. validate for AtMod have the same LoanAmortizationType. GrowingEquityMortgage potential ificatio Step code change n New AtClosi The time interval in months between ng Code change interest rate increases during the buydown (NonIF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsC period. For example, if the interest rate Subject Mods) CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE N/A BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE ount increases annually during a two year Loan OR O O "true" possible buydown, the frequency of interest rate AtMod change is 12 months. ificatio n New AtClosi ng Code change The total number of months during which (NonIF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ any buydown is in effect. This represents Subject Mods) CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownDurationMonthsCount N/A BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE the accumulation of all the buydown Loan OR O O "true" possible periods. AtMod ificatio n New FNM Implementation Notes AtClosi ng Code change (NonThe amount by which the interest rate can IF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ Subject Mods) CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownIncreaseRatePercent increase at each adjustment period within N/A BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE Loan OR O O the buydown duration. "true" possible AtMod ificatio n Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 57 of 114 Enter the number of months that represents the time interval in months between interest rate increases during the buydown period. For example, if the interest rate increases annually during a two year buydown, the frequency of interest rate change is 12 months. Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 Enter the number of months for which the buydown is in effect. For example: In a 3-2-1 buydown over 3 years, enter "36". Enter the percentage by which the interest rate can increase at each adjustment period within the buydown duration. For example, if the interest rate increases 1% annually during a two year buydown, the percentage increase is 1.0. ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Include for all sources (Borrower/Seller/Lender/Builder). 150 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes New AtClosi ng Code change (NonThe percent by which the interest rate was IF Sort ID 228to be made BUYDOWN_ Subject Mods) CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownInitialDiscountPercent bought down at origination. For example, N/A BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator = as soon as RULE Loan OR O O for a 3-2-1 buydown, this would be 3. "true" possible AtMod ificatio n If the subject loan is a non-modified loan and that loan has a buydown feature, enter the difference between the Note Rate and the 'bought down' rate that goes into effect as of closing. If the subject loan is a modified loan, and that loan has a buydown feature, enter the difference between the Note Percent 3.4 Rate and 'bought down' rate that goes into effect as of the modification date. Percent 3.4 For example, if the Note Rate is 4% on a 3-2-1 buydown, the number delivered is 3.0. If the source (Borrower/Seller/Builder) contributed an amount as part of a concession, this amount must be converted to a percentage. 194 195 208 215 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change New AtClosi ng Code change (NonRequired for all loans to be made URLA_DET BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalA The total dollar amount of discount points Subject Mods) CR R IF applies MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENT/URLA/URLA_DETAIL N/A as soon as AIL mount that are paid by the borrower. Loan OR O O IF Borrower paid discount points for this possible AtMod transaction ificatio n Enter only the amounts paid by the borrower. Do not enter the amounts that were paid on behalf of the borrower even if they were included in Borrower Paid on the HUD1. For more information on allowable points and fees, refer to the Fannie Mae Selling Guide.If the amount Amount 9.2 is zero or negative, enter zero. If any discount points were paid by a party other than the borrower and the amount paid by the borrower it cannot be determined what amounts were paid on behalf of the borrower, report the total amount of discount points. Amount 9.2 Revision Documentati AtClosi on change to ng be made as The total dollar amount paid by the (NonIF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = soon as URLA_DET borrower for the property pledged as Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENT/URLA/URLA_DETAIL PurchasePriceAmount N/A CR CR "Purchase" AND Sort ID 313possible AIL security for the mortgage. The purchase Loan OR LienPriorityType = "FirstLien" validate for price is presented on the offer to purchase. AtMod potential ificatio code change n Enter the amount indicating the purchase price of the property, net of any adjustments for sales or financing concessions. Numeric 9 Revision Revision Code change The difference between the annual to be made HMDA_LOA percentage rate (APR) and the average MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HMDA_LOAN HMDARateSpreadPercent as soon as N prime offer rate (APOR) as required for possible HMDA Reporting Requirements. AtClosi Required for all loans ng IF Sort ID 313-LienPriorityType = (Non"FirstLien" AND HMDARateSpreadPercent Subject Mods) CR N/A CR is > 1.5 OR Loan OR R IF Sort ID 313-LienPriorityType = AtMod "SecondLien" AND ificatio HMDARateSpreadPercent is > 3.5 n AtClosi ng Code change (NonINTEREST_ to be made Defines the method used to calculate the Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationType N/A R R Required for all loans as soon as interest on the loan. Loan OR ON_RULE possible AtMod ificatio n Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 58 of 114 Numeric 9 Any loan with an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) that is "greater than or equal to 1.5 percentage points above the applicable Aaverage Pprime Ooffer Rrate for first lien loans," or "greater than or equal to 3.5 percentage points above the applicable APORaverage prime offer rate for Percent 3.4 subordinate lien loans" must be reported. Fannie Mae will not accept any value that is less than 1.5%. *Percent 2.2 The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of Percent 2.2. Enter "Simple" unless otherwise permitted by the Seller's Enumerated contract. Compound Simple Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 221 222 226 236 244 251 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 New Data Point FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition INTEREST_ The date on which the interest-only period Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_ONLY InterestOnlyEndDate ONLY on the loan ends. Loan Identifier of a loan from a related or INVESTOR_ original transaction. May be used for Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO RelatedInvestorLoanIdentifier modifications and conversion of existing Loan RMATION loans. INVESTOR_ Specifies the investor of the associated Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO RelatedLoanInvestorType loan. Loan RMATION Indicates whether or not a final balloon LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan the loan. LOAN_DET InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCo The number of months that the initial Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL AIL unt fixed period of a hybrid ARM is in effect. Loan AtClosi ng (NonMods) OR AtMod ificatio n AtClosi ng (NonMods) OR AtMod ificatio n AtClosi ng (NonMods) OR AtMod ificatio n AtClosi ng (NonMods) OR AtMod ificatio n AtClosi ng (NonMods) OR AtMod ificatio n N/A FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes CR CR IF Sort ID 237-InterestOnlyIndicator = "true" CI ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD IF Sort ID 222-RelatedLoanInvestorType = N/A CR CR "FNM" If the loan is a manual RefiPlus refinance (pertains to Refi Plus) that is already in a lender's servicing portfolio and String 30 Fannie Mae is the investor of the loan being refinanced, specify Fannie Mae Loan Number. IF Sort ID 315-LoanPurposeType = N/A CR CR "Refinance" AND delivering to the investor of the loan being refinanced If the loan is a manual RefiPlus refinance (pertains to Refi Plus) that is already in a lender's servicing portfolio and Enumerated Fannie Mae is the investor of the loan being refinanced, specify "FNM". FNM Enumerated N/A Balloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If the loan is a balloon, the BalloonIndicator must equal Boolean "true". For MBS, all loans in the pool must have the same BalloonIndicator. false true Boolean R R Required for all loans String 30 Required for all ARM Loans IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = N/A CR CR "AdjustableRate" New AtClosi ng The number of 1- to 4-unit properties that Code change (Nonare financed and owned and/or obligated to be made LOAN_DET Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL TotalMortgagedPropertiesCount on by the borrower(s). A jointly N/A as soon as AIL Loan OR owned/obligated property by multiple possible AtMod borrowers would count only once. ificatio n New AtClosi ng Code change The one credit score value that represents (NonLOAN_LEVE to be made the overall credit risk on the loan. This Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT/LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT_DETAIL L_CREDIT_ LoanLevelCreditScoreValue N/A CI as soon as value is determined using credit score Loan OR DETAIL possible values for each qualifying borrower. AtMod ificatio n Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 218 FNM Data Point Mandate Date Page 59 of 114 R O R Required for all loans O R Required for all loans O Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Enter the total number of financed 1-4 unit residential properties owned by all borrowers on the loan. Do not include commercial properties or timeshares. If multiple Numeric 2 borrowers own the same property, it only needs to be counted once. The subject property is also included in the property count. Numeric 2 Enter the number of months from the First Payment to the First Rate Change Date. A value indicating the representative credit score assigned to the loan. If there are multiple borrowers, determine the applicable credit score for each individual borrower (lesser of two or middle of three) and select the lowest applicable score from all borrowers as the Numeric 4 representative credit score for the mortgage. Numeric 4 If any Borrower has Non-Traditional credit, leave the field blank.please provide zero in the field. ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Divide the sum of the original loan plus any financed mortgage insurance premium amount by either: (i) in the case of a purchase money loan, the lower of the property’s sales price or appraised value, or (ii) in the case of a refinancing loan, the appraised value. 255 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati on change to be made as The ratio of the current UPB amount to soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LTV LTV LTVRatioPercent the appraised value, estimated value or possible purchase price of the property. validate for potential code change AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtMod ificatio n R R Required for all loans Only whole numbers will be supported at this time. The LTVRatioPercent must be truncated (shortened) to two decimal places. The truncated result must be rounded up to the next whole percent. For example: 96.001% will be delivered as 96; 80.01% will be delivered as 81. Percent 3.4 *Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Numeric 3 For government loans with an Application Received Date on or after December 1, 2011, and delivered on or after July 23, 2012, the LTV is required. For government loans with an Application Received Date prior to December 1, 2011, the LTV is only required for Conventional loans. LTV data should always be numeric; government loans should not contain "FHA" or "VA" in either the loan delivery XML file or in the Loan Delivery user interface. Lenders may continue to send these values in the existing 2000-character file format until July 23, 2012. Enter the total months of verified liquid financial reserves that are available from all borrowers after closing the loan. 287 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Liquid financial reserves are those liquid or near liquid assets that are available to a borrower. New Code change The number of loan payments that are to be made QUALIFICA BorrowerReservesMonthlyPaymentC MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION available to the borrower from verified as soon as TION ount financial reserves after closing. possible AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtMod ificatio n R O R Required for all loans O Reserves are measured by the number of months of the qualifying payment amount for the subject mortgage (based on PITIA) that a borrower could pay using his or her financial assets. In cases where the Reserves determined to be collected is not a whole number round down. I.e. 1.5 months would be delivered as 1. This value could be '0' in some instances. Enter '0' for Manual RefiPlus. Refer to the Eligibility Matrix posted on for instances where “0” reserves are required. 292 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Documentati on change to be made as soon as QUALIFICA TotalMonthlyProposedHousingExpen The total monthly proposed housing MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION possible TION seAmount expense for all borrowers on the loan. validate for potential code change AtClosi ng (NonSubject Mods) N/A Loan OR AtMod ificatio n R R Required for all loans Value indicating the sum of all borrowers’ monthly expenses related to their the subject property primary residence. The monthly housing expense must be equal to or greater than the P&I payment. regardless of the property usage type (primary, second home, and investment) of the subject loan. When the subject loan is for the borrower's primary residence, the Numeric 9 monthly expense must be greater than or equal to the value delivered in InitialPrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount (Sort ID 268) *Numeric 5 Round to the nearest dollar. The only reasonable values supported at this time are restricted to a format of five numeric digits. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 60 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 311 312 318 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details New Revision New Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Code change The amount of cash the borrower will to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/REFINANCE REFINANCE RefinanceCashOutAmount receive at the closing of the loan on a as soon as refinance transaction. possible FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 293 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details AtClosi ng (NonIF Sort ID 294Subject Mods) CR CR N/A RefinanceCashOutDeterminationType = Loan OR O O "CashOut" AtMod ificatio n Documentati AtClosi on change to ng be made as (Nonsoon as PRICE_LOC The date and time on which the agreement Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/PRICE_LOCKS/PRICE_LOCK PriceLockDatetime N/A R R Required for all loans possible K to lock a price was made. Loan OR validate for AtMod potential ificatio code change n AtClosi ng The value of the financial index, Code change (Nonexpressed as a percent, used to calculate to be made TERMS_OF_ Subject Mods) CR CR IF Sort ID 138-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE DisclosedIndexRatePercent the Disclosed Fully Indexed Interest Rate N/A as soon as MORTGAGE Loan OR CI O "AdjustableRate" that must be disclosed to the borrower for possible AtMod adjustable rate mortgages. ificatio n Documentati AtClosi on change to ng be made as (NonA free-form text field used to collect soon as TERMS_OF_ Subject Mods) CI MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageTypeOtherDescription additional information or a description of N/A possible MORTGAGE Loan OR O the mortgage type when Other is selected. validate for AtMod potential ificatio code change n Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 61 of 114 O N/A IF MortgageType = "Other" CR FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations The calculation for refinance cash-out amount is: New Loan amount minus paid off first mortgage loan Amount 9.2 amount minus paid off second mortgage loan amount (if second was used to purchase the property) minus closing costs. PriceLockDatetime is the date on which the interest rate reflected on the note was locked with the borrower (not the correspondent bank or other non borrower party). The lock date is required for all loans; however, the time will be ignored if provided. If there is a time extension; use the original PriceLockDate; if there is an extension due to a change in the interest rate; use the new PriceLockDate.If there is a time extension or extension YYYY-MMdue to a change in the interest rate; provide the original DD PriceLockDatetime. Amount 9.2 YYYY-MMDD With time extensions, Sellers must submit the original PriceLockDatetime for the borrower unless the extension results in a change to the interest rate. If the extension results in a change to the interest rate, the Seller must submit the date of the price lock extension as this will represent the interest rate that will be on the note. Enter the index value used to calculate the disclosed interest rate on the final Truth-in-Lending (TILA) Disclosure statement. Percent 3.4 Percent 3.4 Enter the value of the index (IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription (Sort ID 111)) used to generate the closing documents. Not Used ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 327 332.1 332.2 333 335 337 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 ULDDS Format Enumeration Change FNM Format Enumeration Change ULDDS Conditionality ULDDS Conditionality 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 Enumeration Change 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 325 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details AtClosi ng Code change (NonAUTOMATE The loan approval recommendation IF Sort ID 326to be made AutomatedUnderwritingRecommend Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW determined by the automated underwriting N/A CR CR AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType = as soon as ationDescription Loan OR RITING system. "DesktopUnderwriter" possible AtMod ificatio n Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change This data point only applies if a DU Casefile ID exists. At this time the only accepted values are the provided enumerated values. AtClosi ng A free-form text field used to collect (NonAUTOMATE IF Sort ID 326AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType additional information when Other is Subject Mods) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING D_UNDERW N/A CR CR AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType = OtherDescription selected for Automated Underwriting Loan OR RITING "Other" System Type. AtMod ificatio n ULDDS Format Enumerated String 50 Enumerated String 50 Enumerated GuaranteedUnderwritingSystem Enumerated First Subsequent Enumerated INTEREST_ RATE_PER_ The number of months between rate AtClosi PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequency Subject CR IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A adjustments, if the interest rate on the ng N/A CR Numeric 3 MonthsCount Loan CI "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN SubjectLoan loan can change. (Mods) T_RULE A classification or description of a loan AtClosi AMORTIZA Subject IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the ng N/A CR CR TION_RULE Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" rate or payment over time. (Mods) Revision Revision Documentati on change to be made as Indicates whether or not a final balloon AtClosi soon as LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Subject IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator ng N/A CR CR possible AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" (Mods) validate for the loan. potential code change Page 62 of 114 If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 337) must equal "true". Balloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator must equal "true". FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations ApproveEligible ApproveIneligible EAIEligible EAIIneligible EAIIEligible EAIIIneligible EAIIIEligible EAIIIIneligible Error OutofScope ReferEligible ReferIneligible ReferWithCaution ReferWithCautionIV Unknown INTEREST_ Send two instances of the RATE_PER_ Specifies whether the occurrence of the AtClosi INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_R Subject CR IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE CHANGE_A AdjustmentRuleType adjustment is the first change or a ng N/A CR ULE container. In the first container, Enumerated Loan CI "AdjustableRate" DJUSTMEN subsequent change. (Mods) AdjustmentRuleType = "First". In the second container T_RULE AdjustmentRuleType = "Subsequent". Code change INTEREST_ AtClosi to be made Defines the method used to calculate the Subject IF Sort ID 397MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE CALCULATI InterestCalculationType ng N/A CR CR as soon as interest on the loan. Loan MortgageModificationIndicator = "true" ON_RULE (Mods) possible Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 FNM Implementation Notes Numeric 3 Enumerated AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Enumerated Enumerated Compound Simple Enumerated false true Boolean Balloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator must equal Boolean "true." ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 348 368 385 389 391 404 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Revision 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 337.1 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details Documentati on change to be made as AtClosi soon as LOAN_DET InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCo The number of months that the initial Subject CR IF Sort ID 333-LoanAmortizationType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ng N/A CR possible AIL unt fixed period of a hybrid ARM is in effect. Loan CI "AdjustableRate" (Mods) validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as A free-form text field used to collect AtClosi soon as TERMS_OF_ Subject O O MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageTypeOtherDescription additional information or a description of ng N/A IF MortgageType = "Other" possible MORTGAGE Loan CR CR the mortgage type when Other is selected. (Mods) validate for potential code change FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Numeric 3 Numeric 3 Not Used Revision Code change An investor-specified identifier used to INVESTOR_ Subject to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_FEATURES/INVESTOR_FEATURE InvestorFeatureIdentifier identify a loan feature not defined by other Current N/A CR CR IF applies FEATURE Loan 2Q-2016 attributes. This data point collects the Special Feature Codes (SFCs) at the loan level. There is a limit of six ten values that String 3 can be delivered for the InvestorFeatureIdentifier. Values must be numeric. *Numeric 3 Revision Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ The scheduled unpaid principal balance of soon as LoanAcquisitionScheduledUPBAmo Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO the mortgage as of loan acquisition or the Current N/A CI possible unt Loan RMATION issue date of the associated security. validate for potential code change CR Required for MBS loans The Issue Date Principal Balance is the scheduled balance for an MBS loan as of the issue date for the pool. If the payment is due on the first of the month, indicate the balance after application of the principal portion of Amount 9.2 the payment due in the issue month (otherwise, indicate the balance after application of the principal portion of the payment due in the month preceding the issue date). If left blank, the system will calculate this value. Amount 9.2 CR Required for MBS loans Used in conjunction with REOMarketingPartyType (Sort ID 391) to determine Foreclosure Loss Risk Code. Maps to Foreclosure Loss Risk Code as follows: F = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Investor" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" L = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Lender" and Enumerated REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" S = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" M = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" Investor Lender Shared Enumerated CR Required for MBS loans Used in conjunction with LoanDefaultLossPartyType (Sort ID 389) to determine Foreclosure Loss Risk Code. Maps to Foreclosure Loss Risk Code as follows: F = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Investor" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" L = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Lender" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" S = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Lender" M = LoanDefaultLossPartyType="Shared" and REOMarketingPartyType="Investor" Enumerated Investor Lender Enumerated LoanProgramIdentifier must be populated with "LoanFirstTimeHomebuyer" when a loan qualifies as a First Time Homebuyer. This data point is mapped to the current 2000-character field, "First-time Homebuyer". LoanProgramIdentifier is requested at the loan level because Fannie Mae is only capturing data for two borrowers at this present time. Enumerated LoanFirstTimeHomebuyer Enumerated Revision Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ soon as Indicates the party that bears the default Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO LoanDefaultLossPartyType Current N/A CI possible loss for the loan. Loan RMATION validate for potential code change Revision Documentati on change to be made as INVESTOR_ soon as Identifies the party responsible for Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION LOAN_INFO REOMarketingPartyType Current N/A CI possible marketing the property in case of default. Loan RMATION validate for potential code change Revision Documentati on change to be made as Identifies the mortgage program soon as LOAN_PRO Subject MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_PROGRAMS/LOAN_PROGRAM LoanProgramIdentifier associated with the loan as defined by a Current N/A CR CR IF applies possible GRAM Loan specific entity. validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 63 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 414 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes Enumeration Change Revision Revision 442 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 473 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality Revision 497 499 510 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Documentati on change to be made as The number assigned by the private soon as MI_DATA_D MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL MICertificateIdentifier mortgage insurance company to track a possible ETAIL loan. validate for potential code change A free-form text field used to capture the Code change MI_DATA_D MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescript mortgage insurance company name if to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL ETAIL ion Other is selected as the mortgage 2Q-2016 insurance company name. Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as possible validate for potential code change FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 412 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details Subject Current N/A CR CR IF conventional MI exists Loan FNM Implementation Notes R Required for all loans A free-form text field used to collect TERMS_OF_ Subject AtCon O MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageTypeOtherDescription additional information or a description of N/A MORTGAGE Loan version CI the mortgage type when Other is selected. O N/A FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations At this time the only reasonable values are 10 characters long. String 50 *String 10 For FHA Powersaver loan include the Product ID in this field. Subject IF Sort ID 413-MICompanyNameType = Current N/A CR CR Loan "Other" PAYMENT_ The current unpaid principal balance on Subject R MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY UPBAmount Current N/A SUMMARY the loan. Loan CI ULDDS Format Enumerated ArchMI CAHLIF MDHousing MIF NMI SONYMA Enumerated Amount 9.2 Amount 9.2 Not Used If the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator (Sort ID 499) must equal "true". A classification or description of a loan AMORTIZA Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE LoanAmortizationType generally based on the changeability of the N/A CR CR Enumerated TION_RULE Loan ng first lien Balloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If rate or payment over time. the loan is a balloon the BalloonIndicator must equal "true". Indicates whether or not a final balloon Balloon is no longer a valid Loan Amortization value. If LOAN_DET payment is required under the terms of the Related AtClosi IF second lien is being delivered, required for MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator N/A CR CR the loan is a balloon the Balloon Indicator must equal Boolean AIL loan repayment schedule to fully pay off Loan ng first lien "true". the loan. AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Enumerated false true Boolean RelatedLoan Enumerated IF the subject loan has secondary financing Revision Code change Used as an attribute on LOAN to to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN LOAN LoanRoleType distinguish subject loans from related 2Q-2016 loans. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Related CR Complete this field if the subject loan has secondary Current N/A CR IF (more than one concurrently closing lien Loan CI financing upto 3 related loans. exists on the subject property) OR (second lien is being delivered, required for first lien) Page 64 of 114 Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 512 513 514 515 516 517 519 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Enumeration Change ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 511 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Revision IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" Code change HELOC_OC CurrentHELOCMaximumBalanceAm The total dollar amount of the line of Related CR to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HELOC/HELOC_OCCURRENCES/HELOC_OCCURRENCE Current N/A CR IF more than one concurrently closing lien CURRENCE ount credit as of the date reported. Loan CI 2Q-2016 exists on the subject property AND HelocIndicator = "true" The sum of the drawn and the undrawn HELOC amount should equal the maximum line of credit. If the maximum credit line has been modified, enter the greater Amount 9.2 of the maximum home equity line of credit or the amount drawn. Amount 9.2 Revision IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "true" Code change HELOC_OC The outstanding balance of the home Related CR to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/HELOC/HELOC_OCCURRENCES/HELOC_OCCURRENCE HELOCBalanceAmount Current N/A CR IF more than one concurrently closing lien CURRENCE equity line of credit (HELOC). Loan CI 2Q-2016 exists on the subject property AND HelocIndicator = "true" Enter the amount drawn (outstanding UPB) as of the Note Date of the First Lien Mortgage, not the maximum home Amount 9.2 equity line of credit amount. Enter "0" if no disbursements have occurred as of the Note Date. Amount 9.2 Revision Code change LOAN_DET Indicates whether or not a loan is a to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL HELOCIndicator AIL HELOC. 2Q-2016 Related CR Current N/A CR Loan CI IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515LoanStateType = "Current" Enter "true" if subordinated financing is a HELOC. Boolean false true Boolean IF more than one concurrently closing lien exists on the subject property Revision IF Sort ID 515-LoanStateType exists Code change LOAN_STAT Related CR The date the data is retrieved from the lender’s delivery to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate Specifies the date for the Loan State Type. Current N/A CR IF (more than one concurrently closing lien E Loan CI system. 2Q-2016 exists on the subject property) OR (second lien is being delivered, required for first lien) Revision Code change Identifies the state in time for the LOAN_STAT to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateType information associated with this E 2Q-2016 occurrence of LOAN. Revision IF Sort ID 513-HELOCIndicator = "false" Code change IF (more than one concurrently closing lien PAYMENT_ The current unpaid principal balance on Related CR to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY UPBAmount Current N/A CR exists on the subject property AND SUMMARY the loan. Loan CI 2Q-2016 HelocIndicator = "false") OR (second lien is being delivered, required for first lien) YYYY-MMDD YYYY-MMDD IF subject loan has secondary financing Revision Revision Code change TERMS_OF_ Specifies the priority of the lien against to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MORTGAGE the subject property. 2Q-2016 Code change TERMS_OF_ Specifies the type of mortgage being to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOANS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageType MORTGAGE applied for or that has been granted. 2Q-2016 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Related CR Current N/A CR IF (more than one concurrently closing lien Loan CI exists on the subject property) OR (second lien is being delivered, required for first lien) Related CR Current N/A CR Loan CI IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515LoanStateType = "Current" more than one concurrently closing lien exists on the subject property. Related CR Current N/A CR Loan CI IF Sort ID 510-LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" AND Sort ID 515LoanStateType = "Current" more than one concurrently closing lien exists on the subject property. Page 65 of 114 Enumerated Enter the balance of the closed-end subordinate Mortgage. Current Enumerated Amount 9.2 There may be up to 3 LOAN Containers with LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan” and LoanStateType = Enumerated "Current”, but each valid value for LienPriorityType may be used only once. Enumerated Amount 9.2 SecondLien ThirdLien FourthLien Enumerated Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Identifies the field appraiser's state license number (or state certification number in the absence of a license number) issued by the state in which the subject property is located. Only enter the License or Certificate Number as indicated by the appraisal subcommittee. Do not deliver extra language that may be included by the appraiser. 525 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format When the appraiser is a trainee and has a supervisory appraiser, you must deliver Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534), whether or not the appraiser supervisor signed the appraisal. Revision IF Sort ID 528-PartyRoleType = "Appraiser" Code change State license number of the appraiser who App AND (Sort ID 89APPRAISER_ to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER/APPRAISER_LICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier completed the final estimate of value for N/A N/A raise CR CR PropertyValuationMethodType = "DriveBy" LICENSE 2Q-2016 the subject property. r OR "FullAppraisal" OR "PriorAppraisalUsed") When the appraiser is a trainee and has a license ID, deliver the trainee's license identifier in Appraiser String 50 License Identifier (Sort ID 525), and deliver the appraiser String 21 supervisor's license identifier in Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534). String 50 *String 21 When the appraiser is a trainee and does not have a license ID, deliver the word "trainee" (lower case) in Appraiser License Identifier (Sort ID 525) and deliver appraiser supervisor's license identifier in Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534). When the appraiser is not a trainee and there is no supervisory appraiser, leave the Appraiser Supervisor Identifier (Sort ID 534) field blank (do not make any entry such as N/A or none) and deliver the Appraiser License Identifier (Sort ID 525). If delivering a loan with an exercised Property Inspection 534 537 544 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision App Code change State license number of the appraiser who raise IF Sort ID 537-PartyRoleType = APPRAISER_ to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER_SUPERVISOR/APPRAISER_LICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier completed the final estimate of value for N/A N/A rSup CR CR "AppraiserSupervisor" AND supervisor LICENSE 2Q-2016 the subject property. ervi signed appraisal sor Revision Identifies the role that the party plays in Code change ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a to be made MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType IL person or legal entity. A party may play 2Q-2016 multiple roles in a transaction. Revision Documentati on change to be made as soon as LEGAL_ENT The unparsed name of either an individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL FullName N/A N/A possible ITY_DETAIL or a legal entity. validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 N/A N/A IF Sort ID 317-MortgageType = "Conventional" AND [(Sort ID 89App PropertyValuationMethodType = "DriveBy" raise OR "FullAppraisal" OR rSup CR CR "PriorAppraisalUsed") OR Sort ID 90ervi PropertyValuationMethodTypeOtherDescript sor ion = "FieldReview"] AND supervisor signed appraisal Identifies the field appraiser's state license number (or state certification number in the absence of a license number) issued by the state in which the subject property is located. String 50 String 21 Only enter the License or Certificate Number as indicated by the appraisal subcommittee. Do not deliver extra language that may be included by the appraiser. Enumerated Borr Only 35 characters are supported at this time. IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" owe CR CR Enter the complete, unparsed name of the non-individual String 100 AND Borrower is a legal entity r title holder of the Mortgaged Premises. Page 66 of 114 String 50 *String 21 AppraiserSupervisor Enumerated *String 35 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 560 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes Revision FNM Implementation Notes Revision 572 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details Revision 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes FNM Conditionality MISMO Definition Documentati on change to be made as The two-character representation of the soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS StateCode US state, US Territory, Canadian possible Province, Military APO FPO, or Territory. validate for potential code change 2Q-2016 582 MISMO Data Point Name Revision 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 Parent Container Documentati on change to be made as soon as The two-character representation of the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS ADDRESS CountryCode possible country. validate for potential code change 571 580 XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 555 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Supply two-character codes from the ISO 3166 standard (International Organization for Standardization). N/A N/A N/A N/A IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" Borr AND Sort ID 572Enter two-character code from the International owe CR CR BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd String 2 Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1-alpha-2 r icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571code list at BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" ts/country_names_and_code_elements.htm String 2 Use USPS list of two-character codes If the borrower's mailing address is outside of the United IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" States or Canada, leave this data point blank AND Sort ID 572Borr BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyInd If the Borrower's mailing address is outside of the United owe CR CR icator = "false" AND Sort ID 571String 2 States or Canada, do not send this data point. r BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" Enter "Official USPS Abbreviation" for State or US AND (Sort ID 555-CountryCode = "US" OR Possession maintained by the United States Postal "CA") Service (USPS) at Documentati on change to be made as Borr soon as BORROWER Indicates whether the borrower is the MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL BorrowerClassificationType N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" possible _DETAIL primary or a secondary borrower. r validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as When true, indicates that the mailing Borr IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" soon as BORROWER BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsProp MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_DETAIL address for the borrower is the same as the N/A N/A owe CR CR AND Sort ID 571possible _DETAIL ertyIndicator property address. r BorrowerClassificationType = "Primary" validate for potential code change Fannie Mae only supports delivery of information for up to two four borrowers. If the loan contains more than two four borrowers, designate a borrower and co-borrowers Enumerated based on the "Primary" borrower who signed the mortgage note and the "Secondary" co-borrowers who signed the mortgage note. Boolean New A reference number assigned by the credit Code change CREDIT_SC bureau to a specific credit report. This Borr Enter the credit reference number associated with the to be made CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditReportIdentifier report number is also referenced when a N/A N/A owe Borrower credit report used to underwrite the delivered as soon as O O AND Sort ID 590-CreditScoreValue exists L Reissue, Upgrade, or Status Query of an r loan. This field is N/A for legal entities. possible existing report is requested. Revision Documentati on change to Indicates whether a Credit Repository be made as CREDIT_SC Source is available. If a Credit Repository Borr soon as MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL ORE_DETAI CreditRepositorySourceIndicator Source is available, the source can be N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" possible L provided in Credit Repository Source r validate for Type. potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 ULDDS Format Page 67 of 114 Used in conjunction with CreditRepositorySourceType (Sort ID 583). The Credit Repository Source Indicator must equal "false" when the borrower is relying on nontraditional credit, in instances where the credit score is invalid due to inaccuracies in the repository's records, or the credit score is obtained from an ineligible source (foreign credit scores). The Credit Repository Source Indicator must equal "false" when the borrower is a legal entity. String 2 Primary Secondary Enumerated false true Boolean String 30 Boolean String 30 false true Boolean ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Not Used Refer to the Credit Information Providers List below available on the Fannie Mae portal: ider/cpsortbyname.html 591.1 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Implementation Notes New Enter the Reference # associated with the Credit Score Provider name used to obtain the representative Code change CREDIT_SC Identifies the name of the company CreditScoreValue (Sort ID 590) assigned to the borrower. Borr to be made ORE_PROVI providing the credit score data. This is For example, if the credit score was obtained from a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCORES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER/CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER_DETAIL CreditScoreProviderName N/A N/A owe CI O N/A Enumerated as soon as DER_DETAI one of the requirements of the 2003 FACT credit report provided by CBC Innovis, Inc then provide r possible L Act. '3' in the CreditScoreProviderName. If lender's Credit Score Provider name is not listed, enter '000' (FNMAllowedCreditScoreProviderName). Enumerated You only need to implement the Credit Score Provider Reference # values used within your company. The Credit Information Providers List contains over 200+ credit providers so you only need to implement the Credit Score Provider enumerations used within your company. This field is N/A for legal entities. 596 597 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes New Enter "true" if the Uniform Residential Loan Application Code change Borrower’s answer to the question: Have Borr (URLA), credit report, or other loan documents indicate to be made DECLARATI you been declared bankrupt within the CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL BankruptcyIndicator N/A N/A owe IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" that the bBorrower has declared bankruptcy within the Boolean as soon as ON_DETAIL past 7 years? Collected on the URLA in O O r past seven 7 years. Provide as applicable for legal possible Section VIII, line b. entities. false true Boolean Revision An individual is considered a First-Time Home Buyer (FTHB) who (1) is purchasing the security property; (2) will reside in the security property; and (3) had no ownership (sole or joint) in a residential property during Documentati Indicates that the borrower qualifies as a the three-year period preceding the date of the purchase on change to first time homebuyer as determined by the of the security property. In addition, an individual who is IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" be made as lender and/or the investor. (Note: a displaced homemaker or single parent also will be Borr AND Borrower is an individual AND Sort ID soon as DECLARATI BorrowerFirstTimeHomebuyerIndicat Information provided by the borrower in considered a FTHB if he or she had no ownership interest MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL N/A N/A owe CR CR 315-LoanPurposeType = "Purchase" AND Boolean possible ON_DETAIL or Section VIII, line m, of the URLA, in a principal residence (other than a joint ownership r Sort ID 69-PropertyUsageType = validate for regarding ownership of a property in the interest with a spouse) during the preceding three-year "PrimaryResidence" potential past three years, may not be relied upon time period. For Additional information about making code change for this information.) this determination, see the instructions for the Uniform Residential Loan Application (Form 1003). Enter "true" if the Borrower is a First-Time Homebuyer as defined in the Borrower Quick Guide. Borrower data must be delivered for each First-Time Homebuyer. false true Boolean Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Page 68 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 600 614 627 628 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition FNM Conditionality 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes XPath ULDDS Conditionality 2Q-2016 New Data Point ULDDS Conditionality FNM Conditionality FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 599 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations New Borrowers answer to the question: Have Code change you directly or indirectly been obligated Borr to be made DECLARATI LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicato on any loan that resulted in foreclosure, CR CR MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATION/DECLARATION_DETAIL N/A N/A owe IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" as soon as ON_DETAIL r transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or O O r possible judgment? Collected on the URLA in Section VIII, line e. New Enter "true" if the referenced income being used to Code change Indicates that in the referenced Borr qualify the borrower is from self-employment. The to be made EMPLOYME EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedI CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/EMPLOYERS/EMPLOYER/EMPLOYMENT employment the borrower is selfN/A N/A owe Employment Borrower Self Employed Indicator must as soon as NT ndicator O O AND Borrower is an individual employed. r equal "false" when the borrower in an Entity. possible This is N/A for legal entities. Boolean Revision Documentati on change to be made as The value of the taxpayer identifier as Borr soon as TAXPAYER_ Numeric data only.Valid format is NNNNNNNNN - Do MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIERS/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIER TaxpayerIdentifierValue assigned by the IRS to the individual or N/A N/A owe CR CR IF Sort ID 611-PartyRoleType = "Borrower" possible IDENTIFIER not enter dashes. legal entity. r validate for potential code change String 9 String 9 String 50 *Numeric 12 Revision Revision Documentati Loa on change to nOri be made as PARTY_ROL gina soon as The unique identifier assigned to the party IF Sort ID 628-PartyRoleType = MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER E_IDENTIFI PartyRoleIdentifier N/A N/A tion CR CR possible role. "LoanOriginationCompany" ER Co validate for mpa potential ny code change Documentati on change to be made as Identifies the role that the party plays in soon as ROLE_DETA the transaction. Parties may be either a MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType possible IL person or legal entity. A party may play validate for multiple roles in a transaction. potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 N/A N/A Loa nOri gina R R Required for all loans IF loan origination tion CR CR company data is available Co mpa ny Page 69 of 114 Enter "true" if the URLA, credit report, or other loan documents indicate the Borrower has been directly or indirectly obligated on a loan that resulted in foreclosure, Boolean transfer of title in lieu of foreclosure, or judgment. Provide as applicable for legal entities. false true Boolean false true Boolean The loan orignation company's unique identifier as assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry. The loan origination company is the company the loan originator is employed by or is representing as an independent contrator. This field is associated with Title V requirements mandated by FHFA and as such is conditional on those requirements. The only reasonable values supported at this time are 12 numeric digits. If a state regulated loan origination company does not have a NMLS ID because they are located in Delaware, Maine, or Missouri, the Loan Originator Company Identifier should be populated with the value shown below for the corresponding state: Delaware = 1001, Maine = 1002, Missouri = 1003. Enumerated LoanOriginationCompany Enumerated ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 672 673 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes 2Q-2016 FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes Revision Revision Revision Parent Container MISMO Data Point Name MISMO Definition Documentati on change to be made as soon as LEGAL_ENT The unparsed name of either an individual MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PARTIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL FullName N/A N/A possible ITY_DETAIL or a legal entity. validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInterestRateRoundingType possible IL validate for potential code change Documentati on change to be made as soon as POOL_DETA MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DETAIL PoolInvestorProductPlanIdentifier possible IL validate for potential code change Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Phase 2-7 Indicates how the interest rate is rounded when a new interest rate is calculated for a pool of loans. Identifies the plan of the varying loan payment and/or rate change characteristics for a pool of loans issued by the servicer. N/A N/A N/A N/A FNM Conditionality XPath ULDDS Conditionality Data Point Data Point New / Change Revision Type Party Role Type Change Description (Columns Updated) Loan State Type FNM Revision Effective Date Loan Role Type Sort ID 641.1 FNM Data Point Mandate Date FNM Conditionality Details FNM Implementation Notes ULDDS Format FNM Format FNM Supported Enumerations Enter the company name of the entity funding the applicable loan, as stated on the note. Not IF Sort ID 641.2-PartyRoleType = ePay CR CR "NotePayTo" To To clarify, on the Note in Section 1. Borrower’s Promise to Pay, the Seller would provide the name exactly as it appears after ‘The Lender is’. String 100 String 100 Sellers should not enter their seller number, loan officer name, dates or abbreviations in this field. For more information on SEC Mortgage Funder please see the FAQ's posted on Fannie Mae's website. N/A CI N/A CI Page 70 of 114 Required for MBS IF Loan Sort ID 662CR PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" CR Required for MBS IF Loan Sort ID 662PoolAmortizationType = "AdjustableRate" Used in conjunction with PoolInterestRateRoundingTypePercent (Sort ID 671). All loans in the pool must have the same InterestRateRoundingPercent (Sort ID 117). Enumerated Down Nearest NoRounding Up Enumerated All loans in the pool must have the same InvestorProductPlanIdentifier (Sort ID 379). String 10 *Numeric 5 Only reasonable values supported at this time are 5 numeric digits. ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 1 2 2 33 33 38 38 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 44 47 47 50 50 50 51 51 51 63 63 63 64 69 69 69 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 A A A A A D Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier AboutVersionIdentifier AboutVersionIdentifier ManufacturedHomeWidthType ManufacturedHomeWidthType CondominiumProjectStatusType CondominiumProjectStatusType ProjectAttachmentType ProjectAttachmentType ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignTypeOtherDescription ProjectLegalStructureType ProjectLegalStructureType AttachmentType AttachmentType AttachmentType ConstructionMethodType ConstructionMethodType ConstructionMethodType PropertyEstateType PropertyEstateType PropertyEstateType PropertyEstateTypeOtherDescription PropertyUsageType PropertyUsageType PropertyUsageType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType FNM Supported Enumerations FNM 1.0 FNM 2.0 MultiWide SingleWide Established New Attached Detached E F G P Q R S T U V 1 2 GardenProject HighriseProject MidriseProject Other TownhouseRowhouse OtherSelectedOnValuationDocumentation Condominium Cooperative Attached Detached SemiDetached Manufactured Modular SiteBuilt FeeSimple Leasehold Other LifeEstate Investment PrimaryResidence SecondHome AutomatedPropertyService Casa FidelityHansen HomePriceAnalyzer HomePriceIndex HomeValueExplorer Indicator Page 71 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 93 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameTypeOtherDescription PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodTypeOtherDescription LoanRoleType IndexSourceType IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription FNM Supported Enumerations NetValue Other Pass PropertySurveyAnalysisReport ValueFinder ValuePoint ValuePoint4 ValuePointPlus ValueSure ValueWizard ValueWizardPlus VeroIndexPlus VeroValue MTM AppraisalUpdateAndOrCompletionReport DesktopUnderwriterPropertyInspectionReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionIndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalReport ExteriorOnlyInspectionResidentialAppraisalReport IndividualCondominiumUnitAppraisalReport IndividualCooperativeInterestAppraisalReport ManufacturedHomeAppraisalReport OneUnitResidentialAppraisalFieldReviewReport SmallResidentialIncomePropertyAppraisalReport TwoToFourUnitResidentialAppraisal UniformResidentialAppraisalReport AutomatedValuationModel DesktopAppraisal DriveBy FullAppraisal None Other PriorAppraisalUsed FieldReview SubjectLoan Other 6MonthTreasuryBillAuctionHighMonthlyAverage 1YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesMonthlyAverage 3YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesMonthlyAverage 5YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesMonthlyAverage NationalAverageContractMortgageRateForThePurchaseOfPreviouslyOccupiedHomes 6MonthTreasuryBillAuctionHighDiscountRate 1YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage 3YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage 5YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage 6MonthMoneyMarketComBankWeekly FHLBB11thDistrictCostOfFundsMonthlyAverage 10YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage NationalMonthlyMedianCostOfFundsRateMonthlyAverage Page 72 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) MISMO Data Point Name 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 111 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription M M M M M Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription FNM Supported Enumerations 6MonthTreasuryBillAuctionHighInvestmentRate 11thDistrictDailyGuarRate30DayCom5Yr 5YearFHLBNYAdvanceRateDaily 6MonthTreasuryBillSecondaryMarketWeeklyAverage 2YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage CumulativeAverageforthePrevious4WeeksWeeklyAverage6MonthAuctionHighInvestmentRate CumulativeAverageforthePrevious26WeeksWeeklyAverage CumulativeAverageforthePrevious4WeeksWeeklyAverage6MonthAuctionHighDiscRate 1MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORRateMonthly FHFB11thDistrictCOFCumulativeAverageForThePrevious12Months WallStreetJournalPrimeRate 1YearTreasuryBill364DayDiscountRateWeeklyAuctionAverage 7YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage 1YearFHLBBostonAdvanceRateDaily FederalReserve6MonthCDRateDaily SemiAnnualCOFforCaliforniaSemiannualAverage 6MonthCDsSecondaryMarketWeeklyAverage CumulativeAverageForThePrevious12MonthOfThe6MonthTBillMonthlyAverage Blend50PercentFRM50PercentWeekly1YearTreasurySecurityWeeklyAverage Blend75PercentFRM25PercentWeekly1YearTreasurySecurityWeeklyAverage 6MonthCDsSecondaryMarketMonthlyAverage CumulativeAverageForThePrevious12Months1YearTreasurySecurityMonthlyAverage 6MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORRateMonthlyAverage SemiAnnualCOFforthe11thDistrictSemiannualAverage NationalAverageCOFRatioforSAIFInsuredInstitutionsQuarterlyAverageOfTheFederalCOFI MonthlyAverageOfTheWeeklyAverage1YearTreasurySecurityMonthlyAverage NationalAverageEffectiveRateoOfAllMortgageloansMonthlyAverage WallStreetJournal6MonthLIBOR FreddieMac30Year60DayRequiredNetYieldsDaily 6MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORRateDaily 1MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORRateDaily 3MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORRateMonthly 1MonthCDRateSecondaryMarketWeeklyAverage 6MonthBritishBankersAssociationLIBORRateMonthly 6MonthTBillAuctionHighDiscountRate 3MonthBritishBankersAssociationLIBORRateMonthly 1YearTreasuryBill364DayDiscountRateMonthly 1MonthBritishBankersAssociationLIBORRateMonthly 1YearTreasuryConstantMaturitiesMonthlyAverageCumulativeAveragefortheprevious12MonthsMonthly Average 30year60DayConventionalFixedRateDaily 1YearWallStreetJournalLIBORRateDaily FreddieMacCostofFunds 12MonthRollingAverageOfThe3MonthCD 6MonthTreasuryConstantMaturitiesWeeklyAverage 30DayFRMConvPostedYieldAA 30DayFRMConvPostedYieldSA 60DayFRMConvPostedYieldAA 60DayFRMConvPostedYieldSA Page 73 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 118 118 118 118 120 120 126 137 138 138 138 138 138 138 145 145 145 146 162 162 163 163 163 165 165 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription InterestRateRoundingType InterestRateRoundingType InterestRateRoundingType InterestRateRoundingType AdjustmentRuleType AdjustmentRuleType AdjustmentRuleType LoanAmortizationPeriodType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType BuydownContributorType BuydownContributorType BuydownContributorType BuydownContributorTypeOtherDescription ConstructionLoanType ConstructionLoanType ConstructionToPermanentClosingFeatureType ConstructionToPermanentClosingFeatureType ConstructionToPermanentClosingFeatureType ConstructionToPermanentClosingType ConstructionToPermanentClosingType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType SectionOfActType FNM Supported Enumerations 6MonthTreasuryConstantMaturitySecDaily 3MonthWallStreetJournalLIBORrateDaily WellsFargoPrimeRateOnBloomberg 1MonthBritishBankersAssociationLIBOROnBloomberg 3MonthBritishBankersAssociationLIBOROnBloomberg 1YearWallStreetJournalLIBORRateMonthly 10YearTreasuryConstantMaturityMonthly 1YearCMTMonthlyLast4WeeksofWeekly 5YearCMTMonthlyLast4WeeksofWeekly 1MonthTreasuryConstantMaturityWeekly 6MonthBritishBankersLIBORDaily WellsFargoCostofSavingsMonthly Down Nearest NoRounding Up First Subsequent Subsequent Month AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Borrower Lender Other InterestedThirdParty ConstructionOnly ConstructionToPermanent AutomaticConversion ModificationAgreement NewNote OneClosing TwoClosing 184 201S 201SD 201U 201UD 203B 203B2 203B241 203B251 203H 203I 203K Page 74 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 209 209 210 210 210 211 211 211 214 214 214 215 215 222 253 253 258 270 294 294 294 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 D Appendix D - 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Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name LienPriorityType LienPriorityType LoanPurposeType LoanPurposeType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType AutomatedUnderwritingSystemTypeOtherDescription LoanRoleType AdjustmentRuleType AdjustmentRuleType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType InterestCalculationType InterestCalculationType LoanStateType PaymentFrequencyType LienPriorityType LienPriorityType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType LoanRoleType InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier FNM Supported Enumerations FirstLien SecondLien Purchase Refinance Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA ApproveEligible ApproveIneligible EAIEligible EAIIneligible EAIIEligible EAIIIneligible EAIIIEligible EAIIIIneligible Error OutofScope ReferEligible ReferIneligible ReferWithCaution ReferWithCautionIV Unknown DesktopUnderwriter Other GuaranteedUnderwritingSystem SubjectLoan First Subsequent AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Compound Simple AtClosing Monthly FirstLien SecondLien Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA SubjectLoan DURefiPlusPropertyFieldworkWaiver DUPropertyInspectionReportForm2075 Level1PropertyInspectionWaiver Page 76 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 381 381 381 389 389 389 391 391 404 406 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 414 414 414 414 414 414 426 426 429 429 429 450 450 450 450 450 451 451 451 496 497 497 497 497 497 497 502 504 507 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 6/1/2013 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 A A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name InvestorRemittanceType InvestorRemittanceType InvestorRemittanceType LoanDefaultLossPartyType LoanDefaultLossPartyType LoanDefaultLossPartyType REOMarketingPartyType REOMarketingPartyType LoanProgramIdentifier LoanStateType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MIPremiumSourceType MIPremiumSourceType PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType FNMHomeImprovementProductType FNMHomeImprovementProductType FNMHomeImprovementProductType FNMHomeImprovementProductType FNMHomeImprovementProductType RefinanceProgramIdentifier RefinanceProgramIdentifier RefinanceProgramIdentifier LoanRoleType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanAmortizationType LoanStateType LoanMaturityPeriodType LienPriorityType FNM Supported Enumerations ActualInterestActualPrincipal ScheduledInterestActualPrincipal ScheduledInterestScheduledPrincipal Investor Lender Shared Investor Lender LoanFirstTimeHomebuyer Current CMG Essent Genworth MGIC Other PMI Radian RMIC Triad UGI ArchMI CAHLIF MDHousing MIF SONYMA NMI Borrower Lender MICanceledBasedOnCurrentLTV NoMIBasedOnOriginalLTV Other ActualActualBiweekly ConstructionToPermanent DailySimpleInterestCashConventional DailySimpleInterestMBS GovernmentTitleI DisasterResponse DURefiPlus RefiPlus RelatedLoan AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step AtClosing Month FirstLien Page 77 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 510 515 517 517 517 519 519 519 519 528 537 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 546 546 549 571 571 576 576 576 576 576 577 577 577 578 578 578 578 578 579 583 583 583 598 598 598 608 608 608 608 609 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 A A A Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name LoanRoleType LoanStateType LienPriorityType LienPriorityType LienPriorityType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType MortgageType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityType LegalEntityTypeOtherDescription LegalEntityTypeOtherDescription AddressType BorrowerClassificationType BorrowerClassificationType CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationTypeOtherDescription CounselingConfirmationTypeOtherDescription CounselingConfirmationTypeOtherDescription CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatTypeOtherDescription CreditRepositorySourceType CreditRepositorySourceType CreditRepositorySourceType CitizenshipResidencyType CitizenshipResidencyType CitizenshipResidencyType GenderType GenderType GenderType GenderType HMDAEthnicityType FNM Supported Enumerations RelatedLoan Current SecondLien ThirdLien FourthLien Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA Appraiser AppraiserSupervisor Corporation GovernmentEntity JointVenture LimitedLiabilityCompany LimitedPartnership NonProfitCorporation Other Partnership LandTrustAndBeneficiaryIsIndividual LivingTrust Mailing Primary Secondary GovernmentAgency HUDApprovedCounselingAgency LenderTrainedCounseling NoBorrowerCounseling Other BorrowerDidNotParticipate MortgageInsuranceCompany NonProfitOrganization BorrowerEducationNotRequired Classroom HomeStudy Individual Other BorrowerDidNotParticipate Equifax Experian TransUnion NonPermanentResidentAlien PermanentResidentAlien USCitizen Female InformationNotProvidedUnknown Male NotApplicable HispanicOrLatino Page 78 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Sort ID 609 609 609 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 611 613 613 613 621 628 635 635 635 637 640 641.2 643 646 653 656 659 661 661 662 662 662 662 662 662 672 672 672 672 678 678 678 678 683 683 683 688 FNM FNM A (Added) Data Point Enumeration D (Deleted) Mandate Date Effective Date M (Modified) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Enumerations-8 MISMO Data Point Name HMDAEthnicityType HMDAEthnicityType HMDAEthnicityType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType HMDARaceType PartyRoleType TaxpayerIdentifierType TaxpayerIdentifierType TaxpayerIdentifierType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType LoanOriginatorType LoanOriginatorType LoanOriginatorType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PartyRoleType PoolAccrualRateStructureType PoolAccrualRateStructureType PoolAmortizationType PoolAmortizationType PoolAmortizationType PoolAmortizationType PoolAmortizationType PoolAmortizationType PoolInterestRateRoundingType PoolInterestRateRoundingType PoolInterestRateRoundingType PoolInterestRateRoundingType PoolMortgageType PoolMortgageType PoolMortgageType PoolMortgageType PoolStructureType PoolStructureType PoolStructureType PartyRoleType FNM Supported Enumerations InformationNotProvidedByApplicantInMailInternetOrTelephoneApplication NotApplicable NotHispanicOrLatino AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative Asian BlackOrAfricanAmerican InformationNotProvidedByApplicantInMailInternetOrTelephoneApplication NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander NotApplicable White Borrower EmployerIdentificationNumber IndividualTaxpayerIdentificationNumber SocialSecurityNumber DocumentCustodian LoanOriginationCompany Broker Correspondent Lender LoanOriginator LoanSeller NotePayTo Payee Servicer DocumentCustodian LoanSeller Servicer StatedStructure WeightedAverageStructure AdjustableRate Fixed GraduatedPaymentARM GraduatedPaymentMortgage GrowingEquityMortgage Step Down Nearest NoRounding Up Conventional FHA USDARuralHousing VA InvestorDefinedMultipleLender LenderInitiatedMultipleLender SingleLender LoanDeliveryFilePreparer Page 79 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 1 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 MESSAGE MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier .ABOUT_VERSIONS ..ABOUT_VERSION MESSAGE/ABOUT_VERSIONS/ABOUT_VERSION AboutVersionIdentifier CreatedDatetime .DEAL_SETS ..DEAL_SET …DEALS ….DEAL ….:COLLATERALS ….:.COLLATERAL ….:..PROPERTIES ….:...PROPERTY ….:….ADDRESS MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/A DDRESS AddressLineText CityName PostalCode StateCode ….:….FLOOD_DETERMINATION ….:….:FLOOD_DETERMINATION_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/F LOOD_DETERMINATION/FLOOD_DETERMINATION_ DETAIL SpecialFloodHazardAreaIndicator 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 2 3 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Repeat Repeat XPath 10 14 16 18 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 24 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ∞ 1 ∞ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ∞ 1 ∞ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ∞ 1 10,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 80 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) X X ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 XPath 33 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 50 51 57 63 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name ….:….MANUFACTURED_HOME ….:….:MANUFACTURED_HOME_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/ MANUFACTURED_HOME/MANUFACTURED_HOME_ DETAIL ManufacturedHomeWidthType ….:….PROJECT ….:….:PROJECT_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/P ROJECT/PROJECT_DETAIL CondominiumProjectStatusType FNMCondominiumProjectManagerProjectIdentifier ProjectAttachmentType ProjectClassificationIdentifier ProjectDesignType ProjectDesignTypeOtherDescription ProjectDwellingUnitCount ProjectDwellingUnitsSoldCount ProjectLegalStructureType ProjectName PUDIndicator ….:….PROPERTY_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/P ROPERTY_DETAIL AttachmentType ConstructionMethodType FinancedUnitCount PropertyEstateType Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 81 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 64 65 67 69 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Repeat XPath 77 78 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 80 81 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 82 83 84 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name PropertyEstateTypeOtherDescription PropertyFloodInsuranceIndicator PropertyStructureBuiltYear PropertyUsageType ….:….PROPERTY_UNITS ….:….:PROPERTY_UNIT ….:….:.PROPERTY_UNIT_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/P ROPERTY_UNITS/PROPERTY_UNIT/PROPERTY_UNI T_DETAIL BedroomCount PropertyDwellingUnitEligibleRentAmount ….:….PROPERTY_VALUATIONS ….:….:PROPERTY_VALUATION ….:….:.AVMS ….:….:..AVM MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/P ROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/A VMS/AVM AVMModelNameType AVMModelNameTypeOtherDescription ….:….:.PROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/COL LATERALS/COLLATERAL/PROPERTIES/PROPERTY/P ROPERTY_VALUATIONS/PROPERTY_VALUATION/P ROPERTY_VALUATION_DETAIL AppraisalIdentifier PropertyValuationAmount PropertyValuationEffectiveDate Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 82 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 85 89 90 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 91 92 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 93 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 102 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name PropertyValuationFormType PropertyValuationMethodType PropertyValuationMethodTypeOtherDescription ….:LOANS ….:.COMBINED_LTVS ….:..COMBINED_LTV MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/COMBINED_LTVS/COMBINED_LTV CombinedLTVRatioPercent HomeEquityCombinedLTVRatioPercent ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “SubjectLoan” and LoanStateType = “AtClosing” (Non-Modifications) OR LoanRoleType = “SubjectLoan” and LoanStateType = "AtModification" MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN LoanRoleType ....:..ADJUSTMENT ....:…CONVERSION_ADJUSTMENT ….:….CONVERSION_ADJUSTMENT_LIFETIME_A DJUSTMENT_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/CONVERSION_ADJUSTMEN T/CONVERSION_ADJUSTMENT_LIFETIME_ADJUSTM ENT_RULE ConversionType ….:...INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT ….:....INDEX_RULES ….:....:INDEX_RULE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 X X 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Page 83 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 110 111 113 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 114 115 116 117 118 119 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Repeat 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTM ENT/INDEX_RULES/INDEX_RULE IndexSourceType IndexSourceTypeOtherDescription InterestAndPaymentAdjustmentIndexLeadDaysCount ….:….INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT _RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTM ENT/INTEREST_RATE_LIFETIME_ADJUSTMENT_RU LE CeilingRatePercent FirstRateChangePaymentEffectiveDate FloorRatePercent InterestRateRoundingPercent InterestRateRoundingType MarginRatePercent ….:….INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTM ENT_RULES ….:….:INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTM ENT_RULE If required, two instances of this container must be delivered: One with AdjustmentRuleType = "First" to describe the initial adjustment structure and caps and one with AdjustmentRuleType = "Subsequent" to identify the periodic adjustment structure and caps. Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 Page 84 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 120 121 122 123 124 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTM ENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT _RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTME NT_RULE AdjustmentRuleType = "First" or "Subsequent" PerChangeMaximumDecreaseRatePercent PerChangeMaximumIncreaseRatePercent PerChangeRateAdjustmentEffectiveDate PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequencyMonthsCount ….:….PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PE R_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULES ….:....:PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PE R_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST _PAYMENT_ADJUSTMENT/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTER EST_PAYMENT_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE S/PRINCIPAL_AND_INTEREST_PAYMENT_PER_CHA NGE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE XPath 126 7/23/2012 AdjustmentRuleType 131 7/23/2012 PerChangePrincipalAndInterestPaymentAdjustmentPercent 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:.. AMORTIZATION ….:…AMORTIZATION_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE XPath 135 136 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 LoanAmortizationMaximumTermMonthsCount LoanAmortizationPeriodCount Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 85 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 137 138 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 145 146 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 XPath 147 148 149 150 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 Repeat XPath 151 152 153 154 155 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name LoanAmortizationPeriodType LoanAmortizationType ….:..BUYDOWN ….:…BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTORS ….:….BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR ….:….:BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUTORS/B UYDOWN_CONTRIBUTOR/BUYDOWN_CONTRIBUT OR_DETAIL BuydownContributorType BuydownContributorTypeOtherDescription ….:…BUYDOWN_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/BUYDOWN/BUYDOWN_RULE BuydownChangeFrequencyMonthsCount BuydownDurationMonthsCount BuydownIncreaseRatePercent BuydownInitialDiscountPercent Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 7/23/2012 ….:..CLOSING_INFORMATION 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:…CLOSING_COST_FUNDS ….:….CLOSING_COST_FUND MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/CLOSING_INFORMATION/CLOSING_COST_ FUNDS/CLOSING_COST_FUND ClosingCostContributionAmount ClosingCostFundsType ClosingCostFundsTypeOtherDescription ClosingCostSourceType ClosingCostSourceTypeOtherDescription 0 0 1 ∞ 0 0 1 ∞ Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality Page 86 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) X X X ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Repeat Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:…COLLECTED_OTHER_FUNDS ….:….COLLECTED_OTHER_FUND N/A N/A N/A 7/23/2012 XPath 162 163 165 167 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 0 1 ∞ 0 0 1 ∞ 0 0 0 0 X X OtherFundsCollectedAtClosingAmount OtherFundsCollectedAtClosingType OtherFundsCollectedAtClosingTypeOtherDescription ….:..CONSTRUCTION MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/CONSTRUCTION ConstructionLoanType ConstructionToPermanentClosingFeatureType ConstructionToPermanentClosingType ConstructionToPermanentFirstPaymentDueDate 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 ….:..DOWN_PAYMENTS 0 1 0 1 0 7/23/2012 ….:…DOWN_PAYMENT 0 ∞ 0 ∞ 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 X X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/DOWN_PAYMENTS/DOWN_PAYMENT XPath 172 173 174 175 176 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/CLOSING_INFORMATION/COLLECTED_OT HER_FUNDS/COLLECTED_OTHER_FUND XPath 157 158 159 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 DownPaymentAmount DownPaymentSourceType DownPaymentSourceTypeOtherDescription DownPaymentType DownPaymentTypeOtherDescription ….:..FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS ….:…FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENT ….:….URLA Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 87 of 114 1 1 1 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 ….:….:URLA_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/FORM_SPECIFIC_CONTENTS/FORM_SPECI FIC_CONTENT/URLA/URLA_DETAIL BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalAmount PurchasePriceAmount ….:..GOVERNMENT_LOAN MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/GOVERNMENT_LOAN SectionOfActType ….:..HMDA_LOAN MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/HMDA_LOAN HMDA_HOEPALoanStatusIndicator HMDARateSpreadPercent ….:..INTEREST_CALCULATION ….:…INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES ….:….INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE XPath 194 195 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 198 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 207 208 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CAL CULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE XPath 209 210 211 213 214 215 217 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 InterestAccrualType InterestCalculationBasisDaysInYearCountType InterestCalculationBasisType InterestCalculationEffectiveMonthsCount InterestCalculationPeriodType InterestCalculationType LoanInterestAccrualStartDate ….:..INTEREST_ONLY Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 88 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INTEREST_ONLY InterestOnlyEndDate ….:..INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION XPath 218 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 224 225 226 227 228 229 231 232 234 236 237 238 240 241 243 244 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION XPath 221 222 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 RelatedInvestorLoanIdentifier RelatedLoanInvestorType ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL ApplicationReceivedDate AssumabilityIndicator BalloonIndicator BorrowerCount BuydownTemporarySubsidyIndicator CapitalizedLoanIndicator ConstructionLoanIndicator ConvertibleIndicator EscrowIndicator InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCount InterestOnlyIndicator LoanAffordableIndicator PrepaymentPenaltyIndicator RelocationLoanIndicator SharedEquityIndicator TotalMortgagedPropertiesCount ….:..LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT ….:…LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT_DETAIL Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 89 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 247 249 N/A N/A 250 N/A 251 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 XPath 252 7/23/2012 253 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 254 255 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 256 257 258 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_LEVEL_CREDIT/LOAN_LEVEL_CRE DIT_DETAIL CreditScoreImpairmentType LoanLevelCreditScoreSelectionMethodType LoanLevelCreditScoreSelectionMethodTypeOtherDescriptio n LoanLevelCreditScoreValue ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "AtClosing" (Non-Mods) OR "AtModification" ….:..LTV MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LTV BaseLTVRatioPercent LTVRatioPercent ….:..MATURITY ….:…MATURITY_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityDate LoanMaturityPeriodCount LoanMaturityPeriodType ….:..MODIFICATIONS Container required only for modified loans. ….:...MODIFICATION Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Page 90 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 268 269 270 272 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 287 290 291 292 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 293 294 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 311 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MODIFICATIONS/MODIFICATION XPath 259 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 LoanModificationEffectiveDate ….:..PAYMENT ….:…PAYMENT_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE InitialPrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount PaymentBillingStatementLeadDaysCount PaymentFrequencyType ScheduledFirstPaymentDate ….:..QUALIFICATION MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/QUALIFICATION BorrowerReservesMonthlyPaymentCount TotalLiabilitiesMonthlyPaymentAmount TotalMonthlyIncomeAmount TotalMonthlyProposedHousingExpenseAmount ….:..REFINANCE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/REFINANCE RefinanceCashOutAmount RefinanceCashOutDeterminationType ….:..SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT ….:…PRICE_LOCKS ….:….PRICE_LOCK MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/PRICE_LOCK S/PRICE_LOCK PriceLockDatetime Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 91 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 ….:..TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE DisclosedIndexRatePercent LienPriorityType LoanPurposeType MortgageType NoteAmount NoteDate NoteRatePercent ….:..UNDERWRITING ….:…AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITINGS ….:….AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING XPath 312 313 315 317 319 320 321 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) AutomatedUnderwritingCaseIdentifier AutomatedUnderwritingRecommendationDescription AutomatedUnderwritingSystemType AutomatedUnderwritingSystemTypeOtherDescription ….:…UNDERWRITING_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/UNDERWRITING_DETAIL XPath 328 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/UNDERWRITING/AUTOMATED_UNDERWR ITINGS/AUTOMATED_UNDERWRITING XPath 322 325 326 327 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 LoanManualUnderwritingIndicator ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “SubjectLoan” and LoanStateType = “AtClosing” (Submit for Modified Mortgages only to provide data about the original loan prior to modification) Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 92 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 332 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Repeat XPath 332.1 332.2 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN LoanRoleType ….:..ADJUSTMENT ….:…INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTMENT ….:….INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTM ENT_RULES ….:….:INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTM ENT_RULE Enter two instances of this container: One with AdjustmentRuleType (332.1) = "First" to describe the initial adjustment structure and caps and one with AdjustmentRuleType (332.3) = "Subsequent" to identify the periodic adjustment structure and caps. MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/INTEREST_RATE_ADJUSTM ENT/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTMENT _RULES/INTEREST_RATE_PER_CHANGE_ADJUSTME NT_RULE AdjustmentRuleType = "First" or "Subsequent" PerChangeRateAdjustmentFrequencyMonthsCount ….:..AMORTIZATION ….:…AMORTIZATION_RULE Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE XPath 333 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 LoanAmortizationType ….:..INTEREST_CALCULATION ….:…INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES ….:….INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 93 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 337 337.1 337.2 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 338 7/23/2012 339 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 340 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 342 344 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CAL CULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE XPath 335 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality InterestCalculationType ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator InitialFixedPeriodEffectiveMonthsCount InterestOnlyIndicator ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "AtClosing" (Original loan data for delivered modified mortgages) ….:..MATURITY ….:…MATURITY_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityDate ….:..PAYMENT ….:…PAYMENT_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE PaymentFrequencyType ScheduledFirstPaymentDate ….:..TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 94 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 345 347 349 350 351 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 XPath 352 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 354 355 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 364 365 N/A N/A MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name LienPriorityType MortgageType NoteAmount NoteDate NoteRatePercent ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “SubjectLoan” and LoanStateType = “Current” MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN LoanRoleType ....:..ADJUSTMENT ….:…RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURREN CES ….:….RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURRE NCE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHA NGE_OCCURRENCES/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANG E_OCCURRENCE ConvertibleStatusType NextRateAdjustmentEffectiveDate ….:..ESCROW ….:…ESCROW_ITEMS ….:….ESCROW_ITEM ….:….:ESCROW_ITEM_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ESCROW/ESCROW_ITEMS/ESCROW_ITEM/ ESCROW_ITEM_DETAIL EscrowItemType EscrowItemTypeOtherDescription Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ∞ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ∞ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 95 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) X X X X ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 366 N/A Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX EscrowMonthlyPaymentAmount ….:..INTEREST_CALCULATION 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 ….:…INTEREST_CALCULATION_OCCURRENCES 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 ….:….INTEREST_CALCULATION_OCCURRENCE 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CAL CULATION_OCCURRENCES/INTEREST_CALCULATI ON_OCCURRENCE CurrentAccruedInterestAmount ….:..INVESTOR_FEATURES 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 Repeat 7/23/2012 ….:…INVESTOR_FEATURE 0 6 0 6 0 10 6 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INVESTOR_FEATURES/INVESTOR_FEATU RE InvestorFeatureIdentifier ….:..INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 XPath 368 7/23/2012 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INVESTOR_LOAN_INFORMATION XPath 369 373 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN XPath 367 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 BaseGuarantyFeePercent GuaranteeFeeAddOnIndicator GuarantyFeeAfterAlternatePaymentMethodPercent GuarantyFeePercent InvestorCollateralProgramIdentifier InvestorOwnershipPercent InvestorProductPlanIdentifier InvestorRemittanceDay InvestorRemittanceType Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 96 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 385 386 387 389 391 7/23/2012 N/A N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 LoanAcquisitionScheduledUPBAmount LoanBuyupBuydownBasisPointNumber LoanBuyupBuydownType LoanDefaultLossPartyType REOMarketingPartyType ….:..LOAN_COMMENTS ….:…LOAN_COMMENT 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 394 395 397 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Repeat MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X LoanCommentText ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonResetIndicator CurrentInterestRatePercent MortgageModificationIndicator ….:..LOAN_IDENTIFIERS ….:...LOAN_IDENTIFIER The schema allows only one data point per LOAN_IDENTIFIER container. IF more than one data point is required, the LOAN _IDENTIFIER container must repeat for each one. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 8 X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_IDENTIFIERS/LOAN_IDENTIFIER XPath 399 400 401 402 403 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_COMMENTS/LOAN_COMMENT XPath 393 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A InvestorCommitmentIdentifier InvestorContractIdentifier MERS_MINIdentifier SellerLoanIdentifier ServicerLoanIdentifier Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 97 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Repeat Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:..LOAN_PROGRAMS ….:…LOAN_PROGRAM 7/23/2012 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 X 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:…PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREAKOUTS 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 ….:….PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREAKOUT 0 1 0 1 XPath 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 411 412 413 414 416 422 423 426 429 430 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MIN LoanProgramIdentifier ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "Current" ….:..MI_DATA ….:..MI_DATA_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MI_DATA/MI_DATA_DETAIL LenderPaidMIInterestRateAdjustmentPercent MICertificateIdentifier MICompanyNameType MICompanyNameTypeOtherDescription MICoveragePercent MIPremiumFinancedAmount MIPremiumFinancedIndicator MIPremiumSourceType PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonType PrimaryMIAbsenceReasonTypeOtherDescription ….:..PAYMENT 7/23/2012 405 406 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_PROGRAMS/LOAN_PROGRAM XPath 404 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 98 of 114 1 1 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 450 451 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 459 MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX PrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount ….:…PAYMENT_SUMMARY 1 1 1 1 1 1 AggregateLoanCurtailmentAmount LastPaidInstallmentDueDate LastPaymentReceivedDate UPBAmount ….:…LOAN_PRODUCT_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/SELECTED_LOAN_PRODUCT/LOAN_PROD UCT_DETAIL FNMHomeImprovementProductType RefinanceProgramIdentifier ….:..SERVICING ….:…DELINQUENCY_SUMMARY 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/SERVICING/DELINQUENCY_SUMMARY XPath 452 MIN GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY XPath 438 440 441 442 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREA KOUTS/PAYMENT_COMPONENT_BREAKOUT XPath 436 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality N/A DelinquentPaymentsOverPastTwelveMonthsCount ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “SubjectLoan” and LoanStateType = “AtConversion” MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN LoanRoleType = "SubjectLoan" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 99 of 114 X ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 ….:..ADJUSTMENT ….:…RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURREN CES ….:….RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANGE_OCCURRE NCE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/ADJUSTMENT/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHA NGE_OCCURRENCES/RATE_OR_PAYMENT_CHANG E_OCCURRENCE LatestConversionEffectiveDate ….:..AMORTIZATION ….:...AMORTIZATION_RULE 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 460 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 N/A 7/23/2012 XPath 464.1 N/A 7/23/2012 XPath MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 0 ∞ 0 ∞ 0 0 X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 X X LoanAmortizationType ….:..INTEREST_CALCULATION ….:…INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULES ….:….INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE 0 0 0 1 1 ∞ 0 0 0 1 1 ∞ 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 0 1 0 1 0 0 X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/INTEREST_CALCULATION/INTEREST_CAL CULATION_RULES/INTEREST_CALCULATION_RULE XPath 463 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE XPath 461 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality InterestCalculationType ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 100 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 465 466 N/A N/A Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 467 N/A 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 468 469 471 N/A N/A N/A 7/23/2012 XPath 472 474 476 N/A N/A N/A 7/23/2012 XPath 496 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "AtConversion" ….:..MATURITY ….:…MATURITY_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityDate ….:..PAYMENT ….:…PAYMENT_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE InitialPrincipalAndInterestPaymentAmount PaymentFrequencyType ScheduledFirstPaymentDate ….:..TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MortgageType NoteAmount NoteRatePercent ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “RelatedLoan” and LoanStateType = “AtClosing” MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" ….:..AMORTIZATION ….:...AMORTIZATION_RULE Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 X X 0 1 0 1 0 0 X 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/AMORTIZATION/AMORTIZATION_RULE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 101 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 497 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 XPath 499 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 501 502 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 503 504 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 506 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 507 509 Repeat XPath 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name LoanAmortizationType ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL BalloonIndicator ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "AtClosing" ….:..MATURITY ….:…MATURITY_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/MATURITY/MATURITY_RULE LoanMaturityPeriodCount LoanMaturityPeriodType ….:..PAYMENT ….:…PAYMENT_RULE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_RULE ScheduledFirstPaymentDate ….:..TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType NoteAmount ....:.LOAN LoanRoleType = “RelatedLoan” and LoanStateType = “Current.” MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 1 0 1 0 3 X Page 102 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 510 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 511 512 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 513 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 514 515 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 517 519 LoanRoleType = "RelatedLoan" ….:..HELOC ….:…HELOC_OCCURRENCES ….:….HELOC_OCCURRENCE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/HELOC/HELOC_OCCURRENCES/HELOC_O CCURRENCE CurrentHELOCMaximumBalanceAmount HELOCBalanceAmount ….:..LOAN_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_DETAIL HELOCIndicator ….:..LOAN_STATE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/LOAN_STATE LoanStateDate LoanStateType = "Current" ….:..PAYMENT ….:…PAYMENT_SUMMARY Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/PAYMENT/PAYMENT_SUMMARY XPath 516 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 UPBAmount ….:..TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/LOA NS/LOAN/TERMS_OF_MORTGAGE LienPriorityType MortgageType ….:PARTIES Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 103 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 525 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 528 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 534 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 537 7/23/2012 Repeat 7/23/2012 Either 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "Appraiser" ….:.. ROLES ….:… ROLE ….:….APPRAISER ….:….:APPRAISER_LICENSE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER/APPRAISER_L ICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "Appraiser" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "AppraiserSupervisor" ….:.. ROLES ….:… ROLE ….:….APPRAISER_SUPERVISOR ….:….:APPRAISER_LICENSE MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/APPRAISER_SUPERVISOR/ APPRAISER_LICENSE AppraiserLicenseIdentifier ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "AppraiserSupervisor" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "Borrower" ….:..INDIVIDUAL Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 Page 104 of 114 4 2 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) X ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 ….:…NAME MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/INDIVIDUAL/NAME FirstName LastName MiddleName SuffixName ….:..LEGAL_ENTITY ….:…LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAI L FullName LegalEntityType LegalEntityTypeOtherDescription ….:..ADDRESSES ….:…ADDRESS MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ADDRESSES/ADDRESS AddressLineText AddressType CityName CountryCode PostalCode StateCode ….:.. ROLES ….:… ROLE ….:….BORROWER ….:….:BORROWER_DETAIL XPath 540 541 542 543 OR 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 544 545 546 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 548 549 554 555 557 560 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 105 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 567 568 571 572 573 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 576 577 578 579 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/BORROWER_ DETAIL BorrowerAgeAtApplicationYearsCount BorrowerBirthDate BorrowerClassificationType BorrowerMailToAddressSameAsPropertyIndicator BorrowerQualifyingIncomeAmount ….:….:COUNSELING_CONFIRMATION MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/COUNSELING _CONFIRMATION CounselingConfirmationType CounselingConfirmationTypeOtherDescription CounselingFormatType CounselingFormatTypeOtherDescription Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 0 1 7/23/2012 ….:….:CREDIT_SCORES 1 1 1 1 7/23/2012 ….:….:.CREDIT_SCORE 1 1 1 1 7/23/2012 ….:….:..CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 1 X 1 X 1 X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCO RES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_DETAIL XPath 580 582 583 590 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 CreditReportIdentifier CreditRepositorySourceIndicator CreditRepositorySourceType CreditScoreValue ….:….:..CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 0 Page 106 of 114 1 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 2Q-2016 XPath 591.1 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 596 597 598 599 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 2Q-2016 XPath 600 2Q-2016 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 608 609 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name MIN ….:….:...CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/CREDIT_SCO RES/CREDIT_SCORE/CREDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER/CR EDIT_SCORE_PROVIDER_DETAIL CreditScoreProviderName ….:….:DECLARATION ….:….:DECLARATION_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/DECLARATIO N/DECLARATION_DETAIL BankruptcyIndicator BorrowerFirstTimeHomebuyerIndicator CitizenshipResidencyType LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator ….:….:EMPLOYERS ….:….:.EMPLOYER ….:….:..EMPLOYMENT MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/EMPLOYERS/ EMPLOYER/EMPLOYMENT EmploymentBorrowerSelfEmployedIndicator ….:….:GOVERNMENT_MONITORING ….:….:.GOVERNMENT_MONITORING_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/GOVERNME NT_MONITORING/GOVERNMENT_MONITORING_DE TAIL GenderType HMDAEthnicityType ….:….:.HMDA_RACES Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 MAX Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality MIN MAX Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ∞ 1 0 0 0 1 ∞ 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Page 107 of 114 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Repeat Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 ….:….:..HMDA_RACE 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 611 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 613 614 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 620 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 621 Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 1 4 1 4 0 4 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/BORROWER/GOVERNME NT_MONITORING/HMDA_RACES/HMDA_RACE XPath 610 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 HMDARaceType ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "Borrower" ….:..TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIERS ….:…TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/TAXPAYER_IDENTIFIERS/TAXPAYER_I DENTIFIER TaxpayerIdentifierType TaxpayerIdentifierValue ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "DocumentCustodian" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "DocumentCustodian" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 108 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 627 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 628 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 634 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "LoanOriginationCompany" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "LoanOriginationCompany" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "LoanOriginator" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….LOAN_ORIGINATOR Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/LOAN_ORIGINATOR XPath 635 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 LoanOriginatorType ….:….ROLE_DETAIL Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 109 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) XPath 637 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 639 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 640 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 641.1 11/26/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 641.2 11/26/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "LoanOriginator" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "LoanSeller" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "LoanSelle r" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "NotePayTo" ….:..LEGAL_ENTITY ….:…LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/LEGAL_ENTITY/LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAI L FullName ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "NotePayTo" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 110 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 642 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 643 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 645 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 646 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "Payee" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "Payee" ….:.PARTY PartyRoleType = "Servicer" ….:.. ROLES ….:…PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS ….:….PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PAR TY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:… ROLE ….:….ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/DEALS/DEAL/PAR TIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "Servicer" …INVESTOR_FEATURES ….INVESTOR_FEATURE Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 X X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 X X Page 111 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/INVESTOR_FEATU RES/INVESTOR_FEATURE InvestorFeatureIdentifier …PARTIES XPath 651 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 652 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 653 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 655 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 ….PARTY PartyRoleType = "DocumentCustodian" (Pool Level) ....:ROLES ….:.PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFERS ….:..PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDE NTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:.ROLE ….:..ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "DocumentCustodian" ….PARTY PartyRoleType = "LoanSeller" (Pool Level) ....:ROLES ….:.PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFERS ….:..PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDE NTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:.ROLE ….:..ROLE_DETAIL Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 1 0 1 0 1 X 0 ∞ 0 ∞ 0 1 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 X X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X 0 ∞ 0 ∞ 0 1 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 X X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X Page 112 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date Container Mandate Date (R or CR) MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name 661 662 664 665 666 667 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "LoanSeller" ….PARTY PartyRoleType = "Servicer" (Pool Level) ....:ROLES ….:.PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFERS ….:..PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDE NTIFIER PartyRoleIdentifier ….:.ROLE ….:..ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/PARTIES/PARTY/R OLES/ROLE/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "Servicer" …POOL ….POOL_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/DEAL_SET/POOL/POOL_DET AIL PoolAccrualRateStructureType PoolAmortizationType PoolAssumabilityIndicator PoolBalloonIndicator PoolFixedServicingFeePercent PoolIdentifier 669 7/23/2012 PoolInterestAndPaymentAdjustmentIndexLeadDaysCount 670 671 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 PoolInterestOnlyIndicator PoolInterestRateRoundingPercent XPath 656 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 658 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 659 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) 0 ∞ 0 ∞ 0 1 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 X X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 X X Page 113 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3 Legend XPath Parent Container Repeatable Container New Data Point Phase 1 7/23/2012 Cardinality Cardinality ULDDS Sort ID FNM Data Point Mandate Date 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 680 681 682 683 685 686 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 Container Mandate Date (R or CR) 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 7/23/2012 XPath 688 PoolInterestRateRoundingType PoolInvestorProductPlanIdentifier PoolIssueDate PoolMarginRatePercent PoolMaximumAccrualRatePercent PoolMinimumAccrualRatePercent PoolMortgageType PoolOwnershipPercent PoolScheduledRemittancePaymentDay PoolSecurityIssueDateInterestRatePercent PoolStructureType PoolSuffixIdentifier SecurityTradeBookEntryDate ..PARTIES …PARTY PartyRoleType = "LoanDeliveryFilePreparer" (File Level) ....ROLES ….:PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFERS ….:.PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER Phase 2 Q2 2016 Cardinality MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ∞ 1 ∞ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GSE Cardinality Differences (as of 9/16/2014 update) MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/PART Y_ROLE_IDENTIFIERS/PARTY_ROLE_IDENTIFIER XPath 687 MISMO v3.0 Container Name (with container implementation notes) MISMO v3.0 Xpath MISMO v3.0 Data Point Name Phase 1B 11/26/2012 Cardinality 7/23/2012 PartyRoleIdentifier ….:ROLE ….:.ROLE_DETAIL MESSAGE/DEAL_SETS/PARTIES/PARTY/ROLES/ROL E/ROLE_DETAIL PartyRoleType = "LoanDeliveryFilePreparer" Appendix D - Fannie Mae XML Data Reference Cardinality-9 Page 114 of 114 ULDD Phase 2 Document Version 2.0.3