Estimating the magnetic characteristics of a salient pole synchronous machine using ampere turns distribution method By Jayaram Subramanian B.E., Anna University, 2012 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science In the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ©Jayaram Subramanian 2015 University of Victoria All rights reserved. This dissertation may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopying or by other means, without the permission of the author i Supervisory Committee Estimating the magnetic characteristics of a salient pole synchronous machine using ampere turns distribution method By Jayaram Subramanian B.E., Anna University, 2012 Supervisory Committee Dr.Subhasis Nandi, Supervisor (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Dr.Nikitas Dimopoulos, Department Member (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) ii Abstract Supervisory Committee Dr.Subhasis Nandi, Supervisor (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Dr.Nikitas Dimopoulos, Department Member (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Modeling plays a very important role in a variety of applications such as performance analysis, characterization, fault diagnosis, condition monitoring and stress analysis of electrical machines. With the importance of modeling of electrical machines increasing day by day, researchers are striving for better methods to solve the problem. One of the widely used techniques for modeling electrical machine is the finite element method. As computational power continues to be less and less expensive, the finite element method is becoming a widely used technique for modeling of electrical machines because of its advantages in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Many commercial finite element software packages are now available for this purpose. One such software, the Ansys Maxwell is used extensively for the modeling of electrical machines. It is the top of the line finite element package used by many motor manufacturers for industrial motor design and performance analysis. Ansys Maxwell has specific features such as the field calculator and RMxprt which facilitates the modeling of electrical machines. One of the important parameters while modeling electrical machine is the magnetic iii characteristics of the core material. This plays a significant role in the performance characteristics and the analysis of electrical machines. This research work addresses this problem and provides a simple yet effective solution to determine the average magnetic characteristics of a salient pole synchronous machine that uses a material for the rotor with unknown magnetic characteristics. Existing techniques available to determine the magnetic characteristics of a material are mainly Epstein and single sheet tester. These two tests require a separate sheet of material and they are destructive. Therefore a non-invasive and non-destructive technique had to be designed to solve this problem as the manufacturers could not provide the data for the magnetic material used in the rotor. In this work, an FE model of the salient pole synchronous machine was developed to closely emulate the characteristics of the experimental machine. This FE model was first subjected to magnetostatic simulation under different field currents using a known magnetic material. By comparing the result with the experimental machine and by performing a technique named ampere turn distribution technique, a new magnetic material characteristic was developed to follow the average characteristics of the rotor and the stator. Following the determination of the new material, this material was used in the simulation of the salient pole synchronous machine running as a motor and a generator under varying load condition and field currents. These results were then compared with the real machine to determine the effectiveness of the developed scheme. The pursuit of research in this topic led to the following publication: 1. Subramanian, J.; Nandi, S.; Ilamparithi, T.; Winter, O., "Estimating the magnetic characteristics of a salient pole synchronous machine using ampere turns distribution method," Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1594,1600, 2-5 Sept. 2014 iv Table of Contents Supervisory Committee .................................................................................................................. ii Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... iii List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. viii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. xi List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... xiii List of symbols ............................................................................................................................. xiv Chapter 1 Introduction to magnetic measurement techniques in rotating machines ................. 1 1.1 Introduction to modeling of electrical machines .............................................................. 1 1.2 Introduction to measurement techniques of magnetic characteristics of materials in Electrical machines ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 Ring Test ................................................................................................................... 3 1.2.2 Epstein Test ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 Single Sheet Test (SST) ............................................................................................ 6 1.2.4 Other Techniques .................................................................................................... 11 1.2.5 Comparison of Epstein and SST techniques ........................................................... 16 1.3 Motivation of the present research work ........................................................................ 16 1.4 Thesis outline ................................................................................................................. 17 Chapter 2 Finite Element Modeling ........................................................................................ 19 2.1 Electromagnetic analysis ................................................................................................ 19 2.2 Finite Element Analysis (FEA): ..................................................................................... 20 2.3 FE in Electrical Machines .............................................................................................. 21 2.4 Commercial FE packages available for Electrical Machines: ........................................ 22 2.5 Ansys: ............................................................................................................................. 23 v 2.5.1 Ansys RMxprt ......................................................................................................... 25 2.5.2 Field Calculator:...................................................................................................... 27 2.5.3 Solvers..................................................................................................................... 28 2.5.4 Material Properties .................................................................................................. 31 2.6 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 3 3.1 Ampere Turn Distribution Scheme ......................................................................... 34 Magnetic Materials used in Electrical Machines ........................................................... 34 3.1.1 Non-oriented Steel .................................................................................................. 34 3.1.2 Grain-oriented Steel ................................................................................................ 35 3.2 Finite element modeling of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine ................................... 35 3.2.1 Salient Pole Synchronous Motor ............................................................................ 36 3.2.2 Salient pole synchronous generator ........................................................................ 39 3.3 AT (ampere turn) Distribution Scheme .......................................................................... 42 3.3.1 Steps of AT distribution scheme ............................................................................. 42 3.3.2 Open circuit test ...................................................................................................... 43 3.3.3 Magnetostatic simulation in Ansys Maxwell .......................................................... 44 3.3.4 Calculation of ampere turns for different parts of the motor: ................................. 50 3.3.5 Calculation of magnetic flux density from the experiment data ............................. 53 3.4 Comparison of Steel1008, M27 and the new material ................................................... 63 3.5 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 67 Chapter 4 Comparison of results with new magnetic material and real SPSM ....................... 68 4.1 SPSM as a Motor ........................................................................................................... 68 4.2 Comparison of Experiment and FE at different load conditions with SPSM as a Motor 70 4.2.1 Full Load condition ................................................................................................. 70 vi 4.2.2 75% Full Load condition ........................................................................................ 72 4.2.3 66% Full Load condition ........................................................................................ 74 4.2.4 50% Full Load condition ........................................................................................ 76 4.2.5 33% Full Load condition ........................................................................................ 78 4.2.6 No Load condition .................................................................................................. 80 4.3 Harmonic analysis of the stator current in SPSM as a motor......................................... 86 4.4 SPSM as a generator ...................................................................................................... 89 4.4.1 Generator with Resistive Load................................................................................ 90 4.4.2 Generator with Resistive-Inductive (RL) Load ...................................................... 95 4.4.3 Generator with Resistive-Capacitive (RC) Load: ................................................. 100 Chapter 5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 107 5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 107 5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the ampere turn distribution scheme ..................... 107 5.3 Contributions ................................................................................................................ 108 5.4 Future Scope................................................................................................................. 109 References: .................................................................................................................................. 110 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 113 vii List of Figures Figure 1-1. Classification of magnetic measurement techniques ................................................... 2 Figure 1-2. Different shapes of the sample for ring tester [2] ........................................................ 3 Figure 1-3. Ring test rig with control algorithm [3] © 2011, IEEE ............................................... 4 Figure 1-4. Single Sheet Tester frame [6] © 1974, IEEE .............................................................. 7 Figure 1-5. Single Sheet Tester [6] © 1974, IEEE ........................................................................ 8 Figure 1-6. 2H coil SST [7] © 2009, IEEE .................................................................................... 9 Figure 1-7. 2H SST measurement system [7] © 2009, IEEE ........................................................ 9 Figure 1-8. Double excitation SST [8] © 1999, IEEE ................................................................. 10 Figure 1-9. Open Type SST - DC magnetization [9] © 2010, IEEE ........................................... 11 Figure 1-10. 3D tester (cubic sensing box) [10] © 2010, IEEE................................................... 12 Figure 1-11. 3D tester for SMC [11] © 2003, IEEE .................................................................... 13 Figure 1-12. Epstein FEM [13] © 2005, IEEE ............................................................................ 14 Figure 1-13. SST FEM [13] © 2005, IEEE ................................................................................. 14 Figure 1-14. Geometry of induction motor [14] © 2012, IEEE................................................... 15 Figure 2-1. Electromagnetic Analysis Solution [17] .................................................................... 19 Figure 2-2. FE software process [18] ............................................................................................ 23 Figure 2-3. Ansys Maxwell - process flow [20] ........................................................................... 24 Figure 2-4. Ansys Maxwell and related products [20] ................................................................. 25 Figure 2-5. RMxprt - DC motor [21] ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 2-6. Field calculator [22] ................................................................................................... 27 Figure 2-7. Magnetostatic Solution Process [17].......................................................................... 29 Figure 2-8. Eddy current solution process [17] ............................................................................ 30 Figure 2-9. Transient Solution process [17] ................................................................................. 31 Figure 2-10. Material Properties ................................................................................................... 32 Figure 2-11. M27 Core loss Model (Red curve – actual one and Black curve – inserted automatically by Maxwell to smoothen the characteristics) ......................................................... 33 Figure 3-1. Salient pole synchronous machine – FE model ......................................................... 36 Figure 3-2. Excitation voltage - winding 1 ................................................................................... 37 Figure 3-3. Excitation voltage - winding 2 ................................................................................... 37 Figure 3-4. Field circuit for motor ................................................................................................ 38 viii Figure 3-5. Field current ............................................................................................................... 38 Figure 3-6. Load setting ................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 3-7. Constant Speed - Prime mover setting ....................................................................... 40 Figure 3-8. Constant speed of 1800 RPM ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 3-9. Circuit for generator with R Load .............................................................................. 41 Figure 3-10. Steps in AT (ampere turn) distribution scheme ....................................................... 43 Figure 3-11. Optometrics setup..................................................................................................... 45 Figure 3-12. Field winding (Pink) in SPSM ................................................................................. 46 Figure 3-13. Plot of H for 0.5A Field Current .............................................................................. 47 Figure 3-14. Plot of B for 0.5A Field Current .............................................................................. 48 Figure 3-15. Modify attribute tab in magnetostatic simulation .................................................... 49 Figure 3-16. Ampere turn distribution in SPSM........................................................................... 52 Figure 3-17. Ampere turn distribution steps shown in Table 3-8 ................................................. 58 Figure 3-18. BH steel1008 vs New material ................................................................................. 63 Figure 3-19. BH plot of different parts of SPSM based on Table 3-9, 3-11 and 3-12.................. 64 Figure 3-20. Comparison of generated voltage............................................................................. 66 Figure 3-21. Comparison of OCC difference - Steel1008, M27 and new Material from the experimental OCC ........................................................................................................................ 66 Figure 4-1. SPSM used in the experiments ................................................................................... 68 Figure 4-2. Stator current of SPSM at FL at 0.7A field current ................................................... 71 Figure 4-3. Stator current of SPSM at FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-2 .............................. 72 Figure 4-4. Stator current of SPSM at 75% FL at 1A field current .............................................. 73 Figure 4-5. Stator current of SPSM at 75% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-4 ..................... 74 Figure 4-6. Stator current of SPSM at 66% FL at 1.2A field current .......................................... 75 Figure 4-7. Stator current of SPSM at 66% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-6 .................... 76 Figure 4-8. Stator current of SPSM at 50% FL at 1A field current .............................................. 77 Figure 4-9. Stator Current of SPSM at 50% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-8..................... 78 Figure 4-10. Stator current of SPSM at 33% FL at 0.7A field current ......................................... 79 Figure 4-11. Stator current of SPSM at 33% FL - Zoomed in version ......................................... 80 Figure 4-12. Stator current of SPSM at NL at 1.2A field current ................................................. 81 Figure 4-13. Stator Current of SPSM at NL - Zoomed in version ................................................ 82 ix Figure 4-14. Comparison of stator current at 0.7A field current .................................................. 82 Figure 4-15. Comparison of stator current at 1A field current ..................................................... 83 Figure 4-16. Comparison of stator current at 1.2A field current .................................................. 83 Figure 4-17. Comparison of power factor at 0.7A field current ................................................... 84 Figure 4-18. Comparison of power factor at 1A field current ...................................................... 84 Figure 4-19. Comparison of power factor at 1.2A field current ................................................... 85 Figure 4-20. FFT of stator current (a) Experimental SPSM (b) FE simulation of SPSM with new material (c) FE simulation of SPSM with M27.................................................................... 87 Figure 4-21 – Experimental set up of the generator ..................................................................... 89 Figure 4-22. Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for R load.............. 92 Figure 4-23. Zoomed in version of Figure 4-22 ........................................................................... 93 Figure 4-24. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 0.72A field current .............................. 93 Figure 4-25. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 0.9A field current ................................ 94 Figure 4-26. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 1.08A field current .............................. 94 Figure 4-27. Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for RL load ........... 97 Figure 4-28. Zoomed in version of Figure 4-27 ........................................................................... 98 Figure 4-29. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 0.72A field current ............................ 98 Figure 4-30. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 0.9A field current .............................. 99 Figure 4-31. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 1.08A field current ............................ 99 Figure 4-32 – Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for RC load ....... 102 Figure 4-33 – Zoomed in version of Figure 4-32 ....................................................................... 103 Figure 4-34. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 0.72A field current .......................... 103 Figure 4-35. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 0.9A field current ............................ 104 Figure 4-36. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 1.08A field current .......................... 104 Figure A1 - SPSM wiring diagram ............................................................................................. 113 Figure A2 - SPSM datasheet ....................................................................................................... 114 x List of Tables Table 1-1. Comparison of Epstein and SST [16] .......................................................................... 16 Table 2-1. Electrical machine design software packages ............................................................. 22 Table 3-1. Composition of silicon steel [23] ................................................................................ 35 Table 3-2. Open circuit voltage - comparison of different materials with the experimental motor ....................................................................................................................................................... 44 Table 3-3. Field current - FE......................................................................................................... 47 Table 3-4. Magnetic field intensity (AT/m) of Core, Yoke, Pole, Teeth of SPSM ...................... 48 Table 3-5. Length of different parts of the SPSM ........................................................................ 50 Table 3-6. Ampere Turn for Field Current of 1A ......................................................................... 50 Table 3-7. Ampere turns from FE simulation ............................................................................... 56 Table 3-8 . Estimated distribution of ampere turns for the actual machine .................................. 57 Table 3-9. Magnetic field intensity for actual machine ................................................................ 58 Table 3-10. BH for core ................................................................................................................ 59 Table 3-11. BH for Yoke .............................................................................................................. 60 Table 3-12. BH for Teeth .............................................................................................................. 61 Table 3-13. BH for Pole ................................................................................................................ 62 Table 3-14. Comparison of open circuit voltage for different materials ...................................... 65 Table 4-1. Motor experiments....................................................................................................... 69 Table 4-2. Stator current of the motor at FL condition ................................................................. 70 Table 4-3. Power factor at FL condition ....................................................................................... 71 Table 4-4. Stator current of the motor at 75% FL condition ........................................................ 72 Table 4-5. Power factor at 75% FL condition............................................................................... 73 Table 4-6. Stator current of the motor at 66% FL condition ........................................................ 74 Table 4-7. Power factor at 66% FL condition............................................................................... 75 Table 4-8. Stator current of the motor at 50% FL condition ........................................................ 76 Table 4-9. Power factor at 50% FL condition............................................................................... 77 Table 4-10. Stator current of the motor at 33% FL condition ...................................................... 78 Table 4-11. Power factor at 33% FL condition............................................................................. 79 Table 4-12. Stator current of the motor at NL condition .............................................................. 80 Table 4-13. Power factor at NL condition .................................................................................... 81 xi Table 4-14. Percentage deviation of stator current from the experiment for M27 and new material ....................................................................................................................................................... 86 Table 4-15. Spectrum analysis of the stator current of SPSM ...................................................... 88 Table 4-16. Generator experiments............................................................................................... 90 Table 4-17. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for R load ........................................................... 91 Table 4-18. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for R load ................................................... 91 Table 4-19 - Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for R load ................................................. 91 Table 4-20. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a Generator for R load .................................................. 92 Table 4-21. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for R load ................................................... 92 Table 4-22. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for R load ........................................................................................................................ 95 Table 4-23. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for RL load ......................................................... 96 Table 4-24. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for RL load ................................................ 96 Table 4-25. Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for RL load ................................................ 96 Table 4-26. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a generator for RL load ................................................ 96 Table 4-27. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for RL load ................................................ 97 Table 4-28. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for RL load .................................................................................................................... 100 Table 4-29. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for RC load ...................................................... 101 Table 4-30. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for RC load .............................................. 101 Table 4-31. Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for RC load .............................................. 101 Table 4-32. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a generator for RC load .............................................. 101 Table 4-33. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for RC load .............................................. 102 Table 4-34. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for RC load.................................................................................................................... 105 xii List of Abbreviations AC – Alternating Current AT – Ampere Turn DC – Direct Current FE – Finite Element FEA – Finite Element Analysis FEM – Finite Element Model FFT – Fast Fourier Transform FL – Full Load IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission NL – No Load OCC – Open Circuit Characteristics PF – Power Factor RD – Reverse Direction SMC – Soft Magnetic Composite SPSM – Salient Pole Synchronous Machine SST – Single Sheet Tester TD – Transverse Direction xiii List of symbols – Area of the core (m2) – Area of the pole (m2) – Area of the teeth (m2) – Area of the yoke (m2) – Ampere turn of the core (AT) – Ampere turn for the experiment (AT) – Ampere turn for FE simulation (AT) – Ampere turn of the air gap (AT) – Ampere turn of the iron (AT) – Ampere turn of the pole (AT) – Ampere turn of the teeth (AT) – Ampere turn of the yoke (AT) B – Magnetic flux density (T) – Magnetic flux density of the air gap (T) - Magnetic flux density of the core (T) - Magnetic flux density of the yoke (T) - Magnetic flux density of the pole (T) - Magnetic flux density of the teeth (T) – Breadth of the pole (m) C – Capacitance (F) xiv – Width of the core (m) – Width of the yoke (m) - Phase voltage (V) f – Frequency (Hz) H – Magnetic field intensity (AT/m) IF - field current (A) - Field form factor - Gap contraction factor – Winding factor L – Inductance (H) – Length of the core (m) – Length of the pole (m) – Length of the teeth (m) – Length of the yoke (m) – Length of the air gap (m) N – Number of turns NF – Total number of turns in the field winding – Pole arc (m) R – Resistance (Ω) – Width of the teeth (m) xv - Flux per phase (wb) – Pole pitch (m) – Permeability of free space (m kg s-2 A-2) xvi Acknowledgements I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor Dr.Nandi for spending his valuable time in guiding me through this research work. I would also like to acknowledge him for the detailed supervision, advice, ideas and words of encouragement which helped me complete the thesis. I would like to thank the other member of my supervisory committee Dr.Nikitas Dimopolous for agreeing to be in my supervisory committee. I would like to thank Mr.Rob Fichtner and Mr.Kevin Jones for helping me in the setup of the simulations and experiments. I would like to thank Ilamparithi, Nagendrappa, Premkumar, Nethra and Komal for their continuous support and words of encouragement throughout my degree. I would also like to thank my friends Karthik, Raghavendran, Yashu, Jainish and Thejasvi for keeping me motivated through these years. Last but not the least I would like to thank my family members without whom this work would have never been possible. xvii Dedication Dedicated to my Amma, Appa and Jayashri xviii Chapter 1 Introduction to magnetic measurement techniques in rotating machines 1.1 Introduction to modeling of electrical machines Modeling of electrical machines is important for the following reasons: 1. Design and performance analysis of machines 2. Fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of the machines 3. Analyzing the characteristics of the electrical machines 4. Thermal and stress analysis under extreme conditions There are a plethora of modeling techniques of electrical machines available for researchers such as finite element modeling and mathematical modeling. Of these, mathematical modeling is used for the parametric estimation of the electrical machines and the detailed mathematical modeling of motors is shown in [1]. Finite element (FE) method of electromagnetic analysis involves utilizing either own FE code or using commercial Finite software packages in the market. While modeling using FE method in these commercial software packages, one of the important parameters while defining the machine is the material used in the motor. The characteristics of the conductors and the core have to be specified in the motor model. Therefore knowledge of the magnetic characteristics of the material is highly important and usually the manufacturers can provide the details of the material used in the motor. Sometimes it is difficult to know the magnetic characteristics of the material since their characteristics might change due to aging, thermal and mechanical stresses on the machines. Therefore the determination of the magnetic characteristics is important not only when the motor is new but also periodically as long as the machine remains in service. This is to evaluate the performance of the motor continuously and check for faults which might develop in the machine while in operation. Some of the commonly used FE software packages in the modeling of electrical machines are Ansys, Magnet and Modelica. Detailed descriptions of these software packages and their characteristics are presented in chapter 2. 1 1.2 Introduction to measurement techniques of magnetic characteristics of materials in Electrical machines There are three main techniques in the determination of the magnetic characteristics of the material. They are Ring test, Epstein test and Single sheet test. Of these, Epstein test is widely used, followed by Single sheet test. Descriptions of these techniques are given below: A classification of the current magnetic measurement techniques is shown below in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1. Classification of magnetic measurement techniques 2 1.2.1 Ring Test Ring test is the most fundamental method of testing the magnetic properties of a material. Here annealing has to be done to reduce the effect of stresses in the material being used. The measurement of the core losses and hysteresis losses are done using the wattmeter method. The shape of the sample can be of different forms as shown in Figure 1-2 [2]. Figure 1-2. Different shapes of the sample for ring tester [2] Once the sample is ready, the primary and secondary windings are wound around the sample to measure the core loss similar to a transformer experiment. This is a primitive and destructive method of testing and not widely used now. Modifications were made to this technique by introducing a test bed incorporated with a new control algorithm to calculate all the measurement systems as shown in [3].This was followed by FE simulation of the stator yoke to verify the iron loss of the material. The test rig is shown in Figure 1-3. 3 Figure 1-3. Ring test rig with control algorithm [3] © 2011, IEEE 1.2.2 Epstein Test A 25cm Epstein frame with double lapped joints has been the standardized procedure for characterization of magnetic characteristics of soft magnetic materials in the industries since 1936 [4]. Epstein tester follows the standard in IEC 402-2. This procedure has been tested by a lot of researchers and the results are highly reproducible. Hence the industry and researchers have widely preferred to use the Epstein tester for the determination of the magnetic properties of a given magnetic material. The setup of Epstein tester for magnetic measurement is as follows. Epstein test frame is designed using four strips of the magnetic material (or multiples of four) superposed at corners by double lapped joints. Each side of the square is provided with a secondary coil and external to it, a primary winding put together in a rigid rectangular frame. A total of 700 turns are used for the primary and secondary windings for DC and power frequency measurements (IEC 60404-2) and 200 turns for medium frequency testing (IEC60404-10). The sample to be tested must be 30mm wide and 280 – 305mm in length. The mean magnetic path 4 length is assumed to be 0.94m and this assumption has been tested in different methods in [5]. The Epstein frame can operate up to levels of 30KA/m and 1.5T with an accuracy of 1.5%. The power losses are measured by means of wattmeter method and during the experiment measurement, the Epstein frame behaves as an unloaded transformer. The magnetizing field intensity for individual test points in this procedure is calculated using the formula. where – Magnetic field intensity – Number of magnetizing winding turns – Magnetizing current (Peak amperes) – Mean magnetic path length (0.94m) With = 0.94m and 25cm frame, the equation reduces to The magnetic field is determined using the formula where – Measured Voltage – Frequency – Area of the sample Some of the advantages of the Epstein frame technique are: 1. Epstein tester is widely used and rigorously tested technique. Therefore reproducibility of results is easy. 2. The test sample can be placed in the test rig and can be removed after testing. Therefore easy replacement of the sample is possible. Furthermore since there is direct relationship between the current, H and Area, precalculated tables can be used for routine testing. 5 3. The test sample lies loosely in the test rig. Therefore no pressure, bending or strain is subjected on the test sample/strips. Some of the disadvantages of the Epstein frame technique are: 1. This is a destructive method of testing and there is a requirement of a large amount of samples for testing. 2. Epstein works only till B = 1.5T for non-oriented steel and 1.8T for oriented steel measurements. At high flux densities, digital control is necessary and the reproducibility and accuracy reduces. 3. The preparation of the specimen is time consuming and tedious. 1.2.3 Single Sheet Test (SST) Single Excitation SST is an alternate method for Epstein technique and tries to avoid some of its difficulties. The principle of SST is similar to an open circuit test in a transformer as shown in Figure 1-4. The specimen to be tested is placed between the yoke which employs a measuring coil to determine the B and H and a primary winding to apply the magnetizing field. In SST, the H and B values are acquired directly using a flux meter [7] and does not require calculations from the magnetizing current and mean magnetic path length like the Epstein technique. To achieve that, the flux must be uniform over the region being measured and such conditions can be achieved by using yokes as shown in [6]. Figure 1-5 shows the measuring instrument for the SST. It can be seen that the value of flux density can be calculated directly using the voltage divider and digital voltmeter. The core loss is measured using the equation shown below where – Magnetic field intensity 6 – Magnetic flux density – Period of the fundamental wave The voltage induced in the H coil is amplified and the voltage induced in the B coil is integrated and amplified. These two voltages are multiplied and averaged over a single period. Current international standard for SST are 50cm square sample, Single magnetizing coils and two yokes Advantages: 1. It has similar measurement quantities like the Epstein frame. 2. It is easier to prepare the specimen. 3. It requires lower specimen mass and is easier to install compared to Epstein frame. 4. Easy to remove the samples and replace it with a new specimen. Disadvantages: 1. It is an invasive method of testing i.e. it requires samples of a material in a specific shape. 2. It does not have good reproducibility. Figure 1-4. Single Sheet Tester frame [6] © 1974, IEEE 7 Figure 1-5. Single Sheet Tester [6] © 1974, IEEE One of the important aspects in the determination of magnetic characteristics is to determine the BH characteristics of the material at high flux densities i.e. above 1.5T. This aspect is one of the disadvantages with both Epstein and SST and has been tackled by researchers by introducing novel models of the SST. Double Excitation: In reference [7], a novel method of double excitation type SST in determining the magnetic properties is shown. Here, a novel 2H coil method is proposed for the H coils to be used in the SST. Figure 1-6 shows the 2H coil pair used in this method for the SST. The complete measurement system is shown in Figure 1-7. The two H coils help in increasing the accuracy while measuring the magnetic properties up to 2.1 T and H of 58000 A/m. In reference [8], a double excitation type SST was introduced to help determine the magnetic properties at higher flux densities. The SST developed for this scheme is shown in Figure 1-8. Two magnetizing windings have been introduced – one for rolling direction (RD) and one for transverse direction (TD) as shown in Figure 1-8. These two windings helps in satisfying the 8 rotating flux condition exhibited in rotating machines. The way in which the TD winding is placed inside the RD helps in increasing the maximum flux density. In this type of excitation, closed path magnetic circuit was realized successfully to measure high flux densities. The results were in good agreement with the results from a normal SST at low flux densities proving the effectiveness of the double excitation type SST. Figure 1-6. 2H coil SST[7] © 2009, IEEE Figure 1-7. 2H SST measurement system [7] © 2009, IEEE 9 Figure 1-8. Double excitation SST[8] © 1999, IEEE Open Type SST: All the above SST and Epstein techniques are mainly used for AC excitation and determination of magnetic properties under AC excitation. Reference [9] shows the technique to determine magnetic properties under DC excitation using SST. This is particularly useful for determining iron losses for reactors in an inverter which works with DC excitation. An open type SST is designed with a help of Helmholtz coil as shown in Figure 1-9. The H is found by using a Hall probe since it is difficult to measure Hdc using normal H coil and to determine the change in B, the output of B coil is integrated during change of current from zero to a specified value in the Helmholtz coil. 10 Figure 1-9. Open Type SST - DC magnetization [9] © 2010, IEEE 1.2.4 Other Techniques 3D Tester Determination of magnetic characteristics is important for machine modeling and since the electrical machines experience 3D flux, the measurement technique must incorporate the effect of 3D flux in its calculations. Therefore few techniques were developed including these effects. Reference [10] shows a technique of measuring the magnetic properties of grain oriented steel using a 3D tester model. The structure of the tester is shown in Figure 1-10. Using this technique, BH loci, core losses were calculated and validated with the experimental results. The disadvantage of this scheme was the difficulty in the production of strong fields while maintaining the field pattern. 11 Figure 1-10. 3D tester (cubic sensing box) [10] © 2010, IEEE Reference [11] shows another 3D tester model for measuring the magnetic properties of the soft magnetic composite (SMC) material. This method also estimates the BH loci, power loss and core losses in the material. The structure of this tester is shown in Figure 1-11. Finite element model of the tester and the whole system was developed and studied and was followed by the implementation in an experimental test system. All these techniques clearly shows that to identify a magnetic characteristics of a material, a separate specimen of the material in certain shapes is required which is followed by testing of that material in different conditions. FE model A two dimensional approach of finite element proposed in [12] by Enokizono was analyzed to determine the magnetic characteristics of a material. This approach attempted to determine the 2D magnetic properties at high flux density as this is important for a lot of applications of which electrical machine modeling and analysis is one. An extrapolation technique is used to determine the magnetic properties at high flux density above the saturation level of 2T. Bezier interpolation technique is used to determine the necessary co-efficient for Newton-Raphson iteration. This 12 showed the importance of Bezier interpolation technique in the identification of 2D magnetic properties. Figure 1-11. 3D tester for SMC[11] © 2003, IEEE A three dimensional approach for Finite Element modeling has been proposed in [13]. A 3D FEM was modeled for Epstein and SST and their results were compared. The 3D FEM modeling strategy for Epstein and SST are shown in Figure 1-12 and Figure 1-13 respectively. lFE in Figure 1-12 represents the length of the laminated magnetic core. It was found that Epstein showed more error compared to SST during FEM modeling. 13 Figure 1-12. Epstein FEM [13] © 2005, IEEE Figure 1-13. SST FEM [13] © 2005, IEEE 14 Nondestructive Testing Reference [14] describes a non-destructive method for the detection of BH characteristics of a material of a motor. It uses local and global magnetic measurements and objective functions to determine the B-H curve of the material through optimization techniques. Global measurements measure the excitation current and voltage which is used to determined the coupled magnetic flux. Local measurements measure the flux in a tooth by adding a search coil. Then using numerical inverse method and iteratively minimizing the quadratic difference between simulated and measured peak magnetic flux, the BH curve is obtained. The evaluation of these quadratic functions needs a lot of computations to minimize the error between simulated and measured quantities. Also a few more calculations have to be done during the computation of the magnetic flux of the material. Overall this method is computationally and memory requirement wise intensive. Besides, the machine has to be disassembled in order to put in search coils around stator teeth for measurement purposes. Also a hole has to be drilled to add these search coils to measure the flux. The geometry of the studied asynchronous motor is shown in Figure 1-14. Figure 1-14. Geometry of induction motor [14] © 2012, IEEE 15 Reference [15] uses discrete evolutionary (DE) optimization technique to find the B-H characteristics of the material in a synchronous generator. In this method, permeability, current density, and bend adjustment co-efficient are optimized using DE optimization technique to reduce the error in the estimated no load voltages. While this method was very accurate in predicting the open circuit characteristics of the generator, integrating such optimization procedures with commercially available software would require considerable effort. 1.2.5 Comparison of Epstein and SST techniques S.No Epstein Tester SST (82) Acceptance Good Fair Reproducibility Good Poor Simplicity Good Poor Applicability Poor Good Calibration facility Poor Poor Technique Invasive Invasive Table 1-1. Comparison of Epstein and SST [16] 1.3 Motivation of the present research work From the above techniques for magnetic measurements, it can be clearly seen that the existing techniques have limitations such as the requirement of specimen material, invasive technique and destruction of the tested specimens. Therefore a non-invasive method without the requirement of an additional specimen material needs to be developed for machines already in operation. In this research work, an attempt has been made to develop a technique which is non-invasive and involves simple calculations to determine the BH (Magnetic flux density-Magnetic field intensity) characteristics of the material used in salient pole synchronous machine (SPSM). The stator of the real SPSM used for testing is made of M27 and the rotor is made of steel whose BH characteristic is unknown. FE modeling has been done using Ansys Maxwell for the SPSM. Experimental open circuit test results were compared with those obtained from the FE simulations and a novel ampere turn distribution technique was developed using a known magnetic material with characteristics expected to be similar to the actual one in order to match the BH characteristics of 16 the actual material used in the machine. Following this, simulations and experiments were performed to compare the simulated characteristics of the electrical machine with the newly determined material to the experimental motor and generator characteristics. To the best knowledge of the author, ampere turn distribution technique is a completely new method to determine the BH characteristics of a material used in SPSM. 1.4 Thesis outline The structure of the thesis is as follows: In chapter 1, a discussion on the existing techniques to measure the magnetic properties such as Epstein tester and single sheet tester have been presented. This was followed by a comparison of the existing techniques and their shortcomings. Next, a survey on the latest techniques to determine the magnetic properties has been provided. Finally, the motivation of the thesis has been presented to stress the need for a non-invasive technique for the determination of the magnetic properties of the material in rotating machines. In chapter 2, discussions have been provided on the FE software package, Ansys Maxwell. The advantages, disadvantages and the tools available in Ansys Maxwell have been presented in a detailed manner. The tools available in creating models for magnetostatic measurements have been provided. In chapter 3, theoretical calculation in determination of the magnetic characteristics of the material has been provided followed by the modeling of the SPSM machine using Ansys Maxwell. Details have been provided on the creation of SPSM models using Ansys Maxwell for different conditions such as the motor and generator and for different loads. Further the ampere turn distribution technique to determine the magnetic characteristics has been described in detail. In chapter 4, simulations have been performed under various conditions for SPSM to test the newly determined material and to compare it with the experimental results. Open circuit test, motor and generator tests were performed at different load conditions and different field currents to give a comprehensive analysis on the accuracy of the newly derived material characteristics using the ampere turn distribution technique. 17 In chapter 5, the advantages and shortcomings of this ampere turn distribution scheme have been provided. Finally, the contributions of the research, future scope and conclusion have been discussed. 18 Chapter 2 Finite Element Modeling 2.1 Electromagnetic analysis Solving electromagnetic problems has always been a difficult task because of the complications associated with varying and complex geometric shapes, materials along with complex mathematical operations involved in their solutions. Some of the techniques available for solving electromagnetic problems are shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. Electromagnetic Analysis Solution [17] Of all the techniques available for solving the electromagnetic problems, finite element method has emerged as one of the robust methods for the analysis and finding the best possible solution. 19 2.2 Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA is a numerical method for solving multiphysics problems. It is usually employed for problems with complicated geometries, loading and material properties. This method is usually used where an analytical solution may be difficult to handle and other modeling methods do not give accurate results. The model to be solved is first defined geometrically into smaller bodies interconnected by simple boundary lines or surfaces. These smaller bodies are solved using simpler equations and then followed by a calculus of variations method to minimize an associated error function. Some of the advantages of FEA are: Complex geometry can be included without difficulty and solved. Different materials can be used with different parts of the geometry. Local effects can be captured as the whole model is subdivided into simpler bodies Total solution can be represented at the end for this complex geometry. Some of the disadvantages of FEA are: Only an approximate solution is provided FE method provides element dependent solution i.e. for irregular shaped elements, accuracy of the solution is less. Using high quality numerical methods is restricted due to large number of meshes to be solved resulting in a very long solution time. Applications of Finite Element method include: Mechanical/Aerospace/Civil/Automobile Structural Analysis Electromagnetic problems Thermal analysis/Fluid dynamics Geomechanics /Biomechanics 20 2.3 FE in Electrical Machines FEA is widely used for electromagnetic problems. It is widely used in the modeling of electrical machines as it helps in understanding the characteristics of the machine under different conditions without the need for an actual motor with reasonable accuracy. Furthermore from the advantages shown above for FEA, it can be clearly seen that FEA is a very useful scheme for electrical machine modeling as the machines exhibit complexities in their geometry and the usage of different materials in their construction. It is therefore clear that FEA is an important tool for designers of electrical machines for achieving low cost, high efficiency, reliability and minimum weight by optimizing the performance of the machine through proper design. Since FE simulation gives realistic results, different working conditions can be tested such as running the electrical machines as a: 1. Motor 2. Generator 3. OC/Short Circuit test All these different characteristics can be studied under different loading conditions and different field currents. Also, with new types of electrical machines being developed, it becomes highly important to analyze these machines extensively to study their characteristics and functioning [18]. Since FE method is computationally intensive, the ability of the computers to run multiple processes followed by high CPU power becomes a necessity. Current availability of inexpensive multiprocessor capability, high CPU power and memory makes FE method a feasible method for the study of electrical machines. In addition, different fault conditions can be incorporated easily to study the effects of the faults on the input and output characteristics of the machine. This has been suitably proved in [19]. Hence FE modeling plays an important role in the study of electrical machines. 21 2.4 Commercial FE packages available for Electrical Machines: Some of the commonly used software packages in electrical machine modeling are Ansys Maxwell, Comsol, Modelica, Flux and Speed. The field of application of these software packages is given in Table 2-1. S.No Software License Field of application 1 Ansys Proprietary Ansys provides solution for different areas such as Electronics, Electromagnetics, Multiphysics, Fluids and structures 2 Comsol Proprietary Comsol is widely used for MEMS, CFD and structural analysis 3 MagNet Proprietary MagNet is a product of Infolytica corporation which is dedicated for solving Electrical machine problems. 4 Flux Proprietary Flux is designed for electromagnetic and thermal analysis. It is used for electromagnetic devices such as electrical machines, Transformers, HV devices, cables and induction devices 5 Modelica Non Proprietary Modelica is used for solving electromagnetic problems by differential, algebraic and discrete equations 6 MEGA Proprietary MEGA was developed for 2D and 3D finite element analysis of electromagnetic fields. It was designed by a group in the University of Bath 7 SPEED Proprietary It is a dedicated software for electromagnetic analysis of Electrical Motors Table 2-1. Electrical machine design software packages There are several other in house systems and open source software packages developed for electrical machines but the table above gives the widely used and popular software packages in the field of electrical machines. All of the Finite element software packages follow the general pattern [18]: 22 1. Preprocessing (Model the required geometry, assign material, boundary conditions, loads and constraints) 2. FEA solver (This is the work of the software package which assembles and solves the differential equations) 3. Postprocessing (Sort and display the results) These steps are shown in Figure 2-2 Figure 2-2. FE software process [18] All the work in this thesis has been done using different products of Ansys software package such as Maxwell and RMxprt. The details of this software and its capabilities are discussed in this chapter. Some of the reasons for choosing Ansys software package are the following 1. Ability to perform magnetostatic, electrostatic and transient simulations 2. Ability to provide inbuilt electrical machine modeling packages like RMxprt 3. Ability to scale the problem to different ranges based on the needs. 2.5 Ansys: Ansys Maxwell is an electromagnetic field simulation software used for 2D and 3D electromagnetic devices such as motors and transformers. It uses Finite element method to solve static, frequency domain and time varying electromagnetic and electric fields. This plays a major role in using Ansys for electrical machine design and analysis. 23 The process flow of the modeling in Ansys Maxwell is shown in Figure 2-3 [20]. Some of the advantages of Ansys Maxwell are 1. Automatic adaptive meshing 2. Dynamic link with Simplorer and Maxwell circuit editor 3. Transient in motion 4. Permanent magnet temperature dependency However some of the disadvantages are: 1. It takes a long time to obtain a steady state solution. It takes around 13 hours with an intel i7 core @3.40GHz, Windows 7 OS and 16GB RAM for 2s simulation for a 3 phase, 4 pole, 60Hz, 2KW SPSM. Figure 2-3. Ansys Maxwell - process flow [20] 24 Figure 2-4. Ansys Maxwell and related products [20] Figure 2-4 shows the Ansys Maxwell and associated products available to the users for modeling of electromagnetic devices and machines. Some of the products can be interlinked as shown in Figure 2-4. For example, a model of electrical machine can be drawn in Ansys Maxwell and can be linked with Ansys PExprt for control of the machine since PExprt provides the option of power electronics such as bridges and converters. It can be linked to Simplorer to include a field circuit for powering the field windings/stator windings of the electrical machine. In this thesis, Maxwell circuit editor has been used for powering the field windings and stator windings of the SPSM. The following sections will discuss the important features in Ansys Maxwell which are useful in electrical machine modeling 2.5.1 Ansys RMxprt Ansys RMxprt is a template based design tool for Electrical machines in Ansys Maxwell domain. It has templates for induction motor (single and three phase), synchronous motor (permanent magnet, salient and round rotor), DC motors (brushless and permanent magnet) and switched 25 reluctance motors. In this template, the outer diameter, inner diameter of the stator, rotor, length, height of yoke, teeth, number of slots, winding type, number of conductors and type of the material used have to be filled. Once these data are inserted into the model, they have to be converted to Maxwell 2D design and run as a Finite Element model. This is a very useful tool since it saves a lot of time in modeling or drawing the complete motor step by step. Figure 2-5 shows RMxprt modeling of PMDC motor. RMxprt is particularly useful for designers of electrical machines since it gives the ability to optimize the machine to identify the best design. RMxprt can be used by clicking on the Project tab Insert RMxprt design and by selecting the appropriate machine model. Once a particular electrical machine is selected from the RMxprt template, the tool gives the general stator and rotor models. Here suitable details of its size, material and other parameters such as slots and teeth are filled and tested for its performance. Besides, there is also parametric and optimization capability built with the tool which automatically varies parameters within the template such as the diameter of the rotor or the length of the stator [21]. Using this tool, the designers can view the performance curves and choose the best design. This shows the capabilities of Ansys RMxprt in the modeling of electrical machines. Figure 2-5. RMxprt - DC motor [21] 26 2.5.2 Field Calculator: Field calculator is another feature available in Ansys Maxwell which enables the users to build and postprocess the solutions obtained from the FE simulation. It has various operations attached to it such as vector operations, calculus operations, and algebraic operations. It can be applied over specific geometric shapes to perform field calculations, integrations and for exporting the determined results. Once the magnetostatic simulation is over, field calculator can be accessed from the results tab of the project. Figure 2-6 shows the Field calculator tool available in Ansys Maxwell. Field Calculator is particularly useful while performing magnetostatic simulations. The three main purposes of field calculator are as follows: 1. Plot field quantities (Magnetic flux density - B, Magnetic field intensity - H, Current density - J) over different geometric entities in the Finite Element model 2. Perform integration (Line, surface, volume) over the geometric entities. 3. Export the field result over a specific location or a point. Figure 2-6. Field calculator [22] 27 Field Calculator is useful for finding the maximum and minimum value as well as the position of magnetic field intensity, magnetic flux density in a given region. The steps to find the maximum value and position are shown below. To get a maximum value of Magnetic flux density (B) in a given volume: Input > Quantity >B Vector > Mag Input > Geometry > Volume (Volume of interest) Scalar > Max> Value Output > Eval To get the position of maximum value of Magnetic flux density (B) in a given volume: Input > Quantity >B Vector > Mag Input > Geometry > Volume (Volume of interest) Scalar > Max> Position Output > Eval The same procedure can be used to find the minimum value and position of B, H and J using field calculator. There is no direct method available in Ansys Maxwell to determine the average of B or H in a given region. 2.5.3 Solvers There are several solvers available in Ansys Maxwell. They are as follows: 1. Magnetostatic 2. Eddy Current 3. Transient These solvers can be accessed by clicking on tab Maxwell 2d Solution type. This gives the three solver types and any one of them can be chosen according to the requirement. 28 Magnetostatic Solvers To perform magnetostatic analysis, magnetostatic solvers have to be used. They are usually used in inductors, motors, solenoids, actuators and many others and are used for objects that are stationary. The quantities which are computed through Magnetostatic solvers are magnetic field intensity (H), magnetic flux density (B) and current density (J). Figure 2-7 shows the steps involved in magnetostatic solution processes. Figure 2-7. Magnetostatic Solution Process [17] Eddy Current Solver To perform magnetostatic analysis, eddy current solvers have to be used. They are usually used in inductors, motors, solenoids, stray field calculations and many others and are used for objects that are stationary. The quantities which are computed through eddy current solvers are magnetic field and magnetic scalar potential. The eddy current solvers are used for steady state, AC 29 magnetic fields at a given frequency. Figure 2-8 shows the steps involved in eddy current solution processes. Figure 2-8. Eddy current solution process [17] Transient Solver To perform transient analysis, transient solvers have to be used. They are usually used in inductors, motors, solenoids, permanent magnets and many others and are used for objects that are moving. Figure 2-9 shows the steps involved in transient solution process. 30 Figure 2-9. Transient Solution process [17] 2.5.4 Material Properties Ansys Maxwell has options for introducing the effect of core loss into the material characteristics using features available in the material properties tab. Figure 2-10 shows the options available in Ansys Maxwell for introducing different material characteristics. A specific BH curve of a material can be added by using the relative permeability tab and by importing the appropriate BH curve of the material. This feature is extensively used in this thesis to introduce different BH curves of material and testing the characteristics of the SPSM. Following this, there is also an option for introducing core loss model into the material. This can be achieved by adding a type of core loss model. They are of three types – electrical steel, power ferrite or hysteresis model. Electrical steel core loss model for M27 material is shown in Figure 2-11. 31 Other options available in Ansys Maxwell in the material properties are Bulk conductivity, Thermal expansion, Young’s Modulus, specific heat and many more. These properties can be utilized based on the need and the accuracy required for the FE model and the application. Figure 2-10. Material Properties 32 Figure 2-11. M27 Core loss Model (Red curve – actual one and Black curve – inserted automatically by Maxwell to smoothen the characteristics) 2.6 Conclusion This chapter has discussed in detail the need for FE modeling of Electrical machines. It has also provided comprehensive detail on the Ansys Maxwell software discussing mainly on the features such as RMxprt, solvers and core loss modeling necessary for the modeling of electrical machines. Other minor features involved in modeling the SPSM will be discussed in Chapter 3. 33 Chapter 3 Ampere Turn Distribution Scheme The first part of the chapter deals with the magnetic materials commonly used in salient pole synchronous machine (SPSM). Following this, the modeling of SPSM as a motor and a generator using Ansys Maxwell has been discussed. Subsequently the novel scheme developed to determine the magnetic material used in SPSM has been provided. Furthermore comparison of the open circuit characteristics has been made with different magnetic materials and the experimental motor. Thus a complete overview of modeling of electrical machines using Ansys Maxwell and the ampere turn distribution scheme for determining the magnetic material in SPSM is provided in this chapter. 3.1 Magnetic Materials used in Electrical Machines Silicon steel is the commonly used magnetic material for the electrical machines. It is widely used in transformers, inductors and electrical machines. One of the drawbacks of using steel is that with aging, the losses increase. The addition of silicon to the steel increases the electrical resistivity thereby reduces the eddy current losses and also improves the material stability and age. Silicon steel offers high saturation flux density, good permeability at high flux density and moderate losses compared to only steel. Silicon steel contains iron and 0.3 – 4.5% silicon. The percentage of silicon varies with different grades of silicon steel. Usually low content of silicon is used for electrical machines and high content of silicon (4-5%) is used for transformers. This silicon steel is graded based on core losses and are classified into two main categories. They are 1. Non-oriented steel 2. Grain-oriented steel 3.1.1 Non-oriented Steel Non oriented steel produces the same magnetic domains irrespective of the direction of magnetization in the plane of the material [23]. The name non oriented distinguishes it from oriented steel to show that the magnetic properties are the same in all directions. 34 3.1.2 Grain-oriented Steel Grain oriented steel produces magnetic domains which depends on the direction of rolling [23]. The process of rolling and annealing used during the production of steel can be used to create steel with superior magnetic properties in one direction and inferior properties in another. Silicon steel is split into different grades based on the core losses associated with it. The core losses will vary according to the content of Silicon in the Silicon steel. With increase in silicon, core loss decreases but it also lowers the induction permeability of the material. In general silicon steel consists of iron mixed with silicon (Si), carbon (C), manganese (Mn), phosphorous (P) and sulphur(S). The composition of different types of silicon steel is shown in Table 3-1. Composition, % Description of Material C Mn P S Si Low Silicon Steel 0.003 0.5 0.03 0.001 1.6 Medium Silicon Steel 0.003 0.15 0.01 0.001 2.0 High Silicon Steel 0.003 0.15 0.01 0.001 2.7 Grain Oriented Silicon Steel 0.003 0.07 0.01 0.001 3.1 Table 3-1. Composition of silicon steel [23] The experimental SPSM used in the testing and experiments as a motor and generator contains non-oriented steel in its stator. The stator of the SPSM is made up of M27 grade steel and the material of the rotor is unknown. M27 contains 3% silicon and remaining is mainly iron, apart from trace quantities of C, Mn, S and P. M27 belong to the group of non-oriented steel. Since the rotor material in SPSM is unknown, the novel scheme discussed in section 3.3 provides a suitable solution to determine the BH characteristics of the material in the stator and rotor of the SPSM. 3.2 Finite element modeling of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine As discussed in Chapter 2 on the capabilities of Ansys Maxwell, a salient pole synchronous machine (SPSM) model was drawn in Maxwell as shown in Figure 3-1. The model was drawn 35 according to the specifications given by the manufacturer. The name plate details, dimensions of the machine, wiring and connection diagram of the SPSM are provided in the appendix of this thesis. FE model of SPSM shown in Figure 3-1 can be used for the different purposes such as 1. Motor 2. Generator 3. Short/Open circuit test These different functions can be achieved by incorporating suitable changes in the excitation and motion setup of the model. The modifications required to achieve these different conditions will be discussed in detail in this chapter. Figure 3-1. Salient pole synchronous machine – FE model 3.2.1 Salient Pole Synchronous Motor The model shown in Figure 3-1 is used for running the SPSM as a motor. In a motor, supply has to be given to the stator windings. Therefore in the excitation setup of the FE model, three phase ac supply of 120V RMS was provided directly to the windings. Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3 show the settings given in Ansys Maxwell for the stator windings of the motor. Three phase AC supply is provided by supplying the voltage directly in the voltage tab with a phase shift of 120 degrees. The resistance and the inductance for the stator windings are given from the motor datasheet. 36 Type of the winding in the SPSM is stranded conductors and it can be selected in the type tab. In addition, the stator resistances and inductance can be included in the windings to create a realistic model of the stator windings. These values were given based on the manufacturer’s data. The current to the field windings can be provided using the circuit shown in Figure 3-4. The resistance and the inductance shown in Figure 3-4 are the field circuit parameters that need to be entered separately. The gradual buildup of field current is shown in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-2. Excitation voltage - winding 1 Figure 3-3. Excitation voltage - winding 2 37 Figure 3-4. Field circuit for motor Field Current vs Time 1.4 1.2 Current (A) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 Time (s) 1.5 2 Figure 3-5. Field current 38 Figure 3-6. Load setting To vary the load to different conditions, the motion set up tab is modified. This is shown in Figure 3-6. Different loads can be set up by modifying the load torque to different values. The full load is 10.6Nm (the negative sign in Figure 3-6 indicates that the externally applied load torque) and therefore different loading conditions can be given directly based on the percentage of this full load torque. The comparison of the simulation and the experimental results of SPSM with the newly determined material and real motor for different field currents and different loading conditions are shown in detail in Chapter 4. 3.2.2 Salient pole synchronous generator The model shown in Figure 3-1 is used for running the SPSM as a generator. In a generator, the machine has to be rotated at a constant speed (synchronous speed) using a prime mover. To achieve this condition, in the motion setup of the FE model, the mechanical transients are removed and only a constant speed that is required can be given for the model. This way the model is made to rotate at a required constant speed. This is shown in Figure 3-7. Figure 3-8 39 shows the constant speed of 1800 RPM given to the generator which is the synchronous speed required to produce 60Hz sinusoidal three phase voltages. Since no voltage has to be given to the stator windings, they are left alone and can be modeled in the Maxwell circuit editor to incorporate loading of the generator. This condition is shown in Figure 3-9 where the parameters of the stator winding (winding resistance and inductance) are entered in the Maxwell circuit editor. The comparison of the simulation FE model and the experimental generator at different loading conditions, different field currents and different loading circuits is shown in detail in Chapter 4. Figure 3-7. Constant Speed - Prime mover setting 40 Figure 3-8. Constant speed of 1800 RPM Figure 3-9. Circuit for generator with R Load 41 3.3 AT (ampere turn) Distribution Scheme The flowchart in Figure 3-10 shows the step-by-step procedure of using AT (ampere turn) distribution scheme to determine the magnetic characteristics of the material used in the Salient pole synchronous motor. Ampere turn can also be expressed as magnetomotive force and can determined by multiplying the turns in the winding and the amount of current flowing in a given winding. This scheme is a novel non-destructive technique for identifying the magnetic characteristics without using any sample material and thus can be utilized by the already installed machines. FE modeling of the machine followed by performing experimental tests on the SPSM helps in determining the magnetic characteristics of the actual machine. 3.3.1 Steps of AT distribution scheme 1. Perform experimental open circuit test with the real motor for different field currents (0.1- 1.5A). 2. Perform open circuit test with the FE model of SPSM for different field currents (0.11.5A) with steel1008 material –material with known BH characteristics. 3. Magnetostatic FE simulation with a known material- steel 1008 to determine the B (Magnetic flux density) and H (magnetic field intensity) in different parts of the iron in the SPSM for the different field current settings 4. Calculate AT and gap contraction factor, Kg using the open circuit test voltage from the simulation results. 5. Use the experimental open circuit voltage and find AT for the air gap using the Kg obtained from the simulations. 6. Compare the simulated AT for different parts of the machine with the experimental ampere turns and split the experimental ampere turns according to the same ratio. This gives new ampere turns for different parts of the motor. Repeat this process for all 15 field currents 7. Using the calculated AT, determine the magnetic field strength for the experimental motor and determine the new magnetic characteristics of the material. The detailed procedure of the ampere turn distribution technique is discussed step by step in the following sections 42 Figure 3-10. Steps in AT (ampere turn) distribution scheme 3.3.2 Open circuit test To determine the magnetic properties of the material, an open circuit test for fifteen different field currents from 0.1A to 1.5A, in steps of 0.1 A, was first done on the actual SPSM to obtain the experimental open circuit characteristics (OCC) of the machine. This was followed by performing OCC test with FE model using steel 1008 as the initial known material. An external circuit was used to give appropriate field current of 0.1 – 1.5A as required. Appropriate voltmeters were connected to the stator winding to measure the generated voltage. The simulation was run for two seconds and the rms value of the simulated phase voltage was noted for each field current. The two OCCs, one obtained from experiment and the other from the transient simulation, showed considerable difference in the generated voltages as shown in Table 3-2. Thus it shows that using steel1008 will not be very meaningful in simulating the SPSM. However, it was conjectured that for identical geometry, the magnetic field strength, H, required to set up a given flux density in the different parts of the iron will be proportional for different 43 materials. Thus as the next step H was obtained through magnetostatic simulation by applying a dc current to the field circuit and keeping the stator windings open. S.No Field Generated voltage Generated voltage % Difference Current (A) using steel 1008 (V) in experiment (V) 1 0.1 19.44 19.03 2.1 2 0.2 40.26 37.4 7.7 3 0.3 61.69 57.8 6.7 4 0.4 82.94 74.5 11.3 5 0.5 103.23 91.1 13.3 6 0.6 120.84 104.4 15.7 7 0.7 134.82 115 17.2 8 0.8 145.29 123.2 17.9 9 0.9 153.12 129.4 18.1 10 1.0 159.19 134.8 18.3 11 1.1 164.24 139.1 18.1 12 1.2 168.24 142.7 18.0 13 1.3 171.99 146.2 17.6 14 1.4 175.13 148.7 17.8 15 1.5 177.97 151.5 17.5 Table 3-2. Open circuit voltage - comparison of different materials with the experimental motor 3.3.3 Magnetostatic simulation in Ansys Maxwell This section discusses the performance of Maxwell on magnetostatic simulations and the determination of magnetic field intensity (H) and magnetic flux density (B) of different parts of the motor such as core, yoke, pole and teeth of SPSM using the FE model in Figure 3-1 for 44 different field currents. To analyze the magnetic characteristic of the SPSM at different positions the machine is rotated from 0 – 360o in steps of 5 degrees. This is achieved by giving a table of degrees in steps to the parametric setup of the model in Optometrics as shown in Figure 3-11. Following this, the currents in the field winding shown in pink in Figure 3-12 are set to different field currents such as 63A, 126A, 189A, and so on to achieve field current of 0.1A, 0.2A, 0.3A till 1.5A. There are 630 conductors in the field winding which is shown as one lumped winding in the FE model. Therefore a multiplication factor of 630 is used for the field currents to represent the necessary ampere turns. This is shown in Table 3-3. Furthermore, the solution type of the model is specified as Magnetostatic. This way the magnetostatic effect of the SPSM can be studied and the B, H for different parts of the SPSM can be calculated at different field currents. Figure 3-11. Optometrics setup 45 re Yo ke th Co o To Pole Figure 3-12. Field winding (Pink) in SPSM Table 3-3 shows the field current specified in the FE model for the field windings to the actual field current flowing in the field windings in SPSM. S.No. FE model field current (A) Actual field current (A) 1 63 0.1 2 126 0.2 3 189 0.3 4 252 0.4 5 315 0.5 6 378 0.6 7 441 0.7 8 504 0.8 9 567 0.9 10 630 1.0 11 693 1.1 12 756 1.2 46 13 819 1.3 14 882 1.4 15 945 1.5 Table 3-3. Field current - FE Using Figure 3-11 and by setting the solution type to Magnetostatic solution, simulations were done to analyze the SPSM under 15 different field currents. With a computer using Intel i7 core with 3.4GHz frequency and 16GB RAM, it took 3 hours to complete one simulation. These simulations give a B and H plot inside the SPSM. The values of H were manually calculated by looking at the result plots of B and H in comparison with their scales. These computations and plots are shown below. The material used for the simulation was steel1008. This material was chosen because it was a known material available in Ansys and the machine is assumed to have a magnetic material which has fairly similar magnetic characteristics compared to the original material in the real SPSM. The magnetic characteristics of the original material used in the SPSM will be computed based on these FE simulations and the OCC tests. Figure 3-13. Plot of H for 0.5A Field Current 47 Figure 3-14. Plot of B for 0.5A Field Current Table 3-4 shows the magnetic field strength (H) calculated from the magnetostatic simulation of SPSM for different parts of the motor at different field currents. H for different parts was determined using the “modify attributes” tab available in the Ansys Maxwell. Field current (A) H for Core H for Yoke H for Pole H for Teeth 0.1 56.5 115 54.11 78 0.2 92.5 180 102.86 106.25 0.3 102.5 225 109.13 130 0.4 172.5 400 165.61 214 0.5 214 600 196.28 291.25 0.6 239.6 800 228.42 368.75 0.7 350 2000 301.25 393 0.8 367.31 4000 320.33 490 0.9 380 8250 389.11 600 1.0 387.5 17500 339.17 680 1.1 395 27000 423.61 900 1.2 407.5 30000 483.89 1000 1.3 495 40000 496.33 1275 1.4 505 50000 661.49 1162.5 1.5 510 55000 669.56 1258.33 Table 3-4. Magnetic field intensity (AT/m) of Core, Yoke, Pole, Teeth of SPSM 48 The method used for the calculation of magnetic field strength is as follows: 1. Plot the Magnetostatic result for H. 2. Modify the plot scale of H appropriately using “modify attribute tab” and zoom into one region of the SPSM (core, yoke, pole or teeth) and determine the value of H for different iron regions accurately. The above procedure is followed for the fifteen different field currents from 0.1 to 1.5A and the values of H was calculated accordingly and tabulated in Table 3-4. This method is accurate when performed at low field currents. But when the field currents become higher, the value of B and H increase. When the values become higher, the accuracy decreases. The scale shown in Figure 3-15 obtained from the modify attributes tab in the result has to be varied to perform the calculation of H. If the Min and Max shown in Figure 3-15 are varied appropriately, the accuracy can be improved. Figure 3-15. Modify attribute tab in magnetostatic simulation 49 3.3.4 Calculation of ampere turns for different parts of the motor: The salient pole synchronous machine under considerations has the following dimensions and parameters based on the manufacturer’s datasheets. The lengths of different parts of the Machine are shown in Table 3-5. Part of the Machine Length (mm) Air Gap 0.6 Core 88.63 Yoke 50 Teeth 27.8 Pole 47.8 Table 3-5. Length of different parts of the SPSM Magnetic Field strength (H) is defined as follows: (3.1) where N – Number of turns I – Current flowing in that area – Path length of the magnetic field Number of turns, N multiplied by current, I (NI) is usually referred to as Ampere Turns (AT) Using the value of H and , ampere turns can be calculated for different parts of the machine. This is shown in Table 3-6.. Part of the Machine H (AT/m) L (mm) AT (HL) Core 387.5 88.63 34.34 Yoke 17500 50 87.5 Teeth 339.1667 27.8 9.42 Pole 680 47.8 32.5 Table 3-6. Ampere Turn for Field Current of 1A 50 All the calculations shown below are at a field current of 1A. Similar procedure is used for field currents from 0.1 to 1.5A. (3.2) where = 630 and = 1A thereby giving to be equal to 630. From the calculations showed in Table 3-6 and using 3.3, it can be seen that ampere turn of the air gap can be calculated as: (3.3) where - Total field ampere turns - Ampere turns of the core - Ampere turns of the yoke - Ampere turns of the pole - Ampere turns of the teeth The formula shown in 3.3 is explained pictorially on Figure 3-16. This figure is the electrical equivalent of the magnetic circuit which is expressed using magnetomotive force. Kirchoff’s voltage law can be used to express the equation 3.3. It can be equivalently expressed using ampere law shown by (3.4) 51 Figure 3-16. Ampere turn distribution in SPSM To calculate magnetic flux density (B) of the air gap for simulation using steel1008 material, Open circuit voltage of the SPSM is required. The equation to find Bg [24] is given by (3.4) (3.5) where – Phase voltage in OCC – Winding factor – Field form factor – Length of the air gap – Depth of the pole (76mm) – Pole pitch – Frequency (60Hz) Of these, is known from the simulation using steel1008 material. is known directly from the manufacturer’s data. These values are shown in Table 3-5. 52 Winding factor, = 0.96 * 0.866 = 0.8314 Field form factor, = 0.654 Pole Pitch, = = 0.1162 m Using these values, the value of the magnetic flux density for the air gap was T With ampere turns using (3.5), where known for the air gap, the gap contraction factor is the length of air-gap and can be determined is the permeability of air. (3.6) = 1.168 This obtained from the FE simulations is then used to determine the ampere turn of air gap, for the experimental machine. 3.3.5 Calculation of magnetic flux density from the experiment data To determine the magnetic flux density of different parts of the machine, flux per phase has to be calculated. Following the determination of flux, ampere turn of the air gap for the experiment is 53 computed using the gap contraction factor calculated from the simulation. These calculations are shown below: Flux per phase, is shown by the formula [24] (3.7) = 0.00421Wb Once flux per phase is calculated, ampere turn of the air gap is calculated from (3.6) (3.8) where is calculated using (3.5) as 0.7T, is known directly and is known from the simulation (3.6). With these values, AT The calculations below show the determination of magnetic field intensity (B) for the experimental machine at 1A field current. Similar procedure is performed for fifteen different field currents from 0.1A to 1.5A. Core Magnetic flux density of the core Bc is defined as follows: (3.9) where is the flux per phase and is the area of the core. = 0.0222*0.0684 = 0.00152 m2 = 1.384 T 54 Yoke Magnetic flux density of the yoke By is defined as follows: (3.10) where is the flux per phase and is the area of the yoke. = 0.0146*0.076 = 0.00111 m2 = 1.895 T Pole Magnetic flux density of the core Bp is defined as follows: (3.11) where is the flux per phase and is the area of the core. = 0.044*0.0684 = 0.0030 m2 = 1.394 T Teeth Magnetic flux density of the core Bt is defined as follows: (3.12) where is the flux per phase and is the area of the core. 55 = 0.0078*0.0684 = 0.00314 m2 = 1.34 T Once, B was calculated for the experiment, the determination of H would give the magnetic characteristics of the material. The procedure to determine the magnetic field intensity is shown below. Since H will be proportional across different parts of the iron for different materials, this characteristic is utilized to determine the H across different parts for the actual machine. Since H is proportional, ampere turns will also be proportional from (3.1). From the FE simulations at 1A field current, Ampere Turns for different parts of the SPSM are shown in Table 3-7. Part of Motor Ampere Turns Air gap 466.23 Core 34.34 Yoke 87.5 Teeth 9.43 Pole 32.5 Table 3-7. Ampere turns from FE simulation Once FE Simulation was over and the ampere turn distribution was found, these readings where used to determine percentage split of ampere turns between different parts of the actual Machine. This is shown in Table 3-8. 56 Location (AT) Field 630 Ratio (based on column 2) (AT) 630 Core Yoke Teeth Pole Iron Air Gap Table 3-8 . Estimated distribution of ampere turns for the actual machine The calculations performed in Table 3-8 have been explained in Figure 3-17. 57 Figure 3-17. Ampere turn distribution steps shown in Table 3-8 Once the ampere turn distribution was found, using (3.1), magnetic field intensity was calculated as shown in Table 3-9. Part AT l (mm) H (AT/l) Core 49.74 88.63 561.28 Yoke 126.74 50 25348.30 Teeth 13.65 27.8 491.27 Pole 47.08 47.8 984.96 Air gap 392.77 0.6 654622.12 Table 3-9. Magnetic field intensity for actual machine 58 Using the same procedure, the magnetic field intensity and magnetic flux density were calculated for fifteen different field currents. Their values are shown in Table 3-10, Table 3-11, Table 3-12 and Table 3-13. S.No Field Current (A) B (T) H (AT/m) 1 0.1 0.195 64.06 2 0.2 0.3804 107.11 3 0.3 0.59 167.72 4 0.4 0.76 303.78 5 0.5 0.93 393.44 6 0.6 1.07 470.08 7 0.7 1.17 646.23 8 0.8 1.26 652.88 9 0.9 1.32 623.76 10 1.0 1.38 561.29 11 1.1 1.43 524.68 12 1.2 1.467 545.42 13 1.3 1.5 614.63 14 1.4 1.53 589.24 15 1.5 1.56 615.98 Table 3-10. BH for core 59 S.No Field Current (A) B (T) H (AT/m) 1 0.1 0.267 130.38 2 0.2 0.521 218.01 3 0.3 0.808 368.18 4 0.4 1.04 704.42 5 0.5 1.27 1103.1 6 0.6 1.46 1569.54 7 0.7 1.61 3692.7 8 0.8 1.72 7109.78 9 0.9 1.81 13542.12 10 1.0 1.89 25348.3 11 1.1 1.95 35864.21 12 1.2 2.01 40153.38 13 1.3 2.05 49666.5 14 1.4 2.09 60745.4 15 1.5 2.13 66428.65 Table 3-11. BH for Yoke 60 S.No Field Current (A) B (T) H (AT/m) 1 0.1 0.189 61.35 2 0.2 0.368 102.58 3 0.3 0.571 178.57 4 0.4 0.737 291.65 5 0.5 0.90 360.85 6 0.6 1.03 448.14 7 0.7 1.13 556.21 8 0.8 1.22 569.38 9 0.9 1.28 638.72 10 1.0 1.34 491.28 11 1.1 1.38 562.68 12 1.2 1.42 647.65 13 1.3 1.45 616.28 14 1.4 1.48 803.65 15 1.5 1.51 808.68 Table 3-12. BH for Teeth 61 S.No Field Current (A) B (T) H (AT/m) 1 0.1 0.1965 88.44 2 0.2 0.383 147.87 3 0.3 0.595 212.74 4 0.4 0.766 376.87 5 0.5 0.937 535.47 6 0.6 1.07 723.47 7 0.7 1.18 725.47 8 0.8 1.27 870.95 9 0.9 1.33 984.8 10 1.0 1.39 984.96 11 1.1 1.44 1195.48 12 1.2 1.48 1070.76 13 1.3 1.51 1583.12 14 1.4 1.54 1412.33 15 1.5 1.57 1519.8 Table 3-13. BH for Pole 62 3.4 Comparison of Steel1008, M27 and the new material From the above tables, it can be seen that BH characteristics shows maximum saturation and goes till high values of magnetic field strength and intensity for the yoke of the SPSM. Since the machine experiences high levels of B and H in the yoke region, the characteristic of yoke was chosen as the magnetic characteristics of the material used in SPSM. This is because, the rotor material is unknown as mentioned in Section 1.3.The comparison of the BH characteristics of steel and the newly determined magnetic characteristics is shown in Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19. Magnetic Flux Density vs Magnetic Field Intensity for the Material 2.5 Magnetic Flux Density (T) 2 Steel1008 New BH Curve 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Magnetic Field Strength (A/m) 6 7 4 x 10 Figure 3-18. BH steel1008 vs New material If the characteristics of the new BH curve are observed closely, it can be seen that a sudden increase is seen at B = 1.8T and H = 4*104 AT/m. The reason for such an increase is mainly because of the disadvantages involved in determining the accurate values of H from the magnetostatic simulation. At higher field currents, the accuracy of determination of H decreases. When using the modify attribute tab shown in 3.3.2, the scale of H is varied between different values to zoom in one portion of the SPSM such as the core, yoke, pole or the teeth. Since the value of H is higher at higher field currents, the range of H is also high. Therefore doing the 63 pixel by pixel calculation will not be very accurate. This can be a cause for the sudden increase seen at 1.8T. Magnetic Flux Density vs Magnetic Field Intensity for different parts of the motor 1.4 Magnetic Flux Density (T) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Core Teeth Pole 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Magnetic Field Intensity (A/m) 400 450 Figure 3-19. BH plot of different parts of SPSM based on Table 3-9, 3-11 and 3-12 Once the new characteristics were determined, FE simulations were done with the newly determined material and compared with steel1008 and M27 material. M27 material was chosen for comparison since the stator to the actual motor was made with M27. The Table 3-14 shows the comparison of OCC between steel1008, new material and M27. They have also been plotted in Figure 3-20. Figure 3-21 shows the exact difference in voltage between the experimental OCC and generated OCC using M27 and steel1008. 64 S.No Field Current (A) Estimated magnetic Steel1008 (V) material (new material) M27 (V) Experiment (V) (V) 1 0.1 19.44 17.75 19.77 19.03 2 0.2 40.26 35.97 39.57 37.4 3 0.3 61.69 53.79 59.3 57.8 4 0.4 82.94 71.4 78.93 74.5 5 0.5 103.23 87.92 97.77 91.1 6 0.6 120.84 102.9 112.97 104.4 7 0.7 134.82 115.6 124.13 115 8 0.8 145.29 125.68 132.88 123.2 9 0.9 153.12 133.11 139.88 129.4 10 1.0 159.19 138.85 145.23 134.8 11 1.1 164.24 143.43 149.19 139.1 12 1.2 168.24 148.43 152.28 142.7 13 1.3 171.99 152.65 154.91 146.2 14 1.4 175.13 156.37 157.26 148.7 15 1.5 177.97 159.78 159.42 151.5 Table 3-14. Comparison of open circuit voltage for different materials 65 Generated voltage vs Field current 180 Experiment New BH curve Steel 1008 M27 160 140 Voltage (V) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Field current (A) Figure 3-20. Comparison of generated voltage Difference in Voltage between Steel1008, New material and M27 with the Experiment 30.00 Difference (V) 25.00 20.00 15.00 Difference New material 10.00 Difference - M27 Difference Steel1008 5.00 0.00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Field Current (A) Figure 3-21. Comparison of OCC difference - Steel1008, M27 and new Material from the experimental OCC 66 3.5 Conclusion It can be clearly seen from Figure 3-20 and Figure 3-21 that the newly determined material showed close similarity to the experimental results than M27 and Steel1008 material. It has to be noted that the new material has been used for the stator and rotor of the SPSM. The stator of the real SPSM is made of M27 and the rotor is made of some cold rolled steel and its characteristics of the material are not known. This is because under steady state, the rotor rotates at the same speed as the rotating magnetic field caused by the stator current. Therefore dynamo grade steel with good quality and low losses is not required for the rotor. Also more eddy current losses under transient condition will provide better damping and hence increase the transient stability of the machine. This is why M27 when used for both the stator and the rotor did not give good results. But the new material combines the characteristics of the M27 and the unknown material used in the rotor to form average magnetic characteristics, which might also be a reason for the sudden increase seen in Figure 3-18. Based on the comparison and the table, it can also be seen that the newly determined material shows overall error less than 5% error compared to other materials. Thus a new and novel technique to determine the magnetic characteristics has been developed for SPSM. This technique is non-invasive and requires minimal calculations. With the FE modeling of SPSM in Ansys explained in detail in this chapter, this technique will be simple and easy to implement. Therefore this technique has better merits compared to the invasive and destructive techniques discussed in Chapter 1. 67 Chapter 4 Comparison of results with new magnetic material and real SPSM Using the newly determined magnetic material shown in Chapter 3, different performance tests were conducted to evaluate the new magnetic material and its characteristics in a salient pole synchronous machine (SPSM). SPSM was run as a motor under different field conditions and different loads. Then the SPSM was run as a generator under different field conditions and loads. The results obtained from the experiments have been presented in this chapter. The effects of temperature on the characteristics and performance of the electrical machine have not been studied in this thesis. From [24] and [25], it can be seen that the highest insulation level temperature is at 1550C (Class F). There is considerable difference in the BH characteristics of a magnetic material when there is a temperature of 6500C to 7500C applied for one hour as shown in [26]. Since the electrical machine should not be operated above 1550C because of the insulation constraint, the effect of temperature on the magnetic characteristics can be neglected. Machine tolerances and errors in terms of the voltage and current have not been taken into the consideration and the absolute dimensions provided by the manufacturer have been used in this thesis. 4.1 SPSM as a Motor The salient pole synchronous motor used in the experiment is shown in Figure 4-1. Datasheet of the SPSM is given in the appendix section. Figure 4-1. SPSM used in the experiments 68 The table below shows the experiments performed on the SPSM as a motor under different load and field conditions. S.No Load Level DC Field Current (A) 1 FL 0.7 2 FL 1 3 FL 1.2 4 75% FL 0.7 5 75% FL 1 6 75% FL 1.2 7 66% FL 0.7 8 66% FL 1 9 66% FL 1.2 10 50% FL 0.7 11 50% FL 1 12 50% FL 1.2 13 33% FL 0.7 14 33% FL 1 15 33% FL 1.2 16 NL 0.7 17 NL 1 18 NL 1.2 Table 4-1. Motor experiments where FL – Full Load NL – No Load 69 4.2 Comparison of Experiment and FE at different load conditions with SPSM as a Motor The SPSM was run as a motor at different load and field conditions and the same condition was simulated in Ansys Maxwell using two different magnetic materials discussed in Chapter 3. Two different magnetic materials used for comparison with the experimental data were M27 and the newly determined magnetic material obtained from the ampere turn distribution scheme. The results were compared to the experimental results. Different field conditions (above and below the rated field current) were chosen such that the motor operates in both leading and lagging power factors. Lagging power factor was achieved by decreasing the field current to 0.7A which is below the rated field current of 1A and leading power factor was achieved by increasing the field current above the rated field current at 1.2A. The results of SPSM under these different conditions are shown below. The figures shown below for stator currents from Figure 4-2 to Figure 4-13 have been plotted by matching two cycles of stator current from the experiment with two cycles of stator current from FE simulations of SPSM as a motor using M27 and the new material. 4.2.1 Full Load condition Simulated RMS line Simulated RMS line current with M27 current with the New material (A) Material (A) 7.86 7.2 7.5 1 7.08 6.75 6.65 1.2 7.31 7.07 7.24 DC Field Current Experimental RMS (A) line current (A) 0.7 Table 4-2. Stator current of the motor at FL condition 70 DC Field Current (A) Experimental PF PF with M27 PF with new Material material 0.7A 0.89 0.95 0.90 1A 0.99 0.96 0.99 1.2A 0.96 0.78 0.90 Table 4-3. Power factor at FL condition SPSM as motor at full load and 0.7A field current 15 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (zoomed) Stator current (A) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-2. Stator current of SPSM at FL at 0.7A field current 71 SPSM as motor at full load and 0.7A field current New material M27 Experiment 12 Stator current (A) 11 10 9 8 7 6 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-3. Stator current of SPSM at FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-2 4.2.2 75% Full Load condition Simulated RMS Simulated RMS line line current with current with the New M27 material (A) Material (A) 5.46 5.17 5.36 1A 5.34 5.69 5.44 1.2A 5.97 6.78 6.38 DC Field Current Experimental RMS (A) line current (A) 0.7A Table 4-4. Stator current of the motor at 75% FL condition 72 DC Field Current (A) Experimental PF PF with M27 PF with new Material material 0.7A 0.95 0.992 0.97 1A 0.97 0.87 0.93 1.2A 0.87 0.72 0.79 Table 4-5. Power factor at 75% FL condition SPSM as motor at 75% full load and 1A field current 15 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (zoomed) 10 Stator current (A) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-4. Stator current of SPSM at 75% FL at 1A field current 73 SPSM as motor at 75% full load and 1A field current 12 New material M27 Experiment 11 Stator current (A) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.024 Time (s) Figure 4-5. Stator current of SPSM at 75% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-4 4.2.3 66% Full Load condition Experimental Simulated RMS Simulated RMS line RMS line current line current with current with the New (A) M27 material (A) Material (A) 0.7A 4.54 4.61 4.69 1A 4.69 5.39 5.05 1.2A 5.5 6.55 6.1 DC Field Current (A) Table 4-6. Stator current of the motor at 66% FL condition 74 DC Field Current (A) Experimental PF PF with M27 PF with new Material material 0.7A 0.96 0.997 0.98 1A 0.92 0.82 0.89 1.2A 0.79 0.67 0.73 Table 4-7. Power factor at 66% FL condition SPSM as motor at 66% full load and 1.2 A field current 15 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (zoomed) Stator current (A) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-6. Stator current of SPSM at 66% FL at 1.2A field current 75 SPSM as motor at 66% full load and 1.2 A field current 11 New material M27 Experiment 10 Stator current (A) 9 8 7 6 5 0.018 0.0185 0.019 0.0195 0.02 0.0205 0.021 0.0215 0.022 0.0225 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-7. Stator current of SPSM at 66% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-6 4.2.4 50% Full Load condition Experimental Simulated RMS Simulated RMS line RMS line current line current with current with the New (A) M27 material (A) Material (A) 0.7A 3.1 3.68 3.7 1A 3.69 4.89 4.46 1.2A 4.7 5.92 5.69 DC Field Current (A) Table 4-8. Stator current of the motor at 50% FL condition 76 DC Field Current (A) Experimental PF PF with M27 PF with new Material material 0.7A 0.97 0.992 0.99 1A 0.85 0.71 0.8 1.2A 0.68 0.44 0.62 Table 4-9. Power factor at 50% FL condition SPSM as motor at 50% full load and 1A field current 10 8 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (zoomed) 6 Stator current (A) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-8. Stator current of SPSM at 50% FL at 1A field current 77 SPSM as motor at 50% full load and 1A field current 7.5 New material M27 Experiment 7 Stator current (A) 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-9. Stator Current of SPSM at 50% FL - zoomed in version of Figure 4-8 4.2.5 33% Full Load condition Experimental Simulated RMS Simulated RMS line RMS line current line current with current with the (A) M27 material (A) New Material (A) 0.7A 1.53 2.81 2.69 1A 2.62 4.12 3.91 1.2A 4.01 5.46 5.29 DC Field Current (A) Table 4-10. Stator current of the motor at 33% FL condition 78 DC Field Current Experimental PF (A) PF with M27 PF with new Material material 0.7A 0.92 0.93 0.99 1A 0.5 0.41 0.65 1.2A 0.34 0.37 0.48 Table 4-11. Power factor at 33% FL condition SPSM as motor at 33% full load and 0.7A field current 10 New material M27 Experiment 8 6 Stator current (zoomed) Stator current (A) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-10. Stator current of SPSM at 33% FL at 0.7A field current 79 SPSM as motor at 33% full load and 0.7A field current New material M27 Experiment 4.5 4 Stator current (A) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025 Time (s) Figure 4-11. Stator current of SPSM at 33% FL - Zoomed in version 4.2.6 No Load condition Simulated RMS Experimental Simulated RMS RMS line current line current with (A) M27 material (A) 0.7A 0.9 1.49 1.09 1A 2.29 3.93 3.27 1.2A 3.68 5.49 4.85 DC Field Current (A) line current with the New Material (A) Table 4-12. Stator current of the motor at NL condition 80 DC Field Current (A) Experimental PF PF with M27 PF with New Material Material 0.7A 0.72 0.48 0.72 1A 0.34 0.14 0.2 1.2A 0.2 0.1 0.12 Table 4-13. Power factor at NL condition SPSM as motor at no load and 1.2A field current 10 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (zoomed) 8 6 Stator current (A) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-12. Stator current of SPSM at NL at 1.2A field current 81 SPSM as motor at no load and 1.2A field current New material M27 Experiment 9 Stator current (A) 8 7 6 5 4 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-13. Stator Current of SPSM at NL - Zoomed in version Figure 4-14, Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16 shows the comparison of stator current at 0.7A, 1A and 1.2A field current respectively at varying load conditions such as NL, 33% FL, 50% FL, 66% FL, 75% FL and 100% FL. Figure 4-17, Figure 4-18 and Figure 4-19 shows the comparison of power factor at 0.7A, 1A and 1.2A respectively at varying load conditions such as NL, 33% FL, 50% FL, 66% FL, 75% FL and 100% FL. Comparison of stator current at 0.7A field current 8 New material M27 Experiment 7 Stator current (A) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-14. Comparison of stator current at 0.7A field current 82 Comparison of stator current at 1A field current 8 New material M27 Experiment Stator current (A) 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-15. Comparison of stator current at 1A field current Comparison of stator current at 1.2A field current 8 New material M27 Experiment 7 Stator current (A) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-16. Comparison of stator current at 1.2A field current From Figure 4-14, Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16, it can be seen that stator current obtained from the new material is closer to the experiment as compared to M27. 83 Comparison of Power factor at 0.7A field current 1 Lagging Power factor 0.9 0.8 New Material M27 Experiment 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-17. Comparison of power factor at 0.7A field current Comparison of Power Factor at 1A field current 1 0.9 Unity/Leading Power factor 0.8 0.7 0.6 New material M27 Experiment 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-18. Comparison of power factor at 1A field current 84 Comparison of Power Factor at 1.2A field current 1 New material M27 Experiment 0.9 Leading Power factor 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load condition in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-19. Comparison of power factor at 1.2A field current From Figure 4-17, Figure 4-18 and Figure 4-19, it can be seen that power factor obtained from the new material is closer to the experiment as compared to M27. At 0.7A field current, the SPSM shows lagging power factor for all loads. At 1A field current, the SPSM shows unity power factor at full load and leading power factor for the remaining loads. At 1.2A field current, the SPSM shows leading power factor for all the loading conditions. From the comparison of stator current of SPSM between the experiment and FE simulation using M27 material and new magnetic material shown in Figure 4-14, Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16 , it can be clearly shown that the FE simulation with the new magnetic material gives closer results to the experiment than M27. Furthermore from Table 4-14, as the load decreases the results for FE simulations shows higher difference especially at NL and 33% full load compared to the experiment for both M27 and the new magnetic material. For 50% full load, the difference in the stator current between the the new material and the experiment is around 20%. But at higher loads such as 66% full load, 75% full load and 100% full load, the FE results are comparable to the experiment. These large differences can be attributed to the accuracy level in the determination of open circuit voltage for the new material and M27 seen from the last figure in Chapter 3. Material M27 New material Field Load Current NL 0.7A 1A 1.2A 0.7A 1A 1.2A -66.79 -71.12 -49.05 -22.01 -42.38 -31.67 85 33% FL -82.86 -57.25 -36.05 -75.05 -49.24 -31.81 50% FL 18.71 32.64 25.96 19.35 20.98 21.06 66% FL 1.62 15.01 19.16 3.27 7.19 9.89 75% FL 5.30 6.62 13.82 1.82 1.94 7.11 100% FL 8.39 4.71 3.33 4.58 6.12 1 Table 4-14. Percentage deviation of stator current from the experiment for M27 and new material 4.3 Harmonic analysis of the stator current in SPSM as a motor Once the SPSM was run as a motor, fast fourier transform (FFT) was performed on the currents obtained from the Real Motor and from the FE simulation of SPSM using M27 and the new magnetic material. FFT was performed on the one second of stator current using the inbuilt matlab function “fft”. The sampling rate used for performing FFT was 3600Hz and was performed on one second steady state data. The results from the FFT of the stator current are shown below. FFT of stator current of SPSM - experimental motor 0 Stator current (dB) -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Frequency (Hz) (a) 86 FFT of stator current of SPSM - FE simulation with new material 0 -20 Stator current (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Frequency (Hz) (b) FFT of stator current of SPSM - FE simulation with M27 0 -20 Stator current (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Frequency (Hz) (c) Figure 4-20. FFT of stator current (a) Experimental SPSM (b) FE simulation of SPSM with new material (c) FE simulation of SPSM with M27 87 Frequency (Hz) Experimental (dB) New material (dB) M27 (dB) 180 -39.49 -48.9 -59.87 300 -30.06 -31.74 -37.47 420 -44.13 -55.29 -41.73 540 -52.85 -52.35 -65.66 660 -39.96 -44.65 -43 780 -46.37 -54.19 -48.24 900 -61.21 -58.17 -61.18 1020 -47.84 -29 -26.81 1140 -50.85 -34.65 -30.52 1260 -61.61 -51.2 -61.82 1380 -58.62 -45.28 -44.1 1500 -59.72 -43.65 -42.87 1620 -61.44 -52.46 -62.36 1740 -66.02 -56.46 -57.33 Table 4-15. Spectrum analysis of the stator current of SPSM Figure 4-20 shows the FFT analysis of the Stator current of SPSM as a motor at full load and 1A field current (rated condition). It can be seen from the FFT that the spectral components of experimental condition show closer similarities to the new magnetic material for lower order harmonics such as 180Hz, 300Hz, 540Hz. For higher order harmonics, both M27 and the new material show considerable difference. Lower order harmonics are highly important and play a major role in the condition monitoring of the electrical machines. To determine the better of these two materials for SPSM, root mean square of the difference was chosen and calculated. It was found that the new material has a root mean square error to be 2.89 while for M27, it is 3.25. This again shows the advantage of deriving the magnetic material using the ampere turn distribution scheme. For the motor current signature analysis widely used in the condition monitoring of motors, modeling of electrical machine and the material used plays a vital role in determining the fault and its severity. Some of the irregularities in the components such as 88 180Hz can be attributed to the FE solver error and the natural disturbances and noises available in the real condition of SPSM. 4.4 SPSM as a generator The experimental setup used for running the SPSM as a motor is shown in Figure 4-21. Figure 4-21 – Experimental set up of the generator The table below shows the experiments performed on the SPSM as a generator under different load and field conditions. The rated field current for the SPSM as a generator was 0.9A. Therefore three different field currents 0.72A (20% below rated field current), 0.9A (rated field current) and 1.08A (20% above rated field current) were chosen. S.No Load level DC Field Current (A) 1 FL 0.72 2 FL 1 89 3 FL 1.08 4 75FL 0.72 5 75FL 1 6 75FL 1.08 7 66FL 0.72 8 66FL 1 9 66FL 1.08 10 50FL 0.72 11 50FL 1 12 50FL 1.08 13 25FL 0.72 14 25FL 1 15 25FL 1.08 16 NL 0.72 17 NL 1 18 NL 1.08 Table 4-16. Generator experiments These experiments were performed using R, RL and RC load to induce lagging power factor (RL), leading power factor (RC) and unity power factor loads (R). R load provided unity power factor load while RL load produces lagging power factor load and RC produces leading power factor load. By doing this, different field conditions were compared between experiment and FE simulations. 4.4.1 Generator with Resistive Load The tables and figures below shows the comparison of phase voltage generated by the experimental SPSM and FE simulation of the same with M27 and the new material under R load. 90 Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 104.31 109.54 101.14 0.9A 119.2 127.67 121 1.08A 129.02 140.24 134.96 Field Current (A) Table 4-17. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for R load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 111.39 118.46 109.64 0.9A 124.53 134.53 128.09 1.08A 133.89 145.59 139.59 Field Current (A) Table 4-18. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for R load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 114.97 120.74 111.96 0.9A 127.14 136.27 129.79 1.08A 135.99 146.59 140.71 Field Current (A) Table 4-19 - Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for R load 91 Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 116.59 122.68 113.97 0.9A 129.19 137.71 131.13 1.08A 137.59 147.54 141.65 Field Current (A) Table 4-20. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a Generator for R load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 119.21 125.47 116.86 0.9A 130.63 139.8 132.95 1.08A 138.66 148.87 143 Field Current (A) Table 4-21. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for R load SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - R load Voltage (zoomed) 200 New material M27 Experiment 150 Generated voltage (V) 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-22. Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for R load 92 SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - R load 210 New material M27 Experiment 200 Generated voltage (V) 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 0.0185 0.019 0.0195 0.02 0.0205 0.021 0.0215 0.022 0.0225 0.023 0.0235 Time (s) Figure 4-23. Zoomed in version of Figure 4-22 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive load at 0.72A field current 130 New material M27 Experiment Phase Voltage (V) 125 120 115 110 105 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of perecentage of full load Figure 4-24. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 0.72A field current 93 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive load at 0.9A field current 150 New material M27 Experiment 145 Phase voltage (V) 140 135 130 125 120 115 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-25. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 0.9A field current Comparison of phase voltage for resistive load at 1.08A field current 150 New material M27 Experiment Phase voltage (V) 145 140 135 130 125 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-26. Comparison of phase voltage for R load at 1.08A field current 94 Figure 4-24, Figure 4-25 and Figure 4-26 shows the comparison of phase voltage generated by the experimental SPSM and FE simulation from M27 and the new material for R load. It can be seen that the phase voltage from the new material matches the experiment better compared to the M27 material. Table 4-22 shows the percentage error in the determination of the phase voltage generated between the experiment and FE simulation. From the table, it can be clearly seen that the new material shows a maximum deviation of 4.6% from the experiment, while the minimum deviation is as low as 1.5%. Also the average deviation of phase voltage for the new material is 2.5%. At the same time, the maximum deviation of phase voltage for M27 is 8.7% and minimum deviation is 5%. The average deviation of the phase voltage for M27 is 6.85%. From these deviation values, it can be concluded that new material is better suited to be an estimate of the magnetic material for SPSM as a generator than M27 for R load. Material M27 New material Field 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 25% FL 5.25 7.02 7.36 1.97 1.78 3.13 50% FL 5.22 6.59 7.23 2.25 1.50 2.95 66% FL 5.02 7.18 7.79 2.62 2.08 3.47 75% FL 6.35 8.03 8.59 1.57 2.86 4.26 100% FL 5.00 7.11 8.70 3.04 1.51 4.60 Load Current Table 4-22. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for R load 4.4.2 Generator with Resistive-Inductive (RL) Load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with new phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) material (V) 0.72A 75.26 75.51 70.9 0.9A 91.61 93.6 87.9 Field Current (A) 95 1.08A 103.6 109.39 103.6 Table 4-23. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for RL load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with new phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) material (V) 0.72A 88.66 90.38 84.15 0.9A 106.33 110.19 103.12 1.08A 117.99 124.62 119 Field Current (A) Table 4-24. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for RL load Experimental phase Phase voltage with Phase voltage with new voltage (V) M27 material (V) material (V) 0.72A 95.44 97.15 89.52 0.9A 109.68 115.96 108.86 1.08A 121.47 129.77 124.14 Field Current (A) Table 4-25. Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for RL load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 103.5 107.23 98.52 0.9A 118.73 124.63 117.73 1.08A 128 137.19 131.2 Field Current (A) Table 4-26. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a generator for RL load 96 Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 113.03 117.24 108.34 0.9A 125.45 133.03 126.31 1.08A 135.06 143.87 137.61 Field Current (A) Table 4-27. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for RL load SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - RL load New material M27 Experiment 200 Voltage (zoomed) 150 Generated voltage (V) 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-27. Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for RL load 97 SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - RL load 200 New material M27 Experiment Generated voltage (V) 180 160 140 120 100 0.018 0.019 0.02 0.021 0.022 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-28. Zoomed in version of Figure 4-27 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-inductive load at 0.72A field current 120 New material M27 Experiment 115 110 Phase voltage (V) 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentge of full load Figure 4-29. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 0.72A field current 98 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-inductive load at 0.9A field current 135 New material M27 Experiment 130 125 Phase voltage (V) 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-30. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 0.9A field current Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-inductive load at 1.08A field current 145 New material M27 Experiment 140 Phase voltage (V) 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-31. Comparison of phase voltage for RL load at 1.08A field current 99 Figure 4-29, Figure 4-30 and Figure 4-31 shows the comparison of phase voltage generated by the experimental SPSM and FE simulation from M27 and the new material for RL load. It can be seen that the phase voltage from the new material matches the experiment better compared to the M27 material. Table 4-28 shows the percentage error in the determination of the phase voltage generated between the experiment and FE simulation. From the table, it can be clearly seen that the new material shows a maximum deviation of 6.2% from the experiment, while the minimum deviation is as low as 0%. Also the average deviation of phase voltage for the new material is 2.75%. At the same time, the maximum deviation of phase voltage for M27 is 7.18% and minimum deviation is 0.33%. The average deviation of the phase voltage for M27 is 4.38%. From these deviation values, it can be concluded that new material is better suited to be an estimate of the magnetic material for SPSM as a generator than M27 for RL load. Material M27 New material Field 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 25% FL 3.72 6.04 6.52 4.15 0.69 1.89 50% FL 3.60 4.97 7.18 4.81 0.84 2.50 66% FL 1.79 5.73 6.83 6.20 0.75 2.20 75% FL 1.94 3.63 5.62 5.09 3.02 0.86 100% FL 0.33 2.17 5.59 5.21 4.05 0.00 Load Current Table 4-28. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for RL load 4.4.3 Generator with Resistive-Capacitive (RC) Load: Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 139.13 147.78 141.3 0.9A 145.42 156.49 151.49 Field Current (A) 100 1.08A 152.19 161.75 159.64 Table 4-29. Phase voltage at FL as a generator for RC load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 136.16 144.17 136.99 0.9A 145.06 153.55 147.87 1.08A 150.44 159.06 156.37 Field Current (A) Table 4-30. Phase voltage at 75% FL as a generator for RC load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 134.85 142.63 135.23 0.9A 142.55 152.38 146.43 1.08A 149.82 155.09 158.1 Field Current (A) Table 4-31. Phase voltage at 66% FL as a generator for RC load Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 131.29 138.98 131.25 0.9A 139.67 149.76 143.25 1.08A 146.82 155.97 152.21 Field Current (A) Table 4-32. Phase voltage at 50% FL as a generator for RC load 101 Experimental Phase voltage with Phase voltage with phase voltage (V) M27 material (V) new material (V) 0.72A 127.23 134.56 126.54 0.9A 136.89 146.65 139.74 1.08A 144.29 153.6 148.99 Field Current (A) Table 4-33. Phase voltage at 25% FL as a generator for RC load SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - RC load 250 New material M27 Experiment Voltage (zoomed) 200 150 Generated voltage (V) 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Time (s) Figure 4-32 – Generated voltage of SPSM at 50% FL and 0.9A field current for RC load 102 SPSM as a generator at 50% full load and 0.9A field current - RC load 230 New material M27 Experiment 220 210 Generated voltage (V) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 0.0185 0.019 0.0195 0.02 0.0205 0.021 0.0215 0.022 0.0225 0.023 Time (s) Figure 4-33 – Zoomed in version of Figure 4-32 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-capacitive load at 0.72A field current 150 New material M27 Experiment Phase voltage (V) 145 140 135 130 125 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-34. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 0.72A field current 103 Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-capacitive load for 0.9A field current 160 New material M27 Experiment Phase voltage (V) 155 150 145 140 135 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of percentage of full load Figure 4-35. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 0.9A field current Comparison of phase voltage for resistive-capacitive at 1.08A field current 162 New material M27 Experiment 160 Phase voltage (V) 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Load conditions in terms of perecentage of full load Figure 4-36. Comparison of phase voltage for RC load at 1.08A field current 104 Figure 4-29, Figure 4-30 and Figure 4-31 shows the comparison of phase voltage generated by the experimental SPSM and FE simulation from M27 and the new material for RC load. It can be seen that the phase voltage from the new material matches the experiment better compared to the M27 material. Table 4-28 shows the percentage error in the determination of the phase voltage generated between the experiment and FE simulation. From the table, it can be clearly seen that the new material shows a maximum deviation of 4.9% from the experiment, while the minimum deviation is as low as 0.03%. Also the average deviation of phase voltage for the new material is 2.31%. At the same time, the maximum deviation of phase voltage for M27 is 7.61% and minimum deviation is 5.53%. The average deviation of the phase voltage for M27 is 6.94%. From these deviation values, it can be concluded that new material is better suited to be an estimate of the magnetic material for SPSM as a generator than M27 for RC load. Material M27 New material Field 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 0.72A 0.9A 1.08A 25% FL 5.76 7.13 6.45 0.54 2.08 3.26 50% FL 5.86 7.22 6.22 0.03 2.56 3.66 66% FL 5.77 6.90 5.53 0.28 2.72 3.52 75% FL 5.88 5.83 5.75 0.61 1.92 3.94 100% FL 6.22 7.61 6.28 1.56 4.17 4.90 Load Current Table 4-34. Percentage deviation of phase voltage from the experiment for M27 and new material for RC load The generator has been subjected to varying condition such as different field currents above and below its rated and also with different loads (leading, lagging) and with different loading conditions (25%, 50%, 66% and 75% full load). From 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, it can be seen that the SPSM has been tested with varied environments it might experience during its operation and the newly determined material has been effective in determining the motor characteristics with very good accuracy. This corroborates that the 105 scheme in Chapter 3 is an effective strategy to emulate the magnetic characteristics of a material of a SPSM with reasonable accuracy. From the tables and figures shown in chapter 4, it can be seen the new magnetic material has been effective in determining the characteristics of the material in the real SPSM. This is proved by the close results achieved while running the SPSM as a motor and a generator under various loading conditions and field currents. Thus this chapter gives a detailed explanation on the comparison of experimental SPSM with FE simulations using two different materials. It can be seen from these comparisons that the new material characterizes motor accurately compared to the M27 material. 106 Chapter 5 Conclusion 5.1 Conclusion Existing schemes of magnetic material testing such as Epstein and single sheet tester have been discussed in detail. The advantage and the disadvantages associated with these testers have also been discussed. Furthermore latest developments in this field have also been discussed. Modeling of electrical machines especially SPSM using Ansys Maxwell for running it a motor and generator has been provided. The same process can be used for modeling induction motors and other electrical machines. Chapter 3 provides useful details and characteristics of Ansys Maxwell in the modeling of electrical machines. The disadvantages associated with the existing techniques have been rectified using the novel ampere turn distribution technique. The method is simple and easy to be replicated. It is non-invasive and non-destructive and can be implemented easily on the SPSM which has been already been installed in the industries. Detailed experiments on the SPSM as a motor and generator have been performed at various different conditions to validate the ampere turn method. 5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the ampere turn distribution scheme Advantages This is a non-invasive and non-destructive method The calculations of B and H and the modeling of FE are simple and easy to implement. This scheme can be implemented in the salient pole synchronous machines which have been already installed. Disadvantages Computation time for FE is very high. It takes 12 hours to do a simulation of FE as a motor and generator and 4 hours to run magnetostatic simulation for a SPSM. Therefore this scheme is time consuming at the start of the process. 107 Determination of H from the magnetostatic simulation of SPSM in Ansys Maxwell is another problem associated with this scheme. At high B, the accuracy of determination of H decreases as there is no direct method for the determination of H for different parts of the SPSM. Another important disadvantage is the requirement of the geometry and dimensions of the machine to be modeled. This data is not always available and might be difficult to obtain for a specific machine. 5.3 Contributions Non Destructive Technique In this research work, the problem associated with the determination of magnetic characteristics of the material used in salient pole synchronous motor (SPSM) has been addressed. Existing schemes for the determination of magnetic characteristics have been discussed and the disadvantages have been detailed to recognize the need for a new method of determination of magnetic characteristics of the material in SPSM. With all the existing techniques such as Epstein and single sheet tester being destructive and invasive, a non-invasive and non-destructive technique has been proposed for the determination of the magnetic characteristics of material in SPSM. This technique is simple and easy and requires FE simulations to perform the above task. Modeling of electrical machines in Ansys Maxwell This thesis provides detailed parameters and steps involved in modeling of SPSM under different conditions such as motor, generator and open circuit test. Also the methods to perform magnetostatic and transient simulation methods have been discussed. Ampere turn distribution technique A novel technique called ampere turn distribution technique has been developed. Here simple calculations on magnetic field intensity and magnetic flux density combined with finite element simulations have been used to determine the magnetic material used in SPSM. This technique has been based on the hypothesis that the distribution of magnetic field intensity across different parts of the SPSM is identical. 108 Validation of the ampere turn distribution scheme Detailed experiments have been on SPSM as a motor, generator at different field currents and load conditions and they have been compared with the newly determined magnetic material determined from the AT distribution scheme to validate the new scheme 5.4 Future Scope This research work presents a few challenges and opportunities for improvement and also methods of using this scheme for other electrical machines Improvement of calculation of magnetic field strength (H) One of the disadvantages of the ampere turn distribution scheme is the difficulty in the determination of magnetic flux density (B) accurately especially at higher field intensities (H). If a suitable scheme or method can be determined to estimate the H accurately, the accuracy of this scheme will improve. One of the methods to achieve higher accuracy in the determination of H is to zoom in as closely as possible using the modify attributes tab in Ansys Maxwell and also segregating the different parts of the SPSM as accurately as possible. This will result in better determination of H and hence better results for the ampere turn distribution scheme. Extension of the ampere turn scheme to other Electrical machines The ampere turn distribution scheme has been presented for SPSM. The idea of H required to setup B in different parts of SPSM being proportional irrespective of the material in the SPSM can be extended to other electrical machines such as round rotor synchronous machines and slip ring induction machines. These machines are widely used in the wind power generation and therefore this scheme will be useful in the determining the magnetic characteristics of the material in slip ring induction motors as well. 109 References: [1] A. Keyhani, W. Lu and B. 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