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On the Design of Copyright Protection Protocols for Multimedia Distribution
Using Symmetric and Public-Key Watermarking1
Stefan Katzenbeisser
Institute for Information Systems
Vienna University of Technology
Favoritenstraße 9–11/184-2
A–1040 Wien, Austria
The advent of the Web, electronic commerce and the
creation of electronic distribution channels for multimedia
content have brought new challenges regarding the protection of intellectual property. As it has become increasingly
difficult to protect the distribution medium against copying,
techniques for asserting the copyright on information have
gained in importance. We review the requirements of practical copyright protection schemes and survey protocols that
use symmetric and public-key watermarking algorithms.
tokens) into the digital object without loss of quality. Whenever the copyright of a digital object is in question, this information may be extracted to identify the rightful owner.
The most prominent way of embedding information in multimedia data is the use of digital watermarking [5]. Due
to their practicability, it is likely that copyright protection
systems will appear in future multimedia applications; as a
consequence, considerable interest in digital watermarking
exists for electronic commerce applications. However, watermarking protocols are yet to experience wide-spread use.
2. Application Scenarios and Requirements
1. Introduction
With the increasing availability and distribution of media in a digital form, the protection of intellectual property faces new challenges. The possibility to easily and
cheaply reproduce content without loss of quality is undermining the film, music and entertainment industries. As a
consequence, the question of how to effectively protect the
copyright holder’s interests is critical to a wide-spread acceptance of electronic multimedia-distribution channels by
content providers. Most implementations try to counteract
the increased risk of copyright infringements by copy protection. They attempt to find ways which limit the access
to copyrighted material and/or inhibit the copy process itself. Examples include encrypted digital TV broadcast or
copy protection techniques on DVD’s. As recent examples
show, copy protection is very difficult (if not impossible) to
achieve in open systems.
On the other hand, copyright protection does not restrict
the use of copyrighted material, but attempts to resolve the
copyright situation if an act of infringement occurred. The
idea is to insert copyright information (so-called copyright
1 This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under
Program Nr. Z29-INF.
In this paper, we consider the following distributed application for delivering digital videos to customers, shown
in Figure 1. Several content providers ( CPi ) provide digital video streams to a broadcast organization ( B ), which
in turn delivers the content upon request to different customers (Ci ). Examples for this kind of application include
electronic-commerce systems (using the Internet as transfer medium), pay-per-view digital television or information
systems based on multimedia databases (here, the “broadcast organization” could simply be a service provider).
Although we do not intend to provide copy protection facilities, a copyright protection mechanism should be available to resolve the copyright situation in case an illegal copy
of one multimedia object is found. In order to be useful in
practice, such a mechanism has to fulfill several requirements. First, the mechanism should uniquely identify the
copyright owner of the multimedia object; it should not be
possible by an attacker to falsely identify one person as
copyright holder (this includes e.g. forgery or copying of
copyright tokens in the multimedia stream). In general, the
overall system must be robust against intentional attacks;
copyright tokens should be difficult to detect in and remove
from the multimedia stream.
Figure 1. Application scenario for multimedia
Furthermore, the copyright owner wants to be able to
trace unauthorized copies; given one illegal copy of a multimedia data, it should be possible to identify the original
buyer. To be fair towards the customer, false claims of infringements must not be possible. On the other hand, one
wants non-repudiation, i.e. the property that customers cannot later deny that they bought the illegally distributed objects (fairness towards the content provider). If we speak of
a secure protocol we mean that the above requirements are
3. Symmetric Watermarking
The most prominent way to protect content is the use of
symmetric watermarks. Basically a symmetric watermarking scheme consists of two algorithms, an embedding and
an extraction algorithm. The embedding algorithm inserts
a watermark into digital media using a secret key, thereby
generating the watermarked media. Depending on the nature of the extraction algorithm, two types of watermarking schemes can be identified. The extraction process of
private watermarking systems takes the watermarked media, the original media, the watermark and the secret key
and outputs TRUE if the watermark is actually present. In
the case of blind watermarking systems, the extractor extracts the watermark given only the watermarked media and
the key; semiblind watermarking schemes also require the
original, unmarked object in the extraction process. Clearly
blind systems are preferable, as they do not require disclosure of the original unmarked media in the verification process.
Watermark extraction should also be possible in case
small modifications have been applied to the marked media,
i.e. the embedding process should be robust. Such modifications can be the result of intentional attacks in order to
remove the mark or the result of coding schemes (e.g. lossy
compression) and errors during the transmission [5].
Example: Symmetric watermarking [4]. Let aj 2 f 1; 1g,
be the watermark (encoded as strings of 1 and 1) to be
hidden in a linearized video stream vi . The sequence aj
is upsampled by a factor r, called chip-rate, to obtain a
sequence bi = aj for j r i < (j + 1) r. The new
sequence bi is modulated by a pseudo-noise signal pi (pi 2
f 1; 1g), scaled by a constant and added to the video
stream to be watermarked: v^i = vi +bi pi . Here, v^i denotes
the watermarked video stream. Due to the noisy appearance
of pi , the watermark bi pi is also noise-like and therefore
difficult to detect and remove.
In order to verify the mark, the signal pi used in the embedding process must be known. The possibly modified datum vi is multiplied by the same noise-like signal pi that
was used in the embedding process. After multiplication, all
samples containing one specific watermark bit are added:
sj =
j ri<(j+1) r
pi vi
j ri<(j+1) r
p2i bi :
If the pseudo-noise signal pi and the video stream vi are
uncorrelated, the sum should be close to sj r aj and
aj can be recovered by aj = sign(sj ). Clearly, pi acts as a
watermarking key in this system.
A simple copyright protection protocol could be outlined
as follows: the content provider watermarks his multimedia objects, forwards them to the broadcaster, who in turn
sells them to the customers. In order to provide tracing of
unauthorized copies, the broadcaster watermarks the object
a second time with the identity of the buyer. If one customer sells media illegally and the content provider finds
such a copy, he is able to extract the watermark and (with
help of the broadcaster) to accuse the original customer of
infringing his copyright in court.
Unfortunately, such a protocol does not fulfill most of the
requirements outlined in Section 2. Although current watermarking systems are quite robust against intentional and unintentional modifications of the multimedia stream, the intention of resolving the copyright situation can be subverted
entirely by attacking the protocol rather than the watermark
algorithm itself. Examples include inversion attacks, where
an attacker attempts to insert a second watermark in an already marked object in a way that no third person can determine the actual order of watermark insertion, or copy attacks (in which watermarks are copied between multimedia
objects without knowledge of the secret keys).
In order to subvert these attacks, secure protocols require
that watermarks are generated in a standard one-way manner (e.g. using a cryptographically secure one-way hash
function) from the original, unmarked multimedia object.
Another difficult problem is the symmetric nature of
traditional watermarking algorithms. When a watermark
should be verified, the symmetric key must be disclosed.
Since in most watermarking schemes the key is naturally
coupled with the location of the watermark in the digital
media, it is possible for attackers to remove the mark completely once the key is known (in the previous example,
the sequence bi pi can be subtracted from the multimedia stream, once both bi and pi are revealed). In general,
watermark verification works securely only once; thereafter
watermarks cannot provide copyright protection any more.
To cope with the last problem, specialized tamper-resistant
hardware might be used in closed systems, such as pay-TV
applications. By concealing the entire watermark verification process in trusted hardware, the key can be kept secret
from the verifier. Nevertheless, the presence of a watermark
is proved by relying on the trusted hardware.
Similar to the procedure applied in [6], a simple copyright protection protocol for the application scenario of Section 2 can be outlined as follows:
1. The content provider uses tamper-resistant hardware to
generate a watermarking key envelope, containing an
encrypted random watermarking key and a proof of his
identity (a cryptographically signed identity string).
Furthermore, he watermarks his objects (again in the
trusted device) using the key envelope and forwards
the marked object to the broadcaster. In order to avoid
various protocol attacks, the watermark must contain
a cryptographically secure hash of the original, unmarked media.
2. The user requests a document from the broadcaster. In
order to be a legally binding request, he signs it cryptographically.
3. The broadcaster assigns a unique number to every request and stores it in a database. In order to provide
tracing of copes, the broadcaster watermarks the requested document with the request identification number. For this purpose, he uses again a special hardware facility that outputs an encrypted version of the
marked multimedia object. He then sends the encrypted marked object back to the customer.
4. The customer decrypts the marked object and continues to use it.
If the copyright situation is in question, the content
provider uses his own hardware device and the watermarking key envelope to prove the presence of the mark. Furthermore, the merchant is able to extract the mark identifying the customer; as his sales database contains the original signed request, the customer cannot later deny that he
bought the document in question. In case a robust watermarking algorithm is used as basis, this protocol fulfills
most requirements of Section 2; refer to [6] for details.
The above protocol only allows to verify the presence
of a watermark in a multimedia object, which is in general
not sufficient to resolve rightful ownership. Consider an attacker that inserts his own watermark in the already marked
object; he can then perform the above protocol, thereby pretending that he is the rightful owner. To resolve the situation, a dispute resolution process must take place, in which
all alleged owners participate. This protocol tries to establish a strict precedence order on the claims, similar in spirit
to the ordering system used for patent rights. The actual
copyright holder can only be determined, if he/she participates in the protocol. In its easiest form, a judge checks the
presence of watermarks in the multimedia objects claimed
by the participating parties to be the original unmarked media stream. If one party watermarked an already watermarked object, his “original” media stream should contain
a watermark from the other party; continuing this process
should eventually reveal the order of watermark insertion.
Note that the outlined protocol is fair towards the customer. As the watermarked media object does not leave the
trusted hardware unencrypted and only the customer can decrypt the media stream, he cannot claim that any other person distributed an object containing his identity illegally.
If one actually attempts to provide proofs of ownership
with watermarking protocols, one needs a central registration facility (see e.g. [1]). This registration office keeps
a copy of all marked objects, along with a timestamp.
In case a content provider wants to register a new multimedia object, the registration office checks its database
whether a perceptual similar object (according to some
similarity measure) is already registered by a different content provider. In this case, the request is denied. This is
necessary to prohibit a trivial attack: an attacker modifies
an already registered multimedia object slightly and registers it himself under his name. He can then accuse the true
copyright owner of stealing and modifying his object.
However, there are several problems with such an approach. First, it requires a central facility, which is clearly
unacceptable if the number of multimedia objects gets large.
Second, it is not clear how “perceptual similarity” could be
defined formally; furthermore, there is no reason to assume
that the actual copyright holder will be the first one who registers his object. Even worse, what happens with perceptual
similar objects (e.g. photographs of the same object) that
are really courtesy of different content providers?
4. Public-Key Watermarking
Although specialized hardware might be applicable in
closed systems to prohibit publication of secret watermarking keys, an algorithmic solution would clearly be preferable. A promising approach is the use of public-key watermarking schemes. Similar to public key cryptography, a
private key is used to embed a watermark in a multimedia
object. However, the presence of the mark can be verified
using a public key; therefore one also speaks of asymmetric
detection. Furthermore, the knowledge of a public key must
not enable an attacker to compute the corresponding private
key, nor does it allow copying or forgery. In the watermark
verification process, the unmarked original is not required;
otherwise its publication would again allow subsequent attacks (the algorithm may, however, use a “derived” multimedia object, which is computed from the unmarked object;
in this case it must be computationally infeasible to reconstruct the “true” original out of published information).
Example: Public-Key Watermarking [3]. Several watermarking schemes with asymmetric detection process were
proposed. Among them are systems that use properties
of Legendre sequences, “one-way signal processing” techniques or eigenvectors of linear transforms. Unfortunately,
none of these schemes is yet sufficiently robust against malicious attacks. See [3] for an analysis; most of these systems
are not yet ready for practical use.
Several issues must be considered in the construction of
copyright protection protocols involving public-key watermarks. Most importantly, the original object is not available
in the (public) detection process. This implies that protocol
attacks are much more difficult to prevent, as the simple prescription of a one-way function is no longer possible. Consider the following simple protocol attack: an attacker takes
an arbitrary video stream, collects information about it and
constructs a purported watermark that can be detected in the
media at any given strength. He then falsely claims that this
constructed mark is actually his watermark and that he inserted the mark in the multimedia object previously. Such
attacks work, as long as the watermark is not required to be
generated in a standard one-way manner.
Another issue lies in the fact that watermarks are verified
only with the public key. During watermark verification,
knowledge of the corresponding private key must be proved
without revealing its value.
Different types of public-key watermarking systems use
ideas adopted from cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs to
fulfill the requirements listed at the beginning of this section.
Example: Zero-knowledge watermarking [2]. The main
idea is to verify the watermark in a scrambled version of
the multimedia object. Let be any permutation on n elements and G be a graph with n nodes. The public key of
the content provider consists of G and (G), whereas is
the private key and is therefore kept secret. The verification
process consists of several interactive rounds in which the
content provider proves a third person the presence of his
watermark and knowledge of his own secret key; in each
round he is able to cheat with a probability of 1=2. By performing several rounds, the verifier can gain any degree of
certainty that the mark is actually present.
Before the protocol starts, the content provider publishes (O) and (W ). In each round, the content provider
chooses two permutations i and i with the property that
i Æi = and computes scrambled versions of the graph
G and watermarked multimedia object O with respect to
i . He then constructs an ownership ticket, containing commitments (which are cryptographic primitives that allow a
person to commit to a sequence of bits but keep them secret
until some time later) of both i and i ; furthermore, the
ticket contains hashes of the scrambled objects i (O) and
graphs i (G). The verifier then flips a coin and asks the
content provider to open one of the commitments (but not
If the commitment containing i is opened, the verifier is able to compute scrambled versions of the document
and graph; he then hashes the scrambled object and checks
whether the hash value agrees with the bits contained in the
ownership ticket. If, however, the commitment containing
i is opened, the verifier applies the inverse permutation
i 1 to both the scrambled watermarked document (O)
and mark (W ). He then checks the presence of the scrambled watermark i 1 ( (W )) in i 1 ( (O)).
Although only one commitment does not reveal any information about the secret key , it allows to verify the presence of the scrambled watermark in the scrambled multimedia object and the knowledge of the private watermarking
key. The system does not allow forgery of the mark, nor
does it allow to (falsely) pretend the presence of a water
mark; for security considerations, refer to [2].
Although zero-knowledge watermarking systems seem
quite secure from a cryptographic viewpoint, they require
large amounts of data to be transmitted in the verification
process; this amount could actually be several times larger
than the size of the document in which the watermark must
be verified.
Both public-key watermarking and zero-knowledge watermarking can be used to construct secure copyright protection protocols that do not require hardware support. Instead of concealing the watermark verification process in
hardware, the public watermark detection facility is used.
The following protocol uses both public-key and symmetric
watermarking, the first for identifying the copyright holder,
whereas the latter is used to trace unauthorized copies.
1. The content provider publishes his public watermarking key cryptographically signed in a public database
and uses his private key to watermark all multimedia
objects he is going to distribute. Finally, the content
provider forwards his marked objects to the broadcast
2. The user requests a document from the broadcaster. In
order to be a legally binding request, he signs it cryptographically.
3. The broadcast organization creates a unique number
for the request and stores the signed customer request
along with its number in his sales database. A random
watermarking key is generated and the requested multimedia object is watermarked with the request number
(and the generated watermarking key) using a symmetric watermarking algorithm.
4. It then sends the watermarked object back to the user
in an encrypted form.
If an illegal copy of the multimedia object is found, both
watermarks must be extracted. The symmetric watermark
will reveal the original customer, whereas the public-key
watermark determines the copyright holder; it is both possible to use a traditional “public-key watermark” or a zeroknowledge watermarking scheme (in the latter case, the
content provider and a judge engage in the probabilistic
verification protocol).
Note that in this application it is not so important to keep
the symmetric watermarking key secret; as those keys are
used only once, its knowledge enables the attacker only to
remove the customer identification from one copy of the
multimedia object. The detection of the public mark is not
impaired. Thus, the overhead of public mark detection is
not justified here.
Similar to symmetric watermarking systems, the last
protocol does not provide a proof of ownership of a multimedia object, as it might contain other watermarks. Again,
a dispute resolution protocol is necessary.
Note that the previously outlined protocol is not fair towards the customer, since it allows the broadcaster to distribute illegal copies containing watermarks identifying arbitrary buyers. By increasing the complexity of the protocol, this problem can be avoided. More specifically, the
customer sends a watermark W , encrypted in a public-key
cryptosystem with his own public key, to the broadcaster,
which scrambles it according to a known permutation. Then
he encrypts the multimedia object to be distributed and inserts the encrypted permuted watermark in the encrypted
media. As long as watermark and object are encrypted in
chunks of the same size, this produces an encrypted media object containing the permuted mark. In this case, the
broadcaster does not have access to the marked media object (since the watermark is encrypted by the customer); furthermore, the customer has no knowledge of the watermark,
since it was permuted by the broadcaster.
5. Conclusions
We have surveyed the use of symmetric and publickey watermarking systems in copyright protection proto-
cols. Whereas solutions using symmetric algorithms and
specialized hardware are feasible today, protocols relying
on public-key watermarking algorithms are still subject of
We argue that watermarking alone is not sufficient to resolve rightful ownership of digital data; a protocol relying
on the existing public-key infrastructure (which is also used
for digital signatures) is necessary. It seems that the primary vulnerability of current watermarking protocols is the
watermarking algorithm itself; most known watermarking
systems are sensitive to intentional distortions of the digital
data and do not merge the digital data and the watermark
completely, as e.g. copy attacks show.
Nevertheless, we believe that protocols relying on both
public-key and symmetric watermarking algorithms may
in the future be implemented in various multimedia distribution systems. Whereas copy protection might never
be feasible in open systems, applications of digital watermarking technology could provide a mechanism supporting
claims of rightful ownership once watermarking technology
is standardized.
[1] A. Adelsbach, B. Pfitzmann, A. Sadeghi, “Proving
Ownership of Digital Content”, in Proceedings of the
Third International Workshop on Information Hiding, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 1768, 2000, pp. 117–133.
[2] S. Craver, S. Katzenbeisser, “Copyright Protection
Protocols Based on Asymmetric Watermarking: The
Ticket Concept,” in Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
[3] J. J. Eggers, J. K. Su, B. Girod, “Asymmetric Watermarking Schemes”, in Sicherheit in Mediendaten,
GMD Jahrestagung, Proceedings, 2000.
[4] F. Hartung, B. Girod, “Watermarking of Uncompressed and Compressed Video,” in Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 3, May 1998, pp. 283–301.
[5] S. Katzenbeisser, F. A. P. Petitcolas (eds.), Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and Digital Watermarking, Boston, London: Artech House,
[6] P. Tomsich, S. Katzenbeisser, “Copyright Protection Protocols for Multimedia Distribution Based on
Trusted Hardware,” in Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS 2000), Proceedings, Cracow (Poland),
2000, pp. 249–256.