Accepted for publication in IEEE PTL March 2004. Injection-Locked 1.55 µm Tunable VCSEL for Uncooled WDM Transmitter Applications Lukas Chrostowski, Chih-Hao Chang, and Connie J. Chang-Hasnain Abstract— We study the temperature effects on injectionlocked VCSELs for use in WDM transmitters. We show that injection locking can be used to lock an uncooled VCSEL to the WDM grid while improving its analog performance. Index Terms— VCSELs, injection locking, analog modulation. I. INTRODUCTION The emission wavelength of a semiconductor diode laser varies with temperature, fundamentally because the bandgap energies of III-V materials vary with temperature. For lasers used in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems, the temperature-dependent wavelength variation can cause significant crosstalk between neighboring channels. This necessitates accurate temperature control and wavelength stabilization to ensure that each laser operates on the WDM grid. The addition of temperature and wavelength feedback control leads to high power consumption, large size, and an increase in packaging cost. WDM transmitters which can maintain their wavelength without the use of temperature controllers, known as uncooled WDM transmitters, are thus extremely attractive for low-cost applications, e.g. fiber to the home. A continuously wavelength-tunable laser can be used as an uncooled WDM transmitter using a simple feedback circuit with a temperature sensor, or alternatively, being injection-locked by another laser source. In this paper, we demonstrate a new uncooled WDM transmitter configuration that uses injection locking to stabilize the wavelength of a tunable VCSEL over a range of temperatures. We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve wavelength stability concurrently with significant analog modulation performance improvement. We report a high spur-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 105.5 dB·Hz2/3 for a 1.55 um VCSEL at 1 GHz, which makes these lasers extremely attractive for low-cost broadband applications. II. BACKGROUND The injection locking technique has been demonstrated to enhance laser bandwidth, reduce non-linearities [1, 2] and reduce chirp for direct current digital modulation applications [1]. These properties can potentially lead to an increase of the bandwidth-distance product, and for analog applications, lead to an increase in dynamic range. The locking phenomenon occurs when a directly-modulated Manuscript received July 31, 2003. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA (phone (510) 642-1023, e-mail: follower laser (also known as slave) is injected by a CW master laser emitting at a nearly identical wavelength. With a strong enough injection, the follower laser’s wavelength is snapped onto the master laser’s wavelength, exhibiting the most visible sign of locking. The original wavelength mismatch between the master and follower lasers is called wavelength detuning. In general, the higher the injection power, the larger the allowed detuning for stable locking. With the additional injected photons, the rate equations governing the follower laser are modified with additional terms. With an appropriate choice of parameters, the relaxation oscillation frequency can be increased by a factor of 3-4 [1-3]. A DFB laser injection locked with another DFB was demonstrated to have a three times enhancement in the small signal modulation and reduced dynamic distortions [3]. Recently, we demonstrated the largest locking range (>0.6 nm) for VCSELs with high injection ratio conditions, and observed an increase of 20 dB·Hz2/3 in the spur-free dynamic range [1]. SFDR improvement is observed over a very large detuning range of 0.2 nm to 0.5 nm. III. EXPERIMENTS In this experiment, we study the analog performance of injection-locked VCSELs for ambient temperatures ranging from 20 to 50°C, demonstrating that the VCSEL wavelength can be locked onto a WDM channel wavelength through injection locking. Furthermore, the performance improvements remained uniform within this temperature range. The VCSELs are from Bandwidth 9 Inc., have a tuning range of ~20 nm and a threshold current of ~2 mA [4]. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. The output of the master DFB laser is injected through a circulator to the tunable VCSEL. The VCSEL temperature and tuning voltage are variables in the experiment. The performance of the tunable VCSEL is measured at the output port of the circulator, including small signal modulation response (S21) and spur free dynamic range (SFDR). Output to detector, analyzer Injection Master Laser DFB Injection-Locked VCSEL Fixed bias, temperature Fixed wavelength Fixed bias, Variable temperature Variable λ tuning voltage Figure 1 – System Diagram The DFB is biased at 100 mA and the DFB temperature tuned at a lasing wavelength of 1545.15 nm. The VCSEL ambient temperature was controlled by a TEC, in a range of 20°C to Accepted for publication in IEEE PTL March 2004. -10 Amplitude (dB) -20 +0.02nm +0.08nm +0.13nm (-16 GHz) -0.03nm -0.06nm (+7.5 GHz) -30 -40 -50 -60 Free-running 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Frequency (GHz) Figure 2 - VCSEL frequency response at 40°C; free-running (3.8 GHz resonance frequency), and injection-locked (7-14 GHz). In Figure 2, the calibrated frequency response of the VCSEL at 40°C for various wavelength detuning values is shown. The free-running VCSEL shows a resonance frequency (fr) of nearly 4 GHz, while the injection-locked fr ranges from 7 to 14 GHz. The largest red-side detuning values (ex. -16 GHz or +0.13 nm detuning) result in the flattest frequency responses, with as much as 15 dB RF gain at lower frequencies (<4 GHz); this has been observed in many devices. The reason for the increase (and decrease for small detuning) in modulation efficiency is still under investigation, and has never before been predicted or observed. Two-tone intermodulation distortion (IMD3) as well as singletone third harmonic measurements were performed for 2050°C. The data was collected in a separate experiment than the S21 data. A typical two-tone measurement, performed at 1.0 GHz (10 MHz tone spacing) is shown in Figure 3 at 50°C. The noise floor, at –105 dBm with 100 Hz resolution BW, was limited by the detector noise, rather than laser RIN. The VCSEL RIN was measured to be -130 dB/Hz, which gives a RIN-limited noise floor of -145 dBm/Hz; this value is used in the SFDR calculations. The fundamental and IMD3 powers were fitted to slopes of 1 and 3 respectively. The spur-free dynamic range improved from the free-running value of 83.5 dB·Hz2/3 to an injection-locked value 105.5 dB·Hz2/3. A fundamental tone power increase of 17 dB and a distortion -40 Injection-Locked SFDR 105.5 dB Hz2/3 -60 -80 83.5 dB Hz2/3 RIN floor -145 dBm/Hz -100 -30 -25 -20 Input RF Power (dBm) -15 -10 Figure 3 – Two-tone SFDR improvement at 50°C, ~0.2 nm detuning and 1.0 GHz modulation. Inner lines (free-running), outer lines (injection-locked). In Figure 4, the analog modulation performance is shown for several temperatures as wavelength detuning is varied (adjusted by the VCSEL tuning voltage). In Figure 4a, the resonance frequency shows a peak frequency of ~14 GHz for all temperatures, as well as a broad range of detuning values (0 to ~0.2 nm) that yield a uniform fr. In Figure 4b, the SFDR at 30°C is shown to improve for detuning values ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 nm. This range is the most useful for analog modulation, because it features improved modulation efficiency, a high and nearly flat frequency response, and an improved dynamic range. In another laser, this useful locking range was 0.2-0.3 nm [3]. For detuning values outside the locking range (approximately -0.1 nm to 0.25 nm), the VCSEL is unlocked, and the fr and SFDR return to the freerunning values. 170 15 a) 160 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 150 10 140 Free-Running 130 5 Injection120 Locked 110 0 SFDR b) 100 Improvement 90 -5 Locked 30C 80 Free-running -10 70 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Detuning (nm) Two-Tone SFDR 0 -20 Output RF Power (dBm) The measured frequency responses (S21) were calibrated for the device and packaging parasitics. The parasitic response was determined by the method described in [5], using the theoretical injection-locked frequency response [2] rather than the typical small-signal modulation response. The difference of two experimental injection-locked curves is curve-fitted with the difference of two theoretical injection-locked responses. The ideal response is then compared to the measured response, and the difference is the parasitic term. This procedure was performed several times to find the average parasitic response. reduction of 15 dB were observed in this case. The fundamental tone power increase can be seen in the frequency response curves in Figure 2, where large detuning values result in the highest RF gain. Resonance Frequency (GHz) 50°C, which was limited by the TEC cooler. For each temperature, the cantilever tuning voltage of the VCSEL was adjusted yielding a detuning between the master and follower lasers. Due to packaging thermal expansion limitations, optical realignment was necessary for each temperature. The VCSEL bias current was chosen to be fixed at 5 mA, which gives the peak power for the VCSEL at 50°C. Figure 4 – Injection-locked VCSEL (a) Resonance Frequency vs. Detuning for 20-50°C. (b) Spur-free dynamic range for 30°C. For each temperature, an optimized injection-locked two-tone SFDR is compared to the free running references, shown in the top two curves in Figure 5. Although in this experiment, the wavelength was not optimized, and thus the SFDR or fr values are not the highest. The free-running SFDR degrades with higher temperature, while the injection-locked SFDR remains reasonably uniform between 98-103 dB·Hz2/3, with an improvement ranging from 8-20dB·Hz2/3. The bottom curves are the resonance frequencies for free-running and injectionlocked cases (at 0.1 nm detuning). The free-running fr Accepted for publication in IEEE PTL March 2004. Free-running 12 90 80 Injection-locked 70 Free-running 20 25 30 35 40 45 Temperature (C) 8 4 50 0 Figure 5 – Two-tone (1 GHz) SFDR vs. temperature for both free running and injection locked cases (top curves). Resonance Frequency: free-running and injection locked (bottom curves) Figure 6 shows the necessary tuning voltage to be applied to the VCSEL, for ambient temperatures 15-50°C. In the figure, the fr and SFDR improvement ranges are shown. A bandwidth improvement is typically seen for a ±0.3V voltage range, while the SFDR improvement occurs over a ±0.1V range. Importantly, the region where the SFDR improves overlaps the fr improvement region, and is for high red-side detuning values, where the S21 shows a modulation efficiency improvement and flat frequency response. IV. PROPOSED INJECTION-LOCKED TRANSMITTER We propose a novel architecture that exploits the injection locking technique to lock an array of tunable lasers to the ITU grid, while simultaneously improving the modulation performance. One temperature controlled reference laser would lock an array of uncooled VCSELs. Each VCSEL tuning voltage would be adjusted using a look-up table, such that both SFDR and S21 improve, and the wavelength is locked to the ITU grid. Because the improvement range is relatively large, some error in the detuning control is tolerable (±0.1V) and the temperature reading does not have to be accurate. For applications requiring a constant optical output, both the bias and tuning voltage would be adjusted using a look-up table for varying temperatures. Note that in this study, the constant biasing scheme resulted in the output power varying with temperature. A master laser with many optical modes could be used to injection-lock several VCSELs simultaneously. One could employ a stable mode-locked laser (MLL) [6] or an optical frequency comb generator [7]. The mode spacing for the mode locked laser can be designed to match the ITU WDM grid. The output of the mode locked laser is sent into a demultiplexer following a circulator, and each optical finger feeds and locks one laser, similar to our experimental setup. Because of the stable output from the mode locked laser, we expect that this 1-N injection locking architecture will have similar performance as to the experiment where each follower laser is injection-locked by its own master laser. In this application of the injection locking technique, only one temperature and wavelength controller will be required for the master laser, rather than for each transmitter. 23 Tuning Voltage 16 100 60 Resonance Frequency (GHz) Spur-Free Dynamic Range decreases with increasing temperature, while the locked fr remains nearly constant at ~8 GHz. This demonstrates that the injection-locked analog performance is highly improved and nearly uniform for the temperature range studied. 20 110 Injection-locked 22 Resonance Frequency Enhancement 21 20 SFDR Enhancement 19 10 20 30 Temperature 40 50 Figure 6 – VCSEL Tuning voltage range for S21 and SFDR improvement. V. CONCLUSION In this work, we proposed an uncooled VCSEL transmitter for WDM applications. We report the highest SFDR of 105.5 dB-Hz2/3 achieved for a VCSEL at 1 GHz. We demonstrate that with a continuously tunable VCSEL, it is possible to use the tuning voltage to ensure wavelength locking and performance enhancements through temperature variation. This demonstrates the feasibility of uncooled VCSEL transmitters injection-locked to a WDM reference grid. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Peter Schultz and Rajesh Patel at MIT Lincoln Labs for their assistance with the RIN measurements. This work was performed with funding from DARPA CSOM Award F30602-02-2-0096. 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