JOB 040086 ALMA WEIGH STATIONS RECONSTRUCTION (S) SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 LETTING Question: The bid form shows roughly 38,000 linear feet of type ‘A’ curb & gutter. However, after looking at the drawings we can only find approx 380LF. Is the quantity shown in the plans correct? Answer: The quantity shown in the plans is incorrect. The correct quantity is 380.26 LF. An addendum will be issued. Question: 083323 2.1 A.1 calls for vision panel glazing – is this required? Answer: Vision panel glazing is required for doors specified in the door schedule and shown on door elevations as having vision panels. Question: 083323 2.10 D for insulated service doors – door curtain material Aluminum – requires metal curtain interior & exterior to pass missile test. Answer: The service doors are not required to pass a missile test; this requirement is not included in the specifications. Question: Are two complete buildings included in the project? Answer: There are three buildings in the project: a westbound weigh station, an eastbound weigh station, and an inspection barn on the eastbound side. Question: Detail 10/A401, where located? Answer: This detail is for the cabinetry inside the control booth in the Inspection Barn (refer 3/A110). Question: What is the solid surface material and pattern? Answer: The specific solid surface manufacturer and pattern will be selected during construction. Question: Is fire rated plywood, MDF and particle board required for architectural woodwork? Answer: If the question is if the materials being used for architectural woodwork is required to be fire rated, the answer is no; it is not required to be fire rated. Question: Is AWI certification required or just compliance to AWI standards? Answer: AWI certification is not required; compliance to AWI standards is required. Question: What is the fuel source? There are references to N.G., LP, and a diesel fuel tank in the specs. Answer: Natural Gas. There is an existing Natural Gas line to the existing generator that will need to be connected to the new generator. Question: Please confirm a remote annunciator is required. Answer: Regarding the remote annunciator requirement for the generator set, it is not required since it is a Level 2 EPS. A local annunciator is acceptable. Question: There is a section for a load bank but it does not appear to be required on the project. Please confirm if load bank is required or not. Answer: The load bank is not required. Question: Interior lighting is specified and this is rare on smaller generator sets – especially the fluorescent specified. Please confirm that no interior lighting is required. Answer: The light fixture can be omitted if the unit is physically not large enough to warrant it. Question: A space heater is specified for the enclosure. Again, this is unusual on a smaller genset. Please confirm that no space heater is required. Answer: Furnish the space heater as specified. Question: Exterior hollow metal opening #1 06B Eastbound is assigned to finish hardware set #2- (3) hinges, (1) passage latchset, and (1) closer. Should it be assigned to finish hardware set #4 instead- (3) hinges, (1) lock, (1) deadbolt, (1) closer, and weatherstrip? Answer: Yes, door 106B Eastbound should be hardware set 4. Question: Are the hinges for this project to be 4.5" x 4.5" stainless steel throughout the project (see spec 087100, page 3, section 2.2, B1 & 2 hinge base metal) or just the exterior openings? The scheduled hinges, BB81 by PBB, are steel, NOT stainless steel. Answer: Hinges shall be stainless steel per specification 087100, 2.2 B. 1. & 2.; section 2.2 supersedes the hardware schedule. Question: Are NRP hinges required at exterior openings AND outswinging corridor locks with locks or only at exterior openings? (see spec 087100, page 3, section 2.2, C non removable pins) Answer: NRP hinges are required at exterior openings and outswinging corridor doors with locks per specification. Question: Spec 087100 Door Hardware, page 4, section 2.5 mechanical locks and latches calls out Grade 1 mortise locks by Corbin Russwin "to coordinate with door hardware in existing AHTD facilities". However, the finish hardware schedule is written with Grade 2 cylindrical locks and latchsets manufactured by Hager. Please clarify the locks required for this project. Answer: Locks shall be per specification section 2.5 and be Grade 1 mortise locks By Corbin Russwin; section 2.5 supersedes the hardware schedule. Question: Spec 07100 Door Hardware, page 6, section 2.8 lock cylinders calls out removable cores by the same manufacturer as the locks and latchsets and then lists the available manufacture as Best Access Systems, NOT Corbin Russwin (as per the spec) or Hager (as per the schedule). Please clarify if Corbin Russwin grade 1 mortise locks (with or without Best interchangeable cores), Hager grade 2 cylindrical locks (with or without Best interchangeable cores), or Best grade 1 or 2, mortise or cylindrical locks, are required for this project. Answer: See response above. Removable core shall be by Corbin Russwin unless specifically approved by AHTD. Question: Is the key system for this project to be a new system or is it to be part of an existing system? Answer: The Key system will be a new system for this project. Question: As per spec 087100 Door Hardware page 8 section 2.13 stops and holders, are floor stops required for this project, since no stops were scheduled for any openings? Answer: Yes, floor stops are required per section 087100, 2.13 A.1. Question: Are overhead stops required for openings #109, #10, #111, and #113, since floor stops will not work at these openings? Answer: Yes, overhead stops are required per section 087100, 2.13 A. 1. Question: Are 18" vertical grab bars required for this project? Answer: Yes, in accordance with ANSI A117.1 2006 (state base code requirement). Question: Are underlavatory guards to be supplied with the toilet accessories or by the plumbers? Answer: Underlavatory guards are required; who provides them is the contractor’s responsibility. Question: Please verify that only one (1) flagpole per station is required. Answer: Only one flagpole per station is required. Question: The metal locker spec (105113) does not give a size for the lockers. Please provide required locker size. Answer: Lockers shall be 15” wide X 18” deep X 72” high with 4” base. Question: Please verify that the wood doors are to be factory glazed and not glazed on site by the glass supplier. Answer: Factory glazing is preferred but not required. Question: Are floor stops required for the exterior doors? Answer: Floor stops are required for exterior doors to prevent damage from adjacent structure. Question: In spec section 095113, the data/requirements that have been given describe an ACT tile that is commonly used in surgical rooms. It cost $2.48+/- a SF. I would recommend using a Armstrong #1728, it has the same look and is commonly used in office/schools and would 1/3 the price. Please advise. Answer: The Armstrong VL tile specified shall be provided. Question: On multiple wall details its calling for a R-19 vinyl faced insulation. This product doesn’t exist for in-wall usage. Please advise. Answer: At wall locations where the insulation will be enclosed, insulation can be to R-19 kraft-faced insulation; at wall locations where insulation will be exposed (e.g., in the attic space) the insulation shall be vinyl faced as called for, as manufactured by Simple Saver or similar building insulation system. Question: On multiple roof details, it’s calling for a R-30 vinyl faced insulation system. This product doesn’t exist for a metal truss application. Please advise. Answer: In attic areas, the insulation shall be vinyl faced as called for, as manufactured by Simple Saver or similar building insulation system. Question: Sheet S-101 Foundation key notes: 3, 4 & 5 refers to footings and piers. Is there any reinforcing for these items? Answer: On page 87, reinforcement is not required for the footing at keynote 3 other than the continuation of the grade beam reinforcement shown in Details 1/S-502 and 3/S-502, page 96. Reinforcement is not required for the footings at keynote 4 other than the dowels shown in detail 5/S-502, page 96. The reinforcement show in Detail 5/S-502, page 96, applies to piers at keynotes 4 and 5. Question: Sheet A-310 Sections 1&3 indicate a waterproofing membrane system along the inspection pit walls. Cannot find in specification. Answer: This specification will be address after the project has been let to contract. Question: Sheet A-303, and other wall-section sheets indicate a 12” vinyl faced insulation system R30 min. However, this system does not work with this structural configuration. Conflicts arise in trying to produce an uninterrupted vapor barrier around the trusses. In addition to the fact that there’s not sufficient structural integrity of the vinyl facing to support 12” of batts. Our insulation experts recommend spray foaming, or rigid insulation board on top of the decking similar to the detailing of the Inspection Barn. Answer: Page 70, a vinyl faced insulation system like Simple Saver is designed to support 12” of insulation. Also, there is no requirement for the vinyl facing to create a uninterrupted vapor barrier around the trusses; the vinyl facing is to support the insulation, not create a vapor barrier in this application. If the contractor wishes to propose a different insulation system, it will be reviewed.