Generator and Integral Load Bank

7030 Trans-Canada Highway | Box 278
Duncan, BC V9L 3X4 Canada
T 250.746.3100
F 250.746.3143
File: 1280-20/432
REF #: 2016-33
Municipality of North Cowichan (Contracting Agency)
DATE OF TENDER ISSUE: 12 August 2016
Closing Date for Response: 19 August 2016 by (no later than) 2:00 p.m. PST time.
Contract Name:
Generator and Load Bank
Contracting Agency Municipality of North Cowichan
Mail tender to:
Mark Ruttan, Director of Corporate Services
Mailing Address:
Box 278, Duncan BC V9L 3X4
Physical Address:
7030 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan BC
Telephone No:
(250) 746-3100
Fax No:
(250) 746-3133
Please use the above Tender description and reference number on all related correspondence.
3. Technical Contact:
Shane Hixson
Electrical Foreman
Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
The Municipality of North Cowichan recently had a loss of one of its units due to fire and this will be a replacement unit.
The Municipality of North Cowichan is seeking bids for the supply of 1 (one) Generator and Load Bank (see specifications
for detail). The successful Proponent shall supply 1 (one) Generator and Load Bank that will meet the required Municipal
technical specifications.
The original unit was a Kohler Model 150ROZJ.
Bonding will not be required for this tender.
Multiple tenders may be submitted.
The anticipated time of delivery will be within 3 months (12 weeks) after the successful proponent is notified, or as
mutually agreed upon.
The successful bidder shall deliver the above machine to either the Public Works Yard at 2975 Sprott Rd, Duncan BC,
V9L 3X4, or to the intersection of Maple and Esplanade street in Chemainus.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
KEY PROPONENT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................
SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS.............................................................................
SECTION 2 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ....................................................................................................
SECTION 3 - SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..........................................................................
SCHEDULE 1 - SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................
SCHEDULE 2 - STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................
SCHEDULE 3 - ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .........................................................................
FORM OF TENDER ...................................................................................................................................................
APPENDIX 1 – SIMILAR WORK AND REFERENCES .....................................................................................
PART I: GENERAL ………………......................................…........................................................................................
PART II: PRODUCTS .…………………......................................…...............................................................................
PART III: EXECUTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
PART IV: MOTI SPECIFICATION 402 ……………………………………………………………………………………….
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
The following definitions, instructions, terms and conditions apply to all Bids related to this Tender.
“Additional Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions annexed to this Tender as Schedule 3;
“Bid” means a Bid submitted in response to this Tender;
“Bidder” means an individual or a company that submits, or intends to submit, a Bid in response to this
“Contact Person” means the person named in the Summary of Key Information;
“Contract” means the agreement resulting from this Tender, consisting of the Standard Terms and
Conditions, the Additional Terms and Conditions, the Tender, and the Contractor’s Bid;
“Contractor” means the successful Bidder to this Tender who enters into the Contract with the
“Municipality” “Municipality of North Cowichan” means The Corporation of the District of North Cowichan
located at 7030 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, BC, V9L 3X4;
“Engineer” means, Parsons Inc. (or subsidiary companies), its representatives, or other Engineers
appointed from time to time by the Owner and notified in writing to the Contractor, or his properly
authorized agent;
“Goods” has the meaning assigned in Section 3.0;
“must” or “mandatory” means a requirement that must be met in order for a Bid to receive consideration;
“should” or “desirable” refers to a requirement the fulfilment of which is not mandatory, but which the
Municipality would strongly prefer be fulfilled, and which the Municipality may in its sole discretion elect
to treat the failure to fulfil as grounds for rejection of a Bid;
“Standard Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions annexed to this Tender as Schedule 2;
“Tender” means the process described in this document.
The Municipality expressly reserves the right:
to accept any Bid;
to reject any and/or all irregularities in a Bid submitted;
to waive any defect or deficiency in a Bid that does not materially affect the Bid and accept that Bid;
to reject any and/or all Bids;
to accept a Bid which is not the lowest Bid;
to make decisions with due regard to compliance with specifications, warranty, lead times, price, and any
other such factors as may be necessary in the circumstances;
to work with any Bidder whose Bid is in the best interest of the Municipality; the Municipality reserves the
right to make that determination; and
to cancel the Tender at any time and for any reason, and to reissue the Tender without any changes, in the
event that only one compliant Bid is received, and/or if the pricing submitted in Bid(s) exceeds the
estimated budget for the goods required.
This Tender, and any Contract that may be entered into as a result of this Tender are subject to the laws of the
Province of British Columbia.
It is the responsibility of the Bidder to thoroughly examine this Tender including any attachments, schedules,
and/or appendices to satisfy itself as to the full requirements of this Tender.
While the Municipality has used considerable effort to ensure an accurate representation of information in this
Tender, the information contained herein is supplied solely as a guideline for Bidders. The information is not
guaranteed to be accurate, nor is it necessarily comprehensive or exhaustive. The Municipality will assume no
responsibility for any information or suggestion(s) given by way of verbal communication.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Bidders acknowledge that the Municipality, in the preparation of the Tender, supply of oral or written information
to Bidders, review of Bids or the carrying out of the Municipality’s responsibilities under this Tender, does not owe
a duty of care to the Bidders and each Bidder waives for itself, its successors and assigns, the right to sue the
Municipality in tort for any loss, including economic loss, damage, cost or expense arising from or connected with
any error, omission or misrepresentation occurring in the preparation of the Tender, supply of oral or written
information to Bidders, review of Bids, or carrying out the Municipality’s responsibilities under this Tender, with
the exception of fraud on the Municipality’s part.
Bidders are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing a Bid and for subsequent negotiations, if any. If
the Municipality elects to reject any or all Bids, or to cancel the Tender for any reason, the Municipality will not be
liable to any Bidder for any claims, whether for costs or damages incurred by the Bidder in preparing the Bid, loss
of any anticipated profit in connection with any Contract, or any other matter whatsoever.
All Bids become the property of the Municipality upon submission and will not be returned to the Bidders. Bidders
must be aware that the Municipality is a public body subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act. Bids will be held in confidence by the Municipality, subject to the provisions of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or unless otherwise required by law.
No Bidder shall have any claim for any compensation of any kind whatsoever, as a result of participating in this
Tender, and by submitting a Bid each Bidder shall be deemed to have agreed that it has no claim.
If any director, officer, employee, agent or other representative of a Bidder makes any representation or
solicitation to any Mayor, Councillor, officer or employee of the Municipality with respect to their Bid, whether
before or after the submission of the Bid, the Municipality shall be entitled to reject or not accept the Bid.
The Bidder warrants that the Bidder is not employed by the Municipality, nor is the Bidder an employee of the
Municipality’s Police Department, nor is the Bidder an immediate relative of an employee who works in the
department or departments of the Municipality in which the goods to be supplied are intended to be used.
If the Bidder is a company, the Bidder warrants that none of its officers, directors or employees with authority to
bind the company are employees of the Municipality or the Municipality’s Police Department or immediate
relatives of employees of the Municipality, if the goods or services to be supplied under this Bid are intended to
be supplied to the department in which such employee works. In this section “immediate relative” means a
spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of a municipal employee.
In submitting a Bid, the Bidder acknowledges and agrees that it has read, understood and agrees to all terms and
conditions described in the Tender.
Upon closing date and time all Bids shall be irrevocable. Bids will remain open for acceptance for at least (60) sixty
days after the closing date and time, whether or not another Bidder’s Bid has been accepted.
The Municipality or Representative will notify the successful Bidder that its Bid has been selected for award of the
The Contract is formed only when the Municipality has given a notice of award to the successful Bidder and has
issued a purchase order to the successful Bidder.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Closing Date and Time
Bids must be received at the Delivery Location before the Closing Date and Time specified on the Summary of Key
Information. Late Bids will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the Bidder.
Submission of Bids
2.2.1 Bids must:
(a) be submitted on the Form of Tender included with this Tender;
(b) be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Tender - Canada Ave. Pumping Station – Generator
with Integrated Load Bank ”
(c) contain the original signature of an authorized signatory for the Bidder.
2.2.2 E-mailed and/or faxed Bids will not be accepted.
2.2.3 Faxed amendments or withdrawing a bid will be accepted.
All enquiries related to this Tender, including any requests for information and clarification, and any applications
for approval of “alternate” or “equal” products, are to be directed in writing to the Contact Person identified on
the Summary of Key Information, by the Enquiries Deadline. Requests regarding alternate or equal products
should be accompanied by complete technical data showing equivalency, suitability and examples of similar use.
Bids must be submitted in English.
Amendments or Withdrawing a Bid
By submission of a clear and detailed written notice, a Bidder may amend or withdraw its Bid prior to the Closing
Date and Time. Revisions to prices should state changes to unit prices only. Upon Closing all Bids become
irrevocable. A Bidder will not change the wording of its Bid or withdraw its Bid after Closing and no words or
comments will be added to the Bid unless requested by the Municipality for purposes of clarification.
Any and all addenda, appendices and/or attachments to this Tender will be posted on the Municipality and BC Bid
websites. It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to make sure that they are in receipt of all addenda, appendices
and/or attachments prior to the Tender Closing.
Information/Site Meeting
There is no Information Meeting or site Meeting scheduled for this Tender.
All prices in a Bid must be in Canadian Dollars.
Supply of Goods
The Contractor shall supply and deliver One (1) Generator with Integrated Load Bank (the “Goods”) specified in
Schedule 1 – Specifications, at the places and times specified in Schedule 3 - Additional Terms and Conditions.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
1. Schedule 1 – Specifications includes the following attached documents and take precedence in the following order:
a) Generator and Load Bank Technical Specifications;
b) MoTI Section 402 - Electrical Kiosks & Powder Coat Specifications;
Definitions – Words and expressions not otherwise defined in these Standard Terms and Conditions or the
Additional Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings assigned to them in Section 1.0 of the Tender.
Gender and Number - Whenever the singular or masculine is used in this Contract, the same shall be deemed to
include the plural or the feminine or the body politic or corporate where the context or the parties so require.
Precedence - In this Contract, unless expressly provided otherwise, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency
between or among the provisions of the documents comprising this Contract, the documents shall govern and
take precedence in the following order:
Additional Terms and Conditions;
Standard Terms and Conditions;
Contractor’s Bid.
Freight - All Goods are to be shipped Freight Prepaid by the Contractor. Shipping is to either the Public Works
Yard at 2975 Sprott Rd, Duncan BC, V9L 3X4, or to the intersection of Maple and Esplanade street in Chemainus.
The Contractor is responsible for coordinating the delivery and for offloading of all equipment and materials at
the specified location.
Packing - All Goods shall be suitably packed and marked to secure lowest transportation costs and in accordance
with the requirements of common carriers. No charge will be allowed for packing, boxing crating, marking,
cartage, or storage unless stipulated, acknowledged and accepted by the Municipality.
Inspection and Approval - All Goods shall be delivered subject to Municipality inspection and approval and
payment in whole or in part shall not constitute acceptance or approval. The Municipality may reject and return
all goods at the Contractor’s sole expense if the Goods are not delivered as specified, or if deliveries, quantities, or
quality is not as specified or warranted. Receipt at any of the Municipality’s locations does not indicate acceptance
or approval.
Transfer of Title (Ownership) – Title to the Goods shall pass to the Municipality at the destination following
inspection and approval by the Municipality unless provided otherwise in the Additional Terms and Conditions.
Pricing - The price specified in the Contractor’s Bid shall be the complete cost to the Municipality including all
fees, royalties, licenses, levies and charges of every description (including charges for crating, boxing, cartage and
offloading). Taxes are excluded from the unit price.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Taxes - The Municipality is subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (British Columbia
PST). The Contractor is requested to specify the tax status of the Goods being supplied. Taxes are to be shown as
separate line items on the invoice.
Payment – The Municipality will pay undisputed invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt.
Payment without Authorization - The Municipality will not be responsible for the payment of any items supplied
to any individual, or ordered by/from unauthorized person(s). It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure the
person ordering is authorized to commit the Municipality to contractual obligations with the Contractor.
Damaged or Defective Goods - The Contractor shall either replace or repair without cost to the Municipality, any
Goods which are damaged or defective or become damaged or defective by reason of workmanship or content
provided that such claim is made by the Municipality within one (1) year from the date of acceptance.
Returns - In the event of damaged, defective or substandard Goods, the Municipality will return the Goods to the
Contractor for replacement.
The Contractor will be responsible for all costs associated with return and
replacement of defective/incorrect/substandard Goods. This will include all freight/handling charges. The
Municipality will not accept any restocking charges related to damaged or defective or incorrect or substandard
Contractor’s Warranties - The Contractor warrants that:
The Contractor has good title to the Goods supplied, and all Goods supplied are free and clear of all liens,
claims or encumbrances of any kind;
All Goods supplied conform to specifications herein, are of merchantable quality and are fit for the
purpose they are ordinarily used, except if a particular purpose has been stated by the Municipality, in
which case the Goods are fit for that particular purpose;
There has been no violation of trade mark, patent, copyright or any other intellectual property right in
manufacture, production, or sale of the Goods; and
It will comply with all laws and standards, including without limitation environmental laws applicable to
the manufacture, processing and provision of all Goods to the Municipality.
Manufacturer Warranty Not Excluded – None of the provisions set out in this Contract shall derogate from,
modify or replace any manufacturer’s warranty that may be available to the Municipality in respect of any Goods
supplied, nor shall the existence of any such manufacturer’s warranty limit the obligations of the Contractor or
relieve the Contractor from the due performance of them.
Electrical Equipment - Where required by Canadian law, the appropriate Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
certification or other certifications as approved by the Province of British Columbia shall be applied to all electrical
goods or material supplied.
Hazardous Contents - The Contractor must classify controlled or hazardous materials, adequately label the
container and supply a current Material Safety Data Sheet for products regulated and governed by Workplace
Hazardous Materials Information System and relevant regulations.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Insurance – The Contractor shall obtain and maintain at its sole expense any insurance it deems necessary or
prudent to fulfill its obligations under this Contract and to otherwise protect its interests. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, unless the Goods are delivered to the Municipality by common carrier, the Contractor
must obtain and maintain in force until completion of the supply of the Goods and any other obligations of the
Contractor under this Contract, the following insurance with an insurer licensed to carry on business in the
Province of British Columbia, and must provide the Municipality with proof of such insurance upon request:
Commercial general liability insurance in the amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00)
per single occurrence, naming the Municipality as an additional insured, containing cross liability and
severability of interest provisions such that the Municipality is covered as if a separate policy had been
issued to it, and containing a provision requiring the insurer to give the Municipality thirty (30) days’
written notice prior to any cancellation or material change in the policy;
Automotive liability insurance for owned and non-owned vehicles in the amount of not less than Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) inclusive for bodily injury and property damage per accident.
Indemnity – The Contractor must release, indemnify and keep indemnified the Municipality, its officers,
employees, servants, agents, consultants and contractors of and from all claims, costs, losses, damages, actions,
causes of action, expenses and costs arising from an error, omission or negligent act of the Contractor in the
performance of its obligations under this Contract or arising from a breach of this Contract by the Contractor. This
release and indemnity shall survive the expiry or termination of this Contract.
Event of Default – For purposes of this Contract “Event of Default” means any of the following:
a) the Contractor fails to perform any of the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract;
b) any representation or warranty made by the Contractor in this Contract is untrue or incorrect;
c) an order is made, a resolution is passed or a petition is filed, for the Contractor’s liquidation or winding up;
d) the Contractor commits an act of bankruptcy, makes an assignment for the benefit of the Contractor’s
creditors or otherwise acknowledges the Contractor’s insolvency;
e) a bankruptcy petition is filed or presented against the Contractor or a proposal under the Bankruptcy and
Insolvency Act (Canada) is made by the Contractor;
f) a receiver or receiver-manager is appointed for any of the Contractor’s property;
g) the Contractor ceases, in the Municipality’s reasonable opinion, to carry on business as a going concern.
Consequence of Default - On the happening of an Event of Default, or at any time thereafter, the Municipality
may, at its option, elect to do any one or more of the following:
a) by written notice to the Contractor, require that the Event of Default be remedied within a time period
specified in the notice;
b) pursue any remedy or take any other action available to it at law or in equity; or
c) by written notice to the Contractor, terminate this Contract with immediate effect or on a future date
specified in the notice, subject to the expiration of any time period specified in the notice under subsection
(a) above.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Contractor Notice of Default - If the Contractor becomes aware that an Event of Default has occurred or
anticipates that an Event of Default is likely to occur, the Contractor must promptly notify the Municipality of the
particulars of the Event of Default or anticipated Event of Default. A notice under this section as to the occurrence
of an Event of Default must also specify the steps the Contractor proposes to take to address, or prevent
recurrence of, the Event of Default. A notice under this section as to an anticipated Event of Default must specify
the steps the Contractor proposes to take to prevent the occurrence of the anticipated Event of Default.
Waiver - Except as may be specifically agreed in writing, no action or failure to act by the Municipality or the
Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under this Contract nor shall any
such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach of this Contract.
Notice - Any notice required to be given pursuant to this Contract by either party shall be deemed to have been
well and sufficiently given if mailed by prepaid registered mail, sent by facsimile to or delivered at the address of
the other party set forth in this section, as applicable, or at such other address as the other party may from time to
time direct, in writing, and any such notice will be deemed to have been received SEVENTY-TWO (72) hours after
the time of mailing or faxing and, if delivered, upon the date of delivery. If normal mail service or facsimile is
interrupted by strike, slow down, force majeure or other cause, then a notice sent by the impaired means of
communication will not be deemed to be received until actually received, and the party sending the notice shall
utilize any other such services which have not been so interrupted or shall deliver such notice in order to ensure
prompt receipt thereof. The addresses for notice of the parties are the following:
For the Municipality:
7030 Trans Canada Highway
Duncan, BC,
V9L 3X4
Fax: (250) 746-3154
Attention: Mark Ruttan, Director of Corporate Services
For the Contractor:
As set out in Form of Tender.
Law and Regulations - This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force
from time to time in the Province of British Columbia, and the Contractor hereby irrevocably attorns to the
jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia for the resolution of all disputes arising out of or in connection with
this Contract. The Contractor shall comply with and, upon request by the Municipality, furnish certificates of
compliance with all applicable laws of Canada and British Columbia and with all applicable rules, orders,
regulations or requirements issued thereunder, save and except the International Sale of Goods Act which is
specifically excluded.
Binding Effect and Assignment - This Contract shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties
hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and permitted
assigns. The Contractor must not assign, subcontract or transfer any interest in this Contract without the prior
written consent of the Municipality.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Entire Agreement - This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Municipality and the Contractor
and supersedes all previous expectations, understandings, communications, representations and agreements
whether verbal or written between the Municipality and the Contractor with respect to the Goods to be supplied
hereunder and may not be modified except by subsequent agreement in writing executed by the Municipality and
the Contractor.
Business License - The successful bidder may be required to purchase a Municipality business license.
Conflict Of Interest - A Contractor must disclose in its Quotation any actual or potential conflicts of interest and
existing business relationships it may have with the Municipality, its elected or appointed officials or employees.
The Municipality may rely on such disclosure.
Solicitation Of Council Members, Municipal Staff And Municipal Consultants. - Contractors and their agents
will not contact any member of the Municipal Council, Municipal staff or Municipal consultants with respect to this
Tender, other than the contact person named in the Key Proponent Section, at any time prior to the award of a
contract or the cancellation of this Tender.
No Collusion. - Except as otherwise specified or as arising by reason of the provision of the Contract Documents,
no person whether natural, or body corporate, other than the Contractor has or will have any interest or share in
this proposal or in the proposed contract which may be completed in respect thereof. There is no collusion or
arrangement between the Contractor and any other actual or prospective Contractors in connection with
proposals submitted for this project and the Contractor has no knowledge of the contents of other proposals and
has made no comparison of figures or agreement or arrangement, express or implied, with any other party in
connection with the making of the proposal.
Time is of the essence of this Contract.
The Contract will be for supply of the Goods for delivery within TWELVE (12) weeks after the Municipality places
an order by way of issuance of notice of award of Contract.
Shop drawings outlined under the Technical Specifications shall be provided within four (4) weeks of award of
The Engineer will review shop drawings within one (1) week of receipt of compete and comprehensive shop
drawing information.
The Contractor shall not substitute alternate Goods or Brands without the written approval of the Municipality.
The successful bidder shall deliver the above machine to either the Public Works Yard at 2975 Sprott Rd,
Duncan BC, V9L 3X4, or to the intersection of Maple and Esplanade street in Chemainus.
Preference will be given to low profile design units, due to proximity of ocean and the need to preserve
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
The undersigned having carefully read the Instructions to Bidders; Scope of Work and Responsibilities; Specifications;
Standard and Additional Terms and Conditions; and Form of Tender with Appendix 1; hereby offers to supply the Goods
listed in accordance with said specifications at the following price:
A) Supply and Delivery of One (1) Generator with Integrated Load Bank $
Legal Business Name:
Contact Person:
Contact Information:
(Tel / Cell / Fax / Email)
Signature of Authorized Representative:
Printed Name of Authorized Representative:
Title of Authorized Representative:
To acknowledge receipt of each addendum, each addendum number issued should be noted below with a
signature of an authorized representative of the organization, as being received.
Addendum No. 1 Signature _______________________ Date ________________
Addendum No. 2 Signature _______________________ Date ________________
Addendum No. 3 Signature _______________________ Date _____________
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Similar Work Reference 1
Name of Owner/Customer
Address of Owner/Customer
Contact Person
Contact Person’s Title
Contact Person’s Tel and Email
Contract Start and End Dates
Description of similar project/program:
Similar Work Reference 2
Name of Owner/Customer
Address of Owner/Customer
Contact Person
Contact Person’s Title
Contact Person’s Tel and Email
Contract Start and End Dates
Description of similar project/program:
Similar Work Reference 3
Name of Owner/Customer
Address of Owner/Customer
Contact Person
Contact Person’s Title
Contact Person’s Tel and Email
Contract Start and End Dates
Description of similar project/program:
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Supply to site one direct injection outdoor emergency standby (unattended) diesel generator set and all
associated equipment as described herein, including:
Diesel engine.
Alternator control panel.
Battery charger and battery.
Load Bank.
Fuel supply system.
Exhaust system.
Steel mounting base.
Generator enclosure.
Generator set to be 150kW, 347/600V, 60Hz, 3 phase, 4W.
Supply documentation as described herein.
Provide 12 month warrantee on all equipment from field start-up.
Provide factory testing.
Provide delivery to site and offload.
Provide installation and commissioning services at a later date, including:
Install generator set complete with enclosure.
Install fuel system.
Install exhaust system
Complete field commissioning services
Submit shop drawings for generator.
Engine: make and model, with performance curves.
Alternator: make and model.
Voltage regulator: make, model and type.
Battery: make, type and capacity.
Battery charger: make, type and model.
Alternator control panel: make and type of meters and controls.
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Governor type and model.
Load Bank.
Generator enclosure, model and type.
Exhaust system and muffler model and type.
Cooling air requirements in m 3 /s.
British standard or DIN rating of engine.
Flow diagrams for:
Diesel fuel.
Cooling air.
Dimensioned drawing showing complete generating set mounted on steel base, including vibration
isolators, exhaust system, drip trays, and total weight.
Detailed mounting instructions, including bolt sizing, quantity, type and arrangements.
Continuous full load output of set at 0.8PF lagging.
Description of set operation including:
Automatic starting and transfer to load and back to normal power, including time in seconds from
start of cranking until unit reaches rated voltage and frequency.
Manual starting.
Automatic shut down and alarm on:
High engine temp.
Low lube oil pressure.
Short circuit.
Alternator overvoltage.
Lube oil high temperature.
Over temperature on alternator.
Manual remote emergency stop.
Two (2) sets maintenance manuals - On Delivery
One (1) set
Two (2) sets shop drawings to be submitted PRIOR to MANUFACTURE for approval by
Municipality of North Cowichan
Filter survey (complete) application - On Delivery
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Municipality of North Cowichan
Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Complete belt survey (size, application) - On Delivery
Hose survey (size, application) - On Delivery
Provide operation and maintenance data for diesel generator for incorporation into Operation and
Maintenance manuals.
Include in Operation and Maintenance Manual instructions for particular unit supplied and not general
description of units manufactured by supplier and:
Operation and maintenance instructions for engine, alternator, control panel, automatic transfer
switch, manual bypass switch, battery charger, battery, fuel system, load bank, exhaust system and
accessories, to permit effective operation, maintenance and repair.
Technical data:
Illustrated parts lists with parts catalogue numbers.
Schematic diagram of electrical controls.
Flow diagrams for:
Fuel system.
Lubricating oil.
Cooling system.
Certified copy of factory test results.
Maintenance and overhaul instructions and schedules.
Precise details for adjustment and setting of time delay relays or sensing controls which
require on site adjustment.
Provide maintenance materials as set below.
2 fuel filter replacement elements.
2 lube oil filter replacement elements.
2 air cleaner filter elements.
2 sets of fuses for control panel.
Special tools for unit servicing.
Factory test generator set including engine, alternator, control panels, transfer switch and accessories in
presence of Engineer.
Notify Engineer 7 days in advance of date of factory test.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Test procedure:
Prepare blank forms and check sheet with spaces to record data. At top of first sheet record:
Generator set serial no.
Engine, make, model, serial no.
Alternator, make, model, serial no.
Voltage regulator, make and model.
Rating of generator set, kW, kV.A, V, A, r/min, Hz.
Mark check sheet and record data on forms in duplicate as test proceeds.
Engineer's signature on completed forms to indicate concurrence in results of test.
With 100% rated load, operate set for 4h, taking readings at 30 min intervals, and record
Time of reading.
Running time.
Ambient temp in ºC.
Lube oil pressure in kPa.
Lube oil temp in ºC.
Engine coolant temp in ºC.
Exhaust stack temp in ºC.
Alternator voltage: phase 1, 2, 3.
Alternator current: phase 1, 2, 3.
Power in kW.
Frequency in Hz.
Power Factor.
Battery charger current in A.
Battery voltage.
Alternator cooling air outlet temp.
After completion of 4 h run, demonstrate following shut down devices and alarms:
High engine temp.
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Low lube oil pressure.
Short circuit.
Alternator overvoltage.
Low battery voltage, or no battery charge.
Manual remote emergency stop.
High alternator temperature.
Next install continuous strip chart recorders to record frequency and voltage variations during
load switching procedures. Each load change delayed until steady state conditions exist. Switching
increments to include:
No load to full load to no load.
No load to 70% load to no load.
No load to 20% load to no load.
20% load to 40% load to no load.
40% load to 60% load to no load.
60% load to 80% load to no load.
Automatic starting of set and automatic transfer of load on failure of normal power.
Operation of manual bypass switch.
Automatic shutdown of engine on resumption of normal power.
That battery charger reverts to high rate charge after cranking.
Demonstrate low oil pressure and high engine temperature shutdown devices operation without
subjecting engine to these excesses.
Minimum 12 months from field start-up.
Provide terms of warranty.
Price separately on 24 month warranty (if available).
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Diesel Powered 150kW standby, 0.8pf, 60Hz, 3 phase, 600V 4 wire wye power generation system.
Output to suit system characteristics to start and run load as indicated on a continuous basis.
D.C. Electrical System 12 Volt
+/- 2.5% speed droop at full load.
Voltage regulation: No load to full load +/- 1%.
Alternator shall be of the permanent magnet type.
Alternator insulation shall be Class H, with 105 degrees Celcius temperature rise at full load.
The voltage regulation in a steady state shall be within +/- 1.5% after sudden application or rejection of
full load at 80% P.F. Maximum transient surge should be not more than 20% of rated voltage. Recovery
time within +/- 1.5% shall be less than 2 seconds.
The adjustment range of the voltage regulator shall be tested and shall be at least +/- 10% of the nominal
Liquid cooling system complete with polypropylene anti-freeze to -35 degrees F.
Block Heater 500 W c/w separate thermostat, disconnect during run contact.
Battery charger, fully automatic trickle type, 3 stage charger
1) Bulk, 2) Absorption, 3) Float. Stat Power True Charge Model 1010 or 1024 (depending on system
voltage) or approved equal.
Battery 1 - 8D 210 CW/cables - maintenance free.
Battery rack (batteries must be accessible).
Cap on Muffler Exhaust - With additional lockable screen over top to prevent vandals from dropping rocks
Vibration Isolators on channel skid base.
Gauges - oil pressure, engine temperature, running hours
All coolant hoses, including block heater hoses - silicon type
Engine oil drain - To exterior of sound attenuated kiosk. CW/ manual shut-off valve located inside kiosk.
Fuel tank to be sized for 24 hours of continuous operation at full load, state size (litres).
Fuel tank to be included in the generator base and double contained.
Tank kit to include all piping to unit, whistle, fill cap, sight gauge, fuel shut off valve to unit, drain valve
and vent cap.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Primary and Secondary Fuel Filters to be spin-on type of easy access.
Main generator breaker to be mounted on unit and wired to the generator.
Main generator breaker shall be have a programmable electronic solid-state trip unit with the following
adjustable trip settings:
Long Time Pickup
Long Time Band
Short Time Pickup
Short Time Band
Ground Pickup
Ground Band
Breaker shall include a set of Form-C contacts to indicate open/closed position.
Load Bank Rating: 600 Volts AC, 3 Phase, 60 Hertz, with a load bank that equals +/- 80% of the generator
unit’s full load capacity. State KW.
Tolerance: •0 to +5% overall Load Tolerance at rated Voltage.
Duty Cycle: Rated for continuous operation.
Load Steps: As per unit requirements.
Mounting: integral with genset enclosure.
Cooling System: integral with generator cooling system.
Control Power: Integral 600:120 Volt AC, 1 Phase, 60 Hertz Control Power Transformer.
Operator Controls: Control Panel housed in a NEMA•]type wall mount enclosure including:
Main Power ON/OFF Switch, Power ON Indicator, Blower ON Indicator, Blower/Airfail Indicator,
Start/Stop push buttons, and Master Load ON/OFF Switch. Load selection is provided by
individual industrial lever•]type toggle switches for on/off application of resistive load segments,
one provided for each load step.
Auto Load Dump Circuit: A remote load dump circuit is provided as part of the load bank control
Provisions are provided to trip the load bank off•line from a normally closed set of auxiliary
contacts from an automatic transfer switch or other device. In the event of a utility failure, all load
is removed.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
LOAD BANK (cont.)
Automatic Load Controller: Automatic Load step controller that maintains a minimum load on the
generator set. The controller:
Monitors the connected downstream loads and will automatically add or subtract load steps in
response to building load changes as to maintain a minimum load level on the generator set.
Includes an initial time•]delay circuit, and automatic time delayed load step application circuit.
Current transformer for sensing of downstream loads.
Safety Features:
Branch circuit breakers providing fault protection on all 3 phases of switched load steps 50 KW
and above.
Differential pressure switch to provide cooling air loss protection. Switch shall be electrically
interlocked with the load application controls to prevent load from being applied if loss of cooling
air is detected.
Over temperature switch to sense load bank exhaust temperature. Switch shall be electrically
interlocked with the load application controls to prevent load from being applied if an exhaust
over temperature condition is detected.
Load bank to be disconnected during cool down cycle.
Digital engine controller to be mounted on unit.
Each of the 6 items below should have shutdown feature and separate fault annunciation.
Low oil pressure
Low coolant level
High engine temperature
Over/under speed
Over/under voltage
Engine start delay (0-240 sec.)
Overcrank Delay (0-240 sec.)
All wiring and contacts shall terminate in the generator control panel and land on clearly identified and
easily accessible terminal blocks intended for customer use.
Run Relay: minimum 3 sets of NO/NC contacts that change state on generator RUN.
Common Fault Relay: minimum 3 sets of NO/NC contacts that change state on Critical Fault. Critical faults
are defined as alarms which cause the generator to shut down or to be otherwise unavailable.
Common Warning Relay: with minimum 3 sets of NO/NC contacts that change state on Warning.
Warnings are alarms which do not cause the generator to shut down or cause the generator to otherwise
be unavailable.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Run/Off/Auto Selector for unit control, with the switch wired to activate the following:
Off Position: annunciate on the generator control panel, generate a Critical Fault and cause the
Common Fault Relay to change state.
Auto Position: annunciate on the generator control panel, illuminate a Green “Auto” light on the
control panel.
Generator Load (Output) Breaker Position:
Off Position: annunciate on the generator control panel, generate a Critical Fault and cause the
Common Fault Relay to change state.
3½” Panel Meters Minimum (or digital). Specify.
Combination amp/voltage selector switch.
Voltage regulations +/- 1%.
Generator Enclosure shall be CSA Type 3R rated and fabricated from marine grade aluminum in
accordance with the following Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Kiosk Specifications:
General Material Requirements: 402.3.1
Connecting Hardware 402.3.2
Fabrication Mechanical Requirements, General Requirements 402.4.1
Welding 402.4.2
Door Gaskets 402.4.4
Kiosk Environmental Requirements, General 402.4.8.1
Kiosk Fan and Heater Thermostat 402.4.8.5
Kiosk Finish 402.6
.1 Generator Enclosure shall be powder coated ASA-61 Grey.
Plan Pouch 402.9
The enclosure shall be fabricated with sufficient bracing to form a structure capable of withstanding
transportation, wind, snow, and ice load. The enclosure manufacturer is responsible for obtaining
structural and seismic certification from APEGBC registered professional engineer. Structural certification
shall include recommendations for fastening methods.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
The roof shall have a minimum 75 mm overhang and provide rain gutters over all doors and openings.
Lifting eyes or loops shall be securely welded to the roof. External hinges shall each feature a waterproof
cap and lower grease fitting to permit pressure lubrication. Electrical section ventilation louvres shall be
adequately sized and die punched.
All enclosure doors are to be lockable. The latches must be drilled with a minimum 13 mm diameter hole
to receive padlocks. Each door shall have a hydraulic dampener to hold the door open. The door handle
shall be galvanized steel and powder coated the same colour as the enclosure.
Doors to allow for full access to all components necessary for servicing and routine maintenance.
Enclosure hinges must be stainless steel and maintenance free, or approved alternate.
Doors shall have three point latching devices with vertical brass bars that are riveted to actuator
bar. Handles, latches, and padlocks shall be recessed such that they cannot be struck off or cut
with a standard hacksaw.
Doors shall have internal bracing, as required, to prevent excessive distortion.
All exposed seams shall be continuous welded to prevent water ingress.
Enclosure shall include fold down door-mounted equipment/laptop shelf. Shelf shall be mounted
such that top of shelf is located 1100mm (36”) above the top of finished grade.
Air intake fixed louver c/w bird screen. Louvre on air outlet c/w bird screen
Sound attenuated on inside surface to obtain 65 DBA at 35 feet (applies to both genset and load
bank operation).
Critical grade exhaust/silencer system
Pre-selected Generator/Alternator/Load Bank unit manufacturers; specific unit to be produced to
meet all Contract requirements:
Detroit Diesel
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
The Contractor shall coordinate delivery with the genset supplier.
The Contractor shall inspect all equipment on acceptance and report any visible damage or
missing components. The genset and all associated accessories shall be stored in a secure heated
and ventilated building.
After the genset is installed in the pump station, temporary power shall be connected to the unit
to energize the space heating.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all equipment for the duration of the project.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary hoists, skids, temporary supports and beams to assist
with installing the genset.
The generating set shall be positioned on the seismic restraints spring type vibration isolators,
supplied with the set, and carefully aligned and positioned as detailed on the shop drawings.
The vibration isolator seismic restraints and anchor bolts shall be installed as per the
manufacturer's instructions. The installation must be inspected and certified by the manufacturer's
Ensure that there are no rigid connections or incidental physical contacts between isolated
equipment and the building structure or nearby systems.
Select and locate vibration isolation equipment to give uniform loading and deflection, according
to weight distribution of equipment.
Complete wiring and interconnections as indicated.
The exhaust system shall be installed as required by the genset manufacturer.
The exhaust assembly shall be installed by workers experienced in this field.
Flexible fuel supply and return lines between the genset and the fuel tank shall be installed as per
the manufacturer's instructions. After the system is complete, all fuel lines shall be purged with air,
reconnected and tested for leaks.
Supply and install vent extension and all valves and fittings not specifically supplied with the fuel
day tank.
Install day tank and secure to the concrete housekeeping slab with anchors as specified by the
manufacturer. Fuel lines will be placed in a tidy manner that will not present a tripping hazard.
All unused surplus bungs in the fuel tank shall be plugged.
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Tender – Generator and Integral Load Bank
Notify 7 working days in advance of test date.
Provide fuel for testing and leave full tanks on acceptance.
Unit start, transfer to load, retransfer to normal power, unit shut down, on "Automatic"
Unit start and shut down on "Manual" control
Unit start and transfer on "Test" control.
Unit start on "Engine start" control.
Operation of manual bypass switch.
Operation of automatic alarms and shut down devices.
Run unit on 100% load for minimum period of 4h to show load carrying ability, stability of voltage
and frequency, and satisfactory performance of dampers in ventilating system to provide
adequate engine cooling. No adjusting of speed or voltage shall be made after the load tests
have commenced.
At end of test run, check battery voltage to demonstrate battery charger has returned battery to
fully charged state.
Test reports from shop/factory that sensors were tested, as per our specification and trip points
documented. Provide certified documents.
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MOTI Specification 402
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