INSTITUTE OF ENERGY TECHONOLOGY DOUBLY FED INDUCTION GENERATOR FAULT RIDE THROUGH CONTROL CONDUCTED BY GROUP WPS3-952 AUTUMN SEMESTER, 2008 INSTITUTE OF ENERGY TECHNOLOGY AALBORG UNIVERSITY Pontoppidanstræde 101 - DK-9220 Aalborg Øst TITLE Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fault Ride Trough control SEMESTER: 3rd semester, autumn 2008 SEMESTER THEME: Control of Wind Generator Systems PROJECT PERIOD 04 September 2008 - 4 January 2009 Project ECTS: 22 PROJECT GROUP WPS3-952 PARTICIPANTS Florin Bujac Piotr Stasiuk Fernando Valderrey Sanchez SUPERVISOR Florin Iov , Paul Bach Thøgersen KK-electronic Telephone +45 96359240 SYNOPSIS In this project an analysis of different strategies for Fault Ride Trough protection (crowbars), control of the rotor side of a DFIG and control for Fault Ride Trough (FRT) for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is presented. The design of both controls, rotor and FRT, is done on the basis of simulation of the entire system in Simulink® environment. The simulation of the generator, grid, converter and crowbar protection are performed in PLECS. For the simulations parameters from [36] are used. Description to measure parameters of a machine is presented. For the rotor control a direct torque strategy is used , and tested for a change in the wind from 5m/s to 11m/s and a change in the reactive power of ±0.1*nominal active power. The crowbar protection for FRT has been design to be an active crowbar. The control of the crowbar has been design in order to be able to absorb overcurrent when a voltage deep occurs keeping the converter connecting. For this a voltage dip of 15% grid voltage is simulated and removed after 100ms. Preface The present project report entitled “Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fault Ride Through Control” and it is conducted by the group WPS3- 952 at the Institute of Energy Technology. The project theme is proposed by the company KK-electronic and is covered by the semester theme: Control of Wind Generator Systems. The project period is: 02.09.2008 - 04.01.2009. The literature references are mentioned by numbers in square brackets. Detailed information about the literature used in this project is presented in Bibliography. Appendices, assigned with letters, are arranged in alphabetical order. The figures have the format ‘Fig.x.y’, equations are in format ‘(x.y)’, where ‘x’ is the chapter number and ‘y’ is the item number. The enclosed CD-ROM contains the project report in Word DOC, Adobe PDF format, Matlab Simulink and Plecs models. Authors would like to thank the supervisor Florin Iov and Paul Bach Thøgersen, for the help and support provided during the project period. The report is conducted by: Florin Bujac _____________ Piotr Stasiuk _____________ Fernando Valderrey Sanchez _____________ Table of contents TABLE OF FIGURES III ABBREVIATIONS LIST V NOMENCLATURE LIST VI CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem Statement 3 1.2 Project goals 4 1.3 Project Limitations 5 CHAPTER 2 DOUBLE FED INDUCTION GENERATOR 6 2.1 Principle of operation and construction 6 2.2 Power Flow in DFIG [28] 6 2.3 Induction Machine Model 2.3.1 General equations in ABC/abc Reference Frame [32] 2.3.2 Complex space Vector representation [32] 2.3.3 General machine equations using space vector [32] 2.3.4 The Clark Transformation ( α , β equivalent frame) [32] 2.3.5 The Park Transformation (d,q equivalent frame) [32] 9 9 12 13 16 17 2.4 19 Aerodynamic conversion 2.5 Control 2.5.1 Pitch Control [32] 2.5.2 Control of DFIG Direct Torque Control [15] Direct Power Control 22 22 23 24 25 2.6 Overview of FRT requirements in Grid Codes 2.6.1 Crowbars 2.6.2 Crowbar topologies Crowbar 1 – Thyristor bridge Crowbar 2 – Diode bridge with GTO thyristor Crowbar 3 – Antiparallel thyristors between phases Crowbar 4 – Diode bridge with thyristor Crowbar 5 - Improved Fault Ride through strategy for DFIG 2.6.3 Crowbar selection 26 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 i CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESIGN AND SIMULATIONS 3.1 DFIG simulation Model 3.1.1 Principle of control 3.1.2 Rotor Control Implementation PI-controller design Simulation results 3.1.3 Control of the Crowbar Parameters adjustment Simulation results CHAPTER 4 34 34 35 37 37 41 42 47 50 51 TESTS 58 4.1 Induction Machine Tests [24] [25] [26] 4.1.1 The transformer 4.1.2 No-load test [24] [25] [26] 4.1.3 Blocked-rotor test [24] [25] [26] 58 58 61 63 CONCLUSIONS 65 FUTURE WORK 65 REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX A: PARAMETERS [36] 70 APPENDIX B: M-FUNCTION CALCULATION OF THE MECHANICAL TORQUE 72 APPENDIX C: CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM POWER POINT (MPP) 73 APPENDIX D: M-FUNCTION CALCULATION OF POWER AND TORQUE 76 APPENDIX E: POWER FLOW 78 APPENDIX F: IGBT & GTO 79 ii Table of Figures Fig. 1.1 DFIG topology ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Fig. 1.2 Fault ride through interval .......................................................................................................................... 4 Fig. 1.3 Laboratory setup of DFIG with CB protection ............................................................................................. 5 Fig. 2.1 Distribution of the energy in Doubly Fed Induction Generator for sub-synchronous speed ....................... 7 Fig. 2.2 Distribution of the energy in Doubly Fed Induction Generator for over-synchronous speed ...................... 7 Fig. 2.3 Sub-synchronous speed n<ns ...................................................................................................................... 8 Fig. 2.4 Over-synchronous speed n>ns .................................................................................................................... 8 Fig. 2.5 Concentric stator and rotor windings, currents, voltages and angle dependencies of a three phase induction machine [32] ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Fig. 2.6 Space vector constructed from a three phase system [32] ....................................................................... 13 Fig. 2.7 Dynamical per phase equivalent diagram for induction machine. ........................................................... 16 Fig. 2.8 Equivalent two-phase machine ................................................................................................................. 16 Fig. 2.9 Park Transformation [32].......................................................................................................................... 18 Fig. 2.10 Cp curve, presented as a relation between rotational speed and wind speed........................................ 19 Fig. 2.11 Cp-Lambda curve for θ=0........................................................................................................................ 20 Fig. 2.12 Maximum Power Point Tracking for Cpmax .............................................................................................. 21 Fig. 2.13 Wind turbine torque vs. rotor speed characteristic ................................................................................ 21 Fig. 2.14 Wind turbine power vs. rotor speed ....................................................................................................... 22 Fig. 2.15 Blade cross section of a WT [32] ............................................................................................................. 23 Fig. 2.16 Torque-speed characteristic of a 2MW DFIG wind turbine [15] ............................................................. 24 Fig. 2.17 Torque control loop of a DFIG ................................................................................................................. 24 Fig. 2.18 Power-speed Characteristic [23] ............................................................................................................. 25 Fig. 2.19 Power control loop of a DFIG .................................................................................................................. 25 Fig. 2.20. International Grid Codes Comparison (IGCC) [12] ................................................................................. 26 Fig. 2.21 Voltage profile regarding fault ride through capability of wind turbines/farms in National Grid Codes [1] .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Fig. 2.22 DFIG topology with attached crowbar protection .................................................................................. 28 Fig. 2.23 DFIG bypass resistors in the rotor circuit with (A) thyristors, (B) GTOs . ................................................. 29 Fig. 2.24 Schematic of Diode Bridge with GTO. ..................................................................................................... 30 Fig. 2.25 Antiparallel (A) thyristors and (B) GTO between rotor phases................................................................ 30 Fig. 2.26 Diode bridge with thyristor crowbar (A). Modificated protection (B) for project purposes. ................... 31 Fig. 2.27 Crowbar topology for improved FRT strategy with static switch S1 and static transfer switch S2. ........ 32 Fig. 2.28 Model of DFIG with attached crowbar nr.2 ............................................................................................ 33 Fig. 3.1 Plecs model of the DFIG wind turbine ....................................................................................................... 34 Fig. 3.2 Simulink blocks for the calculation of the Mechanical Torque.................................................................. 35 Fig. 3.3 Power flow of an ideal DFIG at over synchronous speed and sub synchronous speed [32] ...................... 36 Fig. 3.4 Power flow in the WRIM of 7.5kW ............................................................................................................ 36 Fig. 3.5 Vector diagram of the d,q reference frame aligned to the stator flux, with stator voltage in quadrature ............................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Fig. 3.6 Block diagram for the rotor side control ................................................................................................... 39 Fig. 3.7 Look-up Table for reference Active Power ................................................................................................ 40 Fig. 3.8 PI control in z-domain using backward transform .................................................................................... 41 Fig. 3.9 Step response of the system ..................................................................................................................... 42 Fig. 3.10 Simulink model of the entire system ....................................................................................................... 42 Fig. 3.11 Variation of the wind speed .................................................................................................................... 43 Fig. 3.12 Mechanical and Electrical Torque ........................................................................................................... 44 Fig. 3.13 Rotor speed ............................................................................................................................................. 44 Fig. 3.14 Active Power reference and Active Power measure ............................................................................... 45 Fig. 3.15 Reactive Power reference and Reactive Power measure ........................................................................ 45 Fig. 3.16 D-Rotor current reference and D-rotor current measure ........................................................................ 46 Fig. 3.17 Q-Rotor current reference and Q-rotor current measure ....................................................................... 46 Fig. 3.18 Entire model of DFIG for Fault Ride Trough analysis with crowbar attached ......................................... 47 iii Fig. 3.19 Generation of duty cycles (∆ - duty cycle, Tsw - switching period, ton – duty cycle reference signal) .... 48 Fig. 3.20 Tuning P controller .................................................................................................................................. 49 Fig. 3.21 First part of crowbar control scheme ...................................................................................................... 49 Fig. 3.22 Second part of crowbar control scheme.................................................................................................. 50 Fig. 3.23 Simulink model of complete system ........................................................................................................ 51 Fig. 3.24Rotor current d-component reference and measured value .................................................................... 52 Fig. 3.25Rotor current q-component reference and measured value .................................................................... 52 Fig. 3.26 Active Power reference and measured value .......................................................................................... 52 Fig. 3.27 Reactive Power reference and measured value ...................................................................................... 53 Fig. 3.28 Mechanical and Electrical Torque ........................................................................................................... 53 Fig. 3.29Rotor speed .............................................................................................................................................. 53 Fig. 3.30 Stator voltage.......................................................................................................................................... 54 Fig. 3.31 Stator current .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Fig. 3.32 Rotor current measured on rotor’s terminals ......................................................................................... 55 Fig. 3.33 Rotor current measured on converter’s terminals .................................................................................. 55 Fig. 3.34 Current in the crowbar’s circuit ............................................................................................................... 55 Fig. 3.35 Rotor current measured on rotor windings ............................................................................................. 56 Fig. 3.36Rotor current on converter terminals....................................................................................................... 56 Fig. 3.37Compared RMS values of rotor current at the rotor’s terminals and converter’s terminals .................... 57 Fig. 3.38 Energy absorbed by crowbar during fault in the grid.............................................................................. 57 Fig. 4.1 Transformer schematic [30] ...................................................................................................................... 59 Fig. 4.2 Transformer windings connections [30] .................................................................................................... 60 Fig. 4.3 Electrical diagram of the no-load test setup [24]...................................................................................... 61 Fig. 4.4 Equivalent induction machine circuit for no-load test [25] ....................................................................... 62 Fig. 4.5 Electrical diagram of the blocked-rotor test setup [24] ............................................................................ 63 Fig. 4.6 Equivalent induction machine circuit for blocked rotor test [25] .............................................................. 63 iv Abbreviations list Abbreviation DFIG FRT WTG PCC TSO IGCC p.u. IGBT GTO WRIM WRIG Mmf Emf AC DC DS TS MPP Description Doubly Fed Induction Generator Fault Ride Through Wind Turbine Generators Point of Common Coupling Transmission System Operators International Grid Codes Comparison per unit value Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor Gate Turn-Off Thyristor Wound Rotor Induction Machine Wound Rotor Induction Generator magneto motive force electromotive force Alternative Current Direct Current Distribution System Transmission System Maximum Power Point v Nomenclature list Parameter Pmshaft Description mechanical power delivered to the shaft Pm useful mechanical power Pf friction losses Pre rotor electrical power Prt rotor total losses Pgap power delivered through air gap Ps stator power Pst stator total losses N sξ s stator effective number of turns N rξr θ ρ rotor effective number of turns u i electrical angle the rotor displacement angle voltage current a Lσ resistance flux stator-rotor ratio complex vector leakage flux inductance Lm main flux inductance Te electromagnetic torque Tm mechanical load torque ωr ωe angular rotor speed J D Pn inertia damping factor rotor angle rotor angle acceleration nominal power Pwt Mechanical power R Ψ n ρ ρ&& electrical angular rotor speed vi ρ R V Cp λ θ T ω air density blade radius wind speed power coefficient tip speed ratio pitch angle torque rotational speed Pe L D P Q Ir electrical power lift forces drag forces active power reactive power absolute value of rotor current Ith Rcrow Pmax s preset threshold current crowbar resistance maximum power mechanical power through the shaft of the generator Power through the stator Power through the stator rotor angular speed synchronous speed slip kp ki u(t) e(t) f Tsw proportionality constant integration constant output signal error signal frequency switching period N Pn −l magneto motive force input power measured in the no-load test PCu copper losses Prot rotational losses R n −l no-load resistance Z n −l no-load impedance X l ,S stator leakage reactance X m1 magnetizing reactance PM Ps Pr ωr ωs vii Pb − r input power measured in the blocked rotor test Rb − r blocked rotor resistance Z b− r ton U I blocked rotor impedance E T pp electromotive force time number of pole pairs subscript ‘ α ’ subscript ‘ β ’ subscript ’d’ subscript ‘q’ subscript ’s’ component on α axis component on β axis component on d axis component on q axis stator winding subscript ‘r’ subscript ’a’ subscript ’b’ subscript ’c’ subscript ‘(s)’ subscript ‘(r)’ rotor winding winding ‘a’ winding ‘b’ winding ‘c’ referred to the stator referred to the rotor subscript ‘(ref)’ reference value duty cycle reference signal voltage current viii Chapter 1 Introduction The prediction of The World Energy Council is that by 2050 the energy mix around the globe will contain of different energy sources in which renewables will have an important role. The target of the European Union is that 22% of electricity generation has to be from renewables by 2010. The wind power will be the principal contributor to this goal, and according to International Energy Agency it had the highest average annual growth rates among renewable sources of energy. Europe is the leader right now at the penetration of the wind power into the electrical network, where Denmark and Germany have the highest penetration level. The countries that will install in the near future more wind power are Spain, Great Britain and Ireland. Also important development of wind power is predicted in Australia, Canada and Japan. [1] The percentage of renewable energy in total EU countries demand is growing. In some systems of energy, such as Denmark, wind energy provides up to 20% of all produced energy. Such large share (part) of the energy used as a key issue involves the stability of the energy system. [2] In the last years the wind turbine technology has been continuously developed. The blade lengths of the wind turbines are becoming larger and the turbines are able to produce more electricity, fact that make the cost of renewable generation drop. Today there are two basic types of wind turbine: • Fixed-speed wind turbines • Variable-speed wind turbines Fixed-speed wind turbines are mainly equipped with squirrel-cage induction generators, and the rotor is connected to the generator shaft using a fixed-ratio gearbox. The construction and the performances of these wind turbines depend on the characteristics of mechanical circuits and the time response on some of them. The result is that at a strong rush of wind can be observed a fast and strong variation of the electrical output power. These load variations require a stiff power grid for the stable operation and a firmly built mechanical structure in order to absorb the high mechanical stresses that appear. This solution, applied to high-rated power leads to expensive mechanical construction. [3] The specific main advantages of adjustable speed generators compared with the fixedspeed generators are: [3] • Cost effective and able to provide simple pitch control. The controlling speed of the generator (frequency) allows the time constants of the pitch control to become longer. In this way the pitch control complexity and peak power requirements are reduced. The pitch angle control is performed only to limit the maximum output power at high wind speed. • Reducement of the mechanical stresses. The strong rush of wind can be absorbed; energy is stored in the mechanical inertia of the turbine, creating elasticity that reduces torque pulsations. • Dynamic compensation for torque and power pulsations, caused by the back pressure of the tower. • Improvement of the power quality, by reducing the torque pulsations due to the elasticity of the WT system. 1 • • Improvement of system efficiency. The turbine is adjusted as a function of wind speed in order to maximize the output power. The operation at the maximum power point can be done for a wide power range. As a result is possible an efficiency improvement of 10%. Reducement of acoustic noise. Low-speed operation can be made at low wind power, and therefore low power. [3] X Possible implementation schemes of the adjusted-speed generators are: the full scale power converter system and the DFIG adjusted-speed generator system. The full scale power converter systems have a couple of disadvantages: high cost of the power converter rated at 1 p.u. total system power, the design of the inverter output and electromagnetic interference filters rated at 1 p.u. is difficult and costly the total system efficiency (over the entire operating range) the converter efficiency plays an important role. Most of the modern megawatt wind turbines are variable-speed wind turbines. One solution is the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) that is coupled to the electrical network via a transformer and supplied to the rotor from a frequency converter [4], as shown in Fig. 1.1. Fig. 1.1 DFIG topology The developments made for the DFIG adjusted-speed generator system avoid the detriments of the full scale power converter systems, results the following advantages: [3] cost reduction of the inverter because of handling 25% of the total system power inverter output and electromagnetic interference filters are rated at 0.25 p.u. (inverter harmonics represent a smaller fraction of the total system harmonics) Improved system efficiency Power-factor control can be made at lower costs 2 The last advantage can be acknowledged because the DFIG have an operation similar to a synchronous generator and the converter has to provide only excitation energy. The DFIG system permit decoupled control of active and reactive power of the generator.[3] During large grid disturbances DFIG systems needs a crowbar in order to protect the converter, short circuiting the rotor circuit. That means that the wind turbine must be disconnected from the grid, after a large voltage dip. [5] Some countries have issued dedicated grid codes for connecting the wind turbines or wind farms to the electrical network. This grid codes are addressed to the transmission and\or distributed system. This grid codes are implemented in order to obtain continuity and security of the supply of wind power into electrical network.[1] 1.1 Problem Statement An important requirement of the grid codes about wind turbines is the Fault RideTrough (FRT), required for the security of the power system stability. This requirement dictates that Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) must remain connected to the grid, even if a fault occurs and the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) drops to low values. These values are different depending on the country regulations. For manufacturers implies that the WTG systems must be design to fulfil FRT request. WTGs that use power electronics are more sensitive to disturbances, the definition of any excessive transient current and potential over voltages are needed to be determined for their design. [6] Nowadays DFIG are the most used Wind Turbine Generators; these kinds of generators are really sensitive to the FRT due to the use of converters in rotor side to control. When fault occurs, large over currents are induced in stator and rotor windings, this would produce the destruction of the Back to Back Converter. When the fault occurred, in the range of operation that grid codes establish and exceeding the maximum current the converter can hold, rotor circuit is shorted using different protection strategies, and the converter is disconnected. The boundaries of the operation for FRT are shown in the Fig 1.2. The requirements for FRT are provided by the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) which contain certain recovery limitations which DFIG must follow. The main demands are concerning the maximum voltage dip, time duration and time of full voltage recovery (Fault ride-through). These specifications differed from the different Local Grid Operators. [2][7] Specifications, from TSO, about Fault ride-through indicate that wind-turbine generators (WTGs) must be connected to the grid even at certain low voltage levels. [8] X 3 100% Must remain connected Voltage levels estabilished by TSO Voltage recovery Fault interval Time [s] Rising time Fig. 1.2 Fault ride through interval The design of the DFIG’s converter has to handle the high currents or provide an alternative path (crowbar) during the fault. As it is said in [6] the use of crowbars to fulfill the FRT requirement is the most cited solution. The performance of crowbar is essentially the short circuit of the rotor winding preventing high voltage and current that can destroy the converter. However, in order to be able to ride through a voltage dip the control of the crowbars has to remove it when the current transient has decayed to an acceptable level, so the generator can continue in normal operation. [9] Crowbars can be differentiated in two groups, active and passive. Essentially, the passive crowbar is a resistor with variable resistance. Depend of resistance value it is possible to limit rotor currents, and hence stator currents, after short-circuit fault. For active crowbar, its structure is more complex than passive crowbar. Active crowbar contains active elements, such a forced commutated thyristor or transistors. These elements enable to switch on and off the crowbar with high frequency. Passive crowbars can be easily switch on when needed but switching off is possible only when current naturally crosses zero. The design of crowbar has to comply the Grid Code requirements in terms of Fault Ride-Through. [10] 1.2 Project goals The main goal of this project is the study and the simulation of FRT for a DFIG, shown in Fig.1.3. 4 To reach this the following aspects will be treated: • • • • • Review, study and analysis of DFIG, FRT and different Crowbars topologies. Design of the control of the selected crowbar. Test of a new rewinded generator in order to obtain all the necessary parameters. Control of the generator. Simulation of the entire system. Fig. 1.3 Laboratory setup of DFIG with CB protection 1.3 Project Limitations • In this setup the generator and the converter will be supplied with the same voltage level • It will not be taken into consideration the entire back-to-back converter, it will be limited only to one side, only the rotor side converter is considered • To face requirements of this project, only active topology must be chosen • After comparison, best crowbar topology will be taken into consideration • The parameters of the DFIG are taken from [36] • The pitch control and stator control are not taken under consideration. • The obtained FRT was not compared with any specific grid codes requirements. 5 Chapter 2 Double Fed Induction Generator 2.1 Principle of operation and construction This electrical machine, also known as wound rotor induction generator (WRIG), has the stator windings directly connected to the supply network and the rotor windings are connected to the grid through a back-to-back converter. The back-to-back converter consists of a force-commutated rectifier and a forcecommutated inverter connected by a common dc-link capacitor. This converter normally consists of a machine-side converter and a grid-side converter. The machine-side converter acts as an inverter, used to control the torque or the speed of the machine as well as the power factor at the stator terminals. The grid-side converter acts as a rectifier, controlling the DC voltage of the DC link, while exchanging power with the grid. [13] [32] The DFIG has a stator mounted on bearings and is separated from the rotor by an air gap. Alternative current is supplied directly to the stator and by induction to the rotor. The stator is composed of laminations of high-grade sheet steel and in slots cut on the inner surface of the stator frame is mounted a three-phase winding. The rotor contains laminated ferromagnetic material, with the slots cut on the outer surface, and the rotor windings are connected to three slip rings. The terminals of the rotor can be connected to an external circuit by using stationary brushes pressing against the slip rings. When the stator windings are connected to a three-phase supply while the rotor circuit is closed, the voltages induced in the rotor windings produce rotor currents that will interact with the air gap field to produce torque. The rotor will reach a steady-state speed that is less than the synchronous speed at which the stator rotating field rotates in the air gap. If the steady-state speed will be equal to the synchronous speed, no voltage and current will be induced in the rotor circuit, so torque will not be present. The induced currents in the rotor windings will produce a rotating field and the interaction between this field and the field produced on the stator will generate the torque.[14] 2.2 Power Flow in DFIG [28] The power flow in Doubly Fed Induction Generator can have different distribution which depends on the actual wind speed. In wind plants power in stator flows from generator to the grid. The DFIG rotor circuit has back to back converter which allows power flow both ways- to generator or form generator. DFIG is a structure which can work over synchronous at speed up to 110% with respect to synchronous. It is also possible to operate at sub synchronous, down to 50% with respect to the synchronous speed. 6 At sub-synchronous speed the power flows to the grid through stator and to the generator from the grid through converter. STATOR ENERGY INDUCTION GENERATOR ROTOR ENERGY Fig. 2.1 Distribution of the energy in Doubly Fed Induction Generator for sub-synchronous speed When turbine is operating at over synchronous speed the energy flows to the grid through both stator and rotor. Fig. 2.2 Distribution of the energy in Doubly Fed Induction Generator for over-synchronous speed Power flow in DFIG for different operation speed: 7 Fig. 2.3 Sub-synchronous speed n<ns Fig. 2.4 Over-synchronous speed n>ns Pmshaft - mechanical power delivered to the shaft Pm - useful mechanical power Pf - friction losses Pre - rotor electrical power Prt Pgap - rotor total losses Ps Pst - stator power - power delivered through air gap - stator total losses 8 2.3 Induction Machine Model 2.3.1 General equations in ABC/abc Reference Frame [32] For the mathematical description of the double fed induction machine it will be assumed that a uniform air gap machine can be modelled as two concentric cylinders with an air gap of constant radial length. The iron losses and the parameters that change with the temperature are not considered. A balanced three phase machine is expressed in Fig.2.5.The subscript‘s’ indicates the stator windings and ‘r’ the rotor windings with effective number of turns N s ξ s respectively N r ξ r . Fig. 2.5 Concentric stator and rotor windings, currents, voltages and angle dependencies of a three phase induction machine [32] The coupling between phases is dependent of the electrical angle between the phases symbolised θ . The three windings subscripted with ‘a’ ‘b’ and ‘c’ are displaced by ±120°, so the angle θ is only dependent on the rotor displacement angle symbolised ρ . 9 The equation for stator and rotor voltages can be written as: s dΨs u = Rs ⋅ i + dt s s s s (2.1) r d Ψr u = Rr ⋅ i + dt r r r r (2.2) Where the voltages u , the currents i and the flux Ψ are vectors exemplified for stator and rotor values. usa us = usb u (2.3) sc isa is = isb i (2.4) sc Ψsa Ψs = Ψsb Ψ (2.5) sc ura ur = urb (2.6) u rc ira ir = irb (2.7) i rc Ψra Ψr = Ψrb (2.8) Ψ rc The flux in stator of the machine can be defined by the flux created by the stator phases itself and the flux part that influence the stator originated from the rotor phases. The flux in the rotor can be expressed the same. The expressions are: Ψ s = Ψ s(s) + Ψ s(r ) (2.9) Ψ r = Ψ r (r ) + Ψ r (s) (2.10) The flux expressed as a product of an inductance matrix and the current vector i created from the stator and rotor windings is expressed in the following equations: Ψ s(s) Lσs + Lms L = − ms 2 Lms − 2 − Lms 2 Lσs + Lms − Lms 2 ⋅is Lσs + Lms Lms 2 Lms − 2 − 10 (2.11) Ψ r (r ) 2 L + N r ξ r ⋅ L ms σr N s ξ s 2 Lms N r ξ r = − ⋅ 2 N s ξ s 2 Lms N r ξ r ⋅ − 2 N s ξ s 2 N ξ ⋅ r r N sξ s 2 N rξ r ⋅ Lms Lσs + N sξ s L − ms 2 L − ms 2 N ξ ⋅ r r N sξ s 2 ⋅is 2 N rξ r ⋅ Lms Lσs + N sξ s N ξ ⋅ r r N sξ s L N ξ − ms ⋅ r r 2 N sξ s L − ms 2 2 2 (2.12) The coupling between the rotor and the stator is dependent on the rotor displacement angle. The flux initiated in the rotor and penetrating the stator and the stator flux penetrating the rotor are shown below: Ψ s(r ) N ξ = r r N sξ s cos ρ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos( ρ − 2π / 3) ⋅ Lms ⋅ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos ρ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) ⋅ i r cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos ρ (2.13) Ψ r (s) N ξ = r r N sξ s ⋅ Lms cos ρ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos( ρ + 2π / 3) ⋅ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos ρ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) ⋅ i s cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos ρ (2.14) For expression of the stator and rotor system in an equivalent coupled system the stator-rotor ratio n is introduced. N ξ n = s s N rξ r (2.15) ' n ⋅Ψr = Ψr n ⋅ ur = ur (2.16) ' (2.17) n 2 ⋅ Lmr = Lms = n ⋅ Lmsr (2.18) With, Lmsr = Lms ⋅ Lmr (2.19) n 2 ⋅ Lσr = L'σr (2.20) ir = i 'r n (2.21) Using the ratio ‘ n ’ the flux equations simplifies to (2.22) and (2.23): 11 Lσs + Lms L Ψ s = − ms 2 Lms − 2 − Lms 2 Lσs + Lms − Lms 2 ⋅i + L msr s Lσs + Lms Lms 2 Lms − 2 − cos ρ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos( ρ − 2π / 3) ⋅ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos ρ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) ⋅ i r cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos ρ (2.22) ' Lσr + Lmr L Ψ r = − mr 2 Lmr − 2 − ⋅i + L msr r L'σr + Lmr Lmr 2 Lmr 2 Lmr − 2 − ' Lσr + Lmr − Lmr 2 cos ρ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos( ρ + 2π / 3) ⋅ cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos ρ cos( ρ − 2π / 3) ⋅ i s cos( ρ − 2π / 3) cos( ρ + 2π / 3) cos ρ (2.23) 2.3.2 Complex space Vector representation [32] The Complex space Vector representation is used in machine modelling and machine control. The phase currents of the machine windings displaced by ± 120 o can be described as complex vectors. With the help of the complex vector a (2.24), the complex vectors can be expressed. The real part of the complex space vector is aligned to phase ‘a’ of the 3 phase stator system or 3 phase rotor system. 2 j ⋅ ⋅π 1 3 a = 1∠120 o = − + ⋅ j=e 3 2 2 (2.24) i c = a 2 ic (2.25) i a = ia , i b = a ⋅ ib , Where i a , ib , ic are the absolute values of the current time vector. By adding the phase current vector defined by equations (2.25), a resulting current vector is achieved (2.26). 2 i = i a + i b + i c = i a + a ⋅ ib + a ⋅ ic (2.26) A more common definition is achieved multiplying the previous equation by a factor of 2/3. is = 2 2 ⋅ i as + a ⋅ ibs + a ⋅ ics 3 ( ) (2.27) 12 j⋅β 1 3 a = 1∠120 o = − + ⋅j 2 2 j = 1∠90 o I b = a ⋅ Ib 120o − 1 2 − 2 2 I = (I a + a ⋅ I b + a ⋅ I c ) 3 Iα = Re{I a } = I a 1 4 2 I c = a ⋅ Ic − Ib ⋅ a Ic ⋅ a 2 α 3 ⋅j 2 Fig. 2.6 Space vector constructed from a three phase system [32] 2.3.3 General machine equations using space vector [32] The voltage equations using the complex space vector for the stator is (2.28) and for the rotor (2.29) s s u s = Rs ⋅ i s + r r u r = Rr ⋅ i r + d Ψss (2.28) dt d Ψrr (2.29) dt The flux equations can be written depending on the stator (2.30), (2.32) and rotor (2.31), (2.33): 3 Ψ s ( s ) = Lσs + ⋅ Lms ⋅ i s 2 (2.30) 13 3 Ψ r ( r ) = Lσr + ⋅ Lmr ⋅ i r 2 (2.31) Ψ r (s) = 3 ⋅ Lmsr ⋅ i s ⋅ e − jρ 2 (2.32) Ψ s(r) = 3 ⋅ Lmsr ⋅ i r ⋅ e jρ 2 (2.33) If the mutual inductances and couple inductances are equal, the magnetizing inductance can be written as in (2.34): Lm = 3 3 3 ' ⋅ Lms = ⋅ Lmr = ⋅ Lmsr 2 2 2 (2.34) The equations of the flux become (2.35) ' Ψ s = ( Lσs + Lm ) ⋅ i s + Lm ⋅ i r ⋅ e jρ ' (2.35) ' Ψ r = ( L'σr + Lm ) ⋅ i r + Lm ⋅ i s ⋅ e − jρ The equation of the rotor voltage related to the stator become (2.36) r' r ' r r' r u = R ⋅i + d Ψrr ' (2.36) dt The vector representing the rotor current, voltage and flux are related to their own reference frame and are marked with the upper index ‘r’. The stator vectors that are related to the stator reference frame are marked with the upper index ‘s’ (2.37). The difference of the two coordinate systems is expressed with the rotor angle ρ . s' i rr ' ⋅ e jρ = i r (2.37) s' − jρ d ( Ψr ⋅ e j (ϕs − ρ ) ) jp d (Ψr ⋅ e j (ϕs − ρ ) ) jp d (Ψr ⋅ e ) jp dΨrs ' − jp jp ⋅e = ⋅e = ⋅e = ⋅e = ⋅e ⋅e − dt dt dt dt dt s' dΨr s' s' − jp jp − j ⋅ ωr ⋅ Ψ r ⋅ e ⋅ e = − j ⋅ ωr ⋅ Ψ r (2.38) dt d Ψrr ' jρ As known ϕs = ϕr + ρ ϕr = ϕ s − ρ (2.39) , and s' s' s' (u r ) ⋅ e − jρ = Rr' ⋅ i r ⋅ e − jρ + ( dΨr s' − j ⋅ ω r ⋅ Ψ r ) ⋅ e − jρ dt 14 (2.40) If we divide the equation we obtain the rotor voltage equation related to the stator (2.41) (2.40) by the factor e − jρ , s' s' s' u r = Rr' ⋅ i r + dΨr s' − jω r ⋅ Ψ r dt (2.41) All the equations for modelling an induction machine using space vector representation are: s s s s' s' u s = Rr ⋅ i r + dΨs dt (2.42) s' u r = Rr' ⋅ i r + dΨr s' − jω r ⋅ Ψ r dt (2.43) ' Ψ s = ( Lσs + Lm ) ⋅ i s + Lm ⋅ i r ⋅ e jρ ' (2.44) ' Ψ r = ( Lσ' r + Lm ) ⋅ i r + Lm ⋅ i s ⋅ e − jρ Te = { ρ&& = } (2.46) dω r + Dω r dt (2.47) 3 s* p p ⋅ Im Ψ s ⋅ iss 2 Te − Tm = J (2.45) dω e dω r ⋅ p p p p = = ⋅ (Te − Tm − Dω r ) dt dt J (2.48) In the modelling equations the following notations have been used: Lσ - leakage flux inductance, Lm - main flux inductance Te - electromagnetic torque Tm - mechanical load torque ωr - angular rotor speed ω e - electrical angular rotor speed J - inertia D - damping factor ρ - rotor angle ρ&& - rotor angle acceleration The dynamical one phase equivalent diagram where the achieved equations and parameters can be visualised is presented in Fig. 2.7 15 j ⋅ ωs ⋅ Ψ s Is L'σr Lσs Rs j ⋅ (ωs − ωr ) ⋅ Ψr Rr' ' Ir ' Is + Ir Us d Ψs dt Lm dΨr dt ' Ur Rm Fig. 2.7 Dynamical per phase equivalent diagram for induction machine. 2.3.4 The Clark Transformation ( α , β equivalent frame) [32] The α , β components known as Clark Transformation are deduced by separating the machine complex space vectors into real and imaginary part, and referring them to a stationary reference system. With this transformation the three-phase machine is deduced to an equivalent twophase machine (Fig. 2.8). j⋅β iβ i iα α Fig. 2.8 Equivalent two-phase machine The real and imaginary components are shown in 2 2 iα = Re{i} = Re (ia + a ⋅ ib + a ⋅ ic ) = 3 2 2 i β = Im{i} = Im (i a + a ⋅ ib + a ⋅ ic ) = 3 i +i 2 (ia − b c ) 3 2 1 3 (ib − ic ) 16 (2.49) (2.49) The complex space vector can be written as in (2.50) i = iα + j ⋅ i β (2.50) The complete transformations, in matrix form, from α , β to a,b,c and from a,b,c to α , β are presented in (2.51) and respectively (2.52). iα i β ia 2 cos(0 o ) cos(120 o ) cos( −120 o ) = 3 sin( 0 o ) sin(120 o ) sin( −120 o ) ib i c cos(0 o ) sin(0 o ) ia iα i 2 o o b = 3 cos(120 ) sin(120 ) i i cos(−120 o ) sin(−120 o ) β c (2.51) (2.52) 2.3.5 The Park Transformation (d,q equivalent frame) [32] Similar to the α , β components the d,q components are a separation of the complex space vector in real and imaginary part (2.53). i = id + j ⋅ iq = 2 2 (i a + aib + a ic ) ⋅ e − jγ 2 3 (2.53) The Clark’s components were referring the space vector to a stationary reference frame. In the Park Transformation the complex space vector is expressed in the rotating orthogonal system linked with the rotor of the machine. This method is used to express the complex space vector in any rotating reference frame and is used for a fast control of electrical machines. 17 jq iβs i i qr ωr ϕS ϕR i d r d γ iαs Fig. 2.9 Park Transformation [32] Fig. 2.9 the Park Transformation in relation to the α , β components are shown. The transformation between these components and an arbitrary rotating frame is (2.54) id + j ⋅ iq = (iα + j ⋅ i β ) ⋅ e − j⋅ϕ (2.54) For return to the α , β components, expression (2.55) is used. iα + j ⋅ i β = (id + j ⋅ iq ) ⋅ e j⋅ϕ (2.55) If the transformation is expressed in matrices, the matrix (2.56) is used for forward transformation, and matrix (2.57) for backward transformation. iα cos(ϕ ) − sin(ϕ ) id = i sin( ϕ ) cos( ϕ ) β iq (2.56) id cos(ϕ ) sin(ϕ ) iα = i − sin(ϕ ) cos(ϕ ) iβ q (2.57) 18 2.4 Aerodynamic conversion Wind blowing on blades cause movement of wind turbine but not all the wind energy it is transformed into mechanical power by the turbine. Power provided to the shaft of wind turbine generator depends on wind parameters such as speed and density and wind turbine model such as blade radius. Total mechanical power extracted from the wind (Fig. 2.10) is given by equation (2.58): [33][34] 1 Pwt = ⋅ ρRV 3Cp(λ ,θ ) 2 (2.58) Pwt - mechanical power ρ - air density R - blade radius V - wind speed Cp - power coefficient λ - tip speed ratio θ - pitch angle Fig. 2.10 Cp curve, presented as a relation between rotational speed and wind speed. As it can be seen the mechanical Power is depend in a factor called power coefficient (Cp). This coefficient is dependent on the tip speed ratio λ and pitch angle of the rotor blades θ. First parameter can be developed as a relation between tip of the blade speed and the wind speed (2.59) 19 λ= Ω⋅R V (2.59) In order to calculate the Cp curve, equation (2.60) is used [34] c7 c2 − Cp = c1 − c3 ⋅ θ − c 4 ⋅ θ c 5 − c6 e λi λi (2.60) Where 1 1 c9 = − 3 λi λ + c8 ⋅ θ θ + 1 (2.61) For this project values of c1 to c9 have been taken from [34]; c1=0.73, c2=151, c3=0.58, c4=0.002, c5=2.14, c6=13.2, c7=18.4, c8=-0.02, c9=-0.03 For a certain wind speed, Cp curve can be shown as a function of rotational speed which is assigned to power efficiency value. The Cp function is limited by maximum value of 59%. The Cp curve is represented in the figure Fig. 2.11 [33] Fig. 2.11 Cp-Lambda curve for θ=0 The highest effectiveness of the power generation can be obtained by a following maximum value of Cp curve. It is often an issue to operate with maximum output power and this can be done by adjusting rotor speed to wind speed (Fig. 2.12), using variable speed generators, and by pitching the blades (pitch control).[33][34] 20 Fig. 2.12 Maximum Power Point Tracking for Cpmax It is concerned that output of electrical power given as a product of torque (T) and rotational speed (ω) is converted from mechanical power on the shaft. The relation between torque and rotational speed is represented in Fig. 2.13 Fig. 2.13 Wind turbine torque vs. rotor speed characteristic The torque has small value at the initial speed w=0, it reaches maximum and slightly falls close to zero line for a high rotational speeds. At that point wind turbine blades turns almost exactly with the same speed as the wind. In order to reach maximum wind turbine efficiency tracking of the maximum power output point is an issue. Maximum power point floats with the wind speed change that is why rotor speed has to be continuously adjusted [35]. The electrical power generation is given by the equation (2.62). 21 Pe = T ⋅ w (2.62) Fig. 2.14 Wind turbine power vs. rotor speed 2.5 Control The DFIG combines the advantages of pitch control with efficient power transmission to the grid and the possibility of dynamic control of active and reactive power. [32] 2.5.1 Pitch Control [32] Almost all variable wind speed turbines use a pitch control. This is the most used method in order to control the aerodynamic power generated by a turbine rotor and it is applied on the high power wind turbines. The pitch angle should be only at its optimum value in order to produce maximum power and has to keep the aerodynamic power constant at its rated value. The pitch control can make possible the power limitations about rated wind speed by rotating a part or all of each blade about its axis in the direction that reduces the attack angle. In Fig. 2.15 ϑ is the pitch angle, α is the attack angle and r is the length of the blade. vw is the wind speed and ωrot r is the tip speed, form the relative wind velocity vrel. 22 The L (lift) and D (drag) are the forces caused when the wind passes through the blades, causing the blades movement. The interrupted line is the tip chord. The range of the pitch angle is usually between 0o and 35o.In order to obtain an effective aerodynamic braking, the blades have to be pitched to 90o. Fig. 2.15 Blade cross section of a WT [32] The purpose of changing the pitch angle is to produce maximum power. By this change, a very effective way of regulating the aerodynamic power and loads produced by the rotor is done. This control allows keeping the rated values below the mechanical limits. 2.5.2 Control of DFIG The control of the converter to reach the maximum power in each state of the wind speed is one of the most important issues in variable speed generators. Two of the common strategies for this control are the following: • • Direct Torque Control Direct Power Control 23 Direct Torque Control [15] Wind Turbines just can get a lower amount of the energy deliver by the wind, the energy obtained is related to the energy available by a factor called ,,Power Coefficient’’ which depends on the tip speed ratio. This tip speed ratio is the ratio between the velocity of the rotor tip and wind speed. In order to reach the maximum power from the wind the rotor speed should vary with the wind speed, given that the power coefficient is maximum at a certain tip speed ratio, as it can be seen at Fig. 2.16 Fig. 2.16 Torque-speed characteristic of a 2MW DFIG wind turbine [15] Tsp For this kind of control of DFIG, the generator torque is used for controlling the rotor speed in order to achieve the highest power possible. The torque control loop (Fig. 2.17) is based on the dq frame reference; the d component of the rotor current is used for power factor and/or voltage control, while the q component is used to control the torque in order to get the maximum power. For this operation only rotor speed is measured and used to lead the generator through the maximum power curve shown in Fig. 2.16. Fig. 2.17 Torque control loop of a DFIG 24 Direct Power Control Direct Power control is based on controlling the instantaneous active and reactive power (P,Q) in a similar way as torque control. [22] Fig. 2.18 Power-speed Characteristic [23] P The d component of the rotor current is used to control the reactive power (Q) component in order to complain the demands of the grid, while the q component is used to control the active power (P) (Fig. 2.19). For this, rotor speed is measured in order to get the reference power, by using the characteristic curve Fig. 2.18 Fig. 2.19 Power control loop of a DFIG 25 2.6 Overview of FRT requirements in Grid Codes The development of the big wind farms of large capacity brings a big amount of wind energy penetration in the network. The possibility of producing a large amount of energy is high but a limit exists. The network operators will have many technical and economical problems in order to manage the system, so one of their main concerns is the grid integration [11]. Therefore, some countries have created dedicated grid codes in order to connect the wind power plants into the electrical network. These grid codes are referring to the transmission and/or distributed system. In most of the cases the requirements focus on the power controllability and quality, fault ride-through capability (Denmark, Germany, and Ireland). Some grid codes require the support of the grid during the occurrence of the disturbances in the network (Germany and Spain). Denmark has the most demanding requirements taking into consideration the controllability of the produced power. All the existing grid codes require fault ride-through capabilities for wind turbines and the requirements for the power quality are very strict in respect with flicker emission and harmonic compatibility. The Transmission Network Operators (TSOs) are giving specifications of the depth of the voltage dip and the clearance time. In some of the grid codes the voltage calculation on the duration of all types of unsymmetrical faults is very well defined (Ireland), while in others it is not defined obviously[1] In order to make a good International Grid Codes Comparison (IGCC) it is necessary to respect the steps and procedures presented in Fig. 2.20 [12] X X International Grid Codes Comparison (IGCC) Target market definition by the manufacturer Relevant Grid Codes search Evaluation of each Grid Code and extraction of applicable connection conditions Arrangement of connection conditions in one single table (easy to compare) Basic IGCC without update service Information about proposed changes in requirements IGCC with individual monthly update service due to revisions and changes in Grid Codes Information about new Grid Code releases and forthcoming drafts International Grid Code Comparison Fig. 2.20. International Grid Codes Comparison (IGCC) [12] 26 The focus is on the basic comparison, without the update service, so a table of ridethrough capability for wind turbines/farms in different national grid codes is established in Table 1, because all the existing grid codes require fault ride-through capabilities. [1] X Fault Ride-Through capability Voltage Level Fault duration Voltage drop level Recovery time Voltage profile Ireland DS TS DS/TS 100 msec 100 msec 625 msec 25%Ur 25%Ur 15%Ur 1 sec 1 sec 3 sec Germany DS/TS 150 msec 0%Ur 1.5 sec 1, 3-ph 1, 3-ph 1, 3-ph Positivesequence Country Denmark Reactive current injection No No No Up to 100% Great Britain Spain Italy USA Ontario DS/TS 140 msec 15%Ur 1.2 sec Generic No TS >35kV TS TS 500 msec 500 msec 625 msec 625 msec 20%Ur 20%Ur 15%Ur 15%Ur 1 sec 0.3 sec 2.3 sec - Up to 100% No No No Quebec TS 150 msec 0%Ur 0.18 sec Generic Generic Generic Positivesequence No Table 1 Summary of ride-through capability for wind turbines/farms in different national grid codes. The voltage profile for the ride-through capability can be summarized as shown in the next figure [1] Fig. 2.21 Voltage profile regarding fault ride through capability of wind turbines/farms in National Grid Codes [1] 27 As it can be seen in Fig. 2.21 each country has its own specifications in terms of voltage dip, time duration and time of full voltage recovery. These specifications can differ significant from each country, e.g. Italy is the strictest in recovery time, Denmark in fault duration etc. 2.6.1 Crowbars Despite of numerous advantages which give structure of DFIG there are some major problems concerning to its operation during grid faults. The voltage dip in the grid cause increase of current in the stator windings and because of the magnetic coupling between stator and rotor, this current affects power electronics converter at rotor side. For the safe operating of DFIG during fault ride through the converter must be protected from high currents. In this chapter various solutions of rotor side converter protection will be shown. There are numerous different solutions which can solve the problem of over-current, and some of them will be analyzed for this project. Limiting current by current-control on rotor side leads to another threat, which is the high voltage. This can lead to serious damage of the converter. Short-circuiting the rotor circuit is major used solution. There are plenty of different short-circuiting strategies and almost all of them are based on a variable resistor and thyristor called passive crowbar.[16] In this paper solution based on active elements will be concerned. Topology based on these active elements such as Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) or Gate Turn-Off Thyristor (GTO) is called an active crowbar. These elements can switch on and what is more important, switch off circuit. That is why using them in crowbar allows to fully control rotor bypass during fault. Nowadays in rotor side circuit crowbar protection is designed, combining resistors, diode bridge and active elements.[19] As presented in the Fig. 2.22, the crowbar protection is attached to the rotor windings between the generator and the AC\DC converter. Further on different crowbar topologies will be presented. Fig. 2.22 DFIG topology with attached crowbar protection 28 2.6.2 Crowbar topologies Figures shown in the next subchapters are crowbar topologies. The ‘A’ topology on the left is presented in the reference paper. The ‘B’ topology on the right is modified for the purposes of the project. Passive element like thyristor is replaced by GTO which is an active element. This modification is done in order to change passive crowbars to fully controllable active crowbars. In the case of the Diode Bridge with GTO thyristor (Crowbar 2) the modifications are not necessary, because Crowbar 2 is already an active crowbar. Crowbar 1 – Thyristor bridge Fig. 2.23 DFIG bypass resistors in the rotor circuit with (A) thyristors, (B) GTOs . In [17] the resistor bridge with antiparallel thyristors is proposed. Reduced model of converter can be used in the simulations. Converter stays connected to both rotor and grid during fault. Resistors exact value is not a must, but should be a compromise between limitation of current and voltage on converter terminals. Too large voltage can damage converter. This protection while voltage dip of 85% reduces the rotor current transient value from 5 times nominal current to approximately 1.5. But in that case current flows through protection instead of converter. In these conditions both rotor circuit and converter are fully protected. Calculations of transients are made for the worst case. Important part is recovery to normal operation of the wind turbine. Soft change to normal reference of rotational speed is provided by control unit. These way serious transients can be avoided. 29 Crowbar 2 – Diode bridge with GTO thyristor Fig. 2.24 Schematic of Diode Bridge with GTO. The issue of this strategy given in [18] is to activate crowbar protection only for short time. Crowbar is controlled by comparing absolute value of rotor current Ir with preset threshold Ith. Moreover bypass circuit is open just after current reaches steady state value. When grid voltage recovers, generator is able back to normal operation without crowbar reactivation. For successful use of this crowbar demagnetization needs to be applied. That makes its control scheme more complicated. Crowbar 3 – Antiparallel thyristors between phases Fig. 2.25 Antiparallel (A) thyristors and (B) GTO between rotor phases. The following solution shown at Fig.2.25 is proposed in [19]. Crowbar circuit contains two pairs of antiparallel connected thyristors set between rotor circuit phases. Bypass in this topology may have problem to turn-off because of used thyristors. When current has considerable DC component turning off is not be possible in first case (A). Using a GTO instead of basic thyristor gives possibility to successful control of the protection. This structure can have problems with suppressing electrical transients. 30 Crowbar 4 – Diode bridge with thyristor Fig. 2.26 Diode bridge with thyristor crowbar (A). Modificated protection (B) for project purposes. Proposed in paper crowbar [19] is based on diode bridge and single thyristor. Diode Bridge rectifies current in all three phases when bypass is activated. Thyristor in this circuit is used to control the shorting. Thyristor is able to turn on bypass but not able to turn it off. Until crowbar won’t be deactivated rotor side converter can’t start normal operation. To fully control crowbar disconnection a GTO thyristor in this case must be used. Like in previous paper the crowbar circuit in [20] is based on Diode Bridge with thyristor and resistor. Switching on the thyristor in the crowbar is controlled by DC link voltage. When it reaches reference value thyristor starts to conduct. At the same time rotor circuit bypass rotor side converter by crowbar. To disconnect crowbar from rotor windings stator circuit breaker has to be used. That will disconnect generator from the grid. 31 Crowbar 5 - Improved Fault Ride through strategy for DFIG T, Ω Wound rotor induction generator 3 Windings PCC Transformer T, Ω GRID Gearbox Filter b a Crowbar S1 S2 AC/DC DC/AC Fig. 2.27 Crowbar topology for improved FRT strategy with static switch S1 and static transfer switch S2. In [21] is proposed control strategy given on Fig.2.27. When the fault in grid occurs the rotor side converter is bypassed by crowbar. But in this particular strategy rotor side converter is isolated from rotor circuit. This solution protects it from over-voltage which can be caused by resistors during short-circuiting large currents. This control strategy may give some new possibilities to face faults in the grid. Resistance of resistors in crowbar may be higher than in other crowbar strategies. During the fault recovery transient mode control is applied to converters. When terminal voltage reaches its normal level the recovery is recognized and crowbar can be removed. It is possible to set a delay to smooth current and torque spikes. 2.6.3 Crowbar selection This project focus on fault ride through of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator during fault in the grid. To remain connected during fault and to protect converter from over-voltage, model of the DFIG has a crowbar protection. To get best results during tests model with active crowbar is used. Previous chapter shows different crowbar topologies used in various papers. Some of topologies where specially adapted for this project purposes. Passive crowbars were changed into active crowbars. Not all presented working schemes are appropriate that is why some criteria of choice need to be specified. Main aim is to have a fully controllable crowbar, so it can be activated and deactivated from rotor circuit whenever operator wants it. All crowbars pointed out above are able to do this. But the model of the crowbar should stay as simple as possible and preferably have just 32 one controllable element. That is why topology presented in crowbar nr.2 is better than crowbar nr.1 and nr.3. It has less controllable elements and that makes it easier to control. Crowbars nr. 2, 4 are based on the similar structure. In first case author proposed Diode Bridge with GTO as active element, but in crowbar nr.4 topology was adjusted to become active. Previously was presented in paper with thyristor, but after change it become same structure as nr.2. The crowbar nr. 5 shows a new strategy how to do with the over-voltage in rotor circuit. However it was only mentioned to show that other solutions of converter protection are available. In this project simple crowbar control is tested and this proposition was rejected because of advanced control during fault. Considering the criteria shown above, concept of the crowbar topology nr 2 was chosen to further examinations. T, Ω Wound rotor induction generator 3 Windings Transformer T, Ω GRID Gearbox AC/DC DC/AC Crowbar GTO Rcrow Fig. 2.28 Model of DFIG with attached crowbar nr.2 33 PCC Chapter 3 System Simulations Design and 3.1 DFIG simulation Model For the simulation, simulink tool Plecs is used. Model of a Wound Rotor Induction Machine (WRIM), grid, converter and crowbar design, are set in Plecs. Same simplifications have been considered in this project; The Back to Back converter is represented as the rotor side converter with a DC voltage source, due to grid side is not necessary to implement for the purpose of this project, also the transformers are missed in order to simplify the simulation even though in the implementation have to be taken into consideration. To simulate a three phase fault in order to study the FRT voltage deep of the grid is simulated by introducing another three-phase voltage source. Parameters of the WRIM are taken from the reference [36]; parameters can be seen in APPENDIX A. In the next figure (Fig. 3.1) the implemented model of the DFIG generator is shown. Fig. 3.1 Plecs model of the DFIG wind turbine The input of the generator is the mechanical Torque (Tm [Nm]) and as outputs are electrical Torque (Te [Nm]), rotor speed (w [rad/s]) and rotor angle (ρ). In order to get the Mechanical torque in the rotor of the generator, the equations(2.58), (2.59), (2.60) and (2.61) are implemented in an m-function (APPENDIX B) and parameters for the wind speed, pitch angle, blade radius (R), Gear-box ratio, air density (rho), maximum Power(Pmax), minimum and maximum wind speed are set, and rotor speed from the generator is measured. In the below figure the simulink blocks are shown. 34 Fig. 3.2 Simulink blocks for the calculation of the Mechanical Torque 3.1.1 Principle of control A usual WRIG with short-circuit rotor terminals just has a small rotor speed variation, around 1%, that it is dependent of the frequency at the stator of the generator. Though, DFIG generators system lets a variation of the rotor speed from -40% to +30% of the synchronous speed.[28] The converter attached to the rotor terminals of the DFIG generator makes possible to provide or get power from the grid through the rotor terminals, obtaining a permanent injection of power through the stator to the grid. The operation at sub synchronous, as it was explained before, inject power to the grid from the stator, and some of that power is consuming in the rotor, and for over synchronous the stator injects power as well as the rotor, in to the grid. Fig. 3.3 PM = ω r ⋅ Te (3.1) PM = Ps + Pr (3.2) Ps = − s ⋅ Pr (3.3) PM 1− s (3.4) ω s − ωr ωr (3.5) Ps = s= Where: PM Ps Pr ωr Mechanical power through the shaft of the generator Power through the stator Power through the stator rotor angular speed [rad/s] 35 ωs s synchronous speed [rad/s] slip (s>0 sub synchronous operation, s<0 over synchronous operation) The ideal power distribution in steady state through the rotor and stator windings is dependent on the slip of the generator. Fig. 3.3 Power flow of an ideal DFIG at over synchronous speed and sub synchronous speed [32] In the figure below (Fig. 3.4) (obtained using the m-file program in APPENDIX D) the power flow in the Wound Rotor Induction Machine (WRIM) of 7.5kW working as a DFIG wind turbine generator from [32], can be seen. It can be observe that the stator terminal reaches its nominal power (Pn) close to the synchronous speed, in under synchronous speed the stator is providing power (Ps) and the rotor is subtracting (Pr=-s*Ps), and in over synchronous speed the stator keeps injecting the nominal power and the rotor injects -s*Pn (For values of the different Powers in a range of slip from 0.6 to -0.3 see APPENDIX E) Fig. 3.4 Power flow in the WRIM of 7.5kW 36 3.1.2 Rotor Control Implementation By controlling the current in the rotor side of the DFIG, active and reactive power of the wind turbine can be control. A vector-control approach is used, orientating the d-axis along the stator-flux vector position. In this way the current, voltage and flux of the stator and rotor become DC values that are easily to control, and also a decoupled control of the active and reactive power is obtained.[32] [36] [37] Aligning the d-axis of the reference frame through the stator flux space vector, the q component of the stator flux is zero (Ψs=Ψqs=0). As it can be seen in the Fig. 3.5 the voltage and the flux are moving in quadrature, so the d axes of the stator voltage us=uqs=0.[42] β ωs Ψs us Ψβs ϕu ϕs Ψαs α Fig. 3.5 Vector diagram of the d,q reference frame aligned to the stator flux, with stator voltage in quadrature Since the influence of the stator resistance is small, the stator flux can be considered constant, so uqs can be related to ψds as: u s = u qs = ω s Ψds (3.6) ωs = 2 *π * f (3.7) By this assumption the stator flux angular position is calculated as: u βs uαs ϕ s = tan −1 π − 2 (3.8) This way of calculation of the stator angle is valid for steady state or to simulate the three phase fault, for other kind of faults, as two phase or single phase faults, a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) must be used in order to be able to see variations in the stator angle and 37 frequency, PLL topologies are extended used in grid connected system as it can be seen in [38],[39]also in [40]. For this project the study of the FRT is done for the worst case, three phase fault, so equation (3.8) is used to calculate the angle. Using these considerations the DFIG model is written as: ' u dr ' di ' ' = Rr idr + σLr dr − ω slipσLr iqr dt ' ' ' ' ' u qr = Rr i qr + σLr diqr dt ' ' ' + ω slip ( Lm i ms + σLr i dr ) Ψs = Ψds = L0 ims = Ls ids + L0 i qr 0 = Ls i qs + L0 iqr (3.9) ' (3.10) (3.11) ' (3.12) 2 L0 ' ' i ms + σLr idr Ls Ψdr = ' Ψqr = σLr i qr (3.13) ' (3.14) ω slip = ω s − ω r σ =1− Lm = (3.15) L20 Ls Lr (3.16) ' L20 Ls (3.17) The stator-side active (Ps) and reactive (Qs) power in d,q components are written as (3.18) and (3.19). 3 (uds ids + u qsiqs ) 2 3 Qs = (u qs ids − u ds iqs ) 2 From Ps = i qs = − (3.18) (3.19) (3.12) it is obtained: L0 ' iqr Ls (3.20) Introducing iqs in Ps and knowing that u ds ids = 0 , it results: 38 Ps = − 3 L0 ' u sq iqr 2 Ls (3.21) From (3.6) and (3.11) it results: ' L0 ims − L0 idr L0 u qs L0 idr ids = = − Ls Ls ω s L0 Ls (3.22) Introducing ids in Qs and knowing that u ds i qs = 0 , it results: Qs = L 3 L0 u qs 3 u qs u qs ' ' u qs ⋅ − 0 idr = − L0 i dr 2 Ls ω s L0 Ls 2 Ls ω s (3.23) With these equations and due to the constant ‘uqs’ voltage the stator-side active power is controlled by ‘iqr’ and reactive power by ‘idr’, that the can be controlled using ‘uqr’ and ‘udr’ respectively. In Fig. 3.6 a schematic block diagram for the rotor side vector control can be seen. ωr uqs d decoupling iqr Qref d - current idr_ref calculation PI DC-link udr’ udr_ref idr Pref q - current iqr_ref calculation PI iqr uqs uqs idr ωr u(a,b,c)r _ref DC PWM 2/3 uqr_ref ωr uαr_ref dq αβ uqr’ AC uβr_ref q decoupling iαr dq i(a,b,c)r 2/3 αβ iβr ωr φr DFIG uαs φs uqs encoder rotor angle calculation Flux angle calculation dq/αβ 2/3 u(a,b,c)s uβs Fig. 3.6 Block diagram for the rotor side control For this system a power-control is implemented. The control is made by a current control (PI) that provides the rotor voltages to the Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) that will provide the input signal for the switches in the converter. By using the decoupling in equations (3.9) and (3.10) the plant for the current control loops is given by (3.24) 39 ' ' i (s) idr ( s ) 1 = qr * = ' * ' u dr ( s ) u qr ( s ) Rr + σLr s (3.24) Where * ' ' * ' ' u dr = Rr idr + σLr u qr = Rr iqr + σLr didr dt ' diqr ' (3.25) (3.26) dt The idr and iqr currents errors processed by the PI provide the udr’ and uqr’ voltages. In order to ensure a good tracking of the currents, the decoupling terms are added to these voltages to obtain the reference voltages udr_ref’ and uqr_ref’. [36] ' * ' * ' u dr _ ref = u dr − ω slipσLr iqr ' (3.27) ' ' u qr _ ref = u qr + ω slip ( Lmims + σLr idr ) (3.28) Introducing in the control the power references (Pref and Qref), the reference currents introduced in the current control (PI) can be right as in (3.29) and (3.30). ' iqr _ ref = − ' idr _ ref = 2 Ls Ps _ ref 3 L0 u qs u qs ω s L0 − (3.29) 2 Ls Qs _ ref 3 L0 u qs (3.30) For the Pref a look-up table of the Maximum Point of Power for different rotor speeds is implemented in order to get its instantaneous value. The value of Qref is set to zero. Fig. 3.7 Look-up Table for reference Active Power All the equations are referred to the stator side. In the attached CD the control of the rotor side in simulink is included. 40 PI-controller design The current control show used on the rotor control is based on a PI controller; this control operates in the rotating d,q reference frame which lets work with DC currents in the PI. The references currents are getting from equations (3.29), (3.30) and compare with the measure rotor current in d,q. The output of the controller provides the reference voltages for the PWM. The general equation for the PI control in time domain is [41]: t u (t ) ' = k q ⋅ e(t ) + ki ∫ e(t )d (t ) (3.31) t0 Where u(t) is the output signal, e(t) is the error signal, ‘kp’ the proportionality constant and ‘ki’ is the integration constant. The PI control in z-domain for a backward transform previous equation is expressed as: ' (k p + k i ⋅ Ts ) − k p ⋅ z −1 U ( z) Ts = k p + ki = E ( z) 1 − z −1 (1 − z −1 ) In (3.32) (3.32) Ts is the sampling time. In Fig. 3.8 is presented the design of the PI in Simulink. Fig. 3.8 PI control in z-domain using backward transform For the design of the parameters of the PI the tool from Matlab SISO Design (command sisotool) is used. The plant use in the design is the one from equation (3.24). In order to get a simple control, it has been design to make the system behave as a 1st order system. Values for the parameters kp and ki are kp=0.024*ki and ki=2279. By using these parameters a rising time of 0.00223s is get. In Fig. 3.9, the behaviour of the system for a step response is shown. 41 Fig. 3.9 Step response of the system Simulation results The simulation scheme is shown in Fig. 3.10 Fig. 3.10 Simulink model of the entire system 42 It is composed by the following subsystems: • Parameters: where the parameter of wind speed, pitch angle, blade radius (R), Gearbox ratio, air density (rho), maximum Power (Pmax), minimum and maximum wind speed is set. • Mechanical Torque calculation: The mechanical Torque for the Generator is calculate • Rotor side converter: In this block the rotor-side control is implemented and u_ref PWM signals are obtained. • DFIG model: The entire model of the DFIG and grid is implemented. • Measurements: where scopes are placed. For the simulation of the rotor control parameters for the WRIM and WT are taken from [36]. Also for the evaluation of the control a change in the wind speed is produced, from 5m/s to 11m/s, this change is produce by a ramp with a slope of 1, and sampling time (Ts) of 0.00001 is used. In following figures the results compare with the references are presented. In Fig. 3.11, the change on the wind speed can be seen. This change is introduced in order to be able to check how the control is working and see how the measure signals follow the reference ones. Fig. 3.11 Variation of the wind speed Fig. 3.12 shows the change in the electrical Torque and mechanical torque, it can be seen how, when the speed increase, the Mechanical Torque and the Electrical Torque increase. In this figure, the Torque is shown in per unit. 43 Fig. 3.12 Mechanical and Electrical Torque In Fig. 3.13, the change of the rotor speed is presented. Fig. 3.13 Rotor speed For the active and reactive power the next two figures shown their responses when the wind speed change. The active power (Fig. 3.14) increases when the wind increases, for the reactive power (Fig. 3.15) this change does not affect. In the graphic, a change on the production in the reactive power reference is introduce from 0.1*Nominal Power (7500) to 0.1*Nominal Power (7500). It can be observed how the measured power follows these changes. 44 Fig. 3.14 Active Power reference and Active Power measure Fig. 3.15 Reactive Power reference and Reactive Power measure The following figures (Fig. 3.16) and (Fig. 3.17) show how the reference currents ‘ird’ and ‘irq’ change and how the measure currents follow these changes, proving that the control is working well. ‘ird’ is changing with the reactive power reference and ‘irq’ changes with the active power reference, as it was shown in subchapter 45 Fig. 3.16 D-Rotor current reference and D-rotor current measure Fig. 3.17 Q-Rotor current reference and Q-rotor current measure In the shown figures it can be seen that the control is working well in the changes of the wind speed and in the production of reactive power. An error in the measured signals is caused due to the switching error in the converter. 46 3.1.3 Control of the Crowbar In the next figure it can be seen the general picture of the DFIG model with fault and the crowbar attached, . The crowbar used has been explain in subchapter 2.6.3, but instead of using a GTO an IGBT is used. Fig. 3.18 Entire model of DFIG for Fault Ride Trough analysis with crowbar attached Control of the crowbar is simply triggering bypass in rotor circuit. It has to be done at the time when fault in the grid occurs. After short circuiting rotor DFIG starts to operate like Squirrel Cage Induction Generator with additional resistance from crowbar circuit. This will cause over speeding of the rotor during recovery. Moreover this may cause problems with reactive power control. There are two ways of triggering the crowbar. First case is based on detecting overcurrent in rotor circuit and the second case is based on detecting over-voltage in DC link inside back-to-back converter. [18] Presented control is based on comparison of measured rotor current Ir with rated rotor current Ir_ref. When fault occur measured rotor current rises over rated value and gives binary signal 1 on IGBT’s gate. This closes IGBT’s circuit and allows rotor currents to flow through crowbar. When Ir falls below Ir_ref output from crowbar control is binary 0 at the IGBT’s gate, IGBT stops conducting and crowbar is disconnected from rotor circuit. Control scheme of the DFIG protection is divided into two functional main schematics. In order to get binary signal at IGBT’s gate, duty cycle has to be obtained. First schematic gives reference signal which is proportional to ton. Second structure block generates a ramp shape carrier of frequency f=1/Tsw. Duty cycles are generated by comparing reference signal which corresponds to rotor overcurrent ton with carrier. 47 Fig. 3.19 Generation of duty cycles (∆ - duty cycle, Tsw - switching period, ton – duty cycle reference signal) Input of the first scheme is measured rotor current Ir which is subtracted from referenced rotor current Ir_ref. To Ir_ref the constant E is added. This value should be big enough to prevent activation of the IGBT caused by noise or light disturbances in rotor current, but too big value can deteriorate accuracy. It is assumed that E can vary between 5 and 10% of Ir_ref. For optimal control ton is calculated from linear function where maximum point is proportional to 9*Ir_ref which is 90A considered as 0.95 Tsw. This is the highest expected current which can occur during heavy voltage drop. To prevent conducting of IGBT through whole cycle period minimal value of duty cycle is set on 0.01 Tsw. For this assumption, gain kp is calculated from linear function: y = ax + b (3.33) and (3.34) kp=1/a 48 Fig. 3.20 Tuning P controller From previous figure next data is obtained: x = ∆ (duty cycle) p.u. x1 = 0.01 x 2 = 0.95 I r _ ref = 11 (A) E = 1 (A) I r max = I r _ ref ⋅ 9 = 99 (A) From basic equation (3.33) and two points, coefficient a of the line is calculated y1 = ax1 + b y 2 = ax 2 + b (3.35) P1 ( x1 , y1 ) = (0.01, I r _ ref + E ) P2 ( x 2 , y 2 ) = (0.95, I r max − I r _ ref − E ) Using data from Fig. 3.19 equations become (3.36) I r _ ref + E = a ⋅ 0.01 + b (3.36) I r − I r _ ref − E = a ⋅ 0.95 + b Giving as result, a= I r − 2 ⋅ ( I r _ ref + E ) 0.94 = 99 − 2 ⋅ (11 + 1) = 79.787 0.94 (3.37) And the gain kp: as shown in (3.34) is kp = 1 1 = = 0.012533 a 79.787 (3.38) When measured rotor current is outside linear relationship x value is constant I r ≤ I r _ ref + E x=0.01 (3.39) I r ≥ I max (3.40) x=0.95 In Fig. 3.21 the first part of the crowbar control scheme is presented. Fig. 3.21 First part of crowbar control scheme 49 Fig. 3.22 shows how ramp carrier is generated and further compared with obtained before ton. Fig. 3.22 Second part of crowbar control scheme Sampling time T_sampling has significant influence on simulation and setting very small value can prolong calculation time to several minutes. In this project sampling time of 1e-3/500 to keep high accuracy is proposed. That means every carrier’s ramp step contains 500 sample steps. Ramp carrier is created by modulus after division (mod) block. Frequency of the ramp is: f ramp = 1 1 = = 1kHz Tsw 1 × 10 − 3 (3.41) In last block of the crowbar control carrier is compared with output from previous control block ton like it was described before in this chapter and is shown on Fig. 3.19 Parameters adjustment In this control strategy some parameters can be modified in case of investigating different cases. Calculations and results shown in this chapter and configurations of parameters assume highest demands of Grid Codes. In many cases fault in the grid can cause voltage dip to 0V causing rotor current maximum transient value around 100A. Investigating Grid Codes in other countries voltage drop can be less significant and cause lower maximum transient value. In this case from equation (3.37) another gain in control scheme may be calculated. Adjusting gain to certain conditions increases crowbar operation efficiency. In this project voltage dip down to 15% is simulated that is why gain in the crowbar control can be modified to different value. To decrease the time of fault detection constant E can be set to lower value but it is necessary to follow statements given previously in this chapter. 50 Simulation results The simulation scheme is extended scheme shown in Fig. 3.10. Two new subsystems were added: • Fault: The time of fault occurrence and removal is set. • Crowbar Control: In this block duty cycle of crowbar’s active element is calculated by comparing measured RMS rotor current with RMS rotor current rated value. The complete simulation scheme is shown in Fig. 3.23 Fig. 3.23 Simulink model of complete system This simulation uses parameters stated in subchapter but used wind speed is constant and equal nominal value of 10 m/s. Moreover in the Crowbar Control subsystem gain Kp is set to 0.1, crowbar is activated when measured value of rotor current exceeds 1.05 rated rotor current. Crowbar resistance is Rcb=150Ω. The fault occurs at the time 0 sec and it’s removed after 100ms. The results are given in the figures shown below. 51 Fig. 3.24Rotor current d-component reference and measured value Fig. 3.25Rotor current q-component reference and measured value Fig. 3.26 Active Power reference and measured value 52 Fig. 3.27 Reactive Power reference and measured value At the Fig. 3.26 it can be seen that at the time of the fault occurrence Active Power drops down to 0.4 referenced value. Simultaneously Reactive Power rises to 0.9 p.u. with negative sign. At the time of fault removal light transients of Active Power 1.2. p.u. are observed. Fig. 3.28 Mechanical and Electrical Torque Fig. 3.29Rotor speed 53 During fault rotor speeds rapidly (Fig. 3.29) to 1.2 p.u. rated speed forced by oscillating Electrical Torque (Error! Reference source not found.). In steady state rotor speed sets on 1.22 p.u. that means DFIG works as a generator. Stator parameters are presented below. Fig. 3.30 Stator voltage Fig. 3.31 Stator current At the figures shown below rotor current and its components are presented. Rotor current has been measured on rotor’s windings Fig. 3.32 and on converter terminals Fig. 3.33. Moreover current in the crowbar’s circuit was measured and it is shown at Fig. 3.34. 54 Fig. 3.32 Rotor current measured on rotor’s terminals Fig. 3.33 Rotor current measured on converter’s terminals It is crucial to measure currents in proper place in order to get expected results. Currents in rotor can be measured before crowbar bypass that mean on rotor windings or after bypass that mean on rotor side converter terminals. For model of DFIG presented in this project, reference of rotor current used in generator control scheme is measured on converter terminals. Crowbars control as a reference uses rotor current on rotor windings. Fig. 3.34 Current in the crowbar’s circuit 55 The Fig. 3.34 shows that crowbar starts operation at the time when the fault occurs. To see crowbar influence on rotor current two signals needs to be compared: • rotor current on rotor windings • rotor current on converter terminals Rotor current measured on rotor windings does not depend on crowbar operation and can represent current in rotor without crowbar. It can be seen on Fig. 3.35 and blue colour on Fig. 3.37. Rotor current on converter terminals is given on Fig. 3.36 and in green on Fig. 3.37. Three phase graphics of rotor currents might be not clear enough. The graphics of RMS currents might be clearer and give more details. Fig. 3.35 Rotor current measured on rotor windings Fig. 3.36Rotor current on converter terminals 56 Fig. 3.37Compared RMS values of rotor current at the rotor’s terminals and converter’s terminals Fig. 3.38 Energy absorbed by crowbar during fault in the grid The figure Fig. 3.37 shows that rotor current measured on inverter terminals is smaller than current on the rotor windings. It can be seen that crowbar circuit takes part of rotor current. At the time when fault occurs the first peak is reduced significantly. The same can be said about transients when the fault is removed. In the state between these transients spikes in rotor current can be observed. The size of these spikes can be dumped by increasing crowbar’s resistance, but this worsens damping transients at the fault occurrence and removal. That mean crowbar resistance value should be set as compromise of both cases. At the Fig. 3.38 it can be seen total energy absorbed during crowbar operation. 57 Chapter 4 Tests 4.1 Induction Machine Tests [24] [25] [26] All voltage and current measurements are rms values. The power supply shall provide balanced phase voltage closely approaching a sinusoidal waveform. The rapid changes in frequency affects the machine under test and the measuring devices, so during the tests the variations in frequency shall not exceed 0.33%. The line voltages have to be measured with the signal leads connected to the machine terminals, and the voltage unbalance shall not exceed 0.5%. The line currents to each phase of the motor must be measured, and the arithmetic average value shall be used for calculation. The power input can be measured by two single phase wattmeters. On some tests the parameters of the induction machine and the equivalent circuit can be obtained. There are a lot of factors that we have to consider in order to make these tests. The winding resistances vary with the temperature, and rotor resistance depends on the frequency. The equivalent circuit parameters for an induction machine can be done using specific tests like: no-load test and blocked-rotor test. The no-load test corresponds to the open-circuit test on a transformer and the blocked-rotor test corresponds to a short circuit test of a transformer. Further on the transformer and the no-load and blocked-rotor test will be presented. 4.1.1 The transformer A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another by a magnetic coupling without requiring motion between its parts and is one of the most efficient electrical machines. It has two or more coupled windings and a core to concentrate the magnetic flux. An alternating voltage applied to one winding creates a time-varying magnetic flux in the core, which induces a voltage in the other windings. By the variation of the relative number of turns between primary and secondary windings, the ratio of the input and output voltages is determinate. The voltage is transformed by stepping it up or down between circuits. The energy losses are reduced and the economical transmission of power over long distances is realised by transforming electrical power to a high voltage, low current form and back again. The losses of the transformer can be differentiated by those that have the origin in the windings, or in the magnetic circuit named copper loss and iron losses respectively. The copper losses are related to resistive heating of the conductor during the current flow in the windings. The voltage applied to the primary winding causes a current, which produces a magneto motive force (mmf) in the core. The current that produces the mmf, named the magnetizing current, is required to drive flux around the magnetic circuit of the core. An electromotive force (emf) is induced across each winding, an effect called the mutual 58 inductance. The electric circuit quantity of voltage (emf) is analogous to magnetic circuit quantity of magneto motive force. [29] I1 I2 U1 E1 N1 N2 E2 Load U2 Electrical circuit Magnetic circuit Electrical circuit Fig. 4.1 Transformer schematic [30] An alternating voltage U 1 is applied to the primary terminals. The current I 1 flows in the primary electrical circuit, establishing an alternating flux in the magnetic circuit which in turn causes current I 2 to flow in the secondary electrical circuit. The periodic variation of flux induces an electromotive force (emf) in the windings and it is proportional to the number of turns. The applied voltage should be equal with the drop in the resistance plus the electromotive force: U 1 = R1 I 1 + E1 (4.1) Where I1 is the current flowing in the primary winding and E1 is the electromotive force. Neglecting the voltage drop in the winding, the value of the voltage U1 is equal to the electromotive force E1: ∂φ U 1 = E1 = N 1 (4.2) ∂t The flux links the secondary winding inducing emf and an equal secondary voltage U 2 , given by: ∂φ U 2 = E2 = N 2 (4.3) ∂t Dividing the voltages in (4.2) and (4.3), (4.4) is obtained [30]. U 1 N1 = U2 N2 (4.4) If is assumed that the leakage flux is zero, the mmf N is equal in both sides of the transformer: 59 N1 I1 = N 2 I 2 (4.5) The transformation ratio of the transformer has the following expression: m= E1 U 1 N 1 I 2 = = = E2 U 2 N 2 I1 (4.6) The connection of the primary and secondary windings will be in ∆ or Y configurations. If the winding sets share a common core assembly or if each winding pair is a separate transformer, the winding connections are: primary - secondary ∆ ∆ Y Y ∆ Y ∆ Y In Fig. 4.2, the windings connexions are shown. Fig. 4.2 Transformer windings connections [30] A 3-phase transformer can have its primary and secondary windings connected in the same way (∆-∆, Y-Y), or in a different way (∆-Y, Y-∆). When is no phase shift, primary and secondary windings are connected the same way and the secondary voltage waveforms are in phase with the primary waveforms. If the primary and secondary windings are connected differently, a phase shift between the primary and the secondary windings will be introduced and the secondary voltage waveforms will differ from the corresponding primary voltage waveforms. The phase shift is clockwise and its values are between 0 and 11.Considering the difference of the angle between the secondary and the primary voltages, the phase shift is defined as in (4.7), where α is the lagging angle between the voltage values of the secondary and primary. 60 P.s. = α (4.7) 30 When two transformers are connected in parallel, their phase shifts must be identical, if not, a short circuit will occur when the transformers are energized. [31] 4.1.2 No-load test [24] [25] [26] Balanced voltages are applied to the stator terminals at the rated frequency with the rotor uncoupled from any mechanical load. The measurement of the current, voltage and power are made at the motor input. The losses in the no-load test are those due to core losses, winding losses, windage and friction. It corresponds to the open-circuit test made on a transformer. Conditions for the test: In order to reach the thermal steady-state operation, the machine must run with noload 10 to 120 minutes with a power that starts form a value less than 1kW until 1001000 kW. The fundamental frequency must be constant and the 3-phase voltage system must be balanced without harmonics and balanced. The supply voltage is varied in the range of (0.2 − 1.2)U n and the variables measured are the no-load current, stator active power and the slip. The electrical diagram of the test setup for the no-load test is shown in Fig. 4.3 Fig. 4.3 Electrical diagram of the no-load test setup [24] In the no-load test the mechanical load per phase is the internal windage and friction of the machine. At no load, the slip of the induction machine is very low. The value of the R' equivalent resistance represented by r (1 − s ) in the rotor branch of the equivalent circuit is s 61 very high. The no-load rotor current is then negligible, and it can be neglected the rotor branch of the equivalent circuit. Then, the approximate equivalent circuit becomes: Rn −l U n −l jX l , S I n −l jX m1 Fig. 4.4 Equivalent induction machine circuit for no-load test [25] In the no-load measurement, the no-load rotational losses (friction, windage and core losses) will also be seen. For this reason the measurement of the stator winding is required. The rotor current is negligible at no-load conditions, thus the copper losses are also negligible. The input power measured in the no-load test ( Pn−l ) is the sum of copper losses and rotational losses: Pn − l = PCu + Prot (4.8) Where the stator copper losses are given by equation (4.9). PCu = 3I n2−l Rs (4.9) The value of the no-load resistance ( Rn −l ) is calculated from the no-load measurement data ( U n −l , I n −l , Pn −l ) and determined from the no-load dissipated power, as shown in (4.10) P (4.10) Pn −l = 3I n2−l Rn −l ⇒ Rn −l = n2−l 3I n −l The no-load impedance (the ratio of the no-load voltage to current) from the no-load equivalent circuit is: Z n −l = U n −l = Rn2− l + ( X l , S + X m1 ) 2 I n −l (4.11) The values of the stator leakage reactance ( X l , S ) and magnetizing reactance ( X m1 ) are not uniquely determined. The value of X l , S can be determined by the blocked-rotor test. The value of the magnetizing reactance X m1 can then be determined. The blocked rotor reactance sum is: X l , S + X m1 = Z n2−l + Rn2−l (4.12) 62 4.1.3 Blocked-rotor test [24] [25] [26] This test involves high mechanical stresses and high rates of heating. It is necessary to be made safe, to establish the rotational direction and the machine must be at ambient temperature before the test is started. Since the current is not directly proportional to the voltage because of the changes in reactance (caused by leakage paths saturation), readings have to be made at rated voltage and frequency. R' The resulting speed-dependent resistance r (1 − s ) goes to zero, and the resistance s of the rotor branch of the equivalent circuit becomes very small. The electrical diagram of the test setup for the blocked rotor case is shown in Fig. 4.5 Fig. 4.5 Electrical diagram of the blocked-rotor test setup [24] The equivalent circuit for the blocked rotor test is represented in Fig. 4.6: Rs U b−r jX l , S I b−r jX l',R Rr' Fig. 4.6 Equivalent induction machine circuit for blocked rotor test [25] The power in the blocked rotor test is: Pb − r = 3I b2− r ( R s + R r' ) (4.13) 63 From reflected rotor winding resistance is determined, Rr' = Rb −r − Rs 3I b2−r (4.13), the (4.14). The blocked-rotor impedance is the ratio of the blocked-rotor voltage to current, and is: Z b− r = U b− r = ( Rs + Rr' ) 2 + ( X l , S + X l', R ) 2 I b−r (4.15) The equation of the reactance sum (stator leakage reactance + stator leakage reactance) is represented in equation (4.16). X b − r = X l , S + X l', R = Z b2− r − ( R s + Rr' ) (4.16) The blocked rotor test is performed for this reactance. The total leakage reactance distribution between the stator and the rotor is typically unknown. Empirical equations for different classes of motors can be used to determine X l , S and X l',R . For the wound rotor X l , S = 0.5 X b− r and X l', R = 0.5 X b − r .Using this empirical equations, the values of X l , S and X l',R can be determined calculating X b− r . Given the value of X l , S , the magnetization reactance is calculated as in (4.17) X m1 = Z n −l − Rn2−l − X l , S (4.17) 64 Conclusions This project is focused on describing different strategies for Fault Ride Trough protection, control of the rotor side of a DFIG and the control of the crowbar protection for a DFIG. For the simulation, Simulink and Simulink tool Plecs are used. The project is structured in four main chapters: o The first chapter (Chapter 1) contains introduction, the problem statement, the goals of the project and the limitations of the project. o In the Chapter 2 the DFIG is presented with the principle of operation, construction and the power flow. The induction machine model is presented with the general machine equations, the Cp curve and the wind turbine torque and power vs. speed characteristics. Further on a general description of the control is made and the requirements in Grid Codes of different countries are presented. Then the crowbar and the crowbar topologies are presented and a selection of a suitable topology for the project is made. o In Chapter 3, named System Design and Simulations, the DFIG simulation model is described with the control principles. Then the rotor control is described with the implementation of the control scheme and the PI-controller design. The simulations results are then interpreted, showing that the control works for a change in the wind as well as for a change in the reactive power. Later the crowbar control is presented. Main model is modified for FRT then crowbar is attached and simulation s are made for voltage dip down to 15%. Effects of crowbar bypass performance are shown on the figures and described. o Chapter 4 is the last part of the project and is focused on describing the transformer and the no-load and rotor blocked test. These tests are used in order to obtain the necessary parameters of the induction machine. Future work As further work on this project, the following improvements are required: • Simulation of a more detail DFIG wind turbine, introducing transformers and an entire Back to Back converter. • Design and simulation of the stator side converter control • Improvement of the crowbar control in order to be able to comply with TSOs requirements. • Measure of machine parameters of the DFIG machine provided by KK-electronic use for the implementation of the real setup. • Simulation of the entire system and control with mention parameters. • Implementation of the entire control of DFIG and crowbar in dSPACE platform and compare results with simulation results 65 References [1]. Florin Iov, Anca Daniela Hansen, Poul Sørensen, Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis “Mapping of grid faults and grid codes” Risø National Laboratory Technical University of Denmark Roskilde, Denmark, July 2007 [2]. Vladislav Akhmatov “Variable-speed Wind Turbines with Doubly-fed Induction Generators. 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[cpmax i]=max(cp); %lambda(i) is the lambda optimum lambda_opt=lambda(i); omega=lambda_opt.*vwind/R; omega_gen=omega*GearBoxRT; s=(ws-omega_gen)/ws; %calculate the value of Pshaft and Torque for optimal landa and max cp,for % different rotor speed Pshaft = ((0.5*rho*pi*R^2)*R^3.*(omega).^3/(lambda_opt)^3)*cpmax; omega_pu=omega_gen*(60/(2*pi)); %Torque calculation T=Pshaft./omega_gen; Ps=Pshaft./(1-s); %Stator Power for u=1:length(Ps) if Ps(u)>Pn Ps(u)=Pn; end end Pr=-s.*Ps;%Rotor Power Pshaft=Ps+Pr; %Total Power %WP=zeros(length(w),5); WP(:,1)=vwind; WP(:,2)=s; WP(:,3)=omega_gen; WP(:,4)=Ps; %at w=1 the Pshaft=Power in the stator WP(:,5)=Pr; WP(:,6)=Pshaft; WP(:,7)=T; figure (2) plot(omega_pu,Pshaft) title('Pshaft-Wind speed curve') xlabel('Rotor speed [pu]') ylabel('Power [pu]') hold on plot(omega_pu,Ps,'color','green') hold on plot(omega_pu,Pr,'color','red') hold off % hold on % plot(omega_pu,Ps+Pr,'color','yellow') %% %In the next the same as it was done before but setting the range of the %slip curve for s[0.6 to -0.3] s1=-0.6:0.01:0.3; 74 omega_gen1=(ws+s1*ws); omega1=omega_gen1/GearBoxRT; Pshaft1 = ((0.5*rho*pi*R^2)*R^3.*(omega1).^3/(lambda_opt)^3)*cpmax; Ps1=Pshaft1./(1+s1);%Stator Power for u=1:length(Ps1) if Ps1(u)>Pn Ps1(u)=Pn; end end Pr1=s1.*Ps1;%Rotor Power Pshaft2=Ps1+Pr1; %Total Power T1=Pshaft2./omega_gen1; %Torque figure(3) plot(s1,Pshaft2) title('Pshaft-Wind speed curve') xlabel('Rotor speed [pu]') ylabel('Power [pu]') hold on plot(s1,Ps1,'color','green') hold on plot(s1,Pr1,'color','red') hold off WP1(:,1)=s1; WP1(:,2)=omega_gen1*60/(2*pi); WP1(:,3)=Ps1; WP1(:,4)=Pr1; WP1(:,5)=Pshaft2; WP1(:,6)=T1; 75 APPENDIX D: M-function calculation of Power and Torque Calculation of the Power and Torque in the Shaft for different Wind speeds and Generator speeds using parameters from [36] %Calculation of the Power and Torque in the Shaft for different Wind speeds %and Generator speeds using parameters from [36] clc clear all clc clear all c1=0.73; %Cp parameters c2=151; c3=0.58; c4=0.002; c5=2.14; c6=13.2; c7=18.4; c8=-0.02; c9=-0.003; Beta=0; %pitch angle rho=1.2; %air density Pn=7500; %nominal Power [W] wn=1000; %nominal speed [rpm] GearboxRT=5.065; %Gearbox rate omega=[1:25:1000*2]; %rotor speed [rpm] romega=(omega*2*pi/60)/GearboxRT; %calculate the turbine speed [rad/s] R=3.24;%Blade radius vwind=[4:1:12]; %wind speed [m/s] f=50; %grid frequency [Hz] p=3; %pole pairs ws=(f/p)*2*pi;%stator speed [rad/s] %% for k=1:length(vwind) %calculation of the tip-speed ratio (lambda) lambda(k,:)=((omega.*2.*pi./60)./GearboxRT).*R./vwind(k); %calculation of the Power coefficient lambda_i(k,:)=1./((lambda(k,:)+1e-5)+c8*Beta)-c9/(Beta^3+1); cp(k,:) = c1 .* (c2.*lambda_i(k,:) - c3*Beta - c4*Beta^c5 -c6).* exp( c7 .* lambda_i(k,:)); %calculation of the Power in the shaft Pshaft(k,:) = (0.5*rho*pi*R^2).*vwind(k).^3.*cp(k,:); T(k,:)=Pshaft(k,:)./romega; %returns the wind turbine torque end T=1/2*(Pshaft+abs(Pshaft)); %only positive values of Pref T=1/2*(T+abs(T))%only positive values of T Psahft_tr=Pshaft'; 76 [w,f]=max(Pshaft_tr); %returns in w the maximum value for each column of Pshaft_tr Pshaft_3 = w; %Pshaft_3 is the vector with the maximum values of Pshaft_tr ome=omega(f); %ome is the vector with the values of omega_ for each position k in which there is the maximum value of Pshaft_tr figure(1) plot(omega/wn,Pshaft/Pn) title('Pshaft-Omega curves') xlabel('Omega [pu]') ylabel('Power [pu]') hold on plot(ome/wn,Pshaft_3/Pn,'LineWidth',2,'color','black') hold off figure(2) plot(romega,T) title('Wind Torque for different Wind speeds') xlabel('rotor turbine speed [rad/sec]') ylabel('Torque [Nm]') hold off 77 APPENDIX E: Power Flow In the next table a range of the different Powers in a range of slip from 0.6 to -0.3, with parameter from APPENDIX A is shown slip 0,6 0,57 0,54 0,51 0,48 0,45 0,42 0,39 0,36 0,33 0,3 0,27 0,24 0,21 0,18 0,15 0,12 0,09 0,06 0,03 0 -0,03 -0,06 -0,09 -0,12 -0,15 -0,18 -0,21 -0,24 -0,27 -0,3 rotor speed (rpm) 400 430 460 490 520 550 580 610 640 670 700 730 760 790 820 850 880 910 940 970 1000 1030 1060 1090 1120 1150 1180 1210 1240 1270 1300 Stator Power(W) 1220,849096 1410,843736 1614,572929 1832,036674 2063,234972 2308,167822 2566,835224 2839,237178 3125,373685 3425,244744 3738,850356 4066,190519 4407,265235 4762,074504 5130,618325 5512,896698 5908,909623 6318,657101 6742,139131 7179,355713 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 Rotor Power (W) -732,509457 -804,18093 -871,869382 -934,338704 -990,352786 -1038,67552 -1078,07079 -1107,3025 -1125,13453 -1130,33077 -1121,65511 -1097,87144 -1057,74366 -1000,03565 -923,511298 -826,934505 -709,069155 -568,679139 -404,528348 -215,380671 0 225 450 675 900 1125 1350 1575 1800 2025 2250 E.1 Powers in a range of slip from 0.6 to -0.3 78 Total Power (W) 488,339638 606,662807 742,703547 897,69797 1072,88219 1269,4923 1488,76443 1731,93468 2000,23916 2294,91398 2617,19525 2968,31908 3349,52158 3762,03886 4207,10703 4685,96219 5199,84047 5749,97796 6337,61078 6963,97504 7500 7725 7950 8175 8400 8625 8850 9075 9300 9525 9750 APPENDIX F: IGBT & GTO F.1. Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)[27] IGBT is a power semiconductor device. It is a combination of bipolar power transistor and insolated-gate like in Field Effect Transistor (FET). This unique structure connects advantages from both components in one structure- IGBT is as easy to control as FET, it’s switching ability is as fast as bipolar transistors. Moreover it has high break-down voltage level. F.1 Symbol and schematic of IGBT [27] It has three-terminals Collector, Gate and Emitter. If the positive voltage is applied between the gate and emiter the transistor is on. To turn it off gate signal must be zero or below. F.2. Gate Turn Off thyristor (GTO)[27] GTO is a switching device with ablitity to turn on and turn off. It has a gate which is between Anode and Catode. The gate controls the thyristors by current signal. When pulse of current will be injected through the gate the GTO will turn on and start to conduct anode-catode current. To turn it off short reverse pulse of gate current must be applied. Comparing with typical thyristors, the GTO has highier switching frequency. F.2 GTO symbol and characteristics [27] 79 Injecting reverse gate current pulse removes free electrons from anode-catode circuit and there is a lack of carriers which increase anod-chatode voltage and the anode current goes to zero. 80