MAP EXERCISE 2 HISTORY 230 Name: (Print name above) Instructions. Please write your name on the line provided at the top of this answer sheet and the next page, too(!). Use the separate map provided below to complete Parts A, B & C on the answer sheet. Return only the completed answer sheet, not the map. This exercise must be submitted in an original paper copy in person, not digitally and not by e-mail, and the pages must be stapled together. Thank you. Map of Egypt (see attached). In the blank next to each site or location listed in the three parts below, fill the letters or numerals which best correspond to that site on the blank map attached. To locate the correct answers, use the map of Egypt provided in the "Reading Assignments Schedule" (Week 5) on the course web pages, as well as any maps in the course textbook or on the web pages "Image List". Note: Rivers and bodies of water are marked with NUMBERS; cities and geographical regions are UNDERLINED LETTERS. Pyramid cemeteries are LITTLE BLACK PYRAMIDS. Part A: Fill in the blank space beside each of the twelve (12) site-names below with the capital letter corresponding to its location on the map. (Value: 3 pts. each, 36 pts. total). Alexandria Hierakonpolis Per-Ramessu el-Amarna Lower Egypt Sinai Cairo Lower Nubia Thebes (Luxor) Heliopolis Memphis Upper Egypt Part B: Identify all twenty (20) below. Fill in the blank space beside each site-name below with the capital letter or number corresponding to it on the map. (Value: 2 pts. each, 40 pts. total) Abusir First Cataract Meidum Abydos Giza Mendes Bahariya Oasis Gulf of Suez Nagada Heracleopolis Sakkara Kharga Oasis Tanis el-Kab Wadi Hammamat Bahr Jusef Dakhla Oasis Elephantine el-Lahun Fayum Part C: (see over) Name: (print name here) Part C: Identify all twenty (24) below. Fill in the blank space beside each site-name below with the capital letter or number corresponding to it on the map. (Value: 1 pt. each, 24 pts. total) Amra Lisht Aswan Mersa Gawasis el-Badari Merimde Beni Hasan Nag Hammadi Bubastis Naukratis Buto Pelusium Coptos Quseir Dahshur Sais Dendera Serabit el-Khadim Edfu Thinis Esna Hermopolis Kom Ombo Western Thebes