ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° RE-EVALUATION OF HIGH PHASE ORDER TRANSMISSION LINES 1 A. A. Beutel1*, A. C. Britten1 and T. Motloung1 Eskom Research & Innovation Centre, Sustainability & Innovation Department Private Bag X40175, Cleveland, 2022, South Africa *Email: Abstract: The feasibility of high phase order (HPO) transmission in a South African context is reevaluated. HPO transmission involves transporting power using alternating current (AC), but with more than the usual three phases. It is a possible alternative to conventional AC and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in this application. Much work has been performed by different authors in the past, and such work is extensively referenced in this paper. Despite the generally favourable light that is shone on HPO technology by the primary reference, a 1998 dissertation, HPO transmission has not been implemented in any part of the world. It was hence felt that re-evaluating this technology would be worthwhile, especially since many hundreds of kilometres of new transmission lines are planned for South Africa in the next few years. Several topics are covered in this paper, including advantages and disadvantages of HPO transmission, surge impedance loading, ground-level electric fields, corona-related effects, servitude size and economics. From this the suitability of HPO transmission for different scenarios is evaluated and conclusions regarding the feasibility of HPO transmission are drawn. 1. transmission are presented, followed by a listing of advantages and disadvantages of HPO. Next, the performance of HPO transmission is evaluated in more detail using criteria such as surge impedance loading (SIL), ground-level electric fields, corona-related effects, tower and servitude size and economics. Based on this, the suitability of HPO transmission for different scenarios is evaluated and conclusions regarding the feasibility of HPO transmission are drawn, taking technical, economic and social factors into account. INTRODUCTION Since about 1994 South Africa has been on a drive to electrify the homes of all South Africans. The consequential additional load requirements, together with an expanding local economy, have resulted in additional generation capacity being needed. An example of this is the Medupi Power Station which is under construction in the Waterberg area of the country, about 500 km North-West of the largest concentration of load (in and around the city of Johannesburg). Present estimates indicate that upwards of 10 GW need to be transported from Medupi, resulting in multiple transmission lines and hence large cost. Traditional options for these transmission lines include single-circuit high voltage alternating current (HVAC) lines operating at voltages of 400 kV or 765 kV. Double-circuit lines of the same voltages could also be considered. High voltage direct current (HVDC) lines operating at 600 kV or 800 kV may also be possible. 2. HPO FUNDAMENTALS Conventional HVAC power transmission employs three phases. The rationale behind higher phase orders is that the same servitude is filled with more conductors, resulting in a greater power transferred in that servitude [1]. The supply voltage used to describe 3-phase systems is usually the phase-to-phase voltage, which is √3 times the phase-to-earth voltage. Higher phase orders for transmission use more than three phases, usually six or twelve. In a 6-phase system the phase-to-phase voltage reduces to become equal to the phase-to-earth voltage, and in a 12-phase system it reduces further to approximately half the phase-toearth voltage [1]. Figure 1 illustrates this using phasors. One way of arranging the conductors is in a circular array, as shown in Figure 2. Note that the phase-toearth voltage is used for comparison between systems with different phase orders, unless otherwise stated. All of the above options have been implemented in various parts of the world and the technologies (except for 800 kV HVDC) are proven. However, changing conditions have caused budgets to be more tightly constrained than before and that the land area (servitudes) taken up by transmission lines are reduced. Additionally, social pressures, such as the appearance of transmission lines, do exist and need to be taken into account. The above, together with the large costs of any transmission line, mean that the feasibility of all possibilities should be studied. For HPO, 3-phase AC is converted to HPO at the sending end and the HPO is converted back again to 3phase AC at the load end [1]. Conversion to six phases can be achieved by converting three phases to three phases in phase with the original phases (e.g. phases A, C and E in Figure 1) and another three phases 180° out of phase with the original phases (e.g. phases B, D and The purpose of this paper is to assess an alternative technology to three-phase alternating current (AC) and HVDC. This alternative is called high phase order (HPO) and involves AC transmission using more than the usual three phases. First, the fundamentals of HPO Pg. 1 Paper C-23 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° F in Figure 1). This can be achieved using specially built transformers or by using two 3-phase transformers [1]. 3. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Bortnik [1] mentions the following as advantages of HPO transmission over the 3-phase case: • Reduced phase-to-phase spacing due to reduced phase-to-phase voltage. • More conductors in a servitude, leading to greater power density. As an example from elsewhere, it is reported that the surge impedance loading (SIL) is 3275 MW (3phase), 4494 MW (6-phase) and 5485 MW (12-phase) for systems having the same phaseto-earth voltage (462 kV), number of conductors, right of way, air space and thermal ratings [3]. • Line compaction, resulting in smaller poles and narrower servitudes. • Minimal current unbalance. • Ability to perform single-pole switching. • Reduced magnetic field rate-of-change with lateral distance away from the line (it is this aspect of the magnetic field, rather than the magnitude, that is considered to be the most damaging as it induces a voltage – and hence current – into nearby objects). • Minimization of corona-related effects such as radio interference and audible noise. • Reduced ground-level electric field levels. • Compatibility with existing 3-phase systems. • Increased system stability. • Line transposition and series line compensation could be discarded for 6-phase. • Possibly more visually attractive. Additionally, the following economic advantages over 3-phase transmission are mentioned [1]: • Lower power losses. • Lower line costs. Bortnik [1] mentions the following disadvantages compared to the 3-phase case: • Higher cost of terminal equipment. • Greater incidence of insulation flashover if a shielding failure occurs. • No significant improvement in overall lightning and switching surge performance. Figure 1: Phasor diagrams of voltages in 3-, 6- and 12phase systems (top and centre from [1], bottom adapted from [2]). 4. EVALUATION OF HPO TRANSMISSION PERFORMANCE HPO has not been implemented anywhere in the world and the only practical information available is from test results obtained on two test lines built in the USA. 4.1. The first test line [4] The line was 0.366 km long, operated at a phase-toearth voltage of 80 kV and had a circular conductor arrangement with 1 m spacing between conductors. It was built in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Figure 3 shows the 6-phase towers used. Figure 2: Comparison of HPO and conventional tower structures [2]. Pg. 2 Paper C-23 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° predicted ground-level magnetic field for the converted line was much lower than for the unconverted case and it was found that live-line maintenance is possible on HPO structures. Bortnik [1] reports two contrasting opinions on the results gained from this study. Stewart concluded that HPO technology is ready for application and is economically justifiable for uprating double-circuit 3-phase lines and for constrained servitudes. However, if space is not an issue, HPO transmission is not feasible. However, Guyker doubted the overall value of this paticular study due to the relatively short line length and that the simplified transformer could not show value over simple 3-phase uprating of the line. 4.3. Computational studies were conducted on a 462 kV phase-to-earth line with 3, 6 and 12 phase configurations [2]. A constant total number of the same conductor type arranged in a circular array was used for this study. The thermal rating (17,900 MW) was found to remain unchanged irrespective of the configuration; however, the SIL increased with the number of phases. For longer lines, a higher SIL results in a greater stability margin. Calculated SIL values from other references for a phase-to-earth voltage of 462 kV (phase-to-phase voltage of 800 kV for 3-phase) are plotted in Figure 4. This shows a significant increase in SIL with phase order. HPO power transfer performance may be explained in other ways: • For constant current and power transfer, the phase-to-earth voltage halves for 6-phase transmission and is reduced by a factor of four for 12-phase transmission. • For constant voltage and power transfer, the current required halves for 6-phase transmission and reduces by a factor of four for 12-phase transmission. Figure 3: Towers used on the first test line [4]. Performance advantages of HPO for this line over the 3-phase case were: a saving in space and servitude, a reduction in fair weather radio noise of about 15 dB for the 6-phase option, similar behaviour for wet conductor audible noise and a reduction of approximately 83% in corona power loss for the 6-phase case. Disadvantages of HPO compared to 3-phase were found to be a larger ground-level electric field (depending on which 3phase case HPO is being compared to), slightly higher magnetic field and marginally worse lightning performance. Stewart et al [2] report that for a circular array of conductors the SIL for 6 phases is about 1.8 times the SIL for 3 phases; for 12 phases the SIL is about 2.5 times the 3-phase case. As a comparison, Eskom calculations show that the SIL for a double-circuit 3phase line (765 kV) increases by a factor of approximately 2.1 to 2.2 from a single-circuit line of the same voltage. The above discussion shows that HPO transmission can result in a significant improvement in SIL. Other outcomes were that it was shown that it is possible to design, analyze, implement, put into service and operate HPO lines; the line was visually attractive; the hexagon shape was found to be the best configuration and the compaction level is largely determined by switching surges between the phases that are separated by 60° from one another. 6,000 Ref [8] 5,000 SIL (MW) 4.2. Surge impedance loading (SIL) The first utility application – GoudeyOakdale line This project was undertaken in 1988, and resulted in a 6-phase, 2.4 km long test line being put into service. It operated at 93 kV phase-to-earth, and was converted from a 115 kV double-circuit 3-phase line. Several references report on this work, among them [5-7]. The line worked as expected and the conversion to HPO resulted in a 38% increase in power transfer. The 4,000 Ref [3] 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 3 6 9 12 Phase order Figure 4: Surge impedance loading. Pg. 3 Paper C-23 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 4.4. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° Ground-level electric fields Numerous studies have been undertaken in the determination of ground-level electric fields using both analytical techniques and field tests. Conflicting results on the intensity of ground-level electric fields, and on whether HPO results in reduction of these fields, are contained in some of the surveyed papers. It is suspected that this may be due to differing design conditions. A conclusion that can be reached from this is that care should be taken when comparing groundlevel electric fields of different cases, and that each case should be treated on its own merits. Some figures from the literature are: • Stewart et al [2]: for the same phase-to-ground voltage, ground-level electric fields are significantly higher for 6-phase than for 3phase transmission, and higher for 12-phase than 6-phase transmission. For 289 kV phaseto-earth voltage, the maximum ground-level field was found to be less than 5 kV/m for 3phase, between 5 and 10 kV/m for 6-phase and greater than 10 kV/m for 12-phase. • Grant et al [8]: approximate maximum ground-level fields were determined as 7.7 kV/m for 462 kV 6-phase and 12-phase. • Stewart et al [9]: the observed ground level electric field results at the Goudey-Oakdale line were 1.4 kV/m, which is below the 1.6 kV/m limit set by New York State standards. • Stewart et al [4]: approximate maximum ground-level fields were found to be 7.3 kV/m for 500 kV 3-phase, 6.1 kV/m for 199 kV 12phase and 3.3 kV/m for 133 kV 12-phase transmission. • Metwally [10]: maximum electric fields at 1 m above ground level are up to 12 kV/m for 619 kV 6-phase, 6 to 9 kV/m for 442 kV 6phase and 5 to 9 kV/m for double-circuit 765 kV 3-phase transmission. It is shown that under-strung earth wires reduce the groundlevel fields. • • • clearances are reduced according to reduced voltage for this case, the reduction is approximately 6.2 dB. Stewart et al [4]: maximum fair weather radio noise reduces from approximately 47 dBA to about 34 dBA when converting from doublecircuit 3-phase to 6-phase on the same structure (80 kV phase-to-earth voltage). Grant et al [8]: the maximum fair weather value for 462 kV 6-phase is 51.8 dB. Converting this to 12-phase with the same phase-to-earth voltage but a larger structure, a reduction of about 4 dB was found. Metwally [10]: approximate maximum values of 57 dB for 6-phase 619 kV and 43 dB for 6phase 442 kV were found. Audible noise: • Stewart et al [2]: for 80 kV, maximum heavy rain audible noise is reduced from approximately 48 dBA to about 43 dBA when converting from double-circuit 3-phase to 6phase with reduced clearances due to reduced voltages. • Stewart et al [4]: for the same case as reported under “Radio noise” above, a reduction from 57 dBA to 46 dBA was found. • Grant et al [8]: the maximum wet conductor value for 462 kV 6-phase is 56.3 dBA. Converting this to 12-phase with the same phase-to-earth voltage but a larger structure, an increase of about 1 dB was found. • Metwally [10]: approximate maximum values of 55 dBA for 6-phase 619 kV and 41 dBA for 6-phase 442 kV were found. The reduction in radio noise levels mentioned above make sense as the HPO conductor surface gradients are lower than for the 3-phase case. Also, while the reduced HPO audible noise levels are still being high, the reduction is significant. 4.6. Details of the above examples can be found in the relevant references. These details are important to note when comparing different cases and in judging the feasibility of HPO transmission. Also, many of the figures are calculated or simulated, rather than measured. Tower and servitude size As with ground-level electric fields, corona-related effects need to be determined for each case. The examples below give some experience from the literature. Once again, the details of each case may be found in the respective references. There are several reasons why tower size needs to be minimised as far as possible while maintaining required clearances and meeting other constraints: • Structures that require more material are more expensive. • Taller structures are more susceptible to wind damage. • Towers that require more ground area increase the cost of the land required and of vegetation clearing costs. • Larger structures can be less visually attractive. Radio noise: • Stewart et al [2]: a reduction of approximately 8.6 dB in the maximum value is reported for a conversion from double-circuit 3-phase to 6phase on the same structure (80 kV). If Figure 5 shows a comparison between a 3-phase 765 kV phase-to-phase tower used by Eskom (above) and a 6-phase tower for 462 kV phase-to-earth (below [8]). Typical SIL values are approximately 2,600 MW for the 3-phase tower and 4,800 MW for the 6-phase 4.5. Corona-related effects Pg. 4 Paper C-23 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 tower. Figure 5 shows that the 6-phase structure is significantly smaller and would therefore result in a smaller servitude and hence lower land costs. 4.7. Six-phase transmission is therefore not economically viable for this case. However, no terminal equipment was needed for the 3-phase case as both ends of the line were already at 400 kV phase-to-phase. A hypothetical line where terminal equipment would be needed for both 3-phase and 6-phase cases was next costed. The following breakeven distances, above which the 6-phase line would be cheaper to build, were determined: • Land costs excluded: ± 226 km. • Land costs included: ± 214 km. Economics The most relevant study for South Africa is a case study performed by Bortnik [1]. This was performed by choosing a 3-phase base case, designing a 6-phase alternative with similar SIL, costing the two cases and comparing their costs and calculating a breakeven distance. The 3-phase base case chosen was the (existing) 400 kV single-circuit Camden-Duvha line. This line is 100 km long, has a servitude of 55 m and 16.4 m between outside conductors, uses a cross-rope suspension tower and has an SIL of about 636 MVA. The 6-phase alternative concept was designed for 173.2 kV, a 35 m servitude, a circular phase geometry of 3 m radius and hence a 6 m separation between outer conductors. This concept therefore results in significant compaction. The results of costing these two alternatives were (using 1998 currency values): • 3-phase line cost: R579,000 per km. • 6-phase line cost using light conductor: R468,000 per km. • Total 3-phase line cost: R57.9 million. • Total 6-phase line cost: R108.5 million (including terminal equipment) Other cost studies have also been published in the literature. Two separate sources have studied the upgrade of existing double-circuit 3-phase lines to 6phase operation [11,12]. Bortnik [1] reports that the authors of [11] found that HPO would be more economical than 3-phase transmission for lines longer than 22-42 km (terminal equipment costs were included). However, a different conclusion is reported in [12], where it was found that 6-phase transmission would probably be more expensive for the particular case studied in that reference. Bortnik [1] reports that Stewart et al [13] also looked at breakeven distances for extra high voltage (EHV) and ultra high voltage (UHV) cases. Load levels were up to 6 GW. Six and twelve phase cases with phase-to-earth voltages of 317 kV and 462 kV were compared to the 1,200 kV 3phase case. It was found that of the ten scenarios studied, eight had breakeven distances of 56.3 km or less and two would never see HPO being the cheaper option. ± 40 m 4.8. Discussion The information presented above shows that HPO transmission is a viable technology and that its use could result in cheaper transmission lines. It is also clear, however, that this does not apply to every case, and hence each case must be treated separately. It is especially important to note that several criticisms are made of the US cost studies and test lines, which once again emphasises that every case must be treated separately. This is supported by the fact that there are several situations where HPO was shown to the cheaper than 3-phase and other situations where the opposite was true. ± 50 m ± 23 m It is also important to make realistic comparisons when comparing higher phase orders to the 3-phase case, so that comparisons made are valid. Three-phase uprating was mentioned as a possible alternative to HPO – this should be considered for cases where existing lines are to be upgraded, rather than built new. ± 58 m Although HPO has been demonstrated to have several attractive properties, this technology has not been applied. One possible reason for this could be mechanical problems with conductors clashing under short circuit conditions. Finally, there are some aspects of HPO transmission where further information is required, such as more information on SIL achievable, ground-level electric fields and corona-related effects. Figure 5: Comparison between 3-phase and 6-phase self-supporting structures. Pg. 5 Paper C-23 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 5. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° 7. SCENARIOS [1] J. Bortnik, “Transmission line compaction using high phase order transmission”, Dissertation for Master of Science in Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1998. [2] J. R. Stewart and D. D. Wilson, “High phase order transmission – a feasibility analysis, Part I – Steady state considerations”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-97, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1978, pp. 2300-2307. [3] S. N. Tiwari and A. S. Bin Saroor, "An investigation into loadability characteristics of EHV high phase order transmission lines", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Aug. 1995, Volume 10, Issue 3, pages 1264 – 1270. [4] J. R. Stewart and I. S. Grant, “High phase order – ready for application”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, June 1982, Volume PAS-101, Issue 6, pages 1757 - 1767. [5] M. T. Brown, R. V. Rebbapragada, T. F. Dorazio, J. R. Stewart, “Utility system demonstration of sixphase power transmission”, Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, pp. 983-989. [6] T.F. Dorazio, J. R. Stewart, D. D. Wilson, “Six phase power transmission: first utility application”, Cigre 600-01, Symposium Leningrad, 1991. [7] R. V. Rebbapragada, M. T. Brown, T. F. Dorazio, J. R. Stewart, “Design modifications and layout of utility substations magnetic field reduction using high phase order lines”, IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Winter Meeting, New York, USA, January 1992. [8] I. S. Grant and J. R. Stewart, "Mechanical And Electrical Characteristics Of EHV High Phase Order Overhead Transmission", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Nov. 1984, Volume PAS-103, Issue 11, pages 3379 - 3385. [9] J. R. Stewart, L. J. Oppel, G. C. Thomann, T. F. Dorazio, M. T Brown, "Insulation coordination, environmental and system analysis of existing double circuit line reconfigured to six-phase operation", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, July 1992, Volume 7, Issue 3, pages 1628 - 1633. [10] I. A. Metwally, “Electrostatic and environmental analyses of high phase order transmission lines”, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), No. 61, 2002, pp. 149 - 159. [11] E. Kallaur and J. R. Stewart, “Uprating without reconductoring – the potential of six phase”, Canadian Communications and Energy Conference, IEEE 82 CH 1825-9, 1982, pg 120. [12] W. C. Guyker and D. F. Shankle, “138-kV sixphase uprating of a 138-kV double circuit line”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No. 9, Sept 1985. [13] J. R. Stewart, S. Zelingher, G. I. Stilman, “HPO line practical for limited R/W”, Transmission and Distribution, Oct 1985, pp. 32-36. Technical, economic and social factors should be taken into account when evaluating different designs for a new transmission line. There are cases where HPO technology warrants further investigation, and other cases where it should be discarded without significant investigation. The following are scenarios where HPO could be investigated further: • Servitude width and/or tower size are major constraints, e.g. the land is expensive or environmentally sensitive, or there is extensive farming or ecotourism activity in the area. • Sufficient time and resources for research and development are available. • Social pressures make this technology more easily justifiable, e.g. the lines are found to have lower visual impact. • The proposed transmission line is of significant length, i.e. longer than the breakeven length, if such a length exists. • The proposed line has very few or no “T-offs” since the cost of terminal equipment for HPO is relatively expensive [1]. The following are scenarios where HPO should not be investigated further: • Servitude width and/or tower size are not major constraints, e.g. land is relatively cheap, readily available and in an area not suitable for farming or other development. • Fast turn-around time is required in transmission line development, making the use of a new technology difficult. • Social pressures make the use of a new technology difficult. • The line is shorter than the breakeven length or no breakeven length exists for the particular situation. • The line has several “T-offs”, making HPO not cost-effective [1]. The above lists show that a preliminary comparative costing should be performed for each case where it is thought that HPO could be viable, using as much simplification as is reasonable and possible. Examples of such studies have been referenced. However, HPO could be discarded before this stage if time, resource or social pressures dictate this. 6. REFERENCES CONCLUSIONS This paper has shown that HPO is a viable technology for electric power transmission and has several advantages over conventional 3-phase AC transmission. However, each case should be considered on its own merits. There is little operational experience available on HPO. Therefore, implementation of HPO, although having been shown to be possible, would require significant research and development. Pg. 6 Paper C-23