Old Road Reconstruction Pilot Instructions


Old Road Reconstruction


Part 1 – Definitions


1 For the purposes of the old road reconstruction pilot:

"Average Road Width" means (diagram 1) an average width of 6.2 metres, at right angles to the road centreline, which includes the stabilized road width, road widenings, turnouts and landings.

"Clearing" means:

(1) falling, limbing, topping, and bucking to length of standing timber from the road right of way including;

(a) landings,

(b) turnouts, and

(c) adjacent to the road right of way,

(i) borrow pits,

(ii) quarries, or

(iii) waste areas.

(2) grubbing from the road prism area of:

(a) stumps,

(b) roots,

(c) logging slash (downed logs, tree branches & tops, uprooted stumps, and shrubs),

(d) embedded logs, and

(e) other debris left on the ground from clearing operations.

(3) felling of snags and danger trees proximate to the road clearing boundary, and

(4) decking of the merchantable logs manufactured. page 1 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


"Old Road" means old logging roads, skid trails, and railroad grades used for the first pass timber extraction as well as bladed trails constructed for second growth thinning, mining roads or roads built for other purposes.

"Project" means road section(s) of old road reconstruction that can be grouped together to access a cutblock.

"Road Prism" means ( see diagram 2 ) within the road cross-section, at right angles to the road centerline from the top of cut slope to the toe of fill (sidecast), the cuts, fills and road structures.

"Subgrade" means the layer of the stabilized road composed of parent material resulting from the excavation or movement of material within the road right of way which also possibly forms the stabilized road surface.

"Stabilizing Material" means ( see diagram 2 ) gravel or broken rock which is required to be placed on the subgrade to provide a stabilized road surface. This is the timber pricing term for surfacing and ballasting.

"Stabilized Road" means a road section that is capable of supporting industrial use and is composed of the subgrade and if required stabilizing material.

"Stabilized Road Surface" means the top of the stabilized road that vehicles travel upon.

"Stabilized Road Width " means ( see diagram 2 ) the width, measured at right angles to the road centreline to the nearest 0.1 metre, of stabilized road surface measured from shoulder to shoulder. For a road class 5 single lane off-highway road the standard is a 5.0 metres

(see diagram 1) width.

"Stripping" means the removal and disposal of organic material, and mineral soils considered unsuitable for forming the road subgrade. page 2 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


Part 2 – Participation Requirements for Old Road Reconstruction Pilot

Commitment to Provide As-Built Information for Old Road Reconstruction

2 Participation in the Old Road Reconstruction Pilot requires written commitment by a license holder’s representative who has authority to enter into the commitment to provide as-built information for old road reconstruction projects which are submitted in an appraisal data submission. The written commitment:

(1) may be:

(a) a blanket commitment for all old road reconstruction cost estimates submitted in appraisal data submissions for the duration of the Old Road Reconstruction Pilot, or

(b) in an individual cutting authority appraisal data submission for only those specific road sections under the Old Road Reconstruction Pilot included in that cutting authority.

(2) must provide for:

(a) submission to Coast Area appraisal section in the format specified by the Coast Area

Regional Appraisal Coordinator, and

(b) collection of as-built information for each old road reconstruction project as best as possible by the following phases;

(i) clearing,

(ii) stripping, and

(iii) reconstruction of the road prism.

As-Built Information Requirements for Each Old Road Reconstruction Project

3 As built information must be:

(1) provided for each old road reconstruction project (by phase if possible), corresponding to the project submitted in the appraisal data submission. The equipment rates to be as listed in

Appendix 1 of the Coast Appraisal Manual (CAM) or, if not listed in Appendix 1, from the

Equipment Rental Rate Guide – BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association on the effective date of the cutting authority, by the,

(a) equipment

(i) type category/class, and

(ii) hours of work.

(b) labour

(i) category, and

(ii) hours of work.

(2) only for work done on old road reconstruction section. It is recognized that actual daily work by a piece of equipment involved in reconstructing an old road reconstruction road section, may also be working on other types construction or reconstruction on other road sections. For those days that the piece of equipment works on both old road reconstruction and other types of construction or reconstruction works, the best estimate of hours spent on old road reconstruction needs to be provided, and page 3 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


(3) submitted to Coast Area appraisal section within 45 calendar days after completion of the reconstruction of the road section.

Part 3 –Old Road Reconstruction

Requirements for Qualifying for Old Road Reconstruction

4 To qualify for an old road reconstruction cost estimate, the road section must have been constructed at least 40 years ago and has not been previously reconstructed:

Determining Road Section

5 Road sections are to be recorded to the nearest 0.001 of a kilometre for road section lengths of the same category that are contiguous for;

(1) clearing of the old road right of way phase,

(2) stripping of road prism phase, or

(3) reconstruction of road prism phase.

Appraisal Data Elements for Old Road Reconstruction

6 The appraisal data elements required in an appraisal data submission;

(1) for each section of old road reconstruction, in the Old Road Reconstruction EXCEL Form

(located at www.for.gov.bc.ca/rco/revenue ),

(a) general

(i) road name,

(ii) station number,

(A) start, and

(B) finish.

(b) section length, and

(c) category of the following phase:

(i) clearing of road right of way,

(ii) stripping of road prism, and

(iii) reconstruction of road prism.

(d) rock hardness

(2) in the Road Reconstruction and Replacement section of the Detailed Engineering (ECAS40) screen for the;


‘Cost Estimator Identifier’ record “OldRD”,


‘Total Length of Road’ the “Total Length” from the Old Road Reconstruction EXCEL



‘Total Cost’ the “Total Cost” from the Old Road Reconstruction EXCEL Form, and


‘Comments’ record “Old Road Recon Pilot”. page 4 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


Supporting Documentation for Old Road Reconstruction

7 The supporting documentation requirements, in the appraisal data submission, of old road reconstruction are;

(1) the completed Old Road Reconstruction EXCEL Form,

(2) digital pictures (dump views & woods views) demonstrating the typical works required for the applicable phase cost category with the following information for each picture,

(a) road name,

(b) station number, and

(c) whether it is a dump or woods view.

(3) documentation demonstrating date last operational use of the road, and

(4) any other supporting documentation requested by the Coast Area Regional Appraisal


Part 4 – Clearing of Right of Way Phase

Clearing of Road Right of Way Phase Category Qualifications

8 The old road section where, based upon field measurements within the road right of way, the trees and brush being cleared are:

(1) less than or equal to 15 cm in diameter at breast height, the cost category is:

(a) Light Brushing (CRBL) when;

(i) road shoulders are brushed in with average stem diameter up to 5 cm at breast height, and

(ii) scattered larger trees up to 15cm diameter at breast height.

(b) Medium Brushing (CRBM) when;

(i) road shoulders are brushed in with average stem diameter up to 5 cm at breast height,

(ii) overgrown road surface with average stem diameter up to 5 cm breast height, and

(iii) scattered larger trees up to 15 cm diameter breast height.

(c) Heavy Brushing (CRBH) when;

(i) road shoulders are predominantly trees 10 cm to 15 cm diameter at breast height, or

(ii) overgrown road surface with average stem diameter between 10 cm to 15 cm at breast height.

(2) greater than 15 cm in diameter at breast height, the cost category is:

(a) Deciduous Clearing (CRD) when species present is predominantly deciduous.

(b) Pole/sapling Clearing (CRP) if;

(i) species predominantly coniferous, and

(ii) average diameter breast height is between 15 to 30 cm.

(c) advanced Second Growth (CR2G) when;

(i) species predominantly coniferous, and

(ii) average diameter breast height is greater than 30 cm. page 5 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


Unit Cost for Old Road Right of Way Clearing Categories

9 The per unit cost estimate for old road right of way clearing category;

(1) light brushing (CRBL) is $2,000 per kilometre,

(2) medium brushing (CRBM) is $3,000 per kilometre,

(3) heavy brushing (CRBH) is $4,000 per kilometre,

(4) deciduous clearing (CRD) is $2,245 per kilometre,

(5) pole/sapling clearing (CRP) is $4,500 per kilometre, or

(6) advanced second growth clearing (CR2G) is $9,000 per kilometre.

Part 3 –Stripping of Road Prism Phase

Stripping of Road Prism Phase Category Qualifications

10 The old road section, based upon field measurements, cost category where the road prism area requires stripping from;

(1) 10 to 35 percent is light (SRRL),

(2) 35 to 65 percent is medium (SRRM),

(3) 65 to 90 percent is heavy (SRRH), or

(4) 90 to 100 percent is full (SRRF). The road prism looks like it requires the same amount of work stripping as the second growth stand that is around the old road where no road construction has occurred upon.

Unit Cost for Stripping Categories

11 The per unit cost estimate for stripping road prism category;

(1) light stripping of the prism old road for reconstruction (SRRL) is $900 per kilometre,

(2) medium stripping of the prism old road for reconstruction (SRRM) is $1,800 per kilometre,

(3) heavy stripping of the old road prism for reconstruction (SRRH) is $2,700 per kilometre,

(4) full stripping of the old road prism for reconstruction (SRRF) is $3,600 per kilometre,

Part 4 – Reconstruction of the Road Prism Phase

Reconstruction of Road Prism Phase Category Qualifications

12 The old road section category for reconstruction of the road prism to create a stabilized road is chosen, based upon field measurements, by:

(1) determining the source of material for reconstructing the old road subgrade and running surface as;

(a) local material when the source will be local material (i.e. no truck haul) including patch stabilizing material with endhaul material,

(b) pit run material which does not require drilling and blasting, is endhauled from another road section or is stored endhaul material that requires truck haul, or

(c) rock material that requires drilling and blasting to develop the material exclusively for the road section. page 6 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


(2) determining the average amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism as;

(a) light if it is 10 to 35 percent,

(b) medium if greater than 35 up to 65 percent,

(c) heavy if greater than 65 up to 90 percent, or

(d) full if greater than 90 percent.

(3) assigning the old road reconstruction category of;

(a) local material light (ORLL) if;

(i) local material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) light amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(b) local material medium (ORLM) if;

(i) local material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) medium amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(c) local material heavy (ORLH) if;

(i) local material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) heavy amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(d) local material full (ORLF) if;

(i) local material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) full amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(e) pit run material light (ORPL) if;

(i) pit run material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) light amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(f) pit run material medium (ORPM) if;

(i) pit run material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) medium amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(g) pit run material heavy (ORPH) if;

(i) pit run material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) heavy amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(h) pit run material full (ORPF) if;

(i) pit run material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) full amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section. page 7 of 8

Old Road Reconstruction


(i) rock material light (ORRL) if;

(i) rock material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) light amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(j) rock material medium (ORRM) if;

(i) rock material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) medium amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(k) rock material heavy (ORRH) if;

(i) rock material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) heavy amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(l) rock material full (ORRF) if;

(i) rock material was selected in subsection 1 of this section, and

(ii) full amount of work required to reshape and stabilize the road prism was selected in subsection 2 of this section.

(4) determining the rock hardness category for rock material, as per the Coast Appraisal Manual , of;

(i) soft/medium rock hardness, or

(ii) hard rock hardness.

Unit Cost for Reconstruction Categories

13 The per unit cost estimate for reconstruction of the old road category;

Old Road Reconstruction Category

Cost Estimate per km ($/km)



Road Reconstruction

Work Required

Code Soft/Medium Hard local local local local pit run pit run pit run pit run rock rock rock rock light medium heavy full light medium heavy full light medium heavy full






















33, 931

50 ,896





80,358 page 8 of 8
