ISIE 95 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics Athens - Greece Athenaeum Inter-Continental Hotel July 10 - 14, 1995 Volume 1 of 2 Co-Sponsored by: • IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY • SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL ENGINEERS OF JAPAN MAV,OLX^C75IC P O W E R R E S £ A R C H INSTITUTE NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS • THE INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS, GREECE TABLE OF CONTENTS PLENARY SESSION P.I — AC Drives with Macroelectronic Supply and Microelectronic Control. Flexible Sources of Controlled Mechanical Energy W. Leonhard: Technische Univ. Braunschweig, GERMANY 1 P.2 - Neural Networks in Robotics: The State of Art Sp. Tzafestas: National Technical Univ. of Athens, GREECE 12 SPECIAL SESSIONS SPECIAL SESSION 1: New CAD Tools for Electronic Design Organizer: Dr. J. Uceda, Umversidad Poliiechnica de Madrid, SPAIN 551.1 - High Level Specification in Electronic Design P. Kission, A. A. Jerraya: T1MA/INPG Laboratory. FRANCE 21 551.2 - CAD Tools for Synthesis E. Villar, P. Sanchez: Univ. de Cantabria, SPAIN 27 551.3 - CAD in Test T. Riesgo1, E. de la Torre1, Y. Torroja1, E. Olias2, J. Uceda1: l Univ. Poltic'cnica de Madrid, 2Umv. Carlos III de Madrid, SPAIN 33 551.4 — VHDL-A: A Future Standard for Analog and Mixed Digital-Analog Description and Simulation A. Vachoux: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. SWITZERLAND 39 SPECIAL SESSION 2: Power Quality Problem & Solutions Organizer: Dr. B. Banerjee, Electronic Power Research Insi., U.S.A 552.1 - Design of a Workbook for Analyzing Utility/End User Power Quality Concerns M. M c G r a n a g h a n : Electrqtek Concepts, Inc., U.S.A, M. Samotyj: EPRI, U.S.A, B . Kennedy: BPA, U.S.A ... 45 552.2 - Active Filter Solutions for Utility Interface S. Bhattacharya, D. M. Divan: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison U.S.A, B. Banerjee: EPRI. U. S. A 53 552.3 - High-Quality Rectifiers with High Frequency Insulation - An Overview G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, P. Mattavelli: Univ. of Padova, ITALY 64 552.4 - The Power Quality Database: A Software Tool for Utility Engineers to Solve Problems B. Dabbs, J. Lamoree, B. Zavadil: Electrotek Concepts, Inc., U.S.A, M. Samotyj: EPRI. U.S.A 72 SPECIAL SESSION 3: Advanced Motors and Drives Organizer: Dr. B. Banerjee, Electronic Power Research lust., U.S.A 553.1 - Electric Drives for Pump, Fan and Compressor Loads in Automotive Applications P. J. McCleer: McCleer Power, Inc., U. S. A 80 553.2 - Medium and. High Voltage, Low-Speed Drives Using Low-Voltage OGBT Converters A. K. Wallace, M. S. Boger, E. Wiedenbriig: Oregon State Univ., U.S.A 86 VII 553.3 - Multilevel Voltage Source Converters for Medium Voltage Adjustable Speed Drives S. M. Tenconi. M. Carpita. C. Bacigalupo. R. Call: Avsaldo Ricnrhc. ITALY 553.4 - Factors to Consider in the Applications of Energy Efficient Motors P. Pillay: Uviv. of Now Orleans. U.S.A 553.5 - High Performance AC Motors Utilizing "Written-Pole" Technology J. F. Roesel, Jr. : Precise Pouer Corporation, U.S.A 91 99 11° TECHNICAL PROGRAM SESSION 1: A C - D C Converters 51.1 - Reduction of EMI Emission of an On-Board Charger for Electric Vehicles G. A. Karvelis1, A. Nagel2, S. N. Manias1, F. Schope2: l National Technical Univ. of Athens, GREECE. -Aachen Univ. of Technology, GERM A NY 115 51.2 - High Power, High Performance Parallel Connected Multiconverters: Analysis and Control L. Matakas Jr. C. Burlacu. E. Masada: Univ. of Tokyo, JAPAN 121 51.3 - Line Side Harmonics of Unbalanced AC/DC Converter in Transient and Steady State V. Katie, D. Graovac, J. Knezevic: Uviv. of Novi Sad. YVGOSLA VIA 127 51.4 - Converter Control Theory About Three-Phases Unbalanced Loads J. A. Domi'nguez Vazquez, I. Ya!Ie Gonzalez. S. Lorenzo Matilla. J. M. Ruiz Gonzalez: E. T. S. I I.. SPAIN 133 51.5 - An Intelligent Multichannel Converter of AC Electrical Power And/Or Voltage and Current R. M. S. Values S. Milovancev, V. Vujicic, V. Katie, I. Zupunksi: Uviv. of Novi Sad. YUGOSLA VIA 138 SESSION 2: Transmission and Communication Networks 52.1 - JUINET - A Novel Low Cost Universal Networking Technique K. K. Ghosh, A. Rakshit. S. N. Bliattacharyya: Jadavpur Uviv.. INDIA 143 52.2 - Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid MAC-Layer Protocol for Hard Real-Time Industrial Networks V. D. Kapsalis, S. A. Koubias. G. D. Papadopoulos: Univ. of Patras, GREECE 146 52.3 — A Wireless Network of Remote Measuring Stations: Application in Water Level Monitoring N. Zachos, C. Kosrtiatopoulos. Th. Laopoulos: Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki. GREECE 153 S2..4 - New Type of Optical WDM Signal Transmission System and Its Application M. Kamiya: Hamamatsu Industrial Research Institute. JAPAN, H. Ikeda: Shi:voka Univ., JAPAN 157 SESSION 3: Neural Networks I 53.1 - Homomorphic ARG Matching Hopfield Network P. N. Suganthan, E. K. Teoh. D. P. Mital: Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE 161 53.2 - An Approach to Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems Using Kohonen Neural Networks A. Ficola, M. La Cava, F. Magnino: Umversita di Perugia, ITALY 166 53.3 - Systematic Design of Encoder and Decoder Networks with Applications to High-Speed Signal Processing 0. Vainio, D. Akopian, J. T. Astola: Tampere Univ. of Technology. FINLAND 172 S3.4 - An Artificial Neural Network to Linearize a G (Tungsten vs. Tungsten 2G% Rhenium) Thermocouple Characteristic in the Range of Zero to 2000"C M. Attari: Univ. of Science and Technology Houan Boumedienne, ALGERIA. F. Boudjema, M. Heniche: Ecole VIII Nationalc Polytechnique, ALGERIA 176 S3.5 - Neural Networks Applied for Induction Motor Speed Sensorless Estimation D. Fodor, F. Ionescu, D. Floricau: "Politehnica" Univ. of Bucharest, ROMANIA.). P. Six, P. Delarue: Unn. des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. FRANCE, D. Diana, G. Griva: Politecnico dt Torino. ITALY 161 SESSION 4: I m a g i n g I 54.1 - Microwave System for the Detection of Trapped Human Beings E. G. Aggelopoulos, E. Karabetsos, N. Uzunoglu, P. Constantinou: National Technical Univ. of Athens. GREECE 167 54.2 - A Defect Identification Algorithm for Sequential and Parallel Computers R. Hross, S. G. Ziavras, C. N. Manikopoulos, N. J. Lad, X. Li: New Jersey Institute of Technology. U.S.A .. .193 54.3 - Multi-wavelength Imaging Pyrometer for Non-Contact Temperature Sensing M. B. Kaplinsky, W. F. Kosonocky, N. J. McCaffrey. J. Li, E. S. H. Hou, C. N. Manikopoulos, N. M. Ravindra: New Jersey Institute of Technology, U.S.A 199 54.4 - On the Development of an OCR System Based on Curvature Features B. Gatos, N. Papamarkos: Democntus Univ. of Thrace. GREECE 205 54.5 - MORRPH: A MOdular and Reprogrammable Real-Time Processing Hardware T. II. Drayer, J. G. Tront, W. E. King IV, R. \V. Conners: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Siat( University. U.S.A 211 54.6 - Texture Segmentation Using Hierarchical Wavelet Decomposition E. Salari, Z. Ling: Univ. of Toledo, U. S. A 216 SESSION 5: DC-AC Converters 55.1 - A DC-AC Converter for Non-Linear Loads A. Kern, B. Yu, G. Schroder: Uviv. of Siegen. GERMANY 221 55.2 - A Variable Frequency Controller for Three Phase D C / A C Inverters C. Papadopoulos, T. Antonakopoulos. S. Pressas. V. Makios: Univ. of Patras. GREECE 227 55.3 - Full-bridged MOS-FET DC-to-RF Inverter for High Frequency Ultrasonic Transducer at 3 MHz T. Suzuki, H. Ikeda, Y. Mizutani. T. Nakabori, Y. Ichioka, H. Yoshida, H. Yoshida: Shizuoka Univ.. JAPAN, K. Honda, T. Miyamoto,' S. Sano: Honda Electronics Co. Ltd., JAPAN 232 55.4 - Modular Parallel Three-Phase Inverter System J-F. Chen, C-L. Chu, Y-C. Liou: National Cheng hung Univ., Taiwan, CHINA : 237 55.5 — A Low-Distortion Multilevel Pulse-Width Modulated Inverter Topology V. G. Agelidis: Curiin Univ. of Technology. A USTRALIA 243 55.6 - Forced Commutated Current Converter D. B. Izosimov: Institute of Control Science, RUSSIA .243 55.7 - Use of Power Electronic Converters in Wind Turbines and Photovoltaic Generators S. A. Papathanassiou, G. A. Vokas, M. P. Papadopoulos. : National Technical Univ. of Athens, GREECE . ..254 SESSION 6: Motor Drive Systems S6.1 - A Transputer Based Forward and Inverse Dynamics Solution for Flexible Planar Manipulators P. Sauer, W. Wroblewski, K. Kozlowski: Technical Univ. of Poznan, POLAND 260 IX 56.2 — Piecewise Modeling and Optimal Commutation of Switched Reluctance Motors S-U. Rehnian, D. G. Taylor: Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A 266 56.3 - A Novel Adaptive Rule-based Speed Controller for PMDC Motor Drives A. M. Sharaf, C. Johnson: Univ. of New Brunswick. CANADA 272 SC.4 - A Novel Control Scheme for Low Cost SRM Drive S. G. Oh 1 , J. W. Ahn 2 , S. J. Seong3, Y. M. Hwang 1 : 1 Pusan National Univ., Pusan, KOREA. Univ., Pusan, KOREA, 3Chungnam National Univ., Taejon, KOREA -Kyungsung .279 56.5 - Nonlinear Feedforward Control of Brushless DC Motors (BLDCM) C. H. Yim, J. I. Song, D. I. Kim, S. K. Kim: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., KOREA 284 56.6 - A Critical Study on the Operational Characteristics Synchronous Motor Drive Fed Via a Voltage Inverter Using a New Triggering Logic P. Efthimiatos, A. Safacas, Univ. of Patras, GREECE 290 SESSION 7: A C Motor Drive Systems I 57.1 — Loss Minimization in Synchronous Motors C. Mademlis, I. Xypteras, N. Margaris: Aristotle Univ. of Thessalomki, GREECE 297 57.2 - Removing Harmonic Signal Nonstationarity by Dynamic Resampling R. T. Sokolov: 1 Univ. of Hartford, U.S.A, J. C. Rogers: Michigan Technological Univ., U.S.A 303 57.3 - Adaptive Control System for a Field-Oriented Induction Motor Drive W. Schmitt, C. Nen, K. Karakaxis, S. N. Manias: National Technical Univ. of Athens, GREECE 309 57.4 - Evaluation of Encoderless Vector Control Techniques for Induction Motor Drives M. Summer 1 , B. Conroy 2 , T. Alexander 1 : ! Univ. of Nottingham. UK, -Heenan Drives, Lid, UK 315 57.5 — Estimation of the Magnetising Curve of a Cage Induction Motor Using an Extended Kalman Filter M. Summer: Univ. of Nottingham. UK 321 57.6 — Simulation of an AC-Drive with PWM Current Inverter and Induction Machine A. Dakir, M. Nowak, P. Grochal. R. Barlik: Warsaw Univ. of Technology, POLAND 327 SESSION 8: C o n t r o l I 58.1 — Algorithmic Synthesis of Control Compensators S. Koppenhoefer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, SWITZERLAND 332 58.2 - Discrete Sliding Mode Control of Two Mass System P. Korondi, H. Hashimoto: Univ. of Tokyo, JAPAN, V. Utkin: Ohio State Univ., U.S.A 338 58.3 — The New Robust Control Using the Theory of Generalized Variable Structure M. Hamerlain: Centre de Developpement des Technologies Avance'es, ALGERIA .344 58.4 - Frequency-Domain Design of Iterative Learning Controllers for Feedback Systems H-S. Ahn, S-H. Lee, D-H. Kim: Kookmin Univ., KOREA 352 58.5 - Modeling and Analysis of a Web Tension Control System T. Sakamoto: Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN, Y. Fujino: Kyushy Sangyo Univ., JAPAN 58.6 - On Development of Stroke Sensing Cylinder for Automatic Excavator M. C. Lee1, M. H. Lee1, Y. J. Choi1, S. Y. Yang2, K. S. Yoon1: * Pusan National Univ., Pusan, 2 Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., KOREA 358 KOREA, 363 SESSION 9: Neural Networks II 59.1 — Direct Adaptive Regulation Using Dynamic Neural Networks: Application to DC Motors G. A. Rovithakis, M. A. Christodoulou: Technical Univ. of Crete, GREECE 369 59.2 - Neural Network Approach to Static Converter Faults Diagnosis A. Mariscotti: Universita di Genova. ITALY 375 59.3 - Speaker Identification Using Bessel Function Representation and a Back-Propagation Neural Network K. Gopalan: Purdue Univ. Calumet. U.S.A, T. R. Anderson: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. U.S.A 381 59.4 - A Robust Artificial Neural Network Based Speed/Voltage Regulator for Synchronous Generators A. M. Sharaf: Univ. of New Brunswick, CANADA, T. T. Lee: Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE ..384 SESSION 10: Imaging II 510.1 - A Fixed-Point DSP Based Cantonese Recognition System K. K. Shin, J. C. H. Poon, K. C. Li: Hong Kong Polytechnic, HONG KONG 390 510.2 - A Robust Vision System for Vehicle Licence Plate Recognition Using Grey-Scale Morphology J. C. H. Poon, M. Ghadiali, G. M. T. Man, L. M. Sheung: Hong Kong Polytechnic. HONG KONG 394 510.3 - Invariant Texture Analysis Based on Attributes of Texture Elements K. R. Goyal: Singapore Polytechnic. SINGAPORE, D. P. Mital, \Y. L. Goh: Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE ' 400 510.4 - A Low Cost and Intelligent Video Surveillance System E. Goujou, J. Miteran, O. Laligant: Univ. de Bourgogne. FRANCE 405 510.5 - Intelligent Checking System of Street Surface M. Momozawa: Havshin Expressway Public Corp.. JAPAN, R. Hoiie: Matsushita Communication Industrial Co. Ltd., JAPAN, T. Hasegawa: Kyoto Univ.. JAPAN 410 SESSION 11: Active Power Factor Correction 511.1 - Design of I. O. Controlled Switched-Mode Supply with Power Factor Correction M. O. Popescu, B. M. R^domirescu: Univ. "Poliiehiuca" of Bucharest. ROMANIA 416 511.2 - Single Phase Rectifier with High Power Factor in Continuous and Discontinuous Conduction Mode B. -R. Lin, T. -S. Hwang: National Yunlin Institute of Technology, Taiwan, CHINA 421 511.3 - New Control Method for Active Power Filter P. Delarue, J-P. Six: Univ. of Lille, FRANCE, F. Ionescu, C. Bogus: Univ. of Bucharest, ROMANIA .427 511.4 - A Single-Phase Buck-Boost AC-to-DC Converter with High Quality Input and Output Waveforms Y. Nishida, S. Motegi, A. Maeda: Tokyo Devki Univ., JAPAN .433 511.5 - Reactive Power Compensator with Switched-LC Networks J. C. Montano: Instituto dc Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia de Sevilla, SPAIN, M. Castilla, J. Gutierrez, A. Lopez: Univ. de Sevilla, SPAIN 439 XI SESSION 12: Distributed Systems, Inventory Control and Knowledge Based Systems 512.1 - Improving Performance of Parameter Extractors Through Symbolic Simulation \Y. M. Zuberek: Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, CANADA, A. Konczykowska: Centre National d' Etudes des Telecommuntcaiions. FRANCE .445 512.2 — Scheduling Transmissions in Time-Critical Distributed Systems S. Cavalieri, A. Di Stefano, 0 . Mirabella: Univ. di Catania, ITALY .451 512.3 - Management of Intelligent Spaces and Buildings: A Distributed and Hierarchical Model J. L. Monteiro: Univ. do Minho, PORTUGAL. F. M. Pereira: Sistemas Inieligaiti* para Edificios, Lda. PORTUGAL 457 512.4 - A Network Management Approach for a Distributed Industrial Application and the Related Implementation A. Kalogeras, K. Stamatis, K. Efstathiou. P. Lyras, G. Zapantes, P. Fountas. S. Kubias, G. Papadopoulos: Univ. of Patras, GREECE 463 512.5 - The Inventory Visibility System. A Unique Technical Solution to a Common Inventory Problem P. M. Cronin, R. \Y. Wyndrum, J r AT&T Bell Laboratories, U.S.A 466 512.6 - A Knowledge Based and Inference Tool for Handling Non-Rigid Materials V. Va.ssiliadis. L. Petrou. Z. Doulgeri, V. Petridis. G. Hassapis: Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki. GREECE . ..470 SESSION 13: Power Electronics 513.1 - A Current-Mode. CMOS F/V Converter for Low-Frequency Applications C. Papazoglou. S. Siskos. T. Laopoulos. C. A. Karybakas: Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, GREECE 476 513.2 - Digital Control for Switching Converters T. W. Martin. S. S. Ang: Univ. of Arkansas. U.S.A 480 513.3 - The Implementation of a DFC Topology Under Scalar Control Algorithm with a Voltage Gain Beyond Unity E. R. Ribeiro: Escola Federal de Engenhana de Itajubd. BRAZIL, G. Roy. G-E. April: Ecole Polyteclnnque de Montreal. CANADA 485 513.4 - A 16A IGBT-Gate Drive ASIC in a 18V. 3// BiCMOS Technology C. Kuratli, A. Biber, Q. Huang: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, SWITZERLAND 491 SESSION 14: Fuizy Systems I 514.1 - Fuzzy Tuned PI Controllers for Series Connected DC Motor Drives D. P. Iracleous, A. T. Alexandridis: Univ. of Patras, GREECE 495 514.2 - Fuzzy Control on a Laboratory Environment A. Cipriano, D. Saez, M. Ramos: Catholic Univ. of Chile, CHILE 500 514.3 - Fuzzy Stabilizer for Power System Using a Switched Zigzag Phase Shift Transformer H. R. de Azevedo, R. M. Martins, E. P. Teixeira: Univ. Federal de Ubcrldndia. BRAZIL, J. W. L. Nerys: Univ. Federal de Goids, BRAZIL 506 514.4 - Considerations About the Tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controllers H. R. de Azevedo1, R. PaschoarelP, J. \V. L. Nerys 2 , E. P. Teixeira1: 1 Univ. Federal de Uberldndia, BRAZIL, 2 Univ. Federal de Golds, BRAZIL 512 514.5 - A Fuzzy Logic-Based Control of Series DC Motor Drives H. A. Yousef: Univ. of Qatar, QATAR, H. M. Khali!: Univ. of Alexandria, EGYPT 517 XII