Reinaldo Tonkoski CURRICULUM VITAE Brookings 2016 CURRICULUM VITAE July, 2016 1 PERSONAL DATA Reinaldo Tonkoski Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007-2222 Telephone (605) 688-6298, Fax (605)688-4401, e-mail: Google Scholar Profile 2 PROFESSIONAL 2012-present Assistant professor Electrical Eng. (EE) and Computer Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 2009 – 2010 Visiting Fellow Natural Resources Canada – Canmet ENERGY, Varennes,QC Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems 3 EDUCATION 2006 - 2011 PhD. in Electrical Engineering. Concordia University, Montreal,QC Ph.D. Thesis Title: Impact of High Penetration of Photovoltaics on Low Voltage Systems and Remedial Actions Advisor: Dr. Luiz A. C. Lopes. 2004 - 2006 Master’s in Electrical Engineering. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Master's Dissertation Title: Estudo da Utilização de PFCs Na Minimização De Harmônicos Em Aerogeradores (“Study and Implementation of PFCs for Harmonic Mitigation in Wind Generators”) Advisor: Dr. Fernando Soares dos Reis. Scholarship from: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brazil. 1998 - 2003 BSc. in Control and Automation Engineering. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Final Project Title: Plataforma para o Desenvolvimento de Estratégias de Controle para Reatores Eletrônicos. (“Electronic Ballast Design System”) Advisor: Dr. Fernando Soares dos Reis. Scholarship from: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPQ, Brazil. 4 COMPLEMENTARY EDUCATION 2001 University Extension Program on Communities Exchange. (Hours: 1040h) Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2001 University Extension in Dévelopment Communautaire et Rel. Interculturelles. Cègep Marie Victorin & Canada World Youth, CWY, Montreal, QC, Canada. 1996 JA Company Program. JR Achievement, JA, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 5 RESEARCH TOPICS 1 Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems 2 Power Systems 3 Power Quality 4 Power Electronics 5 Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations of Power Systems 6 LANGUAGES Understand: Speak: Read: Write: Spanish (Fairly), Spanish (Fairly), Spanish (Fairly), Spanish (Little), Portuguese (Well) Portuguese (Well) Portuguese (Well) Portuguese (Well) French (Fairly), French (Fairly), French (Fairly), French (Little), English (Well). English (Well). English (Well). English (Well). 7 HONORS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2014 Best paper award in the smart grid track at the IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications INDUSCON 2014. 2014 Reliable and Resilient Microgrids for Data Centers, Duration: 05/2014-04/2015, 2014 Microsoft Research Award for the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF), $40,000.00. 2002 Destaque no III Salão de Iniciação Científica PUCRS (Distinction on the III Undergraduate Scientific Meeting, PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL, PUCRS). 2007 Teaching Fellowship, Awarded by Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, Canada 2007 Awarded Concordia University International Tuition Fee Remission Award 2010 IEEE IES Student Travel Grant to participate in the ISIE’2010 (Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society) to be hold in Bari, Italy. 8 Scholarships were granted among 35 students. 8 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2012-Current SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, USA – Instructor: EE430/L – Electromechanical Systems EE731/L – Advanced Power Electronics EE732/L – Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Systems EE792 – Wind Energy Systems EE436/536 – Photovoltaic Systems Engineering 2006-2010 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, Canada - Teaching Assistant: ELEC 331 – Fundamentals of Electrical Power Engineering (Tutor), ELEC 6411/433 – Power Electronics I (Marker) 9. RESEARCH/SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT • • • • • Development of Reliable and Sustainable Microgrids – Year 2, Duration: 09/2015-08/2016, SDBoR Competitive Research Grant Program FY16, $96,200.00. Development of Reliable and Sustainable Microgrids, Duration: 09/2014-08/2015, SDBoR Competitive Research Grant Program FY15, $86,777.00. Reliable and Resilient Microgrids for Data Centers, Duration: 05/2014-04/2015, 2014 Microsoft Research Award for the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF), $40,000.00. Development of a Power Management System for Data Centers with High Penetration of Photovoltaics, Duration: 4/2014-03/2015, SDSU 2014 Research/Scholarship Support Fund, $ 7,500.00. Developing a Sustainable Power Management System for Rural Microgrids, Duration: 10/2013-04/2014, SDSU Academic & Scholarly Excellence Awards, $ 5,000.00. 10. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND MEMBERSHIPS - IEEE Member since 2004 - IEEE HKN Member - IEEE GOLD Montreal Chair (May/2009- May/2010) - Secretary of IEEE Canada EPEC 2009 (Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2009) - Reviewer of the IET Journal of Renewable Power Generation - Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy - Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics - Reviewer of the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11. PUBLICATIONS 11.1 Books TONKOSKI, R. Impact of High Penetration of Photovoltaics on Low Voltage Systems: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8484-9356-2 2014. 11.2 Journal Papers 1. CHALISE, S.; ATIA, H.R.; POUDEL, B.; TONKOSKI, R., "Impact of Active Power Curtailment of Wind Turbines Connected to Residential Feeders for Overvoltage Prevention," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 7, no. 2, pp.471-479, 2016. 2. CHALISE, S.; STERNHAGEN, J.; TONKOSKI, R., "Energy Management of Remote Microgrids Considering Battery Lifetime," The Electricity Journal (Elsevier), (In review), Submitted on March 2016. 3. SHAKYA, A.; MICHAEL, S.; SAUNDERS, C.; ARMSTRONG, D.; PANDEY, P.;CHALISE, S.; TONKOSKI, R., "Solar Irradiance Forecasting in Remote Microgrids using Markov Switching Model," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, (In review), submitted on March 2016. 4. MALLA, N.; TAMRAKAR, U.; SHRESTHA, D.; NI, Z.; TONKOSKI, R., "Harmonic Reduction using Shunt Active Filter and Online Supplementary Control," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, (In review), Submitted on May 2016. 5. TAMRAKAR, U.; SHRESTHA, D.; MALLA, N.; NI, Z.; TONKOSKI, R., "Design of Online Supplementary Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Current Control in Power Electronic Systems," IEEE Power Electronics Letters, (In review), Submitted on June 2016. 6. CHALISE, S.; PANDEY, P.; MICHAEL, S.; TONKOSKI, R. “Validation of Solar Irradiance Forecasting by Markov Switching Model Using Remote Microgrid Benchmark with Stochastic Approach” to be submitted in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (under preparation) will be submitted on July 2016. 7. SHARMA, S., TAMRAKAR, U., TONKOSKI, R., GALIPEAU, D., Load Management for Grid-Connection of Household Photovoltaic Systems without Net-Metering, (2014) International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON), 2(6), pp. 190197, 2014. 8. TONKOSKI, R.; TURCOTE, D.; EL-FOULY, T. Impact of High PV Penetration on Voltage Profiles in Residential Neighbourhoods. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012. 9. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. A. C.; EL-FOULY, T. Coordinated Active Power Curtailment of Grid Connected PV Inverters for Overvoltage Prevention. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011. 10. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. A. C. Overvoltage Prevention in Residential Feeders with High Penetration of Photovoltaics. IEEE Canadian Review, No. 66, 2011. 11. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. A. C. Impact of Active Power Curtailment on Overvoltage Prevention and Energy Production of PV Inverters Connected to Low Voltage Residential Feeders. Renewable Energy, Vol. 36 No. 12, 2011. 12. SANTOS, A.; TOSS, M.; SOUZA, R. R. N., TONKOSKI, R., DOS REIS, F. S. A Influência Do Reator Eletrônico Com Partida Programada Na Vida Útil Da Lâmpada Fluorescente T5. Eletrônica de Potência (Florianópolis), v. 14, p. 157-164, 2009. 13. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. A. C.; ALÉ, J. V.; ADEGAS, F. D.; SOUZA, R. R. N.; ISLAM, S.; TAN, K. ; LIMA, J. C. M.; DOS REIS, F. S. Mitigação do Conteúdo Harmônico em Aerogeradores Usando um PFP Elevador de Chave Única. Eletrônica de Potência (Florianópolis), v. 12, p. 269-276, 2007. 11.3 Conference Proceedings - Full Papers 1. NEPAL, S.; SHAKYA, A.; FOURNEY, R.; STERNHAGEN, J.; TONKOSKI, R. "Development of Real-time Control of Commercial Off-The-Shelf Inverter/Charger for Energy Management of Microgrids," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2016, Boston, 2016. 2. BAJRACHARYA, L.; AWASTHI, S.; CHALISE, S.; HANSEN, T.; R. TONKOSKI, " 'Economic Analysis of a Data Center Virtual Power Plant Participating in Demand Response," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2016, Boston, 2016 3. POUDEL, S.; NI, Z.; HANSEN, T.; R. TONKOSKI, "Cascading failure and Transient Stability Experiment Analysis for Power Grid Security," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE ISGT 2016, Minneapolis, 2016 4. SHRESTHA, B.; HANSEN, T.; R. TONKOSKI, "Reliability Analysis of 380 V DC Distribution in Data Centers," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE ISGT 2016, Minneapolis, 2016 5. SHAKYA, A.; MICHAEL, S.; SAUNDERS, C.; ARMSTRONG, D.; PANDEY, P.;CHALISE, S.; TONKOSKI, R., " Using Markov Switching Model for Solar Irradiance Forecasting in Remote Microgrids," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE) Milwaukee, WI, 2016. 6. MALLA, N.; SHRESTHA, D.; NI, Z.; TONKOSKI, R. " Supplementary Control for Virtual Synchronous Machine based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), Vancouver, 2016. 7. ULLAH, M. H.; CHALISE, S.;TONKOSKI, R.; “Feasibility Study of Energy Storage Technologies for Remote Microgrid’s Energy Management Systems”, in IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Capri, 2016. 8. NEPAL, S.; SHAKYA, A.; FOURNEY, R.; STERNHAGEN, J.; TONKOSKI, R. "Development of Real-time Control of Commercial Off-The-Shelf Inverter/Charger for Energy Management of Microgrids," Accepted for presentation at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2016, Boston, 2016. 9. KAFLE, L.; NI, Z.; TONKOSKI, R. " Frequency Control of Isolated Microgrid Using a Droop Control Approach," Accepted for presentation at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (IEEE EIT), Grand Forks, 2016. 10. ATIA, H.; SHAKYA, A.; TANDUKAR, P.; TAMRAKAR, U.; HANSEN, T.; TONKOSKI, R. " Efficiency Analysis of AC Coupled and DC Coupled Microgrids Considering Load Profile Variations," in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (IEEE EIT), Grand Forks, 2016. 11. TAMRAKAR, U.; LAURSEN, E.; MAHARJAN, M.; TONKOSKI, R. " Modeling of Photobioreactors for Remote Microgrids," in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (IEEE EIT), Grand Forks, 2016. 12. SHRESTHA, D.; TAMRAKAR, U.; Ni, Z.; TONKOSKI, R. " Reduction of Energy Consumption in Virtual Synchronous Machine Using Supplementary Adaptive Dynamic Programming," in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (IEEE EIT), Grand Forks, 2016. 13. TAMRAKAR, U.; TONKOSKI, R.; NI, Z.; HANSEN, T.; TAMRAKAR, I. " Current Control Techniques for Applications in Virtual Synchronous Machines," in 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (IEEE ICPS), New Delhi, March 4-6, 2016. 14. AWASTHI, S.R.; CHALISE, S.; TONKOSKI, R., "Operation of datacenter as virtual power plant," in 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.3422-3429, Montreal, 2015. 15. TAMRAKAR, U.; GALIPEAU, D.; TAMRAKAR, I.; TONKOSKI, R., "Improving transient stability of photovoltaic-hydro microgrids using virtual synchronous machines," in PowerTech, 2015 IEEE Eindhoven, vol., no., pp.1-6, June 29 2015July 2, 2015. 16. CHALISE, S.; GOLSHANI, A.; AWASTHI, S.R.; SHANSHAN MA; SHRESTHA, B.R.; BAJRACHARYA, L.; WEI SUN; TONKOSKI, R., "Data center energy systems: Current technology and future direction," in Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2015 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-5, 26-30 July 2015 17. CHALISE, S.; TONKOSKI, R., “Day Ahead Schedule of Remote Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources Considering Battery Lifetime”. IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications - INDUSCON 2014. Best paper award in smart grid track 18. CHALISE, S.; POUDEL, B.; TONKOSKI, R.; Overvoltages in LV Rural Feeders with High Penetration of Wind Energy. In: IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2013 (IEEE PES GM 2013), Vancouver, 2013. 19. DOS REIS, F.; DE LIMA, J.C.M. ; DOS REIS, F.S. ; TONKOSKI, R. Development of a flexible public lighting system.In: 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, (IECON 2013), Vienna, 2013. 20. GURUNG, A.; TONKOSKI, R.; GALIPEAU, D., TAMRAKAR, T. Feasibility Study of Photovoltaic-Hydropower Microgrids. In: In: Fifth International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS 2013), Kathmandu, 2013. 21. CHALISE S., DOS REIS, F. B., STERNHAGEN J.; TONKOSKI, R.; Power Management Strategies for Microgrids with High Penetration of Renewables. In: Fifth International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Kathmandu, 2013. 22. BHANDARI, Y.; CHALISE S., STERNHAGEN J.; TONKOSKI, R.; Reducing Fuel Consumption in Microgrids Using PV, Batteries, and Generator Cycling. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), Rapid City, 2013 23. ELAMARI, K.; LOPES, L.; TONKOSKI , R.; Using Electric Water Heaters (EWHs) for Power Balancing and Frequency Control in PV-Diesel Hybrid Mini-Grids. Accepted at: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 (WREC 2011), Sweden, 2011. 24. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. Enhanced Part Load Operation of Diesel Hybrid Mini-Grids With High Penetration of Photovoltaics. In: III CBENS - III Brazilian Conference on Solar Energy, Belem, 2010. 25. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L.; EL-FOULY, T. Droop-based Active Power Curtailment for Overvoltage Prevention in Grid Connected PV Inverters. In: IEEE ISIE 2010 - Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Bari, 2010. 26. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L.; TURCOTTE, D. Active Power Curtailment of PV Inverters in Diesel Hybrid Mini-grids. In: IEEE EPEC 2009 - Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Montreal, 2009. 27. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. and DOS REIS, F. S. A Single-Switch Three-Phase Boost Rectifier to Reduce the Generator Losses in Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In: IEEE EPEC 2009 - Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 2009, Montreal, 2009. 28. LOPEZ, H. F. M.; VIERO, R. C.; ZOLLMANN, C.; TONKOSKI , R.; RECKZIELGEL, L.; GOMES, H.; DOS REIS, F. S. Analog Signal Processing for Photovoltaic Panels Grid-Tied by Zeta Converter. In: IEEE EPEC 2009 - Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 2009, Montreal, 2009. 29. LOPEZ, H. F. M.; VIERO, R. C.; ZOLLMANN, C.; RECKZIELGEL, L.; TONKOSKI , R.; DOS REIS, F. S. Low Power Solar System Grid-Tied With MPPT Based on Temperature Compensation. In: IEEE EPEC 2009 - Electrical Power and Energy Conference, 2009, Montreal, 2009. 30. TONKOSKI , R.; LOPES, L. Voltage Regulation in Radial Distribution Feeders with High Penetration of Photovoltaic. In: IEEE Energy 2030 – Conference on Global and Sustainable Energy Infrastructure, 2008, Atlanta. CD, 2008. v. 01. 31. DOS REIS, F.S.; LIMA, J.C.M.; TONKOSKI, R.; SOUZA, R.R.N.; ALE, J.V.; PELLISSARI, F.P.; FERREIRA, F.A.L.; KRUSE, A.B.; BOATTINI, O.D.; ISLAM, S.; NAYAR, C. A Low Voltage Electronic Ballast Designed For Hybrid Wind-Solar Power Systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE 2007, 2007, Vigo. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE 2007. Vigo : CD, 2007. v. 01. 32. SOUZA, R.R.N.; COUTINHO, D.F.; TONKOSKI, R.; SILVA, S.L.C.; TELLO, M.; CANALLI, V.M.; DIAS, G.A.D.; LIMA, J.C.M.; SARMANHO, U.A.S.; MAIZONAVE, G.B.; ADEGAS, F.D.; CECCON, G.B.; DOS REIS, F.S.; RIBEIRO, P. Nonlinear Loads Parameters Estimation and Modeling. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE 2007, 2007, Vigo. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE 2007. Vigo : CD, 2007. v. 01. 33. DOS REIS, F. S.; LIMA, J. C. M.; TONKOSKI, R.; SOUZA, R. R. N.; SAUERESSIG, D.A. ; PELLISSARI, F. P.; FERREIRA, F. A. L.; KRUSE A. B. AND BOATTINI, JR. O. D. A Simple Design Criterion For HPS Electronic Ballasts Supplied By Low Voltage Sources. In: THE 9TH BRAZILIAN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE COBEP 2007, 2007, Blumenau. The 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference COBEP 2007. 2007. 34. ADEGAS, F. D.; ALÉ, J. V.; DOS REIS, F. S.; SIMIONI, G. C. S.; TONKOSKI , R. Maximum Power Point Tracker For Small Wind Turbines Including Harmonic Mitigation. In: THE 9TH BRAZILIAN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE COBEP 2007, 2007, Blumenau. The 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference COBEP 2007. 2007. 35. DOS REIS, F.S.; ISLAM, S.; TAN, K.; ALE, J.V.; ADEGAS, F.D.; TONKOSKI, R. Harmonic Mitigation in Wind Turbine Energy Conversion Systems. In: 37TH IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE – PESC06, 2006, JEJU. 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/PESC.2006.1712186. 2006. 36. DOS REIS, F.S.; ALE, J.A.V.; ADEGAS, F.D.; TONKOSKI, R.; SLAN S; TAN, K. Active Shunt Filter for Harmonic Mitigation in Wind Turbines Generators. In: 37TH IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE – PESC06, 2006, JEJU. 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/PESC.2006.1711743. 2006. 37. DOS REIS, F.S.; CLIMA, J.C.M.; TONKOSKI, R.; MAIZONAVE, G.B.; CECCON, G.B.; BOMBARDIERI, A.; DOS REIS, R.W. A Single Stage Electronic Ballast Family for High Pressure Sodium Lamps. In: ISIE 2006 – IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2006, Montreal. ISIE 2006 – IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Pages: 1094 – 1099. 2006. 38. MAIZONAVE, G.B.; DOS REIS, F.S.; LIMA, J.C.M.; BOMBARDIERI, A.J.; CHIAPETTA, F.E.; CECCON, G.B.; SOUZA, R.R.N.; TONKOSKI, R.; DOS REIS, R.W. Integrated System for Intelligent Street Lighting. In: ISIE 2006 – IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2006, Montreal. ISIE 2006 – IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Pages: 1094 – 1099. 2006. 39. ALÉ, J. V.; ADEGAS, F. D.; DOS REIS, F. S.; TONKOSKI , R.; SIMIONI, G. C. S. A Maximum Power Point Tracker for Small Wind Turbines Including Harmonic Mitigation. In: EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION, 2006, Athens. 2006. 40. DOS REIS, F. S.; ISLAM, S.; TAN, K.; ALÉ, J. V.; ADEGAS, F. D.; TONKOSKI , R. Filtro Ativo Paralelo para Mitigação de Correntes Harmônicas em Geradores de Turbinas Eólicas. In: VII IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2006, Paper Code 490, 2006, Recife. 2006. 41. DOS REIS, F. S.; RIBEIRO, P.; TONKOSKI, R.; TELLÓ, M.; CANALLI, V. M.; DIAS, G.A.D.; LIMA, J. C. M.; SARMANHO, U. A. S.; MAIZONAVE, G. B.; ADEGAS, F. D.; CECCON, G. B.; SOUZA, R. R. N. Modelagem e Identificação de Cargas no Domínio do Tempo. In: VII IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2006, Paper Code 423, 2006, Recife. 2006. 42. DOS REIS, F. S.; SANTOS, A.; TOSS, M. A.; TONKOSKI, R.; Influência do Reator com Partida Programada na Vida Útil da Lâmpada Fluorescente T5. In: VII IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2006, Paper Code 396, 2006, Recife. 2006. 43. DOS REIS, F. S.; ISLAM, S.; TAN, K.; ALÉ, J. V.; ADEGAS, F. D.; TONKOSKI, R.; Utilização de PFCs em Sistemas Eólicos de Conversão de Energia na Minimização de Harmônicos. In: VII IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2006, Paper Code 425, Recife. 2006. 44. DOS SANTOS, A.S.; TOSS, M.; DOS REIS, F.S.; TONKOSKI, R. The Influence of Programmed Start Ballast in T5 Fluorescent Lamp Lifetime. In: 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON '05), 2005, Raleigh, North Carolina. 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON '05), Pages: 831 – 836, 2005. 45. DOS REIS, F. S.; TONKOSKI, R.; MAIZONAVE, G.B.; LORENZONI, L.C.; SARMANHO, U.; CECCON, G.B.; LIBANO, F.B.; CANALLI, V.; LIMA, J.C.M. Full Bridge Single Stage Electronic Ballast for a 250 W High Pressure Sodium Lamp. In: 36TH IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE – PESC05, 2005, Recife. 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Pages: 1094 – 1099. 2005. 46. SANTOS, A.; TOSS, M.; TONKOSKI, R.; DOS REIS, F. S. Multifrequency Electronic Ballast for T5 Fluorescent Lamps With Voltage-Preheating. In: THE 8TH BRAZILIAN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE COBEP 2005, 2005, Recife. The 8th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference COBEP 2005. 2005. 47. DOS REIS, F.S.; CANALLI, V.M.; LIMA, J. C.; LÍBANO, F.B.; TONKOSKI, R.; SARMANHO, U; EDAR, F.; SANTOS, A.S.; TOSS, M.; RAMOS, F.M.; GARCIA, L.L.; CALLAI, P.; DA SILVA, N. B.R.; GODINHO, L.A. Low Cost High Power Factor Electronic Ballast for High Pressure Sodium Lamps. In: VI IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS INDUSCON'2004, Paper Code IPA_05, 2004, Joinville. 2004. 48. DOS REIS, F.S.; LIMA, J.C.; TONKOSKI, R.; CANALLI, V.M.; RAMOS, F.M.; SANTOS, A.; TOSS, M.; SARMANHO, U.; EDAR, F.; LORENZONI, L. Single Stage Ballast for High Pressure Sodium Lamps. In: 30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY (IECON '04), 2004, Pages: 2888 – 2893 Vol. 3, Busan. 2004. 49. DOS REIS, F.S.; LIMA, J.C.; TONKOSKI, R.; DANTAS, C.G.; SUZUKI, T.; MARTINAZZO, F.; GODINHO, L.A. Electronic Ballast Design System. In: IECON'2003 – THE 29TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY, 2003, Pages: 800 – 805 vol.1, Roanoke. 2003. 50. DOS REIS, F. S.; LIMA, J. C.; TONKOSKI, R.; DANTAS, C. G.; SUZUKI, T.; MARTINAZZO, F.; GODINHO, L. A. Electronic Ballast Platform - EBP. In: 7TH BRAZILIAN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE - COBEP2003, 2003, Pages: 612 – 617, Fortaleza. 2003. 51. DOS REIS, F. S.; MAGNUS, E. F.; TONKOSKI , R.; LIMA, J. C. M.; CANALLI, V.; Building a Low Cost Artificial Network for EMI Test. In: V IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2002, 2002, Salvador. Anais da V Conferência de Aplicações Industriais do IEEE, Paper Code 154. 2002. 52. DOS REIS, F. S.; MARTINAZZO, F.; TONKOSKI , R.; FUENTEFRIA, F. B.; LIMA, J. C. M.; CANALLI, V. Programmable Electronic Ballast. In: V IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - INDUSCON'2002, 2002, Salvador.,Paper Code 021. 2002. 53. MAGNUS, E.F.; LIMA, J. C. M.; RODRIGUES, L. W.; TONKOSKI , R.; CANALLI, V.; POMILIO, J. A.; DOS REIS, F. S. Simulation Tool for Conducted EMI and Filter Design. In: CIEP 2002 - IEEE INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS CONGRESS, 2002, Pages: 21 – 26 Guadalajara. 2002. 54. GROSS, A.; TONKOSKI, R.; RODRIGUES, L. W.; FUENTEFRIA, F. B.; LIMA, J. C. M.; CANALLI, V.; DOS REIS, F. S. Didatic Plataform for Power Electronics Teaching. In: 6TH BRAZILIAN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE - COBEP´2001, 2001, Pages: 781 – 785, Florianópolis. 2001. 55. DOS REIS, F. S.; GROSS, A.; TONKOSKI , R.; RODRIGUES, L.; LIMA, J. C. M.; CANALLI, V. Plataforma Didática para o Ensino de Eletrônica de Potência. In: XXIX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENSINO DE ENGENHARIA, 2001, Porto Alegre. 2001. 11.4 Conference Proceedings - Abstracts 1. TONKOSKI , R. ; LOPES, L. Voltage Regulation in High Penetration PV Power Systems. In: 4th Canadian Solar Buildings Conference, 2009, Toronto, 2009. 2. DOS REIS, F. S.; TONKOSKI , R.; MARTINAZZO, F.; LIMA, J. C. M.; GODINHO, L. A. Plataforma de Estudo para Reatores Eletrônicos. In: IV SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2003, Porto Alegre. 2003. 3. DOS REIS, F. S.; TONKOSKI , R.; FUENTEFRIA, F. B. Sistema de Iluminação Pública com Painéis Fotovoltaicos - Conversor CC-CC para cargas de bateria. In: III SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2002, Porto Alegre. 2002. 4. TONKOSKI , R.; RODRIGUES, L.; DOS REIS, F. S. Estudo e Implementação de um Sistema de Alimentação Ininterrupta de Energia (NOBREAK), para Aplicações Didáticas. In: I SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2000, Porto Alegre. 2000. 12. Thesis Advisor for Graduate Students Past (8): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Santosh Chalise (Ph.D., South Dakota State University, 2016) Yogesh Bhandari (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2013) Binod P. Poudel (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2014) Pratiksha Tiwari (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2014) Md Arifur Rahman (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2014) Prakash Pandey (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2015) Shekhar Awasthi (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2015) Ujjwol Tamrakar (M.Sc., South Dakota State University, 2015) Current (11): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hameed Atia (Ph.D., South Dakota State University) Ujjwol Tamrakar (Ph.D., South Dakota State University) Shaili Nepal (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Ayush Shakya (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Bijen Shrestha (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Habib Ullah (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Riaz Khan (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Ali Alruwaili (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Dipesh Shrestha (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Manisha Maharjan (M.Sc., South Dakota State University) Prajina Tandukar (M.Sc., South Dakota State University)