LABORATORY MANUAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND PULSE CIRCUITS LABORATORY II B.Tech – II Semester Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad SIMULATION USING MULTISIM & TESTING THE HARDWARE LABORATORY EXPERIMENT NO. – 1 COMMON EMITTER AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the operation and working principle of CE amplifier. Identify all the formulae will need in this Experiment. Learn the procedure of using Multisim tool (Schematic & Circuit File). In this experiment you will use “decibels”, or dB. This is a dimensionless ratio, in logarithmic form. The formula is XdB = 20log10(|X|), where X is any dimensionless ratio. For example, X might be the gain A of an amplifier. If the gain A of an amplifier is 100, you can also say that the amplifier has a gain of 40 dB. Note that negative values correspond to a ratio of less than unity, for example an amplifier with a gain of 0.01 has a gain of 40 dB. You can compute a voltage ratio by taking the exponent of 10, for example the voltage ratio corresponding to a gain of 15 dB is 10 (15/20) = 5.623. Calculate the following: Objective: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 10,000. b. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 0.1. c. The voltage ratio that corresponds to – 3 dB. To simulate the Common Emitter amplifier using Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. Obtain the frequency response characteristics of CE amplifier by hardware implementation. To determine the phase relationship between the input and output voltages by performing the transient analysis. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of CE amplifier by performing the AC analysis. Determine the effects of input signal frequency on capacitor coupled common emitter amplifiers Software Tool: Multisim Requirements: 1. Regulated power supply(0-30V) 2. 1 MHz Function generator 3. 20 MHz Dual Channel CRO 4. Transistor (BC 107 or 2N2222) 5. Resistors 6. Capacitors 7. Bread Board 8. Connecting wires Circuit Diagram: - 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. as per circuit as per circuit 1 No. XSC1 R7 100kΩ G R1 2.2kΩ A B T C2 V1 12 V R2 2.2kΩ XFG1 C1 Q1 BC107BP 1µF 1µF C4 R6 10kΩ R5 100µF 1kΩ 5% Theory: The practical circuit of CE amplifier is shown in the figure. It consists of different circuit components. The functions of these components are as follows: 1. Biasing Circuit: The resistances R1, R2 and RE form the voltage divider biasing circuit for the CE amplifier. It sets the proper operating point for the CE amplifier. 2. Input capacitor C1: This capacitor couples the signal to the transistor. It blocks any dc component present in the signal and passes only ac signal for amplification. Because of this, biasing conditions are maintained constant. 3. Emitter Bypass Capacitor CE: An emitter bypass capacitor CE is connected in parallel with the emitter resistance, RE to provide a low reactance path to the amplified ac signal. If it is not inserted, the amplified ac signal passing through RE will cause a voltage drop across it. This will reduce the output voltage, reducing the gain of the amplifier. 4. Output Coupling Capacitor C2: The coupling capacitor C2 couples the output of the amplifier to the load or to the next stage of the amplifier. It blocks dc and passes only ac part of the amplified signal. Operation: When positive half of the signal is applied, the voltage between base and emitter (V be) is increased because it is already positive with respect to ground. So forward bias is increased i.e., the base current is increased. Due to transistor action, the collector current IC is increased times. When this current flows through R Cthe drop IC RC increases considerably. As a consequence of this, the voltage between collector and emitter (V ce) decreases. In this way, amplified voltage appears across RC). Therefore the positive going input signal appears as a negative going output signal i.e., there is a phase shift of 180° between the input and output. Procedure: Frequency response characteristics: 1. 2. 3. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig Set Vin = 20mV at 1 KHz. Keeping the input voltage constant at this value, vary the frequency from 50Hz to 1 MHz in convenient steps and measure the V out at each frequency VO VO . , AV ( dB ) 20 log Vin Vin 4. Find the voltage gain, AV 5. 6. Plot AV VS frequency on a semi-log sheet. Expected Graphs: Frequency Response Observations: Frequency response Characteristics: S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Input voltage, Vin(mV) Input frequency Output voltage, VO(V) Gain, AV VO Vin Gain in dB, V AV ( dB ) 20 log O Vin Observations/Gra Transient Response: Frequency Response Inference: 1. From the transient analysis the phase relationship between input and output voltage signals is ___________ degrees. 2. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated S. No. Parameter 1 Max. Absolute Gain 2 Max. Gain in dB 3 3dB Gain 4 Lower Cutoff Frequency 5 Upper Cutoff Frequency 6 Bandwidth Value Review Questions: 1. Why the CE amplifier provides a phase reversal? 2. In the dc equivalent circuit of an amplifier, how are capacitors treated? 3. What is the effect of bypass capacitor on frequency response? 4. Define lower and upper cutoff frequencies for an amplifier. 5. State the reason for fall in gain at low and high frequencies. 6. What is meant by unity gain frequency? 7. Define Bel and Decibel. 8. What do we represent gain in decibels? 9. Why do you plot the frequency response curve on a semi-log paper? EXPERIMENT NO. – 2 COMMON SOURCE AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. Study the operation and working principle of CS amplifier. 2. Identify all the formulae will need in this experiment. 3. Study the procedure of using Multisim (Schematic & Circuit File). 4. In this lab you will use “decibels”, or dB. This is a dimensionless ratio, in logarithmic form. The formula is XdB = 20log10(|X|), where X is any dimensionless ratio. For example, X might be the gain A of an amplifier. If the gain A of an amplifier is 100, you can also say that the amplifier has a gain of 40 dB. Note that negative values correspond to a ratio of less than unity, for example an amplifier with a gain of 0.01 has a gain of -40 dB. You can compute a voltage ratio by taking the exponent of 10, for example the voltage ratio corresponding to a gain of 15 dB is 10 (15/20) = 5.623. Calculate the following: a. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 10,000. b. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 0.1. c. The voltage ratio that corresponds to – 3 dB. Objective: 1. To simulate the Common Source amplifier in Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. Obtain the frequency response characteristics of CS amplifier by hardware implementation. 3. To determine the phase relationship between the input and output voltages by performing the transient analysis. 4. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of CS amplifier by performing the AC analysis. 5. Determine the effects of input signal frequency on Common Source amplifiers Software Tool: Multisim Requirements: Regulated power supply (0-30V) 1. 1 MHz Function generator 2. 20 MHz Dual Channel CRO 3. FET (BFW 10) 4. Resistors 5. Capacitors 6. Bread Board 7. Connecting wires Circuit Diagram: - 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. as per Circuit as per Circuit 1 No. XSC1 G R3 6.8kΩ A B T C2 V1 12 V Q1 R4 C1 8.2kΩ 10µF XFG 1 10µF BFW11 R1 1MΩ 5% R2 2.2kΩ C3 10µF RT Theory: In Common Source Amplifier Circuit Source terminal is common to both the input and output terminals. In this Circuit input is applied between Gate and Source and the output is taken from Drain and the source JFET amplifiers provide an excellent voltage gain with the added advantage of high input impedance and other characteristics JFETs are often preferred over BJTs for certain types of applications. The CS amplifier of JFET is analogous to CE amplifier of BJT. Procedure: Frequency response characteristics: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig 2. Set Vin = 100mV 3. Keeping the input voltage constant at this value, vary the frequency from 100Hz to 1 MHz in convenient steps and measure the Vout at each frequency. VO VO 4. Find the voltage gain, AV V , AV ( dB ) 20 log . in Vin 5. Plot AV VS frequency on a semi-log sheet. Expected Graphs: Observations / Graphs: Transient Response: Frequency Response Inference: 1. From the transient analysis the phase relationship between input and output voltage signals is ___________ degrees. 2. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated: S. No. Parameter 1 Max. Absolute Gain 2 Max. Gain in dB 3 3dB Gain 4 Lower Cutoff Frequency 5 Upper Cutoff Frequency 6 Bandwidth Value Review Questions: 1. What is Miller effect on common source amplifier? 2. What is the purpose of source resistor and gate resistor? 3. What is swamping resistor 4. What is the purpose of swamping resistor in common source amplifier 5. FET is a liner or non-linear device. And justify your answer 6. What is square law and give an example for a square law device 7. What is pinch off voltage? EXPERIMENT NO. – 3 TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study the purpose of multistage amplifiers. Learn the different types of coupling methods. Study the effect of cascading on Bandwidth. Identify all the formulae you will need in this experiment. Learn the procedure of using Multisim tool (Schematic & Circuit File). Objective: 1. To simulate the Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier in multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. To determine the phase relationship between the input and output voltages by performing the transient analysis. 3. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier by performing the AC analysis. 4. To determine the effect of cascading on gain and bandwidth. Software Tool: Multisim Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Regulated power supply (0-30V) 1 MHz Function generator 20 MHz Dual channel CRO Transistor (BC 107 or 2N2222) Resistors Capacitors Bread Board Connecting wires - 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. as per circuit as per circuit Circuit Diagram: VCC 12 V RC1 10kΩ R3 47kΩ R1 47kΩ RC2 10kΩ C2 C3 Q2 Rs Q1 C1 1µF 1µF 2N2222A 1kΩ Vin 0.1mVpk 1kHz 0° 1µF R2 5kΩ R4 5kΩ 2N2222A RE1 2kΩ CE1 10µF RE2 2kΩ RL 10kΩ CE2 10µF Theory: An amplifier is the basic building block of most electronic systems. Just as one brick does not make a house, a single-stage amplifier is not sufficient to build a practical electronic system. The gain of the single stage is not sufficient for practical applications. The voltage level of a signal can be raised to the desired level if we use more than one stage. When a number of amplifier stages are used in succession (one after the other) it is called a multistage amplifier or a cascade amplifier. Much higher gains can be obtained from the multi-stage amplifiers. In a multi-stage amplifier, the output of one stage makes the input of the next stage. We must use a suitable coupling network between two stages so that a minimum loss of voltage occurs when the signal passes through this network to the next stage. Also, the dc voltage at the output of one stage should not be permitted to go to the input of the next. If it does, the biasing conditions of the next stage are disturbed. Figure shows how to couple two stages of amplifiers using RC coupling scheme. This is the most widely used method. In this scheme, the signal developed across the collector resistor RC (R2)of the first stage is coupled to the base of the second stage through the capacitor CC.(C2) The coupling capacitor blocks the dc voltage of the first stage from reaching the base of the second stage. In this way, the dc biasing of the next stage is not interfered with. For this reason, the capacitor CC (C2)is also called a blocking capacitor. As the number of stages increases, the gain increases and the bandwidth decreases. RC coupling scheme finds applications in almost all audio small-signal amplifiers used in record players, tape recorders, public-address systems, radio receivers, television receivers, etc. Procedure: Frequency response characteristics: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig 2. Set Vin = 10mVp 3. Keeping the input voltage constant at this value, vary the frequency from dc to 1 MHz in convenient steps and measure the V out at each frequency. 4. Find the voltage gain, AV VO VO . , AV ( dB ) 20 log Vin Vin 5. Plot AV VS frequency on a semi-log sheet. Observations/Graphs: Transient Response: ii) Frequency Response: Inference: 1. From the transient analysis, it is observed that,____________________________. 2. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated: S. No. 3. Parameter 1 Max. Gain in dB 2 3dB Gain 3 Lower Cutoff Frequency 4 Upper Cutoff Frequency 5 Bandwidth Value From the AC response, it is observed that, ________________________________. Review Questions: 1. Why do you need more than one stage of amplifiers in practical circuits? 2. What is the effect of cascading on gain and bandwidth? 3. What happens to the 3dB frequencies if the number of stages of amplifiers increases? 4. Why we use a logarithmic scale to denote voltage or power gains, instead of using the simpler linear scale? 5. What is loading effect in multistage amplifiers? EXPERIMENT NO. – 4 A CURRENT SHUNT FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study the concept of feedback in amplifiers. Study the characteristics of current shunt feedback amplifier. Study the characteristics of Voltage Series feedback amplifier. Identify all the formulae will need in this experiment. Analyze the circuit using Multisim Objective: 1. To simulate the Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier in Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier by performing the AC analysis. 3. To determine the effect of feedback on gain and bandwidth and compare with Multisim results. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistor – 2n2222(2) Resistors – as per circuit diagram Capacitors – as per circuit diagram RPS – 0-30V. CRO. Breadboard. Connecting wires and Probes. Software Tool: Multisim Circuit Diagram: XSC1 V1 10 V 47kΩ R1 R6 10kΩ R3 47kΩ Ext Trig + R8 10kΩ _ C3 C2 R9 Q1 1µF C1 Q2 BC107BP 500Ω B A + _ + _ 1µF BC107BP 1µF XFG1 R2 4.7kΩ C4 R10 1µF R7 2.2kΩ 4.7kΩ R4 4.7kΩ R5 2.2kΩ Theory: Feedback plays a very important role in electronic circuits and the basic parameters, such as input impedance, output impedance, current and voltage gain and bandwidth, may be altered considerably by the use of feedback for a given amplifier. A portion of the output signal is taken from the output of the amplifier and is combined with the normal input signal and thereby the feedback is accomplished. There are two types of feedback. They are i) Positive feedback and ii) Negative feedback. Negative feedback helps to increase the bandwidth, decrease gain, distortion, and noise, modify input and output resistances as desired. A current shunt feedback amplifier circuit is illustrated in the figure. It is called a series-derived, shunt-fed feedback. The shunt connection at the input reduces the input resistance and the series connection at the output increases the output resistance. This is a true current amplifier. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. Apply the input signal. Vary the frequency conveniently and note down the output voltage. Plot the curve between gain and resonant frequency. Calculate the gain. Calculate the resonant frequency and compare it with the theoretical value. Observations/Graphs: i) Transient Response: ii) Frequency Response: Inference: 1. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated: S. No. 1 2 3 Parameter Max. Gain in dB 3dB Gain Lower Cutoff Frequency Value 5 2. Bandwidth From the AC response, it is observed that, _____________________________. Review Questions: 1. State the merits and demerits of negative feedback in amplifiers. 2. If the bypass capacitor CE in an RC coupled amplifier becomes accidentally open circuited, what happens to the gain of the amplifier? Explain. 3. When will a negative feedback amplifier circuit be unstable? 4. What is the parameter which does not change with feedback? 5. What type of feedback has been used in an emitter follower circuit? EXPERIMENT NO. – 4 B VOLTAGE SERIES FEED BACK AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the concept of feedback in amplifiers. Study the characteristics of Voltage Series feedback amplifier. Identify all the formulae will need in this experiment. Analyze the circuit using Multisim Objective: 1. To simulate the Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier in Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier by performing the AC analysis. 3. To determine the effect of feedback on gain and bandwidth and compare with Multisim results. REQUIREMENTS: Transistor BC 107 Breadboard Regulated Power Supply (0-30V, 1A) Function Generator CRO (20 MHz, dual trace) Resistors Capacitors Bread Board Trainer Kit Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: XSC1 V1 12 V R1 33kΩ R4 2.2kΩ Ex t Trig + _ B A + _ + _ Q1 C1 10µF BC107BP XFG1 R2 3.3kΩ R3 1kΩ C3 10µF C2 100µF R5 1kΩ THEORY: When any increase in the output signal results into the input in such a way as to cause the decrease in the output signal, the amplifier is said to have negative feedback. The advantages of providing negative feedback are that the transfer gain of the amplifier with parameters of the other active devices used in the circuit. The most advantage of the negative feedback is that by proper use of this , there is significant improvement in the frequency response and in the linearity of the operation of the amplifier. This disadvantage of the negative feedback is that the voltage gain is decreased. In Voltage-Series feedback , the input impedance of the amplifier is decreased and the output impedance is increased. Noise and distortions are reduced considerably. PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. Keep the input voltage constant at 20mV peak-peak and 1kHz frequency. For different values of load resistance, note down the output voltage and calculate the gain by using the expression Av = 20log(V0 / Vi ) dB 3 Add the emitter bypass capacitor and repeat STEP 2.And observe the effect of Feedback on the gain of the amplifier 4. For plotting the frequency the input voltage is kept constant at 20mV peak-peak and the frequency is varied from 100Hz to 1MHz. 5. Note down the value of output voltage for each frequency. All the readings are tabulated and the voltage gain in dB is calculated by using expression Av = 20log(V0 / Vi ) dB 6. A graph is drawn by taking frequency on X-axis and gain on Y-axis on semi log graph sheet 7. The Bandwidth of the amplifier is calculated from the graph using the expression Bandwidth B.W = f2 – f1. Where f1 is lower cut off frequency of CE amplifier f 2 is upper cut off frequency of CE amplifier The gain-bandwidth product of the amplifier is calculated by using the expression Gain-Bandwidth Product = 3-dB mid band gain X Bandwidth. OBSERVATIONS: Voltage Gain: S.NO Output Voltage Output Voltage Gain(dB) with Gain(dB) (Vo)with feedback (Vo) feedback without without feedback feedback Frequency Response: Vi = 20mV S.NO Frequency (Hz) Output Voltage (Vo) MODEL WAVEFORMS: Gain A = Vo- Gain in dB /Vi 20log(Vo/Vi) PRECAUTIONS: 1. While taking the observations for the frequency response, the input voltage must be maintained constant at 20mV. 2. The frequency should be slowly increased in steps. 3. The three terminals of the transistor should be carefully identified. 4. All the connections should be correct. Review Questions: 1. What is the Difference between voltage and current amplifiers 2. What is meant by feed back in an electronic circuits 3. What are different types of feed backs EXPERIMENT NO. – 5 RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR USING TRANSISTORS Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the concept of positive feedback. Study the operation and working principle of RC phase shift oscillator. Identify all the formulae you will need in this Lab. Analyze the circuit using Multisim Objective: 1. To simulate the RC Phase Shift oscillator using Multisim and study the transient response. 2. To determine the frequency of oscillation and compare its value with the Multisim values Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistor – 2N2222 or BC 107 Resistors Capacitors RPS – 0-30V. 20 MHz Dual Channel CRO. Breadboard. Connecting wires and Probes. Software Tool: Multisim Circuit Diagram: X S C1 G R6 47kΩ 5% R5 4.7kΩ A B T C5 C1470µF C2 Q1 100nF BC107BP 100nF R4 4.7kΩ V1 C3 100nF R7 4.7kΩ 12 V R1 4.7kΩ R3 560Ω C4 470µF R2 1kΩ Theory: Any circuit which is used to generate an ac voltage without an ac input signal is called an oscillator. Positive feedback is used in oscillators. Based on the type of components used, the In the RC phase shift oscillator the required phase shift of 180° in the feedback loop from output to input is obtained by using R and C components. Figure shows the circuit of RC phase shift oscillator using cascaded connection of high pass filter. Here, a common emitter amplifier is followed by three sections of RC phase shift network, the output of the last section being returned to the input. 1 The phase shift, φ, given by each RC section is φ = tan -1 CR . If R is made zero, then φ will become 90°. But making R=0 is impracticable because if R is zero, then the voltage across it will become zero. Therefore, in practice the value of R is adjusted such that φ becomes 60°. If the values of R and C are so chosen that, for the given frequency f r, the phase shift of each RC section is 60°. Thus such a RC ladder network produces a total phase shift of 180° between its input and output voltages for the given frequency. Therefore, at the specific frequency f r, the total phase shift from the base of the transistor around the circuit and back to the base will be exactly 360° or 0°, the thereby satisfying Barkhausen condition for oscillation. The frequency of oscillation is given by fr = 1 2RC (6 4 K ) At this frequency, it is found that the feedback factor of the network is || = 1/29. In order that |A| shall not be less than unity, it is required that the amplifier gain |A| must be more than 29 for oscillator operation. Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as per the circuit diagram. 2. Connect the CRO and observe the waveform. 3. Calculate the resonant frequency and compare it with the theoretical value. 4. Repeat for another set of RC values. Observations/Graphs: Transient Response: Inference: The theoretical and practical calculation of the frequency of oscillation of RC phase shift oscillator is calculated as follows: Theoretical Calculations Practical Calculations R = 10k C = 0.01u T= ________ms fr = 1 2RC 6 4k f= 1/T= __________Hz Where k = Rc/R = 0.18 fr = ________Hz Review Questions: 1. What is Barkhausen criterion? 2. What is the maximum phase shift provided by the single RC network? 3. What is the condition of phase shift oscillator to produce sustained oscillations? 4. Where does the starting voltage for an oscillator? 5. Why are RC oscillators preferred for the generation of low frequencies? 6. If the percentage feedback for sustained oscillations in an oscillator is 5%, what is the required gain of amplifier? 7. Find the percentage feedback to produce sustained oscillators if amplifier gain is 60. 8. An RC phase shift oscillator circuit has 3 identical RC networks with R=100Ω, C=10μF. Find the frequency of oscillation. EXPERIMENT NO. – 6 CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER (Transformer Less) Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the difference between voltage and power amplifiers. Study the operation and working principle of Class A power amplifier. Identify all the formulas you will need in this Lab. Learn the procedural steps using Multisim tool (Schematic & Circuit File). Objective: 1. To simulate the Class A power amplifier in Multisim and study the transient response. 2. To determine the Collector efficiency of Class A power amplifier. 3. To obtain the output characteristics and frequency response of Class A power amplifier. Software Tool: Multisim Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Transistors – 2n2222 (NPN) or SL100 (NPN), 2n2907A (PNP) or SK100 (PNP). Resistor Capacitor Inductor RPS –(0-30V) Dual Channel CRO. Breadboard. Connecting wires and Probes Circuit Diagram: XSC1 G XMM2 C1 V1 4V R1 R2 1.8kΩ 5% 8.2Ω 5% 10µF B T Q1 BD137 XFG1 A R3 1.8kΩ 5% Theory: Class A power amplifier is one in which the output current flows during the entire cycle (360°) of input signal. Thus the operating point is selected in such a way that the transistor operates only over the linear region of its load line. So this amplifier can amplify input signals of small amplitude. The theoretical efficiency of transformer coupled or inductively coupled class A power amplifier is 50%. Practically it is in the range of 30 – 35%. The formula for calculating collector efficiency is % PAC 100 , where PAC and PDC values are calculated as follows: PDC Using RMS values: PDC = VCC IDC PAC = Vrms Irms Using Peak values: PDC = VCC IDC PAC = Vrms Irms = V I Vm I m Vrms m , I rms m 2 2 2 Vm 2 I m 2 RL or PAC = 2 RL 2 Using Peak to Peak values: PDC = VCC IDC PAC = Vrms Irms = PAC = Vpp 2 8RL or V pp I pp V pp I pp Vm I , I rms m Vrms 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 I pp 2 RL 8 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the fig. above 2. Set Vs = 0 at 1 KHz. 3. Increase Vs till undistorted waveform is seen on the CRO. 4. Measure the input voltage Vs. 5. Vary the frequency from dc to 1MHz in convenient steps and measure the V O at every frequency for constant input. 6. Find the voltage gain, AV = VO VO , AV(dB) = 20 log VS VS . 7. Plot AV Vs Frequency using Semi-log paper. 8. Repeat the above steps from 4 to 6 for different values of load resistance. OBSERVATIONS/GRAPHS: I) TRANSIENT RESPONSE: II) FREQUENCY RESPONSE: CALCULATIONS: PDC = PAC = VCC Vpp 2 IDC I pp 2 RL or 8RL 8 P % AC 100 PDC Theoretical Efficiency = ___________________. Practical Efficiency =___________________. INFERENCE: 1. From transient it is observed that the Class A power amplifier conducts for ____________ angle. 2. The collector efficiency of class A power amplifier is ______________. Review Questions: 1. What are the types of power amplifiers differentiate each of them EXPERIMENT NO. – 7 CLASS B COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY POWER AMPLIFIER PRELAB: 1. Study the operation and working principle of Class B power amplifier. 2. Identify all the formulas you will need in this Lab. 3. Study the procedure of using Multisim (Schematic & Circuit File). OBJECTIVE: 1. To simulate the Class B Complementary Symmetry power amplifier in Multisim and study the transient response. 2. To eliminate the cross-over distortion using modified circuitry. SOFTWARE TOOL: Multisim Requirements: Transistors Resistors Capacitors RPS (0-30V) 1 MHz Function Generator 20MHz Dual Channel CRO CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: V2 12 V XSC1 Q1 Ext Trig + _ BD137 + XFG1 B A _ + _ Q2 1kΩ R1 BD138 V1 12 V THEORY: Fig. Class B Complementary Symmetry Power Amplifier The use of both the input and output transformers in an ordinary push-pull amplifier circuit is eliminated using a circuit called complementary-symmetry push-pull amplifier circuit. This uses a pair of transistors having complementary symmetry, that is, one transistor is PNP and the other is NPN. Note that the complementary symmetry circuit requires two power supplies, since each transistor must be biased suitably. The transistors Q1 and Q2 are operated in class-B. That is, the bias is adjusted such that the operating point corresponds to the cut-off points. Hence, with no signal input, both transistors are cut-off and no collector current flows. The signal applied at the input goes to the base of both the transistors. Since the transistors are of opposite type, they conduct in opposite half-cycles of the input. For example, during the positive half-cycle of the input signal, the PNP transistor Q1 is reverse biased and does not conduct. The NPN transistor Q2, on the other hand, is forward-biased and conducts. This results in a half-cycle of output voltage across the load resistor. The other half-cycle of output across the load is provided by the conduction of transistor Q1 (the transistor Q2 remains cut-off) during the negative halfcycle of the input. Since the collector current from each transistor flows through the load during the alternate half-cycles of the input signal, no centre-tapped output transformer is required. The two transistors – though of opposite type – must be matched. If there is an imbalance in the characteristics of the two transistors, even harmonics will no longer be cancelled. This would result in considerable distortion. Increasing availability of complementary transistors is making the use of class-B transformer coupled stages obsolete. All modern power amplifier circuits are transformer less and use complementary transistors. PROCEDURE : 1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the fig. above 2. Set Vs = 0 at 1 KHz. 3. Increase Vs till undistorted waveform is seen on the CRO. 4. Measure the input voltage Vs. 5. Vary the frequency from dc to 1MHz in convenient steps and measure the V O at every frequency for constant input. 6. Find the voltage gain, AV = VO VO , AV(dB) = 20 log VS VS . 7. Plot AV Vs Frequency using Semi-log paper. 8. Repeat the above steps from 4 to 6 for different values of load resistance. OBSERVATIONS/GRAPHS: INFERENCE: 1. From transient response of Class B complementary symmetry power amplifier, it is observed that _____________________________________________________. 2. Using modified circuitry of Class B complementary symmetry power amplifier _______________________________________________. Review Questions: 1. Differentiate voltage and power amplifiers 2. Explain impedance matching provided by transformer 3. How can you reduce cross over distortion 4. What is maximum theoretical frequency 5. Is the amplifier working in class A or B s EXPERIMENT NO. – 8 COMMON BASE AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the operation and working principle of CB amplifier. Identify all the formulae you will need in this Lab. Study the procedure of using Multisim tool (Schematic & Circuit File). In this lab you will use “decibels”, or dB. This is a dimensionless ratio, in logarithmic form. The formula is XdB = 20log10(|X|), where X is any dimensionless ratio. For example, X might be the gain A of an amplifier. If the gain A of an amplifier is 100, you can also say that the amplifier has a gain of 40 dB. Note that negative values correspond to a ratio of less than unity, for example an amplifier with a gain of 0.01 has a gain of 40 dB. You can compute a voltage ratio by taking the exponent of 10, for example the voltage ratio corresponding to a gain of 15 dB is 10 (15/20) = 5.623. Calculate the following: a. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 10,000. b. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 0.1. c. The voltage ratio that corresponds to – 3 dB. Objective: 1. To simulate the Common Base amplifier in Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. Obtain the frequency response characteristics of CB amplifier by hardware implementation. 3. To determine the phase relationship between the input and output voltages by performing the transient analysis. 4. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of CB amplifier by performing the AC analysis. 5. Determine the effects of input signal frequency on common Base. amplifiers Software Tool: Multisim. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Regulated power supply Function generator CRO Transistor (BC 107 or 2N2222) Resistors Capacitors Bread Board Connecting wires Circuit Diagram: - 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 Nos. 1 No. XSC1 Q1 BC107BP C1 C2 Ext Trig + _ 10µF 10µF + XFG1 R1 20kΩ B A _ + _ R2 20kΩ R3 1kΩ V1 20 V PART – I V2 20 V EXPERIMENT Theory: In Common Base Amplifier Circuit Base terminal is common to both the input and output terminals. In this Circuit input is applied between collector and the base. emitter and base and the output is taken from As we know, the emitter current is greater than any other current in the transistor, being the sum of base and collector currents .i.e IE= IB+ IC In the CE and CC amplifier configurations, the signal source was connected to the base lead of the transistor, thus handling the least current possible. Because the input current exceeds all other currents in the circuit, including the output current, the current gain of this amplifier is actually less than 1 (notice how Rload is connected to the collector, thus carrying slightly less current than the signal source). In other words, it attenuates current rather than amplifying it. With common-emitter and common-collector amplifier configurations, the transistor parameter most closely associated with gain was β. In the common-base circuit, we follow another basic transistor parameter: the ratio between collector current and emitter current, which is a fraction always less than 1. This fractional value for any transistor is called the alpha ratio, or α ratio.( α= IC/IE) Since it obviously can't boost signal current, it only seems reasonable to expect it to boost signal voltage. Theory: The positive going Pulse of input Source increases the emitter voltage. As the base voltage is Constant , the forward bias of emitter base junction reduces. This reduces I B, reducing IC and hence the drop across RC Since VO=VCC - IC RC ,the reduction in IC results in an increase in VO. Therefore , we can Say that positive going input produces positive going output and similarly negative going input produces negative going output and there is no phase shift between input and output in a common base Amplifier. Procedure: Frequency response characteristics: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig 2. Set Vin = 0 at 1 KHz. 3. Increase Vin till undistorted waveform is seen on the CRO. 4. Measure the input voltage Vin. 5. Keeping the input voltage constant at this value, vary the frequency from dc to 1 MHz in convenient steps and measure the V out at each frequency. 6. Find the voltage gain, AV VO VO . , AV ( dB ) 20 log Vin Vin 7. Plot AV VS frequency on a semi-log sheet. 8. Expected Graphs: Observations: Frequency response Characteristics: S.No. Input voltage, Vin(mV) Input frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Observations / Graphs: Transient Response: Output voltage, VO(V) Gain, AV VO Vin Gain in dB, V AV ( dB ) 20 log O Vin Frequency Response: Inference: 1. From the transient analysis the phase relationship between input and output voltage signals is ___________ degrees. 2. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated: S. No. Parameter 1 Max. Absolute Gain 2 Max. Gain in dB 3 3dB Gain 4 Lower Cutoff Frequency 5 Upper Cutoff Frequency Value 6 Bandwidth Review Questions: 1. Suppose the source resistance of VIN is 50Ω. Will the CB amplifier perform well in amplifying the signal from vin? Why? 2. Why the CB amplifier is commonly used as a current buffer? 3. What type of capacitors in RC Coupled amplifier 4. The main features of large signal amplifier circuit? 5. The principle advantages of BJTs over MOSFETs EXPERIMENT NO. – 9 CLASS C POWER AMPLIFIER PRELAB: 1. Study the operation and working principle of Class C power amplifier. 2. Identify all the formulas you will need in this Lab. 3. Study the procedure of using Multisim (Schematic & Circuit File). OBJECTIVE: 1. To simulate the Class C power amplifier in Multisim and study the transient response. 2. To observe the output and frequency response of class C power amplifier. SOFTWARE TOOL: Multisim APPARATUS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistors – BD137 or SL 100 Resistor Capacitor Inductor – 2.5mH Dual Channel RPS – 0-30V 20 MHz CRO Breadboard. 8. Connecting wires and Probes CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: V3 12 V L1 10mH XSC1 C2 1µF Ext Trig + Q1 C1 _ B A BD137 + _ + _ 1µF XFG1 R1 20.0kΩ V1 12 V THEORY: Class-C amplifiers conduct less than 50% of the input signal and the distortion at the output is high, but high efficiencies (up to 90%) are possible. Some applications (for example, megaphones) can tolerate the distortion. The usual application for class-C amplifiers is in RF transmitters operating at a single fixed carrier frequency, where the distortion is controlled by a tuned load on the amplifier. The input signal is used to switch the active device causing pulses of current to flow through a tuned circuit forming part of the load. The tuned circuit resonates at one frequency, the fixed carrier frequency, and so the unwanted frequencies are suppressed, and the wanted full signal (sine wave) will be extracted by the tuned load. The signal bandwidth of the amplifier is limited by the Q-factor of the tuned circuit but this is not a serious limitation. Any residual harmonics can be removed using a further filter. In practical class-C amplifiers a tuned load is invariably used. In one common arrangement the resistor shown in the circuit above is replaced with a parallel-tuned circuit consisting of an inductor and capacitor in parallel, whose components are chosen to resonate the frequency of the input signal. Power can be coupled to a load by transformer action with a secondary coil wound on the inductor. The average voltage at the drain is then equal to the supply voltage, and the signal voltage appearing across the tuned circuit varies from near zero to near twice the supply voltage during the rf cycle. The input circuit is biased so that the active element (e.g. transistor) conducts for only a fraction of the rf cycle, usually one third (120 degrees) or less. The active element conducts only while the drain voltage is passing through its minimum. By this means, power dissipation in the active device is minimized, and efficiency increased. Ideally, the active element would pass only an instantaneous current pulse while the voltage across it is zero: it then dissipates no power and 100% efficiency is achieved. However practical devices have a limit to the peak current they can pass, and the pulse must therefore be widened, to around 120 degrees, to obtain a reasonable amount of power, and the efficiency is then 60-70%. PROCEDURE : 1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in the fig. above 2. Set Vs = 0 at 1 KHz. 3. Increase Vs till undistorted waveform is seen on the CRO. 4. Measure the input voltage Vs. 5. Vary the frequency from dc to 1MHz in convenient steps and measure the V O at every frequency for constant input. 6. Find the voltage gain, AV = VO VO , AV(dB) = 20 log VS VS . 7. Plot AV Vs Frequency using Semi-log paper. 8. Repeat the above steps from 4 to 6 for different values of load resistance. OBSERVATIONS/GRAPHS: I. TRANSIENT RESPONSE: INFERENCE: 1. From transient response of Class B complementary symmetry power amplifier, it is observed that _____________________________________________________. Review Questions: 1. What is the difference between ac dc load line 2. How do you locate the Q point 3. What is the example for the output swing in a power amplifier EXPERIMENT NO. – 10 SINGLE TUNED VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER Sampling Circuit Pre lab: 1. Study the concept of Resonance and Parallel Tuned Circuit. 2. Study the operation of Single Tuned Voltage Amplifiers. 3. Analyze the circuit using Multisim Objective: 1. To measure the resonant frequency of a single tuned voltage amplifier. 2. To measure the gain at resonant frequency. Apparatus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Transistor Resistors Capacitors Inductor RPS – 0-30V. 20 MHz dual Channel CRO. Breadboard. Connecting wires and Probes. Circuit Diagram: XSC1 G A R7 100kΩ 10nF C3 L1 2.2mH B C2 T XSA1 IN T V1 12 V R2 C1 1kΩ 10µF XFG1 Q1 BC107BP 10µF C4 R6 10kΩ R5 1kΩ 5% 100µF Theory: A tuned amplifier uses one or more parallel tuned LC circuit as the load impedance. Tuned amplifiers are used for amplifying electrical signals consisting of either a single radio frequency (>30KHz) or a narrow band of frequencies in the RF (radio frequency) region. Tuned amplifiers are properly referred to as radio frequency (RF) amplifiers. The resonant frequency of tuned amplifier is given by fr = 1 2 LC Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. 2. Apply maximum undistorted input signal. 3. Vary the frequency conveniently and note down the output voltage. 4. Calculate the gain at resonant frequency. 5. Plot the curve between gain and resonant frequency. 6. Calculate the resonant frequency and compare it with the theoretical value. Expected Waveforms/Graphs: Theoretical Calculations: fr = 1 2 LC = 1 3 2 10 10 100 109 = 5.03 KHz Practical Calculations: Observations: S. No. Input Input Voltage, Output Voltage, Absolute Gain in 1 Frequency (Hz) Vin (mV) Vout (V) Gain dB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Inference: The resonant frequency of single tuned voltage amplifier is ______________________. The maximum gain at resonant frequency is _______________________. Review Questions: 1. What is tuned amplifier? 2. Discuss the quality (Q) factor of a tuned amplifier, the factors that affect its value, and its relationship to amplifier bandwidth. 3. How does tuned amplifier acts as a filter? 4. What is stagger tuning? 5. What is neutralization? EXPERIMENT NO. – 11 COLPITT’S OSCILLATOR & HARTLEY OSCILLATOR Pre lab: 1. Study the operation and working principle of Colpitt’s Oscillator 2. Study the procedure conducting the experiment in the lab. Objective: To determine the frequency of oscillations of Colpitt’s Oscillator Requirements: 1. Transistor 2. Resistors 3. Capacitors 4. Inductor 5. RPS-0- 30V 6. Dual Channel CRO 7. Bread board 8. Connecting wires and probes. Software Tool: Multisim Circuit Diagram: XSC1 Ext Trig + _ B A R7 100kΩ R1 2.2kΩ V1 12 V C1 Q1 BC107BP 10µF + _ + _ C2 10µF C4 100µF C5 R6 10kΩ R5 330Ω 10µF C6 10µF L1 10mH Theory: The Colpitt’s Oscillator circuit is given above. The feedback network consisting of capacitors C1, C4 and an inductor L1 determines the frequency of the oscillator. The frequency of Colpitt’s oscillator is given by 1/2∏ √[(C1+C4)/L1C1C4]. The condition for sustained oscillations is h fe = C2/C1. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in the figure. Connect the CRO at the output terminals of the circuit. Note down the amplitude and frequency of the output voltage. This will give the frequency of the oscillations of the Colpitt’s Oscillator. Observations/Graphs: i) Expected Graph: Inference: Frequency of the given Colpitt’s oscillator is determined both practically, theoretically and using Multisim. Review Questions: 1. What is the condition for sustained oscillations in Colpitt’s Oscillator? 2. In Colpitt’s Oscillator which elements provide required dc bias to the transistor and which determine the frequency of the output signal? 3. What are the applications of Colpitt’s oscillator? 4. What are the differences between Colpitt’s and Hartley Oscillator? 5. How the oscillations are produced in Colpitt’s Oscillator? EXPERIMENT NO. – 11 HARTLEY OSCILLATOR Pre lab: 1. Study the operation and working principle of Hartley Oscillator 2. Study the procedure conducting the experiment in the lab. Objective: To determine the frequency of oscillations of Hartley Oscillator Requirements: 1. Transistor BC107 2. Resistors 300, 8K, 10K, 100K 3. Capacitors 10u (4). 4. Inductors 2m, 100m 5. RPS -12V 6. CRO 7. Breadboard 8. Connecting Wires and probes Software Tool: Multisim Circuit Diagram: XSC1 Ext Trig + _ B A R7 100kΩ R1 2.2kΩ V1 12 V C1 Q1 BC107BP 10µF + _ + _ C2 10µF C4 100µF R6 10kΩ R5 330Ω L1 L2 10mH 10mH C3 10µF Theory: The Hartley Oscillator circuit is given above. The feedback network consisting of inductors L1, L2 and a capacitor C determines the frequency of the oscillator. The frequency of Hartley oscillator is given by 1/2∏ √[(L1+L2)C]. The condition for sustained oscillations is h fe = L1/L2. Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in the figure 2. Connect the CRO at the output terminals of the circuit. 3. Note down the amplitude and frequency of the output voltage. 4. This will give the frequency of the oscillations of the Hartley Oscillator. Observations/Graphs: i) Expected Graph: Inference: Frequency of the given Harltey oscillator is determined both practically, theoretically and using Multisim. Review Questions: 1. What is the condition for sustained oscillations in Hartley Oscillator? 2. In Hartley’s Oscillator which elements provide required dc bias to the transistor and which determine the frequency of the output signal? 3. What are the applications of Colpitt’s oscillator? 4. What is piezo electric effect? 5. Draw the ac equivalent circuit of a crystal oscillator? What is the most frequently used material in crystal oscillator? EXPERIMENT NO. – 12 DARLINGTON PAIR AMPLIFIER Pre lab: 1. Study the operation and working principle of Darlington pair Amplifier 2. Identify all the formulae you will need in this Lab. 3. Study the procedure of using Multisim (Schematic & Circuit File). 4. In this lab you will use “decibels”, or dB. This is a dimensionless ratio, in logarithmic form. The formula is XdB = 20log10(|X|), where X is any dimensionless ratio. For example, X might be the gain A of an amplifier. If the gain A of an amplifier is 100, you can also saythat the amplifier has a gain of 40 dB. Note that negative values correspond to a ratio of less than unity, for example an amplifier with a gain of 0.01 has a gain of -40 dB. You can compute a voltage ratio by taking the exponent of 10, for example the voltage ratio corresponding to a gain of 15 dB is 10 (15/20) = 5.623. Calculate the following: a. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 10,000. b. The gain in dB of an amplifier with a gain of 0.1. c. The voltage ratio that corresponds to – 3 dB. Objective: 1. To simulate the Darlington Pair amplifier in Multisim and study the transient and frequency response. 2. Obtain the frequency response characteristics of Darlington pair amplifier by hardware implementation. 3. To determine the maximum gain, 3dB gain, lower and upper cutoff frequencies and bandwidth of Darlington pair Amplifier by performing the AC analysis. Software Tool: Multisim Requirements: 1. Regulated power supply - 1 No. 2. Function generator - 1 No. 3. CRO - 1 No. 4. Transistor (BC 107 or 2N3904) - 2 No. 5. Resistors as per circuit 6. Capacitors (1 µF) - 3 No. 7. Bread Board - 1 No. 8. Connecting wires Circuit Diagram: XSC1 R1 1kΩ Ext Trig + Q1 C1 _ B A + 1µF _ + _ BC107BP Q2 V1 12 V XFG1 R2 1kΩ BC107BP R3 100Ω T heory: The Darlington transistor (often called a Darlington pair) is a compound structure consisting of two bipolar transistors (either integrated or separated devices) connected in such a way that the current amplified by the first transistor is amplified further by the second one. This configuration gives a much higher current gain than each transistor taken separately and, in the case of integrated devices, can take less space than two individual transistors because they can use a shared collector. Integrated Darlington pairs come packaged singly in transistor-like packages or as an array of devices (usually eight) in an integrated Circuit. The Darlington pair transistor circuit configuration can be very useful in electronics circuit design. Although it has speed limitations, the Darlington Pair is nevertheless very useful in many areas where high levels of current gain are required, particularly for emitter follower style applications. Procedure: Frequency response characteristics: 1. Connect the circuit on the bread board as shown in fig 2. Set Vin= 0 at 1 KHz. 3. Increase Vin till undistorted waveform is seen on the CRO. 4. Measure the input voltage Vin. 5. Keeping the input voltage constant at this value, vary the frequency from dc to 1 MHz in convenient steps and measure the V out at each frequency. 6. Find the voltage gain, AV VO VO . , AV ( dB ) 20 log Vin Vin 7. Plot AV VS frequency on a semi-log sheet. Observations / Graphs: Frequency Response Inference: 1. From the transient analysis the phase relationship between input and output voltage signals is ___________ degrees. 2. From the frequency response curve the following results are calculated: S. No. Parameter 1 Max. Absolute Gain 2 Max. Gain in dB 3 3dB Gain Value 4 Lower Cutoff Frequency 5 Upper Cutoff Frequency 6 Bandwidth Review Questions: 1. Is Darlington pair transistor used in power amplifiers? Justify Your answer? 2. What is the input impedance of Darlington pair amplifier? 3. Compare common emitter amplifier with Darlington amplifier 4. Why do we need pre regulators 5. What is other name of a pre regulator circuit? Part-II Experiment No:1 LINEAR WAVE SHAPING AIM : a) To study the response of RC Low pass circuit and to determine rise time for a square wave input for different time constants. i) RC>>T ii) RC = T iii) RC<<T b) To study the response of RC High pass circuit and to determine percentage tilt for a square input for different time constants. i) RC>>T ii) RC = T iii) RC<<T. Components Required : 9. Resistors - 10k, 100 k, 1M 10. Capacitor - 0.01F Apparatus Required : 1. Bread Board. 2. CRO 3. Function Generator. 4. Connecting Wires. THEORY: LINEAR WAVE SHAPING The process of where by the form of a non-sinusoidal signal is altered by transmission through a linear network is called “LINEAR WAVE SHAPING”. a) RC Low Pass Circuit : R Vi C V0 Figure 1: RC Low Pass Circuit. The circuit passes low frequencies readily but attenuates high frequencies because the reactance of the capacitor decreases with increasing frequency. At very high frequencies the capacitor acts as a virtual short circuit and the output falls to zero. This circuit also works as integrating circuit. A circuit in which the output voltage is proportional to the integral of the input voltage is known as integrating circuit. The condition for integrating circuit is RC value must be much greater than the time period of the input wave (RC>>T) Let Vi = alternating input voltage. i = resulting current Applying Kirchoff’s Voltage Law to RC low pass circuit (fig.1). 1T V iR i.dt i C o Multiplying throughout by C, we get T CVi iRC i.dt o T As RC >> T, the term i.dt may be neglected o CVi iRC Integrating with respect to T on both sides, we get T T CVi .dt RC i.dt 0 0 1 C T i.dt RC 0 1 1 t V i.dt 0 T V0 C 0 i.dt 1 t V 0 Vi .dt RC 0 The output voltage is proportional to the integral of the input voltage. EXPECTED GRAPH: Vi t (0.9)V0 (0.1)V0 RC<T t tr V0 RC>>T t b) RC High Pass Circuit. C Vi R V0 Figure: 2. RC High Pass Circuit. The higher frequency components in the input signal appears at the output with less attenuation than the lower frequency components because the reactance of the capacitor decreases with increase in frequency. This circuit works as a differential circuit. A circuit in which the output voltage is proportional to the derivative of the input voltage is known as differential circuit. The condition for differential circuit is RC value must be much smaller then the time period of the input wave (RC<<T). Applying Kirchoff’s Voltage Law to RC high pass circuit (fig.2) V iR . i 1 T C o i.dt Divide throughout by R Vi 1 T i.dt i . RC o R As RC << T, the above equation is modified as V i 1 T i.dt RC o R Differentiating above equation with respect to T. 1 d V 1 .i i R dt RC RC dV i iR dt V0 iR V Therefore 0 RC d Vi . dt V0 d dt Vi EXPECTED GRAPHS: Vi t V1 V1 t V RC=T RC<<T t DESIGN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Choose T = 1msec. Select C = 0.01 F. For RC = T; select R. For RC >> T; select R. For RC << T; select R. If RC << T, the High pass circuit works as a differentiator. If RC >> T, the Low pass circuit works as an integrator. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure1 &2. Connect the function generator at the input terminals and CRO at the output terminals of the circuit. Apply a square wave signal of frequency 1KHz at the input. (T = 1 msec.) Observe the output waveform of the circuit for different time constants. Calculate the rise time for low pass filter and tilt for high pass filter and compare with the theoretical values. For low pass filter select rise time (tr) = 2.2 RC (theoretical). The rise time is defined as the time taken by the output voltage to rise from 0.1 to 0.9 of its final value. % tilt = ( T/2RC ) 100 ( theoretical) % tilt = [ ( V1 – V1 ) / ( V / 2 ) ] 100 ( practical) RESULT: 1. Rise time for lowpass filter when RC <<T Theoretical = Practical = 2. % tilt for highpass filter when RC = T. Theoretical = Practical = Response of RC Low pass circuit is observed and rise time calculated. Response of RC High pass circuit is observed and percentage tilt is calculated. Experiment No:2 NON LINEAR WAVE SHAPING - CLIPPERS AIM : To study the clipping circuits for the following reference voltages and to verify the responses. Components Required: 1. Resistors - 1K 2. IN4007 Diode – 2No. Apparatus Required : 1. Bread board. 2. Function generator 3. CRO 4. Power supply 0-30V 5. Connecting wires. THEORY: The non-linear semiconductor diode in combination with resistor can function as clipper circuit. Energy storage circuit components are not required in the basic process of clipping. These circuits will select part of an arbitrary waveform which lies above or below some particular reference voltage level and that selected part of the waveform is used for transmission. So they are referred as voltage limiters, current limiters, amplitude selectors or slicers. There are three different types of clipping circuits. 1) Positive Clipping circuit. 2) Negative Clipping. 3) Positive and Negative Clipping ( slicer ). In positive clipping circuit positive cycle of Sinusoidal signal is clipped and negative portion of sinusoidal signal is obtained in the output of reference voltage is added, instead of complete positive cycle that portion of the positive cycle which is above the reference voltage value is clipped. In negative clipping circuit instead of positive portion of sinusoidal signal, negative portion is clipped. In slicer both positive and negative portions of the sinusoidal signal are clipped. 1K I. Positive Clipping Vi IN 4007 Figure:1 V0 Vi V0 V t t Figure: 2(a). Input waveform Figure: 2(b)Output waveform. Vi is a input sinusoidal signal as shown in the figure 2(a) . For positive portion of the sinusoidal the diode IN4007 gets forward biased. The output voltages in the voltage across the diode under forward biased which is cut-in-voltage of the diode. Therefore the positive portion above the cut-in-voltage is clipped or not observed in the output (V0) as shown in figure 2(b). II. Positive Clipping with Positive Reference Voltage 1K IN 4007 Vi V0 VR Figure:3. V0 Vi V R + V t Figure:4(a). Input waveform t Figure:4(b). Output waveform. The input sinusoidal signal (Vi ) in figure 4(a) can make the diode to conduct when its instantaneous value is greater than VR. Up to that voltage (VR) the diode is open circuited and the output voltage is same as the input voltage. After that voltage (VR) the output voltage is VR plus the cut-in-voltage (V ) of the diode as shown in figure 4(b). III. Positive Clipping with Negative Reference Voltage 1K IN 4007 Vi V0 VR Figure: 5. V0 Vi t V -VR t Figure:6(a). Input waveform Figure:6(b) Output waveform. In this circuit the diode conducts the output voltage is same as input voltage. The diode conducts at a voltage less by VR from cut-in-voltage called as V. For voltage less than V, the diode is open circuited and output is same as input voltage. IV Negative Clipping Circuit 1K Vi IN 4007 Figure:7. V0 Vi V0 t t -V Figure:8 (a). Input waveform Figure:8 (b). Output waveform. For this portion of the input sinusoidal signal (Vi), the diode gets reverse biased and it is open. Then the output voltage is same as input voltage. For the negative portion of the signal the diode gets forward biased and the output voltage is the cut-in-voltage (-V ) of the diode. Then the input sinusoidal variation is not seen in the output. Therefore the negative portion of the input sinusoidal signal (Vi) is clipped in the output signal ( V0 ). V. Negative Clipping with Negative Reference Voltage 1K IN 4007 Vi V0 VR Figure:9 Vi V0 t t -VR-V Figure:10(a). Input waveform. Figure:10(b) Output waveform. In this circuit, the diode gets forward biased for the input sinusoidal voltage is less than (–VR). For input voltage greater than (–VR), the diode is non-conducting and it is open. Then the output voltage is same as input voltage. VI. Negative Clipping with Positive Reference Voltage 1K IN 4007 Vi V0 VR Figure:11. Vi V0 VR-V t t Figure:12(a) Input waveform Figure:12(b) Output waveform. For input sinusoidal signal voltage less than VR, the diode is shorted and the output voltage is fixed ar VR. For input sinusoidal voltage greater than VR the diode is reverse biased and open circuited. Then the output voltage is same as input voltage. VII. Slicer 1K IN 4007 VR1 Figure:13. IN 4007 VR2 V0 Vi V+VR t t V-VR Figure:14(a). Input waveform Figure14(b). Output waveform. DESIGN: 1. For positive clipping at ‘V’ volts reference select V R = V. 2. For negative clipping at ‘V’ volts reference select V R = V. 3. For clipping at two independent levels at V1&V2 reference voltages select VR1 = V1, VR2 = V2 and VR2 > VR1. PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 1. 2. Connect the function generator at the input terminals and CRO at the output terminals of the circuit. 3. Apply a sine wave signal of frequency 1KHz at the input and observe the output waveforms of the circuits. 4. Repeat the procedure for figure 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. RESULT: V = Clipping circuits for different reference voltages are studied. QUESTIONS: 1. What is a clipper? Describe (i) Positive clipper (ii) Biased clipper (iii) Combination clipper. 2. Discuss the differences between shunt and series clipper. NON LINEAR WAVE SHAPING – CLAMPERS AIM : To get positive and negative clamping for sinusoidal and Square wave inputs. Components Required: 1. Resistors - 1k 2. IN4007 Diode 3. Capacitor -10F Apparatus Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bread board Function generator CRO Power supply 0-30V Connecting Wires. THEORY: Clamping Circuit “A clamping circuit is one that takes an input waveform and provides an output that is a faithful replica of its shape but has one edge tightly clamped to the zero voltage reference point”. There are various types of Clamping circuits, which are mentioned below: 1. Positive Clamping Circuit. 2. Negative Clamping Circuit. 3. Positive Clamping with positive reference voltage. 4. Negative Clamping with positive reference voltage. 5. Positive Clamping with negative reference voltage. 6. Negative Clamping with negative reference voltage. Negative Clamping Circuit VA + + C D Vi V0 Figure:1 The input signal is a sinusoidal which begins at t=0. The capacitor C is charged at t = 0. The waveform across the diode at various instant is studied. During the first quarter cycle the input signal rises from zero to the maximum value Vm. The diode being ideal, no forward voltage may appear across it. During this first quarter cycle the capacitor voltage VA = Vi. The voltage across C rises sinusoidally, the capacitor is charged through the series combination of the signal source and the diode. Throughout this first quarter cycle the output V0 has remained zero. At the end of this quarter cycle there exists across the capacitor a voltage VA = Vm. After the first quarter cycle, the peak has been passed and the input signal begins to fall, the voltage VA across the capacitor is no longer able to follow the input voltage. For in order to do so, it would be required that the capacitor discharge, and because of the diode, such a discharge is not possible. The capacitor remains charged to the voltage VA = Vm, and, after the first quarter cycle the output is V0 = Vi – Vm. During succeeding cycles the positive excursion of the signal just barely reaches zero. The diode need never again conduct, and the positive extremity of the signal has been clamped to zero. The average value of the signal is –Vm. Positive Clamping Circuit: Vm + + + C Vi - D Figure:2 V0 - It is also called as negative peak clamper, because this circuit clamps at the negative peaks of a signal. Let the input signal be Vi = Vm sint. When Vi goes negative, diode gets forward biased and conducts. The capacitor charges to voltage Vm, with polarity as shown. Under steady state condition, the positive clamping circuit is given as, V0 Vi (Vm ) V0 Vi Vm Eq.1 During the negative half cycle of Vi, the diode conducts and C charges to –Vm volts, i.e., the negative peak value. The capacitor cannot discharge since the diode cannot conduct in the reverse direction. Thus the capacitor acts as a battery of –Vm volts and the output voltage is given by equation.1 above. It is seen for figure 2, that the negative peaks of the input signal are clamped to zero level. Peak-to-peak amplitude of output voltage 2Vm, which is the same as that of the input signal. Negative Clamping with Positive Reference Voltage C D Vi V0 VR Figure:2 Since VR is in series with the output of negative clamping circuit, now the average value of the output becomes (-Vm + VR ). Similarly, the average of i) Negative clamping with negative reference voltage is (-Vm + VR ). ii) Positive clamping is +Vm. iii) Positive clamping with positive reference voltage is Vm + VR. iv) Positive clamping with negative reference voltage is Vm - VR. Clamping Circuit Theorem: It states that for any input waveform the ratio of the areas under the output voltage curve in forward direction to that in the reverse direction is equal to the ratio (Rf / R). A R f f. Ar R Where Af = area of the output wave in forward direction. Ar = area of the output wave in reverse direction. Rf and R are forward and reverse resistances of the diode. I. Negative Clamping 10F C 1K Vi D IN 4007 R V0 Figure:3 Vi V0 Vm t t -Vm -2Vm Figure:4 (a).Input waveform Figure:4 (b) Output waveform. II. Negative Clamping with Positive Reference Voltage. 10F C D IN 4007 R V0 Vi 1K VR Figure:5 Vi V0 VR t t Figure:6 (a).Input waveform Figure:6 (b) Output waveform. III. Negative Clamping with Negative Reference Voltage. 10F C D IN 4007 R V0 Vi 1K VR Figure:7 Vi V0 t t -VR Figure:8 (a).Input waveform Figure:8 (b) Output waveform. IV. Positive Clamping. 10F C D Vi 1K R V0 IN 4007 figure:9 2Vm Vi V0 Vm t t -Vm Figure:10 (a).Input waveform Figure:10 (b) Output waveform. V. Positive Clamping with Negative Reference Voltage. 10F C D IN 4007 R V0 Vi 1K VR Figure: 11 Vi -VR V0 t t Figure:12 (a).Input waveform Figure:12 (b) Output waveform. VI. Positive Clamping with Positive reference Voltage. 10F C D IN 4007 R V0 Vi 1K VR Figure: 13 Vi V0 VR t Figure:14 (a).Input waveform t Figure:14 (b) Output waveform. PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 3. 2. Connect the function generator at the input terminals and CRO at the output terminals of the circuit. 3. Apply a sine wave and square wave signal of frequency 1kHz at the input and observe the output waveforms of the circuits in CRO. 4. Repeat the above procedure for the different circuit diagram as shown inf figure 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. RESULT: The clamping voltages for positive and negative clamping circuits are noted. QUESTIONS: 1. Explain the operation of a clamping circuit for a square wave input. 2. Differentiate the clippers with clampers. 3. Give the applications of clampers. Experiment No:3 TRANSISTOR AS A SWITCH Aim: Design Transistor to act as a Switch and verify the operation. Choose V CC = 10V, ICmax = 10 mA, hfe = 50, VCESat = 0.2, Vin = 4Vp-p, VBESat = 0.7 V Apparatus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistor (BC 107). Breadboard. CRO. Resistors (1K,6.8K). DC power supply. Function Generator. Connecting patch cards. Theory: When the I/P voltage Vi is negative or zero, transistor is cut-off and no current flows through Rc hence V0 VCC when I/P Voltage Vi jumps to positive voltage, transistor will be driven into saturation. Then V0 = Vcc – ICRC VCESat Design procedure: V CC V I CESat When Q is ON, RC = C max = (10-0.2) / 10 mA = 1K IB ICmax / hfe 10mA / 50 IB 0.2 mA Tokeep transistorremainin Ibmin = 0.2mA ON,IBshouldbegreaterthan Vin = IBRB + VBE Sat (VBE sat for Si 0.7& Ge is 0.2) 2V = 0.2 mA RB + 0.7V RB = 6.5 K (choose practical values as 6.8K) Circuit diagram: Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. 2. Apply the Square wave 4 Vp-p frequency of 1 KHz 3. Observe the waveforms at Collector and Base and plot it. Precautions: 1. When you are measuring O/P waveform at collector and base, keep the CRO in DC mode. 2. When you are measuring VBE Sat, VCE Sat keep volts/div switch at either 0.2 or 0.5 position. 3. When you are applying the square wave see that there is no DC voltage in that. This can be checked by CRO in either AC or DC mode, there should not be any jumps/distortion in waveform on the screen. Expected waveforms: Result: Transistor as a switch has been designed and O/P waveforms are observed. Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Differentiate between Diode and Transistor as a switch? Mention typical values of VBE Sat, VCE Sat for both Si, Ge Transistors? Define ON time, OFF time of the transistor? In which regions Transistor acts as a switch? Explain phenomenon of “ latching “ in a Transistor switch? Define Rise time & fall time ? Experiment No:4 BISTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM: To design a fixed bias Bistable Multivibrator and to measure the stable state voltages and after triggering. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1. Resistors 2. Capacitors. 3. Transistors 2N2369 – 2 APPARATUS: 1. Bread board 2. Power supply 0-30V 3. CRO 4. Connecting wires THEORY: A bistable multivibrator has two stable output states. It can remain indefinitely in any one of the two stable states, and it can be induced to make an abrupt transition to the other stable state by means of suitable external excitation. It would remain indefinitely in this stable state, until it is again induced to switch into the original stable state by external triggering. Bistable multivibrators are also termed as ‘Binary’s or Flip-flops’. A binary is sometimes referred to as ‘Eccles-Jordan Circuit’. +VCC I1 I2 RC1 RC2 R1 R1 C D A B Q2 Q1 R2 R2 -VBB Figure 1 Principle of Operation of bistable multivibrator. Consider the circuit as shown in the figure.1. The transistor Q1 and Q2 are n-p-n transistors. They are coupled to each other as shown in figure 1. It is evident that the output of each transistor is coupled to the input of the other transistor. Since the transistors are identical, there quiescent currents would be the same, unless the loop gain is greater than unity. When I1 increases slightly, the voltage drop across the collector resistance RC1 increases. Since VCC is fixed, the voltage of point C decreases. This has the effect of decreasing the base current of Q2. This, in turn, decreases the collector current of Q2 viz. I2 decreases, the voltage drop I2RC2 decreases. Hence the voltage of point D increases. Due to increase of VD, the base current of Q1 increases. This increases the collector current of Q1 viz I1. Thus I1 further increases. I1RC1 drop further increases, VC further decreases, the base current of Q2 further decreases, with the result that I2 further decreases. Thus it can easily seen that if the collector current I1 increases even marginally, I2 would go on progressively decreasing and as a result, I1 would progressively increase. Eventually I2 would become practically zero, cutting off the transistor Q2, at the same time transistor Q1 would conduct heavily with the result that it would be driven into saturation. Thus Q2 becomes OFF and Q1 becomes ON. It can similarly be shown that if I2 increases even marginally similar sequence of operation would result and ultimately Q2 would be ON and Q1 OFF. Thus when Q1 is ON, Q2 is OFF and when Q1 is OFF Q2 is ON. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: VCC 12V RC1 2.2K RC2 2.2K R1 15K R1 15K 2N2369 2N2369 Q1 2 1 0 0 K 100K R2 R Q2 -VBB = -1.5V Figure: 2 PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2. Observe the waveforms at VBE1, VBE2, VCE1, VCE2 Observe which transistor is in ON state and which transistor is in OFF state. Apply –ve triggering at the base of the ON transistor and observe the voltages VC1, VC2, VB1, and VB2. 5. Apply + ve triggering at the base of the OFF transistor and observe the Voltages VC1, VC2, VB1, VB2. Voltage Voltage EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: VC1 VC2 VC1 VC2 0 t 0 t After Triggering Before Triggering RESULT: VBE1 VBE2 VCE1 VCE2 Stable state Voltages QUESTIONS: 1. What is Multivibrator? Explain the principle on which it works? Why is it called a binary? 2. Explain the role of commutating capacitors in a Bistable Multivibrator? 3. Give the Application of a Binary. Experiment No:5 ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM : a) To design and test performance of an Astable Multivibrator to generate clock pulse for a given frequency. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1. Resistors 2. Capacitors 0.1 f - 2 3. Transistors 2N2369 – 2 APPARATUS : 1. 2. 3. 4. CRO Power supply 0-30V Bread board Connecting wires THEORY: An Astable multivibrator has two quasi-stable states, and it keeps on switching between these two states, by itself, No external triggering signal is needed. The astable multivibrator cannot remain indefinitely in any of these two states. The two amplifiers of an astable multivibrator are regeneratively cross-coupled by capacitor. Principle: A collector-coupled astable multivibrator using n-p-n transistor in figure 1. The working of an astable multivibrator can be studied with respect to the figure1. VCC 12V RC1 R2 R1 RC2 C D C2 2N2369 C1 Q1 Q2 A 2N2369 B Figure:1 Let it be assumed that the multivibrator is already in action and is oscillating i.e., switching between the two states. Let it be further assumed that at the instant considered, Q2 is ON and Q1 is OFF. i) Since Q2 is ON, capacitor C2 charges through resistor RC1. The voltage across C2 is VCC. ii) Capacitor C1discharges through resistor R1, the voltage across C1 when it is about to start discharging is VCC.(Capacitor C1 gets charged to VCC when Q1 is ON). As capacitor C1 discharges more and more, the potential of point A becomes more and more positive (or less and less negative), and eventually V A becomes equal to V, the cut in voltage of Q1. For VA > V, transistor Q1 starts conducting. When Q1 is ON Q2 becomes OFF. Similar operations repeat when Q1 becomes ON and Q2 becomes OFF. Thus with Q1 ON and Q2 OFF, capacitor C1 charges through resistor RC2 and capacitor C2 discharges through resistor R2. As capacitor C2 discharges more and more , it is seen that the potential of point B becomes less and less negative (or more and more positive), and eventually VB becomes equal to V, the cut in voltage of Q2. when VB > V, transistor Q2 starts conducting. When Q2 becomes On, Q 1 becomes OFF. It is thus seen that the circuit keeps on switching continuously between the two quasistable states and once in operation, no external triggering is needed. Square wave voltage are generated at the collector terminals of Q1 and Q2 i.e., at points C and D. DESIGN: IC max = 5 mA ; VCC = 12 V; VCE (SAT) = 0.2V RC = (VCC - VCE(SAT)) / IC MAX Let C = 0.1 f and R= 10K T = 0.69 (R1C1+R2C2) = 0.69(2RC) Q ( R1=R2 ; C1=C2) =TON+TOFF PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1. 2. Observe the waveforms at VBE1, VBE2, VCE1, VCE2 and find frequency. 3. Vary C from 0.01 to 0.001F and measure the frequency at each step. 4. Keep the DC- AC control of the Oscilloscope in DC mode. EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: Q1 OFF, Q2 ON Q1 OFF, Q2 ON VCC Q1 ON, Q2 OFF Q1 ON, Q2 OFF VC1 VCE (SAT) t VCC VC2 VCE (SAT) t V VB1 t VB2 V t I.R C Figure 2 RESULT: TON = TOFF = T(TON + TOFF) = Astable multivibrator is designed and its performance is tested. QUESTIONS: 1. What is a switching circuit? 2. Justify that the Astable Multivibrator is a two stage RC coupled Amplifier using negative feedback. How does it generate square wave. 3. What is the difference between a switching transistor and an ordinary transistor? 4. What is the effect of slew rate on the working of an Op-amp Multivibrator? Experiment No:6 MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM : a) To design and test performance of a monostable multivibrator to generate clock pulse for a given frequency. And obtain the waveforms. Components Required: 1. Resistors 2. Capacitors. 3. Transistors 2N2369 – 2 Apparatus Required: 1. CRO 2. Power supply 0-30V 3. Bread board 4. Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: VCC 12V RC1 RC2 R=10K R1 C=0.1F 2N2369 Q1 Q2 2N2369 R2 -VBB -1.5V Figure 1 THEORY : ‘A monostable multivibrator has only one stable state, the other state being quasistable. Normally the multivibrator is in the stable state, and when an external triggering pulse is applied, it switches from the stable to the quasi-stable state. It remains in the quasi-stable state fro a short duration, but automatically reverts i.e. switches back to its original stable state, without any triggering pulse’. Principle of operation A collector-coupled Monostable multivibrator of the two transistors Q1 and Q2, Q1 is normally OFF and Q2 is Normally ON. Resistor R1 and R2 are connected to the normally OFF transistor, and the capacitor C is connected to the normally ON transistor. It is seen from the circuit of the monostable multivibrator that, under normal conditions, the supply voltage VCC provides enough base drive to the transistor Q 2 through resistor R, with the result that Q2 goes into saturation. With Q2 ON, Q1 goes OFF, as already studied in the context of binary operation. With Q2 ON and Q1 OFF, the capacitor finds a charging path. The voltage across the capacitor is VCC with polarity. It is obvious that in the stable state of the multivibrator, Q 2 is ON and Q1 is OFF. If the negative triggering pulse is applied to the collector of Q 1, it is transmitted to the base of Q2 through the capacitor, and hence makes the base of Q2 negative. Immediately Q2 goes OFF and Q1 becomes ON. However, this is only a quasi-stable state as is obvious form the following observation. With Q1 ON and Q2 OFF, the capacitor C finds a discharging path. As the capacitor discharges, it is seen that the potential at the base of the transistor Q 2 becomes less and less negative, and after a time, we have VB = V, the cut-in-voltage of Q2. As soon as VB crosses the level of V, Q2 starts conducting and gets saturated. When Q2 becomes ON, Q 1 becomes OFF. Thus the original stable state of the multivibrator is restored. [ In quasi-stable state: Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF] The interval during which the quasi-stable state of the multivibrator persists i.e., Q2 remains OFF is dependent upon the rate at which the capacitor C discharges. This duration of the quasi-stable state is termed as delay time or pulse width or gate time. It is denoted as T. The wave forms of the voltage at base of the transistor Q2 and C (Collector of Q1) DESIGN: V CE = 5.56v, V CC = 6v, V CE(sat) = 0.3v, V BE(sat) , = 0.7v, I C = 6mA,V F = -0.3v V R V R Rc = (VCC–VCE(sat))/IC. V CE V R CC V 1 R1 RC BE R (sat ) C R1 R C VF BB 1 R R 1 2 CE ( sat ) 2 RR 1 2 Find the values of R1 and R2 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. 2. With the help of a triggering circuit and using the condition T (trig) > T(Quasi) a pulse waveform is generated. 3. The output of the triggering circuit is connected to the base of the off transistor. 4. The Off transistor goes into ON state. 5. Observe the waveforms at VBE1, VBE2, VCE1, VCE2 6. Keep the DC- AC control of the Oscilloscope in DC mode. EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: Q2 OFF, Q1 ON VC2 VCC Q1 OFF, Q2 ON VCE (SAT) Q2 ON, Q1 OFF t V VB2 t I.R C VCC VC1 VCE (SAT) t VB1 V t Figure 2 RESULT: TON = TOFF = Total T (TON + TOFF) = Monostable multivibrator is designed and studied. QUESTIONS: 1. Explain the operation of collector coupled Monostable Multivibrator? 2. Derive the expression for the gate width of a transistor Monostable Multivibrator? 3. Give the application of a Monostable Multivibrator. Experiment No:7 SCHMITT TRIGGER AIM: To design and analyze Schmitt trigger and to observe the waveforms. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1. Resistors 2. Transistors 2N2369 – 2 3. APPARATUS: 1. Bread board 2. Power supply 0-30V 3. Signal generator 4. CRO 5. Connecting Wires. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: VCC = 12V RC1 RC2 R1 RB Q2 2N2369 Q1 2N2369 Vi + Signal Generator V0 RE R2 - Figure:1 THEORY: The most important application of Schmitt Trigger circuit are amplitude comparator and squaring circuit are amplitude comparator and squaring circuit. The circuit is used to obtain a square waveform from any arbitrary input waveform. The loop gain is to be less than unity. If Q2 is conducting there will be voltage drop across RZ which will elevate the emitter of Q1. Consequently if V is small enough in voltage, Q1 will be cut-off with Q1 conducting, the circuit amplifies and since the gain is positive, the output to rise, V2 continues to fall and Z2 continues to rise. Therefore a value of V will be reached where Q2 is turned OFF. At the point the output no longer responds to the input. Here the input signal is arbitrary except that it has large enough excursion to carry input beyond the limits of hysteresis range, VH = (V1 – V2). The output is a square wave whose amplitude is independent of the amplitude of the input waveform. DESIGN: IC2 = 5mA (Rc2 + RE) = VCC / IC2 U.T.P = VE2 = 5V VE2 = (RE VCC) / (Rc2+RE) I2 = 0.1IC2 L.T.P = VE1 = 3V R2 = ER2i / I2 = VE1 / I2 = L.T.P / I2 Rc1 = {(REVCC) / VE1} –RE IB2 = IC2 / hfe(min) (VCC - VE2) / (R1+RL1))) = (VE2/R2)+IB2 RB = (hfeRE) / 10 Find R1, R2, RE, Rc1and Rc2 from the above equations PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1 with designed values. 2. Apply VCC of 12V and an input frequency of 1KHz with an amplitude more than the designed UTP. 3. Now note down the output wave forms 4. Observe that the output comes to ON state when input exceeds UTP and it comes to OFF state when input comes below LTP 5. Observe the waveforms at VC1, VC2, VB2 and VE and plot graphs. 6. Keep the DC- AC control of the Oscilloscope in DC mode. MODEL GRAPHS: UTP Input sin wave VMAX>UTP VC2 VC1 VB2 RESULT: Schmitt Trigger circuit is designed and studied. QUESTIONS: 1. Explain how a Schmitt trigger acts as a comparator? 2. Derive its expressions for UTP & LTP. LTP Schmitt Trigger output Experiment No:8 UJT RELAXATION OSCILLATOR Aim: a.To observe the sweep time of the relaxation oscillator,to compare frequency of oscillator theoretically and practically b.To calculate the slope error,transmission error and displacement error Equipment and components required: 1.UJT 2.Resistors 3.Capacitor 4. Regulated power supply 5. C.R.O. 6. Connecting wires 2N2646-1No 1K, 2.2K,100 K 0.1uf Theory: The Unijunction transistor(UJT) has two doped regions with three external leads.It has one emitter and two bases.The emitter is heavily doped having many holes.The n-region is lightly doped.For this reason,the resistance between the bases is relatively high,typically 5KΩ to 10KΩ when the emitter is open.This is called Inter base Resistance RBB UJT relaxation oscillator come under non sinusoidal oscillator.It is a example of non feedback type of oscillator.A relaxation circuit term is employed to any circuit in which timing intervals are determined by exponentially charging and discharging .A charged capacitor functions like a stiff spring.A discharging capacitor is analogous to a relaxing spring. Circuit diagram: 5V 1KΩ 100nf Procedure: 2.2KΩ 1.Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 2.Observe the sweep time 3.Calculate sweep time and restoration time. 4.Calculate and compare the frequencies of oscillations theoretically and practically. Model Waveforms: Result: Required waveform is obtained and slope error, transmission error and displacement error are also calculated. Experiment No:9 BOOTSTRAP SWEEP CIRCUIT Aim:To design a Bootstrap sweep circuit and to generate a linear ramp generator. Equipment and components required: 1.Transistor 2.Resistors 3.Capacitor 4. Diode 5. BNC adapters 6.Regulated power supply 7.C.R.O. 8.Function generator 9. Connecting wires BC547-2 No’s 100K-1 No,10K-2 No’s 10Kpf-2 No’s,0.1uf-1 No 1N4007-1 No Theory: The basic principle involved in the bootstrap circuit is the generator voltage is assumed to be equal to the Vc so far the amplifier input voltage Vi is equal to Vo i.e.,(Vo=Vi) and output will be linear if the amplifier gain is unity.So in this way,the voltage V rises by its own bootstraps,hence we get the linear bootstrap sweep. Circuit diagram: Procedure: Department of ECE Electronic Circuits and Pulse Circuits Laboratory 1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in above figure. 2. Apply Vcc = 15v, Vp-p = 10v,10KHz frequency. 3. Apply pulse to the base of Q1 and observe the output waveform. 4. Vary the pulse width of input pulse and observe the output. Model Waveforms: Result: Output waveform of ramp is obtained and sweep speed is calculated. MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 92