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WECC Guide for Representation of Photovoltaic
Systems in Large-Scale Load Flow Simulations
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WECC PV Plant Power Flow Modeling
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WECC Guideline:
WECC Guide for Representation of Photovoltaic Systems in Large-Scale Load Flow
Date: 11/2010
This guideline provides guidance for aggregating photovoltaic power plants for power flow
Approved By:
Approving Committee, Entity or Person
WECC Modeling and Validation Work Group
WECC Technical Studies Subcommittee
November 19, 2010
January 2011
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Modeling and Validation Work Group
WECC Guide for Representation of Photovoltaic Systems
In Large-Scale Load Flow Simulations
Prepared by
WECC Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force
August 2010
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
1. Introduction
A large amount of PV generation is projected to be installed in the Western Interconnection in the
form of distribution-connected commercial or residential installations, and transmission-connected
large-scale plants. There is wide consensus that representation of PV systems in large-scale simulations
needs to be improved to capture the potential effect on local areas as well as the overall system. The
Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG) of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council
(WECC) recently expanded the scope of its Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force (REMTF) to
address modeling of PV systems 1.
This document contains technical guidelines issued by REMTF for representation of distributionconnected and transmission-connected photovoltaic plants for bulk-system load flow simulations in
WECC. Although the intention is to address NERC MOD standards for regional planning, portions of
these guidelines may also be considered for interconnection studies. The REMTF is currently working
on generic positive-sequence dynamic models for PV plants, including transmission-connected and
distribution-connected. A separate REMTF document covering dynamic representation will be issued.
2. Brief Background
General Characteristics
In a PV system, the PV array converts solar radiation directly into direct current (DC) electricity.
At a given solar irradiance and cell temperature, the current and power output of the array is a function
of terminal voltage, as shown in Figure 1. The voltage Vs. current characteristic (or IV curve) is
nonlinear. There is a voltage level at which maximum power is extracted for a given irradiance level.
The available current and power varies in proportion to the effective irradiance incident on the plane of
the array. Temperature effects are secondary compared to irradiance, with lower temperature yielding
higher performance. Irradiance level, ambient temperature, wind speed affect cell temperature. To
maximize energy capture, some PV arrays are mounted on sun-tracking structures.
P vs. V curve
I vs. V curve
Voltage corresponding to
Maximum Power
Figure 1 – PV array DC terminal characteristics, dotted lines representing a lower irradiance level.
The REMTF, formerly known as the Wind Generation Modeling Group, is working on wind and solar generation
modeling for WECC.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
An inverter is used to couple the PV array to an AC network. Figure 2 shows the topology of a
specific type of three phase PV inverter. One of the control objectives is maximum power tracking,
which means that the voltage across the capacitor is controlled such that the PV array operates at the
maximum power point. The inverter also regulates ac current magnitude very fast, even during
disturbances, to ensure that current and temperature limits of the switching elements in the power
block are not exceeded. Inverters also have the capability to change power factor, within the current
magnitude limits. With appropriate controls implemented, inverter-based reactive power capability
could be used to achieve reactive power control objectives at the plant level. The integrated isolation
transformer and filter reduce harmonic injection into the grid. Additional filtering may be applied at
the DC side to reduce ripple effects, and at the inverter output to reduce high frequency
electromagnetic emissions.
Figure 2 – Utility-scale three-phase PV inverter (left) and general topology (right)
The grid converter monitors the AC voltage and frequency to modulate converter behavior and
disconnect the inverter from the grid when voltage and frequency tolerances are exceeded. The IEEE
1547-2003 standard defines voltage and frequency thresholds for residential and commercial PV
systems and other distributed energy resources, as shown in Table 1. In addition, IEEE 1547 requires
that distribution-connected PV inverters de-energize after faults on the Area EPS circuit 2 and prior to
circuit reclosure. Inverters must “cease to energize” within 2 seconds of the formation of an electrical
island (i.e., when a portion of the grid disconnects from the bulk system). This feature is commonly
referred to as “anti-islanding”. PV inverters connected to the customer side of the meter are required
to have certification that they comply with these and other safety and grid compatibility requirements.
UL 1741 is an example of certification that addresses this issue.
Area electric power system (EPS) refers to the portion of the distribution system that serves the premises where the PV
system is located. This is typically a feeder or feeders served from the same unit substation.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Table 1 – IEEE 1547 protection thresholds
Interconnection standards for central-station PV systems connected directly to the transmission
(and sometimes distribution) grid are evolving and can vary considerably from the above. Currently,
the NERC Integration of Variable Generation Task Force (IVGTF) is working on recommendations on
various aspects of reliability standards applicable to PV and wind generation 3.
PV Systems
PV systems are highly modular and can be designed for a wide range of applications, from small
residential systems to utility-scale, transmission-connected power plants. Distribution-connected
residential and commercial systems typically connect to the customer side of the meter at single phase
(120/240V) or three-phase (208/480V). Typical residential systems are less than 10 kW and have a
single inverter, while commercial systems can reach several MW and typically have multiple inverters.
Power is injected into the grid at unity power factor. Residential and commercial systems are
electrically separated from the transmission system by two transformer stages and equivalent line
impedance. Figure 3 shows a large PV system.
Figure 3 - Portion of the Nellis AFB 14 MW PV system (distribution-connected).
More information can be found here: http://www.nerc.com/filez/ivgtf.html.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Central-station systems connect to the medium voltage distribution system or transmission system.
Presently, the largest central-station PV system presently installed in the US is 25 MW, however,
multiple systems in the 50 to 500 MW range are being proposed, and are considered as an integral part
of future deployment scenarios. A typical central-station PV plant consists of several individual PV
inverters tied to a medium voltage collector system (Figure 4). The nameplate rating of utility-scale
inverter range from 100 kVA to 1000 kVA. They operate at low voltage (<600 Vac) output. A step-up
transformer connects the inverters to the medium voltage system. Several inverters may be connected
to a single pad-mounted transformer. PV plants as large as 14 MW have been connected to directly to
an existing distribution feeder, or to the unit station through a dedicated feeder. Larger PV plants
would be transmission-connected. The design would consist of a collector system with one or more
radial feeders, a dedicated medium voltage station and bulk transformer. An interconnection line
would be needed unless the collector system station is adjacent to the interconnection point. Reactive
power support at the interconnection point, to the extent that it is required, can be provided by the
inverters, dedicated plant-level reactive power support equipment such as mechanically-switched
capacitors, or a combination of both.
Figure 4 – Generic central-station PV plant topology
Energy storage is rarely installed in conjunction with grid-connected PV systems. Therefore,
variations in irradiance are reflected into variations of PV plant output. In addition to the predictable
seasonal and diurnal cycles, short-term irradiance variability also occurs as a result of cloud shadows
moving across the PV array. Variability is a function of cloud characteristics (density, size, velocity,
opacity, height) plant size and tracking method and physical separation between individual PV
systems. Compared to irradiance measured at a single point, output variability of large PV plant or a
collection of distributed PV systems varies much more slowly. A full discussion of variability is out of
the scope of this guide. Significant work has recently been done in this area 4.
For a more comprehensive discussion on PV output variability, refer to Mills, et. al., “Understanding Variability and
Uncertainty of Photovoltaics for Integration with the Electric Power System”, eetd.lbl.gov/ea/emp/reports/lbnl-2855e.pdf
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
3. Representation of PV Systems in Bulk System Studies
Central Station PV Systems
The WECC Data Preparation Manual 5 states that single generating units 10 MVA or higher, or
aggregated capacity of 20 MVA connected to the transmission system (60kV and above) through a
step-up transformer(s) should be modeled as distinct generators in WECC base cases. It also states
that collector-based system such as wind or solar plants connected to the transmission grid may be
represented as an equivalent generator, low voltage to intermediate voltage transformer, equivalent
collector circuit, and transformer, as recommended by REMTF’s WECC Wind Power Plant Power
Flow Modeling Guide 6.
Because of similarities in the internal topology of central station photovoltaic (PV) plants and wind
plants, the guidelines contained in this document are very similar to a previously issued guide for wind
power plants. REMTF recommends the use of the single-machine equivalent representation shown in
Figure 5 to model central-station PV plants in WECC base cases. This representation is also
considered adequate for positive-sequence transient stability simulations at the bulk system level. If
present, the interconnection transmission line, station transformer(s) and plant-level reactive
compensation should be represented explicitly, according to established industry practice.
Transmission Line
POI or Connection to
the Transmission
PV System
Figure 5 – Single-machine equivalent load flow representation
In this model, the equivalent generator represents the total generating capacity of all the inverters,
the equivalent pad-mounted transformer represents the aggregate effect of all step-up transformers, and
the equivalent collector system branch represents the aggregate effect of the PV plant collector system.
With the proper model parameters, this model should approximate PV plant load flow characteristics at
the interconnection point, collector system real and reactive losses and voltage profile at the terminals
of the “average” inverter in the PV plant.
As with any other model, the single machine representation has some limitations. Due to collector
system effects, terminal voltage of individual inverters could vary somewhat, especially in very large
PV plants where the electrical distance between inverters may be significant. Inverters that are closest
to the interconnection point may experience significantly different terminal voltage compared to
inverters that are electrically farthest from the interconnection point. In actual operation, terminal
voltage of some inverters may reach control or protection limits, resulting in different terminal
WECC Data Preparation Manual For Power Flow Base Cases and Dynamic Stability Data, August 2009, REV. 7
WECC Wind Power Plant Power Flow Modeling Guide Prepared by WECC Wind Generator Modeling Group May 2008
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
behavior, or tripping. During the design stage, or in special cases, it may be reasonable to use a more
detailed representation of the collector system to capture these details. However this type of detail
usually is not feasible for large-scale simulations.
The following guidelines should be considered to model each of the components of the PV plant
single-machine equivalent representation.
Interconnection Transmission Line
Standard data includes nominal voltage, positive-sequence line parameters (impedance and
charging) and line rating.
PV Plant Station Transformer
Transmission-connected PV plants require a station transformer. It should always be represented
explicitly. Standard data includes transformer nominal voltage of each winding, impedance, tap ratios,
regulated bus and set point, and ratings. Positive-sequence impedance for station transformers is in the
range of 6% to 10%, and X/R ratio in the range of 20 to 50.
Plant Level Reactive Compensation
PV plants could have station fixed and/or switched capacitors installed at collector system. If
present, shunt capacitors should be modeled as constant impedance devices in load flow, to capture
voltage-squared effects. The WECC Data preparation Manual states that each switched capacitor
should be modeled explicitly. Standard data includes nominal rating, impedance, and controlled
device, if applicable. Operation of the shunt devices is coordinated with the plant-level reactive
controller (see equivalent generator representation).
Equivalent Collector System
Central-station PV plants collector systems consist of one or more medium voltage underground
feeders, as described in Figure 4. Factors considered in feeder design include cost, real power losses,
and voltage performance. A typical design goal is to keep average real power losses below 1%. At
full output, real power losses can be higher, as much as 2% to 4%. The collector system network is
typically underground. For that reason, the equivalent collector system X/R ratio tends to be low
compared to typical overhead circuits. The equivalent collector system impedance tends to be small
compared to the station transformer impedance, but it not insignificant.
A simple method developed by NREL 7 can be used to derive equivalent impedance (Zeq) and
equivalent susceptance (Beq) of a collector system consisting of radial elements. The computation is as
Z eq = Req + jX eq =
∑Z n
i =1
i i
Beq = ∑ Bi ,
i =1
E. Muljadi, A. Ellis, et al, “Equivalencing the Collector System of a Large Wind Power Plant”, IEEE Power Engineering
Society Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June 12-16, 2006.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
where I is total number of branches in the collector system, Zi and ni are the impedance (Ri + jXi) for ith
branch, and N is the total number of inverters in the PV plant. Branch impedance data can be obtained
from collector system design (conductor schedule) for the project. As stated before, the equivalent
impedance computed in this manner approximates real and reactive losses seen by the “average
inverter” in the PV plant. This calculation can be easily implemented in a spreadsheet. Figure 6 shows
a simple example with nine branches (I = 9), and 21 inverters (N = 21). The corresponding
calculations are shown in Table 2. In this example, the inverters are 7 clusters of 3 inverters. In
general, larger PV power plants would have lower Zeq and higher Beq considering that more parallel
feeders would be required.
Figure 6 – Sample Utility-Scale PV plant topology
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Table 2 - Computation of collector system equivalent parameters for the sample system in Figure 6
Equivalent PV Plant Step Up
A PV large plant has several pad-mounted transformers, each connected to one or more PV
inverters. Assuming that all step-up transformers are identical, and each connects to the same number
of inverters, the per-unit equivalent impedance (ZTeq) and the equivalent MVA rating (MVATeq) can be
computed as follows:
Z Teq = Z T
In these equations, ZT is the impedance of one transformer on its own MVA base (MVAT). For the
example system discussed above, the equivalent transformer impedance would be 6% on a 21 MVA
base (7 X 3 MVA), with an X/R ratio of 10. If there are different transformer sizes or a different
number of inverters are connected to each transformer, the method shown in Table 2 can be applied to
calculation of the equivalent transformer impedance. Step-up transformers associated with utility-scale
PV plants are in the range of 500 kVA to 2 MVA, and have impedance of approximately 6% on the
transformer MVA base, with X/R ratio of about 8.
Equivalent PV Generator Representation
For load flow simulations, the equivalent PV generator should be represented as a standard
generator, as opposed to a negative load. Actove power level and reactive power capability must be
specified according to the guidelines below.
Active Power Output Level
PV plant output varies as a function of solar input and, to a lesser extent, temperature. Typically,
PV plants are designed to achieve full output for several hours of the day under clear sky conditions.
The real power level assumed for the PV plant depends on the purpose of the study. In the context of
an interconnection study, a PV plant would be modeled a full output. For other studies, PV plants may
be modeled at partial output or zero output. For instance, WECC off-peak cases correspond to nightime periods, when PV output is zero. Heavy summer scenarios typically correspond to mid afternoon
peal load periods, when PV is likely to be near 100% of output. For regional transmission planning
studies, it is recommended that the power level be established based on the average expected output
level during the time frame of interest.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Reactive Power Capability
Interconnection requirements and performance standards addressing reactive power capability from
large PV systems are still evolving. Distribution-connected PV systems at generally operated at unity
power factor over their entire active power output range. Most inverters designed for residential and
commercial applications are not sized to provide any reactive current at full output. However, PV
inverters used in utility-scale PV systems often have the capability to provide reactive support at full
active power or at partial output. The reactive power capability could be higher at lower active output
levels, depending on inverter current limits and depending on grid voltage conditions. The reactive
capability curves for inverters differ from those of synchronous machines because they are normally
limited by internal voltage and current constraints. Inverters are typically designed for operation from
90% to 110% of rated terminal voltage, and these voltage limits greatly affect the actual reactive power
capability. When terminal voltage is 110%, no additional reactive power can be injected into the grid.
As stated previously, interconnection standards for PV systems are evolving, and reactive power
capability is one of the key areas of discussion. However, some interconnection standards being
applied to transmission-connected PV describe reactive capability requirements as a “triangular”,
“rectangular” or similar reactive capability characteristic (Figure 7).
Rated Output
Inverter rated for
reactive support at
full output
Inverter rated for
reactive support at
partial output only
Figure 7 – Example of inverter reactive capability curves and interconnection requirements
(triangular) at nominal voltage
These reactive curves are generally valid for nominal voltage only, considering the terminal
voltage limits discussed above. It is technically possible to design PV inverters to provide reactive
support even if solar input is zero, much like a STATCOM. At the plant level, it should be taken into
account that a portion of the inverters in the plant may be turned off at low power output, resulting in a
reduction of reactive capability.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
When required, the power factor of individual inverters can be adjusted via a plant-level reactive
controller to meet operating requirements at the point of interconnection 8. Several control modes are
Closed-loop voltage control - Maintain voltage schedule within the reactive power capability
of the PV plant, over a certain range of real power output. A small voltage hysteresis or dead
band may be appropriate in some situations. For instance, the requirement may be to regulate
voltage at the interconnection point within 1% or 2% of schedule.
Voltage droop control – Increase or decrease reactive power output linearly, as a function of
voltage. This type of control allows the PV plant to provide voltage support while avoiding
large reactive power swings that a small PV plant would see when connected to a relatively
strong transmission system. A small dead band may be implemented.
Power factor control - Maintain power factor at the interconnection point close to a specified
level. For instance, the requirement may be to maintain power factor between 0.98 lead and
unity at the interconnection point.
Reactive power control - Maintain reactive power flow within some specified limits. For
instance, the requirement may be to limit reactive power flow at the interconnection point to 5
or 10 MVAr, in either direction.
Representation of reactive power capability of the equivalent inverter depends on the reactive
range of the inverters, and how that range is utilized in operations. For example, the equivalent
generator for the sample system shown in Figure 5 would have a nameplate rating of 21 MW (21 × 1
MW) and 21.21 MVA (21 × 1.1 MVA). If the inverters participate in steady-state voltage control,
then the equivalent generator should be modeled with a reactive range of +/- -0.95 power factor, which
corresponds to setting Qmin and Qmax of -6.9 MVAr and +6.9 MVAr, respectively. If the inverters
operate at a fixed power factor, then the equivalent generator should have Qmin = Qmax at the
corresponding power factor level. At an output level below rated, the reactive limits should be
adjusted according to the inverter reactive capability that is programmed into the controls, and the
effect of system voltage.
Representation of Distribution-Connected PV Systems
In some ways, representation of distribution-connected PV systems in bulk system studies is more
challenging. In WECC base cases, the distribution system is not typically represented and the load,
along with embedded distributed generation, is typically lumped at the transmission level. There is
increasing industry consensus that distributed generation should be represented more explicitly to the
extent that the penetration level is sufficiently high to affect bulk system performance. Representing
PV generation and other distributed generation explicitly would allow for proper load scaling and
would give planners the ability to account for existing and emerging performance standards applicable
to distributed generation, including anti-islanding, voltage tolerance envelope and reconnection, and
reactive support, which may be of interest to study future deployment scenarios. In general,
distribution-connected PV systems should be represented in bulk system studies to the extent that the
aggregate generation has the potential to affect grid reliability and compliance with NERC system
performance criteria at the local level. In this regard, the present version of the WECC Data
The plant level controller also coordinates operation of the switched capacitors, if present
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Preparation Manual 9 states that, when aggregated generation exceeds 10 MVA at any load bus, it
should not be netted. Further, the WECC Data Preparation Manual states that total netted generation in
an area should not exceed five percent of the area total generation.
The following REMTF technical recommendations apply to modeling of PV systems when the
amount of PV generation exceeds the threshold established by the WECC Data Preparation Manual, as
amended. In some urban areas, significant generation capacity being developed in the form of large
commercial-scale PV systems. Based in their size and their ability to potentially contribute to steadystate reactive power support, it is recommended that these systems be represented with a discrete
lumped model with an equivalent LTC transformer and equivalent series impedance representing the
impedance of the feeder, service transformer, and secondary network. A similar approach could be
used for high penetration residential PV systems. The goal should be to capture the effect of reactive
support as well as the voltage tolerance characteristics of PV systems in steady-state simulations,
particularly voltage stability. While load modeling is out of the scope of this guide, the importance of
properly representing the load, especially its voltage dependency, should be noted. In general, it would
be good modeling practice to represent the load behind an equivalent feeder impedance, and use a ZIP
or other suitable model to capture the voltage dependency. As stated before, the WECC REMTF is
currently working on recommendations for dynamic simulation of transmission-connected and
distribution-connected of PV system. Dynamic modeling considerations may affect how distributionconnected PV systems are represented in load flow. The recommended load flow representation for
high penetration PV scenarios is shown in Figure 8. Note that the load was moved to the low voltage
bus as well.
Figure 8 - Recommended load flow representation for study of high-penetration PV scenarios
WECC Data Preparation Manual For Power Flow Base Cases and Dynamic Stability Data, REV. 7, System Review
Work Group, Technical Studies Subcommittee, August 2009. URL:
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Typical load flow data for the equivalent distribution feeder is shown in Table 3 below.
Transformer impedances are on the transformer self-cooled MVA base, which should be appropriate
for the amount of load served. The feeder impedance is on 100 MVA, 12.5 kV base. The feeder
impedance data should be adjusted depending on the load level to obtain a reasonable voltage drop
from the station transformer secondary to the typical utilization point, or approximately three percent.
Table 3 - Suggested data for distribution system equivalent
Station transformer impedance, pu on transformer
self-cooled MVA base
Equivalent feeder, service transformer and secondary
impedance, pu on 100 MVA, 12.5 kV base
R, pu
X, pu
4. Modeling during post transient power flows
Modeling of PV generation and reactive compensation components should be consistent with
WECC post-transient methodology. Control devices that can complete switching or operation within 3
minutes (e.g., SVCs, STATCOMS and shunts under automatic control) should not be blocked.
Devices that require operator action should be blocked. The equivalent WPP generator should have
the Load Flag set to “1” to reflect the fact that the output should not change during a governor power
5. Model Validation
Single-machine equivalent model parameters can be derived from preliminary data, as discussed in
this guide. Preliminary data should be replaced with as-built data when such data becomes available,
certainly after commissioning. Load flow model data, particularly reactive power capability, should be
validated from time to time by direct test or with actual operating data, consistent with WECC and
NERC requirements and methodologies. As of the date this guide was written, specific testing and
model validation guidelines for PV plant have not been adopted for use in WECC.
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
Note: This document has been adapted to PV applications from the WECC Wind Power Plant Power Flow
Modeling Guidelines 10 dated May 2008. The data provider should refer to this document for background
related to the specifics of this data request:
1. One-Line Diagram. This should be similar to Figure 1 below.
PV Inverter
2. Interconnection Transmission Line.
Point of Interconnection (substation or transmission line name): __________________
Line voltage = ______ kV
R = ________ ohm or _______ pu on 100 MVA and line kV base (positive sequence)
X = ________ ohm or _______ pu on 100 MVA and line kV base (positive sequence)
B = ________ µF or _______ pu on 100 MVA and line kV base (positive sequence)
3. Station Transformer. (Note: If there are multiple transformers, data for each transformer should be
Rating (ONAN/ONAF/ONAF): ______/_____/_____ MVA
Nominal Voltage for each winding (Low /High /Tertiary): _______/_______/_______ kV
Available taps: _____________ (indicate fixed or with LTC), Operating Tap: _______
Positive sequence ZHL: _____%, ____X/R on transformer self-cooled (ONAN) MVA
http://www.wecc.biz/library/WECC Documents/Documents for Generators/Generator Testing Program/Wind Generator Power Flow Modeling Guide.pdf
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation
4. Collector System Equivalent Model. This can be found by applying the equivalencing methodology
described in Section 3.4; otherwise, typical values can be used.
Collector system voltage = ________ kV
R = _________ ohm or _______ pu on 100 MVA and collector kV base (positive sequence)
X = _________ ohm or _______ pu on 100 MVA and collector kV base (positive sequence)
B = _________ µF or _______ pu on 100 MVA and collector kV base (positive sequence)
5. Inverter Step-Up Transformer. Note: These are typically two-winding air-cooled transformers. If the
proposed project contains different types or sizes of step-up transformers, please provide data for each
Rating: ______ MVA
Nominal voltage for each winding (Low /High): _______/_______kV
Available taps: __________ (indicate fixed or with LTC), Operating Tap:_______
Positive sequence impedance (Z1) _____%, ____X/R on transformer self-cooled MVA
6. Inverter and PV Module Data.
Number of Inverters: _______
Nameplate Rating (each Inverter): ______/______ kW/kVA
Describe reactive capability as a function of voltage: __________________________________
Inverter Manufacturer and Model #: _______________
PV Module Manufacturer and Model #: ____________________
[Note: This section would also request completed PSLF or PSS/E data sheets for the generic PV
library model(s) once they are available.]
7. Plant Reactive Power Compensation. Provide the following information for plant-level reactive
compensation, if applicable:
Individual shunt capacitor and size of each: ______X_______ MVA
Dynamic reactive control device, (SVC, STATCOM): ________________________
Control range ___________________________ MVAr (lead and lag)
Control mode (e.g., voltage, power factor, reactive power): ____________________
Regulation point _______________________
Describe the overall reactive power control strategy: _________________________________
WECC REMTF – PV System Load Flow Representation