Further Reading

Further Reading
If you need more information on electronics, for design purposes, for constructional or for
hobby interests, some of the books listed below may be of interest. In addition to these books,
an immense amount of practical help is available from the catalogs of Futurlec in the USA or
Maplin Electronics in the UK. The websites are www.futurlec.com and www.maplin.co.uk,
For detailed information on new devices, use Google or other search engines on the Internet.
Some very useful reference books in electronics are either out of print or difficult to obtain.
They have been included in the list below because they can often be found in libraries or
second-hand shops.
Note that some books that are listed here as published by Butterworth-Heinemann may have
been reprinted or revised under the Newnes imprint.
Analog Circuit Design (Williams) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
Analogue Electronics (Hickman) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999
Digital Logic Design, 3rd Ed. (Holdsworth) Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
Bebop to the Boolean Boogie (Maxfield) Newnes, 2003
Digital Logic Gates and Flip-Flops (Sinclair) PC Publishing, 1989
Electronic Circuits Student Handbook (Tooley) Newnes, 1995
Electronics: Circuits and Systems (Bishop) Newnes, 2010
Higher Electronics (James) Newnes, 1999
Introduction to Digital Systems (Crisp) Newnes, 2000
Newnes Electronic Circuits Pocket Book, Vol. I, Linear IC (Marston) ButterworthHeinemann, 1999
Newnes Electronic Circuits Pocket Book, Vol. II, Passive and Discrete Circuits (Marston)
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
Practical Analogue Electronics for Technicians (Kimber) Newnes, 1997
Practical Digital Electronics for Technicians, 2nd Ed. (Kimber) Newnes, 1998
Practical Electronics Handbook, 6th Ed. (Sinclair & Dunton) Newnes, 2007
Appendix A
The Art of Linear Electronics (Linsley Hood) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998
Troubleshooting Analog Circuits (Pease) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
FPGAs: Instant Access (Maxfield) Newnes, 2008
Manufacturers’ Databooks by Texas, RCA, SGS-ATES, Motorola, National
Semiconductor, and Mullard contain detailed information on semiconductors,
with many applications circuits.
Operational Amplifiers, 2nd Ed. (Jiri Dostal) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
Operational Amplifiers, 4th Ed. (Clayton) Newnes, 2003
Passive Components, 2nd Ed. (Sinclair) Newnes, 2001
Sensors and Transducers, 3rd Ed. (Sinclair) Newnes, 2001
The Made Simple series (various authors) Butterworth-Heinemann
Electronics Assembly Handbook (Brindley) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
Management of Electronics Assembly (Oakes) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992
Newnes Electronics Assembly Pocket Book (Brindley) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992
Soldering in Electronics Assembly (Judd) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999
Starting Electronics, 2nd Ed. (Brindley) Newnes, 1999
Electronics and Computing Topics
Build and Upgrade Your Own PC, 4th Ed. (Sinclair) Newnes, 2005
Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book (Tooley), 1993
Formulae and Tables
Electronic Engineers Reference Book, 6th Ed. (Mazda) Butterworth-Heinemann,
1989 [A well-established standard reference book in the UK.]
GE Transistor Manual, 7th Ed. (General Electric of USA) [Even the early editions
are extremely useful.]
Newnes Radio and Electronics Engineer’s Pocket Book, 18th Ed. (Brindley) Newnes,
1989 [Another excellent source of information, easier to get in the UK.]
Radio Amateurs Handbook (ARRL) Latest edition is dated 2008 [A mine of information
of transmitting and receiving circuits. An excellent British counterpart is available, but
Appendix A 331
the US publication contains more varied circuits, because US amateurs are less restricted
in their operations.]
Radio Designers’ Handbook, 4th Ed. (Langford-Smith) Iliffe, 1967 [A wealth of
data, though often on vacuum tube circuits. Despite the age of the book, now out of print,
it is still the most useful source book for audio work. A recent reprint (1997) from
Newnes is still available.]
Reference Data for Radio Engineers (ITT). Howard Sams & Co. [Probably the most
comprehensive data book ever issued, but now out of print. Can be downloaded in
PDF format from www.pmillett.com/tubebooks/Books/FTR_ref_data.pdf]
32-bit Microprocessors, 2nd Ed. (Mitchell) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993 [A valuable
guide to the multitude of 32-bit processors, including RISC types.]
For information to design and construction of modern microprocessors, the Internet is the
most useful source of information, because books go out of date too rapidly in this fastchanging area of study.
Electronics & Electrical Servicing, 2nd Ed. (Sinclair and Dunton) Newnes, 2007 [Two
books for Level 3 and Level 3 of C&G 6958 Course in Electrical and Electronics
Test Equipment
Modern Electronic Test Equipment, 2nd Ed. (Brindley) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990
Newnes Electronics Toolkit (Phillips) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997
Oscilloscopes, 5th Ed. (Hickman) Newnes, 2004
Useful Websites
The magazines Elektor and Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE) are intended for the
constructor and provide a wealth of practical information.