Reprinted from REGULAR PAPER Comparative Study of Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors and Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors Woo Young Choi Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2010) 04DJ12 # 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics Person-to-person distribution (up to 10 persons) by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 (2010) 04DJ12 REGULAR PAPER Comparative Study of Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors and Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors Woo Young Choi Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University, 1 Shinsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-742, Korea Received September 24, 2009; revised November 10, 2009; accepted November 24, 2009; published online April 20, 2010 Electrical characteristics of tunneling field-effect transistors (FETs) have been compared with those of metal–oxide–semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs) in terms of subthreshold swing (SS), on/off current ratio, off current and on current. According to simulation results, tunneling FETs have advantages over MOSFETs for low-power consumption: smaller SS below 60 mV/dec at room temperature, lower off current, higher on/off current ratio and better immunity to short channel effects. However, low on current of tunneling FETs is problematic for reasonable circuit performance. In this paper, in order to boost on current, strain-induced low bandgap substrate has been considered. It is observed that on current of tunneling FETs can be comparable with that of MOSFETs as more strain is applied. The tunneling FET can be thought of as a promising alternative to the MOSFET for low-power application. # 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.49.04DJ12 1. Introduction Tunneling FET For the past 50 years, performance improvement through scaling-down has been the most important issue among device researchers. However, recent global energy crisis and burgeoning demand of portable devices make power reduction more important. Thus, low-power consumption becomes one of the most important requirements in semiconductor industry. The most efficient way to reduce power consumption is to reduce operating voltage (VDD ) on which both standby and dynamic power consumptions are dependent. However, in the case of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), it is difficult to achieve sub-1-V VDD . It is because the subthreshold swing (SS) of MOSFETs has a physical limitation of 60 mV/dec at room temperature. As long as carriers are injected from the source by thermionic emission mechanism, the only way to achieve sub-60-mV/dec SS is to lower temperature, which is not applicable to consumer electronics. Hence, recently, there have been many studies1–6) on novel devices for sub-60mV/dec SS at room temperature. Among them, we have focused on the tunneling FET3) whose basic structure is a gated p–i–n diode as shown in Fig. 1(a). For comparison, Fig. 1(b) shows the structure of the MOSFET. The structural difference between the tunneling FET and MOSFET leads to different operation mechanism. Figures 1(c) and 1(d) show the off-state band diagrams of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs, respectively. Since the p–i–n diode is reverse biased and band-to-band tunneling barrier is thick, only little amount of output current flows in the case of tunneling FETs. MOSFETs have off condition due to high energy barrier between the channel and source. However, in on state, tunneling FETs utilize band-to-band tunneling as a source carrier injection method while MOSFETs adopt thermionic emission as shown in Figs. 1(e) and 1(f). Thus, the tunneling FET has extremely small off current and no lower physical limit in the SS value. Experimentally, we have confirmed that the tunneling FET can have sub-60mV/dec SS at room temperature in previous research.3) However, the feasibility of the tunneling FET as an alternative to the MOSFET has not been fully discussed. In this paper, the characteristics of tunneling FETs will be compared with that of MOSFETs in terms of SS, on/off E-mail address: LG N+ doped Poly-Si Oxide SOI or SSOI BOX MOSFET Gate LG P+ doped N+ doped Poly-Si Oxide tox tSOI SOI or SSOI BOX (a) (b) Off state Off state Tunneling (X) Thermionic emission (X) (d) (c) EC Tunneling (O) electron EC EV E electron C EV On state Gate N+ doped EV EC electron EV (e) On state electron Thermionic emission (O) (f) Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) Schematic of tunneling FET. Drain and source region have the opposite type of dopants. (b) Schematic of MOSFET. Drain and source region have the same type of dopants. (c) Band diagram of tunneling FET in off state. Band-to-band tunneling is not allowed due to thick tunneling barrier. (d) Band diagram of MOSFET in off state. Carriers are rarely injected from the source due to high energy barrier between source and channel. (e) Band diagram of tunneling FET in on state. Band-to-band tunneling is allowed due to thin tunneling barrier. (f) Band diagram of MOSFET in on state. Carriers are injected from the source due to low energy barrier between source and channel. current ratio, on current and off current by using simulation results. 2. Simulation and Results Two-dimensional simulation has been performed by ATLAS simulator.7) A nonlocal band-to-band tunneling model has been utilized in device simulation. Simulation parameters were carefully adjusted referring to our previous work.3) Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the simulated structures of the tunneling FET and MOSFET, respectively. Abrupt source/ drain doping profile has been assumed in this work. TFETs and MOSFETs have a source/drain doping concentration of 1020 cm3 and a channel doping concentration of 1014 cm3 . The channel is p-type doped in both kinds of devices. For 04DJ12-1 # 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics Person-to-person distribution (up to 10 persons) by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2010) 04DJ12 W. Y. Choi 1012 10 10 -3 400 10 8 Solid: Tunneling FET Open: MOSFET 10 7 10 6 0.1 10 5 10 1 10 0 2 3 4 5 300 10 -5 10 -14 10 -15 Solid: Tunneling FET Open: MOSFET LG = 70 nm tSOI = 70 nm SOI substrate 200 100 10 -16 0 10 -17 10 -1 0.01 10 -4 2 6 On current (µA/µm) 10 9 Off current (A/µm) 1010 LG = 70 nm t = 70 nm 1 SOI SOI substrate On/off current ratio SS (V/dec) 1011 3 4 5 tox (nm) tox (nm) (a) (b) 6 0.01 10 20 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 On current (µA/µm) 0.1 10 -3 SOI substrate 10 -4 L = 70 nm 10 -5 G 10 -6 t ox = 2 nm 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 -15 10 -16 10 20 30 40 Solid: Tunneling FET Open: MOSFET 1 1012 1011 1010 10 9 L G = 70 nm 10 8 t ox = 2 nm 10 7 SOI substrate 10 6 Solid: Tunneling FET 10 5 Open: MOSFET 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 -1 30 40 50 60 70 Off current (A/µm) SS (V/dec) 10 On/off current ratio Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) SS and on/off current ratio of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of tox . (b) Off and on current of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of tox . 0 50 tSOI (nm) tSOI (nm) (a) (b) 60 70 Fig. 3. (Color online) (a) SS and on/off current ratio of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of tSOI . (b) Off and on current of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of tSOI . fair comparison between the MOSFET and tunneling FET, each device shares the same structure and device parameters except that either source or drain of tunneling FETs is p-type doped. Thus, it should be noted that the design of MOSFETs presented in this work has not been fully optimized. It means that performance parameters of MOSFETs in this work cannot match International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) data.8) We observed four parameters such as SS, on/off current ratio, on current and off current as a function of the gate oxide thickness (tox ), the silicon-oninsulator (SOI) layer thickness (tSOI ) and strain. All four parameters were extracted when the drain voltage is 1 V. The off current was defined as the minimal drain current while the on current was defined as the drain current when the gate voltage increased by 1 V from its off state value. The gate length (LG ) was fixed at 70 nm. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the four parameters on tox . As tox decreases, the SS value is observed to become smaller both in tunneling FETs and MOSFETs. It is because the SS value is determined by two factors: the coupling between the gate voltage and channel potential and the influence of the drain voltage on the tunneling or channel barrier. As tox is scaled down, the channel potential becomes more closely coupled to the gate voltage and tunneling or channel barrier are less influenced by the drain voltage, which decreases SS value. Thus, the SS value of tunneling FETs becomes less than 60 mV/dec when tox is around 2 nm.3) On the contrary, MOSFETs show high SS value due to severe short channel effects. Also, the on/off current ratio of tunneling FETs is observed to increase more abruptly than that of MOSFETs as tox becomes smaller. It is because the on current increases faster and off current increases slower in tunneling FETs than in MOSFETs for smaller tox as shown in Fig. 2(b). Firstly, on current is related to short channel effects. As tox is scaled down to 2 nm, short channel effects are relieved in tunneling FETs while MOSFETs still remain in the punch-through mode. It is confirmed by the SS values in Fig. 2(a). Thus, as tox decreases, on current of tunneling FETs increases more abruptly than that of MOSFETs. Secondly, off current of tunneling FETs is generally less influenced by tox since it stems from p–i–n junction leakage. However, tunneling FETs have another source of off current: ambipolar behavior.9) Since the source and the drain have opposite kinds of dopants in tunneling FETs, when the gate voltage is low, both n- and p-channel behavior occur at the same time, which leads to gradual off current increase with oxide downscaling. Figure 3 shows the dependence of the four parameters on tSOI . It seems that the performance of MOSFETs is improved faster than that of tunneling FETs as tSOI decreases. It is because short channel effects become less severe as tSOI decreases in the case of MOSFETs. Since MOSFETs 04DJ12-2 # 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics Person-to-person distribution (up to 10 persons) by the author only. Not permitted for publication for institutional repositories or on personal Web sites. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2010) 04DJ12 10 -8 1010 10 -9 10 8 0.1 0.01 10 7 10 6 LG = 70 nm tox = 2 nm tSOI = 20 nm 0.0 0.1 10 5 0.3 10 -11 250 200 10 -12 150 10 -13 100 10 -14 50 10 -15 0 10 -16 10 4 0.2 10 -10 / 10 9 300 Solid: Tunneling FET Open: MOSFET LG = 70 nm tox = 2 nm tSOI = 20 nm 0.0 0.4 On current (µA/µm) 1011 Off current (A/µm) Solid: Tunneling FET Open: MOSFET On/off current ratio SS (V/dec) 1 W. Y. Choi 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x of Si1-xGex x of Si1-xGex (a) (b) Fig. 4. (Color online) (a) SS and on/off current ratio of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of strain. (b) Off and on current of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs with variation of strain. become less influenced by short channel effects, SS decreases and on/off current ratio increases abruptly as tSOI decreases. On the contrary, short channel effects have already been suppressed even when tSOI is larger than LG in the case of tunneling FETs. As shown in Fig. 3(a), regardless of tSOI , tunneling FETs exhibit lower SS and higher on/off current ratio than MOSFETs in spite of its low on current. Additionally, it should be noted that on current of tunneling FETs exceeds that of MOSFETs when tSOI ¼ 30 nm. It is related to the definition of on current in this work. Since on current is defined as the drain current when the gate voltage increases by 1 V from its minimal value, on current is smaller than maximal attainable drain current. If threshold voltages are adjusted at the sacrifice of off current, on current of MOSFETs will be higher than that of tunneling FETs even when tSOI is less than 30 nm. Although the tunneling FET exhibits an extremely low SS and off current value which are beneficial to low-power consumption, in terms of circuit performance, its on current should also be improved. However, even the maximal attainable drain of tunneling FETs is still two orders of magnitude smaller than that of MOSFETs.3) Since low on current of tunneling FETs stems from the source carrier injection mechanism: band-to-band tunneling, lower bandgap substrate such as strained SOI (SSOI)10) can be introduced for further improvement of on current. In an SSOI wafer, strained silicon layer is grown epitaxially on Si1x Gex layer. As germanium concentration increases in the Si1x Gex layer, more strain is applied to the silicon layer, which leads to lower bandgap energy.11) In order to compare the electrical characteristics of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs as a function of strain level, we increase x of Si1x Gex from 0 to 0.4, which means higher strain and lower bandgap energy. Figure 4 shows the dependence of the four parameters on x of Si1x Gex . Although more stain is applied to the SSOI substrate, the SS values of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs remain almost the same. However, as strain increases, the on current of tunneling FETs increases more abruptly than that of MOSFETs at the sacrifice of on/off current ratio. It should be noted again that on currents of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs were extracted when the gate voltage increased by 1 V from its minimal value. When the gate voltage increases further, the on current of MOSFETs will be higher than that of tunneling FETs. Since the off current increases more abruptly than the on current as a function of strain in the case of tunneling FETs, on/off current ratio lowering is inevitable when high on current is required. 3. Conclusions Comparative study of tunneling FETs and MOSFETs has been performed in terms of SS, on/off current ratio, off current and on current for low-power consumption. Tunneling FETs exhibit extremely small SS and off current and good immunity to short channel effects compared with MOSFETs. Although the on current of tunneling FETs is lower than that of MOSFETs, it is observed that lower bandgap substrate such as SSOI can boost the on current at the sacrifice of on/off current ratio due to rapid off current increase. It is expected that the tunneling FET can be a good alternative to the MOSFET for low-power application. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, under Grants 2009-0082439 and 2009-0084522 and in part by the Korea Sanhak Foundation under a 2009 research grant. 1) K. Gopalakrishnan, P. B. Griffin, and J. D. Plummer: IEDM Tech. Dig., 2002, p. 289. 2) H. Kam, D. T. Lee, R. T. Howe, and T.-J. King: IEDM Tech. Dig., 2005, p. 477. 3) W. Y. Choi, B.-G. Park, J. D. Lee, and T.-J. King Liu: IEEE Electron Device Lett. 28 (2007) 743. 4) W. Y. Choi: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48 (2009) 040203. 5) W. Y. Choi, J. D. Lee, and B.-G. Park: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) 2622. 6) W. Y. Choi, J. D. Lee, and B.-G. Park: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) 122. 7) ATLAS is registered trademark of SILVACO. 8) International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (2007). 9) A. S. Verhulst, W. G. Vandenberghe, K. Maex, and G. Groeseneken: Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 053102. 10) T. A. Langdo, A. Lochtefeld, M. T. Currie, R. Hammond, V. K. Yang, J. A. Carlin, C. J. Vineis, G. Braithwaite, H. Badawi, M. T. Bulsara, and E. A. Fitzgerald: Proc. IEEE SOI Conf., 2002, p. 211. 11) J. Munguia, G. Bremond, J. M. Bluet, J. M. Hartmann, and M. Mermoux: Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 102101. 04DJ12-3 # 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics