IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org 157 Integrated Circuit of CMOS DC-DC Buck Converter with Differential Active Inductor Kaoutar ELBAKKAR1 and Khadija SLAOUI2 1 Department of physiqcs, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fès, Morocco 2 Department of physiqcs, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fès, Morocco Abstract In this paper, we propose a new design of DC-DC buck converter (BC), which the spiral inductor is replaced by a differential gyrator with capacitor load (gyrator-C) implemented in 0.18um CMOS process. The gyrator-C transforms the capacitor load (which is the parasitic capacitor of MOSFETS) to differential active inductor DAI. The low-Q value of DAI at switching frequency of converter (few hundred kHz) is boosted by adding a negative impedance converter (NIC). The transistor parameters of DAI and NIC can be properly chosen to achieve the desirable value of equivalent inductance L (few tens µH), and the maximum-Q value at the switching frequency, and thus the efficiency of converter is improved. Experimental results show that the converter supplied with an input voltage of 1V, provides an output voltage of 0.74V and output ripple voltage of 10mV at 155 kHz and Q-value is maximum (≈4226) at this frequency. Keywords: DC-DC Buck converter, gyrator-C, differential active inductor, negative impedance converter, quality factor, efficiency. 1. Introduction Switching DC-DC converter is ubiquitous in mobile electronic systems. The trend towards low-power dissipation, low voltage, and high accuracy in portable equipments has been driving technology, as well as the parametric requirement of integrated DC-DC converters. Magnetic theory is at the heart of any non linear regulator with the use of a spiral inductor to transfer energy from input to output in a lossless fashion, and to filter the output from switching signals. This paper introduces the concept of differential active inductor [1], [2], with high-equivalent inductance value (few µH) and maximum-Q value at switching frequency, thus to allow the complete integration of DC-DC Buck converter, which is especially important in portable power applications. Section 2 reviews the relevant information of DC-DC buck converter. The realization of the CMOS differential active inductor is presented in section 3, and improved in section 4. The novel concept of buck converter using DAI and NIC is described in section 5. The simulation results obtained on a 1V to 0.74V buck converter are then shown and discussed in section 6. Finally, a conclusion is given in section 7. 2. General view of classical step-down converter in continuous mode The buck (or step-down) converter is a switching power supply, used to generate a low regulated DC output voltage from higher DC input voltage normally unregulated. [3], [4], [5]. The main components of the BC are a spiral inductor and two switches oppositely phased, that control the storage energy in the inductor, and it’s discharging in to the load, Fig.1. VDD L Vi IL S1 battery Resr Rload S2 C PWM VDC Fig.1 Ideal step down converter. VO IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org The switches S 1 and S 2 are usually PMOS and NMOS power transistors driven by a PWM signal at fixed 1 frequency f= T1= T +1 T = DT + (1 , and − D )T s on off 0 ≤ D ≤1 Ton D = T Varying duty cycle , . The BC operates as follows: • During Ton : switch S 1 is in on-state (closed) and S 2 158 A replica bias circuit M L1 , M L 2 has been introduced to allow current-controlled inductance of the DAI. Based on a first order small signal analysis, the equivalent RLC circuit of this inductor is shown in Fig.2 (b). is in off-state (opened), the inductor is charging, the increase current during Ton is giving by: = ∆I Lon Ton VL dt ∫= T 0 Where (Vi − Vo )Ton L (1) Vi is the input voltage and Vo is the output voltage. • During Toff : switch S 1 is in off-state (opened) and S 2 (a) is in on-state (closed), the voltage a cross the inductor is VL = −Vo , the decrease current during Toff is L rs A giving by: Toff = ∆I Loff VL dt ∫= T Ton −Vo Toff L If we assume that the current (2) I L is the same at t = nT and = t (n + 1)T , with n an integer. Therefore: ∆I Lon + ∆I Loff = 0 ⇒ ⇒ Cp (b) Fig. 2 (a) Differential active inductor, (b) equivalent RLC model of DAI The input admittance of the DAI is given by: (Vi − Vo )Ton V − o Toff = 0 L L Ton = Vo DV = V i i T Yin ≈ pC1 + ( g m 2 − g m1 + g Q 3 + g1 + g 2 ) + 0 ≤ D ≤1 The previous study was conducted with the following assumptions: • The filter capacitor has enough capacitance to keep Vo constant. • The switches are a very low B Gp = C1 C gs 2 + C gs1 With = C2 C gs 2 + C gs 3 + Cbd 2 + 2C gd 2 Where g m and g are the transconductance and output conductance of the corresponding transistors. Neglecting the gate-drain capacitance, we have: RDSon . • Parasitic resistor of inductor is neglected. L rs 3. CMOS differential active inductor In order to alleviate the limitations imposed on the chip area, and the quality factor (Q) of the spiral inductor, several CMOS active designs were proposed to implement the required on-chip inductance [6], [7]. Fig.2 (a) shows the schematic of the DAI with input v ± in at the source (M 2a and M 2b ) [8], where the pair C gs 2 + C gs 3 + Cbd 2 (4) 2 gm 2 g m3 − g m 2 + g 2 + g3 2 gm 2 (5) C p C gs 2 + C gs1 Gp g m 2 − g m1 (6) 1 + g1 + g 2 + g Q 3 (7) Based on the RLC model, the resonant frequency of the DAI is given by: f res = 1 2π L − rs2 C p − rs LG p 1 2π 2g 2m 2 + g m3 (g m1 − g m 2 ) − g m1g m 2 2 of stabilizers (M 3a and M 3b ) and negative impedance cross-coupled MOSFET pair (M 1a and M 1b ) have been included at the drain and source of the proposed gyrator circuit respectively. The pair of current sinks M Q is introducing for external flexible Q tuning, is can be performed by varying I Q which leads to changes in g m1 . g m2 2 ( g m 3 − g m 2 + g 2 + g3 ) + pC2 L2 C p 2 Cgs 2 + C gs 2 (C gs1 + C gs3 ) − (g m3 − g m 2 ) 2 (Cgs 2 + Cgs3 ) 2 (8) • If the frequency f is much lower than the resonant frequency f res , the RLC model will become inductive. The quality factor of DAI is defined as the ratio of the imaginary part to the real part of input impedance of DAI: (3) IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org Q0 Lω ω < ωres = rs (G p rs + 1) + L2G p2ω 2 159 With: C= eq (Cgs 2 + Cgs 3 ) g m2 2 ω ( g m3 − g m 2 )( g m3 ( g m 2 − g m1 ) + g m1 g m 2 ) + (Cgs 2 + Cgs 3 ) 2 ( g m 2 − g m1 )ω 2 Cp + R eq = R p // (9) Unfortunately, this structure of DAI doesn’t exhibits high-Q at switching frequency (≈100 Khz) [8] 4. Q-enhancement of active inductor VDD Vn C Mn1 Mn2 L − rs2 Ceq − rs LG eq 1 2π = L2 Ceq 1 2π (Cgs 2 (g m3 − g m 2 ) 2 Gm − + Cgs3 )(2Cgs1 + 2Cgs 2 + CgsN ) (Cgs 2 + Cgs3 ) 2 With We operated at frequency much lower than the resonant frequency. The Q-enhancement value is: ω <<ωres = Req Lω r (r + Req ) + L2ω 2 (Cgs 2 + Cgs 3 ) g m2 2 ω = ( g m 3 − g m 2 )( g m 3 g m 2 − ( g m1 + (a) C g mp 2 2 )( g m3 − g m 2 )) + (Cgs 2 + Cgs 3 ) 2 ( g m 2 − g m1 − g mp 2 2 )ω 2 (11) D –2/gmN CgsN/2 (b) Fig.3 (a) Schematic of simple NIC. (b) Small signal equivalent circuit. If we assume that the two transistors M n2 and M n3 are the same size, the negative differential resistance is -2/g mN (can be tuned by V n ), and the parallel capacitance is C gsN /2. By parallel connecting it to the DAI as shown in Fig.4 (a), and the RLC model equivalent is shown in Fig.4 (b). A (10) = G m 2g m 2 (2g m 2 − g m1 ) + g mN (g m3 − g m 2 ) + 2g m3 (g m1 − g m 2 ) Qenh (ω ) D Mn3 VDD 2 −2 g mN The self-resonant frequency becomes: f res = The low Q value at medium frequency can be boosted by adding negative impedance converter (NIC). Fig.3 shows a simple NIC circuit, it’s a cross connected differential pair [9],[10]. C gsN B DAI To maximize Q enh at switching frequency, the transistor parameters can be properly chosen such that the negative resistance of the NIC (-2/g mN ) compensates for the loss from G p and r s at the frequency interest. g mN 1 real = 0 + Gp − 2 rs + jLω As a result, a peak Q factor can be achieved at: ωQ max = 2 ( g m 3 − g m 2 )( g m 3 − 2 g m3 g m 2 ) g g m 2 − g m1 − mp 2 2 1 C gs 2 + C gs 3 (12) To optimize the efficiency of BC, the transistor parameters can be chosen such that the peak Q factor frequency is few hundred kHz (switching frequency). VDD Vn Mn2 C Mn1 VDD D Mn3 5. Model of Buck converter with a high Q differential active inductor: (a) Ii L Req rs IL S1 Io Geq battery rs A,C L VDD Resr Vi Rload S2 B,D C Ceq PWM (b) VDC Fig. 4 (a) Schematic of DAI with high-Q at medium frequency. (b) RLC model equivalent circuit. Triangle signal Fig.5 Buck converter with differential active inductor. VO IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org Fig.5 shown a BC with DAI and NIC, operated at frequency lower that resonant frequency [11]. The current through the active inductor can be expressed as: I= L I D1 − I D 2 (13) 160 The rms value of the capacitor current is: T 1 = ic2 dt T ∫ 0 = I crms (25) kI I L The power loss in the filter capacitor is: = PRe sr 2 R = esr I crms Resr k I2 I L2 (26) In terms of the on duty cycle is: ID2 I D1 = D IL = One can estimate the efficiency of the buck converter: (14) 1− D I L equal to the dc output current I o , I D1 is the dc component of the first switch S 1 current (equal to the dc input current I i ), I D 2 is the dc component of the second switch S 2 current. The switches current are: ∆i ∆iL t + IL − L iD1 = DT 2 0 For 0<t ≤ t on (15) For 0<t ≤ t on (16) For t on < t ≤ T (1 − D ) AI Where: ∆i = is the peak-to-peak ripple Lf R R R = A current of the inductor, and R (R + R ) + R R L L s N L N P L P N Vo I o = Vi I i 1+ 1 [ DrDS 1 + (1 − D ) rDS 2 + rL ] (1 + k I2 ) + Resr k I2 Rload As: rL = P m1 110 100 t 1 T I D 2 rms = I (17) ∫i m1 freq=3.413MHz dB(zin1)=108.808 Max 90 T 80 70 2 D2 dt = IL ton ∆iL = 12 I L = k Where: D (1 + k I2 ) IL dB(zin1) 1 on 2 = iD1dt T ∫ 0 . rs Réq rs + Réq The DAI was simulated in 0.18um CMOS technology. Fig.6 shows the variation of input admittance versus frequency of the DAI. Current dissipation of the DAI is 14uA, DAI without NIC resonance at 3.41MHz, and the DAI with NIC resonance at 2.16MHz. The rms values of the switches current are obtained as: = I D1rms A (1 − D )(1 + k I2 ) (1 − D ) 12 f s L (18) 60 50 (19) 0 1 2 3 4 (1 + k I2 ) rds1 I D (1 + k I2 ) 2 rds2 I D 2 (1 − D ) 2 D1 As 8 9 10 8 9 10 104.0 m1 (21) 91.2 m1 freq=2.167MHz dB(zin1)=94.847 Max 78.4 65.6 52.8 The rms value of the active inductor current is: T 1 = iL2 dt T ∫ 0 7 (20) rDS 1 and rDS 2 are the MOSFET on- resistance. = I Lrms 6 (a) dB(zin1) Prds 2 5 freq, MHz The power loss in the MOSFETS is found as: Prds1 (27) 6. SIMULATION RESULTS For t on < t ≤ T 0 iD 2 = ∆iL ∆iL − (1 − D )T (t − DT ) + I L + 2 = η 40.0 IL (1 + k I2 ) (22) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 freq, MHz The power loss in the active inductor is obtained: PL rs Réq rs + Réq 2 I Lrms (23) The current through the filter capacitor is approximately equal to the ac component of the inductor current and is given by: ic ∆iL ∆iL t− 2 DT ∆iL ∆iL − (t − DT ) + 2 (1 − D )T for 0<t ≤ DT (24) for DT < t ≤ T (b) Fig.6. Variation of input admittance of the DAI: (a) without NIC. (b) With NIC. Fig.7 shows the quality factor versus frequency of the DAI. Where the DAI with NIC presented a maximum quality factor Qd≈4226 at 155 KHz. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 www.IJCSI.org 161 30.00 Fig.9 is the transient response of output voltage with variation of capacitance in the LP filter. The recovery time is in the order of 30ms for capacitance C=100nF and 180ms for C=1uF. 26.25 m2 freq=586.0kHz q=13.495 Max 22.50 q 18.75 m2 15.00 11.25 7.50 800 3.75 0.00 0.00 A(t=30ms) 600 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.20 1.44 1.68 1.92 2.16 2.40 vsc1, mV freq, MHz (a) C(t=180ms) B(t=100ms) 400 A=100nF B=550nF C=1uF 200 0 5000 m2 4000 -200 0 m2 freq=155.0kHz q=4226.456 Max q 3000 2000 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 time, msec Fig.9 Transient response of output voltage with variation capacitance in the LP filter. 1000 0 120.0 125.6 131.2 136.8 142.4 148.0 153.6 159.2 164.8 170.4 176.0 freq, KHz (b) Fig.7 Quality factor of the DAI: a) without NIC. (b) With NIC. The BC with DAI and NIC is supplied with an input voltage of 1V and switching frequency of 155 kHz. Fig.8 (a) represents the output voltage of this BC, and the output ripple voltage is shown in Fig.8 (b). Thus the ripple of output voltage is expressed as follows (V − V ) D ∆i [5]: = ∆V A = i o o L 16 LCf s2 8Cf s η and the efficiency of this BC equal:= Vo I o = Vi I i 0.75 800 vsc1, mV 600 400 200 7. Conclusion In this paper we simulated a buck converter implemented in a 0.18um technology with CMOS differential active inductor paralleled with active negative resistor which uses a minimum number of transistors and presented a high quality factor. The measurement results show that the Buck converter is supplied with an input voltage of 1V and switching frequency of 155 kHz, an low power consumption (14uW), an output voltage of 740mV and output ripple voltage of 10mV. Due to the use of active inductors, no distributed elements or spiral inductors are required. A significant reduction in chip area can be achieved. The present work proves that the DAI aren’t only suitable for RF applications, but also at medium frequency. 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