g Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter Sanda Lefteriu Cécile Labarre Ecole des Mines de Douai May 10, 2016 Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 1 / 20 g Motivation Outline 1 Modeling Systems using Frequency Domain Measurements 2 Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Results 3 Conclusion Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 2 / 20 g Motivation Obtaining measurements in the frequency domain u(t) = a0 sin(2πfi t + φ0 ) −→ Σ −→ y (t) = a1 sin(2πfi t + φ1 ) Problem statement: H(s) models a data set with N samples obtained from an unknown underlying system, if, for i=1, · · · , N, H(si = jωi ) ≈ Hi , where ωi = 2πfi , Hi := Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) a1 φ1 − φ0 . a0 Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 3 / 20 g Motivation Obtaining measurements in the frequency domain u(t) = a0 sin(2πfi t + φ0 ) −→ Σ −→ y (t) = a1 sin(2πfi t + φ1 ) Problem statement: H(s) models a data set with N samples obtained from an unknown underlying system, if, for i=1, · · · , N, H(si = jωi ) ≈ Hi , where ωi = 2πfi , Hi := a1 φ1 − φ0 . a0 For LTI systems, H(s) is a rational scalar/matrix function ⇒ rational approximation problem. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 3 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Outline 1 Modeling Systems using Frequency Domain Measurements 2 Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Results 3 Conclusion Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 4 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter DC-DC switching power converters They consist of LTI components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) together with switches (transistors and diodes), whose operation is controlled to yield the desired voltage conversion. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 5 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter DC-DC switching power converters They consist of LTI components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) together with switches (transistors and diodes), whose operation is controlled to yield the desired voltage conversion. Frequency domain analysis via the Bode plot is not possible. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 5 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter DC-DC switching power converters They consist of LTI components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) together with switches (transistors and diodes), whose operation is controlled to yield the desired voltage conversion. Frequency domain analysis via the Bode plot is not possible. Ultimate goal: use the measurements to derive a model for the converter, valid from low up to high frequency. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 5 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter State-of-the-art Average models describe dynamics using average values of currents and voltages, neglecting ripple effects due to switching ⇒ state-space averaging (SSA) [Middlebrook & Cuk, 1976] employs the weighted combination of state equations of switching phases in pulse-width modulated (PWM) converters. They are only valid until half of the switching frequency. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 6 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter State-of-the-art Average models describe dynamics using average values of currents and voltages, neglecting ripple effects due to switching ⇒ state-space averaging (SSA) [Middlebrook & Cuk, 1976] employs the weighted combination of state equations of switching phases in pulse-width modulated (PWM) converters. They are only valid until half of the switching frequency. In continuous current mode (CCM), the Buck converter has two working modes, so it can be modeled by the Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) [Biolek, 1997, Biolek et al., 2006], which combines the continuous and the discrete behavior. The resulting function produces a Bode plot which is valid past half the switching frequency. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 6 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter State-of-the-art Average models describe dynamics using average values of currents and voltages, neglecting ripple effects due to switching ⇒ state-space averaging (SSA) [Middlebrook & Cuk, 1976] employs the weighted combination of state equations of switching phases in pulse-width modulated (PWM) converters. They are only valid until half of the switching frequency. In continuous current mode (CCM), the Buck converter has two working modes, so it can be modeled by the Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) [Biolek, 1997, Biolek et al., 2006], which combines the continuous and the discrete behavior. The resulting function produces a Bode plot which is valid past half the switching frequency. DC-DC power converters are periodic switched linear (PSL) circuits characterized by time-varying transfer function or alternatively, by bi-frequency transfer function [Zadeh, 1950]. The steady-state response found as solution of augmented MNA equation in the frequency domain [Trinchero, 2015]. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 6 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter Figure : Topology of the Buck converter 1 2 In CCM, 2 linear working modes. 1st mode: switch is closed (S = 1, S = 0) for t ∈ [kT , (k + D)T ], where D is the duty cycle, T is the switching period and k = ..., −1, 0, 1, ... 2nd mode: switch is open (S = 0, S = 1) for t ∈ [(k + D)T , (k + 1)T ]. Figure : Switching diagram Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 7 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter State-space equations ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bi u(t), i = 1, 2, where 1 0 VC (t) 0 − RC C1 , B1 = 1 , B2 = x(t) = ,A = , IL (t) 0 0 − L1 L (1) with u(t) = Vin (t). Using the average values of VC and IL ˙x̃(t) = Ax̃(t) + Bu(t), where B = D0 . (2) L The output is y (t) = Vo (t) = VC (t) = Cx̃(t) + Du(t) with C = 1 Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter 0 , D = 0. May 10, 2016 8 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter State-space equations ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bi u(t), i = 1, 2, where 1 0 VC (t) 0 − RC C1 , B1 = 1 , B2 = x(t) = ,A = , IL (t) 0 0 − L1 L (1) with u(t) = Vin (t). Using the average values of VC and IL ˙x̃(t) = Ax̃(t) + Bu(t), where B = D0 . (2) L The output is y (t) = Vo (t) = VC (t) = Cx̃(t) + Du(t) with C = 1 0 , D = 0. The line-to-output transfer function is H(s) = VVino (s) (s) . Its expression based on average model is D Havg (s) = . (3) 1 + s RL + s 2 LC Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 8 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Deriving the GTF We follow the derivation in [Biolek, 1997, Biolek et al., 2006]. The solution of (1): x(t) = e A(t−t0 ) Z t e A(t−τ ) Bi u(τ )dτ, t ≥ t0 . x0 + (4) t0 Phase 1: t ∈ [kT , kT + DT ), write (4) at the end of it x(kT + DT ) = e ADT x(kT ) + Z kT +DT e A(kT +DT −τ ) B1 u(τ )dτ. (5) kT Phase 2: t ∈ [kT + DT , (k + 1)T ), write (4) x(t) = e A(t−kT −DT ) x(kT + DT ). (6) We replace (5) into (6) and evaluate at the end of the period, for t = (k + 1)T : Z x((k + 1)T )=e AT x(kT ) + e A(k+1)T kT+DT −Aτ e B1 u(τ )dτ. kT Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 9 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Deriving the GTF Buck converter is a DC-DC converter ⇒ use small signal analysis: u(t) = u0 + ũe jΩt , with u0 >> ũ and Ω, perturbation frequency of choice. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 10 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Deriving the GTF Buck converter is a DC-DC converter ⇒ use small signal analysis: u(t) = u0 + ũe jΩt , with u0 >> ũ and Ω, perturbation frequency of choice. The output at steady-state contains a DC component and an AC of the same frequency Ω, together with other frequencies. Using the analogy with LTI, only the component with frequency Ω is of interest. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 10 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Deriving the GTF Buck converter is a DC-DC converter ⇒ use small signal analysis: u(t) = u0 + ũe jΩt , with u0 >> ũ and Ω, perturbation frequency of choice. The output at steady-state contains a DC component and an AC of the same frequency Ω, together with other frequencies. Using the analogy with LTI, only the component with frequency Ω is of interest. The generalized transfer function for the line-to-output response is given by HGTF (jΩ) = C e jΩT Z I−e AT −1 AT DT −Aτ e e B1 e jΩτ dτ, (7) 0 where I is the identity matrix. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 10 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Time-varying systems Following [Zadeh, 1950], impulse response and transfer function can be extended to time-varying systems. The output is Z ∞ y (t) = h(t, τ )u(τ )dτ, h(t, τ ) = R[δ(t − τ )], −∞ with h(t, τ ), the generalized impulse response, R, the operator describing system behavior, t, the observation time and τ , the excitation time. The bi-frequency transfer function is Z ∞Z ∞ h(t, τ )e −j(ωt−Ωτ ) dtdτ. (8) H(ω, Ω) = −∞ −∞ where Ω and ω are the input and output frequencies. The time-varying transfer function Z ∞ H(t, Ω) = h(t, τ )e −jΩ(t−τ ) dτ. (9) −∞ Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 11 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Periodical linear time-varying (PLTV) systems H(t, Ω) is a periodic function of t ⇒ Fourier series w.r.t. ωs = n=∞ X H(t, Ω) = 2π T : Hn (Ω)e jnωs t . (10) n=−∞ Frequency-dependent Fourier coefficients Hn (Ω) called aliasing transfer functions: Hn (Ω) = 1 T Z T H(t, Ω)e −jnωs t dt. 0 The output in the frequency domain: Y (ω) = n=∞ X Hn (ω − nωs )U(ω − nωs ). (11) n=−∞ The LTI relationship can be recovered for n = 0, namely Y (ω) = Hn (ω)U(ω). Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 12 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Periodical linear time-varying (PLTV) systems Figure : Block-diagram representation with infinitely many LTI systems [Trinchero, 2015] Figure : Output for single tone ω0 contains new harmonics at multiples of ωs Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 13 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA) for PSL circuits Approach from [Trinchero, 2015] for computing steady-state of periodic switched linear circuits via augmented time-invariant MNA equation in frequency-domain adapted for small-signal transfer function computation. Figure : Frequency domain representation of the Buck converter [Trinchero, 2015] Substitute S, S with periodic switching elements Y1 , Y2 and replace voltage source by its Norton equivalent ⇒ the augmented MNA equation is Y1 + Y2 0 I V1 Y1 Vin ωC + G I 0 jω −I V2= 0, (12) ωL I −I −jω IL 0 where G = 1 R and each block is a matrix of dimension 2N + 1. Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 14 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits MNA for PSL circuits IL contains coefficients of truncated frequency domain representation IL (ω) = N X In δ(ω − nωs − ω0 ), (13) n=−N with ω0 , the excitation frequency. Similarly for V1 , V2 . Yi,0 Yi,−1 . . . Yi,−2N Yi,1 Y . . . Y i,0 i,−2N+1 Yi = .. .. . . .. . . . . Yi,2N Yi,2N−1 ... Y1 and Y2 are Toeplitz , i = 1, 2, (14) Yi,0 Y1,n are Fourier coefficients of window function with amplitude 1 when S is on: Z DT e −jnωs DT − 1 e −jnωs t dt = , n = −2N, . . . , 2N, Y1,n = fs −j2πn 0 in Y1 , and Y2,n = Y1n e −jωs nDT , m = −2N, . . . , 2N in Y2 , for S due to delay DT . ω0 − Nωs . . . ω0 + Nωs ω = diag . Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 15 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Augmented MNA for PSL circuits MNA for PSL circuits Small-signal analysis: u(t) = u0 + ũe jΩt , with u0 >> ũ and Ω, perturbation frequency ⇒ U(ω) = u0 δ(ω) + ũδ(ω − Ω). Linear system solved for each input 0 0 UDC = u0 , UAC = ũ , 0 ∈ Rn×1 . 0 0 We have V2 = V2,DC + V2,AC , where V2,DC (ω) = N X Vn,DC δ(ω − nωs ), (15) Vn,AC δ(ω − nωs − Ω), (16) n=−N V2,AC (ω) = N X n=−N with coefficients Vn,DC , Vn,AC found by solving (12) for ω0 = 0, ω0 = Ω. The transfer function at perturbation frequency Ω is ( V0,AC if Ω 6= nωs ũ , . (17) HMNA (jΩ) = Vn,DC +Vn,AC , if Ω = nωs ũ Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 16 / 20 g Modeling the Buck converter Results Simulation and Experimental Results Buck converter with parameters: L = 1mH, C = 500µF, R = 12Ω, fs = 20kHz= T1 , duty cycle D = 12 . Figure : Simulation results and experimental validation Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 17 / 20 g Conclusion Outline 1 Modeling Systems using Frequency Domain Measurements 2 Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter Average model of the Buck converter Generalized Transfer Function (GTF) Augmented MNA for PSL circuits Results 3 Conclusion Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 18 / 20 g Conclusion Conclusion & Future work Presented: The line-to-output transfer function was simulated using the average model, the GTF and the MNA for PSL circuits. Its magnitude was measured with a spectrum analyzer. Next steps: Consider other modeling techniques (e.g., take into account parasitics). Measure the phase. Model, simulate and measure the control-to-output transfer function. Thank you for your attention! Sanda Lefteriu (Ecole des Mines de Douai) Transfer Function Modeling for the Buck converter May 10, 2016 19 / 20 g Conclusion References Biolek, D. (1997). Modeling of periodically switched networks by mixed s-z description. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 44(8), 750–758. Biolek, D., Biolkova, V., & Dobes, J. (2006). Modeling of switched DC-DC converters by mixed s-z description. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (pp. 831–834). Middlebrook, R. & Cuk, S. (1976). A general unified approach to modelling switching-converter power stages. In IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (pp. 18–34). Trinchero, R. (2015). EMI Analysis and Modeling of Switching Circuits. PhD thesis, Politecnico di Torino. Zadeh, L. A. (1950). Frequency analysis of variable networks. Proceedings of the IRE, 38(3), 291–299. 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