Customer Success Advanced - Symantec Enterprise Technical

Customer Success Advanced
Service Description
August 2015
Service Overview
The Symantec Customer Success Advanced service (the “Service”) offers access to a Customer Success Manager (“CSM”) resource
that serve as the single point of contact to manage a customer’s technical support experience within the Territory (as defined
This Service Description, with any attachments included by reference, is part of any agreement which incorporates this Service
Description by reference (collectively, the “Agreement”), for those Services which are described in this Service Description and
are provided by Symantec.
Table of Contents
Technical/Business Functionality and Capabilities
Service Availability
Service Features
Eligible Software
Service-Specific Terms
Support Policies
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( that are referred to or displayed in the document are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its
affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The contents of this document are only for use by existing or prospective customers or partners of
Symantec, solely for the use and/or acquisition of the Services described in this document.
Customer Success Advanced
Service Description
August 2015
Technical/Business Functionality and Capabilities
Service Availability:
Customer’s eligibility to purchase and receive Services is based on a combination of factors including:
Customer product bookings
Number of products deployed
Support case activity
Number of product users
Geographical distribution
Customer must hold a valid License Agreement and current support agreement for Essential Support for the Symantec Software
product(s) to which Services will be delivered. If Customer has a site license, then Customer is required to maintain Essential Support
for all Software covered under a site license. Further, Symantec is not obligated to provide any credits, refunds or extensions of
Services when Services are suspended for Customer’s failure to maintain Essential Support.
Service Features:
Account Management
Single Point of Contact: Customer will be assigned a named CSM who will serve as Customer’s primary account contact for
providing case management assistance.
Annual Account Review (Remote): Account reviews will be provided on an annual basis to help improve Customer’s overall
support experience.
Quarterly Reporting and Review (Remote): Case history reporting will be provided on a quarterly basis to identify support
issues and trends and discuss potential areas of improvement.
Standard Support Case Reporting (Monthly): Case history reporting will be provided on a monthly basis to identify support
issues and trends and discuss potential areas of improvement.
Case Management
Business Hours Response: The CSM is available during Local Business Hours.
Escalation Assistance: During Local Business Hours, the CSM will assist with any support issue escalations on behalf of
Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo and any other trademark found on the Symantec Trademarks List
( that are referred to or displayed in the document are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its
affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The contents of this document are only for use by existing or prospective customers or partners of
Symantec, solely for the use and/or acquisition of the Services described in this document.
Customer Success Advanced
Service Description
August 2015
Escalation updates, actions, and management calls: The CSM managing your case will provide an update on the status of
Customer’s case and maintain a current plan of action. The CSM is alerted when a Severity 1 Case has been logged and
serves as the point of contact for providing case management assistance.
Support Coverage
Unlimited Designated Contacts: Customer may designate an unlimited amount of individuals to interact with Symantec
technical support for all Eligible Software.
Priority Queuing and Access to Advanced Technical Support Engineers: Customer opening a case with Symantec technical
support will receive priority call queuing and direct access to a pool of advanced technical support engineers offering
remote technical advocacy for Severity 1 and Severity 2 Cases.
Business Critical Services Website: Customer will have access to the Business Critical Services website.
Lifecycle Planning
Patch and Fix Updates: The CSM will notify Customer if bug fixes or patches become available.
Eligible Software
Eligible Software is the Symantec software eligible for coverage under the Service, identified by Product Family, at the following URL: and identified in
Customer’s Subscription Instrument. The list of Eligible Software may be revised and updated by Symantec from time to time
without notice to Customer. If Symantec includes additional software in the Product Family for which Customer currently has
Services, then Customer’s Services shall automatically include such additional Eligible Software without the payment of additional
Services fees.
Service-Specific Terms
Support Policies
Except as otherwise provided in this Service Description, Services will be provided in accordance with Symantec’s Enterprise
Technical Support Policy and other relevant support policies, any of which may be revised and updated by Symantec from time to
time without notice to Customer. Please refer to for
copies of such policies.
Capitalized terms used in this Service Description, and not otherwise defined in the Agreement or this Services Description, have the
meaning given below:
“Local Business Hours” means local business hours at a Customer-designated facility in the Territory.
Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo and any other trademark found on the Symantec Trademarks List
( that are referred to or displayed in the document are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its
affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The contents of this document are only for use by existing or prospective customers or partners of
Symantec, solely for the use and/or acquisition of the Services described in this document.
Customer Success Advanced
Service Description
August 2015
“Subscription Instrument” means one or more of the following applicable documents which further defines Customer’s rights and
obligation related to the Service: a Symantec certificate or a similar document issued by Symantec, or a written agreement between
Customer and Symantec, that accompanies, precedes or follows the Service.
“Territory” means the single country designated by Customer to Symantec in writing.
Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo and any other trademark found on the Symantec Trademarks List
( that are referred to or displayed in the document are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its
affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The contents of this document are only for use by existing or prospective customers or partners of
Symantec, solely for the use and/or acquisition of the Services described in this document.