JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 98, 044306 共2005兲 Light emission and degradation of single-walled carbon nanotube filament Z. G. Zhao, F. Li, C. Liu, and H. M. Chenga兲 Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, People’s Republic of China 共Received 25 January 2005; accepted 17 June 2005; published online 18 August 2005兲 Household light bulbs were fabricated using macroscopically long and aligned single-walled carbon nanotube 共SWNT兲 ropes as filaments. It was found that the SWNT filament could emit bright light when an electric current was passed through it. The light spectrum from the SWNT filament showed a nonblackbody characteristic of the thermal emission, and its infrared emission was almost completely suppressed possibly due to the “photonic band-gap” effect that originates in the loose fibrous bundle structure of the SWNT filament. The electrical resistance of the SWNT filament was found to first increase, and then continually decrease during light emission. It was also found that an electric current could cause degradation and burnout of the SWNT filament and result in complete amorphization, and that an interesting mushroomlike carbon structure was formed due to the carbon evaporation of the nanotube filament during light emission. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1996852兴 I. INTRODUCTION Carbon nanotubes 共CNTs兲 have been a fascinating subject for both scientific and technological researches.1 Their unique structure and remarkable mechanical properties,2 high current carrying ability,3 ballistic electron transport,4 and field-emission performance5 have opened ways to a number of possible applications such as field-emission devices,5 interconnectors,6 sensors,7 supercapacitors,8 and battery electrodes.9 Recently, Wei et al.10 have made a household light bulb in which the conventional tungsten filament was replaced by a macroscopically long CNT bundle. The nanotube filament bulbs were found to possess several interesting advantages over traditional tungsten filament bulbs, such as lower threshold voltage for light emission and higher brightness at high voltages. However, the overall characteristics of nanotube bulb filaments, including light spectra, resistance variation tendency, and the degradation mechanism during light emission, must be understood for their practical application. In this paper, light bulbs using macroscopically long and aligned single-walled carbon nanotube 共SWNT兲 ropes synthesized by an arc discharge method were constructed. The emitted light spectra were analyzed and compared with the Planck blackbody radiation distribution. The resistance variation during light emission was also obtained by the measurements of two-point current-voltage characteristics of SWNT filaments. The structural transformation and degradation mechanisms of the SWNT filament during light emission were investigated by scanning electron microscopy 共SEM兲, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy 共HRTEM兲, and Raman spectroscopy. discharge method.11 Long ropes of SWNT bundles with rope lengths up to 200 mm could be isolated in the product. The collected SWNT ropes were lightweight and freestanding. One of the distinct characteristics of the SWNT ropes is hierarchy structure at different scales, such as isolated SWNTs, SWNT bundles, and fibers of SWNT bundles. The SEM observations showed that individual SWNTs may form closely packed bundles 共30–50 nm兲, bundles loosely into fibers 共several hundred nanometers to a few micrometers兲, and fibers eventually into macroscopic ropes 共50–200 m兲 关Fig. 1共a兲兴.12 These as-grown long ropes of aligned SWNTs were easily handled and manipulated to make bulb filaments. The nanotube filaments were connected to electrodes by conductive carbon paste and sealed in a glass bulb which was pumped to a vacuum of 5 ⫻ 10−3 Pa. The light of the SWNT filaments was collected by a charge-coupled device 共CCD兲 detector and the emission spectra of SWNT filaments were obtained using a micro-Raman system as a spectrometer, which was configured for emission studies between 300 and 1000 nm. II. EXPERIMENT Macroscopically long ropes of aligned SWNTs used in our work were synthesized by the hydrogen and argon arc a兲 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: 0021-8979/2005/98共4兲/044306/4/$22.50 FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 SEM image of the as-prepared SWNT ropes, showing that a SWNT rope is made up of many parallel thinner fibers. 关共b兲–共d兲兴 SWNT filament bulbs emitting incandescent light, whose light color shifts from orange to white. 98, 044306-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 22 Aug 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 044306-2 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044306 共2005兲 Zhao et al. FIG. 2. 共a兲 Comparison of the experimentally obtained emission spectra of a SWNT filament induced by an electrical current under different input power conditions with the curves of blackbody radiation. The light intensity of the actual spectra and fitted spectra is multiplied by the scale factor. 共b兲 Plot of transmission factor vs wavelength. 共c兲 Plot of the fitted temperature 共T兲 vs input power 共P兲. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Light-emission effect Figures 1共b兲–1共d兲 show an illuminating SWNT bulb at different input powers. The SWNT filament emitted incandescent light evenly along its entire length. It was observed that the light color gradually varied from orange to white with increasing input power, indicating a blueshift of visible spectra 关Figs. 1共b兲–1共d兲兴. At the same time, the light intensity was also greatly increased with increasing input power. The SWNT light bulb reached the maximum input power of 35 W before its burnout in our experiment. The change of the intensity and wavelength of visible light with input power was also confirmed by the collected emission spectra. Figure 2共a兲 shows the spectra recorded at different input powers. The emission spectra are continuous and featureless over the entire frequency. With the increase in input power from 1.02 to 9.55 W, the intensity dramatically increased to 8273 times and the peak position shifted from 836 to 740 nm. Noticeably, infrared emission was found to be almost completely suppressed in Fig. 2共a兲, indicating a nonblackbody character of the thermal emission from the SWNT filament. We suggest that the almost complete suppression of infrared emission is due to a “photonic band-gap” effect that originates in the loose fibrous bundle structure of the SWNT filament. Kempa et al. reported that the periodic arrays of aligned CNTs fabricated on Ni dots can produce photonic band gaps in or around the visible frequency range that are spectrum regions in which the electromagnetic wave propagation is forbidden.13 The aligned SWNT filament in air background can also be assumed to act as a two-dimensional photonic band-gap crystal due to the periodic variation of the dielectric constant. The fibers of the SWNT bundles in the SWNT filament, which are at a submicrometer length scale 共several hundred nanometers to a few micrometers兲, can play the role of the primitive cell in a photonic band-gap crystal. Since the gap position was the only dependent on the dielectric constant in the gap equation, Kempa et al.13 also estimated the gap to be centered at ⬇ 500 nm by simply scaling the results obtained by Cassagne et al.14,15 In the same way, the radiation wavelength of the gap in our SWNT filament can be roughly estimated to be in or around the infrared frequency range 共several hundred nanometers to a few micrometers兲. If this is the case, on the short-wavelength side of the emission peak, the emission spectrum will approach that of a blackbody and its shape can be used to determine the temperature of the filament, and on the long-wavelength side of the spectrum, the emission will be suppressed by the inability of wavelengths longer than a critical value to propagate through the photonic band-gap structure. Figure 2共a兲 also shows that on the short-wavelength side of the emission peak, the experimentally obtained curves can be fitted with the curves of blackbody radiation. It was found that the experimentally obtained curves for higher temperature fit better with the blackbody radiation distribution than those for lower temperature. In our experiment, color temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1700 K were obtained using the above fitting. If emissivity is independent of wavelength, color temperature and true temperature are the same. So the true temperature of SWNT filaments is estimated to be 1000–1700 K. Figure 2共b兲 was obtained by dividing the actual spectral emissions of Fig. 2共a兲 by the blackbody emissions, and plotting the results as a “transmission factor.” The shapes of the curves for different temperatures are almost the same, especially the curves for higher temperature. This lends support to the hypothesis that the suppression of infrared emission is a purely geometric effect and is approximately independent of temperature. The breadth of the “cutoff” profile is consistent with the expectation that there is a random distribution of spacings between fibers of SWNT bundles, and therefore a range of cutoff wavelengths. Moreover, when the fitted temperature 共T兲 was plotted with input power 共P兲, it was confirmed that the relationship between T and P is as follows 关Fig. 2共c兲兴: P ⬀ T2 . Downloaded 22 Aug 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 044306-3 Zhao et al. FIG. 3. 共a兲 Raman spectra of the SWNT filament before 共curve a兲 and after light emission 共curves b and c兲. 关共b兲 and 共c兲兴 SEM images of the SWNT filament after the structural transformation during light emission showing that a high density of spherical amorphous carbon particles were formed. 共d兲 TEM images of the SWNT filament after the structural transformation during light emission. The inset shows a double-walled carbon nanotube 共DWNT兲 with an outer diameter of 5.6 nm. B. Structure degradation Raman spectroscopy was employed to identify the structural transformation of the SWNT filament with an excitation wavelength of 632.8 nm 关Fig. 3共a兲兴. The pristine sample 共curve a兲 shows the following characteristic SWNT peaks: radial breathing mode 共RBM兲 共100–300 cm−1兲 , G mode 共1592 cm−1兲, and a very low intensity D band 共1320 cm−1兲. The main effects of light emission on the evolution of the Raman spectrum of SWNT filaments are as follows 共curves b and c兲: 共i兲 In curve c, RBM has almost totally disappeared indicating degradation and burnout of SWNTs after light emission. In curve b, though the RBM peak can still be dis- J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044306 共2005兲 cerned, the intensity of RBM decreases drastically, which shows that some SWNTs still remained in the sample. 共ii兲 The G band, which is related to the graphite E2g symmetric interlayer mode,16 decreases drastically in intensity and shifts from 1592 to 1583 and 1588 cm−1, respectively, for curves b and c. 共iii兲 The D band, which is characteristic of amorphous carbon or defects, increases and shifts upwardly from 1320 to 1331 cm−1, indicating structure deformation of SWNTs after light emission.17 Some similar changes of the Raman spectrum were also observed in those SWNT samples by acid or heat treatment.17,18 In Figs. 3共b兲 and 3共c兲, the SEM images show the structural transformation of the SWNT filament induced by an electric current, which corresponds to Raman spectrum curve c. It can be observed that numerous spherical particles with a diameter of 2–5 m are aggregated. The HRTEM observation shows that these spherical particles are mainly made up of amorphous carbon with randomly embedded catalyst particles 关Fig. 3共d兲兴. Only a few isolated short multiwalled carbon nanotubes 共MWNTs兲 having two or three layers with larger diameters 共2–6 nm兲 were observed 关the inset in Fig. 3共d兲兴, and no SWNT bundles remained. Since these MWNTs are never observed in our pristine samples, we believe that they should result from the coalescence of SWNTs packed in bundles during the emission. Yudasaka et al.18 has observed the transformation of SWNT bundles to a multiwalled structure and diameter enlargement induced by heat treatment. The above observations indicate that, under the condition of high temperature caused by an electric current, the SWNT structure will collapse and many disordered carbon clusters of different sizes will be formed 共amorphization兲.19 However, it seems that the carbon clusters tend to aggregate forming larger spherical particles 共2–5 m兲. The incomplete structural transformation of the SWNT filament induced by an electric current, which corresponds to the Raman spectrum curve b, was also observed. Figure 4共a兲 shows an interesting mushroomlike structure formed during light emission. This special structure was composed of residual SWNT bundles and those newly transformed catalystembedded amorphous carbon spherical particles attached to the surface of SWNT bundles. The formation of this mushroomlike carbon structure may be due to the carbon evaporation of the nanotube filament. It was also found that a layer of carbon was deposited on the interior of the glass bulb, which indicates that the SWNT filament did suffer from carbon evaporation during light emission. Carbon vapor arising from the evaporation of carbon atoms can blow off some SWNT bundles from the SWNT filament to form the mushroomlike structure. C. Unique electrical resistance change Normalized electrical resistance R共P兲 / R0 共R0 is the electrical resistance at room temperature兲 versus input power is shown in Fig. 5, which was obtained by measurements of two-point current-voltage characteristics of the SWNT filament. At the initial low input power stage, it can be seen that the resistance of the SWNT rope is rapidly increased, which seems to indicate that the resistance of the SWNT filament is Downloaded 22 Aug 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 044306-4 J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044306 共2005兲 Zhao et al. SWNT filament during light emission. As mentioned above, a high density of spherical amorphous carbon clusters were formed during light emission, which could produce new conductive paths and increase the mean free path of electrons. We believe that these should be responsible for the resistance decrease of the SWNT filament in the light-emission process. IV. CONCLUSIONS FIG. 4. SEM images of the SWNT filament after the incomplete structural transformation during light emission, showing a mushroomlike structure consisting of the remaining SWNT bundles and newly formed spherical amorphous carbon particles. increased with increasing temperature, typical of metallic conductivity. However, beyond a threshold input power, the resistance is sharply decreased and then continually decreased. It is not reasonable to consider that this resistance decrease originated from the semiconducting behavior of the SWNT filament itself at such high temperatures, which was proposed by Li et al.20 After decreasing input power to zero, the resistance of the SWNT filament was measured again. It was found that the resistance was not restored to the initial value at room temperature, but remained a very low value 关R共P兲 / R0 = 0.05兴. This fact indicates that the sharp resistance decrease was caused by the structural transformation of the FIG. 5. Change of two-point normalized electrical resistance of the SWNT filament with input power. R0 is the resistance of the SWNT filament at room temperature. The SWNT light bulb based on the as-prepared aligned SWNT ropes synthesized using an arc discharge method was constructed to explore its light-emission characteristics, and the SWNT filaments showed a nonblackbody characteristic of thermal emission. The almost complete suppression of infrared emission was observed in the emission spectra, which may be due to a “photonic band-gap” effect that originates in the loose fibrous bundle structure of the SWNT filament. It was also found that an electric current can disintegrate the SWNT walls and result in complete amorphization of SWNTs, which was responsible for the degradation and burnout of SWNT filaments. In the case of incomplete structural transformation of the SWNT filament induced by an electric current, an interesting mushroomlike carbon structure was observed. 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