Steam Cooling Systems for Buildings Explained Con Edison AKF Engineers Spring 2008 Joseph Rubino, PE Steam Seminar When evaluating a Refrigeration Plant Design Concept the following issues should be considered: ¾ Peak Cooling Load ¾ Cooling Load Profile ¾ Alternate fuel Sources ¾ Redundancy ¾ Reliability ¾ Operating Cost ¾ Maintenance Costs ¾ Operating Staff and Owner’s Input Various options are available: ¾ Electric ¾ Steam ¾ Gas ¾ Thermal Storage ¾ Hybrid Systems ¾ Tri-fuel Systems ¾ Combined Heat Power Today we will discuss on the benefits of Steam Refrigeration Plants, Hybrid Plants, and Tri-fuel Plants. Steam, electric and gas have proven to be reliable energy sources in NYC. The Advantage of installing “Hybrid or Tri-fuel plants” are as follows: ¾Built-in utility redundancy ¾The plant does not rely on one energy source ¾Operator flexibility ¾Ability to benefit from “time of day” rates ¾Can avoid or reduce electric demand charges Steam Turbines Steam turbines have a long and proven history since their initial practical development in the late 19th century: ¾ Provide reliable shaft horsepower ¾ Widely used in the industry ¾ Versatile prime mover technology There are several types of steam turbines: ¾ Condensing ¾ Non Condensing (Back Pressure) ¾ Single Stage ¾ Multi-stage Steam Turbines A steam turbine is an energy conversion device. Steam or thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy with the help of a high speed turbine rotor and final conversion to refrigeration by means of a compressor. Turbine technology has advanced significantly in recent years with upgrades to the blade geometry, materials, bearings, seals and controls. The equipment manufacturers have automated the control systems to optimize turbine speed control with the vane position which improves the overall system performance and efficiencies. Steam Turbines Improved performance translates to an increased heat rate or thermal efficiency. Steam consumption for multi-stage turbines: ¾8.5 lbs/ton-hr – 10.5 lbs/ton-hr at full load ¾6.5 lbs/ton-hr – 8.5 lbs/ton-hr at part load or IPLV System efficiencies can be further increased by using heat recovery equipment. Steam Turbine Design - Components Rotors ¾ Rotor assembly consists of all parts which rotate excluding the coupling. Steam Turbine Design - Components Buckets ¾ Turbine blades (buckets) are normally 403 or 420 stainless steel. ¾ Some blades are made from Titanium. (light weight, high strength, but difficult to machine). ¾ Lower stressed blades are made from stock drawn to foil shape (Drawn Blades). Absorption Chillers ¾A thermal compressor consists of an absorber, a generator, a pump, and throttling device ¾The refrigerant used is actually water ¾Salt generally lithium bromide drives the process ¾Heat is used to separate two fluids ¾Fluids are combined together in a vacuum environmental and remix at low temperature ¾Water experiences phase change and causes the cooling effect Absorption Chillers Compared with mechanical chillers, absorption chiller have a low coefficient of performance. (COP = Chiller output /heat input). However, absorption chillers can substantially reduce operating costs because they can be powered by low pressure steam or low grade waste heat. Single stage or single effect absorption chillers provide a thermal COP of 0.8 (IPLV) and require approximately 18 lbs/tonhr of 15 psig steam. Two stage or double effect absorption chillers provide a thermal COP of 1.3 (IPLV) and require approximately 10 lbs/ton-hr of 125 psig steam. A single effect absorption chiller means that all condensing heat cools and condenses in the condenser. From there it is released to the cooling water. Single Effect Absorption Refrigeration Cycle A double effect absorption chiller has a higher efficiency and divides the generator into a high-temperature and a low temperature generator. Double Effect Absorption Refrigeration Cycle TYPICAL WATER-COOLED CHILLER EFFICIENCIES CHILLER TYPE *INTEGRATED PARTLOAD VALUE (IPLV) Steam/Hot-water Single Stage Absorption 0.8 COP Steam Two-stage Absorption 1.3 COP Steam Turbine Centrifugal 1.8 COP *IPLV’s are calculated according to Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standards 560-2000 and 550/590-1998. HIGH EFFICIENCY COP Comparison 2.5 IPLV 1.8 2 COP 1.5 1 IPLV 1.3 0.5 IPLV 0.8 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Load Double effect absorber Steam turbine Single effect absorber 90 100 Combined Heat and Power: Vertical Steam Turbine Generators Microsteam® Turbine Generators (STG) A typical installation (one microsteam turbine) can generate approximately 275 kw, with a 12,000 lbs/hr steam consumption and a reduction in pressure from 150 psig to 15 psig. Multiple microsteam® turbines can be manifolded together to generate additional power providing the steam capacity is required based on the steam load profile for the facility. The microturbines® are typically piped in parallel with the pressure reducing valve stations (PRV). Combined Heat and Power: Vertical Steam Turbine Generators Microsteam® Turbine Generators (STG) The steam flow is diverted to the microsteam turbine in lieu of the PRV station. The high pressure steam is utilized to turn the high speed turbine rotor. The transfer of energy is recovered in a gear box which is connected to a generator which produces electricity and distributed to the facility. The 275 kw skid mounted power package measures 34” width x 42” length x 78” height. The low pressure steam from the turbine outlet can be utilized for absorption chillers, heating coils, domestic hot water preheaters, process heating applications, etc. Design Considerations for High Pressure Steam Systems ¾Minimize the rate at which steam condenses ¾Design the system to handle condensate ¾Use air vents, separators, and steam traps ¾Pitch steam piping in direction of steam flow ¾Steam must be trapped and removed before it can accumulate ¾Proper trap selection is important ¾Good design practice is a prime consideration Design Considerations for High Pressure Steam Systems ¾All piping, pressure reducing value stations (PRV’s) and related components must be designed in accordance with the latest Con Edison standards. ¾New York City Building Code. ¾ASME B31.1. ¾All welds for high pressure steam systems are subject to radiographic examination. Design Considerations for High Pressure Steam Systems ¾The piping system must be designed to allow for thermal expansion. ¾Maintain allowable stress ranges during expansion and contraction cycles. ¾The forces on equipment and turbine nozzles must be designed in accordance with acceptable limits. ¾Acceptable limits for turbine nozzles are based on NEMA standards. In Summary ¾Con Edison steam is a viable solution for heating and cooling systems. ¾If properly designed can be very efficient and cost effective. ¾(45% - 55%) of Con Edison steam is a by-product of power generation. ¾Use of Con Edison steam helps to reduce the carbon footprint.