9/27/2016 EV Graduate Textbook Information Course Course Prefix Number Course Name Master of Science in Education (Effective Fall 2016) Textbook Title ISBN Author Publisher Edition Curriculum and Instruction Core Courses EDUC 512 Technology and Mediated Instruction EDUC EDUC 600 601 Sociology of Education Study Design and Data Collection EDUC 602 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis EDUC 605 Cognition and Learning EDUC EDUC 621 623 Curriculum Development Assessment of Instruction Instructional Technology and Media for Learning *You will have a chose of either Loose-leaf with enhanced E-text $99 or Video Enhanced E-text $59. (See additional info below) NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED 1. Understanding Research Methods: An Overview of the Essentials 2. Improving Schools Through Action Research: A Reflective Practice Approach 1. Understanding Research Methods: An Overview of the Essentials 2. Improving Schools Through Action Research: A Reflective Practice Approach Loose-Leaf: 9780133831658 OR Video Enhanced: 9780133570366 Smaldino Pearson 11th 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. Pyrczak 2. Pearson 1. Pyrczak 2. Pearson 1. 2. 1. 2. Caine, R Sage 3rd 9780132285445 Hildebrand Prentice Hall 3rd 9781483374413 Schrum ISTE 2nd 9781936523177 9780132868648 9781936523177 9780132868648 12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action: Developing Executive Functions of the 9781483382722 Human Brain NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED - OER Course Patten Hendricks Patten Hendricks 9th 3rd 9th 3rd Elective Courses EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC 509 505 510 515 Recertification Student Teaching Diversity in Education Current Issues in Education Technology Leadership NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED Knowing and Serving Diverse Families NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED Leading 21st Century Schools: Harnessing Technology for Engagement and Achievement EDUC 520 Moving from Discipline to Self-Discipline Students will need to purchase required materials by contacting the instructor. There are two ways to accomplish this. 1) Materials can be ordered at www.selfdisciplinedwp.com. Click on the left hand button that reads College Credit. Scroll down to the Peru State area and select the button indicating the grade level materials you wish to receive. If you are teaching High School indicate that in the comments section and you will receive a CD of high school lesson plans. All students will receive a CD of power points containing the class material, Tips Everyone Can Use to Teach the Skills and a CD of grade specific lesson plans. Once you submit your order for the CD of lesson plans all the other materials will automatically be included. 2) Order by calling 1-800-691-4397. Please allow 3-4 days for shipped materials to reach you. EDUC EDUC 530 533 Contemporary Instruction: Theory and Practice Classroom Management and Leadership 9781416605713 9780134444352 Marzano Jones ASCD Pearson 2007 11th EDUC 540 The Master Teacher 1. 9781416607571 2. 9781416606093 1. Jackson 2. Silver 1. ASCD 2. ASCD 1. 2009 2. 2007 EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC EDUC INS SPED SPED 542 552 553 556 569 695 696 697 500 500 540 Supervising of Student Teachers Introduction to Multimedia Authoring Using the Internet Desktop Publishing for Teachers Teachers as Collaborative Leaders Graduate Internship Thesis/Action Research Project I Thesis/Action Research Project II Diversity in Education Inclusionary Practices in Special Education Behavior Management The Art of Science and Teaching Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems 1. Never Work Harder Than Your Student 2. The Strategic Teacher NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED What Connected Educators Do Differently A Constructivist Approach to the NETS for Teachers Microsoft Publisher 2013: Complete NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers Working with Troubled Children 9781138832008 9781564843135 9781285167329 Whitaker Morphew Starks Taylor & Francix ISTE Cengage Publishing 2012 2014 9780132179720 9781578616787 Friend Kauffman SPED 574 Special Education Laws and Practices 1. Legal Aspects of Special Education 2. Case Studies in Special Education Law 1. 9780131173460 2. 9780132186285 1. Hulett 2. Weishaar Pearson Full Court Press Attainment Company 1. Pearson 2. Pearson 6th 2009 1. 2nd 2009 2. 1st 2007 Educ 512 - Technology and Mediated Instruction - Master of Science in Education students will utilize a program online called LiveText. Students are required to purchase a membership for the program and complete an electronic portfolio throughout the Please check with Peru State College's Bookstore for textbook availability. You are encouraged to order your textbook(s) at least three weeks before the class starting date to