Experiment 20: RL Transient Response (Student Name) EET-112 Procedure Performed: 2-26-2011 Report Turned in: 2-28-2011 Introduction: An inductor is a circuit element that stores energy in its magnetic field. Current cannot change through an inductor instantaneously, and the change in current must follow an exponential function. i(t) = If + (Ii - If) e-t/τ, where τ = L/R Equation 1 Ii is the initial current in the inductor and If is the final current in the inductor after steady state is reached. This lab will demonstrate how current begins to flow through an inductor (forced response), that the inductor stores energy, and how this energy is given from the inductor back to the circuit (natural response). A series RL circuit will be built and the circuit’s current will be monitored by measuring the voltage across a known resistance. This measurement of voltage will be taken at multiples of the time constant, τ, and compared to values predicted by the voltage’s exponential time function. Experimental Procedure: A series RL circuit was built (figure 1) and measurements of the resistor, the inductor’s inductance, and the inductor’s resistance were taken. [Note: Schematic drawings from LTSpice can be captured by going to ToolsCopy bitmap to clipboard, and then paste the resulting image into MS Paint. Save the file and drag it into Word] Figure 1: Series RL Circuit A 0-to-8 volt, 10kHz square wave was applied to the circuit to simulate the switching in and out of a 8 volt DC source. The frequency of 10kHz has a period of 100µs, which allows the RL circuit enough time to reach steady state during its forced response (source is at 8V) and enough time to reach steady state in its natural response (source returns to 0V). Since we are interested in the current of the circuit, the voltage across the known resistor, R, was monitored by the oscilloscope. This is the actual measured quantity that was expected to follow the exponential expression. V(t) = Vf + (Vi - Vf) e-t/τ, where τ = L/R Equation 2 A measurement of Vf , the final voltage across the resistor, was made. Once the final voltage is known, the values of the voltage across the resistor can be theoretically predicted at any moment of time by plugging in values of t into the above exponential expression for V(t). At integer multiples of τ, this can be done without any knowledge of the value of τ. For the forced response, theoretical values for V(t) can be obtained with knowledge of only Vf (using a Vf of 7.12 V): At t = 1τ, V(τ) = Vf (1 - e- τ /τ ) = Vf (1 - e- 1 ) = 4.501 V At t = 2τ, (2τ) = Vf (1 - e- 2τ /τ ) = Vf (1 - e- 2 )= 6.156 V Likewise, theoretical values for V(t) can be obtained for the natural response(using a Vfi of 7.12 V): At t = 1 τ, V(τ) = Vi e- τ /τ = Vi e- 1 = 2.619 V At t = 2τ, V(τ2) = Vi e- 2τ /τ = Vi e- 2 = 0.964 V After these voltages are calculated at t = τ, 2 τ, 3 τ, 4 τ, and 5 τ, the time can be measured at which the actual voltage across the resistor reaches these values. For example, in the forced response, the calculations above reveal that V(t) should be at 4.501 V when t =1τ . With the natural response on channel 2 of the oscilloscope, the level of 4.501 V is located with the oscilloscope’s voltage cursor. The time at which that voltage occurs is measured and recorded with the time cursor. The voltage source on channel 1 gives a reference for time, or when t = 0 seconds, when the source goes from 0 to 8 volts. The same process is repeated for the natural response, but here the time at which the source drops from 8 to 0 volts is used as the reference time. These measured times will be compared to multiples of τ as a measure of how well the circuit’s behavior matches the exponential in equation 2 for both the forced and natural responses. Results: Below are the measurements for the measured component values, and for the times at which predetermined values of resistor voltage were observed to occur. Rth (Ω) (given) RL (Ω) R1 (Ω) L (H) Final Voltage 50 77.38 986.9 0.008767 Vf 7.12 Table 1: Final Voltage Across Resistor Table 2: Measured Component Values Multiples of τ 1 2 3 4 Expected Voltage Vf (1-e-t/τ) 4.501 6.156 6.766 6.990 Measured Time (us) 7.70 15.50 23.00 34.20 Calculated Time (us) 7.868 15.736 23.604 31.471 % Error -2.134 -1.498 -2.557 8.670 Circuit Current (mA) 4.56 6.24 6.86 7.08 % Error -0.227 -3.404 0.027 9.941 Circuit Current (mA) 2.65 0.98 0.36 0.13 Table 3: Forced response Multiples of τ 1 2 3 4 Expected Voltage Vf e-t/τ 2.619 0.964 0.354 0.130 Measured Time (us) 7.85 15.20 23.61 34.60 Calculated Time (us) 7.868 15.736 23.604 31.471 Table 4: Natural Response For both the forced and natural responses, the measurements of time were within +/- 4% of the theoretical values for the first 3 measurements of time. These match well with the behavior predicted by equation 2. The last measurements of time for both responses have large errors. This was due to the difficulty in determining the exact location in time at which the waveform reaches a value after the waveform has flattened out. The thickness of the line impedes the process of obtaining an accurate measurement. Normally, zooming in with the oscilloscope would help minimize this error, however, this would cause the reference time (the source’s transitions) to disappear from the screen. Without the reference time on the screen, the time cannot be measured, so this error is an unfortunately necessity. Conclusion: The circuit’s voltage waveform matched well within acceptable error bounds for what was predicted by equation 2 for both the forced and natural responses. In tables 3 and 4, the circuit current was calculated using the voltage across the circuit’s resistor and Ohm’s law. For the forced response, the voltage source goes from 0V to 8 V. The current starts at lower values and approaches its maximum value as the circuit reaches steady state. At this point, the inductor has stored its maximum amount of energy. When the voltage source goes from 8 V to 0 V, the circuit’s natural response begins. Current is observed to start at a maximum and approach zero amperes. During this time, the energy stored in the inductor’s magnetic field is bled out and dissipated by the circuit’s resistances. Overall, the circuit behaved as predicted by the exponential time expression in equation 2.