MINIATURIZATION OF FOLDED SLOT ANTENNAS THROUGH INDUCTIVE LOADING AND THIN FILM PACKAGING by DAVID A. KARNICK Submitted for the partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science Thesis Adviser: Dr. Christian A. Zorman Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY May, 2011 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES We hereby approve the thesis of David Karnick candidate for the Master of Science degree*. Christian A Zorman (chair of the committee) Francis Merat Phillip Feng 1/13/11 *We also certify that written approval has been obtained for any proprietary material contained therein. Table of Contents List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... iv List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... viii Abstract .............................................................................................................................. ix 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.1.1 Miniaturization of RF Devices through Reactive Loading ........................... 1 1.1.2 Packaging Techniques for RF Devices ......................................................... 5 1.2 2 Inductive Load.................................................................................................... 10 Folded Slot Antenna .................................................................................................. 15 3.1 4 Goals..................................................................................................................... 7 The Wilkinson Power Divider ..................................................................................... 9 2.1 3 Motivation and Background ................................................................................. 1 Physical Definitions ........................................................................................... 15 Inductive Loading on the FSA................................................................................... 17 4.1 Models and Simulation....................................................................................... 17 4.2 Fabrication.......................................................................................................... 21 4.2.1 Materials ..................................................................................................... 22 4.2.2 Milling Process ........................................................................................... 22 4.2.3 Photolithography Process............................................................................ 26 i 4.2.4 5 6 4.3 Measurements..................................................................................................... 30 4.4 Integrated Component Model............................................................................. 33 Capacitive Loading on the FSA................................................................................. 41 5.1 Top-Mounted Capacitors.................................................................................... 41 5.2 Integrated Capacitor Model ................................................................................ 43 Inductive and Capacitive Loading in Combination ................................................... 47 6.1 Series vs. Parallel Combination ......................................................................... 47 6.1.1 Parallel Combination .................................................................................. 47 6.1.2 Series Combination ..................................................................................... 48 6.2 LC Fabrication.................................................................................................... 52 6.2.1 Milling Process ........................................................................................... 52 6.2.2 Photolithography Process............................................................................ 52 6.2.3 Mounting of Components ........................................................................... 53 6.3 7 Mounting of Components ........................................................................... 29 Measured Results ............................................................................................... 54 Sputtered Silicon Carbide as a Packaging Material................................................... 58 7.1 Wafer Fabrication ............................................................................................... 58 7.1.1 Evaporation of Metals ................................................................................. 59 7.1.2 Sputtering of Silicon Carbide...................................................................... 59 7.1.3 Etching ........................................................................................................ 60 ii 7.1.4 7.2 Chemical Resistance Tests ................................................................................. 61 7.2.1 8 Patterning .................................................................................................... 60 Results ......................................................................................................... 63 7.3 Dielectric Constant ............................................................................................. 68 7.4 LC Resonator...................................................................................................... 69 Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................................... 71 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 76 APPENDIX A: Mathematica Script for Wilkinson Calculations ................................. 77 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 80 iii List of Tables Table 1: Dimensions for FSA with mounted inductors .................................................... 18 Table 2: Milled CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors ............................................... 25 Table 3: Chemically-etched CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors ........................... 28 Table 4: Milled CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors and capacitors ....................... 52 Table 5: Chemically-etched CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors and capacitors ... 53 Table 6: Etch test matrix ................................................................................................... 62 Table 7: Average changes per sample by etch test ........................................................... 67 iv List of Figures Figure 1.1: Two approaches to transmission-line length reduction [1] .............................. 2 Figure 1.2: Magnetic current distribution on a half wavelength and inductively [4] ......... 3 Figure 1.3: (a) Simulated and (b) measured |S11| for antennas without and with capacitors [5] ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 1.4: Effect of loaded capacitor on resonant frequencies of slot antennas [6] .......... 5 Figure 2.1: Schematic for Wilkinson power divider ........................................................... 9 Figure 2.2: Modified Wilkinson schematic with added capacitors................................... 10 Figure 2.3: Modified Wilkinson power divider with added inductors.............................. 11 Figure 2.4: Modified transmission line impedance vs. line length (in wavelengths) ....... 14 Figure 2.5: Load inductance vs. line length (in wavelengths) .......................................... 14 Figure 3.1: Schematic of unloaded folded slot antenna .................................................... 15 Figure 3.2: Radiation pattern of basic FSA ...................................................................... 16 Figure 4.1: Folded slot antenna with side-mounted inductors .......................................... 17 Figure 4.2: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated side-mounted inductors ............................. 19 Figure 4.3: Folded slot antenna with top-mounted inductor ............................................. 20 Figure 4.4: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated top-mounted inductor ................................ 21 Figure 4.5: Contrasted image of mill depth inconsistencies on side slot .......................... 24 Figure 4.6: Contrasted image of mill depth inconsistencies at top of CPW (left side)..... 24 Figure 4.7: Image of mill depth inconsistencies at top of CPW, higher zoom ................. 25 Figure 4.8: Photolithography process [19]........................................................................ 27 Figure 4.9: Images of FSAs created with (a) milling process and (b) photolithography.. 29 Figure 4.10: Image of FSA with mounted inductors ........................................................ 30 v Figure 4.11: S11 vs. Frequency for milled FSAs with side-mount inductors................... 31 Figure 4.12: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs with side-mounted inductors created using photolithography ............................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.13: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs created using photolithography to be mounted with load inductors............................................................................................................ 33 Figure 4.14: Spiral inductor model ................................................................................... 34 Figure 4.15: Spiral inductor and FSA ............................................................................... 34 Figure 4.16: Spiral inductor model ................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.17: Inductance vs. Frequency for spiral inductor ............................................... 37 Figure 4.18: Excitation port for FSA in HFSS ................................................................. 38 Figure 4.19: S11 vs. frequency for FSA with integrated spiral inductor .......................... 39 Figure 4.20: Radiation pattern of FSA with integrated spiral inductors ........................... 40 Figure 5.1: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated top-mounted capacitors ............................. 42 Figure 5.2: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated side-mounted capacitors ............................ 43 Figure 5.3: MIM capacitor on FSA................................................................................... 44 Figure 5.4: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with MIM capacitors ......................................... 46 Figure 6.1: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with inductive and capacitive loads in parallel .. 48 Figure 6.2: Metal block between two ideal components .................................................. 49 Figure 6.3: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with capacitive and inductive loads in series, varying C........................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 6.4: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with inductive and capacitive loading, varying L ........................................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 6.5: Image of completed FSA with mounted capacitors and inductors ................. 54 vi Figure 6.6: S11 vs. Frequency for milled FSA with capacitive and inductive loads in series ................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 6.7: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs with inductors and capacitors created using photolithography ............................................................................................................... 56 Figure 6.8: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs created using photolithography to be mounted with inductors and capacitors in series ............................................................................. 57 Figure 7.1: First layer of MIM capacitor design (Cr/Au on alumina) .............................. 61 Figure 7.2: Apparatus similar to that used in the pull test [15]......................................... 63 Figure 7.3: Microphotographs of samples with gold lines after etch tests ....................... 64 Figure 7.4: Microphotographs of samples with checkerboard pattern after etch tests ..... 65 Figure 7.5: SEM images of samples after etch tests ......................................................... 66 Figure 7.6: LC Resonator with SiC packaging ................................................................. 69 Figure 7.7: S-parameters for LC resonator with and without SiC film ............................ 70 vii Acknowledgements First and foremost I would like to thank Max Scardelletti, a researcher at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH. Most of this research is based off of his previous work, and he worked closely with me throughout the entire process, guiding me and forcing me to ask the right questions. I would also like to thank Chris Zorman, my thesis adviser, who has also been there to prod and encourage me in the right direction. I would like to acknowledge NASA Glenn and the LERCIP internship program for sponsoring the majority of this research. Most of the work done for this thesis was done on NASA property with their facilities and materials. In particular I would like to thank the Liz McQuaid, Nick Varaljay, and George Ponchak, the researchers who worked most closely with me during my time there. Thanks to those graduate students at Case Western who were able to help me. Chris Roberts, Jeremy Dunning, and Andrew Barnes worked with me on the fabrication process and just offered help wherever I needed it around the lab. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who came to hear my defense and asked me lots of very good questions. In particular I would like to acknowledge my committee, which included Chris Zorman, Frank Merat, and Phil Feng. viii Abstract Miniaturization of Folded Slot Antennas through Inductive Loading and Thin Film Packaging Abstract by DAVID A KARNICK Miniaturization of RF devices through reactive loading and thin film packaging is investigated. Impedance matching of a Wilkinson power divider with inductive loading is used to formulate relationships between load inductance, operating frequency, transmission line length, and line impedance. The resonant frequency of a folded slot antenna (FSA) is shown to decrease with the addition of inductive loading. This process can be reversed to create a physically smaller antenna with the same resonant frequency. FSAs with inductive and capacitive loading in combination are also investigated, but no benefit is found to the addition of capacitors. Amorphous SiC deposited by sputtering is investigated as a thin film packaging material for RF applications. Various packaging qualities are tested, including chemical resistance, conformality, adhesion, dielectric constant, and effect on the operation of the ix packaged device. It is shown that, except for lack of conformality, sputtered SiC is appropriate for packaging RF devices. x 1 Introduction Miniaturization is an ever-present trend in the world of electronics. Applications such as implantable wireless biomedical sensors and smart sensor systems for combustion-based energy applications strive for smaller devices that create less of an impact on the surrounding environment. Consumer electronics such as cellular telephones desire smaller components which free up space for other devices. Miniaturization of antennas and other RF devices has its own particular challenge, because the physical size of the device is directly related to the wavelength at which it operates. It is therefore desired to develop innovative techniques to reduce the physical size of antennas and other RF devices. 1.1 1.1.1 Motivation and Background Miniaturization of RF Devices through Reactive Loading There has been a fair amount of research performed into the miniaturization of microfabricated RF devices through reactive loading. Hettak et al. has shown size reduction in Wilkinson power dividers using the addition of either capacitive or inductive loading [1]. A Wilkinson power divider is a matched three-port network which uses quarter wavelength transmission to either divide a single input or combine two inputs. The theory behind this technique is as follows. Any arbitrary transmission line has a certain inductance and capacitance associated with it, and decreasing the length of the line also decreases these values. In order for the smaller transmission line to be equivalent in operation to the larger, one of two methods can be used. First, inductive loading could be added in series with the transmission line (increasing L) and the 1 impedance of the transmission line would be lowered (increasing C). Alternatively, capacitors could be connected from the ends of the transmission line to ground (increasing C) while the impedance of the line is increased (increasing L). This process is depicted quite well in Figure 1.1 below. Figure 1.1: Two approaches to transmission-line length reduction [1] Scardelletti et al. has also shown the ability to reduce the size of a Wilkinson power divider using capacitive loading. Here impedance-matching techniques were used to define the capacitance and line impedance needed to achieve any desired line length at a given frequency. The power dividers were also fabricated, and the limitations on this miniaturization technique found [2]- [3]. While this technique is appropriate for transmission lines, which are real physical elements, a different approach needs to be taken for resonating slot elements. Azadegan and Sarabandi propose a method of size reduction for slot antennas using inductive 2 loading [4]. In their method, the length of a microstrip-fed half-wave slot antenna is reduced by adding inductive spiral slotlines at the ends of the slot. For a half-wave slot antenna, the boundary conditions (BCs) at the ends enforce zero voltage (short circuit). The addition of inductive elements alters the BCs to enforce a voltage at the ends and enabling the antenna to have a shorter resonant length. Figure 1.2 below depicts an example of this process. The normal half-wave slot has boundary conditions at the end for zero magnetic current density, or zero voltage. The addition of inductive elements at the ends of a shorter slot antenna forces a voltage, allowing it to resonate at the same wavelength. Figure 1.2: Magnetic current distribution on a half wavelength and inductively [4] 3 The addition of reactive components to slot antennas as a method of miniaturization is also shown by Scardelletti et al. [5]. Here the resonant frequency of a folded slot antenna is decreased by adding capacitive loading in the form of surface mount chip capacitors. The fabricated antennas verified the results of simulations as shown in Figure 1.3. These plots show S11 (called S11 throughout the rest of this thesis) over a frequency range for different capacitor values. S11 is an S-Parameter, which represents the amount of a signal (in dB) measured in a 2 port system. For an antenna, which is a 1-port element, S11 represents the reflection coefficient, or the proportion of the supplied signal which is reflected back to the input port. For the most power to be radiated in the antenna, we wish for the S11 value to be small. A downward spike corresponds to a resonant frequency of the antenna. Figure 1.3: (a) Simulated and (b) measured |S11| for antennas without and with capacitors [5] Size reduction with capacitive loading has also been shown for other slot antennas as well. A chip capacitor was used to achieve a 23.4% size reduction of an annular slot antenna [6]. Figure 1.4 shows the relationship between the resonant frequency and the 4 slot radius of the antenna. The “X”s and squares refer to the antenna with and without a capacitive load, respectively. It can be seen through interpolation that an unloaded antenna with 20mm radius and a loaded antenna with approximately 17mm radius both resonate at about 2GHz. Figure 1.4: Effect of loaded capacitor on resonant frequencies of slot antennas [6] 1.1.2 Packaging Techniques for RF Devices Another method of miniaturization is to focus on decreasing the size of the packaging rather than the device itself. RF and other wireless devices propose a particular challenge in that the properties of the packaging material can greatly affect the operation of the device. In order to have the least impact on the operation of the device, the packaging material should be thin and have a low dielectric constant. A dielectric constant less than 15 would be considered low, though less than 10 is preferred. For these reasons it is desired to investigate the packaging qualities of a thin film to be used specifically with RF devices. 5 Most conventional packaging methods require multiple steps and are not the best packaging for RF devices. Researchers Lim et al. [7] and Wi et al. [8] describe packaging methods using low temperature co-fired ceramic. The processes contain multiple steps and layers, and it was shown that the packaging affects the operation of the antenna. The antenna must therefore be designed with the packaging in mind. There has also been research into the use of thin films as packaging materials. Parylene, a vapor deposited polymer used to protect sensitive electronics from moisture, was shown to exhibit good coverage and chemical resistance, though it had some problems with adhesion [9]- [10]. Benzocyclobutene (BCB) was used to package IC chips and was shown to have excellent mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties [11]. Silicon carbide deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) was used as a packaging material on microfabricated RF antennas. The antennas showed no change in performance and the film showed high chemical resistance [12]. While the use of PECVD SiC is useful, the deposition process is performed at 300°C. While this temperature is relatively low in terms of other CVD methods, it is still high enough to damage temperature-sensitive polymeric substrates such as liquid crystal polymer (LCP). Previous research has shown that LCP make an excellent substrate material for microfabricated antennas [13]. SiC deposited using the sputtering process has been shown to be chemically resistant to perchloric acid [14]. Since the sputtering process is performed at room temperature, it is potentially suitable for use in packaging device structures on polymeric substrates; however, more research into the packaging qualities of the sputtered SiC film is required. 6 1.2 Goals The primary goal of this investigation is to show that inductive loading can be used as a miniaturization technique for two RF devices. For the Wilkinson power divider, it has been previously formulaically shown that capacitive loading can be used to decrease the size of a transmission line [2]. The goal in this thesis is to use the same impedance matching equations to relate the value of an inductive load, the operating frequency, the length of the transmission line, and the impedance of the transmission line. The value of two of these parameters can be determined by defining the other two. For this study, the inductance and line impedance are defined in terms of the operating frequency and line length. It has been previously shown that capacitive loading can be used as a miniaturization process for folded slot antennas. The goal of this investigation is to show that inductive loading decreases the resonant frequency of the antenna. This decrease in frequency also indicates a corresponding increase in wavelength. The resonant wavelength of an antenna is directly related to its physical size. This process can be used in reverse to create a physically smaller antenna with inductive loading that operates at the same frequency as a larger unloaded antenna. Therefore, by demonstrating that the addition of inductive components decreases the resonant frequency of the antenna, it is shown that the same process can be used as a miniaturization technique. The secondary goal of this thesis is to demonstrate that sputtered SiC is an appropriate thin film packaging material for RF devices. This can be done by testing the properties of the film against a set of qualities desired in a packaging layer. Chemical resistance can be demonstrated by showing that the film does not change after being 7 exposed to a specified chemical for an extended duration of time. Conformality can be shown by examining topological features under a microscope and be determining that the layer beneath the SiC was not affected by the chemical exposure. Adhesion strength greater than or equal to the adhesion strength of lower layers (108 N/m2) is desired, and can be tested using a pull test (described in further detail in Section 7.2) [15]. A low dielectric constant (<15) is desired so as to have minimal interference with the device being packaged. The overall effect of the film on the operation of a device can be shown by measuring the characteristics of an RF device with and without the SiC film. 8 2 The Wilkinson Power Divider A Wilkinson power divider is a matched three-port network designed to divide an input signal into two equal-phase outputs or to combine two equal-phase inputs into a single output. Figure 2.1 is a schematic diagram of a typical WPD. Two quarterwavelength transmission lines of characteristic impedance Z0√2 are connected from an input source at Port 1 to two output Ports 2 and 3. Z0 represents the characteristic impedance of the system and λ is the desired operating wavelength. A 2Z0 resistor connects the two Ports 2 and 3. The three ports are matched to have the same characteristic impedance. Figure 2.1: Schematic for Wilkinson power divider It has been shown that capacitors can be connected from each port to ground in order to reduce the physical size of the Wilkinson power divider [2]. Figure 2.2 below shows the simplified schematic with capacitors at each port. In this modified set up, the input impedance (Zin) is set equal to twice the characteristic impedance in order to define the characteristic impedance of the modified transmission line (Zx) and the capacitance (C) in terms of the desired frequency and transmission line length (ℓ). ZL represents the 9 load impedance of the capacitor in parallel with the characteristic impedance of Port 2, and Zin* represents an intermediate input impedance within the WPD used for calculation purposed only. Figure 2.2: Modified Wilkinson schematic with added capacitors The objective of this investigation is to pursue similar results using inductive loading independently instead of capacitive. 2.1 Inductive Load In order to investigate the effects of inductive loading on the Wilkinson power divider, the parallel capacitors in Figure 2.2 have been replaced with in-line inductors, as shown in Figure 2.3. 10 Figure 2.3: Modified Wilkinson power divider with added inductors The load impedance of the modified Wilkinson power divider (ZL in Figure 2.3) is the characteristic impedance of Port 2 in series with the inductive load: (1) Where L is the inductance value and ω is equal to 2πf, with f being the desired operating frequency. Next, Zin* can be calculated using the formula for the impedance of an ideal transmission line: tan tan (2) where l defines the length of the transmission line, and , where λ is the wavelength on the transmission line. The final input impedance is then equal to the series combination of the inductive impedance and Zin*: tan tan (3) Equation 3 can be rewritten, setting Zin equal to 2Z0: 11 tan tan 2 (4) Equation 1 can then be substituted into Equation 4: 2 tan tan tan (5) Equation 5 can be expanded to give: tan tan tan (6) 2 tan tan Equation 6 is then rearranged and separated into real and imaginary components to give the following equalities: Real: Z tan 0 tan 2 (7) Imaginary: 2 tan tan 0 (8) Solving the real part for L gives: (9) tan which can be substituted into Equation 8 to solve for Zx: tan 1 2 tan (10) The inductance can then be solved explicitly in terms of ω and l: 12 1 2 tan (11) Equations 10 and 11 show that the inductance and line impedance can be calculated for any desired configuration of frequency and line length. Figure 2.4 shows the relationship between the transmission line impedance and the transmission line length (given in number of wavelengths). Figure 2.5 shows the relationship between load inductance and line length. Both plots were made assuming a frequency value of 5GHz and a characteristic impedance of 50Ω. This frequency value was chosen based on the frequency range of the FSAs in this thesis, and the impedance value was chosen based on the characteristic impedance of a standard SMA connector. These plots were created using Mathematica™ computational software [16]. The full code can be found in Appendix A. It can be seen in these plots that there are real positive values for transmission line impedance and load inductor value that will allow the line length of a WPD to be less than λ/4, given an operating frequency and characteristic impedance. This relationship provides designers with a method to reduce the size of a Wilkinson power divider by adding inductive loading and decreasing input impedance. 13 70 60 Zx HW L 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 Line Length HlL 0.20 0.25 Figure 2.4: Modified transmission line impedance vs. line length (in wavelengths) Inductance H nHL 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 Line Length HlL 0.20 0.25 Figure 2.5: Load inductance vs. line length (in wavelengths) 14 3 Folded Slot Antenna The antenna design being investigated in this research is the folded slot antenna. The FSA is particularly useful in this investigation for a couple different reasons. First, the FSA is fed by a coplanar wave guide (CPW) transmission line. This CPW feed allows the antenna to be easily connected with other devices using SMA connections. Secondly, the FSA typically has a single, relatively narrow-band, resonance point. This makes it much easier to evaluate shifts in the resonance of the antenna. 3.1 Physical Definitions Figure 3.1 below defines many of the physical dimensions of the folded slot antenna. Figure 3.1: Schematic of unloaded folded slot antenna The characteristic impedance of the CPW feed is defined by the dimensions s, w, and h, as well as the dielectric constant of the substrate. The CPW dimensions used were s = 2.3mm and w = 0.3mm. These dimensions were chosen to give a characteristic 15 impedance of approximately 50Ω as also described in [5]. This impedance is chosen to match with the characteristic impedance of an SMA connector mounted at the base of the CPW feed. The radiation pattern of a basic folded slot antenna was simulated using Ansoft HFSS™ computational software, as shown in Figure 3.2 below [17]. This plot represents the radiated power as a gain in dB, relative to a perfect isotropic radiator. Here the solid line represents the radiation pattern in the yz-plane, and the dotted line the radiation pattern in the xz-plane (as defined in Figure 3.1). The 3D radiation pattern would look something like an oblong donut, with the hole going through the center of the xz-plane. This radiation pattern of the standard FSA can be compared to that of a loaded FSA later in this thesis to determine if reactive loading affects the radiated gain. Figure 3.2: Radiation pattern of basic FSA 16 4 Inductive Loading on the FSA The primary goal of this investigation is to determine how inductive loading can affect the frequency response of the folded slot antenna. To do this, two different models were simulated using Sonnet™ software [18]. One of these models was then chosen to be fabricated and tested, using two different fabrication methods. 4.1 Models and Simulation Two different models were used for simulations. The first model was based off of the previous research done with capacitive loading on folded slot antennas. The inductors were placed across the slots on each side of the antenna, as shown below in Figure 4.1. The grey region is the copper laminate, and the black blocks represent the chip inductors. Figure 4.1: Folded slot antenna with side-mounted inductors 17 The dimensions of the FSA used in this model are shown in Table 1: Dimensions for FSA with mounted inductors, where most variables are defined in Figure 3.1, are as follows. g is the length of the CPW feed from the bottom edge of the copper plane to the bottom edge of d, and i is the distance from the side edge of the copper plane to the outside edge of a. Table 1: Dimensions for FSA with mounted inductors a b c d e f g h i 0.64mm 1mm 24.8mm 1mm 1mm 11.5mm 12mm 0.635mm 11mm The Sonnet™ software is a 2 ½- dimensional simulation tool. This means that objects are defined in terms of multiple dielectric layers with patterned metal placed between layers, as opposed a truly 3-dimensional object. This model consisted of a base air layer (εr = 1) with thickness 15mm followed by 0.635mm of Rogers Duroid™ 6010 (εr = 10.8) with 15mm of air on top. The Duroid matches with the material used in actual fabrication, described later in Section 4.2.1. The FSA pattern previously described was placed as a copper metallization layer between the top two layers, centered on the x-axis and with the bottom placed against the edge of the simulation region (also called the box). The cell size for this simulation was 0.313mm in the x-direction by 0.25mm in the y-direction. Inductors were added as ideal components from the center of e directly across the gap to the center of the opposite edge. Port 1 was placed at the base of the CPW (at s), and Port -1 was added twice to the bottom edge of the large copper plane, once on either side of the CPW feed. 18 Figure 4.2 below shows the results of the simulation, where the frequency was swept from 2GHz to 7.8GHz. Again, S11 represents the reflection coefficient, or the relative gain of the reflected signal. In this plot, the darkest line signifies a folded slot antenna with no added inductance, and the lighter lines correspond to different values of inductors placed as shown in Figure 4.1. The FSA with no added inductive load resonates at a frequency of 4.2GHz, the FSA with 0.4nH load inductors at 3.3GHz, and the 4nH inductive load at 2.7GHz. This simulation clearly shows that increasing the inductive loading will cause a decrease in the resonant frequency of the folded slot antenna. Figure 4.2: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated side-mounted inductors 19 The second inductor-only model mounts a single inductor on the top of the FSA, as shown in Figure 4.3. Again, the grey depicts the copper region, and the black represents the chip components. The FSA can be viewed as two parallel transmission lines ending in an open circuit [5]. In the side-mount model, the components would be placed in the middle of the transmission line. The top-mount model would place the components at the end of the effective transmission line, which is closer to the Wilkinson model discussed in Section 2. Also, the components here can be combined into a single element. Figure 4.3: Folded slot antenna with top-mounted inductor The model used for this simulation was the same as that used for the side-mount inductors. The only difference is the placement of the load inductors. The frequency was swept from 2GHz to 8GHz. Figure 4.4 below shows the simulation results for top-mounted inductors of varying values. Here the solid line corresponds to no added inductive load, and the 20 dotted lines correspond to various inductance values. The unloaded FSA resonates at a frequency of 4.2GHz, the 0.1nH load at 6.5GHz, and the 100nH load at 4.5GHz. It is clear that for this configuration, added inductance increases the resonant frequency of the antenna. As the inductance increases, the response of the antenna becomes closer to that of the unloaded antenna. This result is not useful for the purposes of miniaturization. Figure 4.4: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated top-mounted inductor 4.2 Fabrication Looking at the results of the inductor-only simulations, only the side-mount model was chosen to be fabricated and tested. The top-mounted inductors increased the resonant frequency of the antenna, which correlates to a smaller operating wavelength. 21 This does not contribute to the miniaturization methods desired, so it was not chosen to be fabricated. 4.2.1 Materials The previous research with capacitive loading used Rogers RT Duroid™ 6006 as a substrate. This material has a dielectric constant of 6.15, thickness of 0.635mm, and a 34μm thick (0.5oz) copper layer on one side [5]. It was desired to use the same substrate, but due to availability constraints, Rogers RT Duroid™ 6010, with a dielectric constant of 10.8 was chosen for use in fabrication. This substrate also came with a copper laminate on both sides, but the back plane was etched away with a diluted potassium iodide solution prior to further fabrication steps. 4.2.2 Milling Process The design for the inductor-only folded slot antenna was first fabricated using a TTech Quick Circuit rapid-prototyping milling machine. A Duroid board is mounted onto the base of the milling machine, and the mill runs selected patterns for a set of chosen bit sizes. In this case, the bits used were a 10mil mill-end bit, a 31mil mill-end bit, and a 62mil router bit. The milling method was chosen mainly for the ease of use and rapid turnaround time. There are a few inherent problems with using the milling machine. First is that the depth-of-cut for each bit size must be manually set and tested. This makes it difficult to have any sort of depth consistency between drill bit sizes. The Duroid substrate is also relatively flexible. When it is mounted on the milling machine, it then tends to bow 22 upward either on the edges or in the middle. This also creates depth consistency issues across the antenna pattern. Figure 4.5 through Figure 4.7 show contrasted images of this drill depth inconsistency. Figure 4.5 was taken at the side of the FSA where the inductors are mounted. The width of the horizontal copper trace is approximately 1mm. Figure 4.6 was taken at the top of the CPW, focusing on the first bend of the left slot. The width of the vertical slot is approximately 0.4mm. In both of these images, circles created by depth inconsistencies from the drill bit can be seen in the gaps. It can also be seen that the round drill bits create rounded corners, rather than sharp 90 degree turns. Figure 4.7 is a zoomed in version of Figure 4.6, focused on the largest of the three drill marks. The difference in depth between the deepest drill hole (top right) and the most shallow (dielectric plane) was measured to be 0.27mm, almost as large as the intended width of the slot. 23 Figure 4.5: Contrasted image of mill depth inconsistencies on side slot Figure 4.6: Contrasted image of mill depth inconsistencies at top of CPW (left side) 24 Figure 4.7: Image of mill depth inconsistencies at top of CPW, higher zoom A second problem is the inaccuracy of slot widths, specifically of the CPW feed line. The desired dimensions were values of w = 0.3mm and s = 2.3mm. The average values of these elements are shown in Table 2, where w1 refers to the first (left) slot width, and w2 refers to the second (right) slot width. Table 2: Milled CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors Desired dimension Average measured value w1 (mm) s (mm) w2 (mm) 0.3 2.3 0.3 0.43 2.1 0.4 25 Another problem is the cutting process itself. On the microscopic scale, the edges of the copper were very rough after being cut by the drill bits. The edges had to be softened using a razor blade and steel wool before continuing to mount components. 4.2.3 Photolithography Process Because of the problems associated with the milling process, it was also desired to fabricate a set of antennas using the photolithography process. This process uses a patterned sacrificial layer deposited on the surface of the Duroid to selectively block a copper etchant. This etchant removes only the desired copper so that the antenna pattern is created on the surface. A pictorial representation of a photolithography process is shown in Figure 4.8 below. This image depicts the etching of SiO2 on Si, but the general process can be applied to all thin films used in this thesis. First, a layer of photoresist is deposited on the surface of the copper. Photoresist is a polymeric film which is sensitive to light. The resist used in this investigation is a negative dry-film resist. A positive resist is used for the SiC investigation in Section 7. A dry-film resist is laminated onto the substrate before being exposed to light. If a resist is negative, it means that, when exposed to UV light, the resist becomes stable, preventing the exposed areas from being washed away in a developer solution. The developer solution used in this instance is a diluted potassium carbonate solution. To achieve the desired antenna design, a patterned mask is laid over the photoresist-covered sample. After being exposed to UV light for one minute, the sample is then washed in a developing solution, removing resist from the unexposed areas. The developing step is visually monitored but lasts approximately 5 minutes. 26 Figure 4.8: Photolithography process [19] The sample, now with patterned photoresist but still fully intact copper, is then exposed to sodium persulfate, a copper etchant. This etchant removes the copper only from those regions no longer covered in photoresist. The etching process is isotropic, meaning that it removes copper in all directions at the same rate. This means that the process does need to be controlled to prevent over-etching underneath the edges of the photoresist. The time that a sample should be etched is greatly dependant on the size, temperature, age, and amount of fluid agitation of the sodium persulfate solution. This step could take anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple hours and should therefore be visually monitored to determine when the etching process is complete. 27 The majority of the resist is then mechanically lifted from the substrate using adhesive tape. The remainder is removed and cleaned off using acetone and isopropyl alcohol. This leaves a Duroid substrate with a patterned copper layer on top. The photolithography process is preferred over the milling process for three primary reasons. First is that the dielectric substrate is not affected by the process. The etchant is selective to the copper and does not actively attack the substrate. This means that the depth of the slot should be consistent everywhere. Secondly, the chemical etching process is much easier to control than the mechanical mill. This means that the CPW dimensions are closer to the desired value. The CPW widths created during the photolithography process are shown in Table 3 below. Thirdly, since photolithography is a chemical process as opposed to a mechanical one, there will no longer be any hanging copper pieces to be removed, leaving an overall cleaner edge. The accuracy is now limited by the resolution of the mask rather than the motion of a drill bit. Figure 4.9 shows a comparison of FSAs created with each process, where the horizontal copper trace is approximately 1mm wide. It can be seen that the photolithography process fixes the problems with CPW slot widths and improperly formed corners. Table 3: Chemically-etched CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors Desired dimension Average measured value w1 (mm) s (mm) w2 (mm) 0.3 2.3 0.3 0.33 2.175 0.3325 28 (a) (b) Figure 4.9: Images of FSAs created with (a) milling process and (b) photolithography 4.2.4 Mounting of Components On each antenna, an edge-mount SMA connector was soldered to the end of the CPW feed. Then a pair of inductors was mounted across the side gaps using conductive epoxy. The epoxy was then cured in an oven at 90°C for over 1 hour. All of the inductors used were surface mount parts with a size of 0402 (1.0 mm x 0.5 mm). The completed antenna is shown in Figure 4.10 below. The widths of the horizontal gaps and copper trace are each 1mm, and the length of horizontal copper trace is 24mm. 29 Figure 4.10: Image of FSA with mounted inductors 4.3 Measurements Once the antennas were fabricated and all of the components mounted, the frequency response needed to be measured. To do this, each of the antennas was connected to an Agilent™ E8364B network analyzer. The network analyzer sweeps through a set of frequencies and records the S-parameters for all values. The S-parameter that we are most concerned about is S11, the reflection coefficient. Figure 4.11 below shows the measured results for the milled antennas with sidemounted inductors. You can see that the antenna with no inductor (solid line) resonates at 4.6GHz, which is fairly close to the simulated 4.2GHz in Figure 4.2. However, the milled antennas with mounted inductors have multiple resonant frequencies, most of 30 them above that of the basic FSA. This implies that it is not the milling process at fault, but rather the mounting of the inductors themselves. Figure 4.11: S11 vs. Frequency for milled FSAs with side-mount inductors The measured data from the antennas created with photolithography is shown in Figure 4.12 below. The S11 measurement for the FSA without any components (solid line) has a resonant frequency of 4.0GHz, which is fairly close to the simulated resonant frequency of 4.2GHz in Figure 4.2. However, when components are added, multiple resonances occur, which was not predicted by the simulations. Again, this implies that it is the mounting of the inductors which causes the majority of the problems. 31 Figure 4.12: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs with side-mounted inductors created using photolithography The theory that the discrepancy between the simulation and measured data is caused by the mounting of components is confirmed by Figure 4.13. This plot shows the frequency response of the FSAs created using photolithography prior to being mounted with chip inductors. The parenthetical notation on the graph key indicates what value inductor would be mounted on the FSA. It can be seen in this plot that the fabricated FSAs all operate at approximately 4.0GHz with very little deviation with respect to resonant frequency. Again, this would indicate that the difference in measured result from simulated result is caused by the mounting of chip inductors. 32 Figure 4.13: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs created using photolithography to be mounted with load inductors 4.4 Integrated Component Model Since it is suspected that the surface mount components are creating problems with the performance of the antennas, a model for an integrated component antenna has been created. An integrated component means that the component, in this case an inductor, is created out of the existing substrate and other thin film layers using the photolithography process. Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15 below show diagrams of a spiral inductor and how it is integrated into the FSA. The width of the coil trace in each image is 50μm. The 33 spiraling coil acts as the inductive element. When the trace reaches its end at the center of the spiral, it is built upward so that a bridge can be deposited over the lower trace. It is then connected to a separate trace which goes to the other conductive plane. There is a layer of insulative material deposited between the bridge and the trace to prevent the two from shorting. Figure 4.14: Spiral inductor model Figure 4.15: Spiral inductor and FSA 34 The inductance of a spiral inductor is dependent on the frequency at which it is being operated. For this reason, a 2-port Sonnet model of just the spiral inductor, shown in Figure 4.16, was used to measure the inductance value over a frequency range. The traces of the spiral inductor are 50μm wide, and the spacing between the traces is 25μm. The two solid lines in the image indicate the distances associated with each label. The width and height of the spiral, labeled a in the image, is 0.4mm. The dark region in this model represents the bridge connecting the center trace to the output. A square via in the center of the spiral raises 0.85mm. A thin bridge then crosses above the other trace before meeting with another square via which returns to the right-hand connecting trace. The right-hand via is separated from the spiral trace by 25μm. A 0.85mm thick dielectric brick of air with the same dimensions as the bridge is placed directly beneath it. The large surrounding band is 1.2mm on each outer side with a thickness of 0.2mm. The separation between this large strip and the inductor trace is 0.25mm. The Sonnet model consisted of 750mm of air, followed by 0.5mm of alumina, 0.85mm of SiO2 (εr = 1), and topped with 750mm of air. The metallization layer was modeled as gold between the alumina and SiO2 layers. These materials were chosen because they are the materials commonly used in the Class 1000 clean room located at NASA Glenn Research Center, where most of this research was performed, and are commonly used in FSA designs. The box size was 1.2mm in x by 1.4mm in y, with cell size of 0.01mm by 0.01mm. Ports 1 and 2 were placed on the left and right ends of the inductive trace respectively. Port -1 was placed on the left edges of both the top and bottom outer band, and Port -2 on both right edges. 35 a a Figure 4.16: Spiral inductor model Figure 4.17 below shows a simulation of the inductance of this particular spiral inductor, with frequency swept from 0.1GHz to 30GHz. The desired frequency range for the FSA is from 2GHz to 8GHz. The inductance in this range is around 2.25nH, which is similar to the values used for the surface mount inductors earlier in this section. 36 Figure 4.17: Inductance vs. Frequency for spiral inductor This spiral inductor was integrated into the FSA model using HFSS, as shown in Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15. This software was chosen over Sonnet for this set of simulations, because Sonnet does not have the capabilities to model such small dimensions. In this model, the dimensions of the inductor metallization are the same as described for Figure 4.16, but with a bridge height of 500nm and the outer band removed. The trace connecting the spiral to the T-structure is 0.25mm. The FSA design is mostly the same as that in Section 4.1, except with an a value of 1mm and a c value of 24mm. The CPW also changed, now with a w value of 0.4mm and an s value of 2mm. In order to excite the model in HFSS, a port has to be put between two metallization sections. This was accomplished by putting a metal trace at 37 the bottom of the CPW, as shown in Figure 4.18. The light grey is the substrate, the dark grey the metallization, and the black the excitation port. The bottom trace and the port are each 0.5mm wide. The arrow indicates the direction of the excitation. Figure 4.18: Excitation port for FSA in HFSS The pattern was modeled as gold on a 500μm thick alumina (εr = 9.9) substrate centered in a box of air with dimensions 80mm in the x-direction by 60mm in the ydirection by 40mm in the z direction. The plot in Figure 4.19 shows the frequency response of the folded slot antenna with and without the integrated spiral inductors. The frequency was swept from 2GHz to 8GHz to record the S-parameters. It can be seen that the resonant frequency of the unloaded FSA is 4.2GHz, and that of the FSA with integrated inductors is 3.0GHz. Here it is clearly shown that the integrated spiral inductor still decreases the resonant 38 frequency of the antenna. Because there are no ‘ideal’ components used in this model, it can be reasonably stated that this model is a closer approximation to reality than the models in Section 4.1. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and access to facilities, these designs were not able to be fabricated for this thesis. Figure 4.19: S11 vs. frequency for FSA with integrated spiral inductor The radiation pattern of the FSA with integrated spiral inductors was also modeled in HFSS. The results of the simulation are shown in Figure 4.20 below. When compared to Figure 3.2, the radiation pattern of a basic FSA, the two simulations are almost identical. This shows that the radiation pattern of the antenna is not affected by the addition of integrated spiral inductors. 39 Figure 4.20: Radiation pattern of FSA with integrated spiral inductors 40 5 Capacitive Loading on the FSA Based on some of the results from the inductively-loaded folded slot antenna, it was desired to create new models of capacitively-loaded FSAs. The two designs to be investigated are the FSA with top-mounted capacitors and the FSA with integrated capacitive loading. 5.1 Top-Mounted Capacitors It has been previously shown how the frequency response of a folded slot antenna is affected by capacitors mounted across the side gap [5]. A Sonnet model was created to simulate the effect of top-mounted capacitors on the resonant frequency of the FSA. The simulated design is the same is that in Figure 4.3, except with an a value of 1mm, and an ideal capacitor instead of an ideal inductor. The results of the simulation are shown in Figure 5.1. The FSA with no extra capacitive loading resonates at 5.0GHz, the 0.1pF load at 4.2GHz, and the 10pF load at 6.5GHz. This shows that the direction of change of the resonant frequency of the antenna, whether it increases or decreases, is dependent on the value of the capacitor. Capacitive loading on the top of the FSA could be used as a miniaturization technique with the proper design constraints. 41 Figure 5.1: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated top-mounted capacitors A model of the FSA with side-mount capacitors was simulated over a greater range of capacitance values to see if similar results could be observed to previous work [5]. The simulation results are shown in Figure 5.2 below. Looking at the plot, the solid line is the folded slot antenna with no capacitive loading, which resonates at 5.0GHz. The dotted lines represent capacitively loaded models with resonant frequencies ranging from 5.2GHz to 4.3GHz. This data shows that the direction of frequency shift for the side-mounted capacitor model is also dependent on the capacitance of the load. 42 Figure 5.2: S11 vs. Frequency for simulated side-mounted capacitors 5.2 Integrated Capacitor Model The results of the fabricated folded slot antenna with inductive loading indicated that an FSA model with integrated inductors would be beneficial. Because of these results, it was desired to create a model for a folded slot antenna with integrated capacitive loading as well. Figure 5.3 below shows the edge of the folded slot antenna with a metalinsulator-metal (MIM) capacitor and a bridge connecting the capacitor to the other metal plane. 43 Figure 5.3: MIM capacitor on FSA The simulations were run in HFSS, starting with the basic FSA described in Section 4.4, but used an MIM capacitor instead of a spiral inductor. The MIM capacitors in this model consist of a dielectric block on the metallization layer of the antenna. Another metallization layer is then deposited on top of the dielectric and across to the other metal plane. Typically there would also be a dielectric layer beneath the metal over the gap, but this model uses an air gap instead. The capacitance values were determined using the standard equation for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor: (12) where A is the area of the plates and d is the separation between them. Silicon dioxide, with a relative permittivity of 3.8, was used for these simulations. The area was kept 44 constant at .0782mm2 (0.25mm by 0.3128mm), and the thickness was varied to create different capacitance values. The thicknesses used to create capacitance values of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.8pF were 26.3, 8.76, and 3.28μm respectively. These dielectric thicknesses are not appropriate for actual fabrication but were chosen due to size constraints in the simulation software. In actual fabrication, both the area and the thickness would be much smaller. Figure 5.4 below shows the results of the simulations. The FSA with no MIM capacitor resonates at 4.2GHz, while the FSAs with MIM capacitors of 0.3pF, 0.44pF, and 0.8pF resonate at 3.8GHz, 3.7GHz, and 3.6GHz respectively. This quite clearly shows that increasing capacitive loading in the form of MIM capacitors will decrease the resonant frequency of the antenna. Again, because this model uses no ideal components, it can reasonably be stated that these results are closer to reality than those simulations shown previously which use ideal components. These models were not able to be fabricated due to time constraints and limited access to the necessary facilities. 45 Figure 5.4: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with MIM capacitors 46 6 Inductive and Capacitive Loading in Combination In previous sections it has been shown that, individually, inductive and capacitive loading can decrease the resonant frequency of a folded slot antenna. It was therefore desired to see how capacitance and inductance could be combined to create a similar or greater drop in frequency. 6.1 Series vs. Parallel Combination The first decision to make when combining inductors and capacitor is in what manner they should be combined. Mainly, should they be combined in parallel or in series with one another? The following set of simulations investigates these two configurations for side-mounted components. 6.1.1 Parallel Combination For modeling purposes, the simulation software does not allow for components to be placed directly on top of one another, so they were placed side-by-side at the end of the T-structure. This simulation set kept the inductance constant at 2nH and varied the capacitance values. This value was chosen based on the peak resonance of an inductoronly model. In Figure 4.2 this can be seen at 1nH, but this FSA has an a value of 1mm to accommodate for the larger chip capacitors. Thus the inductance value which created the peak resonance was found to be 2nH. The plots in Figure 6.1 show the S11 data for an FSA with capacitors and inductors mounted in parallel. It can be seen for the S11 plots below that the variation of loading created huge changes and showed no significant pattern. Also, much of the simulation data shows values of S11 greater than 0dB, which implies a reflected gain greater than 1. 47 This is not a physically useful or plausible result, so this design was not chosen to be fabricated. Figure 6.1: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with inductive and capacitive loads in parallel 6.1.2 Series Combination For the series combination the inductance was kept constant while the capacitance was varied. Again, the inductance value was chosen based on the peak resonance value in the inductor-only model. This FSA also has an a value of 1.9mm to accommodate for two chip components in series. Also for this model, since Sonnet does not allow two circuit components to be connected directly to one another, a small block of perfect 48 conducting metal was placed in the middle of the slot, as shown in Figure 6.2. The light grey is represents copper, and the dark grey is the perfect conductor It is 2 cells large in order to be symmetrical, with dimensions of 0.5mm by 0.313mm. Figure 6.2: Metal block between two ideal components Figure 6.3 shows the results of this set of simulations. The inductor-only FSA resonates at 2.6GHz, and the addition of a capacitor in series causes the resonant frequency to only drop to approximately 2.45GHz. This is not a very large drop, and it can be seen in the graph that smaller capacitance values result in higher S11 values, meaning that signal is lost. The most signal is transmitted when capacitance is extremely high, or essentially a short circuit. The added capacitance does decrease the resonant frequency of the antenna, but not significantly, and at the cost of decreased signal. 49 Figure 6.3: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with capacitive and inductive loads in series, varying C The series combination experiment was repeated, this time keeping capacitance constant. This capacitance value was chosen based on the peak resonance of a capacitoronly model. The plots in Figure 6.4 show similar results to those found in the varyinginductor experiment, though they are less clear. Focusing on the center peak, the resonant frequency is lowest at 4GHz with an inductance of 200nH. This also happens to be the largest peak, with the least signal loss. This shows that the best response occurs when the impedance of the inductor is greater than the impedance of the capacitor (Equations 13 and 14 below). For 4GHz, this occurs when L = 20nH. When the 50 inductance is very high, it essentially acts as an open circuit and would therefore not have much reactive effect across a gap. Figure 6.4: S11 vs. Frequency for FSA with inductive and capacitive loading, varying L (13) 1 (14) 51 6.2 LC Fabrication Based on the previous simulations, it was decided to only fabricate the FSAs with capacitors and inductors mounted in series. The inductor values would be kept constant and the capacitor values varied, in an effort to replicate the plot shown in Figure 6.3. The fabrication processes followed the same methods for the FSAs with inductors, discussed in Section 4.2. 6.2.1 Milling Process The antennas to be mounted with inductors and capacitors experienced the same problems with the milling process described in Section 4.2.2. Table 4 shows the measured dimensions, with slot widths approximately twice what was desired. Table 4: Milled CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors and capacitors Desired dimension Average measured value 6.2.2 w1 (mm) s (mm) w2 (mm) 0.3 2.3 0.3 0.58 1.92 0.59 Photolithography Process The antennas were fabricated again, but this time using the photolithography process, as described in Section 4.2.3. The CPW feed line widths were measured as shown in Table 5. Again, these widths are much closer to the desired values than those created using the milling process. 52 Table 5: Chemically-etched CPW dimensions for FSA with inductors and capacitors Desired dimension Average measured value 6.2.3 w1 (mm) s (mm) w2 (mm) 0.3 2.3 0.3 0.33 2.18 0.32 Mounting of Components First, SMA connectors were soldered to the end of the CPW feed. Surface mount components were then mounted across each of the slots. First, the capacitor and inductor were soldered together. For the inductor-only antenna, a 0Ω resistor was used instead of a capacitor. Then, the paired components were mounted across each gap using conductive epoxy. The epoxy was cured in an oven at 90°C for more than 1 hour. The completed antenna is shown in Figure 6.5 below. The horizontal gaps and copper trace are each 1mm wide, and the top of the T-structure is 24mm long. 53 Figure 6.5: Image of completed FSA with mounted capacitors and inductors 6.3 Measured Results Figure 6.6 below shows the measured frequency response of the milled FSAs with capacitive and inductive loading in series. All of the results are very different from the simulation data and show no real pattern. Besides the resonant structure, each frequency response is quite noisy. This can be attributed to the fabrication problems associated with milling, discussed in Section 4.2.2. 54 Figure 6.6: S11 vs. Frequency for milled FSA with capacitive and inductive loads in series Figure 6.7 below shows the measured response for the FSAs created using photolithography. As can be seen, the use of photolithography instead of the milling process eliminated the majority of the noise seen in the previous figure. That being said, the plots still do not match what was predicted in the simulations. There are multiple resonant peaks for each antenna, both above and below the resonant frequency of the basic FSA shown at 3.8GHz. 55 Figure 6.7: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs with inductors and capacitors created using photolithography These differences are believed to be due to the inaccuracies associated with using real, surface-mounted chip elements as opposed to the ideal 2D components used in simulation. This is verified by the measurements taken before the addition of reactive loading, as shown in Figure 6.8. The parenthetical notation indicates what components would be mounted on the FSA in the next step. Here it can be seen that all four antennas resonated at approximately 4.8GHz before the addition of reactive components. As is shown in previous sections, it would be possible to create an FSA with integrated thinfilm-based elements in an attempt to correct these problems. 56 Figure 6.8: S11 vs. Frequency for FSAs created using photolithography to be mounted with inductors and capacitors in series 57 7 Sputtered Silicon Carbide as a Packaging Material In the fabrication of antennas and other RF circuits, it is desirable to use thin films as a packaging material as another means of miniaturization. This portion of the investigation looks to determine if amorphous SiC deposited by magnetron sputtering is an appropriate packaging material for RF devices. Properties to be investigated include chemical resistance, conformality, adhesion strength, dielectric constant, and interaction with circuit performance. The majority of fabrication and tests were performed in a Class 1000 clean room located at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH. The results of this investigation are also being published at the 2011 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium [20]. 7.1 Wafer Fabrication Each sample used in this investigation starts with a polished 2in. square 500μm thick wafer of alumina, also known as aluminum oxide (Al2O3), for the substrate material. Gold and SiC are deposited as described in the following sections. Any patterning that occurs follows the photolithography process described in Section 4.2.3. The only difference is that, for this portion of the investigation, positive spin-on resist was used instead of a negative dry-film resist. To deposit the positive photoresist, a liquid adhesion promoter must first be spun on and then baked for at least 5 minutes at 185°C. The liquid resist is then spun onto the surface and baked for 9 minutes at 90°C. The sample is then exposed to UV radiation through a patterned mask for 75 seconds. For the positive resist, the exposed regions become chemically unstable, allowing them to be washed away in a developer solution. The sample is developed for 1 minute in Microposit™ 351 and baked again at 120°C for 58 half an hour. The remaining resist is removed after the etching steps using acetone and ethanol. 7.1.1 Evaporation of Metals All of the metal deposited for this investigation used a conventional evaporation process. A source metal (in this case chromium or gold) is heated in a vacuum chamber. The evaporator used in this investigation uses an electron beam to heat the metal. The heat and vacuum allow the metal to evaporate. The metal particles then travel through the chamber and deposit on a target substrate mounted inside the vacuum chamber. Each wafer in this investigation was first deposited with a 25nm layer of chromium. The chrome acts as an adhesion layer between the gold and the alumina substrate, because adhesion between gold and alumina is poor. After the chrome is deposited, a 500nm layer of gold is deposited, covering the entire wafer. 7.1.2 Sputtering of Silicon Carbide The SiC in this investigation was deposited using an RF magnetron sputtering method. In the sputtering method, a target of SiC and the sample wafers are placed in a vacuum chamber. An RF source is used with argon gas to create a plasma. The energized Ar atoms bombard the SiC target, liberating particles from the surface. The liberated particles travel through the vacuum chamber and deposit on the surface of the wafer. The target for this chamber is positioned off-center from the wafer, so the mounted wafer is rotated during deposition in an effort to get a completely conformal coating. All SiC layers in this thesis are 500nm thick. After deposition, the samples are then annealed for one hour at 300°C. 59 7.1.3 Etching Each sample has a patterned layer – either gold or SiC. Once patterned with photoresist, each sample is exposed to an etchant. The etchant used to remove the gold layer is a potassium iodide (KI) solution. The chrome adhesion layer also needs to be removed with a solution of perchloric acid (HClO4). Since these are both liquid chemical etches, they etch isotropically. The etching time for the gold and chrome are approximately 6 minutes and 1minute respectively but should be visually monitored to prevent over-etching. The SiC is etched away in a plasma consisting of an Ar/SF6 mixture. This etch process is mostly anisotropic and takes approximately 6 minutes, but should also be visually monitored. 7.1.4 Patterning The nine wafers used in this portion of the investigation are fabricated with two different patterns. Wafers 1-5 are coated in Cr/Au, which are then patterned with the first layer of a MIM capacitor design shown in Figure 7.1. The structures have side lengths of 1.5mm, as labeled in the image. The actual design of this pattern is not important in this portion of the investigation. The patterned structures simply act as gold lines, to show how the SiC will behave when covering metal structures. The alumina wafer with patterned Cr/Au is then covered in 500nm of SiC. 60 Figure 7.1: First layer of MIM capacitor design (Cr/Au on alumina) Wafers 6-9 are coated with a solid layer of Cr/Au, which is not patterned. 500nm of SiC is then deposited over the entire wafer. The SiC is then etched into a simple checkerboard pattern with 2.5mm squares. 7.2 Chemical Resistance Tests The largest portion of research into the packaging qualities of sputtered SiC investigates the resistance of the thin film to various chemical etches. Each wafer is cut into four 1in. square samples (labeled a-d) before being subjected to the chemical etch. Four different etchants are used for this investigation. Table 6 shows which samples were subject to which chemicals. When only a number is denoted, all four samples of that wafer were subject to the test. The O2 plasma etch was performed for 1hr at 300W. Buffered oxide etchant (BOE) is a wet chemical used to etch SiO2 or Si3N4. Potassium iodide, as discussed 61 earlier, is used to remove gold films. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide ((CH3)4NOH), also called TMAH, is a chemical used to etch silicon. Table 6: Etch test matrix Etch Test Performed Samples Subjected to Test Control 1, 5a, 6 1hr O2 plasma at 300W 2, 5b, 7 24hr BOE 3, 5c, 8 24hr Au etch (KI) 4, 5d 24hr TMAH 9 On each sample, several tests were taken before and after exposure to the etchant. First, each sample is weighed to test for loss of material. The sample was weighed five times using a precision microbalance and then averaged to ensure accurate values. Microphotographs were also taken of every sample before and after being exposed to the chemical. The purpose of the photographs is to identify any physical defects, such as pin-holes. For Wafers 6-9, the thickness of the SiC film was measured using a Dektak™ stylus profilometer. Along with the previous tests, the samples from Wafer 5 were coated with a thin (50nm) layer of gold before being imaged by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to check for conformality. All of the other samples were tested for adhesion strength with a ‘pull test’ [15]. The apparatus used for this test is shown in Figure 7.2, with two modifications. Rather than adhesive tape, a metal hook is epoxied to the surface of the 62 sample and attached to one side of a balance. The sample is then fixed in place while metal weights, rather than water, are added to the other side of the balance. This test shows adhesion strength of the SiC to the gold and alumina in terms of how much force it can hold without detaching from the substrate. Figure 7.2: Apparatus similar to that used in the pull test [15] 7.2.1 Results Microphotographs of samples from Wafers 1-4 are shown in Figure 7.3 below. The center trace is approximately 42μm wide in each image. It can be seen from the images that the O2 plasma and BOE etches do not create any visually apparent damage to the SiC film. The dark spots on the images are a result of defects in the substrate which carried through to each deposited layer. These defects were present in the pre-etch images as well. However, damage can clearly be seen in (d) for the sample that underwent the 24hr gold etch. In many places, the gold underneath the SiC was completely removed. 63 In these places, since the SiC no longer had anything to adhere to, the film often lifted off. This effect can be seen where the chrome layer is exposed. Discoloration can also be seen around the edges of the center trace. This indicates that the gold was partially etched, starting from the edges, but enough gold remained in place to hold the SiC film. This edge effect indicates that the SiC film does not have good step coverage, allowing the etchant to attack the gold underneath. (a) Control (b) O2 Plasma 1hr (c) BOE 24hr (d) Au etch 24hr Figure 7.3: Microphotographs of samples with gold lines after etch tests Figure 7.4 below shows microphotographs of samples taken from Wafers 6-9 after the etch tests were performed. Each image is approximately 200μm on a side. The 64 mask used for this pattern had irregular edges, and any malformations present in the pictures were also present in those taken before the etch tests. In the same respect, all of the black speckling in these images was also present in the pre-etch images. Again, these defects can be contributed to defects in the underlying substrate. The substrate for Wafer 9 in particular had a very poor surface. (a) Control (b) O2 Plasma 1hr (c) BOE 24hr (d) TMAH 24hr Figure 7.4: Microphotographs of samples with checkerboard pattern after etch tests Figure 7.5 shows SEM images taken of each of the samples from Wafer 5. The location imaged for each sample is a corner of one of the gold structures. For images (a), (c), and (d), a small shadowing can be seen at the base of the structure. It appears that the 65 SiC did not completely cover the gold edge, meaning that the film is not conformal. Image (b) shows that trenches were formed around the edges due to the O2 plasma etch. This could be for one of two reasons. Either the O2 plasma actually etched away at the SiC and gold, or, more likely, the trenches are the result of an oxide formation on the surfaces. (a) Control (b) O2 Plasma 1hr (c) BOE 24hr (d) Au etch 24hr Figure 7.5: SEM images of samples after etch tests Table 7 shows the average change in weight and film thickness per sample for each etch test performed. Note that the thicknesses were not measured for any sample undergoing the 24hr Au etch. None of the weights changed significantly, except for 66 those exposed to BOE for 24 hours. This is believed to be due to some kind of measurement error. The samples from Wafer 8 (checkerboard) and 5c (capacitor pattern) showed little change, but those from Wafer 3 (capacitor pattern) increased significantly. In any case, only a significant decrease in weight, indicating loss of film, would be considered problematic for a packaging material. The changes in thickness can also be seen in this table. There were no significant changes in film thickness for any of the etch tests. Each increased slightly which is believed to be caused by the growth of a native oxide. Those samples exposed to the O2 plasma experienced a greater oxide growth due to the high energy oxygen-rich environment. Table 7: Average changes per sample by etch test Etch Test Performed Weight Change (mg) Thickness Change (nm) Reference 0.02 7.2 O2 Plasma 1hr -0.59 24.6 BOE 24hr 2.11 7.775 Au etch 24hr -0.88 N/A TMAH 24hr 0.00 5.55 The results of the pull test, as described in Section 7.2 showed that all of the samples have an adhesion strength of greater than 108 N/m2. This means that the adhesion strength of the SiC to the gold is as good as or better than that of the Au/Cr to the alumina substrate. The film did peel off of two samples subjected to the Au etch test 67 at slightly less than 108 N/m2. This is because of the loss of adhesion due to the removal of the underlying gold layer, and indicates further that the SiC film was not completely conformal. 7.3 Dielectric Constant To learn the relative permittivity (εr) of the sputtered SiC film, MIM capacitors were fabricated with SiC as the dielectric layer. The pattern used is that shown in Figure 7.1. The bases for the four capacitors measured are squares with side lengths of 170μm, 380μm, 660μm, and 770μm. The bottom metal and middle dielectric layer were fabricated as described in Section 7.1. The top metal layer was patterned using the liftoff technique. In this process, photoresist is deposited and patterned before the metallization layer is deposited. The wafer is then soaked in acetone for a couple hours, which slowly removes the photoresist layer. The metal layer on top of the photoresist lifts off as well, leaving metal only where there was no photoresist. Once the MIM capacitors were fabricated, the capacitance value was measured using a Keithley™ 590 CV analyzer and 150μm pitch GGB GSG probes before and after a 1hr anneal at 300°C. With measured capacitance value, and known dimensions of the MIM capacitor, a value for the dielectric constant can be calculated using Equation 12. The average dielectric constant before annealing was 13, and the average dielectric constant after annealing was 5.8. This shows that the annealing step is important to the electrical characteristics of the film, and that the film has a relatively low relative permittivity. The low dielectric constant means that it should have less of an effect on the performance of the circuit. 68 7.4 LC Resonator To show that sputtered SiC can be used as packaging for RF circuits and will not interfere with device performance, an LC resonator was fabricated and measured with and without the SiC coating. Figure 7.6 below shows an image of the LC resonator. The 2-port system was fabricated with Cr/Au on alumina, with SiC as the dielectric layer in the MIM capacitors. In the masked off regions, both the gaps and trace are 50μm wide. In the wider CPW, the w is 75μm and s is 0.17mm. The length of the CPW, from the edge to the inductor traces, is 1.2mm. The spirals are 1.5 turns with an inner radius, measured from the inside of the end of the coil, of 0.41mm. The trace width and spacing are each approximately 0.1mm. This results in an inductance of approximately 8.5nH. Rather than connect directly to the metal plane, the bridge from the inductor with SiC beneath it creates an MIM capacitor. The end cap of the MIM is approximately 0.1mm by 0.17mm. SiC is deposited as the dielectric layer to a thickness of 500nm and annealed for 1 hour at 300°C. This results in an approximate capacitance of 1.8pF. Figure 7.6: LC Resonator with SiC packaging 69 The S-parameters were measured with and without the SiC film using an Agilent™ E8364B network analyzer. The measured results are shown in Figure 7.7. S21 refers to the forward transmission coefficient, or the relative amount of signal that is transmitted from Port 1 to Port 2 The S11 peaks for the LC resonator are very close to 1.2GHz, both with and without the SiC packaging, and the S21 plots are almost indistinguishable from one another. The additional layer of SiC had almost no effect on the resonant frequency of the LC resonator. Thus it can be said that sputtered SiC as a packaging material does not affect the operation of an RF circuit. Figure 7.7: S-parameters for LC resonator with and without SiC film 70 8 Conclusions and Recommendations In this investigation, three major subjects were pursued – inductive loading on a Wilkinson power divider, inductive and capacitive loading on a folded slot antenna, and the packaging properties of a sputter-deposited SiC film. These techniques are in an effort to develop miniaturization techniques for these RF devices. It was shown that a Wilkinson power divider can be decreased in length with the addition of inductors from the ports to ground. In this solution, the desired transmission line length and operating frequency can be defined. The combination of impedancematching formulas then dictates the value of the added inductors, as well as the impedance of the transmission line. The next portion of the investigation focused on the addition of inductive and capacitive loading as a means to decrease the resonant frequency of a folded slot antenna. First, Sonnet electromagnetic simulation software was used to show that the addition of inductors across the end of the T-structure on the FSA does decrease the resonant frequency of the antenna. Simulation data also showed that the addition of inductive loading to the top of the FSA increased the resonant frequency of the antenna. As the goal of the investigation is to decrease frequency response, only the sidemounted loading design was chosen to be fabricated. The antennas were fabricated using both a mechanical process (milling machine) and a chemical process (photolithography). Surface-mount components were then placed across the appropriate gaps on the FSA with conductive epoxy. The S11 values of the antennas were then measured using a network analyzer. Unfortunately, the measured results did not match with the simulation data. 71 While the photolithography process did eliminate some of the accuracy problems associated with the milling process, it is believed that the use of non-ideal chip elements created problems that could not be predicted with simulations. For this reason, HFSS software was used to create a model with integrated spiral inductors. These simulations showed similar results to those found in the Sonnet simulations, but they are believed to be more accurate, since there are no ideal elements used in the model. Due to time constraints and access to facilities, this model was not fabricated. It is recommended that further investigation be done into the manufacturability and operation of this design. Based on the FSA model with integrated spiral inductors, designs were also created for an FSA with integrated MIM capacitors. These simulations also show similar results to the previous research done with mounted chip elements [5]. These designs were not fabricated for the same reasons as the integrated spiral inductor model. It is recommended that the manufacturability and operation of these designs be further investigated as well. Since it has been shown that capacitors and inductors can each decrease the resonant frequency of antenna when loaded individually, it was desired to investigate how they could be used in combination to further decrease the frequency response. Simulations showed that the series combination was much more consistent and showed more predictable operation than the parallel combination. The results of the seriescombination simulations showed that the least signal was reflected when there was essentially a short instead of a capacitor, implying that there is no benefit to adding a 72 capacitor to the inductor. The antennas in this experiment were fabricated using both physical and chemical methods in an attempt to replicate the simulation data. Unfortunately, due to previously described problems, the measured results did not verify the simulation data. It is recommended that further research be done to develop fabrication methods that would properly replicate the simulation results. A viable method would be to use integrated spiral inductors and MIM capacitors, once the fabrication techniques of each have been verified. Lastly, this investigation examined the packaging qualities of a sputtered SiC film. Tests were performed to determine the conformality, adhesion, chemical resistance, dielectric constant, and overall effect on device performance. Nine alumina wafers were fabricated with two different patterns of Cr/Au and SiC and then cut into four samples per wafer. Each sample was either exposed to a chemical etchant or kept as a control. Images, weights, and thicknesses were taken before and after the test to determine if the etchant had had any effect on the sample. Of the 36 total samples, 32 were then tested for adhesion strength using a pull test. SEM images were taken of the four remaining samples to examine how the film covered patterned edges. Upon examination of the images and comparisons of weights and thicknesses, it was determined that the SiC film was resistant to each of the chemicals test. No significant changes were found in height or weight, except for those due to oxide growth or measurement error. No pin-holing was found upon examination of the images. It was also shown that the adhesion strength was greater than 108 N/m2 for each sample, 73 meaning that the adhesion strength of the SiC to the gold is as good as or better than that of the gold to the alumina substrate. However, it was found through these tests that the SiC film was not conformal on all of the edges. Significant amounts of gold were etched away from the patterned edges during the 24hr Au etch. The SiC on two of the Au-etched samples delaminated during the pull test, but this was determined to be due to a lack of gold and not poor adhesion strength. The SEM images confirmed the lack of full step coverage for the patterned gold. Further investigation into the cause of the lack of conformality is recommended. The sputtering process itself is not believed to cause the lack of conformality. The sputtering target is off-center in the chamber, and the sample is rotated throughout deposition. These steps are taken to eliminate any anisotropy or shadowing during the deposition process. One possible cause is the thickness of the patterned gold underneath the SiC film. The gold may have simply been too thick for the SiC to completely cover the micromachined steps. Another possible cause is the SiC target used to deposit the film. It was later discovered that the SiC target was cracked. It is unknown if this occurred before or after deposition on the samples used in this test, but the damaged target could change the properties of the SiC. If the target were damaged, it would not have improved the packaging properties of the film, so the results of this portion of the investigation are not invalidated. To determine the dielectric constant of the sputtered SiC film, MIM capacitors were created with gold on alumina, using SiC as the dielectric layer. Based on geometry 74 and the capacitance equation for a parallel plate capacitor, the dielectric constant could be calculated. It was found that the average dielectric constant measured after a 1 hour anneal at 300°C was 5.8. This dielectric constant is fairly low, meaning that it should have less of an effect on the fields passing through it. It was also shown that the dielectric constant of the SiC before the anneal step was approximately 13. This indicates that the annealing step does have an effect on the dielectric properties of the film. It is therefore recommended that investigation be done into the effect of anneal temperature as well as anneal time on the SiC film. An LC resonator was fabricated with and without the SiC packaging. Sparameters were measured for each, and it was shown that the added SiC film does not significantly impact the operation of the RF circuit. This result, along with those previously discussed, shows that sputtered SiC carbide has almost all of the qualities needed to package RF devices. The only property lacking is conformality, but when that issue is resolved, all of the requirements discussed would be satisfied. 75 APPENDICES 76 APPENDIX A: Mathematica Script for Wilkinson Calculations In[1]:= Zx=Z0*tan*Sqrt[2/(1+tan^2)] Out[1]= Sqrt[2] tan Sqrt[1/(1+tan^2)] Z0 In[2]:= tan=Tan[2Pi*l](*with l in terms of lambda*) Out[2]= Tan[2 l \[Pi]] In[3]:= Zx L=Zx/(w*tan) Out[3]= Sqrt[2] Z0 Tan[2 l \[Pi]] Sqrt[1/(1+Tan[2 l \[Pi]]^2)] Out[4]= (Sqrt[2] Z0 Sqrt[1/(1+Tan[2 l \[Pi]]^2)])/w In[5]:= Z0=50 w=2Pi*5*10^9 (*f = 5GHz*) Out[5]= 50 Out[6]= 10000000000 \[Pi] 77 In[7]:= Plot[Zx,{l,0,.25},Frame->True,FrameLabel->{"Line Length (\[Lambda])","Line Impedance (\[CapitalOmega])"}] 70 Line Impedance HW L 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.00 0.05 Out[7]= 0.10 0.15 Line Length HlL 0.20 0.25 In[8]:= Plot[L*10^9,{l,0,.25},Frame->True,FrameLabel->{"Line Length (\[Lambda])","Inductance (nH)"}] 78 Out[8]:= Inductance H nHL 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 Line Length HlL 0.20 0.25 79 Bibliography [1] Khelifa Hettak, Gilbert A. 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