3dB HYBRID CRYOGENIC ABSTRACT DESIGN This poster describes the design, construction and measurement of a multioctave stripline hybrid for the 4 to 12 GHz band specially conceived to survive and fulfill accurate specifications when cooled to 15 K (-258 ºC). The materials and mechanical construction procedure have been specially selected and the result is a very compact, reliable and low thermal mass device, able to survive extreme thermal cycling. The coupling and reflection show very little temperature dependence. Finally, the comparison of the results of a typical commercial unit with the new design presented clearly shows its advantages at cryogenic temperature. Inmaculada Malo Gómez. Juan Daniel Gallego Puyol, IEEE, Member. Carmen Diez González. § Three sections of λ/4 coupled lines: 21.5 mm Ø Maximum coupling for transmision offset lines of n λ/4 length (n: odd). Ø Three sections allows coupling ripple of 0.1dB in two octaves band. λ/4 λ/4 λ/4 1 offset2 Schematic top view § The coupled lines are “offset broadside coupled striplines”: Ø Offset of central section is used to tune the coupling factor. Ø Perfect alignment of sustrates is critical to obtain the design specifications but is dificult to achieve in the fabrication process. sustrate1 § Stripline technology in mylar shielded chassis, with chassis offset line1 line2 Ø J.P.Shelton model (“Impedances of offset parallel-coupled strip transmission lines”. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol.14, Jan.1966). Ø Coupling is very sensitive to the dimensions of the central λ/4 section geometry, the most critical parameter is the separation between sustrates. Ø First and third λ/4 sections are equal. They reduce the ripple of the coupling and influence on input reflection. coup 37.5 mm sustrate2 a mylar separation layer. § Simulation: 16 mm Modern ultra low noise receivers used for radio astronomy have evolved to provide very wide instantaneous bandwidth. Some of the configurations used in present cryogenic front-ends, like sideband separating mixers and balanced amplifiers, need 90º hybrids at the IF, typically in the 4-12 GHz band. There are commercially available devices covering this band with good ambient temperature characteristics, but their cryogenic performance drops to unacceptable levels. FABRICATION direct One half of the coupler without the mylar film, in the Al chassis, with the sliding pin SMA connectors. Sustrate dimensions: 21.4 x 16 x 1,073mm. § Chassis in Aluminium alloy. § Substrates: RT/duroid ® 6002. Ø Thermal expansion coefficient matching Aluminum. Ø εr = 2.94. Thickness: 20mills. 17 µm of copper in one side only. Ø Machined with LPKF Proto Laser 200 (it engraves and cuts the sustrate in the same operation making the aligment between top and bottom sustrates very accurate). § Dielectric separation layer: Mylar film (thickness 23µm). Ø εr similar to Duroid. Ø High rigidity and good thermal stability. in iso Ø Carefull design of transitions between sections improves the input reflection. Ø Simulation tool: Momentum 2.5D tool from Agilent EESOF ADS software. Carlos Cortés. César Briso Rodríguez. CAY Centro Astronómico de Yebes. Observatorio Astronómico Nacional. Apto. correos, 148. 19080 Guadalajara. Spain. § Input/output connector: Sliding pin SMA. Ø Pin shifts absorbing mechanical contractions due to thermal cycling. § Experimental optimization of the transition connector – line to allow good input matching. e-mail: i.malo@oan.es EUIT Telecomunicación. Departamento IAC UPM. A-3, km 7. 28031 Madrid. Spain. 3dB HYBRID CRYOGENIC Centro Astronómico de Yebes. Observatorio Astronómico Nacional. Apto. correos, 148. 19080 Guadalajara. Spain. e-mail: i.malo@oan.es EUIT Telecomunicación. UPM. A-3, km 7. 28031 Madrid. Spain MEASUREMENTS Good cryo performance, similar to room temperature -20 -40 0 4 16 -3 -6 -9 0 4 8 Freq (GHz) 95 90 85 80 0 4 -2.5 S12, S13 (dB) S12, S13 (dB) 0 8 12 Freq (GHz) 100 12 12 16 -3.5 0 4 Av.Eq.Insertion Loss (dB) Average equivalent insertion loss 0.2 dB @ 15 K calculated from measured S parameters 0,0 8 Freq (GHz) 12 16 CAY 3dB hybrid in the test dewar -0,6 -0,8 2 300K 2 2 2 2 Leq = 10⋅ log s11 + s12 + s13 + s14 10 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 14 16 “Side band separating receivers (2SB)” IF balanced amplifier in “millimeter and submilimeter coherent heterodyne receivers (SIS)” Comparison with best commercial unit Measurements @ 15 K, 4-12 GHz 15K -0,4 The utility of the hybrid developed is demonstrated in a cryogenic balanced amplifier where the noise temperature obtained (6 K) shows clear advantage (about 33%) over the classical isolator-amplifier combination normally used in radio astronomy receivers. Besides, a superior insensitivity of the noise to the input termination mismatch is obtained. Radio astronomy APPLICATIONS Very low Insertion loss -0,2 We have completed the design, manufacture and measurement of a 3 dB 90º hybrid for the 4-12 GHz band specially conceived to survive and fulfill accurate specifications when cooled to 15 K. Coupling and reflection show very little temperature dependence. The result is a very compact, low loss, reliable, repetitive and low thermal mass device, able to survive extreme thermal cycling. -3.0 -4.0 16 8 Freq (GHz) Measurements of the hybrid at 15 K (thick lines) and 300 K (thin lines). Note the almost invariant behavior with temperature due to the careful selection of materials and technologies. Radio astronomy receivers require the use of devices that can operate at cryogenic temperatures to obtain extremely high sensitivity. Return loss [dB] Amplitude unbalance [dB] Phase unbalance [º] CAY (3 units) < -22 Pasternack (best) < -19 A way to improve the poor input Mismatch of the IF LNAs, replacing traditional amplifier with input isolator configuration. SIS IF LO LNAs 3-dB HYBRID ± 0.3 ±2 ± 0.9 ±3 40 LNA 3-dB HYBRID Tn YXA 1025 Tn YXA 1026 Tn BALANCED Tn ISO+YXA1026 Gain YXA 1025 Gain YXA 1026 Gain BALANCED Gain ISO+YXA1026 16 35 14 30 12 25 10 20 8 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 f [GHz] 9 10 11 12 0 13 Noise Temperature [K] phase unbalance (deg) S11 (dB) 0 -60 CONCLUSIONS Gain [dB] CAY Inmaculada Malo Gómez Juan Daniel Gallego Puyol Carmen Diez González Carlos Cortés César Briso Rodríguez