International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 2, Issue 4 (2014) ISSN 2320–4060 (Online) Thermal Analysis of a Solar Energy System with Storage Tank in Different Weather Conditions Kyoung Hoon Kim1 and Chul Ho Han2 non-concentrating and concentrating. The flat plate solar collectors are usually permanently fixed in position and therefore need to be oriented approximately. Farahat et al. [9] developed an exergetic optimization of flat plate solar collectors to determine the optimal performance and design parameters of these solar to thermal energy conversion systems. Çomaklı et al. [10] investigated the optimum sizes of the collectors and the storage tank to design more economic and efficient solar water heating systems. Tang et al. [11] constructed and tested two sets of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater for comparative studies of performance. Gallego et al. [12] investigate the modeling of phase change material storage tank in a solar cooling plant and Palacios et al. [13] investigated thermal mixing caused by the inflow from one or two round, horizontal, buoyant jets in a water storage tank. In recent years the research on the conversion of low-grade heat from sources such as geothermal heat, waste heat, lowtemperature solar thermal heat, etc. into electrical power or low-temperature energy conversion has received a lot of attention [14]-[15]. A thermal storage system is employed to store the collected solar energy and provide continuous power output when solar radiation is insufficient. Wang et al. [16] presented a regenerative organic Rankine cycle (ORC) to utilize the solar energy over a low temperature range using flat-plate solar collectors. Delgado-Torres and García-Rodríguez [17]-[18] carried out a theoretical analysis that the thermal energy required by a solar ORC is supplied by means of stationary solar collectors. Gang et al. [19] proposed a new solar thermal electric generation system with regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle for use of low-temperature source. In this paper the effects of weather conditions on the transient thermal performance of the collector system with heat storage tanks are parametrically investigated. The important system variables are investigated on the summer and winter solstices with variations of system parameters such as the monthly average daily total radiation on a terrestrial horizontal surface or the maximum temperature of a day. Abstract—A storage tank in a solar system plays an important role for the improvement of performance of solar energy systems by providing thermal capacitance to alleviate the solar availability and load mismatch and improve the system response. In this paper a transient performance analysis is carried out for a glazed solar flat plate collector system with heat storage tanks in different weather conditions. Results show that the system parameters such as the monthly average daily total radiation on a terrestrial horizontal surface or the maximum temperature of a day affect greatly on the performance of solar energy system. Keywords— solar, flat plate collector, storage tank, transient performance, weather condition. I. INTRODUCTION B powerful nuclear fusion reaction, the Sun produces staggering amounts of energy and much of that energy is dispersed in space. The energy intercepted by the Earth over a period of one year is equal to the energy emitted in just 14ms by the Sun. The Sun releases an enormous amount of radiation energy to its surroundings and when the energy arrives at the surface of the Earth, it has been attenuated twice by both the atmosphere and the clouds. After the thermal energy is collected by solar collectors, it needs to be efficiently stored when later needed for a release. Thermal storage is one of the main parts of a solar heating, cooling, and power generating system and it becomes of great importance to design an efficient energy storage system. [1]-[5]. The collection of solar energy and energy storage with auxiliary heat by solar heat storage tank are very important for the performance of solar energy system. The state of the art on solar thermal applications with the focus on the two core subsystems of solar collectors and thermal energy storage subsystems has been recently reviewed [6]-[7]. Cruz-Peragon et al. [8] presented a general methodology to validate a collector model with undetermined associated complexity. The solar collectors may be categorized as two types of Y II. SYSTEM ANALYSIS The schematic diagram of the system is illustrated in Fig. 1. Flat plate collectors (FTC’s) are used to collect the solar radiation. The main components of a flat-plate collector are cover, heat removal fluid passageways, absorber plate, headers or manifolds, insulation and container. The thermal storage tank is employed to store the collected solar energy and to provide Kyoung Hoon Kim1 is professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk 730-701, Korea (phone: 82-54-478-7292; fax: 82-54-478-7319; e-mail: Chul Ho Han2 is professor in the Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk 730-701, Korea (phone: 82-54-478-7393; fax: 82-54-478-7319; e-mail:, corresponding author 111 International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 2, Issue 4 (2014) ISSN 2320–4060 (Online) where θ and θz are incident angles on the tilted and horizontal surfaces, respectively, β the tilt angle of the collector, and ρ the reflectance of ground. The incident solar flux absorbed in the absorber plate is determined as the stable power output when solar radiation is insufficient. Water is used in both the solar energy collector system and the thermal storage system. The modeling of the thermal performance of the system is as follows [2], [5]. The average hourly total (beam plus diffuse) and diffuse radiations on terrestrial horizontal surface I and Id, respectively, can be determined from the monthly average daily total radiation on a terrestrial horizontal surface H as follows [2]: Hd 1.390 4.027 KT 5.531KT2 3.108KT3 H rd Id H d 24 S I b Rb b I d Rd I b I d Rr d where (τα)b and (τα)d represent the transmissivity and absorptivity product for beam and diffuse radiation on the collector plate, respectively. The total loss coefficient UL is consisted of the bottom, the top and the side loss coefficients: (1) cos(h) cos(hss ) 2hss sin(hss ) cos(hss ) 360 (2) U L Ub Ut U s I r rd cos(h) H Then, the useful energy of the collector Qu, is given by: Qu mwC p T fo T fi H H0 (11) (12) (4) I T I b Rb I d R d ( I b I d ) Rr where Ap is the total absorption area of the collector, mw, Cp, TL, and Tfo are mass flow rate, specific heat, inlet and outlet of water, respectively. In this system a sensible heat storage tank is used to store the collected solar energy. For the simplicities, it is assumed that the water in the insulated storage tank is completely mixed with the water flowing back into the tank from the collector and from the heat load. Then the energy balance in the storage tank can be obtained as follows [16]: (5) where Ib and Id are the hourly beam and diffuse radiation that the collector receives, and Rb, Rd, Rr are defined as tilt factors for beam, diffuse and reflection radiations, respectively, whose values are given by: VC VC dTdt cos( ) sin( ) sin( L ) cos( ) cos(h) cos( L ) (6) cos( z ) sin( L) sin( ) cos( L) cos( ) cos(h) 1 cos( ) 2 (7) 1 cos( ) Rr 2 (8) Rd FR Ap S U L T fi Ta The hourly radiation falling on a tilted surface is given by Rb (10) (3) where h the hour angle, and KT is the monthly average clearness index defined as KT (9) L p w p t Qu Qh (UA)t TL Ta (13) where ρ, V, Qh are density, volume, and heat load, respectively, and subscripts w and t denote water and tank, respectively. solar insolation Tfo flat-plate collector heat storage tank mw, TL pump Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the system. 112 Qh International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 2, Issue 4 (2014) ISSN 2320–4060 (Online) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1.1 The numerical simulation of the solar flat plate collector is presented in this section by using the mathematical models established above. Seoul in Korea (N37.6º, E127º) is selected as the case city, and the summer and winter solstices are selected as the case days. The basic data for the simulation are similar to those in [16] and [5]; β = 34.27º, L1 = 1.1m, L2 = 1.6m, L3 = 0.2m, M = 2, Np = number of plates = 300, ki = 5 W/mK, δi = 0.05 W/mK, hf = 320 W/m2K, Do = 0.015m, Di = 0.0135m, W = 0.12m, δp = 0.0005m, kp = 385 W/mK, ρ = 0.5, Vw = 2.5 m/s, εp = 0.1, εg = 0.88, n = glass refraction index = 1.526, Kec = extinction coefficient = 0.037, αn = absorptance of the plate at normal incidence = 0.91. Nt = number of storage tank = 3, Do = external diameter of storage tank = 2.1m, Di = inner diameter of storage tank = 1.7m, Ht = height of storage tank = 2m, δp = tank wall thickness = 0.0006m, δi = insulation thickness = 0.2m. Here, it is assumed that the daily maximum and minimum temperatures occur at 4:00 and 14:00, respectively. H heat loss of storage tank [kW] 1.0 2 av [MJ/m day] SS WS 15 0.9 0.8 6 20 8 25 10 30 12 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 solar time [h] Figure 3. Plot of heat loss from tank with time on the summer and winter solstices for various monthly average total radiations. 3.1 Effects of monthly average daily total radiation The plate temperature is plotted against solar time in Figure 2 on the summer solstice (SS) and winter solstice (WS) for various monthly average daily total radiations on a terrestrial horizontal surface, Hav’s. The plate temperature increases with increasing the daily total radiation. And it can be seen from the figure that as the time increases the plate temperature increases and reaches a maximum value and the decreases, however, the time for the maximum plate temperature is later than the time for the maximum solar radiation. With the assumption that the mass flow rates of fluid in the collector tubes and the heat load are assumed to be fixed, the transient heat loss from the storage tanks are plotted in Figure 3. The heat loss decreases with time until about 8 O’clock which is later than the sunrise time. Then the heat loss increases with time due to the solar insolation and the temperature elevation inside the tanks. Finally the heat loss decreases with time due to the decrease in solar insolation. The heat loss on the winter solstice is greater than the summer solstice due the greater temperature difference between the inside tank and ambient. Figure 4 shows the temperature variations of tanks on summer and winter solstices. The temperate inside tank decreases with time until about 8 O’clock, mainly due to the decrease in the ambient temperature. After the temperature increases until about 16 O’clock, the temperature decreases with time again even before sunset time, since the heat input due to solar insolation becomes lower than the heat load. It can be seen from the figure that the tank temperature increases with increasing the daily total insolation. The variations of the collector efficiency are plotted in Figure 5 with time for various numbers of the tanks. The collector 140 2 o plate temperature [ C] 140 H WS 130 SS SS 120 110 2 [MJ/m day] 15 6 20 8 25 10 30 12 av [MJ/m day] WS 15 o av temperature in tank [ C] H 130 100 90 80 70 120 110 6 20 8 25 10 30 12 4 8 100 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 solar time [h] 12 16 20 24 solar time [h] Figure 2. Plot of plate temperature with time on the summer and winter solstices for various monthly average total radiations. Figure 4. Plot of temperature in tank with time on the summer and winter solstices for various monthly average total radiations. 113 International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 2, Issue 4 (2014) ISSN 2320–4060 (Online) 1.0 SS WS 15 0.8 0.7 0.6 6 20 8 25 10 30 12 heat loss of storage tank [kW] 0.9 collector efficiency 0.8 2 Hav [MJ/m day] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.5 o Tmax [ C] SS 0.4 0.0 WS 30 10 25 5 20 0 15 -5 0.3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 4 8 solar time [h] Figure 5. Plot of collector efficiency with time on the summer and winter solstices for various monthly average total radiations. o plate temperature [ C] SS WS 30 WS 10 25 5 20 0 15 80 Tmax [ C] 80 o SS 24 o 90 o [ C] temperature in tank [ C] 90 20 from the figure that the plate temperature has a peak value with respect to time and the peak time increases with increasing the maximum daily temperature. The transient heat loss from the storage tanks are plotted in Figure 7. The heat loss decreases firstly with time and then increases with time, and finally decreases with time. Therefore, there exists a local minimum and a local maximum value of the heat loss with respect to time. It can be observed from the figure that the time for the local minimum value decreases with the daily maximum temperature and the time for the local maximum value increases with the daily maximum temperature. The temperatures in tanks on summer and winter solstices are plotted with time in Figure 8 for various daily maximum temperatures. The temperature in tanks increases with 3.2 Effects of daily maximum temperature The plate temperature is plotted against solar time in Figure 6 on the summer solstice (SS) and winter solstice (WS) for various daily maximum temperatures. Here, the daily average minimum temperature is assume to be lower than the maximum temperature by 10℃. The plate temperature increases with increasing the daily maximum temperature. And it can be seen max 16 Figure 7. Plot of plate temperature with time on the summer and winter solstices for various daily maximum temperatures. efficiency is defined as the ratio of the useful heat gain to the solar insolation on the tilted plate surface. The collector efficiency becomes zero at sunrise and sunset times and has a peak value with respect to time. It can be observed from the figure that the peak efficiency increases with the total daily insolation and the peak time decreases with the total daily insolation. T 12 solar time [h] -5 70 60 30 10 25 5 20 0 15 -5 70 60 50 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 16 4 8 12 16 20 24 solar time [h] solar time [h] Figure 8. Plot of plate temperature with time on the summer and winter solstices for various daily maximum temperatures. Figure 6. Plot of plate temperature with time on the summer and winter solstices for various daily maximum temperatures. 114 International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 2, Issue 4 (2014) ISSN 2320–4060 (Online) [3] 0.6 [4] 0.5 collector efficiency [5] 0.4 [6] 0.3 o [7] Tmax [ C] 0.2 SS 0.1 WS 30 10 25 5 20 0 15 -5 [8] 0.0 [9] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [10] solar time [h] Figure 9. Plot of collector efficiency time on the summer and winter solstices for various daily maximum temperatures. [11] increasing the daily maximum temperature. It can be observed from the figure that there exists also a local minimum and a local maximum value for the temperature in tanks with respect to time, and the time for the local minimum value decreases with the daily maximum temperature, however, the time for the local maximum value increases with the daily maximum temperature. Figure 9 shows the variations of the collector efficiency with time for various daily maximum temperatures. It can be seen from the figure that the peak efficiency increases with the daily maximum temperature and the peak time for the collector efficiency decreases with increasing the daily maximum temperature. [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] IV. CONCLUSIONS This paper presents the transient thermal performance analysis of solar flat plate collector system with thermal storage tank. The important system variables including the collector plate temperature, heat loss of the tank, temperature in the tanks, and the collector efficiency are parametrically investigated for various the monthly average daily total radiation and the daily total maximum temperature. Results show that the system parameters such as the monthly average daily total radiation on a terrestrial horizontal surface or the maximum temperature of a day affect greatly on the performance of solar energy system. 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