SEASWeb IEP System Manuals - Chama Valley Independent

P.O Box 590 Mountain Home, AR 72654 y Toll Free: (877) 221-7327 y Web: y e-mail:
SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to SEASWeb, the premier online application for special educators. The development of Special
Education Automation Software (SEAS) came about when Computer Automation Systems, Inc. was contracted
to develop programs for public schools in areas such as transportation and maintenance. Upon completion of
these projects, Computer Automation Systems, Inc. was asked to evaluate the need for automation in the
special education department. After the evaluation for assistance, the initial response from Computer
Automation Systems, Inc. was “Your needs are so obvious, surely someone has developed a solution for you.”
After researching the market, no viable software alternative was found so development of the SEAS program
commenced. The design and functionality of SEAS was developed and was (and is) heavily dependent upon
the input of special education teachers, speech pathologists and psychological examiners, and their
collaboration with SEAS programmers. This same type of relationship has been and continues to be cultivated
in each state where SEAS is distributed.
By developing SEAS from the user’s point of view, the program has been tremendously successful. Within six
months of its release the SEAS program was installed in over 50% of schools and all major universities in
Arkansas. It is currently being marketed nationwide, and has been very well received. Because each state’s
special education program has its own unique set of guidelines, SEAS can be customized to meet the specific
needs of each state.
Programmers and a few users of the program have referred to SEAS as a living, breathing entity in its own right.
This is primarily because the program is continually changing, which is necessary in order to maintain and
implement the latest changes by State and Federal Special Education agencies. Additionally as technology
changes, the SEAS program itself must also change to keep pace. To stay current with today’s technology we
must continually strive to seek and research the latest and greatest technological advances of the day in
programming, networking, and database management.
In keeping with technological advances in computing, Computer Automation Systems, Inc. has developed a web
solution for easing the demands placed on special education by accounting and reporting procedures mandated
by state and federal agencies. SEASWeb not only provides the user with the ability to automatically add a
student’s demographic information to all selected special education forms and reports, but also provides those
same school systems with a secure off-site data hosting (storage) facility.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. wants you to feel as comfortable with SEASWeb as possible. We hope
you find this user’s manual helpful, but feel free to contact our knowledgeable Tech Support department at 1877-221-7327, or e-mail if you have any questions.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. y For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327.
SEASWeb User Manual Chapter 2: Technical
This section is designed to help you determine if your computer is compatible with SEASWeb and to help you configure your computer for trouble­free operation in the program. The sections below labeled “Minimum” are the lowest possible configurations that will work with SEASWeb. If your computer does not meet these specifications it will need to be upgraded before SEASWeb will function properly.
System Requirements:
PC Requirements: Minimum Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 w/ Service Pack 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher 233 MHz processor or higher 32mb of Ram or higher 20mb free hard drive space 56kbps modem and internet service Recommended Microsoft Windows XP w/ Service pack 1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 w/ Service Pack 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher 1GHZ Processor or higher 128mb of Ram or higher 50mb free hard drive space Cable, DSL or LAN connection and internet service Mac Requirements: Minimum Mac OS software version 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1 Power PC processor Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Macintosh edition Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 for Macintosh 32mb of RAM or higher 20MB of available hard­disk space 56kbps modem and internet service Recommended Mac OS software version 10.3.7 or higher Safari version 1.2.3 or higher Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 for Macintosh 128mb of RAM or higher 50MB of available hard­disk space Cable, DSL or LAN connection and internet service
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 2
SEASWeb User Manual Internet Connections There are a number of ways that you can connect to the internet, and your internet connection is the determining factor for how fast (or slow) SEASWeb will run on your computer. Listed below are the most common connection types and a brief description of each.
Dial­up: This is the slowest internet connection best used only to check e­mail and view standard web pages. SEASWeb will run on a dial­up connection, but it will be very slow. Patience is a virtue needed when accessing the program in this manner. We here at Computer Automation we do not recommend accessing the SEASWeb program via a Dial­up connection.
Cable/DSL: These internet connection types are much faster than Dial­up. The signal is digital and the hardware used by the Internet Service Provider is newer technology than dial­up. SEASWeb runs very well on these connection types in most cases. However if multiple users are sharing the connection, or a single user is running multiple applications over the connection at once, SEASWeb may run slower than expected.
LAN: This stands for Local Area Network and will be the most common connection within school districts. LAN speeds vary a great deal depending on several factors that include; the way the network is connected to the internet, the number of users using the connection at the same time, and the hardware in place at the district. In some cases LAN connections can actually be slower than dial­up if the amount of bandwidth available does not match the number of users sharing the connection. SEASWeb functions very well on most LAN connections, with the exception of the above mentioned cases. Printer Requirements SEASWeb uses Adobe Reader to both display and print forms for many reasons. One of which is Adobe Readers flexibility in the area of printing which makes it possible to print to almost any printer without experiencing problems. If you experience any printing problems please visit their troubleshooting guides listed below. PC Printer Requirements Mac Printer Requirements
Before using SEASWeb some changes need to be made to the settings of the browser and the Adobe software. These settings eliminate certain problems encountered when using SEASWeb and should be changed on all computers in the district that will be used to access the program. MAC Settings The first thing we need to find out is the version of the Operating System (OS) on your Mac. Different OS versions require different settings and versions of the software involved in using the SEASWeb program. Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Step 2 > Select "About this computer" or "About this Mac". Step 3 > In the space that says "OS version" or "Version" you will see a number (i.e. 9.2.2 or 10.3.6). This is the version of your operating system.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 3 SEASWeb User Manual Setup procedure OS 10.3 or higher Software Requirements: Safari version 1.2.3 or higher If you have OS 10.3.1 ­ 10.3.6, you will first need to update the OS to 10.3.7 or higher. If you have OS 10.7 or higher, skip to #4 in the list. Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left hand corner and choose "Software Update". Step 2 > Select OS update, and Safari Browser update, as well as any other updates you wish to install. Step 3 > Follow the instructions on the screen and you will be prompted to restart the computer after the updates are complete Step 4 > After the computer restarts, click on the apple in the upper left hand corner. Step 5 > Choose "Software Update". This time the only update we are concerned with is the Safari Browser update. This is to ensure that the Safari Browser is the correct version for your new OS version. Adobe Reader 7 Now the OS and the Browser are at the correct versions to run Seas web and all that is left is to install and Set Up Adobe Reader v. 7.0 Step 1 > Open the item that you previously downloaded. This will install Adobe Reader. Step 2 > Download Adobe Reader v. 7.0 from Step 3 > Adobe reader should automatically open up when the installation is complete. Go to “Adobe Reader” in the menu bar and click “Preferences.” Step 4 > Click “Internet” on the left and make sure that “Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader 7.0 (7.0)” is checked. Step 5 > Click “Forms” on the left and check the box next to “Always hide forms document message bar” and Click “OK” Step 6 > Close Adobe Reader. If Safari is open, close and reopen it Step 7 > You are now ready to use SEASWeb! Setup procedure OS 10.0.0 ­ 10.6.9 If you have OS 10.0.0 ­ 10.6.9, you have two options for getting your computer to run with SEASWeb:
Purchase OS 10.3, and then follow the setup procedure for OS 10.3 or higher. If you need to purchase 10.3, go to the Apple Store for Education from this link:
Reboot the computer into OS 9, and follow the setup procedure for OS 9.0 ­ 9.2.2. The procedure for rebooting into OS 9 is detailed below. To check your Macintosh’s ability to boot in OS 9, go to: If your computer cannot reboot into OS 9, you will need to purchase OS 10.3 to use SEASWeb.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 4 SEASWeb User Manual Procedure for rebooting into OS 9 This procedure is only necessary in certain circumstances: Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left­hand corner Step 2 > Click on “System Prefs” (will say Control panels on some systems). Step 3 > Click on “Startup Disk” from the menu that appears. Step 4 > Click on OS 9 and click the restart button at the bottom of that window. After the system restarts you will be running in OS 9 and will need to follow the setup procedure for OS 9.0 ­ 9.2.2. Setup Procedure for OS 9 Software Requirements: You will need Mozilla 1.3 for Mac (recommended) OR Internet Explorer 5.1.6 for Mac. In addition to one of those, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.1 for Mac We will need to choose either Mozilla or Internet Explorer (IE) as our browser. We here at Seas recommend using Mozilla 1.3 for Mac because there are fewer "bugs" than in IE, and Mozilla is easier to configure than IE. However, if you prefer to use Internet Explorer we continue to support it, but you may experience more problems than you would when using Mozilla. You only need one of these browsers so when you decide which one to use, follow its setup procedure and ignore the setup procedure for the other. Mozilla 1.3 For Mac Installation Step 1 > Download Mozilla 1.3 for Mac from this address: Step 2 > Click on the icon for Mozilla1.3.sit (the file you just downloaded). Step 3 > Follow the on screen directions and restart the computer Step 4 > Go to Adobe 5.1 for Mac installation Internet Explorer Installation Step 1 > Download Internet Explorer from:­13b4­4d7f­a9c0­ 9366f2366e31&DisplayLang=en Step 2 > On your hard disk, double­click the file that you downloaded to expand it. Depending on the Web browser that you are currently using, this step might be performed for you automatically. Step 3 > Double­click the Internet Explorer 5.1.smi file to start the setup program. Step 4 > On the desktop, double­click the Internet Explorer 5.1 file. Then copy the Internet Explorer 5.1 folder to the Macintosh HD. Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac Installation Step 1 > Download Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac from this address: Step 2 > On your hard disk, double­click the file that you downloaded to expand it. Step 3 > On your hard disk, double­click the file named Acrobat Reader Installer. This starts the download process for the rest of the files required to use Acrobat Reader.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 5 SEASWeb User Manual Step 4 > If you are using Internet Explorer, continue to step 5. If you are using Mozilla 1.3 For Mac, Skip to the section entitled Adobe Reader Setup Step 5 > After the files are downloaded, open the Macintosh HD and double­click on the applications folder Step 6 > Double­click on the Acrobat Reader folder, and then double­click on the Web Browser Plug­in folder Step 7 > Copy the file PDFViewer into the plug­ins folder located in the Internet Explorer folder on the Macintosh HD Internet Explorer Setup For SEASWeb to function properly there are settings that need to be adjusted within Internet Explorer. The steps listed below are involved in changing these settings. Step 1 > Double­click on the icon for Internet Explorer to open it up. Step 2 > From the menu bar located at the top of the screen, click on “Edit” then click on “Preferences” from the menu that appears. This will open the Internet Explorer Preferences window. Step 3 > Click on Download Options from the list on the left. Under Download Destination, choose "Always use download location from appropriate file helpers". Under Download Manager Options, Change the maximum number of concurrent downloads to "8" and set it to "immediately remove items after they have been downloaded" Step 4 > Click on File Helpers from the list on the left then click on the word "Description" under file helper settings to arrange the list in alphabetical order. Step 5 > Double­click on Acrobat Forms Data Format. Change "Download Destination" to Temporary Items Folder and "handling" to View with Application and click ok. Step 6 > Double­click on Acrobat Forms Data Format in XML. Change "Download Destination" to Download Folder and "handling" to Post­Process with Application and hit ok Step 7 > Double­click on Acrobat Rights Management File. Change "Download Destination" to Download Folder and "handling" to Post­Process with Application and hit ok. Step 8 > Double­click on Acrobat Portable Document Format. Change "Download Destination" to Temporary Items Folder, change "handling" to View with Plug­in, and change Plug­in Name to PDFViewer and hit ok. Step 9 > Click on Advanced from the list in the left. Under Cache, change "Update pages" to Always. Click on the change location button, and browse to System Folder then highlight it and click on the Choose button at the bottom of the window. This change will not put temporary internet files into the system folder. It only places a single cache file into this folder. Under Connections, check the "Support Multiple Connections" check box and change "Max Connections" to "8" Step 10 > Click ok on the Internet Explorer Preferences window when finished will all the steps in this section. Internet Explorer is now configured correctly to run SEASWeb. Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac setup Step 1 > Click on the icon for Acrobat Reader to open the program. If there is not an icon for Acrobat Reader on the desktop, the program should be located on the Macintosh HD, in the Acrobat Reader folder, located in the Applications folder. Step 2 > From the menu bar located at the top of the screen, click on “Edit” and then click on “Preferences” from the menu that appears. This will open the Acrobat Reader Preferences window. Step 3 > Click on Options located in the list located on the left­hand side of the window. Step 4 > All the check boxes should be checked with the exception of "Certified Plug­ins Only" and "Use Page Cache" Step 5 > Click “OK” at the bottom and restart the computer.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 6 SEASWeb User Manual Step 6 > After the computer restarts you will be ready to use SEASWeb! Create Links (shortcuts) If you wish to create a shortcut to the SEASWeb program there are three (3) methods you can use; Home Page, Favorite, or Desktop Shortcut. Each of these will take you to the same place, but they will use different methods to get there. All of these methods can be used simultaneously but one is sufficient. Home Page To set SEASWeb as the home page on your computer: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Log­in menu and click on the Tools menu option. Step 2 > Select “Internet Options…” which is the last item on the list. The first item is Home page, and under this listing are three selections: Use Current, Use Default, and Use Blank. Step 3 > Select “Use Current” and click on “OK”. Now the SEAS Login page will be the home page on that computer until it is changed. Keep in mind that the District’s Web site may need to be the user’s home page at school; however, SEASWeb could be the home page on your home computer. Be courteous and never change someone else’s home page. Favorite To set SEASWeb as a favorite: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Login page. Step 2 > Click on the Favorites menu option. Step 3 > Click on the first option which is “Add to Favorites” Step 4 > Select a folder to put the favorite in. Step 5 > Click OK. Desktop Shortcut To set SEASWeb as a desktop shortcut: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Login page. Step 2 > With the Login page visible, restore the Internet window size by clicking on the “Maximize/Restore” button in the upper right hand corner of the title bar on your computer screen. You will then be able to see both the computer desktop and the address line of the SEAS Web page. If both the desktop and the address bar cannot be seen simultaneously, it may be necessary to either resize the Internet Explorer window or move it by dragging the Title bar. Step 3 > Locate the Internet Explorer icon that appears at the beginning of the address bar. It looks like a blue “e” with a piece of paper folded down behind one corner. Step 4 > Click on the “e” and while holding the left mouse button down, drag this icon to an open area on the desktop Step 5 > Release the mouse button. An icon will appear labeled “Special Education Automation Software (SEAS)”. Step 6 > Double click that icon to access the SEASWeb Login page.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 7 SEASWeb User Manual Resolution (Screen Size) A screen resolution of 800 X 600 pixels is recommended to view portrait layout forms from margin to margin. Higher resolutions may be used without affecting the printed page, but the appearance of the text on the screen will be smaller. When changing to a resolution higher than 800 X 600, keep in mind that not all computers will function at higher resolutions. To change the monitor resolution from the desktop of a PC: Step 1 > Right click on any empty place on the desktop Step 2 > From the list that appears, left click on Properties Step 3 > Select the Settings tab at the top of the Display Properties window Step 4 > Move the slide bar for Screen area to 800 X 600 pixels Step 5 > Click OK
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 8 P.O Box 590 Mountain Home, AR 72654 Ÿ Toll Free: (877) 221­7327 Ÿ Web: Ÿ e­mail:
SEASWeb User Manual Chapter 2: Technical
This section is designed to help you determine if your computer is compatible with SEASWeb and to help you configure your computer for trouble­free operation in the program. The sections below labeled “Minimum” are the lowest possible configurations that will work with SEASWeb. If your computer does not meet these specifications it will need to be upgraded before SEASWeb will function properly.
System Requirements:
PC Requirements: Minimum Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 w/ Service Pack 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher 233 MHz processor or higher 32mb of Ram or higher 20mb free hard drive space 56kbps modem and internet service Recommended Microsoft Windows XP w/ Service pack 1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 w/ Service Pack 1 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher 1GHZ Processor or higher 128mb of Ram or higher 50mb free hard drive space Cable, DSL or LAN connection and internet service Mac Requirements: Minimum Mac OS software version 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1 Power PC processor Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Macintosh edition Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 for Macintosh 32mb of RAM or higher 20MB of available hard­disk space 56kbps modem and internet service Recommended Mac OS software version 10.3.7 or higher Safari version 1.2.3 or higher Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 for Macintosh 128mb of RAM or higher 50MB of available hard­disk space Cable, DSL or LAN connection and internet service
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 2
SEASWeb User Manual Internet Connections There are a number of ways that you can connect to the internet, and your internet connection is the determining factor for how fast (or slow) SEASWeb will run on your computer. Listed below are the most common connection types and a brief description of each.
Dial­up: This is the slowest internet connection best used only to check e­mail and view standard web pages. SEASWeb will run on a dial­up connection, but it will be very slow. Patience is a virtue needed when accessing the program in this manner. We here at Computer Automation we do not recommend accessing the SEASWeb program via a Dial­up connection.
Cable/DSL: These internet connection types are much faster than Dial­up. The signal is digital and the hardware used by the Internet Service Provider is newer technology than dial­up. SEASWeb runs very well on these connection types in most cases. However if multiple users are sharing the connection, or a single user is running multiple applications over the connection at once, SEASWeb may run slower than expected.
LAN: This stands for Local Area Network and will be the most common connection within school districts. LAN speeds vary a great deal depending on several factors that include; the way the network is connected to the internet, the number of users using the connection at the same time, and the hardware in place at the district. In some cases LAN connections can actually be slower than dial­up if the amount of bandwidth available does not match the number of users sharing the connection. SEASWeb functions very well on most LAN connections, with the exception of the above mentioned cases. Printer Requirements SEASWeb uses Adobe Reader to both display and print forms for many reasons. One of which is Adobe Readers flexibility in the area of printing which makes it possible to print to almost any printer without experiencing problems. If you experience any printing problems please visit their troubleshooting guides listed below. PC Printer Requirements Mac Printer Requirements
Before using SEASWeb some changes need to be made to the settings of the browser and the Adobe software. These settings eliminate certain problems encountered when using SEASWeb and should be changed on all computers in the district that will be used to access the program. MAC Settings The first thing we need to find out is the version of the Operating System (OS) on your Mac. Different OS versions require different settings and versions of the software involved in using the SEASWeb program. Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Step 2 > Select "About this computer" or "About this Mac". Step 3 > In the space that says "OS version" or "Version" you will see a number (i.e. 9.2.2 or 10.3.6). This is the version of your operating system.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 3 SEASWeb User Manual Setup procedure OS 10.3 or higher Software Requirements: Safari version 1.2.3 or higher If you have OS 10.3.1 ­ 10.3.6, you will first need to update the OS to 10.3.7 or higher. If you have OS 10.7 or higher, skip to #4 in the list. Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left hand corner and choose "Software Update". Step 2 > Select OS update, and Safari Browser update, as well as any other updates you wish to install. Step 3 > Follow the instructions on the screen and you will be prompted to restart the computer after the updates are complete Step 4 > After the computer restarts, click on the apple in the upper left hand corner. Step 5 > Choose "Software Update". This time the only update we are concerned with is the Safari Browser update. This is to ensure that the Safari Browser is the correct version for your new OS version. Adobe Reader 7 Now the OS and the Browser are at the correct versions to run Seas web and all that is left is to install and Set Up Adobe Reader v. 7.0 Step 1 > Open the item that you previously downloaded. This will install Adobe Reader. Step 2 > Download Adobe Reader v. 7.0 from Step 3 > Adobe reader should automatically open up when the installation is complete. Go to “Adobe Reader” in the menu bar and click “Preferences.” Step 4 > Click “Internet” on the left and make sure that “Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader 7.0 (7.0)” is checked. Step 5 > Click “Forms” on the left and check the box next to “Always hide forms document message bar” and Click “OK” Step 6 > Close Adobe Reader. If Safari is open, close and reopen it Step 7 > You are now ready to use SEASWeb! Setup procedure OS 10.0.0 ­ 10.6.9 If you have OS 10.0.0 ­ 10.6.9, you have two options for getting your computer to run with SEASWeb:
Purchase OS 10.3, and then follow the setup procedure for OS 10.3 or higher. If you need to purchase 10.3, go to the Apple Store for Education from this link:
Reboot the computer into OS 9, and follow the setup procedure for OS 9.0 ­ 9.2.2. The procedure for rebooting into OS 9 is detailed below. To check your Macintosh’s ability to boot in OS 9, go to: If your computer cannot reboot into OS 9, you will need to purchase OS 10.3 to use SEASWeb.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 4 SEASWeb User Manual Procedure for rebooting into OS 9 This procedure is only necessary in certain circumstances: Step 1 > Click on the apple in the upper left­hand corner Step 2 > Click on “System Prefs” (will say Control panels on some systems). Step 3 > Click on “Startup Disk” from the menu that appears. Step 4 > Click on OS 9 and click the restart button at the bottom of that window. After the system restarts you will be running in OS 9 and will need to follow the setup procedure for OS 9.0 ­ 9.2.2. Setup Procedure for OS 9 Software Requirements: You will need Mozilla 1.3 for Mac (recommended) OR Internet Explorer 5.1.6 for Mac. In addition to one of those, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.1 for Mac We will need to choose either Mozilla or Internet Explorer (IE) as our browser. We here at Seas recommend using Mozilla 1.3 for Mac because there are fewer "bugs" than in IE, and Mozilla is easier to configure than IE. However, if you prefer to use Internet Explorer we continue to support it, but you may experience more problems than you would when using Mozilla. You only need one of these browsers so when you decide which one to use, follow its setup procedure and ignore the setup procedure for the other. Mozilla 1.3 For Mac Installation Step 1 > Download Mozilla 1.3 for Mac from this address: Step 2 > Click on the icon for Mozilla1.3.sit (the file you just downloaded). Step 3 > Follow the on screen directions and restart the computer Step 4 > Go to Adobe 5.1 for Mac installation Internet Explorer Installation Step 1 > Download Internet Explorer from:­13b4­4d7f­a9c0­ 9366f2366e31&DisplayLang=en Step 2 > On your hard disk, double­click the file that you downloaded to expand it. Depending on the Web browser that you are currently using, this step might be performed for you automatically. Step 3 > Double­click the Internet Explorer 5.1.smi file to start the setup program. Step 4 > On the desktop, double­click the Internet Explorer 5.1 file. Then copy the Internet Explorer 5.1 folder to the Macintosh HD. Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac Installation Step 1 > Download Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac from this address: Step 2 > On your hard disk, double­click the file that you downloaded to expand it. Step 3 > On your hard disk, double­click the file named Acrobat Reader Installer. This starts the download process for the rest of the files required to use Acrobat Reader.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 5 SEASWeb User Manual Step 4 > If you are using Internet Explorer, continue to step 5. If you are using Mozilla 1.3 For Mac, Skip to the section entitled Adobe Reader Setup Step 5 > After the files are downloaded, open the Macintosh HD and double­click on the applications folder Step 6 > Double­click on the Acrobat Reader folder, and then double­click on the Web Browser Plug­in folder Step 7 > Copy the file PDFViewer into the plug­ins folder located in the Internet Explorer folder on the Macintosh HD Internet Explorer Setup For SEASWeb to function properly there are settings that need to be adjusted within Internet Explorer. The steps listed below are involved in changing these settings. Step 1 > Double­click on the icon for Internet Explorer to open it up. Step 2 > From the menu bar located at the top of the screen, click on “Edit” then click on “Preferences” from the menu that appears. This will open the Internet Explorer Preferences window. Step 3 > Click on Download Options from the list on the left. Under Download Destination, choose "Always use download location from appropriate file helpers". Under Download Manager Options, Change the maximum number of concurrent downloads to "8" and set it to "immediately remove items after they have been downloaded" Step 4 > Click on File Helpers from the list on the left then click on the word "Description" under file helper settings to arrange the list in alphabetical order. Step 5 > Double­click on Acrobat Forms Data Format. Change "Download Destination" to Temporary Items Folder and "handling" to View with Application and click ok. Step 6 > Double­click on Acrobat Forms Data Format in XML. Change "Download Destination" to Download Folder and "handling" to Post­Process with Application and hit ok Step 7 > Double­click on Acrobat Rights Management File. Change "Download Destination" to Download Folder and "handling" to Post­Process with Application and hit ok. Step 8 > Double­click on Acrobat Portable Document Format. Change "Download Destination" to Temporary Items Folder, change "handling" to View with Plug­in, and change Plug­in Name to PDFViewer and hit ok. Step 9 > Click on Advanced from the list in the left. Under Cache, change "Update pages" to Always. Click on the change location button, and browse to System Folder then highlight it and click on the Choose button at the bottom of the window. This change will not put temporary internet files into the system folder. It only places a single cache file into this folder. Under Connections, check the "Support Multiple Connections" check box and change "Max Connections" to "8" Step 10 > Click ok on the Internet Explorer Preferences window when finished will all the steps in this section. Internet Explorer is now configured correctly to run SEASWeb. Adobe Reader 5.1 for Mac setup Step 1 > Click on the icon for Acrobat Reader to open the program. If there is not an icon for Acrobat Reader on the desktop, the program should be located on the Macintosh HD, in the Acrobat Reader folder, located in the Applications folder. Step 2 > From the menu bar located at the top of the screen, click on “Edit” and then click on “Preferences” from the menu that appears. This will open the Acrobat Reader Preferences window. Step 3 > Click on Options located in the list located on the left­hand side of the window. Step 4 > All the check boxes should be checked with the exception of "Certified Plug­ins Only" and "Use Page Cache" Step 5 > Click “OK” at the bottom and restart the computer.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 6 SEASWeb User Manual Step 6 > After the computer restarts you will be ready to use SEASWeb! Create Links (shortcuts) If you wish to create a shortcut to the SEASWeb program there are three (3) methods you can use; Home Page, Favorite, or Desktop Shortcut. Each of these will take you to the same place, but they will use different methods to get there. All of these methods can be used simultaneously but one is sufficient. Home Page To set SEASWeb as the home page on your computer: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Log­in menu and click on the Tools menu option. Step 2 > Select “Internet Options…” which is the last item on the list. The first item is Home page, and under this listing are three selections: Use Current, Use Default, and Use Blank. Step 3 > Select “Use Current” and click on “OK”. Now the SEAS Login page will be the home page on that computer until it is changed. Keep in mind that the District’s Web site may need to be the user’s home page at school; however, SEASWeb could be the home page on your home computer. Be courteous and never change someone else’s home page. Favorite To set SEASWeb as a favorite: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Login page. Step 2 > Click on the Favorites menu option. Step 3 > Click on the first option which is “Add to Favorites” Step 4 > Select a folder to put the favorite in. Step 5 > Click OK. Desktop Shortcut To set SEASWeb as a desktop shortcut: Step 1 > Go to the SEASWeb Login page. Step 2 > With the Login page visible, restore the Internet window size by clicking on the “Maximize/Restore” button in the upper right hand corner of the title bar on your computer screen. You will then be able to see both the computer desktop and the address line of the SEAS Web page. If both the desktop and the address bar cannot be seen simultaneously, it may be necessary to either resize the Internet Explorer window or move it by dragging the Title bar. Step 3 > Locate the Internet Explorer icon that appears at the beginning of the address bar. It looks like a blue “e” with a piece of paper folded down behind one corner. Step 4 > Click on the “e” and while holding the left mouse button down, drag this icon to an open area on the desktop Step 5 > Release the mouse button. An icon will appear labeled “Special Education Automation Software (SEAS)”. Step 6 > Double click that icon to access the SEASWeb Login page.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 7 SEASWeb User Manual Resolution (Screen Size) A screen resolution of 800 X 600 pixels is recommended to view portrait layout forms from margin to margin. Higher resolutions may be used without affecting the printed page, but the appearance of the text on the screen will be smaller. When changing to a resolution higher than 800 X 600, keep in mind that not all computers will function at higher resolutions. To change the monitor resolution from the desktop of a PC: Step 1 > Right click on any empty place on the desktop Step 2 > From the list that appears, left click on Properties Step 3 > Select the Settings tab at the top of the Display Properties window Step 4 > Move the slide bar for Screen area to 800 X 600 pixels Step 5 > Click OK
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 8 SEASWeb User Manual
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SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 3: Security
SEASWeb was designed to provide security not only from outside sources trying to gain access to your
sensitive data, but also from internal personnel that do not need to access the information due to confidentiality
External Security
Several tools are in place to prevent outside intrusion:
First of all, we use 128bit encryption on sensitive data transfers. This is the highest level of encryption
available for civilian use, and it is said that it would take the processing power of every computer in the
world over a year to decrypt a single line of text encrypted in this manner. This is to prevent someone
that “hacks” the transmissions between our server and your computer from reading that data.
Secondly, we have put a limit on the number of times a person can enter an incorrect password before
that username is locked. This is to prevent someone who gains access to a username from either
guessing until they find the correct password or from running a program called a password generator
that tries millions of alpha-numeric combinations until it finds the correct password for the username.
You can enter an incorrect password for your username six (6) times before you are locked out of the
program. After you are locked out, a SEASWeb administrator from within the district will have to unlock
you. This process is described in detail in chapter 8 (Setup) under User Administration later in this
Additionally, we have many other safeguards in place to prevent denial of service attacks, Internet
Provider spoofing and other types of unwanted access to your sensitive data.
Internal Security Levels
In order to maintain the confidentiality of the data stored in SEASWeb, we have set up different levels
security. Each security level grants or restricts access to different portions of the program to ensure that
only the people that need access to a particular piece of data can see that data.
Each of these levels has two sub-levels of access: Read and Edit.
Read access lets the user see the information that they have access to, but they cannot change
Edit access lets the user view and edit the information that they have access to. The list below details
these security levels and provides insight as to which users might be candidates for that security level.
Administrator Edit (Admin Edit)
The Administrator Edit, or Admin Edit, level of access is the only security level that gives full
permissions to all parts of the program. A user that has Admin Edit rights will be able to do
anything and everything that is available in SEASWeb. Admin Edit users have the longest list of
responsibilities including but not limited to: adding new users, assigning Security levels to users,
resetting usernames and passwords of locked users, adding schools, goal and objective bank
manipulation, and running reports. Admin Edit security levels have access to every student in
the program. Candidates for this level of access are: Sped Directors, senior help desk
personnel, sped secretaries, and anyone else who needs to see and is responsible enough to
be trusted with this information.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Administrator Read (Admin Read)
The Administrator Read, or Admin Read, level of access can see most of the areas mentioned
above but cannot make any changes to them. Admin Read security levels have access to every
student in the program. Superintendents and paraprofessionals are good candidates for this
level of access.
Building Administrator Edit (Building Admin Edit)
The Building Administrator Edit, or Building Admin Edit, level of access allows the user to edit all
the students assigned to same building that the user is assigned to. Users with this level of
access do not need to be assigned to each student they deal with as long as that student is
assigned to that users building. Candidates for this level of access are diagnosticians,
counselors, and anyone else that needs access to information for an entire building.
Building Administrator Read (Building Admin Read)
The Building Administrator Read, or Building Admin Read, level of access allows the user to
view all the students assigned to same building that the user is assigned to. Users with this level
of access do not need to be assigned to each student they deal with as long as that student is
assigned to that users building. Candidates for this level of access are principals, assistant
principles, social workers and possibly nurses.
Teacher Edit
The Teacher Edit level of access is the standard level for most SEASWeb users. Users with
Teacher Edit access will only be able to edit students that they are directly assigned to in
Student Information. Candidates for this level of access are usually Special Education
Teacher Read
Users with Teacher Read access will only be able to access students that they are directly
assigned to in Student Information; however, they will not be able to edit anything. General
Education teachers are likely candidates for the Teacher Read level of access.
Keep in mind all of our security measures depend on the users keeping their usernames and passwords
secure. Every SEASWeb user within the district should be entered into the system and given their
unique log-in information. When a user is entered into the system their username and password are
their first initial and last name. We recommend the user change their password the first time they log
into the program. This process is described in chapter 8 (Setup) under Change Password.
Although a staff member may only have read access (Admin, Building Admin or Teacher) they can be
assigned edit access to particular students through the Student Information component of SEASWeb.
Likewise, although a staff member may only have edit access (Admin, Building Admin or Teacher) they
can be assigned read access to specific students through the Student Information component of
SEASWeb. More information on this topic can be found in chapter 8 (Setup) under Adding Students.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 4: Login Page
Due to the sensitive data stored within SEASWeb, users are required to provide a username and password
each time they wish to access the program. The process of entering this information is called logging in and the
screen where this takes place is called the Login page. This section details the actions available on the Login
page as well as the actual Login process.
The heading is the area at the top of the SEASWeb site to the right of the Seas Apple where the name
of the district is displayed. This area is used to make sure that you are on the correct SEASWeb site for
your district.
The Notices area is used to display recent additions to the program, recent changes to forms or
functionality, emergency notices, and other information that needs to be disseminated to users before
they log-in. This is to ensure that important information is readily available to all users of the SEASWeb
program at the moment they begin using the program.
Logging In
Logging into the program is very similar to logging into other secure applications. After obtaining your
username and password from a SEASWeb administrator from within the district, simply follow the steps
below. (View tutorial)
Step 1 > Click in the text field labeled “Username”.
Step 2 > Type your username
Step 3 > Press the tab key OR click in the text field labeled “Password”.
Step 4 > Type your password.
Step 5 > Press the enter key OR click on the “Login” button.
If you enter your password incorrectly more than six (6) times your username will be locked
and will have to reset by a SEASWeb administrator from within the district before you can
access SEASWeb again.
Forget Password
If you have forgotten your Password, the program has a utility that will send your password to the e-mail
address that your administrator entered for you when adding you to the system.
Step 1 > Click on the words “Forget your Password” located under the username and password
entry fields.
Step 2 > Enter the e-mail address exactly as it was entered by your administrator when adding
you to the system.
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SEASWeb User Manual
This is usually the e-mail address provided for you by your school. If the address you entered does not
match what the address in the system, you will get an error that reads “E-mail address not found, try
again”. If you do not know the e-mail address associated with your user account, you will need to
contact a SEASWeb Administrator from within the district and they will be able to give you the correct
information. When the correct e-mail address is entered, both your username and password will be
automatically sent to the e-mail address associated with your user account.
In order to provide our users with up-to-date information regarding new technology that has an effect on
SEASWeb, we provide links to that information on the main screen. This information will change from
time to time as new technology is introduced into the market. Currently we have two (2) links that are
listed and explained below.
“Mac users click here for SEAS Browser Settings” - This is a link to the document that
details the settings needed to run SEASWeb on Mac computers.
“Windows XP SP2 Information” - This is a link to a document that details the settings
needed to restore proper operation of SEASWeb after Windows XP Service Pack 2 is
loaded onto a computer.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 5: Home Page
The home page is the first screen you will see after logging into SEASWeb. From this screen you can navigate
to any other part of the program providing that your level of access is sufficient to view those areas. This section
of the manual deals with descriptions of the main menu items and their use.
The heading is the area at the top of the SEASWeb site where the name of the district is displayed. This
area is used to make sure that you are on the correct SEASWeb site for your district.
This displays the current time and date to make it easier for users that need to know the time
and date. This information does not come from the SEASWeb server, but instead comes from
the time and date settings on the computer you are using. If the time and date on the main
menu is incorrect, you will need to correct the problem by changing the time and date on your
Main Menu
The main menu is the horizontal row of buttons along the left hand side of the home page which is used
to navigate to different portions of the program. Each of the main menu buttons takes you to a group of
options in that category.
Selecting Menu Items
To open an item in the main menu, simply click once on the desired button in the row. For
example if you want see the list of forms in the program single click on the button labeled
Forms. Then the list of forms will be displayed in the content frame, which is detailed in chapter
5 (Home Page) under Content Frame.
Selecting Sub-Menu Items
Some main menu options will have sub-menus which will appear directly below the button when
it is selected. Sub-menus are used to make navigation between the different sections of
SEASWeb easier for the user.
To select a sub-menu option, follow the steps below.
Step 1 > Single click on the desired option in the main menu
Step 2 > Single click on the desired option in the sub-menu
Content Frame
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SEASWeb User Manual
The Content Frame is the section in the middle of the SEASWeb home page that lists options when the
list is longer than a sub-menu can display as well as district–entered items such as conferences. For
example when you click on the forms option on the main menu, the list of forms will be displayed in the
Content Frame.
Selecting Content Frame Items
To select an option from the Content Frame, please use the following steps.
Step 1 > Single click on the desired option in the main menu
Step 2 > Single click on the desired option in the Content frame
Support Center
The Support Center is where users go when they have questions concerning SEASWeb or if they are
having problems using the program. The different sections are described briefly in the text below.
SEAS Manual – This is the document you are currently reading.
Mac Browser Settings – This is another way to access the document that details the
settings needed to run SEASWeb on Mac computers.
SEAS Updates – This is the area where changes to SEASWeb will be described.
Tech Support Information – Information on how to contact SEASWeb Technical Support.
SEASWeb Lessons – These are short video clips that detail the use of the different portions
of SEASWeb.
Frequently Asked Questions – This is a document set in the F.A.Q. format that answers
common questions about SEASWeb.
Implementation Documents – This is where to find information needed when first setting up
SEASWeb within the district.
SEAS Quarterly Newsletter – The Seas newsletter keeps users informed of upcoming
trainings, changes to the program and general goings here at Computer Automation.
Related Links
This section is designed to provide you with links to other websites that you may need to visit while
using SEASWeb. As time goes on, the needs of our users will change, and when they do our related
links may change in response. We do not endorse these sites in any way and are not responsible for
the content of these sites. We simply provide these links as an easy way to access these commonly
used resources.
IDEA - This site contains information related to the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004.
Sped Connection – This site has many tools that Special Education professionals may find
Contact Us
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SEASWeb User Manual
This section lists our toll-free telephone number and the Tech Support e-mail address in a
convenient location to make getting in touch with us easy. Hours of operation for both phone and email correspondence are:
Monday – Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm CST.
E-mails sent after 6:00pm are read on the morning of the next business day.
Footer Information
The “footer” is the area along the bottom of the home page that provides users with legal information
and information about the company. The first link goes to the Computer Automation, inc. website which
includes marketing information and detailed contact information. The second link is to our Terms of Use
page which must be included for legal reasons.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 6: Sliding Main Menu
The Sliding Main Menu is a new addition to SEASWeb. It was designed for you to quickly navigate from one
place to another from anywhere in the program. The sliding main menu appears everywhere in the program
other than the Home page and Login screen, and is located on the left hand side of the screen.
Using the Sliding Main Menu
Using the sliding Main Menu is very straight forward. If you are on any page other than the Login screen
or the Home page, you will see a green bar on the left side of the program labeled “Main Menu”. Single
click on the menu to make it appear. You may then single click on the desired menu option to open it.
Clicking on the following functions on the sliding main menu will direct you back to the home page:
Conferences, Forms, IEP, Print Form, Print conference and Reports. (View tutorial)
If you are in the process of entering information into any part of SEASWeb, make sure to SAVE
before selecting an item on the menu or you will lose any unsaved information.
To make the menu disappear, click on the bar or somewhere outside the bar.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Chapter 7: Navigation Bar
The SEASWeb navigation bar is a toolbar that is located at the top of every page in the program. The basic
concept is to group commonly used functions in an area that is easily noticeable and accessible. Please note,
only functions applicable to the page you are on will appear on the navigation bar. For your convenience, we’ve
added icons so that you can quickly locate the function you need. For example, when you need to save data
recently entered into a SEASWeb screen (excluding forms) look for the blue disk icon next to the word “Save”.
Two buttons that will always appear on the navigation bar are the “Home” and “Exit” buttons.
Navigation Bar Buttons
The text below includes a listing and brief description of all buttons that can be found on the SEASWeb
navigation bar. Please keep in mind only those buttons applicable to the page you are on will be found
on the navigation bar.
> – This button takes you forward one item. For example, while in Student Information, you
may choose the “Edit All” option that allows you to maneuver through the entire list of
students in your caseload. Clicking on this button will take you to the next student.
>> – This button takes you to the end of a list of items. For example, while in Student
Information, you may choose the “Edit All’ option that allows you to maneuver through the
entire list of students in your caseload. Clicking on this button will take you to the last
student in the list.
< – This button takes you back one item. For example, while in an open Conference, when
this button is clicked you will be taken to the previous form.
<< – This button takes you to the beginning of a list of items. For example, when you’re in
an open Conference and this button is clicked, you will be taken to the last form in the
Activate – This button activates staff members while in the “Staff” screen under the “Setup”
button. Activated staff members will be displayed in reports, user administration, and
several lists.
Add – This button is used to add items to SEASWeb. You will see the word “Add” followed
by various text depending on which screen you are in. For example, if you are in the “Staff”
screen, you will see “Add Staff Member” on the navigation bar.
Archive – This button is used to archive forms and conferences. Once forms have been
archived, they cannot be “unarchived” unless your district also has the SEASWeb “Filing”
Compose – This button is used in the “Messages” portion of SEASWeb. This button allows
you to start a new message that will be sent to either the entire district (assuming you have
administrator edit access rights) or to another user.
Delete – This button removes entries from the database. You will see the word “Delete”
followed by various text depending on which screen you are in. For example, if you are in
the “Staff” screen, you will see “Delete Staff Member” on the navigation bar.
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SEASWeb User Manual
Exit – When this button is pressed, you will be taken one screen back. For example, let’s
pretend you were in the “User” folder in the “Messages” portion of the program and you
decided to click on “Compose”. You would then be taken to a screen that allows you to
compose a message that can be sent to other users. If you then decide you do not want to
send a message, you can click the “Exit” button. You will be taken back to the “User” folder
in the “Messages” component.
Finished – This button saves changes made to the screen you are in then takes you back to
the home page.
Forward – This button is used in the “Messages” portion of SEASWeb. It allows you to
forward a message to another user.
Home – This button takes you to the SEASWeb’s home page that consists of the main
menu, support center, etc.
Inactivate – This button inactivates staff members in the “Staff” screen under the “Setup”
button. Inactivated staff members will NOT be displayed in reports, user administration, or
lists of any kind.
Lock – This button is used to make a form “read only”. Administrators are the only staff
members in the district that should have the password that unlocks the form. This feature is
Print – This button prints the current form.
Print All – This button prints all forms within a conference.
Refresh – This button is used in the “Messages” portion of SEASWeb. When this button is
clicked, the system checks for new messages and delivers them to your inbox.
Reply – This button is used in the “Messages” portion of the program. Use this button when
you want to reply to “User Messages”, or messages sent from other SEASWeb users. You
can not reply to District or Timeline messages.
Save – This button saves data and forms. When the “Save” button is clicked, changes
cannot be reversed.
To save information on a form click on the "Save" or "Save and Exit" buttons located
directly on the form.
Send – This is used in the “Messages” portion of SEASWeb. After composing a district
message (assuming you are an administrator) or user message, click this button to send it
to the intended recipients.
Spell Check – This button is used to check spelling while in forms.
Student – This button is used to select a new student while working in forms, composing a
message, IEPs, etc.
Unlock – Once a form has been made read only, the administrator can “Unlock” it by
clicking on this button. The form will be editable once again.
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SEASWeb User Manual Chapter 9: Messages
SEASWeb has functionality that allows the user to send and receive messages within the program. After logging in you will be directed to the Message portion of the program. Three (3) types of messages exist: District, System and User. These will be discussed later in this document. Two types of settings screens exist that allow users to define specific message attributes: District Settings and User Settings. Let’s discuss these in further detail.
District Settings
District settings allow the administrator to set rules for when timeline compliance messages should be received, who should be copied on them, and what colors district and timeline compliance messages should appear in. Only administrators have the ability to make changes to District Settings, however, all users have the ability to view the settings. To access the “District Settings” screen: Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Click on the “District Settings” link located under the “Settings” heading on the left side of the screen. Timeline Compliance Message Settings Timeline Compliance Message settings allow the administrator to determine the number of days before an Upcoming Timeline Compliance message should be sent. SEASWeb uses the dates entered in the conference tab in conjunction with the number of days/weeks set in the Timeline Compliance Message settings screen when determining when to send reminder messages to the “Teacher of Record”. To set the number of days, follow these steps: Step 1 > Find the phrase, “Initial Upcoming Timeline Compliance messages should be sent…..” located in the upper left portion of the screen. Step 2 > Click in the field after the word “sent”. Step 3 > Type the desired number. Step 4 > Select “days” or “weeks” from the drop down. Step 5 > Be sure to save your changes. Administrators also have the ability to determine if administrators and/or building administrators should be copied on Past due timeline compliance messages. Step 1 > Find the phrase, “Receive copy of past due timeline compliance messages:”. Step 2 > Click in the checkbox next to “Administrators” or “Building Administrators” depending on who you want to receive copied messages. Step 3 > Be sure to save your changes. Message Colors
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SEASWeb User Manual The color in which messages will display in the recipients’ inbox can be set by administrators as well. Colors may be set for “Urgency” which applies to District messages. The three (3) settings for Urgency include High, Medium and Low. When composing a district message, one of these options must be selected. Colors may also be set for Timeline Compliance messages. The three (3) settings include Upcoming, Due and Past Due. To change colors for these messages, follow these steps: Step 1 > Click on the color next to the setting you wish to change. Step 2 > Select a color from the options that appear. Step 3 > Once all changes have been made, be sure to save.
User Settings
You have the ability to determine specifics about when you would like to receive messages for Upcoming and Past Due Timeline Compliance messages in addition to the settings predetermined by the administrator. You will automatically receive a message on the due date. To access the “User Settings” screen: Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Click on the “User Settings” link located under the “Settings” heading located on the left side of the screen. Upcoming Timeline Compliance Message Settings You may only enter an amount of days greater than that set by your administrator. This ensures that you will at least be reminded of an upcoming date in the amount of time your administrator deems necessary. If you feel you need to be reminded before that date, follow these steps: Step 1 > Find the phrase, “Initial Upcoming Timeline Compliance messages should be sent…..” located in the upper left portion of the screen. Step 2 > Click in the field after the word “sent”. Step 3 > Type the desired number. Step 4 > Select “days” or “weeks” from the drop down. Step 5 > Be sure to save your changes. Daily reminders may be sent starting with the date set by you or your administrator (whichever comes first). To do this simply click the checkbox next to the phrase “Send daily reminders of upcoming due dates starting with the reminder set by me or my administrator.” You may set the program to send a message in addition to the message that you will receive based on the date your administrator chose. For example if your administrator chose to have messages sent to you fourteen (14) days before the due date, you may opt to have a second message sent seven (7) days before the due date as well. To do this: Step 1 > Find the phrase, “Send a reminder of upcoming due dates…” Step 2 > Click in the field after the word “dates”. Step 3 > Type the desired number.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 3 SEASWeb User Manual Step 4 > Select “days” or “weeks” from the drop down. Step 5 > Be sure to save your changes. Past Due Timeline Compliance Message Settings You may decide you want to receive reminders for past due dates. To do this find the “Past Due Timeline Compliance Messages” heading and follow the same steps that were described in the Upcoming Timeline Compliance Message section.
District Message Folder
Messages can be sent from an administrator to every user in the district. These messages can be retrieved using the following steps: Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Make sure the “District” folder located under the “Inbox” heading on the left side of the screen is highlighted. The number in parentheses at the end of the word “District” informs you of how many unread messages are in that folder. Step 3 > You’ll notice three (3) headings to the right of the folder: From, Subject and Received. To open the message, click on the link located under the “Subject” heading.
Timeline Compliance Message Folder
SEASWeb uses the dates entered in the conference tab in conjunction with the number of days/weeks set in the Timeline Compliance Message settings screen when determining when to send reminder messages to the case manager, administrator and/or building administrator. You will automatically receive a message on the day the message is due regardless of what is entered in the settings screens. These messages can be retrieved using the following steps: Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Click on the “Timeline” folder located under the “Inbox” heading on the left side of the screen. The number in parentheses at the end of the word “Timeline” informs you of how many unread messages are in that folder. Step 3 > You’ll notice three (3) headings to the right of the folder: From, Subject and Received. To open the message, click on the link located under the “Subject” heading.
User Message Folder
Users have the ability to send messages to one another from within the SEAS program. These messages can be retrieved using the following steps: Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Click on the “User” folder located under the “Inbox” heading on the left side of the screen. The number in parentheses at the end of the word “User” informs you of how many unread messages are in that folder. Step 3 > You’ll notice three (3) headings to the right of the folder: From, Subject and Received. To open the message, click on the link located under the “Subject” heading.
Composing Messages
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 4 SEASWeb User Manual Two types of messages can be composed from within the SEAS program: District and User. Administrators are the only users that are able to compose District messages. All users may compose a User message. District Messages Administrators have the ability to send messages to every user in the district. If you are an administrator, to send a district message, follow the steps below. Step 1 > If you are not already in the “Messages” portion of our program, click on “Messages” on the main menu. Step 2 > Make sure the “District” folder located under the “Inbox” heading on the left side of the screen is highlighted. Step 3 > Click on the “Compose” button located on the Navigation bar at the top of the screen. Step 4> In the “Subject” field, type the desired subject. This subject will be displayed in the recipients’ inbox. The “From” field will automatically pull your name. Step 5 > Select High, Medium or Low from the “Urgency” drop down. This will determine what color the message will appear in the recipients’ inbox. Colors are defined in District Settings which is explained in the District Settings section of this document. Step 6 > Click in the body of the message. Step 7 > Type the desired message. Message content can be spell checked, bolded, underlined, italicized, etc. by utilizing the editor located directly above the message content. Total number of words and characters are displayed below the message content at the bottom of the screen on the left side. Step 8 > Once you are satisfied with your message, click on “Send” located on the Navigation bar at the top of the screen. User Messages Users have the ability to send messages to one another. To send a User message from the “Messages” portion of SEASWeb, follow these steps: Step 1 > Click on the “User” folder located under the “Inbox” heading on the left side of the screen. Step 2 > Click on the “Compose” button. Step 3 > Click on the address book icon to select the staff members that will receive the message. Please be aware the addresses do NOT pull from your outside email account. Every user in the SEASWeb program will be listed for you to select from. Step 4 > When the pop up appears with staff members listed, place check marks next to those that should receive the message. Step 5 > Click Ok. If you wish to add or remove recipients, click on the address book icon again. Step 6 > In the “Subject” field, type the desired subject. This subject will be displayed in the recipients’ inbox. Step 7 > Click in the body of the message. Step 8 > Type the desired message. Message content can be spell checked, bolded, underlined, italicized, etc. by utilizing the editor located directly above the message content. Total number
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 5 SEASWeb User Manual of words and characters are displayed below the message content at the bottom of the screen on the left side. Step 9 > Once you are satisfied with your message, click on “Send” located on the Navigation bar at the top of the screen.
Forwarding Messages
Sometimes it is necessary to forward received messages to other users. This can be done in two (2) areas:
· District, Timeline or User folders
· Opened messages To forward a message while in a folder, follow these steps: Step 1 > Find the message you wish to forward. Step 2 > Select the checkbox next to the message. You may only forward one message at a time; therefore, you must only have one check box checked. Step 3 > Click on the “Forward” button located on the Navigation bar at the top of the page. To forward while viewing an opened message, simply click on the forward button. Once you’ve clicked on the forward button, you must choose the message’s recipients. Do this by clicking on the address book icon, then making your selections.
Replying to Messages
You may want to reply to a message that you received from another user. Please note you are NOT able to reply to District or Timeline messages. Sometimes you may need to reply to a message. This can be done in two (2) areas:
District, Timeline or User folders
Opened messages To reply to a message while in a folder: Step 1 > Find the message you wish to reply to. Step 2 > Select the checkbox next to the message. You may only forward one message at a time; therefore, you must only have one check box checked. Step 3 > Click on the “Reply” button located on the Navigation bar at the top of the page. Step 4 > The sender’s name will automatically populate the “To” field. To make changes, click on the address icon. Step 5 > Click in the body of the message. Previous message content will be displayed within the body of the message. Step 6 > Type the desired message. To reply while viewing an opened message: Step 1 > Click on the “Reply” button.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 6 SEASWeb User Manual Deleting Messages
Messages may be deleted in two (2) areas:
District, Timeline or User folders
Opened messages Timeline compliance messages are not actually deleted from the system, however, they are removed from your inbox. To delete a message while in a folder: Step 1 > Find the message(s) you wish to delete. You may delete more than one message at a time. Step 2 > Select the checkbox next to the message(s). Step 3 > Click on the “Delete” button located on the Navigation bar at the top of the screen. To delete while viewing an opened message: Step 1 > Click on the “Delete” button.
The “Refresh” button is used to check for new messages that have been sent. The SEAS program automatically checks for new messages when moving from screen to screen; however, if you have remained idle in one of the inbox folders and would like to see if you have new messages, click the “Refresh” button.
Computer Automation Systems, Inc. Ÿ For technical assistance please call (877) 221 – 7327. 7