IVUE System Administration
iVUE Admin
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO SYSADMIN ........................................................................................................... 6
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION MAIN MENU ......................................................................................... 7
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION LOGIN .................................................................................................. 10
BACKUP RECOVERY ............................................................................................................................. 11
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY .................................................................................... 11
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > BACKUP > FILES ...................................................... 12
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > BACKUP > DATABASE ............................................. 14
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > BACKUP > SYSTEM .................................................. 16
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > RESTORE > FILES ..................................................... 17
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > RESTORE > DATABASE ............................................ 19
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > BACKUP/RECOVERY > TAPE INQUIRY ......................................................... 20
MONITOR/LOGGING ............................................................................................................................. 21
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING ..................................................................................... 21
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > DISK USAGE ............................................................. 22
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > SYSTEM PROCESSES ................................................. 23
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > LOGS ........................................................................ 24
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > LOGS > VIEW LOG.................................................... 25
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > LOGS > WATCH LOG ................................................ 26
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITOR/LOGGING > LOGS > TRUNCATE LOG ........................................... 27
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > MONITORING/LOGGING > LOGS > ACCESS LOG .......................................... 28
SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................. 29
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 29
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > ENVIRONMENT > START/STOP ................................................. 30
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > JBOSS® > START/STOP ............................................................ 32
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > ORACLE® > INSTANCE STARTUP ............................................. 33
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > ORACLE® > INSTANCE SHUTDOWN ......................................... 34
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > ORACLE® > TSN LISTENER CONTROL ..................................... 35
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > ORACLE® > INSTANCE USERS.................................................. 36
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > PROGRESS® > DATABASE STARTUP ......................................... 37
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > PROGRESS® > DATABASE SHUTDOWN ..................................... 38
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > PROGRESS® > DATABASE USERS ............................................. 39
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > PRINTERS > PRINTER STATUS ................................................... 43
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > SERVICES > PRINTERS > PRINT JOB REMOVE............................................... 45
ADMIN........................................................................................................................................................ 46
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > ADMIN ......................................................................................................... 46
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > ADMIN > CDROM MOUNT ......................................................................... 47
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > ADMIN > SYSTEM > SHUTDOWN .................................................................. 48
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SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > ADMIN > SET UP ROLES .............................................................................. 49
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION > ADMIN > SET UP USERS .............................................................................. 50
FAQ’S.......................................................................................................................................................... 51
WHAT IS NISC'S RECOMMENDATION FOR TAPE RETENTION? .................................................................... 51
WHAT IS NISC'S RECOMMENDATION FOR TAPE ROTATION?...................................................................... 51
HOW TO’S ................................................................................................................................................. 52
ACCESS AND USE JOB PURGE ................................................................................................................... 52
CHECK IF DISK IS FULL ............................................................................................................................. 54
PERFORM A SYSTEM BACKUP ................................................................................................................... 55
SHUT DOWN OR REBOOT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 56
STOP AND RESTART INET CRYSTALCLEAR ............................................................................................... 57
STOP AND RESTART JBOSS ....................................................................................................................... 58
VIEW LOGS FROM YOUR LAST UPGRADE ................................................................................................. 59
VIEW LOGS THAT ARE NOT BACKUP LOGS .............................................................................................. 60
VIEW LOGS TO SEE IF SCHEDULED BACKUP RAN CORRECTLY ................................................................. 61
INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................... 62
SECURITY OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................... 63
ADMIN > SECURITY > USERS .................................................................................................................. 66
ADMIN > SECURITY > COMPANY ............................................................................................................ 67
ADMIN > SECURITY > ROLES .................................................................................................................. 68
ADMIN > SECURITY > GROUPS ................................................................................................................ 70
ADMIN > SECURITY > OPERATOR MAPPING ............................................................................................ 71
ADMIN > SECURITY > ENTERPRISE OPTIONS ............................................................................................. 72
ADMIN > SECURITY > DATA SECURITY ................................................................................................... 73
PROCESSES............................................................................................................................................... 74
ADMIN > PROCESSES ............................................................................................................................... 74
ADMIN > PROCESSES > JOB PURGE ......................................................................................................... 75
ADMIN > PROCESSES > SYSTEM > PDF DELETION .................................................................................... 77
ADMIN > PROCESSES > MULTISPEAK > MULTISPEAK IMPORT ............................................................... 79
ADMIN > PROCESSES > MULTISPEAK > MULTISPEAK EXPORT ............................................................... 80
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Introduction to SysAdmin
What is SysAdmin?
Web-based application used to perform System Administration utilities.
Why is it web-based?
1. Make it accessible via a zero-footprint application (no client software to
2. It was necessary to have a non-java based tool to control java based
applications. Web browser-based application was best choice.
SysAdmin in an N-Tier Environment
The direction of NISC is to go to a global SysAdmin so that multi-tiered systems can be
managed from a central location.
Single Tier – One system running application server software and databases
Multi Tier – One system running application server software, another system
running databases
9 Application Server – Environment, jboss, iNet Crystal Clear, Reports, Print
Lists, Printers
9 Database Server – Oracle, Progress
System Naming Convention: <coopid>dbs, <coopid>app, <coopid>ap2
Login to SysAdmin:
9 Single Tier: http://<coopid>dbs/sysadmin
9 Multi Tier: http://<coopid>dbs/sysadmin or http://<coopid>app/sysadmin
What is the initial username and password for SysAdmin?
The initial username/password established by NISC is admin/admin. It is recommended
that the password be changed immediately after the system(s) installation.
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System Administration Main Menu
After logging into SysAdmin using the login screen, the System Administration Main
Menu appears. The main menu is divided into the left navigation panel and the right
screen panel.
The left navigation panel is divided into the main level folders, subfolders, and screens.
The main level folders include: Backup/Recovery, Monitor/Logging, Services,
Install/Update, Admin, and Logout. Each of these main levels will expand to include
subfolders and/or screens.
The right screen panel consists of a System Status panel that uses a
series of dashboard lights to indicate potential problems with the
system. A green light indicates that particular system category is
good. A yellow light indicates a warning or potential problem for that
system category. A red light indicates a problem that should be
addressed immediately. Both yellow and red lights indicate that the
problem has existed for a period of 15 minutes or longer.
The thresholds for each system category are:
Yellow Light
Red Light
CPU Usage
Load Average 3
90% Full
95% Full
Job(s) in Queue(s) Queue(s) is Disabled
Service is Not Running
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Service is Not Running
Service is Not Running
Service is Not Running
You can click on any of the category names on the System Status panel to see more
information about that category. The following list shows which screen will be accessed
when you click on each category.
CPU Usage
Monitor/Logging > System Information
Load Average Monitor/Logging > System Information
Monitor/Logging > System Information
Monitor/Logging > System Information
Monitor/Logging > Disk Usage
Services > Printers > Printer Status
Services > iNet Crystal Clear > Start/Stop
Services > JBoss > Status
Services > Progress > Database Status
Services > Oracle > Status
You can access the System Administration Help for each screen by clicking on the Help
button in the upper right corner of each screen. You can also access the Help Table of
Contents by clicking the Show Table Of Contents link in the upper left corner of each
help screen. The Table of Contents provides links to each help screen from each item,
as well as Previous and Next links in the upper left corner of each help screen.
You can navigate through the system as follows.
Navigate Using Mouse
1. Click on the main level folder you wish to open.
2. Click on the sub folder located within the main level folder.
3. Click on the screen of choice located within the subtopic folder to display the
Navigate Using Arrow Keys
1. Press the Tab key to place the cursor into the Left Navigation.
2. Press the Tab key to move to the main level folder you wish to open and press
3. Press the Tab key to move to the sub folder located within the main level folder
and press Enter.
4. Press the Tab key to move to the topic of choice located within the sub folder and
press Enter to display the screen.
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The screen panel displays a Welcome message, a system status message and warning
messages, if applicable. The Welcome message includes the version of Sys Admin
software currently installed on your system. The System Status message includes the
current system time, system up time, number of operating system users currently logged
in, and a system load average. This average is shown as last minute, last 5 minutes, and
last 15 minutes. Any system or software related warnings will appear in a separate
window below the System Status message.
The Alerts area in the bottom left corner of the screen is used to indicate brief system or
software related alerts, such as disk space usage, status of updates, etc.
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System Administration Login
System Administration > Login
Upon launching System Administration from the Launcher, the login screen displays.
Enter your User Name and Password and then click the Log In button to access the
System Administration Main Menu.
Username - Enter the user name of the individual logging into the system.
Password - Enter the password assigned to the user.
Log In - Click the Log In button to log in to the system.
Rese - Click the Reset button to reverse all actions for the selected record.
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Backup Recovery
System Administration > Backup/Recovery
The Backup/Recovery section allows you to run backups on your system, databases,
and individual files, as well as restore databases and individual files. You also are given
the option to perform a tape inquiry.
Backups are always run in the online mode, which means that you can still be logged in
and working while the backup is running. It is recommended, however, that transaction
processing be kept at a minimum during database backups to ensure a good recovery
point in the event a recovery needs to be performed.
The following options are available under Backup:
• Files - Back up selected files and/or folders to tape.
• Database - Schedule or perform a database backup.
• System - Create a full-system image onto tape.
The following options are available under Restore:
• Restore > Files - Restore individual files or entire file systems.
• Restore > Database - The following two buttons are available for a database restore.
1. Restore - Click the Restore button to retrieve an older Oracle export file (.dmp)
from tape to disk for the purpose of recovering the database
2. Recover - Click the Recover button to recover a database from an Oracle Export
file (.dmp) residing on disk
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Backup Files
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Backup >
The Backup Files option is to back up selected files and/or directories to tape. A basic
understanding of Unix file systems and file structures is necessary to effectively use this
screen. The purpose of this screen is to supply data to vendors or other businesses on
tape media. Since the tape format requirements may vary from vendor to vendor,
several backup methods are provided.
Backup Method - This field identifies the type of backup method that will be used to
back up the file(s). Valid options are:
1. SysAdmin Backup (Default) - This is the common Unix GTAR type of backup
with one difference. A file is placed at the beginning of the tape called the Quick
Index. This file contains a listing of all files and folders placed on tape, as well as
your answers to the prompts on this screen. The Quick Index allows you to make
fast tape inquiries without having to spin through the entire tape to find out its
2. GTAR - This is a common Unix compressed archive file. A GTAR is a
compressed tar file.
3. CPIO - This is a common Unix copy archive file.
4. TAR - This is a common Unix uncompressed archive file.
5. Unlabeled - This method streams data directly to the tape device
Backup Remarks - Enter any comments you wish to record to the Quick Index file
regarding this backup. Backup remarks can explain why the backup tape was created.
Device Name - This field identifies the name of the device where the file will be backed
E-Mail Results To - Enter the e-mail addresses of individuals to be notified of the
backup results. Separate multiple addresses with a space.
File Names - This field identifies the name of the file you wish to back up. Leave blank
to back up all files and subdirectories in the directory you specified in the Relative
Requested By - This field identifies the individual who is requesting the backup.
Preview - Click the Preview button to preview the selected backup settings before
performing the backup. You must preview the settings to access the Execute button.
Relative Directory - This field identifies the directory containing the file(s) to back up.
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Reset - Click the Reset button to reverse any actions taken by clearing the screen of
any input.
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Backup Database
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Backup >
The Backup Database screen allows you to schedule and perform backups to your
If you are setting up a scheduled database backup for the very first time, a message
displays indicating there are no currently scheduled backups. Click the Advanced button
to initiate this screen.
Additional Backup Directories - This field is used to select files, file systems, or
directories that will be backed up to tape as part of the database backup process. The
most common are:
1. Report - This includes all reports for all applications that reside on your system.
These reports reside in the /report file system. It is recommended to include your
reports as part of the scheduled database backup in the event any of them are
needed to validate information after a database recovery.
2. Programs - This includes all programs supplied as a part of your software.
These programs reside in the /pro file system. It is recommended to include your
programs as part of the scheduled database backup to ensure the latest software
is recovered in the event of a system or database recovery.
3. Users - This includes all user home directories, that is, any Unix operating
system user accounts where the home directories would reside in the /usr file
system. These should not be confused with the user accounts that are used to
login to any of the iVUE applications. It is recommended to include the user
home directories in the event you have Unix operating system users who store
their files on the system.
4. Others - Enter any known files, file systems, or directories that are in use on your
system but were not provided as part of the standard suite of software. This
could be any custom files that you or your users maintain that you want to
include as part of the scheduled database backup process.
Back - Click the Back button to return to the previous screen.
Backup to Tape - Select this option if you want any of the backup files created by this
process to be placed on the selected tape device. The Backup Database process, by
default, will place backups in a special directory on disk. By checking this box, the
backups created on disk will be placed on tape. It is recommended that backups be
placed on tape.
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Device - This is the name of the device where the databases and additional files will be
backed up. All backup devices configured on your system will display in this dropdown
Eject Tape When Completed - Select this option if you want the tape to eject from the
tape device after completion of each backup. This is recommended to prevent other
backups from overwriting its contents. It is also a good visual indicator to remind you to
change tapes each day.
E-Mail/Users - Enter the e-mail address(es) of those individuals you would like to have
backup messages sent to. These messages include successful completion and error
information. Enter each e-mail address followed by a carriage return.
Oracle® Instance Selection - Select this option to back up the Oracle database and all
journal files associated with the database. This backup is a physical backup of the
database and journal files. Once you have been live for about one month, your service
provider will schedule database tuning for your Oracle database. In conjunction with this
tuning, database archiving will be available. The archiving process will capture all data
changes to your database. You can then apply these changes to an earlier instance
backup to roll the database forward to a specific point in time after any kind of system
failure. At this time, however, only your service provider database administrator can roll
a database forward using the journal files.
©2005, Oracle. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. All rights
Oracle Export Selection - Select this option to export all the information in the database
to a dump (.dmp) file. By default, this dump file is placed on disk. To place on tape,
select the Backup To Tape option. If your database needs to be recovered, this dump
file is used to recover the database to the time when the dump file was created. It is
recommended to select all of the Oracle exports listed.
Progress Environment Selection - Select this option to back up the ABS databases HO and LI. These databases reside in a Progress database environment. If there is
more than one Progress environment, you will need to select all that you want to backup.
It is recommended to select all Progress environments listed.
Reset - Click the Reset button to reverse all actions. This does not stop a scheduled job.
Run Now Preview - Click the Run Now Preview button to run a database backup
immediately, using the currently established settings. You can preview the settings prior
to executing the backup.
Schedule Backups - Click the Schedule button to Schedule a database backup. Select
the day of week and time of day to run the backup.
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Backup System Image
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Backup >
The Backup System option is used to create a full system image on a tape of all the files,
file systems and directories on your system. It uses the Storix backup software to
produce the backup. You can run a full system image at any time of the day. Typically, if
you execute the backup during the day, you can expect only minor impact on
performance. However, it is recommended that you execute the backup during off hours
so the point of recovery is not impacted by currently running transactions or programs.
Note: It is recommended that a full system image backup be created at least once a
month. This backup will be critical to restoring your system in the event of a hardware
In the event of a hardware failure, the following procedure is required to recover your
system. It is intended as a brief overview:
1. Boot the system from the Storix® boot CD provided by your system installer. If
you cannot locate this CD, please contact Technical Services immediately so one
can be created for you.
2. Restore the system using the latest system image backup.
3. Recover your databases and additional files from your latest database backup.
©1999-2005 Storix, Inc. Storix is a registered trademark of Storix, Inc.
To run a system image, do the following:
1. Place a tape in the tape drive and wait for it to become ready.
2. Enter your name in the Requested By field.
3. Click the Execute button. The tape will automatically eject at the end of the
Note: The Tape Inquiry option under the Backup/Recovery folder of the left navigation
panel will not function on a system image backup tape.
Device Name - This is the name of the device where the system image will be backed
up. All backup devices configured on your system will display in this dropdown box.
Execute - Click the Execute button to run the system backup.
Requested By - This field identifies the individual who is requesting the system backup.
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Restore Files
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Restore >
The Restore Files option is to restore selected files and/or directories from tape to your
system. A basic understanding of UNIX® file systems and file structures is necessary to
effectively use this screen.
Backup Method - This field identifies the type of backup method that was used to back
up the file(s). Valid options are:
1. SysAdmin Backup (Default) - This is the common UNIX® GTAR type of backup
with one difference. A file is placed at the beginning of the tape called the Quick
Index. This file contains a listing of all files and folders placed on tape, as well as
your answers to the prompts on this screen. The Quick Index allows you to make
fast tape inquiries without having to spin through the entire tape to find out its
2. GTAR - This is a common UNIX compressed archive file. A GTAR is a
compressed tar file.
3. CPIO - This is a common UNIX copy archive file.
4. TAR - This is a common UNIX uncompressed archive file.
5. Unlabeled - This method streams data directly to the tape device
Unix is a registered trademark of The Open Grup in the Unived States and other
Device Name - This field identifies the name of the device where the files(s) were
backed up and from which they will be restored.
E-Mail Results To - Enter the e-mail addresses of individuals to be notified of the
restore results. Separate multiple addresses with a space.
File Names - This field identifies the name of the file(s) you wish to restore. Leave blank
to restore all files and subdirectories in the directory you specified in the To Directory
Look Up - Click on the Look Up button access the File Selection Lookup dialog box.
This dialog box allows you to search for and select files to restore.
Requested By - This field identifies the individual who is requesting files to be restored.
Preview - Click the Preview button to preview the selected restore settings before
restoring the files. You must preview the settings to access the Execute button.
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Reset - Click the Reset button to reverse any actions taken by clearing the screen of
any input.
Restore Remarks - Enter any comments you wish to record regarding this restore.
Restore remarks can explain why it was necessary to restore the files from the backup
To Directory - This field identifies the directory to which the file(s) will be restored.
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Restore Database
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Restore >
The Restore Database screen has two options. You can retrieve an older Oracle®
export file or recover a database from an Oracle export file.
©2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Recover - Click the Recover button to recover a databse from an Oracle export file
(.dmp) residing on disk.
Restore - Click the Restore button to retrieve an older Oracle export file (.dmp) from
tape to disk for the purpose of recovering the database.
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Tape Inquiry
System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Tape
The Tape Inquiry screen allows you to read the Quick Index file at the beginning of a
backup tape for the purpose of listing the contents of the tape.
Note: This screen will not display the contents of a system image tape since they are
created using Storix software.
List Contents Of Tape - Click the List Contents Of Tape button to list the contents of
the selected tape, including file names, locations, sizes, and dates.
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System Administration > Monitor/Logging
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Disk Usage
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Disk
The Disk Usage screen displays the mounted file systems and the disk capacity of each,
highlighting any that are close to being full. You can monitor disk space on this screen at
different intervals by selecting the number of seconds in the drop-down list next to the
Refresh field.
Note: The Alert box in the lower left reports Alert Messages, for example, Disk Usage
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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System Processes
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > System
The System Processes screen displays the time interval since the system was rebooted
(up), how many system users are logged in, the average load, the total number of
processes, the CPU and memory usage statistics, and detailed information on all the
processes running on the system.
This screen is a good place to monitor system performance if the system is sluggish.
You can change the refresh interval in the Refresh field. To monitor a specific process,
you can search for that process using the Match field.
Match - This field allows you to monitor a specific process by entering that process.
When the screen refreshes, only that process will display.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs
The Logs screen allows you to view and print the various logs for the system. You can
select the View, Watch, Truncate, or Access Log option. Some of the more frequent logs
you will use are the Backup and Upgrade logs.
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View Log
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs >
View Log
The View Log screen allows you to view a log file starting with the beginning of the log.
This screen is used to view log files created by processes that have already completed.
Content Matching - This field allows you to enter in the content name that you wish to
match the specific area of interest. Filters log for content matching this pattern.
Environment - This field allows you to select which utility information to display.
Lines - This field allows you to view a log file from the beginning of the file and specify
how many lines you wish to view. Valid selections from the drop-down list include 50,
100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000.
Log Name - This field allows you to select a specific log to review.
Log Name Filter - This field allows you to select specific logs to display based on
specific areas of interest, since there are numerous log files. This field is used in
conjunction with the Log Level Filter and Content Matching fields to further refine the
content. Select a Log Name Filter to select the specific area, and then select the Log
Level Filter check box, or fill in the Content Matching to do a search of the log.
Log Level Filter - Select this option to filter out lower-level messages from the log.
Print Preview - Click the Print Preview button to view a log and then print it to a local
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Watch Log
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs >
Watch Log
The Watch Log screen allows you to monitor changes to a log file by viewing the end of
the file and refreshing the view periodically based on your selected refresh rate. This
screen is used to watch the progress of a process or job as it is running.
Environment - This field allows you to select which utility information to display.
Log Name - This field allows you to select a specific log to review.
Log Name Filter - This field allows you to select specific logs to display based on
specific areas of interest, since there are numerous log files. This field is used in
conjunction with the Log Level Filter and Content Matching fields to further refine the
content. Select a Log Name Filter to select the specific area, and then select the Log
Level Filter check box, or fill in the Content Matching to do a search of the log.
Log Level Filter - Select this option to filter out lower-level messages from log.
Print Preview - Click the Print Preview button to view a log and then print it to a local
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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Truncate Log
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs >
Truncate Log
The Truncate Log screen allows you to truncate (or reduce) the size of the selected log
to a specific number of lines.
Current Lines - This field allows you to view the current lines of the log.
Environment - This field allows you to select which utility information to display.
Log Name - This field allows you to select a specific log to review.
Truncate - Click the Truncate button to truncate, or cut, the selected log file to the
selected number of lines.
Truncate to Lines - This field allows you to select the number of lines to truncate, or
cut, the log. Valid options include 0, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 50,000, or
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Access Log
System Administration > Monitoring/Logging > Logs >
Access Log
The Access Log screen allows you to see which screens have been visited, including the
date, time, and by whom.
Lines - This field identifies the number of lines to display. The most recently accessed
files will display. Options available include 20, 100, 500, and 1,000 lines.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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System Administration > Services
Within the Services area, you can stop, start, restart and see the status of your
environment, I-net Crystal-ClearTM, JBoss®, Oracle®, Progress®, and your printers.
©2005 i-net software GmbH, Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved. i-net Crystal-Clear is a
trademark of i-net software GmbH.
©2002-2005 JBoss Inc. All rights reserved. JBoss is a registered trademark of JBoss
Inc. Privacy Policy.
©2005, Oracle. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. All rights
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
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Environment Start/Stop
System Administration > Services > Environment >
The Environment Start/Stop screen allows you to stop, restart or view the status of all
processes and services for the selected environment.
Environment - This field allows you to select the environment which you will be
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Start - Click the Start button to start all processes needed for an environment.
Stop - Click the Stop button to stop all processes and services that are running in the
environment you select. If a process or service is shared with another environment, that
process or service will not be stopped.
Note: The Start button is available only if a process required for the environment, like
JBoss®, is not running.
©2002-2005 JBoss Inc. All rights reserved. JBoss is a registered trademark of JBoss
Inc. Privacy Policy.
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i-net Crystal-ClearTM
System Administration > Services > i-net CrystalClear > Start/Stop
This screen allows you to stop, start, restart or view the status of i-net Crystal-ClearTM. inet Crystal Clear software permits Crystal Reports (.rpt files) to run in a UNIX?
©2005 i-net software GmbH, Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved. i-net Crystal-Clear? is
a trademark of i-net software GmbH.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other
Refresh - Click the Refresh button to specify how often you want the Refresh interval to
occur. Valid options include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Restart - Click the Restart button to restart i-net Crystal-Clear
Stop - Click the Stop button to stop i-net Crystal-Clear.
View Log - Click the View Log button to view the i-net Crystal-Clear Log File.
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JBoss® Start/Stop
System Administration > Services > JBoss® >
The JBoss® Start/Stop screen is used to stop, start, restart or view the status of JBoss.
JBoss is a mission-critical Java(SM) application server product. It is a J2EE-certified
platform commonly used for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web
applications, and Portals.
©2002-2005 JBoss Inc. All rights reserved. JBoss is a registered trademark of JBoss
Inc. Privacy Policy.
©2001-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Java and all Java-based marks
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other
Environment - This field identifies which environment to display.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Restart - Click the Restart button to restart JBoss for the selected environment.
Start - Click the Start button to start JBoss for the selected environment.
Stop - Click the Stop button to stop JBoss for the selected environment.
View Log - Click the View Log button to view the JBoss Log File.
Page 32 of 78
Oracle® Instance Startup
System Administration > Services > Oracle® > Instance
The Instance Startup screen allows you to start and view the status of all Oracle?
instances configured on your system.
©2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Instance Select - This field allows you to select the Oracle instance you want to start.
Hold down the Control key to select multiple instances.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Startup Instance(s) - Click on the Startup Instance(s) button to start the selected
Oracle instance(s).
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Oracle® Instance Shutdown
System Administration > Services > Oracle® > Instance
The Instance Shutdown screen allows you to shut down and view the status of all
Oracle® instances configured on your system.
©2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Instance Messages - This field displays the instances and related messages when you
click on the Shutdown Instance(s) button. Also displayed are the date, time, and type
of instance.
Instance Select - This field allows you to select the Oracle instance you want to shut
down. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple instances.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Shutdown Instance(s) - Click on the Shutdown Instance(s) button to shut down the
selected Oracle instance(s).
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Oracle® TSN Listener Control
System Administration > Services > Oracle® > TSN
Listener Control
The TNS Listener Control screen allows you to stop, start, and view the status of the
Oracle® TNS Listener. The TNS Listener is the service responsible for authenticating
remote connections to your Oracle database.
©2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Instance Messages - This field displays the status of the current TNS Listeners on your
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Start Listener - Click on the Start Listener button to start the TNS Listener. The status
of the TNS Listener will display in the Instance Messages field.
Stop Listener - Click on the Stop Listener button to stop the TNS Listener. The status
of the TNS Listener will display in the Instance Messages field.
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Oracle® Instance Users
System Administration > Services > Oracle® > Instance
The Instance Users screen allows you to view information about the remote users or
applications connected to a selected Oracle® instance.
©2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle
Instance - This field allows you to select an Oracle instance to view.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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Progress® Database Startup
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Database Startup
The Progress® > Database Startup screen allows you to start up and view the status of
all Progress databases that reside on your system.
To start the databases, select the environment you wish to start, then select the
database you wish to start, and then click on the Startup Database(s) button.
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Database Select - This field allows you to select the Progress database you want to
start. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple databases.
Environment - This field allows you to select the Progress database you want to start.
Hold down the Control key to select multiple databases.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Startup Database(s) - This field allows you to start up the selected database(s).
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Database Shutdown
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Database Shutdown
The Progress® > Database Shutdown screen allows you to shut down and view the
status of all Progress databases that reside on your system.
To shut down the database, select the environment, then select the database you wish
to shut down, and click the Shutdown Database(s) button.
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Database Select - This field allows you to select the Progress database you want to
shut down. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple databases.
Environment - This field allows you to select from the drop-down list which utility
information you will be looking at.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Shutdown Database(s) - This field allows you to shut down the selected Progress
Page 38 of 78
Database Users
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Database Users
The Progress® Database Users screen allows you to view information about users who
are connected to the Progress ABS database.
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Environment - This field allows you to select from the drop-down field which
environment to view.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
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Report Manager Status
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Report Manager Status
The Progress® > Report Manager Status screen is used to view the status of the Report
Manager for ABS.
Select the Environment you wish to view and click the View Log button.
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Environment - This field allows you to select from the drop-down list which utility
information you will be looking at.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
View Log - This field allows you to view the log.
Page 40 of 78
Report Manager Suspend
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Report Manager Suspend
The Progress® > Report Manager Suspend screen allows you to suspend or resume the
Report Manager for ABS.
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Environments - From the list of environments, check the box next to the Environment
for which you wish to resume or suspend the Report Manager.
Resume - Click the Resume button to resume the Job Manager. ABS jobs and reports
will process when Report Manager is resumed.
Suspend - Click the Suspend button to suspend the Job Manager. ABS jobs and
reports will not process when Report Manager is suspended
Reset - Click the Reset button to reset the screen without taking any action.
Page 41 of 78
Report Manager Options
System Administration > Services > Progress® >
Report Manager Options
©1993-2005 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Progress is a registered
trademark of Progress Software Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
The Report Manager Options screen is used to set up the number of processing threads
in Report Manager for ABS. Four thread types, or queues, are used to segment reports
and jobs by how long they take to run. Each of the four thread types can use as little as
zero and as many as nine threads, or queues, to process jobs or reports. The four
thread types are:
All - This Report Manager thread type will process all ABS jobs, regardless of length of
processing time or priority.
Short - Short refers to a short processing time, regardless of the parameters used when
running the report or job. This thread type will process all ABS jobs or reports designated
as short.
Long - Long refers to a long processing time, regardless of the parameters used when
running the report or job. This thread type will process all ABS jobs or reports designated
as long.
Priority - Priority refers to the priority level of the ABS job or report. This thread type will
process the highest priority ABS jobs or reports.
All - This field represents all threads you want to run in Report Manager for ABS. Valid
values are 1 - 9. The default is 1.
Environment - This field allows you to select which environment to view from the dropdown list.
Long - This field represents the number of long threads you want to run in Report
Manager for ABS. Valid values are 1 - 9. The default is 1.
Priority - This field represents the number of priority threads you want to run in Report
Manager for ABS. Valid values are 1 - 9. The default is 1.
Reset - Click the Reset button to reverse all actions for the selected record.
Save - Click the Save button to save the current record.
Short - This field represents the number of short threads you want to run in Report
Manager for ABS. Valid values are 1 - 9. The default is 1.
Start At Boot - Select this option to start the Report Manager threads for the selected
environment at system boot.
Page 42 of 78
Printer Status
System Administration > Services > Printers > Printer
The Printer Status screen displays the status of all printers and the jobs that are
processing on them.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Page 43 of 78
Queue Disable/Enable
System Administration > Services > Printers > Queue
The Print Queue Disable/Enable screen allows you to enable or disable printing to a
specific printer queue. A typical use would be to temporarily disable a broken printer. To
disable a printer, select a printer queue from the drop-down list and click the Disable
To disable a printer, select the Queue from the drop-down list, and then click the Disable
Disable - Click the Disable button to disable the selected printer queue. If you disable a
queue, the Enable button will display for that queue. The Queue field will redisplay,
allowing you to choose another queue.
Enable - Click the Enable button to enable a printer queue that is currently disabled.
This button will appear only if a queue has been disabled.
Queue - Select the printer queue you wish to disable/enable from the drop-down field.
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Restart - Click the Restart button to restart a printer queue.
Page 44 of 78
Print Job Remove
System Administration > Services > Printers > Print
Job Remove
The Print Job Remove screen is used to remove any unwanted print jobs from a printer
To remove a print job, select the job from the Job drop-down field and click on the
Remove button.
Job - This field allows you to select the print job you wish to remove from the printer
Refresh - This field allows you to specify how often the screen will refresh. Options
available include 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 300 seconds.
Remove - Click the Remove button to remove the selected print job from the queue.
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System Administration > Admin
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System Administration > Admin > CDROM Mount
The CDROM Mount screen is used to mount or unmount your CDROM.
Click the Mount or Unmount button to perform the action. If the CDROM is mounted,
the Unmount button will be available. If the CDROM is currently mounted, the Unmount
button will be available.
Mount button - Allows the CDROM to mount.
Unmount button - If CD is mounted, allows the CDROM to be unmounted.
Page 47 of 78
System Shutdown
System Administration > Admin > System > Shutdown
The System Shutdown screen allows you to shut down your system and then reboot
your system. Select either the Reboot or Shutdown option, and then click the Preview
The following warning will display when you click the Preview button:
Warning: The system will shutdown (or reboot) when you click Execute.
The Execute button becomes available once you have clicked the Preview button. Click
the Execute button to continue the shutdown or reboot, or click on the Back Arrow to
return to the previous screen.
Execute button - Click the Execute button to either shut down or reboot your system.
This button will not be available until you click the Preview button. If you decide not to
shut down or reboot, click the Back Arrow to return to the previous screen.
Preview button - Click the Preview button to preview the system you will be shutting
down or rebooting. You must preview the reboot or shutdown before you execute the
Reboot - Select this option to shut down and restart your system. When you reboot, all
your services will be brought down and then back up again.
Shutdown - Select this option to shut down your server. You will receive a warning
before the system shuts down. You must manually power it up again. Select this option if
you need to move your PC, change a battery, or move the UPS.
Page 48 of 78
Set Up Roles
System Administration > Admin > Set Up Roles
The Set Up Roles screen allows you to add, modify, and delete which functions a user
has access to while logged on to SysAdmin.
Add - Click the Add button to add a new role and description to SysAdmin. The New
Role screen will display. Enter the new role name and description and click the Execute
button to complete the addition.
Delete - Select a role from the Role Name field and click the Delete button to delete that
role from SysAdmin. The Delete Entry screen will display. Click the Execute button to
complete the deletion.
Role Name - Select a role from the Role Name field that you wish to update or delete.
Standard roles include the following:
1. Support - This role allows access to support screens and is used by software
support personnel.
2. Sysadmin - This role allows system-wide access and is used to administer the
SysAdmin application.
3. Dbadmin - This role allows access as Database Administrator for selected
environments and is used to upgrade databases.
4. Dboper - This role allows access as Database Operator for selected
environments and is used to start and stop databases.
5. Oper - This role allows access as operator for selected environments and is used
to start and stop services.
6. All - This role allows lowest level of security access and is used for inquiry.
Update - Click the Update button to update the description for a role in SysAdmin. The
Update Description screen will display. Click the Execute button to complete the update.
Page 49 of 78
Set Up Users
System Administration > Admin > Set Up Users
The Set Up Users screen allows you to add, modify or delete SysAdmin users, as well
as update a user's password and security information.
Add User - Click the Add User button to add a new user to Sys Admin. The Add User
screen will display.
Delete User - Select a user from the Username field and click the Delete User button to
delete the user from Sys Admin. The Delete User screen will display.
User Name - Select a user from the User Name field whom you wish to delete from
SysAdmin or to modify a password or security setting.
Update Password - Select a user from the Username field and click the Update
Password button to change the password. The Update Password screen will display.
Update Security - Select a user from the User Name field and click the Update
Security button. The Update Security screen will display.
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What is NISC's recommendation for tape retention?
NISC recommends keeping tapes for a period of three years, regardless of tape type.
Keep tapes in a cool, dry location to extend the life of the tapes and increase their
What is NISC's recommendation for tape rotation?
Keep a minimum of one month's worth of daily database backup tapes, provided you run
backups daily. Rotate through your bank of tapes each day, using the oldest first, so you
always have at least one month's worth of database backups.
Keep a minimum of three month's worth of system image backup tapes, provided you
run backups at least once a month. Rotate through your bank of system image tapes,
using the oldest first, so you always have at least three month's worth of system image
Be sure to label all of your backup tapes accurately to prevent recovery from the wrong
Can I use a distribution group rather than e-mail
addresses for SysAdmin notifications?
Yes. If you are using an e-mail system, such as Microsoft Exchange or similar, enter the
name of the distribution group you have created on the e-mail server, followed by "@"
(Shift-2) and your domain name. For example: cis-users@mycooperative.coop.
Page 51 of 78
How To’s
Access And Use Job Purge
The Job Purge screen provides the ability to purge reports/processes from Job Manager
enabling you to clean up your disk space. For you to access the Job Purge screen,
proper security must be set up.
1. To set up the security, go to Admin > Security Administration > Administration >
2. Select the role from the summary table for which you want to assign the security.
3. In the Security Settings frame, locate the Job Purge process by double-clicking
the admin folder, and then clicking on Report Administration > Processes >
System > Job Purge.
4. Double-click on the drop-down following Job Purge and select Delete.
5. Click Save.
6. You need to apply the desired security to the Role(s) you use.
7. After the security settings have been made, log out of the system.
Note: You must log out of the system and then back in, in order for you to see
the security changes you made.
8. Go to Admin > Application > Report Administration > Processes > System > Job
9. Select the number of days the jobs should be than that you want to purge from
the Older Than drop-down field.
10. From the User field, locate and select the user that created the jobs you want to
purge. You can select a specific user or all users.
11. Select the specific jobs to purge by clicking the Report Select button and
accessing the Select Report(s) dialog box.
Note: If you do not use the Select button to select specific jobs to be purged, all
jobs that meet the criteria will be purged.
12. If you want to view and verify that the information entered on this screen is
satisfactory before purging the job, select No in the Update field.
13. When you click Save, an .html listing is generated identifying what will be purged
when you select Yes in the Update field.
Note: If you select Yes in the Update field without first reviewing an .html listing,
the jobs will be purged without you being able to view what will actually be
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Note: The change in the disk space used will be reflected in the Capacity field in
System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Disk Usage.
Page 53 of 78
Check If Disk Is Full
1. Go to the System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Disk Usage screen. The
summary table displayed identifies the different file systems on the server under
the Filesystem column.
2. In the table, locate the appropriate Filesystem.
3. Refer to the Capacity column for the percentage of the disk space used for the
corresponding filesystem.
4. You can "clean up" or free disk space in the report directory by using the Admin >
Report Administration > Processes > System > Job Purge screen.
5. Either adding additional disk space or going to the UNIX® prompt can provide
additional disk space for the other file systems. Contact Technical Services
Support for more information.
Note: In System Administration, the Alerts frame displays a warning for any filesystem
disk that has 90% or more of its capacity used. The Alerts frame is located in the lower
left of the any screen within the System Administration application. You do not need to
be in the Disk Usage screen.
©UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other
Page 54 of 78
Perform A System Backup
You can perform a system backup any time of the day without hindering system
performance. Your software provider recommends that you perform a system backup
every two weeks, or at least once a month at a minimum.
1. Go to System Administration > Backup/Recovery > Backup > System.
2. Select the drive to which you want to load the backup information from the
Device Name field.
3. Enter the name of the person requesting the system backup in the Requested By
field. There is no validation performed on the entry made in this field, but it is
recommended that you use the full name of the person requesting the backup.
4. Make sure that you have the media ready to which you are backing up.
Warning: There is no preview screen with this function. When you click the
Execute button, the backup will begin immediately.
Before you click this button, make sure you have the correct media in the drive. If
you click Execute before you checked and/or replaced the media, you could
inadvertently destroy database backup information by writing over a tape
containing a database backup.
5. Click Execute.
Note: The system backup backs up everything on the system, not just the database.
This only works on a Linux system (not on support system or restore system).
Page 55 of 78
Shut Down or Reboot System
1. Go to System Administration > Admin > System > Shutdown.
2. Select one of the options: Reboot or Shutdown.
Reboot - Selecting this option will shut down and restart your system.
When you reboot, all your services will be brought down and then back up
Shutdown - Selecting this option will shut down your server. You will
receive a warning before the system shuts down. You must manually
power it up again. Select this option if you need to move your PC, change
a battery, or move the UPS.
Caution: You should never just power down or power off your system using the
physical On/Off button on the server. You should always use the Shutdown option
Page 56 of 78
Stop And Restart iNet CrystalClear
Warning: When you stop or restart iNet CrystalClear, it affects everyone using Crystal,
regardless of the different environments.
1. Go the System Administration > Services > iNet CrystalClear > Start/Stop to
display the status of Crystal.
2. Click Stop to stop Crystal from running on the entire system.
3. Click Restart to shutdown and restart Crystal on the entire system.
4. Click the View Log button to view the Crystal log file.
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Stop And Restart JBoss
Caution: When you stop or restart JBoss, it only affects those on the selected
environment with JBoss.
1. Go the System Administration > Services > JBoss > Start/Stop.
2. Select the appropriate environment from the Environment field to which you want
to apply the start or restart. After you select the environment, the status for that
environment displays.
3. Click Stop to stop JBoss from running on this environment.
4. Click Restart to shutdown and restart JBoss on this environment.
5. Click the View Log button to view the JBoss log file.
Page 58 of 78
View Logs From Your Last Upgrade
1. Go to System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs > View Log.
2. Select the environment of the log you want to view. This applies only when you
have more than one environment.
3. Select upgrade from the Log Name Filter field.
4. If more than one backup log is available, select the log you want to view from the
Log Name field.
5. Select the number of lines you want to display in the log. This field defaults to
1,000 lines; however, you can change this if it is a larger or smaller log file.
6. Clear the Log Level Filter field if you want to display all information such as
system messages. This field initially defaults to being selected, meaning it is not
necessary for you to view all the messages that could display.
7. Click the Print Preview button to view the log file before printing it.
Page 59 of 78
View Logs That Are Not Backup Logs
1. Go to System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs > View Log.
2. Select the environment of the log you want to view. This applies only when you
have more than one environment.
3. Select the appropriate filter from the Log Name Filter field.
4. If more than one log is available based on your select, select the log you want to
view from those listed in the Log Name field.
5. Select the number of lines you want to display in the log. This field defaults to
1,000 lines; however, you can change this if it is a larger or smaller log file.
6. Clear the Log Level Filter field if you want to display all information such as
system messages. This field initially defaults to being selected, meaning it is not
necessary for you to view all the messages that could display.
7. Click the Print Preview button to view the log file before printing it.
Page 60 of 78
View Logs To See If Scheduled Backup Ran Correctly
When a scheduled backup is complete, and your e-mail address is in the Email Users
field on the Backup/Recovery > Backup > Database screen, you receive an e-mail
notifying you the backup is complete. If errors occurred during the backup, the e-mail will
state that you should view the logs for more information.
1. Go to System Administration > Monitor/Logging > Logs > View Log.
2. Select the environment of the log you want to view. This applies only when you
have more than one environment.
3. Select backup from the Log Name Filter field.
4. If more than one backup log is available, select the log you want to view from the
Log Name field.
5. Select the number of lines you want to display in the log. This field defaults to
1,000 lines; however, you can change this if it is a larger or smaller log file.
6. Clear the Log Level Filter field if you want to display all information such as
system messages. This field initially defaults to being selected, meaning it is not
necessary for you to view all the messages that could display.
7. Click the Print Preview button to view the log file before printing it.
Page 61 of 78
Introduction to Administration
What is iVUE Administration?
A Java-based application used to perform User and Report Administration functions.
Launch iVUE Admininstration from the Admin button on the Launcher bar.
Page 62 of 78
Security Overview
The Security module incorporates a layered approach that provides flexible and precise
security administration. The three primary layers are:
Users ← Groups ← Roles (Security)
The philosophy is such that users can belong to multiple groups and groups can belong
to multiple roles.
← Group A
User X ← Group B
Role A (Security)
← Group C ← Role B (Security)
← Group D
Role C (Security)
Users will exist only once in the security model regardless of how many Companies are
defined in an Enterprise. Each company, however, can have its own unique set of
Groups and Roles. For example:
Enterprise A - Company A
← Group A
← Group B
Role A (Security)
← Group C ← Role B (Security)
← Group D
Role C (Security)
User X
Company B
← Group E
← Group F
← Group G ← Role T (Security)
Role V (Security)
In this example, User X can perform different functions depending on which Company
they logged in to. All of the Companies in this example belong to Enterprise A, the
primary organization.
Note: Login problems will occur if there is a break in any of the layers. A User must be
associated with at least one Group, and that Group must be associated with at least one
Role, or the user will not have access to any process. For example, if a User is created
and associated to a Group, but the Group is not associated to a Role, the user will not
see any items in the left navigation tree panel.
Enterprise - An identifier assigned to the primary organization using the software. This
identifier provides an umbrella to the security and data in an environment where multiple
companies (or organizations) are utilized, such as the ASP (Application Service
Provider) environment. An Enterprise can consist of multiple Companies.
Company - An identifier that relates to a specific company, as well as its security and
data. It also correlates directly to the company record entered in the ABS (Accounting
and Business Solutions) System Administrator > Company screen. One Enterprise can
consist of multiple Companies. A user chooses the Company to use at time of login.
User - A security record (or account) that consists of a username, password, last name,
first name and e-mail address of a user. Typically, one user account will be established
for each employee or user. The maximum length for the username is eight characters.
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The maximum length of the password is eight characters. Both the username and
password can use any combination of letters or numbers with the exception of special
characters (#, ?, %, etc.)
Group - A name that groups or associates one or more users into a classification. For
example, a group entitled "CSR" may be a logical grouping of users who function as
Customer Service Representatives. Groups consist of a group name and description.
The maximum length of the group name is eight characters. The maximum length of the
group description is thirty characters.
Role - A name that identifies a specific security role. Security to all screens, folders,
reports and processes (any left navigation item) is defined at this level. For example, a
role entitled "Security Admin" may be a role whereby security for the Security functions
are available, and all other items are unavailable. Roles consist of a role name and
description. The maximum length of the role name is eight characters. The maximum
length of the role description is thirty characters. The following access modes are
available for every screen, folder, report, and process (called "items" in the definitions
below) located in the left navigation panel:
No Access - Access is disabled. User will not have access to this item. The item will
not appear in the left navigation tree panel.
Inquire - Access is inquire only. User can search and display information for this item,
but will not be able to add, modify, or delete information.
Update - User will have the ability to search, display, and modify information for this
item. If a Save button is available on this screen, it will be visible to the user.
Add - User will have the ability to search, display, modify, and add information for this
item. If an Add button is available on this screen, it will be visible to the user.
Delete - User will have the ability to search, display, modify, add, and delete
information for this item. If a Delete button is available on this screen, it will be visible to
the user.
Best/Common Practices
1. Role Setup - When setting up security for the first time, it is best to start with
defining Roles first, then progress to Groups, then Users. Roles are best thought
of as "functions". Determine what basic functions are needed. Disregard
employee titles at this time. As with many businesses, some employees tend to
perform multiple duties (or functions), and titles do not often describe each of
those functions. Examples of common Roles are:
CSR - A customer service function. Enable security in the CIS, POS, CR, and
other applications that are appropriate for someone who performs the duties of a
CSR. Even if one of your CSRs perform security administration functions, do not
enable Security to this role unless you intend for all of your CSRs to perform this
function. Only enable what is necessary and appropriate for all CSRs.
CISAdmin - An administration function for the entire CIS application. Enable
security for all of CIS and disable all others.
Payments - A role whereby only access to payment processing items are
available. All other items are disabled.
SecAdmin - A role whereby only access to the Security items are available. All
other items are disabled.
2. Group Setup - Now that Roles are defined, create the Groups. When starting
out, it is common to set up a Group for every Role that is defined. This one-toone relationship is the simplest to administer, permitting more complex security
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models to be developed later. Create a Group for every Role. Use the same
name as the Role to simplify the process.
3. Group to Role Mapping - Once the Groups are created, use the Groups screen
to assign a Role to every Group like the following:
Group Assigned To Role
4. User Setup - Build user accounts using the Users screen.
5. User to Group Mapping - Once the Users are created, use the Groups screen
to assign one or more Groups to every user. This is where multi-function users
can easily be established. In our example below, all CSRs will be set up, with the
exception of SallyX who is a CSR with the added responsibility for security
User Assigned To Group
6. Since the Roles in this example were explicitly defined and mapped to similarly
named Groups, providing SallyX with two roles is simply executed. In addition, if
the role (or function) of security administration were to move from SallyX to
BettyB, it would simply be a matter of removing the SecAdmin group from SallyX
and adding it to BettyB.
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ADMIN > Security > Users
The Users screen is used to add, modify, or delete a user record. When you access this
screen, all the user records that have already been set up will display in the summary
table at the top of the screen. This screen is also used to control a specific user's record
by determining when their passwords should be changed, forcing a password change,
suspending a user's account, and identifying when the user last changed his password.
Because enterprises can have multiple companies, user records are unique across an
enterprise, so they do not have to be set up repeatedly for each company. Once the user
records have been created, they can be assigned to groups.
Note: Do NOT delete users named D1, D2, D3, etc. These users are used internally by
the Cash Register application.
Note: Do not delete a user if it has an open journal attached to it.
This screen consists of two parts: the user summary table and the content panel. The
content panel has two tabs: General and GL Defaults.
The user summary table displays all the user records that have already been set up. The
content panel is used to add, modify or delete a user record. The General tab is used to
identify the general information for the user, reassign the user's password, and the
Group Information section. The Group Information section lists the groups that have
already been set up by the company ID. You can click the Group hyperlink to access the
Groups screen. From the Groups screen, you can assign the user to a role or a group by
clicking the appropriate button: Assign Role or Assign User. The GL Defaults tab is
used to identify how applications will update to General Ledger. If the check box field for
an application is selected (Yes), this indicates the journals will post as "live" entries. If it
is not selected (No), then journals will post as "memo" entries.
When assigning a new user ID, the User identifier and password must be entered,
although you can provide additional information such as the user's name and e-mail
address. The user's password is assigned or changed by clicking the Reassign
Password button and entering the password information in the dialog box accessed.
You can also assign security settings specific to a user by clicking the Security Settings
button and accessing the User Security Settings dialog box. This dialog box is used to
view or change the security access settings for a specific user by company for the
applications listed.
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ADMIN > Security > Company
This screen is used to add, modify, or delete company identification (ID) information.
When you access this screen, all the company records that have already been set up
will display in the summary table at the top of the screen.
Note: The Delete button is not available if the Test Company field is not selected for the
corresponding company ID. You cannot delete a Parent Company.
Because enterprises can have multiple companies, user records are unique across an
enterprise, so they do not have to be set up repeatedly for each company. Once the user
records have been created, they can be assigned to groups.
This screen consists of two parts: the company summary table and the content panel.
The company summary table displays all the company records that have already been
set up.
The content panel is used to add, modify, or delete a company record. You can also
designate any of the company records listed as a test company and assign it to a parent
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ADMIN > Security > Roles
The Roles screen is used to add, modify, or delete a role record.
Roles are a grouping of privileges to securable items and can be assigned to multiple
groups. The securable items and the security levels are assigned to each role. A
privilege is the mapping of one of the security levels to a securable item. Roles can be
as minutely defined or as wide open as desired. A role could be made for a pay clerk
with only security to the pay screens, or a role could be made to give administrative
security to every secured item in the system.
When you access this screen, all the roles that have already been set up will display in
the summary table at the top of the screen.
This screen consists of four parts: the roles summary table, the content panel, the
Security Settings frame, and the Group Information frame.
The roles summary table displays all the role records that have already been set up. The
content panel is used to add, modify or delete a role record. The Security Settings frame
allows you to view or change the security settings on any of the applications that are
listed. The Group Information frame lists the groups that have already been set up for
that company. Click the Group hyperlink to access the Groups screen. From this screen,
you can assign a group to a role or a user by clicking the appropriate button: Assign
Role or Assign User.
To change or check the security setting for any item in the selected application, you
need to click the nodes or folders under that application to make sure they are all set to
(Delete) if you want full security for those items. If you would like to change a securitylevel setting, double-click on the security level in parenthesis to access a drop-down list
identifying the available security levels. Select the security level you would like to have
for the selected item.
For example, if you would like to have full-security access to the CIS EFT process,
navigate to CIS > CIS Customer Care > Customer Management > Payments/Readings >
EFT. Double-click (Delete) or whatever the security level is in parenthesis for EFT. Scroll
to and select Delete to give you full security access to the EFT process.
The drop-down list after each item identifies the five security levels. The valid security
statuses are:
No Access - Not secured for this item. (It will not display in the left navigation.).
Inquire - User has view-only or inquiry access to the item.
Update - User can edit existing information.
Add - User can update existing information and add new information.
Delete - User can delete existing information, as well as add or update information.
Note: You can quickly access a screen within the Security Settings frame without
clicking through the application folder structure as explained above by simply clicking
within the Security Settings frame and entering the first letters of the screen you want to
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access. For example, if you enter "ord", you would automatically go to the first screen
within the tree structure that begins with "ord".
You can click the Secured Items button on this screen to access the Secured Items
dialog box. This dialog box allows you to map secured items to specific roles.
Securable items are screens, dialog boxes, reports/processes, and reports/processes
The securable items are displayed with the current security status of the item. If the
security level selected is Add, then update and inquire are assumed with this security
level. For example, if you create a role of acctadmn and a description of account
administrator, that allows delete rights (highest level) for the account, catalog, and
product line screens, then any users linked to groups with this role can inquire, update,
add, or delete accounts, as well as product lines or catalog items. The highest role
assigned to a user will always take precedence.
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ADMIN > Security > Groups
The Groups screen is used to add, modify, or delete a group record for a specific
company. When you access this screen, all the company records and group records that
have already been set up will display in the summary tables at the top of the screen. You
can use this screen to assign administrator rights to a specific group for a particular
company by selecting the Administrator field for that group. You can also assign a role
or a user to a specific group.
This screen consists of three parts: the company summary table, the group summary
table, and the content panel.
The company summary table displays all the company records that have been set up for
this enterprise. When you select one of the company records, the groups that have been
set up for that company will display in the Group summary table.
The Group summary table displays all the group records that have already been set up.
The content panel is used to add, modify, or delete a group record. From this screen,
you can assign a role or a user to a group by clicking the appropriate button: Assign
Role or Assign User.
Groups are unique by company. Groups are linked to users and to roles. This gives you
the ability to control which users are secured to what on a company level. If you have
security to securable items in one company, it does not guarantee that you have security
or access to the same securable item in another company.
For example, you can create a group ID called rcvbles with a group description of
accounts receivable. One or multiple roles can be assigned to this group by clicking the
Assign Role button. A role for pay clerks allowing access to payment entry and a role
for sales clerks allowing access to the sale and order screens can be assigned to that
group. After the roles have been assigned, you can then assign the users. If Sally, Bob,
and Joe are going to perform accounts receivable tasks, they would be assigned to the
rcvbles group created. When Sally, Bob and Joe login to the system, the left navigation
will display the securable items they have access through the role(s) assigned to the
You can also access this dialog box by clicking the Group hyperlink from the Users
screen or the Roles screen.
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Operator Mapping
ADMIN > Security > Operator Mapping
This screen is used to map JAVA users to Progress users for the icon on your Launcher
so you longer have to have a Progress icon on your desktop to map your user to an
operator in ABS.
From this screen, you can select a User ID and the company you want to map to, and
the the Operator from the Progress side of ABS or Trouble Tickets. After this is done,
you will see the icon for the Progress applications in the Launcher when you log into the
Note: You will need to log in after the mapping is complete.
You can add or modify existing operator/user information so a user can be mapped and
linked between the ABS applications and the CIS and SIS applications.
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Enterprise Options
Admin > Security > Enterprise Options
The Enterprise Options screen is used to set up or change options at the enterpriselevel. Because enterprises can have multiple companies, the changes made on this
screen will apply to all companies within an enterprise.
Clicking the Force Password Change button accesses a dialog box that is used to
select specific users from the Available list and move them to the Selected list. If the
Force Password Change field is selected on this dialog box, the users in the Selected list
will be forced to change their password the next time they logon to the system.
Clicking the Password Rotation Change button accesses a dialog box that is used to
select specific users from the Available list and move them to the Selected list. The
selected users will be required to rotate or change their password every time the number
of days that are specified in the Password Rotation field is reached.
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Data Security
ADMIN > Security > Data Security
The Data Security screen is used to change the password for encryption and the
encryption key. The new encryption key is a randomly selected key that is used to reencrypt the credit card and bank account information.
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ADMIN > Processes
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Job Purge
ADMIN > Processes > Job Purge
This screen is used to purge or generate a listing of the reports/processes you want to
purge from the server based on the criteria you select. You can use this process if you
want to free disk space on your server.
Note: When you click the Select button on the Report field, all reports are listed,
including the ABS Java and Progress reports in addition to the Progress Cable and Plant
reports (from Report Manager and Job Manager).
The Job Purge process will not delete any files that have an Archive Status of Marked.
Job Purge is a tool that will delete outputs residing in report/enterprise/cono directory,
such as /report/27258/99991.
Note: You must run Job Purge for your main company and again for all your test
companies. The example below identifies the directory location of the test companies:
ndqa1: /report/27258/99991:# ls -la
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 2 jboss jboss 88 Jan 11 08:29 ./
drwxrwxrwx 4 admn admn 4224 Jan 11 08:28 ../
-rw-rw-rw- 1 jboss jboss 1860 Jan 11 08:29 sys28431105453739968.pdf
ndqa1:/report/27258/99991:# ls -la
Note: Any report/process that did not have a Job Name assigned to it when the job was
run will be deleted in 48 hours. If you want to retain that job longer, a name must be
entered in the Job Name field when the report/process is run.
You can purge reports/processes by the age of the report/process and/or by the user
that generated the report/process. You can also specify a specific report/process to
purge, or you can choose to delete all reports/processes that meet the selections made.
If you do not want to automatically purge the reports/processes from the server based on
your field selections, you can view an .html document identifying the reports/processes
that be deleted if the Update field is Yes.
Caution: When a report/process is run, and Screen is the only Output Option selected,
the retention period for this report/process in Job Manager is 48 hours. To store the
report/process longer, the File Output Option must also be selected to save the output to
a file.
Report/Process Screen Options
The report/process screen is a split screen. The top three frames on the screen (Output
Options, Print, and Submit Options) contain the presentation option fields, and the
content panel contains the parameters for the selected report or process.
The presentation option fields identify the choices for the output format. Based on the
output format you select for the report/process, additional fields are available based on
the output option.
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The parameters available are based on the report/process you select. You can also
change the values of the parameters from this screen.
Report Headings Displayed
Output Files:
Size Of Output Files:
Last Run Date
Job Name
Report ID
Nav Name
Sched Date
Job ID
Job Definition ID
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PDF Deletion
Admin > Processes > System > PDF Deletion
This screen is used to delete records that are stored in PDF format and any files with the
following extensions: .sni, .jar, or .dirgz (Not a file, but a subdirectory) for a given
directory. Files with these extensions will be deleted based on the information entered in
the Retention Months field.
The base directory or the To Target Path is /pdfReader/pdfData. This directory will not
always be hosted by the server type per enterprise. For example, some enterprises use
the dbs-server, the app-server, the ebi-server, etc. You must determine on an enterprise
basis which server hosts the base directory. One of the directory hierarchies will have
the following naming convention: /pdfRead/pdfData/Company-ID/MM-YYYY. The
company ID can be one of the values (i.e., the actual ID, 99991, 99992, etc.). MM is the
two-digit month and YYYY is the four-digit year. You need to recurse all possible
company ID directories to find the applicable MM-YYYY directories. Within these
directories you may find the files with the following extensions: .pdf, .sni, .jar, and dirgz
(Not a file, but a subdirectory).
You may delete all of the above file types based on the age criteria. Once a MM-YYY
directory is empty, the directory itself can be deleted. You may find a mix of all the above
file types in a given directory. You will need to retrieve the creation/modification data on
these files from the file system in order to determine their relative age or obtain the same
information for the MM-YYYY directory and do the same. It will depend on how you want
to test their age (i.e., on a file by file basis or on a monthly basis (MM-YYYY directory).
Note: Any report/process that did not have a Job Name assigned to it when the job was
run will be deleted in 48 hours. If you want to retain that job longer, a name must be
entered in the Job Name field when the report/process is run.
You can purge reports/processes by the age of the report/process and/or by the user
that generated the report/process. You can also specify a specific report/process to
purge, or you can choose to delete all reports/processes that meet the selections made.
If you do not want to automatically purge the reports/processes from the server based on
your field selections, you can view an .html document identifying the reports/processes
that be deleted if the Update field is Yes.
Caution: When a report/process is run, and Screen is the only Output Option selected,
the retention period for this report/process in Job Manager is 48 hours. To store the
report/process longer, the File Output Option must also be selected to save the output to
a file.
Report/Process Screen Options
The report/process screen is a split screen. The top three frames on the screen (Output
Options, Print, and Submit Options) contain the presentation option fields, and the
content panel contains the parameters for the selected report or process.
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The presentation option fields identify the choices for the output format. Based on the
output format you select for the report/process, additional fields are available based on
the output option.
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MultiSpeak Import
ADMIN > Processes > MultiSpeak > MultiSpeak
The MultiSpeak Import screen allows you to import information into the Work Order
Caution: When a report/process is run, and Screen is the only Output Option selected,
the retention period for this report/process in Job Manager is 48 hours. To store the
report/process longer, the File Output Option must also be selected to save the output to
a file.
Report/Process Screen Options
The report/process screen is a split screen. The top three frames on the screen (Output
Options, Print, and Submit Options) contain the presentation option fields, and the
content panel contains the parameters for the selected report or process.
The presentation option fields identify the choices for the output format. Based on the
output format you select for the report/process, additional fields are available based on
the output option. The following link contains a list and explanation of the fields in the
presentation option portion of the screen.
Presentation Options
The parameters available are based on report/process you select. You can also change
the values of the parameters from this screen.
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MultiSpeak Export
ADMIN > Processes > MultiSpeak > MultiSpeak
The MultiSpeak Export screen allows you to export Multispeak-compliant data for import
into a graphical system. It allows you two ways to export information: as a dump or an
incremental export. The Dump takes a large amount of information and exports it to the
chosen application and directory. The Incremental export takes a smaller package of
information and applies it to the selected application and directory.
Caution: When a report/process is run, and Screen is the only Output Option selected,
the retention period for this report/process in Job Manager is 48 hours. To store the
report/process longer, the File Output Option must also be selected to save the output to
a file.
Report/Process Screen Options
The report/process screen is a split screen. The top three frames on the screen (Output
Options, Print, and Submit Options) contain the presentation option fields, and the
content panel contains the parameters for the selected report or process.
The presentation option fields identify the choices for the output format. Based on the
output format you select for the report/process, additional fields are available based on
the output option.
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