= 7/10/16 J - reinstated ✿ - Fragrant flowers OUR 70TH YEAR New Plant Page Inside Back Cover - Denotes our originations 2016 2015BARE 2013 BAREROOT ROOTHOSTA MAILORDER RETAIL √ - Denotes new to catalog ❂ - Denotes plants that will tolerate more sun In northern climates O.S. - Originator's Stock Leaf Color: (Leaf color is right after plant name) X ✿ X ❂ X √ center〳margin color savorysgardens.com B453 A Many-splendored Thing - green/gold L 18.00 L 20.00 B210 Abba Dabba Do - green/gold EL 14.00 B188 Abby - green/gold S B122 Abiqua Drinking Gourd - blue/green, cupped. '14 Hosta of Year Mi/S 15.00 Mini 10.00 Mini 10.00 7.00 L 13.00 M-L 13.50 C178 Blackjack - blue-green changes to dark green Exl 22.00 B121 Abiqua Recluse - gold M/L 8.00 C170 Blarney Stone - green, very corrugated, fast growing L/ExL 25.00 B216 Abiqua Trumpet - blue-green S 10.00 B949 Blaze of Glory - lemony gold L 16.00 B929 Adorable - yellow/green, sport of 'Royal Standard', white flowers L 18.00 B780 Blazing Saddles - green/white M-L 15.00 B948 Adrian's Glory - Thick substance, sport of 'Gold Standard' M-L 16.00 858 Blonde Elf - gold S C213 Afterglow -green/yellow. A wide margined sprt of 'Climax'. L 20.00 ExL 12.00 B570 Afternoon Delight - green/gold L 455 Blue Angel - blue 851 Blue Arrow - blue 407 Aardvark - gold/green, cupped and very corrugated; lav. Flwrs M 10.00 S 14.00 B618 Blue Beard - blue, white flower Mi-S 18.00 Mini 18.00 B155 Blue Belle - blue-green M 10.00 B430 Alex Summers - green/yellow, dark green, wide gold margin M 20.00 L 10.50 B476 Alice Gladden - gold, white flowers M 20.00 B132 Blue Blush - blue S 12.00 B766 alismifolia - green, upright B868 All That Jazz - dark green/creamy yellow S 18.50 116 Blue Boy - blue M 6.00 XL 18.00 154 Blue Cadet - blue S 6.00 S 5.00 B246 Blue Danube - blue S 12.00 B500 Allegan Fog - white w/green specks/green C163 Alligator Alley - chart to yellow center, wide blue-green border. M 20.00 503 Blue Diamond - blue M 10.50 M-L 24.00 517 Blue Dimples - blue M 12.00 B431 Alligator Shoes - blue/white M 16.00 M 16.00 S 7.00 B926 Blue Flame - blue-green/yellow B788 Blue Haired Lady - blue-green M 20.00 B148 Alvatine Taylor - blue-green/gold C122 American Choo Choo - green/gold rippled; sport of 'Choo Choo Train'. L 12.00 B739 Blue Hawaii - blue, upright, white flower L 16.00 L 22.00 B897 Blue Ivory pp19623 - blue/white - sold out M 18.00 B277 American Dream - gold/white M 13.00 B300 Blue Jay - blue Mi/S 15.00 B432 American Halo - blue/creamy white L 20.00 EL 15.00 B950 American Hero - white/wide green edge, center speckled S 18.00 B645 Blue Mouse Ears - blue, thick, round leaves Mi/S 12.00 B749 American Icon - green/gold L 20.00 B642 Blue River - blue-green M 18.00 B513 American Sweetheart - white/green M 15.00 453 Blue Skies - blue S 10.00 B785 Americana - white/green S 19.00 B708 Blue Sliver - blue S 18.00 B324 Amy Elizabeth - gold/green B939 Andrew - White/blue-green, sport of 'Blue Mammoth' S 8.00 B385 Blue Sophistication - blue M 10.00 L 18.00 M 12.00 C230 Angel Falls PPAF - green/white, reverse of 'Bridal Falls' L 19.50 L 15.00 B571 Angel Feathers - green/gold M 15.00 M 12.00 L 18.00 B242 Blue Veil - blue-green B951 Blueberry Muffin - blue, puckered foliage M 18.00 M 25.00 Mi/S 20.00 L 7.00 B825 Blueberry Tart -blue C140 Blueberry Waffles - very large, blue, round and puckered leaves ExL 22.00 M 6.00 C206 Blushing Blue - gray-green with red in center in Spring M 28.00 M 25.00 B543 Bob Deane - blue-green/yellow M-L 12.00 C112 Appletini - bright yellow going to apple green, dense mound C200 Arch Duke - very large gray-green leaves with white backs Mi-S ExL 15.50 25.00 B422 Bob Olson - dark green leaves/white margin S 13.00 B478 Bobbie Sue - green/white M-L 14.00 B702 Arc De Triomphe - dk green/yellow - gracefully arching L 14.00 488 Bold Ribbons - green/white M 9.00 B913 Arctic Blast - frosted blue leaves L 16.00 999 Bressingham Blue - blue heart shaped leaves, lav flwr L 11.00 Mi-S 29.00 C146 Bridal Falls PPAF L 19.00 L 20.00 B171 Bridegroom - green S 12.00 L 5.00 834 Bright Lights - gold/blue M 15.00 B199 Austin Dickinson - green/white B980 Autumn Frost - blue/bright yellow to creamy-white margins M 12.00 S 10.00 S-M 22.00 605 Brim Cup - green/white B853 Brother Stefan - gold/green L 18.00 B992 Awakening Angel - blue-green to dark green S-M 18.00 S 15.00 B943 Aztec Treasure - bright gold, corrugated L 15.00 369 Bubba - green B946 Bulletproof - blue-green, very thick leaves, sport of Halcyon M 22.00 C173 Azure Frills - powder blue, rippled, good substance M 18.00 L 18.00 B244 Azure Snow - blue-green C167 Baby Booties - green/creamy-white oval shaped leaves, pale purple flowers L 13.50 B120 Bunchoko - green/white S 8.00 Mini 20.00 B182 Camelot - blue M 10.00 Mini 9.00 B707 Cameo - green/white Mini 15.00 337 Allan P. McConnell - green/white 195 Alpine Dream - green, dark purple flowers 336 Antioch - green/white 8 Aoki - blue-green √ B911 Aomori Gold Star - gold/green :limited B882 Arlene Mae Savory - White/blue-green, center holds color B890 Atlantis pp17093 - green/gold ❂ ✿ 121 August Moon - yellow 279 Baby Bunting - blue/green, O.S., good substance, lavender flwr 18.00 860 Blue Blazes - blue, cupped X 998 Blue Mammoth - blue 34 Blue Troll - satiny blue, heavy texture 441 Blue Umbrellas - blue - dark green/white. Sport of 'Niagara Falls'. B783 Bumblebee (New for 2006) - gold-yellow C205 Bachelor Party - shiny dark-green centers with yellow margin that changes S to22.00 creamy-white. X 128 Upward capitata pointing - green leaf tips. Bright purple flowers. A sport of 'Bridegroom'. M √ √ S-M 10.00 L 22.00 342 Carol - green/white M 8.00 B433 Band of Gold - green/yellow B877 Barbara Ann -blue/white L 16.00 B509 Carolina Blue - blue M 15.00 L 16.00 B502 Carolina Sunshine - green/yellow M 15.00 B956 Battle Star - blue-green/yellow L 20.00 B423 Cascades - white/green M 16.00 B940 Cathedral Windows - gold center/green, stained glass spt L 18.00 B609 Celestial - green/white L 20.00 B930 Chain Lightning - white/green M 20.00 294 Champagne - yellow/green, lav flwer scapes, green w/red base Mini 25.00 855 Change of Tradition - green/white M 159 Chartreuse Wiggles - chartreuse Mini 8.00 B820 Cheatin Heart - gold Mi/S 10.00 587 Behemoth - bright green with deep ribs, near-white flower ExL 20.00 wider margins C232 Beyond Glory PPAF - NOT YET AVAIABLE Y/gr ,sport of 'Old Glory' M 19.50 340 Bells of Edinborough - green, dark purple balloon flower B514 Captain Kirk - gold/green X ✿ M 6.00 199 Ballerina - pointed green leaves, white pendulant flower C139 Bam Bam Blue - blue, cupped, pebbled, dinner plate sized sized leaves. 15.00 S 15.00 M 20.00 M 5.00 L 10.00 B547 Big John - green, white flower ExL 22.00 B434 Bigfoot - blue-green ExL 15.00 19.00 Mi-S 12.00 C215 Cherokee -Yell-white/green, sport of 'Moonlight Sonata'.A B312 Cherry Berry - white/green M/L B569 Bill Dress's Blue - blue-green M 16.00 B715 Bingo - green/gold M 20.00 C198 Cherry Flip - upright dark-green leaves with maroon petioles M 18.00 M 5.00 B833 Cherry Tart - bright yellow with bright red petioles in Spring S 16.00 C254 Ben Vernooij 4 Betsy King - green, dark purple flower 569 Big Daddy - blue-green ❂ 8.00 C203 Akikaze - green with narrow white margins B927 Alakazaam ppaf - green/yellow, ruffled leaves B810 Ann Kulpa - white/green C194 Änna Mae - New Savory intro - blue-green/yellow, wavy X - SOLD OUT B512 Bitsy Blue - blue-green, near white flowers 405 Bitsy Gold - narrow gold leaves, lavender flowers 406 Bitsy Green - small green lance shaped leaves 242 Black Hills - dark green 182 Birchwood Parky's Gold - gold X ✿ 8.00 B952 Cherry Tomato - creamy yellow to white/dark-green Mi/S 18.00 B131 Cherub - blue-green/creamy-white B994 Chesapeake Bay - deep blue-green, heavily corrugated,vase shape S 12.00 L 18.00 C216 Chief Sitting Bull - deep green;corrugated; unruly Exl 20.00 188 Duchess - dark green w/ showy white margin; purple bloom 590 Duke - green, light pebbling; lavender flowers; stately B906 Dumbo - NEW FOR 2009 SAVORY INTRO - green, giant clump S 12.00 ExL 12.00 ExL 24.00 B359 Dust Devil - green/white M 15.00 B520 Earth Angel - blue-green/white - '09 Hosta of the Year L 15.00 B540 Ebb Tide - green/gold L 15.00 C144 Eclipse PPAF - gold edged leaves. Rippling, good substance. L 19.00 EL 12.00 L 18.00 513 China Doll - chartreuse to gold, white flowers S 20.00 ❂ 171 Chinese Sunrise - chartreuse/green, viridescent M 5.00 533 Chiquita L 10.00 B533 Choo Choo Train - gold, thick ruffled leaves L 20.00 B721 Christmas Candy - white/green M 20.00 B326 Christmas Gold - gold M 18.00 B303 El Capitan - green/gold L 12.00 B741 Christmas Lights - green/white L 25.00 B695 El Nino - blue/white M 14.00 B712 Christmas Pageant - green/creamy-white M-L 20.00 B157 Elatior - green ExL 15.00 588 Christmas Tree - green/creamy-white L C147 Church Mouse - coarsly wavy, blue-green to green. Spt of 'Blue Mouse S Ears'. 13.00 B204 Elvis Lives - blue M 12.00 20.00 C142 Emerald Charger - wavy gold with wide, bright green margins. L 22.00 B395 Cinnamon Sticks 15.00 B790 Emerald Ruff Cut - gold/green M-L 16.00 √ J ❂ √ X X 827 Citation - chartreuse-green/white, lt yellow edge early M 12.00 149 clausa - green M 6.00 198 Edina Heritage - blue-green B198 Edina Hornet OS - green/gold, very pebbled and rippled 845 Emerald Tiara - gold/green ✿ S-M B175 Emily Dickinson - green/white B899 Empress Wu ppaf - green M 8.00 12.00 460 clausa var. normalis - green B843 Clear Fork River Valley - green, corrugated M 8.00 ExL 18.00 L 20.00 B845 Enterprise - Creamy-white/green - sold out M 18.00 B608 Climax - green/gold L 18.00 B389 Estrellita - yellow Mini 12.00 C106 Cloudburst - blue-green changing to shiny dark-green B876 Clovelly PPAF - Med - green, rippled M 20.00 B355 Eventide - green/white L 12.50 M 20.00 ExL 22.00 C193 Color Festival - tricolor, white center/dk green edege, yellow line between C234 Coast to Coast PPAF - gold, giant leaves, turns lighter gold M 18.00 B360 Everlasting Love - blue-green/white S 12.50 ExL 20.00 S-M 18.00 ExL 10.00 B888 Extasy - white/blue-green B966 Eye Candy - blue-green/white, upright M 18.00 B334 Columbus Circle - green/gold M 10.50 B144 Fair Maiden - green/creamy-white S-M 12.00 C225 Con Te Partiro - Blue-green/ creamy-white border Mi/S 18.00 B892 Faith - gold L 18.00 C117 Continental Divide - lt green-chatreuse/dk green margin L 18.00 B619 Faithful Heart - gold/green Mi/S 15.00 B644 Cookie Crumbs ppaf - green/white C182 Cool as a Cucumber PPAF- creamy-white/green margin. 'Cascades' sport Mini 15.00 M 10.00 L 18.00 C124 Fall Dazzler - wavy, green/pure white margins. Purple flower. Mi/S 22.00 B243 Coquette - green/white S-M 10.00 B348 Fan Dance - yellow/green M 10.00 B726 Corkscrew - green S 15.00 B767 Fantasy Island - white/green Mini 15.00 C118 Cotton Candy - misted green and white in spring. Br green later. S B854 Country Mouse - blue-green /white Mini 22.00 B539 Fatal Attraction - green/white M 13.00 B717 Cracker Crumbs - gold/green Mini 15.00 C156 Cranberry Wine - br yellow to chartreuse. Red petioles. Wavy. M 22.00 B765 Crepe Soul - green/white Mini 15.50 M 10.00 L 7.00 S 8.00 L 186 Colossal - giant green leaves, deep veins, lavender flowers X 516 Everglades-Originator's Stk - green/yellow, very seersuckered 837 Fall Bouquet - green, lavender flowers in September S 6.00 B802 Fiesta - light-green/white B959 Final Summation - yellowish-green/dark green, sum&sub sport L 20.00 L 22.00 C236 Final Victory - green/Yel, tet form of 'Victory', wider margins ExL 29.00 B499 Fire Island - yellow, red petioles S 16.00 B722 Fireworks - white/green Mi/S 15.00 C237 Firn Line - blue/Yellow→white, sport First Frost, wide edge M 20.00 8.00 B646 First Frost - blue/white M 12.00 C123 Crumb Cake - dense mound of wavy, gold foliage. Lavender flwr. Mini 20.00 S 18.00 B222 Crusader - green/white M 10.50 B750 First Mate - gold/green B872 Flemish Sky - Bue M 15.00 C199 Cup of Grace - dp green, cupped, corrugated. Semi-upright L 22.00 C235 Cup of Joy - golden yellow, heavy cupping and corrugation S 29.00 B437 Curlew - blue L B164 Curls - green 343 Crested Reef - green 17 Crispula - green/white 570 Crown Jewel - green/white B211 Crowned Imperial - green/white 18.50 560 Feather Boa - gold √ √ X C120 Floratini - pale-green, wavy, oval shaped leaves. Purple flowers. Mi/S 20.00 L 12.00 10.00 B154 Flower Power - green C190 Forbidden Fruit - PPAF - tet form of 'Orange Marmalade' M 23.00 M 10.00 C187 Forest Firefly - yellow/dark-green edge, light green between S 25.00 B990 Curly Fries - yellow, very narrow and extremely ruffled S 18.00 B444 Fort Knox - gold L 15.00 B516 Cutting Edge - blue-green, white back L 15.00 L 7.00 L 22.00 12 Fortunei Albopicta - light-green/green (all green later) M 5.00 ✿ B931 Cuyahoga - blue-green/gold margin B908 Dan Patch - green/yellowish-green 2011 SAVORY INTRO M 35.00 98 Fortunei Aurea - yellow (turns green) M 5.00 X B517 Dance With Me - yellow/green M-L 15.00 57 Fortunei Aureomarginata - green/gold M 5.00 B704 Dancing In the Rain PP15977 - white/blue B924 Dancing Queen - Yellow L 15.00 79 Fortunei Hyacinthina - blue-green M L 15.00 C115 Dancing Stars - PPAF - white/blue-green 'Dancing in the Rain'sport L 18.00 B289 Dark Star - blue-green/creamy-white M 12.00 196 Dark Victory - dark-green, dark purple flowers M 10.00 483 Davidson's 87 - green M 10.00 M-L 18.00 L 10.50 B358 Day's End - green/gold M 13.00 77 Decorata - green/white M 6.00 B275 Deep Blue Sea - blue, very corrugated leaves M 14.00 B786 Deja Blue - blue-green/yellow B844 Designer Genes - Small - S 16.00 S 18.00 S-M √ X X B518 Dawn's Early Light - yellow 619 Daybreak - yellow X ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ❂ 5.00 868 Fragrant Blue - blue S-M 15.00 869 Fragrant Bouquet - green/light-yellow M 13.00 B604 Fragrant Dream - dark-green/light-yellow M 15.00 B723 Fragrant Fire - green/yellow M-L 16.00 97 Francee - green/white M 6.00 15 Frances Williams - blue-green/gold L 9.00 C154 Frank Lloyd Wright - outstanding blue with style. Large steel-blue,Lwavy leaves 22.00 that come to a tapere ✿ L 10.50 M 30.50 C162 Frisian Waving Steel - thick blue-green leaves. L 25.00 L 13.50 C253 Frozen Margarita M-L 18.00 22.00 C126 Frosted Mini Hearts - green&white/green, mottled center Mini 18.00 M 10.00 B253 fujibotan - green, double lavender flowers L 16.00 L 20.00 B126 Gaijin - green/yellow Mini 10.00 866 Diamond Tiara - green/white C214 Diamonds are Forever - green/white 'Diamond Tiara' sport S S 10.00 19.00 B259 Gala - green/gold S 11.00 B627 Garden Party - gold/green, upright L 22.00 B620 Diana Remembered - blue-green/white, white flowers M 16.00 B445 Garden Treasure - green/gold L 15.00 B127 Dick Ward - gold/green M-L 15.00 B574 Gay Blade - green/white L 9.00 C161 Dino - a sport of 'Trex'. green leaves w/yellow-green margin. M 28.00 S 10.50 B680 Diva - gold, thick leaves; a sport of 'Elatior' L 18.00 18.00 Mini 18.00 B942 Gemstone - blue-green, small mound B967 Gentle Giant - blue, upright, cupped and twisted - SOLD OUT S B370 Dixie Chick - green/white ExL 22.00 197 Dixie Queen - green with lighter stripes in veins, white flower Mini 15.00 B616 Ghost Spirit - blue, misted and streaked with white M 18.00 623 Dorset Blue - blue Mi-S 10.00 C165 Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears - a gold 'Blue Mouse Ears' sdlng Mini 20.00 B177 Doubloons - gold, heavy substance; sport of 'Alvatine Taylor' L 12.00 B402 Gin and Tonic - gold M 15.00 B748 Dragon Tails - yellow, long narrow and very wavy leaves Mini 15.00 S 6.00 C159 Dragon Warrior - large, pointed green lvs, clean white margins. M 22.00 181 Ginko Craig - green/white B846 Ginrei - green / mottled, green and white margin; L 18.50 C174 Dream Queen - yellow/2-3"blue-green margin, center to white M/L 15.00 X C208 Gitchigumi - Large, shiny, and round, blue-green leaves Exl 18.00 B440 Dream Weaver - white/blue-green; narrow white center L 16.50 B519 Dress Blues - blue with narrow white edge M 14.00 ❂ ❂ B281 Devon Green - dark shiny green leaves ✿ 466 Fortunei Albomarginata - green/white C134 Frisian Pride - long, yellow-gold leaves,very rippled, ❂ B910 Devil's Poker - green, red petioles & into leaf, red scapes ✿ 259 Diamond Jubilee - blue-green X √ ❂ 997 Fried Green Tomatoes - green 852 Frosted Jade - green/white 598 Geisha - ('Ani Machi') yellow/green √ J X 36 Gloriosa - green/white 514 Glory - bright yellow heart shaped leaves M 7.00 M 10.00 ❂ ❂ S 5.00 155 Gold Edger - gold M 5.00 459 Gold Regal - yellow-chartreuse L 9.00 183 Gold Standard - gold/blue-green, center gets lighter M 7.00 L 10.00 B200 Golden Friendship - gold, cupped M-L 11.00 B390 Golden Gate - gold L 18.00 368 Golden Jubilee os- all gold, rippled, heavy substance B978 Golden Meadows - light-green/dark-green to creamy-white Mini 20.00 ✿ ✿ M-L 16.00 84 Golden Anniversary - yellow in spring 99 Golden Plum - yellow in spring S 6.00 443 Golden Prayers - gold M 14.00 483 Golden Scepter - yellow, holds color in shade S 5.00 EL 13.50 100 Golden Sunburst - gold, all gold 'Frances Williams' L 10.00 184 Golden Tiara - green/gold, fast growing, purple flowers S-M B107 Golden Sculpture - gold, upright √ ✿ X ❂ X X ✿ √ √ X ❂ ✿❂ ✿ √ 14.00 584 Invincible - green B988 Irish Luck - L NOT YET AVAILABLE - shiny green,rippled leaves, fragrant M 612 Irish Mist - white/green, misted white 7.00 20.00 Mini 22.00 B262 Iron Gate Delight - green/white L 12.00 622 Iron Gate Glamour - green/white B879 Itsy Bitsy Spider - dark-green L 12.00 Mini 20.00 C127 Itty Gold - golden yellow, cupped and corrugated Mi/S 18.00 L 13.50 B649 Ivory Necklace - green/white M C180 Ivory Queen PPAF - white/wide blue-green margin, 'Blue Ivory' sport M 15.00 996 Ivory Coast - green/wide creamy-white border, upright, striking 534 Jack of Diamonds - dk blue-green/wide gold margin, hvy texture 22.00 M 13.00 15.00 5.00 B507 Jade Cascade - green EL B705 Gosan Leather Strap - green, heavy leaf substance S 10.00 B179 Java - green B849 Jaz - chartreuse to gold leaves with thick substance. M 12.00 S 22.00 L 18.00 B858 Jerry Landwehr - white/dark-green M-L 20.00 B327 Grand Prize - green/gold, purple flower S-M 12.50 B428 Jimmy Crack Corn - gold, piecrust edge L 15.00 C188 Grand Rapids - gray-green, wavy, purple petioles (Limited) M 18.50 B589 John Denver - green M-L 20.00 B643 Grand Slam - grn/purp spotted petioles & scapes, wavy,leathery S-M 15.00 B555 Joshua's Banner - yellow/white M 18.00 B147 Grand Tiara - green/gold S-M 9.00 C258 Joy Ride -blue-greens that are very wavy, edges folded up M 21.00 B829 Grasshopper - shiny green, fragrant flowers; fast growing L 22.00 B240 Julia - blue-green/white M 9.00 B692 Great Arrival - blue-green/gold, reverse 'Great Expectations' L 16.00 M 12.00 604 Great Expectations - gold/green L 12.00 867 June - gold/blue-green B873 June Fever PP#15340-near all yellow sport of 'June' (Avail. 6/15/14) M 15.00 111 Green Acres - green Ex-L 9.00 C148 June Spirit PPAF -cha/rtreuse to yellow/wide green margins. M 22.00 456 Green Fountain - green L 8.00 B483 Junior Miss - green/gold S 12.00 13.50 56 Kabitan - gold/green 6.00 B793 Kabuki - green/white M 16.00 B923 Kaleidochrome - streaked & mottled green,cream, yellow S 30.00 B772 Katie-Q - blue-green/gold M 18.00 B267 Green Gables - green 49 Green Gold - green/gold Mini Ex-L M 8.00 6.00 B524 Grand Canyon - light-green √ Mini 8.00 B803 Green Mouse Ears - green Mi-S 16.00 88 Green Piecrust - green ExL 8.50 L-EL 25.00 B694 Katsuragawa Beni - green, red petioles S 16.00 M 20.00 B622 Kayak - blue-green M 10.00 530 Ground Sulphur - yellow S 9.00 L 18.00 B150 Guacamole - gold/green M 13.50 B711 Key Lime Pie - green/gold B859 Key West - Large - bright-gold L 20.00 B287 Guardian Angel - white to medium green/blue ExL 16.00 B255 Gum Drop - green S 6.00 B298 Kifukurin Ko Mame - green/white B159 kikutii 'Kifukurin Hyuga' - green/yellow Mini M 12.50 10.50 B525 Gunsmoke - blue B480 Gypsy Rose - creamy-yellow to white/green - L M 14.00 18.00 592 Green Valley OS - gold, green midribs B835 Greensleeves - Medium - cr.-yellow to white/green 164 Hadspen Blue - blue M 10.50 B190 Hadspen Hawk - blue M 12.00 B335 Hadspen Samphire - gold B847 Hakumuo - white/green L 10.00 S 18.50 M 9.00 B601 Hampshire County - green/white C138 Hands Up PPAF - green/ creamy yellow, tet "Praying Hands' sport L 18.00 S 22.00 B751 Hanky Panky - green/lime (white streak between) L 22.00 C111 Hannibal Hamlin - green/creamy 1" margin, semi upright L C239 Hans - green/white, vigorous sport of 'Andrew' L C257 Happy Dayz 175 kikutii yakusimensis - green √ √ S 7.00 B594 Kinbotan - green/yellow Mini 15.00 C240 Kingsize - Green, 'Empress Wu' sport, faster growing ExL 22.00 C238 Kiwi Blue Baby - frosty blue - round, cupped lvs,deep veins S 16.00 C226 Kiwi Full Monty - blue/blue-green. Center turns gold L 20.00 B794 Kiwi Skyscraper - blue EL 15.00 C158 kiyosumiensis - a species. Green, lance leaves. Very rippled. B860 Komodo Dragon - gray-green M 24.00 L 16.00 L 8.00 M 12.50 21.00 B338 Lacy Belle - blue-green/white C220 LadyBug - nearly round, chartreuse to gold foliage. Cupped Mi/S 22.00 22.00 B227 Lady in Waiting - blue-green M 12.50 M 22.00 B201 Lakeport Blue - blue-green Ex-L 15.00 B747 Harpoon - green/gold M 20.00 B584 Lakeside Baby Face - green/gold S 15.00 B761 Harry van de Laar - green, red petioles M 18.00 C252 Lakeside Banana Bay- yellow/greeen, Rnd,shiny, broad lvs S 16.00 B536 Heart and Soul - yellow/green S 14.00 B367 Lakeside Cha Cha - gold/white L 13.50 B383 Heartache - gold M 10.00 B586 Lakeside Coal Miner - green M 15.00 B336 Hearts Content - green/white C181 Hearts on Fire - feathered yellow center/dk green edge, center goes white L 10.00 B970 Lakeside Cupid's Cup - bluish-green,green/white S 20.00 L 22.00 B485 Lakeside Dot Com - white/green Mi/S 28.00 M 8.00 B699 Lakeside Elfin Fire - white/green Mi/S 13.00 M 15.00 B419 Lakeside Kaleidoscope - green/white M 15.50 S 7.00 B486 Lakeside Legal Tender - blue-green/gold Mi/S 16.00 S 8.00 B394 Lakeside Lollipop - green, cupped S 13.50 M-L 28.00 B796 Lakeside Meadow Ice - green/white S 18.00 S 18.00 S 11.00 M 10.00 B146 Lakeside Neat Petite - blue-green B973 Lakeside Paisley Print - creamy-yellow/green M 25.00 B424 Hillbilly Blues - blue B848 Hippodrome - blue-green/cr. yellow S 15.00 B489 Lakeside Ring Master - green/white EL 16.00 M 20.00 B798 Lakeside Rocky Top - green/white Mi/S 18.00 B191 Hirao Majesty - green L-EL 12.00 B841 Lakeside Sparkle Plenty - green, turns yellow. Purple flowers July. S 15.00 B192 Hirao Supreme - green L-EL 12.00 B671 Lakeside Spellbinder - white/green M 16.00 B894 Holy Mouse Ears - creamy-yellow/blue green Mini 20.00 M 5.00 L 12.00 L 5.00 509 Hertha - green/white B935 Hida-no-hana- misted green&white/green edge B968 Hideout - white/dark-green; twisted X ✿❂ X S-M 68 Helen Field Fischer - blue-green/white 18.00 M B156 Inniswood - gold/green B162 Jade Scepter - green B447 Heavenly Tiara - X 18.00 S 19.00 576 Heartsong - green/white M 401 Indigo - blue L 156 Halcyon - blue √ 620 Indian Hills - dark green, heavy pebbling, upright C209 Gone With the Wind - dark-green/white. Rippled; pointed 542 gracillima - green X 469 Gold Drop - gold 147 Hilda Wassmann - green/white 185 Honey - yellow-green 78 Honeybells - light-green B283 Honeysong - green/white M-L 10.00 B286 Hoosier Harmony - gold/green M 12.00 B365 Hope - green/gold - sold out B969 Hotspur - white/green Mini 16.50 M C102 Hudson Bay PPAF - creamy-white/blue Imp. 'Eskimo Pie' L C229 Humpback Whale - large blue-green, corrugated leaves ExL 20.00 B891 Hush Puppie - gray-green/white Hyuga Urajiro (Urajiro Hyuga)(Japan NR) - see 'Urajiro Hyuga' B856 S 18.00 S B482 Illicit Affair - green/gold C195 Imperial Palace - Yellow to white center/2" dk green margin B111 Independence 21 Krossa Regal - blue X √ X X ❂ 73 Lancifolia - green 836 Leather Sheen - green ✿ S 9.50 B710 Lederhosen - blue M 13.00 B672 Lemon Frost - light-green/white S 15.00 189 Lemon Lime - yellow-green, purple flowers S 5.00 C110 Lionheart- white/blue-green margin, heavy substance S 20.50 20.00 B697 Li'l Abner - green/gold M 16.00 22.00 B241 Limey Lisa - lime-green Mi-S 10.00 Mi/S 8.00 471 Little Aurora - gold X S-M 7.00 19.00 130 Little Blue - dark-green B961 Little Devil - green/white Mi/S 16.00 Mi/S 15.00 C108 Little Miss Muffet - chartreuse heart-shaped lvs. Mini 15.00 EL 20.00 C136 Little Miss Sunshine -chartreuse to bright gold. Wine-red scapes. S 16.00 M 16.00 C175 Lemon Zest - bright-gold, narrow leaves, low mound 16.00 Mini B991 Lemontini - bright yellow, wavy B451 Liberty PPAF12531- green/white 2012 HOSTA OF THE YEAR C210 Light Everlastig - blue-green/cream - 'Eternal Flame'. Sport B915 Little Treasure ppaf - white/blue-green 613 Little White Lines - green/white B125 Little Wonder - green/white B916 London Fog - white/green speckling 16.50 B135 Night Shift - deep yellow leaves/wide,dark grn margin,violet flwr L 20.00 L 14.00 ✿ M 15.00 S 22.00 ExL 10.50 Mi/S 18.00 B979 Nippers - green, puckered and unruly S 20.00 B770 None Lovelier - green/yellow L 16.00 S 8.00 S 9.00 S 20.00 M 12.00 Mi/S 22.00 S 6.50 L 15.00 B932 Ocean Isle - green/wide gold margin B862 Oh Cindy - green/yellow EL 20.00 M 21.00 10.00 B631 Old Faithful - green, red petioles L 16.00 S 14.00 B403 Old Glory - gold/green M 14.00 B592 Lookin' Pretty - white/yellow Mi/S-S 20.00 B625 Love of Life - green w/ creamy-white margin L 15.00 120 longissima - green,narrow arching leaves; purple flower C203 longissima 'Akikaze' - green with narrow white margins 445 Love Pat - blue X X X M 16.50 B701 Lunar Orbit - gold/green M 15.00 B529 Mack The Knife - green/gold S B985 Majestic - dark green/creamy-white, 1" margins 24.50 M 16.00 L 20.00 B632 opipara 'Koriyama' - green/yellow M 15.00 B347 Mama Mia - green/white M 12.00 B683 Orange Marmalade - gold/blue-green L 17.00 B909 Mango Tango - narrow yellow center/green M 22.00 C217 Orange Star - orange-gold/green; center turns yellow M 20.00 B530 Manhattan - green, heavy rippling & corrugation, purple flwrs M-L 20.00 B218 Osprey - blue-green M 10.50 B867 Mardi Gras - green/white L 15.00 B163 Pacific Blue Edger - blue M 9.00 B194 Marilyn - gold M 10.00 L 10.00 B727 Marilyn Monroe - green, reddish peitoles, ripples M 20.00 B263 Pandora's Box - white/green Mini 13.50 B254 Marion Bachman-light-green/green, center yellows up M 10.00 B296 Paradigm - gold/blue-green L 15.00 B573 Marquette Park - green/gold M 13.50 B746 Paradise Glory - gold/blue M 18.00 S 9.00 S-M 17.00 B629 Mary Marie Ann - greenish-white/green S 15.00 B928 Paradise Island - PPAF - yellow/green B457 Paradise Power - gold/green L 16.00 B724 Maui Buttercups - yellow, cupped S-M 15.00 Mini 18.00 B454 May - gold M 12.00 B813 Paradise Sunset - green/yellow B963 Parasol - blue-green/creamy-yellow; 'Blue Umbrellas' sport L 22.00 B538 Merry Sunshine - green/white M-L 17.00 B417 Parhelion - light-green/creamy-white EL 16.00 B561 Mid Afternoon - green/gold L 18.00 B405 Parkys Prize - green/yellow M 10.00 B562 Mid Morning - gold/green L 18.00 M 28.00 L 15.00 B115 Pastures New - gray-green S-M C211 Midnight at the Oasis - white/green; center darkens & flecks M 22.00 B674 Pathfinder - white/green M 15.00 B698 Midnight Ride - dark green M 12.00 864 Patriot - green/white M 10.00 B178 Midwest Magic - gold/green L 12.00 862 Paul's Glory - yellow/blue-green M 12.00 B914 Mighty Mouse - green/white mini 18.00 362 Pearl Lake - blue M 6.00 B257 Mikawa-no-Yuki(Okazaki Special) - green B984 Mike Shadrack - blue-green/creamy-white S 13.50 B756 Percy - green/yellow, upright M 18.00 L 19.00 B299 Permanent Wave - green M 9.00 M 9.00 518 Peter Pan - blue-green S 9.00 S 34.50 B587 Peter Ruh - green/gold B863 Pewterware - blue M 16.00 ✿ X ❂ ✿ C221 Parthenon - white/green; wide white center. 'Athena' sport ❂ X 6.00 S 19.00 20.00 C218 Picasso - deep blue-green/narrow chartreuse margin. 'Indigo' Sport Mi/S 20.00 C172 Minnesota Wild - green/wide creamy-white margin, ruffled M-L 18.00 B248 Piecrust Power - green, rippled edge L 12.00 180 Minnie Klopping - green M 10.00 B579 Piedmont Special - green/gold L 16 B799 Mint Julep - green/white L 15.00 B418 Pilgrim - blue-green/white S 10.00 B252 Minuteman - green/white M 12.00 Mini 15.00 B105 Pineapple Poll - green, heavily rippled B903 Pineapple Punch pp18318- green/creamy-yellow M C166 Minutini - green-blue to green oval S-M 20.00 B492 Mishima Fukurin Koba - green/gold B917 Miss Linda Smith - blue-gray to dk green, purple petioles & scapes S 13.00 B361 Pineapple UpsideDown Cake - gold/green M 12.00 M 20.00 Mi/S 18.00 B961 Miss Ruby - green; red petioles and red into leaf S 18.00 C129 Pineapple Zest - light gold, narrow, wavy leaves C219 Pin-up Girl - green/ 5/8" wide gold margin. Heavily corrugated L 20.00 B563 Miss Saigon - green/white M-L 18.00 L 15.00 B937 Miss Susie - yellow leaves with bright red petioles S-M 20.00 606 Pizzazz - blue/white C179 plantaginea 'Doubled Up' - tet plantaginea, thicker leaf, wider flower L 25.00 B754 Miss Tokyo - green/white L 18.00 B236 plantaginea 'Ming Treasure' - green/white, frag white flwr L 18.00 B531 Mississppi Delta - blue-green L 15.00 B493 Mistress Mabel - green/white M-L 18.00 M 20.00 M 29.50 X ✿ ✿ 573 Platinum Tiara - gold/white C143 Pocketful of Sunshine - wider edged 'Rainforest Sunrise' 332 Polly Mae - green lance shaped leaves. White flowers. B789 Popcorn - white/blue-green, cupped 141 montana - green ExL 8.00 138 montana 'Aureomarginata' - green/gold EL 15.00 B239 montana macrophylla - green EL 13.50 B673 Moon Lily - gold M 12.00 B225 Moon River - blue-green/white S 10.00 ✿ B468 Prairie Angel - blue-green Fragrant white flowers,arching stems B274 Moonlight Sonata - blue-green 515 Moonshine os - gold/wide green margin M 8.00 L 10.00 L 22.00 B640 Morning Angel OS - green, rippled, shiny, fragrant M 22.00 B755 Mourning Dove - blue/yellow B953 Mouse Trap - white/blue-green; 'Blue Mouse Ears' sport L 18.00 Mini 20.00 S 13.50 C149 Mr. Blue - blue lves; deep reddish-purple petioles,color into leaf. S 20.00 C259 Munchkin Fire - bright-yellow, narrow leaves, color holds Mini B698 My Marianne - light-green/white M B884 Mystic Star - gray-green/white S 19.00 23 nakaiana - green B861 Nancy - gold S 5.00 19 Nakaimo - green M 6.00 L 18.00 S 8.50 C150 Neptune PP19674 - blue wedge-shaped leaves are rippled. L 17.00 B279 Niagara Falls - green, piecrust edge L 15.00 B272 Night Before Christmas - white/green M 12.00 878 Mr. Asami Improved - green/white √ 101 Pale Gold - light yellow early, turns green Mini 614 Moonlight - gold/white ✿ √ C128 Mini Skirt - wavy, thick, blue-green/creamy; edge lightens C246 Monkey Business - green/yellowish margins, red stems ❂ 13.50 B590 One Man’s Treasure - green, reddish petioles 192 Marquis - green, bicolor flower 600 On Stage - yellow/gold 7.00 L 15.00 537 Mogul - bright-green, cupped, corrugated √ B314 Olive Bailey Langdon - blue-green/gold S 16.50 B986 Millenium - dark-blue, round, heavy substance. Near white flowersLlate June.18.00 ✿ 62 Olga's Shiny Leaf - green M C242 Milkmaid - bright green, white & pale Yel streaks & specks ✿ X M 826 Mildred Seaver - green/white √ X 127 North Hills - green/white C260 One Last Dance - green/yellow, sport of 'Dancing Queen' 446 Midas Touch - gold X 335 nigrescens - blue-gray B158 Northern Exposure - blue-green/white C241 longipes var. hypoglauca - green, white back, red petiole ❂ B850 Nightlife - bluish-green to dark-green M 349 longipes - semi-glossy green leaves, Lav. Flowers late season √ Mi/S B578 Nancy Gil - green, upright 850 Neat Splash Rim - green/white S-M 823 Popo - blue S 7.00 8.50 S-M 22.00 S 13.00 S 18.00 Mini 10.00 C145 Pot of Gold - narrow, glossy gold leaves. 'Rainbow's End' sport. Pinkish S lavender 20.00 blooms. X B459 Potomac Pride - green, shiny B971 Powder Blue - powder blue; heavy corrugation & substance L 12.00 L 20.00 S 20.00 L 11.00 ❂ B460 Prairie Magic - green/gold ❂ C151 Prairie Moon - distinct yellow; holds color. White backs. red fleckedMpetioles.16.00 B864 Prairie Sky PP#17309 - soft, powdery-blue M 18.00 √ ❂ ❂ C196 Prairie Sunset - bright gold center/dark green margin C243 Prairie's Edge PPAF - br yellow/dk green, 'Prairie Fire' sport L 24.00 M 20.00 B558 Praying Hands - green/yellow M 15.00 S 7.00 S 25.50 20.00 B689 Punky - yellow/blue-green B947 Pure Heart - yellow to white/dark green; reverse 'Mighty Mouse' Mini 18.00 15.00 B975 Purple Haze - blue leaves, purple petioles(Purple into veins) S-M 20.00 M 10.00 B213 Queen Josephine - green/white M 12.00 B781 Queen of the Seas - blue, piecrust edge L 16.00 B461 Quilting Bee - dark green, corrugated S 12.00 B140 Radiant Edger - green/gold B954 Rainbow's End - yellow to white/dark-green; 'Obsession' sport S-M 10.50 Small 18.00 B563 Rainforest Sunrise - gold/green S-M 18.00 M/L 10.00 L 22.00 18.50 ❂ 564 Princess of Karafuto - green/white 363 Purple Ladyfinger - narrow green leaves, closed purple flwers 848 Raleigh Remembrance - greenish-gold C152 Rare Breed - bicolor. Cream to white margins, green edge. X √ B195 Raspberry Sorbet - green, reddish scapes S 10.00 C256 Raspberry Sundae S 20.00 801 rectifolia 'Chionea' - green/white B636 Skyrocket - gold, vase shaped M 16.00 18.00 B808 Sleeping Beauty - blue-green/white M 18.00 B811 Red Hot Flash - green/dark-green, purple flowers S 18.00 B462 Red Neck Heaven - green, ribbed edge S-M 12.00 B351 Slick Willie - green, shiny, good flowers B988 Slim and Trim - med blue leaves, lav. flowers late summer M Mi/S 12.00 20.00 B414 Red October - green, red petioles C245 Small Parts - dk green, looks like mini 'Devon Green' Mini 14.00 C175 Smash Hit - 'Orange Marmalade' sport, wider margin, thicker M 20.00 C227 Smoke Signals - intense light blue, Upright, holds color B851 Smooth Sailing - gold/green C247 Snake Eyes - grn/lt grn, Striptease sport, wider white line around center M 18.00 L 22.00 M 25.50 S 6.00 104 Snowflakes - green, white flowers M 7.00 M 15.00 615 Regal Splendor - blue/white L B958 Regal Supreme PP19818- frosty blue/crmy yellow, 'Krossa Regal'sport L 12.00 20.00 C155 Regal Tot - green changes to golden, slightly cupped Mini 18.00 B462 Remember Me - white/blue-green M 16.50 B426 Reptillian - blue-green, piecrust edge B865 Restless Sea - green, rippled edges M 12.00 ✿❂ ✿❂ X √ ✿ √ √ 60 Snow Mound - green, white flowers X 18.50 24.00 ✿ 602 So Sweet - green/white, fragrant white flowers M 9.00 B580 Rhythm and Blues - blue-green 16.00 190 Soft Touch - green, satiny flat leaves, purple flowers M 25.00 863 Solar Flare - gold EXL 20.00 313 Sombrero -large, recurved, blue-green,w/white frag flwr L/EXL 20.00 194 Rim Rock - dark green, profusion of purple flowers, seersucker S S 8.00 S 18.00 L 22.00 B595 Risky Business - white/green M 18.00 B138 Robert Frost - blue-green/white L 13.50 B999 Rock and Roll - cupped blue-green, variant of 'Love Pat' L 22.00 B795 Rock Island Line - green/white Mini 18.00 B333 Rock Princess - green S 9.00 C104 Rocket's Red Glare - green, red petioles, into leaf L 296 Rocky Road - dark-green, heavily pebbled, lavender flowers 282 Rippling Rhythm - green, rippled piecrust edge ✿ B996 Sparkle - green and white streaked leaves; maroon-red petioles; good S substance. 50.00 Purple flowers on r C183 Sparkler - white center/wide green edge w /jetting,'Fireworks' sport S 18.00 339 Sparkling Burgundy - green, shiny, reddish scapes S C171 Spartacus - Green/gold, rippled and serrated, Sea Gulf Stream sport L 10.00 S/M 45.00 22.00 C222 Splendid Sarah - green/white. Heavily corrugated foliage. M 21.00 M 16.00 B559 Spring Fling - green/white M 15.00 119 Rohdeifolia - green/white S 7.00 M 10.00 800 Rosebud - blue-green, rose-pink flowers L 18.00 B597 St. Paul - gold/blue-green M 18.00 M 15.00 B467 Stained Glass - gold/green M/L 16.50 386 Rotunda - blue-green, cupped, capitata type flowers L 20.00 476 Roundabout OS - blue-green, round leaves, heavy texture S-M 15.00 482 Royal Flush - green/gold, maple pattern 18 Royal Standard - green, shiny, white fragrant flowers 843 Royal Super - green/white, white fragrant flowers B397 Royal Tiara - white/green C261 Royal Wedding - green/creamy-white, sport of 'Diana Remembered' 9.00 L 15.00 L 5.00 M 10.00 S 16.50 S 21.00 M 16.00 C201 Ruby - '14 Savory Intro - narrow green, red petioles and scapes S 35.00 C169 Ruffled Mouse Ears - blue-green to dk-green, rippled edges Mini 16.00 75 Ruffles - green, ruffled B633 Russ O'Harra - green, white flowers L X 601 Spritzer - cream/green - Sold Out ✿ C157 Stephen King - small green leaf,dark-red petioles. Purple flowers inMmidsummer. 22.00 B102 Stiletto - green/white B732 Straight Flush - all gold sport of 'Royal Flush' 2010 INTRO √ X C248 Strawberry Surprise - Bl Grn/Yel, red burg. flower scapes ✿❂ ✿ ❂ 9.00 EXL 25.00 L 15.00 C204 Sahara Nights - blue-green to green; upright; heavy ripples. S 22.00 B306 Saint Elmo's Fire - bright yellow/white, greener later M 15.00 B260 Salute - blue, upright+D368 M 10.00 L 15.00 B885 Sandhill Crane - green/yellow to creamy-white B972 Sara's Sensation - blue-green/gold; heavy corrugation & substance S-M 20.00 L 25.00 B373 Satisfaction - green/gold L 16.50 B933 Scarlet Ribbons - green/creamy yellow to white margin S/M 20.00 B187 Scooter - green/white S B352 Sea Beacon - green/white 485 Sagae - blue-green/yellow ❂ ❂ 10.00 L 22.00 M 18.00 C130 Strawberry Yogurt - shiny green leaves with red spotted petioles. Mini 19.00 B231 Striptease - white/green M/L 15.00 532 Sugar and Cream - green/white B852 Sugar and Spice - green/gold L 8.00 L 18.00 B591 Sugar Daddy - blue/white L 21.00 EXL 13.50 B921 Sum and Subtle - gold/chartreuse-med green L 20.00 B363 Summer Breeze - green/gold L 16.00 B550 Summer Serenade - gold/green L 18.00 550 Sun Power - gold L 10.50 572 Sundance - green/gold M 458 Sum and Substance - gold 8.00 Mini 15.00 B881 Sunlight Cinderella - gold/dark-green L 26.00 L 13.50 B392 Sunny Delight - gold M/L 12.00 C262 Sunny Mouse - bright yellow, holds color well into summer Mini 20.00 B889 Sunny Tiara - gold sport of 'Golden Tiara' S 15.00 C255 Sunset Grooves S-M 20.00 10.00 B384 Sunshine Glory - gold/white L 15.00 L 13.00 S/M B465 Sea Hero - blue-green, cupped L 15.00 58 Susy - green B973 Swamp Thing - dark-green/gold; M 24.00 B258 Sea Sapphire - blue-green M 13.50 10.00 L 20.00 B344 Sweet Home Chicago - gold/green B866 Sweet Innocence - apple-green/white M B938 Seducer - dark green/gold, trace of white between M 18.00 161 See Saw - green/white S 6.00 847 September Sun - gold/green L 12.00 881 Serendipity - blue-green S-M 448 Shade Fanfare - green/white M B800 Shade Parade - greenish-yellow/white 24 Sharmon - green & chartreuse variegated Mini ❂ 102 Sunlight Sister - gold ✿ √ √ ❂ ✿ ✿ ✿ 64 Sweet Susan - green L 8.00 8.00 B235 Sweetie - lime-green/white M/L 12.00 7.00 B469 Swirling Hearts - green M/L 12.00 8.00 B602 T Rex (Tom Rex) - green, large EL 19.00 B238 takahashii - green, species M 15.00 18.00 M 6.00 L B386 Sherborne Swan - blue L 12.00 8.00 S 12.00 12.00 B612 Teaspoon - green, somewhat cupped,rounded,pebbled B880 Teatime - Medium - bluish-green/gold B387 Sherborne Swift - blue-green 599 Shining Tot - , shiny, dark-green M Mini M 20.00 10.00 B229 Temple Bells - green, purple flowers S B316 Shiny Penny - gold Mini 12.00 B196 Tenryu - blue-green, vase shaped ExL 10.00 B350 Shirley Vaughn - green/white EXL 12.00 M 35.00 B288 Showboat - green/white M/L 12.00 L 20.00 122 sieboldiana 'Elegans' - blue/gray 506 Tall Boy - green, tall scapes C224 The General - med. Green, deeply veined and corrugated B974 The King - blue-green/gold to creamy-white; 8.50 76 sieboldii - green/white S 5.00 70 sieboldii 'Alba' - green S 5.00 B466 Silk Kimono - green/white L 16.00 C131 Tidewater - Large - long and fairly narrow, powdery-blue leaves L 18.00 M 16.00 C109 Tiny Bubbles - bright yellow lvs. Orchid flowers stay closed Mi/S 18.00 S 17.00 B404 Titanic - green/gold - sold out ExL 18.00 M 8.00 137 Tokudama Aureonebulosa - gold/blue, cupped M 16.50 M 16.00 484 Tokudama Flavocircinalis - blue-green/gold, cupped M 15.00 L 18.50 S 22.00 Mini 16.00 497 Silver Creek Sunshine - bright-yellow spring, very rippled 289 Silver Lance - green/white B869 Silver Lode - greenish-white/green X 114 The Twister OS - green narrow and twisted, purple flowers 8.00 L B782 Silver Bay - blue B471 Thunderbolt - white/blue-green S 7.00 M 16.00 C135 Tickle Me Pink - leaves emerge chartreuse-yellow with red tips on red S petioles. 20.00 Some red across the X X C121 Silver Mine - wavy green leaves with white misting. Purple flowersMi/S in midsummer. 25.00 Sdlng of B993 'Outhouse Tonoko Delight'. Tachi - medium green, white underside, Japan native B934 Silver Mist - blue-green, thick bloom on back of leaf M/L 22.00 C207 Tootie Mae - blue-green center/ 1" gold margin.Tok Flavo sport √ S B713 Sunlight Child - yellow 457 Samurai - blue-green X 20.00 B905 Spiked Punch - PP18318 - green & cream-yell streaks -limited S 177 Special Gift - green 10.00 M C164 Rubies and Ruffles - green/cream-white, red scapes & stems X √ S-M B919 Rhino Hide ppaf - light green/blue,heavy substance,cupped &puckeredL B690 Royal Charm - green 20.00 S-M B583 Rosedale Spoons - green, cupped 8.00 18.00 B901 Red Alert - green/creamy-yellow w/red petioles B981 Ripple Effect - yellow/narrow blue-green, lanced&rippled lvs S C244 Sizzle - NOT YET AVAIABLE yellow/grn, long narrow lvs with tight ripples Mini B955 Sky Dancer - gray-blue; upright, pycnophylla hybrid M 802 tortifrons - glossy, dark-green, twisted B828 Silver Shadows - shiny, dark-green lvs with silvery white edge B945 Silver Star ('Ginbuchi Tachi')- green/white, upright S-M 14.00 M 22.50 B552 Touch of Class - gold/blue M 18.00 B871 Silver Threads and Golden Needles - gold, green marks Mini 16.00 B544 Toy Soldier - blue-green/white S 12.00 B987 Simply Sharon - 2 tone yellow center with gray border M/L 24.00 B472 Tranquility - blue-green/gold L 15.00 B807 Singing in the Rain - blue-green/gold L 20.00 C132 Tropical Dancer - green/white to cream wh, heavy rippling L 18.00 L 12.00 C101 Wheee! PPAF - green/cream, very ruffled margin M 18.00 Mini 17.00 B582 Whirling Dervish - green/white L 16.00 B310 Twilight - green/gold M 12.00 B340 Twisted Sister - green, cupped L 16.50 C116 Ulysses S. Grant - blue-green, corrugated & rippled, vase shape B805 Whiskey Sour - gold EL S 20.00 16.00 B572 Ultramarine - blue 450 True Blue - blue, pebbled B784 Turtle Dove - green, shiny. Showy, hoop skirt lavender flowers X 12.00 M 5.00 72 Undulata - white/green M 5.00 L 15.00 74 Undulata Erromena - green M 5.00 B773 Winfield Mist - misted blue-green,white/blue-green M 20.00 11 Undulata Unitalis - white/green M 6.00 B585 Winsome - green/white Mini 16.00 71 Undulata Univittata - white/green M 5.00 EL 20.00 M 6.00 B498 Winter Snow - yellow/white B965 Winter Warrior - dark green/white M 18.00 146 Undulata, special form - white/green ❂ M-L 18.00 S 19.00 B676 Wintergreen - green/white M 16.00 C153 Wishing Well PPAF- blue, thick, cupped, corrugated & slightly wavy. Can L take some 24.00sun. Near white flow B220 Van Wade - green/yellow B638 Van Wade Blue - blue M L 10.00 15.00 B343 Wolverine - blue/gold S 9.00 B421 Venetian Blue - blue M 12.00 C196 Venetian Star - rich blue, heavily rippled, red-purp petiole L 19.00 80 ventricosa - green L 5.00 42 ventricosa 'Aureomaculata' - green/gold, viridescent L L 353 ventricosa 'Aureomarginata' - green,white 89 venusta - green X 83 Willy Nilly - blue/green B776 Unforgettable - green/gold B856 Urajiro Hyuga (Hyuga Urajiro)(Japan NR) - frosty-blue, streaked 593 Vanilla Cream - light-yellow ❂ C212 White Elephant -white centered with a narrow dark margin. A sportLof 'White22.00 Christms', much like 'Ni 487 Wide Brim - green/white L 8.00 M 41 Undulata Albomarginata - green/white 25 Wogon - gold S 7.00 M 12.00 C133 Woodland Elf -green center with white margins. Wavy and cupped. Mini Lavender 20.00 flowers in midsummer X √ X B686 Woolly Mammoth - blue-green/gold L 18.00 C249 Woop Woop -creamy white/green, Pathfinder sport,twisted B842 World Cup - gold, cupped M 22.50 L 18.00 10.00 B887 Worldly Treasure - green L 15.00 12.00 B475 Wylde Green Cream - gold/green L 15.00 B677 Xanadu - yellow/green S 16.00 281 Yellow Emperor OS - bright-yellow with ruffled edges L 20.00 C250 Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - grn/Yel, white around center S 22.00 L 14.00 Mini 6.00 B639 Verna Jean - green/white S-M 10.00 B261 Veronica Lake - blue-green/white S 10.00 B614 Victory - - green/white EL 18.00 B474 Vim and Vigor - green ExL 16.50 B758 Yesterday's Memories - gold/green L 16.00 B964 Vulcan - creamy-white/dark-green; good growth M-L 20.00 B997 Volcano Island - white to yellow/green, tet 'Paradise Island' C223 Waiting in Vein - bright gold foliage, deeply veined; ripples S M 22.00 B801 Yin - green/white B429 Zippity Do Dah - green/white S M 16.00 15.00 B576 Zodiac - chartreuse/creamy-yellow L 15.00 B762 War Paint - yellow/green, piecrust, viridescent M-L 23.00 451 Zounds - gold L 12.00 B812 War Party - blue-green, vase shaped B541 Warwick Curtsey - blue-green/yellow L S 22.00 10.00 113 Zager's White Edge - green with bright white border M 15.00 M 18.00 B209 Waving Wuffles - green, rippled L 10.50 M 15.00 L 19.50 √ 835 Yellow River - green/yellow ❂ 22.00 √ X C251 Zitronenfalter - br gold, turns green later, gd substance 883 Zuzu's Petals - green with a wide yellow margin 432 SIZES = 433 Mini Under 6" Mini/Small 6-10" Small 10-15" Medium 15-18" Large 18-24" Extra Large 24-36"+ Savory's Gardens, Inc. New Plants For 2016 √ C230 Angel Falls PPAF - White center with wide green edge. Reverse Variegation of 'Bridal Falls' (A variegated sport of 'Niagara Falls'). Becomes a rounded mound of cascading green leaves with white centers and pie-crust margins. Center goes from greenish to white. Light lavender flowers. √ √ √ C200 Arch Duke - very large gray-green leaves with white backs. Makes an extra large cascading mound. ExL C232 Beyond Glory - A sport of 'Old Glory' with a wider dark-green margin which measure 3" or more. Pale lavender flowers. C234 Coast to Coast PPAF - A giant solid gold hosta. Emerges chartreuse-yellow, then turns lighter gold in the summer. Thick, puckered, wavy leaves. M 19.50 ExL 20.00 √ √ √ √ √ C235 Cup of Joy - Golden yellow with a flat margin. Dull on top and bottom of leaf. Deeply cupped and corrugated. Flowers are near white. S 29.00 C236 Final Victory - Tetraploid form of 'Victory' with a thicker leaf and a wider yellow border. Not as big as the parent ExL 29.00 C237 Firn Line - Thick blue leaves with a very wide yellow border that turns to white. A 'First Frost' sport. M 20.00 C138 Hands Up - True tetraploid of 'Praying Hands'. Very thick leaves that stay smaller than parent and have a creamy-white margin. S 22.00 L 22.00 √ √ √ C240 Kingsize - An 'Empress Wu' sport with shiny green leaves. Faster growing ExL 22.00 C238 Kiwi Blue Baby -round and deeply cupped, frosty blue leaves with heavily impressed veins and good substance S 16.00 S 16.00 √ √ C241 longipes var. hypoglauca - An unusual species with pointed blue leaves on reddish-purple petioles and white backs. Dark lav flowers in the fall. Mi/S 22.00 S 34.50 Forms an upright, vase-shaped clump. Pale lavender flowers. 25 C239 Hans - Glaucous blue-green with corrugated, puckered, and rounded leaves with a wide feathery white center with green jetting between the center and margin. A vigorous sport of 'Andrew' with green streaks in late summer. Pale lavender flowers. C252 Lakeside Banana Bay - Small, A sport of L. 'Meter Maid'. Round,shiny, very broad leaves with bright yellow centers and apple-green centers. Light lavender flowers in midsummer. C242 Milkmaid - Leaves are thick and bright medium green with pale green,creamy-white, and pale yellow streaks and speckling. Leaves have a nice sheen on both sides. Upright clump. Small, dark lavender flowers. √ √ X √ √ C246 Monkey Business - New sport of 'Funky Monkey'. Green center with yellowish margin. Red petioles. Good substance. C243 Prairie's Edge PPAF - A 'Prairie Fire' sport with a brilliant yellow center and dark green margins. Yellow center holds well into fall. Lavender flowers. M 29.50 M 20.00 C244 Sizzle -Very Long, narrow, yellow leaves with tight ripples that run from the base of the petiole to the leaf tip. A striking green border. Lav .flwrs C245 Small Parts - Dainty dark green leaves. Clumps up fast. Looks like a mini 'Devon Green' Mini Mini 20.00 14.00 M 18.00 √ √ C247 Snake Eyes - A sport of 'Striptease' with a more prominent white line between the colors. Lavender flowers. M 25.50 M 18.00 X C249 Woop Woop -Thick green leaves that have a creamy-white centers that run from the tip of the leaf to the base of the petiole. A 'Pathfinder' M 22.50 √ C250 Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - sport of 'Striptease' with a bright yellow margin that turns apple green. The leaf center is dark green with the typical white lightning streak between the colors. Lavender flowers in midsummer. C251 Zitronenfalter - Bright golden leaves in the spring, turning green later. Good substance, one of the nicest introductions of Heinz Klose. Pale S 22.00 √ M 18.00 C227 Smoke Signals - An outstanding blue. A symmetrical clum that holds intensely blue leaves in an upright manner. Somewhat folded leaves. Holds color well. Lavender flowers. C248 Strawberry Surprise - Large blue-green leaves with a wide, irregular yellow margin. The margin changes to cream. The flowers scapes are burgundy red with lavender flowers. sport' named after an Australian wine. Lavender flowers in midsummer. lavender flowers. Size Category Miniature Mini-Small Small Medium Large Extra Large Height Under 6" 6 to 10" 10 to 15” 15 to 18” 18 to 24” 24 to 36"+ Gift Certificates Are Available ($35.00 Minimum) GARDEN STORE HOURS FOR 2016 MAY 1ST - JUNE 12TH WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY : 9 AM - 5 PM SUNDAY : NOON TO 4PM ; CLOSED MONDAYS & TUESDAYS JUNE 13TH - SEPT. 30TH WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY : 9 AM - 5 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS, MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, AND HOLIDAYS TOURS BY APPOINTMENT OCTOBER 1ST - 31ST OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MAY 28TH 10AM - 4PM MAY 29TH 12AM - 4PM DOOR PRIZES AND REFRESHMENTS VISIT DISPLAY GARDENS (Open Starting MAY 28TH) SHIPPING AND HANDLING: $12.95 Plus $1.00 for each plant over 8 Orders will be shipped USPS Priority FOR MINNESOTA RESIDENTS: Add 6.875% MN sales tax Terms: Include payment with order. Minimum order is $35.00 We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Credit card orders are billed when received to reserve plants. SPRING SHIPPING - Late April through early June FALL SHIPPING - September through early October GUARANTEE: All plants are from Minnesota inspected stock, are of the highest quality, and are guaranteed to be true to name. We cannot be responsible for plants lost by causes beyond our control. We are unable to assume any warranty as to productiveness or life after transplanting. All claims must be made within 5 days after receiving shipment. Bare Root Orders to be picked up at the store should be placed ahead of time. FULL CATALOG AND LIST AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE AT WWW.SAVORYSGARDENS.COM Lists are available at the garden store.