Integrated End of Life Services Business Case Mark Eaton January 2016 INTEGRATED END OF LIFE SERVICES BUSINESS CASE 25 February 2016 FULL BUSINESS CASE (FBC) NOTE 1: This template should be used for all business cases that exceed £250k for the total lifetime investment including any recurrent spend that arises from it or where the programme is <£250k but has a duration longer than 24 months. NOTE 2: Proposals submitted without measurable KPIs and the appropriate spend and activity profile information will be rejected. It is not sufficient to detail the expected money requested from the CCG and fail to provide measurable and tangible KPIs. NOTE 3: Funding is not approved until you have submitted a fully completed document and the CCG sends you back the document with the DECISION SUMMARY section fully completed following approval by the appropriate CCG Committee. It is important that you comply with the funding criteria and progress reporting notes within the DECISION SUMMARY. Failing to comply may lead to payments being stopped or refused and further lack of compliance may lead to the programme being terminated. NOTE 4: Projects that do not start within 3 months of the date stated in the DECISION SUMMARY will be deemed to have terminated and you will be required to request the funding again. NOTE 5: Funding will only be paid on submission of the appropriate evidence of the delivery of the agreed KPIs and evidence of the programme spend occurring to the expected spend profile. NOTE 6: Variations to the agreed business case will need to be provided in writing by the CCG before any changes are accepted. Page 2 of 13 1.0 Background information In 2012 Hillingdon CCG, along with partners participating in the Hillingdon End of Life Forum which includes representatives from the London Borough of Hillingdon (LBH), produced an End of Life Strategy covering the period to 31st March 2016. The CCG along with partners is producing a new three year strategy covering the period from 1 st April 2017 to 31st March 2020 to replace the previous strategy and has been undertaking work in preparation for the new strategy throughout 2015/16. Part of this work has involved mapping existing services across health and social care as well as services that are available to self-funders and the third/voluntary and charitable sector. The mapping work identified that the main services delivered to support End of Life Care can be broken into the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hospital Services & Beds Community Nursing (and Therapy) Services & Community Beds Primary Care Services delivered mainly by GPs Non-Hospital/Community Based Beds (including Hospices and Care Homes) Voluntary, Charitable and/or Third Sector Supporting Services This Business Case is concerned with the elements of End of Life Care (EoLC) that are commissioned by Hillingdon CCG that are not related to either of the following: Nursing/Therapy Services delivered as part of the CCG’s main Community Contract delivered by CNWL Hospital based services delivered by THH or any other acute provider For this Business Case the services covered are the: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hillingdon Night Sitting Service (HNSS) Hillingdon Bereavement Service (HBS) Hillingdon Lymphoedema Service (HLS) Hayes Cottage Enhanced Support Beds The CCG’s new End of Life Strategy (2016-2020) will be aligned to the National End of Life Ambitions and the services that the CCG commissions may change based on the new End of Life Strategy (2017-2020). 1.1 Project Team PROPOSED CRO Dr Kuldhir Johal PROPOSED SRO Jason Nash FINANCE LEAD QUALITY LEAD PPE LEAD CCG CLINICAL CHAMPION CCG MANAGEMENT CHAMPION OTHERS 1.2 Chris Perera Claire Lamb Diana Garanito N/a N/a N/a Project Approval Milestones OD SEMINAR October 2015 Page 3 of 13 PMO QSCR COMMITTEE F&Q COMMITTEE PPIE COMMITTEE GOVERNING BODY PROCUREMENT PANEL OTHER APPROVALS 2.0 January 2016 February 2016 February 2016 February 2016 March 2016 N/a N/a Purpose The CCG currently commissions a mix of services which have lacked clear definition and KPIs and which have been dissipated across a range of small sized contracts. This Business Case is concerned with consolidating these into two contracts, realigning KPIs and making proposed changes to the finances associated with the contracts. 3.0 Objectives The objectives of this work are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To reduce unplanned attendances for patients approaching the End of Life. To ensure that funding is appropriately provided to services to enable them to achieve the objective above. To consolidate the current mix of contracts into two contracts. To improve the service definition and key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with the contracts. To prepare the CCG for the longer term solution that will be put in place from March 2017 onwards. 4.0 Options Appraisal Your analysis must consider at least three options which must include a Do Nothing option and at least two other viable options. 4.1 Option 1: No Change (Mandatory) The Do Nothing option in this case consists of allowing the current services (which are operating without defined KPIs and with a Contract Tender Waiver) to lapse and to not continue the services. The net effect of eliminating these services would be as follows: Service Area Hayes Cottage Beds Hillingdon Night Sitting Service Description The 10 beds at Hayes Cottage currently cost the CCG £392,604 per year. Assuming 80% means that they support 2,920 patient bed days as a minimum. During 15/16 this service will provide support to around 130 patients for a total of some 1,200 nights for a total cost of £157,987 from Harlington Hospice and £15k from Marie Curie (who are no longer providing support). Page 4 of 13 Net Financial Impact of Termination At £250/bed day in an acute setting this would cost the CCG £730,000, a net increase of £337,396. Extrapolating from the Midhurst Model we can predict that we would incur an additional 300 hospital -based bed days (300 x £250 = £75,000) and approximately 26 unplanned admissions (26 x £1700 = £44,200). Therefore stopping this service would see a net financial gain to the CCG of ~£53,787k but at the Hillingdon Bereavement Service Hillingdon Lymphoedema Service expense of a significantly worse experience for patients and carers. Currently this service only covers the South This service is concerned with patient, family of the Borough at a total cost of £14,003 for and carer experience. Whilst ceasing this 15/16. service would have a net financial gain of £14,003 it would immeasurably affect the lives of the patients, families and carers affected. Currently this has an RTT of around 2.5 It is reasonable to expect that the costs months and costs £42,010 per year. The incurred would be transferred elsewhere in service reduces the pain and suffering of the health economy (through GPs, hospital post-operative breast cancer patients. admissions and pain medication) and therefore it would be cost neutral to the CCG of terminating this service. Gross Financial Impact of ‘Do Nothing’ £877,207 Costs of Existing Services £621,604 Net Financial Impact of ‘Do Nothing’ Increase in CCG costs of £255,603 Therefore the ‘Do Nothing’ option would increase the CCG’s costs by ~£255k. Given the above, Option 1 is not recommended. 4.2 Option 2: Continue Existing Services without Change The second option the CCG could consider is to continue the services as they stand without changes to the specification or the amounts paid. The cost of existing services would therefore remain £578,617 for 16/17 (the same as 15/16 without adjustment). The risks and issues that would arise through this arrangement would be as follows: 1. It is likely that Hayes Cottage would terminate their contract with the CCG as it is uneconomic to them to continue given the increase in staffing costs associated with the minimum wage changes. At present the CCG does not have any other option with regard to these Enhanced Beds especially given the complex package of support that surrounds each bed provided by a mix of specialists from CNWL and THH. 2. We would continue to operate fragmented services spread across four contracts with poor definition of the service and no key performance indicators. 3. We would be at risk of the Harlington Hospice Night-Sitting Service continuing to be used for inappropriate patients and/or extended periods of support that are inappropriate. We are also at risk of Harlington Hospice refusing to provide care to eligible patients where activity exceeds the limits set currently. 4. The Bereavement Service would continue to not be available to people located in the North of the Borough. Whilst the savings associated with Option 2 compared to Option 1 would realize savings of £255k for the CCG, given the above risks Option 2 is not recommended. 4.3 Option 3: Continue Existing Services with Changes The third option the CCG could consider is to continue with the existing services and service providers but to introduce changes to the specifications and funding to reduce the risks and issues that arise via Option 2 from materializing. The changes proposed are summarised as: Page 5 of 13 1. Continue the contracts with Harlington Hospice and Hayes Cottage on a Tender Waiver for 2016/17 to allow time for the finalization of the new End of Life Strategy and to allow time to prepare for a procurement. 2. Consolidate the three Harlington Hospice services (Night-sitting, Bereavement and Lymphoedema) into one service specification and contract with improved service definition and KPIs. 3. Refresh the Hayes Cottage service specification and improve the service definition and KPIs. 4. Realign activity and costs for each service as shown in the table below: Service Area Hayes Cottage Beds Hillingdon Night Sitting Service Proposed Service Changes Support improvements in service definition for GP Provided services to assist Hayes Cottage to manage costs. Introduce Night-Sitting Support to reduce unplanned admissions. Increase costs to accommodate the staffing cost increases experienced by Hayes Cottage. Change to a core contract of 780 nights at £187.50 per night with a marginal rate of £150/night for anything in excess up to 275 nights. Provide HH with the ability to reject clients where appropriate and also to better define their service offer and cap activity at 28 nights. Introduce 100 nights of support to Hayes Cottage at £150/night to reduce patients who need to be admitted to hospital. Financial Impact Increase annual costs from £392,604 to £415,992 (5.9%) as per the breakdown in Appendix 1. Total for 16/17: £415,992 Maximum Increase from 15/16: £23,388 NOTE: Subject to approval to proceed it is proposed that the CCG negotiate with Hayes Cottage to reduce the proposed increase. It is felt that £410k would be the upper limit in reality. £146,250 (Core Contract) £41,250 (Cap on Marginal Rate) £15,000 (New Hayes Cottage Support) Total for 16/17: £202,500 Maximum Increase from 15/16: £29,513 The savings associated with this service would then be: 300 x Bed Days for existing service @£250/day = £75,000 26 x NEL Admission @ £1700 = £44,200 20 x NEL Admission from Hayes Cottage @£1700 = £34,000 Total Savings for 16/17: £153,200 Hillingdon Bereavement Service Hillingdon Lymphoedema Service Expand service to cover the North of Hillingdon and increase activity from 650 sessions in 15/16 to 1,300 sessions in 16/17. Current service has average time from referral to treatment of 2.5 months which means that patients are in pain and have swelling for an extended time period and may therefore utilise other services. Proposal to reduce RTT to maximum of 2 months with average of 1 month. Page 6 of 13 Net QIPP Gain (of Loss): -£49,500 but with improved outcomes/experience for patients/carers. Increase in funding from £14,003 to £26,000 for 16/17. Total for 16/17: £26,000 Maximum Increase from 15/16: £11,997 This service is not concerned with QIPP. Increase in funding from £42,010 to £50,000 for 16/17. Total for 16/17: £50,000 Maximum Increase from 15/16: £7,990 This service is not concerned with QIPP. The total proposed costs under Option 3 would therefore be £694,492. This is an increase of £72,888 compared to Option 2. Comparing Option 3 with Option 2 and 1 has been summarised below: Option 2 Option 3 Services without Changes Services with Changes Gross Costs £621,604 £694,492 Gross Savings v Option 1 £877,207 £877,207 + £34,000(Hayes Cottage) = £911,207 Net Savings v Option 1 £255,603 £216,715 Option 2 therefore generates a greater net saving compared to Option 1 but with significantly increased risk associated with Hayes Cottage and the perpetuation of poorly defined services with no KPIs. Option 3 represents an increase in cost of £72,888 to the CCG over Option 2 but protects the CCG from risks associated with Hayes Cottage, improves the equality of access associated with the services covered, improves the scope, definition and measurability of the service and lastly, but most importantly, improves the service quality and experience for patients, carers and families. In reality, as Option 1 is not viable and there is therefore no Net QIPP Associated with either Option 2 or 3. Given all of the points above, Option 3 is the preferred option. 4.4 Option 4: Procurement of New Services A final option for the CCG to consider is to procure the services. As the CCG is finalizing a new End of Life Strategy covering the period from 2017-2020 and following the mapping exercise undertaken it is proposed to hold off on procurement until the following have occurred: 1. The strategy has been agreed and published. 2. It is clear what services will be needed that arise from the mapping and other work required to produce the strategy. 3. The current services have been better defined and tangible KPIs put in place. The CCG will not be in a position to answer points 1 and 2 until the middle of 2016 whilst the 3rd point will be addressed via the adoption of Option 3. As such, it is proposed that a procurement be undertaken for 2017/18 of the services starting in October 2016 and that the existing services are extended under a Contract Tender Waiver for 2016/17 to allow time for the CCG to prepare for the procurement. 4.5 Preferred Option The preferred option for 2016/17 is Option 3. The preferred option for 2017/18 is Option 4. 4.7 Implementing The Preferred Option The implementation of the preferred option for 2016/17 (Option 3) will consist of the following steps: 1. Agree the new service specification for all services with the providers and also with the CCG’s QSCR Committee in February 2016. 2. Agree the finance package and tender waiver with the CCG’s F&Q Committee in February 2016. Page 7 of 13 3. Agree the service changes, finances and tender waiver with the CCG’s GB in March 2016. 4. Agree a contract with Harlington Hospice and another with Hayes Cottage in March 2016. 5. Commence services and performance monitoring from April 2016 onwards. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the preferred option involves procurement then the Conflict of Interest policy will need to be reviewed and appropriate actions taken 5.0 Benefits Describe the tangible benefits arising from the option selected. This must include measureable targets and impact. It is not acceptable simply to state “Unknown”, leave blank or enter “TBD” in this section. Area Measureable Impact Description £, Activity and/or % Change from Baseline Quality 1. 2. 3. 4. Safety Performance Hayes Cottage Night Sitting Bereavement Lymphoedema KPIs introduced for all services QIPP 1. Night Sitting (Hayes Cottage) Activity Change 1. Night Sitting 2. Bereavement 1. Night sitting support provided and risk of service withdrawal removed 2. Support to Hayes Cottage for Night Sitting 3. Expansion to cover whole of Hillingdon population and increase access 4. Reduction in lead time from referral to treatment from 2.5 months to 2 months (with target of 1 month) KPIs in place as per specifications 1. 100 Nights of support to Hayes Cottage to avoid 20 NEL Admissions therefore £15k of cost to realize £34k of saving (Net £19k QIPP) 1. Capped at 1,075 Nights (down from 1081 in 14/15 but increasing number of Pts supported) plus 100 Nights in support of Hayes Cottage 2. Increased from 650 to 1300 Sessions and coverage now extends across Hillingdon When will impact be realised? All to be realized during 16/17. All to be managed via contract during 16/17 1. During 16/17 as and when activity occurs to support Hayes Cottage. Other 6.0 Finance AREA DESCRIPTION Hayes Cottage Night Sitting 10 Palliative/Enhanced EoL Beds 1075 Nights (plus 100 for Hayes Cottage) Page 8 of 13 AMOUNTS (£k) NON-RECURRENT RECURRENT £415,992 £202,500 - Bereavement Lymphoedema 7.0 7.1 1300 Sessions to cover all of Hillingdon Reduction in RTT lead time from 2.5 months to maximum of 2 months TOTAL £694,492 Risks (things that may happen) Hayes Cottage switch to commercial/paying patients leading to withdrawal of service Harlington Hospice refuse clients support for Night Sitting increasing stress on families and admissions 7.3 £50,000 Risks, Issues and Dependencies Risks 7.2 £26,000 Mitigating Actions Agree Option 3 with a Tender Waiver for 16/17 and Procure for 17/18 Agree Option 3 with a Tender Waiver for 16/17 and Procure for 17/18 Issues (things that need to be controlled) Issue Likelihood (1-5) Impact (1-5) Total (Max 25) 4 4 16 4 2 8 Mitigating Actions Dependencies (things that this project is dependent upon) Dependency Impact on Project Page 9 of 13 Owner 8.0 Governance & Evaluation When will the programme start if approved? April 2016 Who will manage this programme? Jason Nash Which CCG Committee will oversee this? Finance & QIPP Committee How frequently will updates be provided? Quarterly End of Life Forum Which other Committees will oversee this? PMO When will the evaluation be done? Quarterly What other Governance is required? None 9.0 Schedules Detail the 12 month impact/performance against Quality, Activity, Spend and Savings in the tables below that you would expect to be realised through this programme once your preferred option is approved by the appropriate CCG committee. 9.1 Quality & KPI Schedule QUALITY & KPI SCHEDULE Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 TOTAL IMPACT Measure 1 State Baseline Measure 2 State Baseline Measure 3 State Baseline Page 10 of 13 Measure 4 State Baseline Measure 5 State Baseline 9.2 Contract Activity Schedule CONTRACT ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Apr 16 May 16 Jun 16 Jul 16 Aug 16 Sep 16 Oct 16 Nov 16 Dec 16 Jan 16 Feb 16 Mar 16 TOTAL IMPACT 9.3 Hayes Cottage 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds 10 Beds Night Sitting Service 1081 in 14/15 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 1,175 Bereavement Service 650 in 14/15 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 112 1,300 Lymphoedema Service TBD Expenditure & Savings Schedule EXPENDITURE & SAVINGS SCHEDULE Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 YEAR 1 IMPACT Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTAL IMPACT SPEND PROFILE Total Spend £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £694,492 N/a QIPP SAVINGS Total Savings £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 N/a Page 11 of 13 NET FINANCIAL POSITION Net (Spend – Savings) £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £57,874.33 £694,492 N/a DECISION SUMMARY (INTERNAL CCG USE ONLY) Identify whether the proposal is approved or rejected and list the next DECISION steps and any further approvals that may be required. DECISION MADE BY Detail the name of the Committee that made the decision to proceed. DATE OF DECISION Detail the date the decision was made. Name of the Project Lead from HCCG who will be the point of contact for PROJECT LEAD this programme. FUNDING Amount of funding awarded. AWARDED SOURCE OF Where the funding is being sourced from. FUNDING FUNDING CRITERIA Any notes or criteria that the funding is dependent upon (such as the OR NOTES provision of information, reporting etc) PROGRESS & Details of how the progress and performance of the scheme will be PERFORMANCE reported and the frequency. REPORTING ADDED TO Confirm that the details above have been added to the PMO Action Log. TRACKER Page 12 of 13 Appendix 1 – Hayes Cottage ‘Open Book’ Costs Page 13 of 13